How to damage someone badly. Black cemetery rite. How to damage an accident

Nothing in life should be unpunished. It happens that physical or moral pressure comes from a person who cannot be resisted for a number of reasons. This could be a traitorous friend who is far away, a strict boss or a traitorous husband. Their misdeeds brought you severe pain, and they didn’t even repent, but there is a way out. Damage from a photo is the simplest and most quick way finally get even for the suffering caused.

Efficiency of spoilage

Everyone has noticed some unusual, magical phenomena in life more than once. And although this has not yet been scientifically proven, magic was, is and will be. To believe or not to believe this is a personal matter for everyone. As for photography, it is the most powerful conductor of energy. In the world of psychics, it is this element that is most often used in work, because photography is an energetic copy of a person.

In order to dispel the myth about the uselessness of damage, magical scientists decided to conduct a simple experiment. They photographed one newborn chick a few days after birth. Having made many copies of the photograph, the psychics distributed them to 15 people. The essence of the experiment was that for a month people had to look at this photograph when some kind of misfortune happened to them.

We cannot explain this fact to science, but after 3 days the chicken, whose photo was distributed, began to look noticeably worse, and a week later it actually died. The second one grew quickly and painlessly. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to damage a photo is obvious.

Even if people did not wish the chicken harm or illness, it still could not develop normally, since all these 15 people fed on its positive energy, destroying normal life.

Photos of a newborn child under six months cannot be shown for this very reason. The baby has not yet established any protective barriers, so contact with a large number of people is harmful to his health.

Of course, severe damage from a photo for a person requires much more outside influence, but the process is no different from an experiment with a chicken.

Damaging a photograph will help to annoy the enemy, but only if all requirements are met in strict accordance. It is better for the entire process to be carried out or at least supervised by a professional psychic, because he knows how to effectively damage a photograph.

Independent intervention in such matters if at least one point of damage is performed incorrectly can cause a backlash.

How to cause damage through a photo correctly?

The ritual of corruption itself, although simple, has many important nuances. Some magicians are inclined to believe that the person who performed the ritual cannot be punished for performing it incorrectly, but, as they say, they don’t want to check.

There are 3 basic rules, the observance of which is mandatory for each magical ritual from the photo:

  • A newcomer to esotericism should not perform damage. Coping with a higher power from which a person wants to ask for help is not so easy. It is important to choose the right words, and only an experienced sorcerer can do this.
  • Protecting yourself from the rollback of damage is the basis of magical influence. Any damage can be redirected in the opposite direction if you understand that it exists. Therefore, after performing a ritual with a photograph, you need to protect yourself.
  • Damage through a photograph will only be effective if the photograph fully complies with the stated standards. First, it must be clear. Secondly, the photo should only show the person you want to annoy. Other people, children, animals distract from the main thing, so the ritual may not work correctly. It would be nice if the photo was taken no more than 6 months ago in full height.

Advice: rituals, the subtext of which includes an appeal to the forces of Darkness, must be formulated briefly and unambiguously. It is better to prepare the text in advance so that the interpretation of desires is clear.

As we see , damaging a photo of an enemy is enough difficult process, requires a lot of attention and a responsible attitude, so before starting the ritual you need to thoroughly study all the nuances of causing damage from a photo.

Consequences of damage in the photo

Any intervention in a person’s energy field will, one way or another, affect his life. As mentioned above, a photo is an ideal conductor of energy, so you can have an impressive impact on your destiny and health.

Depending on how the damage was done in the photo, what was used for the ritual, how strong the desire was to annoy, and the result of the ritual depends.

The main consequences of damage to the photo:

  • health problems. Almost all damage affects this indicator. The enemy first feels general malaise, stress, and only then its more serious consequences;
  • family problems. Some rituals are geared specifically towards discord in relationships. If the mistress managed to take her husband away from the family, she can get even for the offense;
  • lack of purpose, lack of desire to move on. A person who persistently moved up the career ladder, going over their heads, can also have their wings chopped off;
  • bad luck in some particular area (love, work, leisure) or in life in general;
  • suicidal thoughts, death. It is important to be careful with such rituals, since they have an irreversible result that cannot be corrected.

This is the kind of damage damage to a photograph can cause, the consequences of which, as we see, are very diverse. Some rituals require special training, so it’s better not to risk doing something like this without the supervision of an experienced magician or psychic.

5 effective ways to damage a photograph

Today there are quite a lot of options , how to make damage from a photo minimal costs time and effort. But in this matter, the result is much more important, so experienced psychics identify 5 effective methods of damage:

  1. Cooking photo in boiled water.
    This ritual is performed for the painful state of the enemy, general ailments and feelings of guilt. It must be done on the waning moon. To carry out you will need several various photos(it’s better if they are taken from different angles and with different time) and a pot of water. When the water boils, we gradually put the photo on it and say:

    “(name)’s body is to burn, my blood is to puff, my strength is to come out, and my desire is to be.”

    In order for the effect of damage to be more noticeable, you can repeat the process several times during the waning moon.

