The best remedy for lice. What is the best remedy for lice and nits? Reviews from doctors. Spray against lice and nits for children and adults. "Pedikulen ultra", "Paranit-spray" - review, reviews

This is the most convenient and easiest way to get rid of head lice. Children are often wary of various kinds of tablets, ointments and sprays, but anti-lice and nit shampoos for children do not cause them any concern. The application method is described in the section above, detailed instructions along with the tool, it also describes the algorithm of actions. The most successful options are:

Lice medications

Lice remedies for children

This group of drugs is isolated separately because treatment of a child requires minimal toxicity and high effectiveness of the drug. You can buy products against lice and nits in pharmacies, in departments with cosmetics they cannot be found. The following are effective children's lice medications:

Ointment for lice and nits

This form The product is relatively inexpensive, but requires a lot of effort when processing the head. The ointment for lice and nits should be applied evenly over the entire skin and hair, and then you should wash it thoroughly. This is an effective remedy for head lice, but doctors rarely recommend it because it is difficult to use. According to user reviews, the use of ointment gives no less pronounced and positive result. Popular options include:

  1. Nittifor. The main active ingredient is permethrin. There is an unpleasant odor, so it is not recommended for asthmatics and children under 5 years of age.
  2. Knicks. An analogue of the product described above, it contains less permethrin, which makes it safer for children. Can be used to treat head lice at any age. The main thing is to comply with the requirements from the instructions.
  3. Boric ointment. Used for lice disease 5% remedy. This medicine is less effective than shampoos or sprays, but its price is much lower. Contraindicated for use by people who have kidney problems.

Spray for head lice

Among user reviews, it is believed that the spray against lice and nits for children and adults is the best choice. Medicine for head lice in the form of shampoo is also effective, but aerosols are easier to use. Before using the medication, you should read the instructions; sometimes there are age restrictions. Popular options include:

Folk remedies for lice

Price for lice remedy

These substances are sold in pharmacies, you can buy them in an online store, if you can wait for delivery. A prescription is not required for purchase; it is advisable to consult a doctor before use. Below is a table showing how much lice treatment costs:

  • Speed ​​of action. It is necessary that the procedure does not last longer than 40 minutes.
  • Effect on nits. Some substances only kill insects, which can cause relapse.
  • Ingredients. Make sure that the composition does not contain elements that cause you allergies.
  • Is re-processing necessary? It is better if one session is enough.
  • Are there any customer reviews about this product?
  • Video: remedy for nits


    Release form


    Bed Bug Terminator


    Price from 990 rub.

    Price from 690 rub.

    Price from 350 rub.


    Boric ointment




    What it is

    Lice have existed almost always, their history is as long as the history of humanity itself. Few people know, but the ancient Egyptian priests and pharaohs shaved their heads bald not for religious reasons, but solely so that lice would not interfere with their communication with higher powers. According to scientists, the louse has existed for more than 80 thousand years.

    Symptoms and signs

    The source of infection is always a person with head lice. After landing on a new “host,” the lice begin to settle in the new place.

    The incubation period for head lice is about one and a half weeks. This is how much time passes from the moment of infection to the moment the first symptoms appear.

    Body louse can be transmitted through shared toys, especially soft ones, through bedding and underwear. Pubic in adults it spreads during sexual intercourse, and it can reach children through shared underwear with infected adults, for example, if the baby sleeps with his parents in the same bed.

    The symptoms of head lice are quite characteristic, the main thing is to give them the right meaning in time:

    • The child begins to scratch his head. At the junction of hair and skin (for example, above the ears, under the hairline on the neck), bite marks and scratches may be visible. Lice bites are quite itchy and itchy.
    • Forms on the skin around the affected areas grayish dots.
    • In the hair Closer to the roots, at a distance of approximately 2.5 cm, lice eggs - nits - are found. They look like a white or yellowish oval-shaped egg attached to a hair. When pressed with a fingernail, the nit is quite easy to crush. If you blow on a nit, it will not fly away, like dandruff. It is by the presence of such nits that it is easiest to diagnose pediculosis. Sometimes nits can be seen in eyelashes and eyebrows.
    • Sometimes parents may notice adults- most often they can be seen on temporal parts heads, behind the ears, on the back of the head, under the hair at the transition line to the neck.
    • Can be detected incipient pustular skin disease at neglected form lice in a child. Pustules are formed due to the attachment of a bacterial infection to scratching.