  2. Damage to a photo in a cemetery.
    It’s worth saying right away that this is a strong ritual that will not only greatly affect the enemy’s life, but, perhaps, even take his life (it all depends on his condition). energy field and desires). To carry out damage, you need to come to the grave with the name of the enemy on 17-18 lunar day, having printed his photograph in advance. Next, you need to bury the photograph in the cemetery soil and quickly leave the cemetery. Under no circumstances should you look back and talk until the morning. At the first intersection on the road from the cemetery through left shoulder you need to throw 10 coins and whisper: “I paid (was).” This is a rather difficult method to perform, which not everyone can do, but is considered one of the most effective.
  3. A ritual that will influence fate.
    The uniqueness of this pori is that it has absorbed several rituals at once to more effectively influence the fate of the enemy. It can be carried out at any calendar time. To perform this you will need a vat of boiling water, a photo, pepper, salt and needles. The ritual begins by simultaneously throwing a pinch of pepper and salt into boiling water. At this moment, you need to imagine the face of the enemy in front of you and then lower the photo, saying:

    “The water is boiling, and your life is boiling.”

    Now the most important stage– conscious and desire destroy the fate of the victim (illness, divorce, theft), along with which needles are lowered into the vat. The contents of the vat must be poured under an old, dry tree with a masculine name (maple, oak). This is another effective and simple way to damage a person using a photo.

  4. Ritual using a black, sharp knife (dagger).
    This ritual cannot be performed to an ordinary person, because it has a very strong energetic effect. Even a novice magician, knowing how to damage a photo using a knife, is not able to cope with the pressure. The ritual must be carried out on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. To do this, the witch puts an image of the enemy in front of her at midnight, lights 4 wax candles and takes 2 black threads of medium length (they must be tied together in advance to make 6 knots). Next, you need to bring each knot to your lips and pronounce misfortune for your enemy. You need to burn the thread immediately after this. The next stage of damage is cutting out a cross from a photograph. This must be done with a black knife, putting all the hatred towards the offender into the process.

    The last thing to do is to bury the ashes and cross on the cemetery grave. The ritual is the most effective, therefore it should be treated carefully at each stage of the damage.

  5. Ritual "Cross".
    This ritual is considered one of the fastest-acting, since the victim begins to waste away literally immediately. To carry out this, you need to come to the cemetery at night to any grave, taking with you 3 nails and a photo of the enemy. You need to nail a photo on the front side of the cross so that the image is not blown away by wind or rain. Next, you need to go around the grave 3 times counterclockwise and immediately leave the place You need to leave the cemetery quickly, without looking back or listening to extraneous sounds. You cannot talk to the person who performed the ritual until the sun rises for the ritual to work correctly.

Is it possible to cause severe damage without a photo?

It is believed that damage from photographs is the most effective and effective way causing harm to the offender. But there are many other options for inducing negativity. In many of them, cemetery soil is used, since it has strong negative energy.

Even bringing water from a grave to the house of an unwanted person (a flower in a pot) can significantly affect his health. Damage without a photo is not very popular in the world of gadgets and technology, but it exists and is used as an option.

How to protect yourself from the effects of damage?

Damage protection is the same necessary measure, like a scarf in rainy weather. It is especially necessary for those who have many ill-wishers or enemies. Therefore, if there is a need to protect comfortable life You and your family need to know and follow certain rules so that haters cannot influence you with the help of a higher power:

  • Amulets. You can purchase amulets associated with your date of birth for the whole family. These can be images of animals carved out of stone or stones that suit a person’s temperament.
  • Pin. This simple item repels negative energy. For protection, you just need to pin it on the wrong side of the thing you wear every day. Important rule: the pin should not be visible, because in this form it loses its properties.
  • Mirror. This amulet will protect against loss external beauty. For the fair sex, this is an indispensable accessory, which will also become strong defense from the influence of magicians.
  • Red bag. Few people know, but it is the red color that is the personification of light energy side. Putting a bag of red material in the bag, inside of which there will be sea ​​salt or any dried herb can protect yourself from evil intentions.
  • The power of thought. Sometimes pressure is intuitively felt at a moment when there are no aids. The main thing in this case is not to panic. You need to protect the aura from the inside, and to do this, imagine how bright, silver and gold threads pierce the body from the inside. It is important to feel harmony with your body and soul so that forces cannot penetrate inside. As soon as possible, you need to protect yourself with the above items.

Remember that it is not enough just to know how to do damage from a photograph for an effective and efficient result. Most rituals with images will require experience.

You also need to remember the consequences of damage due to mistakes and lack of experience, which often produce an irreversible effect.

In my article you can read how to cause damage at home in order to punish the enemy yourself. I won’t say that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am a supporter of inflicting magical damage on a person. Adequate practicing magicians do such rituals not on a whim, but in moments emergency. If it is not possible to solve the problem in any other way, there is only one thing left - to send it to the enemy severe damage.
  1. Using the example of the first ritual of self-healing at home, which allows you to deprive a person of the main source of income, take away good luck and luck. More precisely, to influence magically so that on the physical plane a person changes his status to a loser, a beggar, etc. At certain conditions(if, for example, work - the only source of income), such a witchcraft ritual can cause damage to lack of money.
  2. The second ritual that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about today is an example of how to do damage yourself at home using a photo of an enemy. Not a bad option when you need to punish an offender or a boor.
  3. And finally, the third example of a powerful ritual of black magic allows you to cause damage to death while working in a place of Power.

Not simple enough make damage from a distance using a photo bad person. Practicing magicians always work comprehensively. And when we are talking about an independent way to damage a person, then the complex of witchcraft rituals necessarily includes breaking defenses and weakening one’s enemy. This can be done, among other things, with the help of Runes or Warlock rituals.

How to damage land from a personal grave at home

The strong ritual of damaging a person with grave soil is also interesting because, in addition to dismissal from work, you can achieve the removal of a person from home. For example, your husband’s (or wife’s) relatives have entered your family and consider themselves full members of your family. With all the ensuing consequences. Self-witchcraft will help you get rid of them. Here's some advice for you how to make damage yourself- remove enemies from home, fire them from work, ruin things for a competitor. This is done through cemetery land.

In addition to the burial ground, to independently inflict damage on the enemy, you will need:

  • a piece of black cloth
  • table-knife
  • church candle

This is independent damage per person in the following way: in the church they light a funeral candle for the enemy, after which they go to the cemetery, and take a handful of earth from the personal grave of the offender or competitor. An interesting point: this way you can curse several evil people at once. In this case, soil is collected from as many graves as there are enemies in your home or at work.

Place the grave soil in a piece of black natural material. If you want more than one person make a strong damage yourself at home, then take scraps of fabric according to the number of ill-wishers. And from each personalized grave, pour the earth into a separate patch. Leave a memorial on the graves, gifts for the owner, all according to the rules of witchcraft using the cemetery.

At home, place the bundle of earth on the table, in left hand take a knife that you constantly use in everyday life, stab the ground with it, and read the plot 9 times to bring a curse on the enemy:

“You, Mother of Cheese Earth, fed (the name of the deceased), you covered him with your cover. Cover, Mother Earth, and the slave (name of the enemy) alive. He should not be in my house at my table, on my beds, on my sheets. Mother of Cheese Earth, tear it up and crush it, drive it out of your mind, consume it with your womb. Just as they don’t move their hands, they don’t move their heads, they don’t move their legs, so you, the slave (name), are left to lie down and wither and die, since you don’t leave this home, you won’t disappear from my sight. I curse you, I knock you out, I cut you out, I knock you out, I turn you away from my house. Let it be so".

Read a strong conspiracy 9 times in order to independently damage a person whom you, not without reason, consider to be your enemy, cross the ground with a knife 3 times. After which the flap with the earth should be taken into right hand and, starting from the door, walk around the house or apartment, counterclockwise, scattering earth around the perimeter, with your left hand behind your right shoulder.
When you're done, to enhance the impact, and to damage a person at home, light a church candle, and recite funeral prayers for those whom you want to throw out of your home or work. Do not extinguish the candle, it must burn out to the end. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, ask you to pay attention to this nuance: if you want to fire an enemy from work, pour the earth not at home, but in the office. Of course, without witnesses, and of course never tell anyone about it (including don’t discuss it with anyone, even after a while). Place a memorial in the flap that contained the soil from the cemetery and leave it in the church on the memorial table. At the same time, in your own words, remember the life of your hated enemy for the repose. Next, read how to make your own damage from a photo of your enemy, who is very annoying and ruins the life of you and your family.

How to damage a photo at home

Purpose magical damage sent to a person, miscellaneous. Every magical ritual done for a specific purpose. To get a result, the goal must be. So, in black there is a category of rituals of damage, which are done with the aim of punishing the offender. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you an example of how you can make damage at home from a photo a person who offended you or interfered with something.

This independent conspiracy damage to fire. To do, on the waning moon. All you need is a photo of the enemy. You can make this black damage from a photograph at home by lighting a fire in the stove. You can light a fire in an open place. If there is neither one nor the other possibility, try reading into a candle flame, visualizing the torment of a bad person (but usually this works worse, weaker).

According to reviews, those who did it on their own, a good, working ritual to make a strong damage to a certain person. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know that many practicing magicians do it, and reviews of him are very effective ritual, which always works great. You need to read a strong black magic conspiracy to punish evil people 47 times, looking into the flame, with very bright and clear visualization. In the end it turns out severe damage from photographs at home. The purpose of the magical ritual is to punish the offender, to teach him a lesson bad people, or make your sworn enemy suffer.

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Not amen. In the middle of the Kalmyk steppe stands a dry elm. They sit on that dry elm for seven years and forty minutes. Everyone sits, sits, and waits for the slave (name of the victim). Oh, you slave (name)! You walk around like a jester, you laugh at a sage. You go to the Kalmyk steppe under the dry elm. There they wait for you for seven years and forty minutes. Go to them along the road, bow at their feet. Ask for it, hopeless rudeness: “Oh, you, seven years and forty mentions! Give me, slave (name), a well-deserved reward: bitter grief, but dashingly one-eyed. So that I, slave (name), do not live, but howl, do not sleep, but piss under myself.” To all my words there is a key, a lock and a tongue. I sealed it, Doc (my name). I should help people, but slave (name) should die like a dog. Alatyr".

Reading at home, the text of the spell for damage based on the photo of the enemy, 47 times, burn this photo. During the entire ritual, imagine the torment of the one for whom you decided to cast a spell using the powers of black magic. The brighter the visualization, the stronger the result. Visualize correctly, excluding emotions, but completely concentrating on the result. A photograph of a certain person can be replaced with a personal item of the enemy.

In general, having the beginnings of magical power, at home you can do various types of damage to people you don’t like.

A real magician can at home spoil death, if there is an objective need for this. Although, it is worth noting that killing an enemy with magic is literally a difficult task, and few are able to cope with it. So-called powerful spells for the quick death of a certain person usually result in troubles and illnesses for the victim.

How to severely damage an enemy’s illness at home

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, gave two examples of how you can cause damage yourself at home. As you understand, in the practices of black magic there are great amount rituals performed. Black corruption, called "Rotten", is done by a magician in the forest on the waning moon. The goal is to make the enemy decay alive, get sick, and through incurable disease die. A very powerful curse that causes a significant blow to health, and when the offender is haunted by a serious illness, he has no time for business, love, or gossip and intrigue.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

This is a real curse on the enemy, which is quite possible to inflict on your own, having basic magical knowledge. What is needed for this ritual: to spoil a man - a live rooster, to spoil a woman - a chicken.

In addition, to make bad people ill at a distance, take:

  1. skein of natural coarse thread
  2. big needle
  3. axe
  4. photo of the victim

Not every day is suitable for this witchcraft ritual. What days are good?

  • Kasyanov day (February 29),
  • Good Friday,
  • the night before Trinity,
  • The Third Savior,
  • the night before the winter solstice,
  • and every third Thursday of the month.

And here is a homemade method on how to spoil the people you have chosen.

In the evening, while it is still dark, you need to take a live sacrificial bird, as well as everything necessary for the ritual, and move towards the forest. Find a place suitable for the ceremony, so that the stump there is strong and not rotten. You will cut off the bird's head on this stump. Having secluded yourself, read the words of the black conspiracy of a curse on a bad person over the bird:

“Just as God’s bird will endure everything, so the slave (name) will endure, take and die a cruel death. The holy day will pass, and so will the damage to the slave (name). Amen".

After this, chop off the bird's head. Let the blood drain, then rip open the bird's abdomen and put a photo of the enemy inside. Immediately after this, the torn abdomen needs to be stitched up.

Do this with the words of the conspiracy to independently inflict strong damage on the enemy:

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Not amen. There is a domina - a meat grave, everyone goes around it, they don’t ask to stand. Only the slave (name of the enemy) will not pass by, wait and find him. So how long does he have to live, the slave (name) will rot. Just as the coffin goes into the ground, so will the slave (name) be damaged. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Reading the words strong conspiracy black magic, bury the bird in the ground, and immediately leave. Don't talk to anyone until dawn. Don't go to that place again, otherwise you'll end up in trouble. There is no need for ransom here. But the purchase is necessary for the Demon Enareus, the owner of the forest, according to the rules of dark witchcraft. I note that Enareus and him come with work to their domain. From Enareus there is always a response and help not only in magical rituals revenge and destruction, but also when you cast a spell for a good deed.

How to remove damage from a person at home - Annealing with a black candle

The one who himself caused damage to punish the enemy should also know how the magical negativity is removed from a person. How to rid yourself or another person of witchcraft damage that destroys health, love, and business? I propose a method of getting rid of the evil eye and black negativity, such as Annealing with a black candle.

This is a ritual that has been tested many times by magicians and beginners. The magic spell is acceptable for independent use at home. Can be done without calling on the Forces. But with the call you get a strong demonic cleansing with a good classic fix. Cleaning damage caused to a person at home, in his presence. You can do it from a photo, for this you need a full-length image. Some practicing sorcerers perform annealing on themselves, although I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that it is quite inconvenient. So, what you will need for the ceremony: a black wax candle, a photo if necessary.

Sometimes, there comes a time in our lives when you begin to ask yourself the question - how to spoil an enemy or rival. In order for damage to bring the death of an enemy, you must have magical power and know necessary rules magical skill. Also, when causing damage, you need to have protective amulets on themselves and their blood relatives, so as not to suffer from a backlash. Otherwise, the damage caused to death will kill the customer himself or his loved ones.

Damage does not kill or maim anyone. Mortal damage deprives a person of natural and ecclesiastical protection, dooming him to death. It isolates from the necessary exchange of energies with environment, depriving the supply of beneficial energies of the cosmos and not allowing the waste energy to be dumped into the ground.

Types of damage

What types of damage are there:

  • damage to relationships;
  • damage to loneliness;
  • damage to business;
  • damage to illness;
  • hair damage;
  • runic damage.
  • damage to failure;
  • damage to death;

Quite often, a love spell turns into damage to love, and a love spell brings loneliness.

Damage to a rival

One of the most common types of damage is damage to a rival, to loneliness. Here the despair and anger of an abandoned woman knows no bounds! But if you think carefully, then black damage to death for a homewrecker is not necessary at all: it is enough to simply spoil her appearance.

Eat different types dirty rituals in which a person becomes either funny to others ( damage to the bzdeh), or very ugly. Transfer fat from a pig to a woman: why not damage your rival? Cover her body with scabs and pimples - and your husband will leave this poor thing. Is there still a need to kill, desiring death?

Damage to business

To get rid of competitors in business, death damage is also not needed. Damage to relationships between friends or damage to business can solve your problem. This will also help in cases with an opponent/rival. The relationship between husband and mistress has been ruined - and their union is no longer possible. They ruined the business of a rival - and self-interested beauties will leave him. There is absolutely no need for the seal of death, and you don’t need to do a love spell either.

To punish a traitor who cannot be forgiven, it is not a mortal spell that will help, but simply a curse on loneliness. As a result, all people will turn away from him, he will become invisible and uninteresting to others, a ghost man. Unlike the death spell, these rituals close only certain areas of a person’s life, but not life itself. He will live and suffer, and the love spell will not help.

Many people wonder about morality when causing damage, and sometimes they even begin to feel sorry for the people they have damaged. It should be clarified right away: magic does not deal with issues of morality; for it there is the concept of safety and expediency of the ritual performed. If, having done damage, you fall into regret and begin to repent, then you may simply die from the return of your deeds. Damage to business or loneliness will leave the body of the enemy and return to its creator, who pulled her “by the ears” with his repentance.

Runic corruption

Often on hover negative impacts runic damage to loneliness or another is used, which does not require the operator to have magical power. In this case, you should know that runic damage requires certain knowledge and skills, as well as appropriate protection.

Runes are applied to photographs of objects (people, things, housing) and give them a direction of action (loneliness, love spell, illness). In this case, offerings to the gods of death are often made according to all the rules.

How to cause runic damage?

To cause runic damage, a runic formula is applied to the photo of the object:

Nauz - Algiz inverted - Ansuz inverted - Algiz inverted - Nauz.

The central rune Ansuz in an inverted state will cloud the mind: a person will lose the ability to think. The inverted Algiz rune will deprive of any protection, that is, the person remains completely alone.

The two extreme runes of Nautiz will be coercive, that is, the action of the runic formula is of a coercive nature. Nautiz from both sides will force the mind to wander in the dark. Having written the formula in the photo, we make a reservation so that runic damage causes harm to the mind. We burn the photo.

Runic damage for bad luck

This black runic damage will give both loneliness and failure. If your rival cast a love spell on your loved one, then why not send her loneliness and failure? Let's look at how to damage it.

Take a photo of your opponent and apply the formula with a felt-tip pen:

Nautiz - Hagalaz - Kenaz - Yera - Hagalaz.

  • Nautiz forces destruction.
  • Kenaz will distract a person's attention.
  • Rune Yera indicates the desire to achieve something in life.
  • Hagalaz destroys all intentions.

When the formula is applied, you need to make a reservation: compose a special text with the desired result from the impact. The text can be written in poetic form, or everything can be said in simple sentences.

Afterwards, burn the photo, imagining how the runes begin to work. Damage to death from burning a photo will not work - this is to activate the runic formula.

Damage to paralysis

Sometimes several negative rituals are combined and directed at the object one after another. This also produces a certain effect. They mark loneliness, destroy business and cause illness. Such a black wave can drive a person to madness. Sometimes one single ritual will help solve all problems: damage to paralysis. The person simply disappears from society and does not bother anyone.

There is no need for damage to relationships and loneliness, no need for a love spell on a loved one - there is no enemy or rival, he is bedridden. Whether this is humane or not is a moot point. Often women take away other people's husbands through a love spell, without thinking about the humanity of their act. And if black damage It doesn’t help the relationship; an abandoned wife can do a ritual for paralysis. You need to think before you take the breadwinner from the family to your bed.

Hair damage

A very common type of punishment is damage to the victim's hair. It’s not for nothing that old people still don’t throw away their hair, but burn it. The connection between hair and the human body is very strong, and it does not stop even after cutting or hair loss.

Unlike blood, saliva and semen, hair does not deteriorate and can be stored for years. Black damage to hair can be very different: headaches, madness, love spells, and loneliness. Animal hair is also used for a variety of destructive rituals.

Damage from photo

To destroy your enemy or deprive him of his vitality, you can perform this ritual. This is not a love spell or a spell for loneliness - it’s a black spell for death through torture. How to damage a photograph? To perform the ritual you will need:

  • photograph of the victim;
  • black candles;
  • new needles;
  • black clothes;
  • black tablecloth;
  • yellow or red threads.

On the waning moon at midnight, you need to prepare for the ritual. Take it all out Christian symbolism, lay a black tablecloth (or piece of linen) on the table, place candles in candlesticks and place a photo of the victim.

Take a needle and pierce the eyes in the photo. There should be a thread threaded into the needle (yellow - for pulling vital energy, red - for blood flow). We pass the needle and thread through the victim's eye and tie the thread to the candle. We take the second needle and do the same with the victim’s second eye. To prevent the threads from jumping out of the photo, we tighten the knots at the ends.

We put the needle in place and light the candles. Now you need a clear idea that life force or blood is flowing out of the victim's eyes. The damage to death intensifies if it is carried out with three needles: we stick not one needle, but three into one eye. Accordingly, you need to take more candles. You can also take a needle and pierce the heart. Everything will depend on your imagination. The candles must burn out. All this time you will need to keep a picture of the enemy’s loss of vitality.

Damage to death

To destroy an enemy, an annoying rival, a death spell is done. To understand how damage can destroy a person, you need to know the following.

Corruption forms a kind of energy shell-sarcophagus, in which a person simply dies... himself. How to cause damage and exactly how a person should die is specified in a special spell.

How to spoil death - video

There are enough episodes in our lives after which you begin to believe in the legitimacy of attempts to strike back at the offender. If we omit the issue of morality, then the desire for revenge is not a shameful activity. You need to figure out how to damage someone who has offended you greatly. If you do not act according to the rules in this case, then there is a risk of harming yourself.

With the help of magic you can take revenge on the offender

Black magic is a serious thing, so you need to handle it carefully and according to clear recommendations:

  1. Expediency. Taking revenge for a minor insult is impossible and dangerous. As a result, a person will not only punish a person who is aggressive towards him, but will also suffer after the damage is done.
  2. The right message. It is not recommended to take revenge on someone who is obviously stronger than the injured party. In some cases, it is better to punish the offender with inaction and cold contempt.
  3. Timeliness. On great church holidays, causing damage can result in a serious problem for those who want to restore justice.
  4. Lack of emotions. Understanding this formulation is difficult, but necessary. Rituals of this kind cannot be performed in anger due to their ineffectiveness.
  5. Foresight. If the offender is a bachelor in principle, then wishing him loneliness is inappropriate. If he is indifferent to material wealth, then the curse, not lack of money, will bother him little.
  6. Competence. If a person is not confident in the strength of his message and energy, then it is better for him to turn to a professional magician for help.

Ways to damage the offender

You need to take revenge with cold calculation, and not with an uncontrollable outburst of emotions. You can send damage at home different ways, which are worth understanding.

Conspiracy on a photograph

You can send the evil eye yourself using a photo of an aggressive person. To do this, you need to stock up on a black candle, a dark-colored cloth and a piece of rye bread.

The scheme of the ritual depends on the situation:

A turn away from envious people and slanderers. In this case, the enemy must be kept at a distance and turned away with a coin. Angry man In this way, you can ward off if the charmed metal is placed in the crumb of black bread and then treated to it to the ill-wisher with the mental message:

“Taste, you non-human, this treasured bread and get out of my life. Amen".

You need to treat your ill-wisher with charmed bread

The ritual will not bring significant harm to a person whose thoughts are unclean, but it will add troubles to her life. If the envious person refuses the treat, then the bun is crumbled into small pieces and mixed with scraps of a photo of the enemy. The resulting mass is laid out on a black cloth so that birds (preferably crows) can peck it.

Damage to a rival. In this case, her photo must be found. Above the image of the homewrecker you should say:

“The mountains are high and heavy, take your tears and grief for me, the servant of God ( given name). Help me, mountains, take your bows, pull the string and shoot arrows into the heart of my husband (name). Let his whole chest hurt, let everything inside burn day and night and midnight. Let his liver stand up, let his lungs stop breathing, let his head begin to remember me. His legs are fast, you rush to my home, let your blood burn, let the thought of me boil, let the memory of me fly in from everywhere. I will call him, I will beckon him, but the longing for me will always oppress him. You, (husband’s name), hurry to me, break away from your rival. Holy Mother of God, pray for me. Fly, arrow, pierce from the mountains into the heart of my husband, you, my husband, return to me quickly. My work is sculpted, my word is strong, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

While pronouncing the words, the rival’s photo is torn into small pieces, hidden in a crumb of rye bread, wrapped in dark cloth and taken to the cemetery on the full moon.

The evil eye on the thief. Simple ways Taking revenge on your own at home on the one who ruined you includes a visit to the graveyard. It is best to choose an old grave to perform a black magic ritual. stranger. A candle is lit next to the photo of the enemy and, in order to cast a spell on the person, they say:

“The fire burns, the wax melts, emitting soot. My soul burns with hatred and demands for justice. Give me back, go out into the darkness. Don’t let your hand reach out to someone else’s, make your own. Amen".

The cinder with a torn photo of the enemy is then buried in the graveyard. If the conspiracy is carried out correctly, the offender will either return the stolen property or go bankrupt himself.

Conspiracy against a fierce beast. If the enemy causes significant harm to his victim, then the time has come to resort to drastic measures to influence the non-human in human form.

The ritual is very dangerous because it involves throwing a photo of the evil one into the coffin during the funeral. Sometimes a photograph of an enemy is buried in a fresh grave, which is also a risky act. As a ransom from dark forces, wine and crumbs are left in the cemetery white bread and honey with the words:

“I’m paying a ransom, I’m asking you to get the job done.”

Damage using a mirror

Ways to deal with the enemy include whispering a magical surface. You can easily deal with him using antique mirror, which is a family heirloom.

The mirror does not have to be new

New item, enchanted in effective words, is not suitable for this ritual.

Before carrying out the ceremony, you should weigh the equivalence of the concepts “want” and “need”. You can cause damage during the waning moon, when all household members have already fallen asleep. Opposite the mirror surface, two black candles are placed with the words:

“I’m putting a barrier for myself against you (enemy’s name). Let this mirror make your tongue go numb and your eyes go blind in my direction. I fetter your every move. Amen".

A similar ritual is completed by carefully studying one’s reflection in the mirror for several minutes. If it is distorted or additional symbols in the form of a cross, a wild animal or a circle are visible in its background, then the dark forces have heard the appeal in this way to bring damage to the enemy.

Moon conspiracy

The night luminary will help if there is an urgent need to punish the offender. This method is usually used by women who have been betrayed by a loved one. In rare cases, they seek revenge on the cheater, because the main object of their hatred becomes the homewrecker. You can deal with it by using celestial energy during the full moon. The main condition for carrying out the ritual is clear confidence in the deceit of the destroyer of love relationships.

You can spoil your opponent by going out into the yard and turning to the night luminary for help:

“As the moon wanes, so will my rival run away from my beloved. But he doesn’t know her anymore and never remembers, but completely forgets. My words are strong, my actions are sculpting. Amen".

Magic words are said every night until the next full moon.

Ritual with poppy seeds

The evil eye on a rival or a woman who interferes in a couple’s relationship is carried out using this product. It is best to purchase plant seeds at the market from an elderly person, and not in the market. The ideal option for purchasing props is a product grown with your own hands.

Poppy seeds are scattered on the doorstep of the person on whom you are seeking revenge.

Damage to a female enemy is done at any time of the day. The seeds are scattered on the threshold of a rival or an envious person with the words pronounced:

“Birds fly past the house, past the poppy. They sit down near your doorstep. They peck the poppy. So let the one who stole and stole the servant of God (name of the beloved) disappear from our life, our family, as soon as the birds eat the whole poppy. And she will be lonely, as I wished - I made it happen! Amen".

Conspiracy with berries

This method will not be able to seriously harm the enemy, but it will definitely ruin his mood in the future. To carry it out, you need to eat berries from a bush near the offender’s house, or a pre-purchased product. If it is not possible to purchase fruits, they can be replaced with sunflower seeds.

Spell words:

“I don’t eat berries, but I put your happiness in my mouth and take it for myself. As many berries as I eat, I will take as many successful deeds from you. My deeds will be easy and financial, but yours will be empty and useless. I take your luck and money from you and take it for myself, but I give you my misfortunes and hang them around your neck. Carry it, stumble, and I will easily walk through life, and everything will fall into my hands. My word is strong and molding. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Ritual with a Voodoo doll

Such an action should be carried out by an experienced magician or a person with psychic abilities if he wants to take revenge on the enemy. First you need to create a ritual doll from the biological material of your enemy. In this case, cut nails and hair of the enemy will do. The cigarette butts of an evil person will also not hurt if she uses nicotine products.

It is necessary to obtain the hair or cut nails of the offender and weave them into the doll.

A doll is built from the voiced components and named after the ill-wisher. If the enemy desires illness, the attribute is pricked with a needle, and if it is damaged to death, they bury him in a fresh grave or drown him in the nearest river.

Damage to the amulet

It is created from the voiced biological material of the enemy without the knowledge of the dangerous person. During the period from new moon to full moon, magical actions in a clear order:

  1. Writing down on paper all the negativity towards the enemy.
  2. Wrapping an enemy's hair in a curse scroll.
  3. Destroying paper with valuable contents over the flame of a black candle.
  4. Immersion of ashes in water and repetition of the curse.
  5. Wetting the amulet with the enchanted liquid and handing it to the offender.

The thing must be presented openly, but with malicious intent, if the harm caused is very great. The person who committed treason will suffer until he understands the cause of his misfortunes and gets rid of the donated amulet.

Blood plot

The ritual is performed by a magician, because a simple man in the street with such actions will bring disaster to all loved ones.

The scheme for conducting a black ritual involves the use of an appeal to evil spirits by an amateur in rare cases:

  1. Initiation into witches. It will not have full power, but in the end it will temporarily help create a portal with evil spirits. The sooner this virtual connection is interrupted, the safer it will be for a person incompetent in divination.
  2. Making a sacrifice. Usually the black rooster is beheaded, after which the gift is accepted by the dark force at the first drop of his blood.
  3. Reversal of negative energy. This is difficult to do, because any revenge is safe only in the hands of a skilled magician. After making a sacrifice, one must repent of the sin committed, which does not always work.
  4. Proclamation. They announce it on all days except great days church holidays. If this restriction is not observed, any rollback will not work.

Strong church ritual

Before you do it, you should think about possible consequences a ritual that involves strong magic. They spend it in the temple after purchasing 12 church candles and praying to the Mother of God.

You need to buy 12 candles in the church

After invoking the saint, you need to place 11 candles in front of her face, and one in a special place for prayers for the repose of the souls of the departed. The enemy will be punished after such a black ritual with the utterance of the words:

“God, forgive and save! I do not wish death for Your servant (name). I ask for justice! Let (say what to spoil the person). If the Lord does not help, the devil will rush in. Everything will happen in my opinion. Amen".

The main restriction after such damage to the enemy is refusal to visit the temple for a month after the black mass. If a person deserves punishment, then he will receive what he deserves. Otherwise, the blow will go towards the offended person.

Scandinavian runes against the enemy

This ritual is difficult to perform, but with greater desire it can be performed even by a beginner. If there is active aggression on the part of the offender, you need to protect yourself with the help of enchanted relics.

The process of performing ritual - witchcraft:

  1. Whispering runes. You can purchase them at any store specializing in cult items. Both the newly acquired item and the proven props for the slander should initially be cajoled with kind words. If after such statements the runes remain cold to appeals, then it is better to postpone the process of divination.
  2. Selection of runes. On inverted relics they write wishes to their enemies depending on the purpose organized enterprise. Having become Turisaz - Hagal - Turisaz is used when they want to bring lack of money and illness to the enemy. 4 runes of Isa are signed if necessary to make the ill-wisher less active, even to the point of dementia. Stav - Hagal - Uruz - Hagal is outlined in black ink with the desire to put the enemy into a state of persistent depression. The most powerful and dangerous rune is Stav - Halaz - Mannaz Halaz. It carries the energy of death, which is worth remembering and beingware of such a curse.
  3. Throwing runes. As the attributes fall, so will revenge be carried out on the offender in a clearly defined sequence.

In rare cases, a beginner is able to roll back when using Scandinavian runes, which only in experienced hands become a powerful weapon against an evil person.

Damage is easy if the offender has crossed the line between good and evil. However, it should be remembered that communication with dark forces and the use of black conspiracies can turn against the curser.

The article will help you understand how to cast a spell on a person and what needs to be done for a spell or conspiracy to achieve maximum effectiveness in the shortest possible time.

How to make damage without consequences at home and what to read about male impotence

Any damage carries consequences, and no one can say exactly where counteraction will appear. this action. Only witches who meticulously perform rituals and correctly pronounce spells engage in such work. Such knowledge is inherited by other witches, but ordinary people are often not given this kind of knowledge.

The ritual looks completely simple, but the atmosphere is creepy. Often, witches use the personal belongings of those who are damaged. A phallic object is created from threads, rubber bands or wires and after certain spells this object is thrown into the victim’s house.

How to make damage for those who steal from the garden

To protect your garden from uninvited guests, you need to cast the following spell:

Damask knives, steel needles,
Stab, cut out the brain of my enemy,
Thief, adversary.
Block out the light in his eyes,
Take his movement out of his arms and legs,
Blow his belly, tear him apart,
Wrap the pine cones around his legs.
Black is white for him,
Red is gray to him.
Let him not find the door,
His hand won't take the bracket,
He won't see the window
He won't steal, he won't hurt.
I'm burying his path
I send him sadness and anxiety.
A dog is like a bird to him,
A wolf is a fox to him, shit is honey to him,
Fire is ice to him.
Let his brain turn his mind,
He won’t remember anything and won’t understand:
Neither his name, nor his clan,
He is not from any tribe or people.
I roll it into tartars:
To the grave, the earth, the desert.
Just as a dead man will not come out of his grave,
So he will not leave my circle.
Be strong, my words,
Modeling, relentless, irredeemable:
Neither gray-haired, nor young, nothing.
From now on and forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

But the spell needs to be cast while sitting with your bare bottom on the threshold of your own bedroom, at exactly 3 o’clock in the morning, on any Monday.

How to damage hair, what spells help and will be effective

The most effective and valid conspiracy will be listed below.

The conspiracy itself takes place after sunset during the period when the moon is in its waxing phase. Get a full pelvis clean water and place a small mirror in the water.

Look closely at it and imagine how your hair becomes strong and begins to grow quickly. At this time, read the text of the conspiracy:

“Grow my hair, grow my hair like an ear of corn in a field, do not break from dryness, gain strength from the earth and rain. You, hair, sit in the nest, and swarm there, so that I, the servant of God ( full name), not having sex.

Hair, you grow, get stronger, and shine like a full sack. In you, hair, all my magical power is contained, all my spiritual will. Neither cold water, nor a sore head, nor a heavy, thoughtful thought will spoil your hair.

Let my hair grow faster. Let them fall from my shoulders like young colossi, let the sun strengthen them, let the fresh wind cleanse them, and I, the servant of God (name), will protect you.

Hair, you, hair, like a young ear, you grew not for people, but for me, not for an hour, not for one moment, not for an hour, but for a whole century.

Most Holy Mother of God, encircle me with your holy spirit, protect my hair and myself, save me from the evil, envious eye, purring at the joy of others, only looking from behind.

My words are strong, my will is pure, everything I said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to make damage to death, signs and how to remove

Damage to death is one of the most difficult spells that a mediocre magician cannot cope with. Corruption is performed only by the most powerful wizards and is used only in extreme cases, because it takes a lot of energy.

The most important signs are the occurrence of serious illnesses, suicidal thoughts and loss of strength. Such a combination of bad signs can appear not only from damage, so you should not immediately run to parapsychologists.

The best method for checking is the following manipulations: fill a bowl with water, salt it and light three matches, then throw them into the water. If all three matches drown, then this damage has been imposed on you.

There are only two ways to remove damage to death: with the help of strong white or black magicians and the church. The second option is the most successful, since any church minister can tell you what prayer to read and what manipulations to do in order to remove the damage from yourself.

How to damage someone who has offended you greatly from a photo

This ritual is best performed in a temple; it is the easiest and has no negative consequences for the caster. You need to buy twelve candles and, eleven of them, put them on the Mother of God and pray for the salvation of your soul, and take the last one instead of funeral candles, then say the following words: “God, forgive and save! I do not wish death for Your servant (name). I ask for justice! Let (say what to spoil the enemy). If the Lord does not help, the devil will rush in. Everything will happen in my opinion. Amen."

If the Lord considers it necessary to punish the offender, then he will do it.

How you can damage a person yourself and the consequences with a needle

To perform the ritual, non-professionals use new needle, bought without a single word. They use a gypsy ritual that can catch up serious illness on the sacrifice.

You buy a gypsy needle and, with the help of its large eye, you need to look at the victim and say the following words three times: “Go to where the black leg walks, misfortune will spill like water, it will lead you (name) into a ford, and will not return you home!”

If it is not possible to look at the victim through the ear, then a thread from the victim’s clothing or a hair is used, which must also be looked at and threaded through the ear, then cast a spell and blown into the wind.