    How to treat?

    Pediculosis is usually treated at home. With the modern level of development of medicine, the process will not be difficult. Parents will be required A complex approach, which will be aimed not only at the complete elimination of adult lice, but also at the destruction of all nits.

    The life of pubic lice is greatly complicated if the pubis and armpits are thoroughly shaved (this measure will be required in relation to adolescents). Then the skin is treated with boron ointment at a concentration of 5%.

    If a child is found to have body lice, the mother will have to do a lot of laundry - all the child’s things, bedding, as well as household items will need to be thoroughly washed at high temperature.

    After washing, you can additionally boil the items and then hang them in the sun or in a ventilated area for 6-7 days.

    The child's skin and hair should be treated at the same time with one of the existing pediculocidal agents.

    A child can be cured of hair (head) lice using special medications that are sold in a wide range at any pharmacy. It is important to remove nits manually, since a sufficient number of them, as a result of the use of pharmaceutical agents, can survive and hatch in the near future.

    Controlling nits is usually the most difficult part of treatment. Manual sampling of lice eggs takes several days. For this It is best to use metal combs with fine teeth. Similar plastic combs are intended for prevention, not treatment. Metal devices can better maintain the shape and distance between the cloves, which is very important when getting rid of nits.

    Not so long ago, it was customary to cut or even shave the heads of children who were found to have head lice. Now medicine has reconsidered this point, and there is no need to cut the child’s hair. The main thing is to thoroughly treat the hair 2.5-5 centimeters from the scalp and select nits.

    The baby's things, bedding, and clothes are boiled, washed at high temperature, and then dried in the sun or in a ventilated area for several days. It is also advisable to thoroughly iron dry laundry afterwards with a hot iron, especially the seams on clothes.

    The main rule for treating head lice at home is to follow safety measures, because drugs that have a pediculocidal effect are toxic. For the same reason, not all of them existing drugs approved for use in children.

    During treatment, the child should not visit crowded places, kindergarten and school, as well as shops and pharmacies. This rule remains in effect for 3 days after processing.

    The kindergarten or school must be informed about the “find” in the form of head lice, so that medical worker children's or educational institution could conduct a general examination of children to detect head lice.

    Remedies for head lice

    In any pharmacy, parents will find dozens of different types of lice remedies. There are herbal preparations, and there are synthetic ones. The former may be less effective, but the latter are more toxic. When choosing a particular product, you should definitely take into account the child’s age, state of health, and tendency to allergies.

    Some effective drugs against pediculosis should not be used on children at all.

    Below is a list of the most popular products that are approved for use in children.

    Herbal preparations


    This is a Belgian-made shampoo, spray, repellent and lotion. The repellent is intended for the prevention of head lice, all other means are for treatment.

    The drug is not intended for children under one year of age at all; for children from 1 to 3 years old there is a special children’s form - “Paranite Sensitive”; from 3 years old you can use any form.

    The shampoo contains white mineral oil (clearol) with a share of 69%, foaming agents - 30% and perfume composition - 1%.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers can only use the Sensitive children's form. The product comes with a special comb, which can be used to remove nits later. Apply the product to the hair for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

    "Pediculen Ultra"

    Anise oil has the property of causing nervous paralysis in lice. Nits are able to survive such exposure, but they lose the substance that provides them with the ability to cling to hair, and they become easy to comb out.

    Shampoo is allowed for use by children from three years of age, other products under this name are for children over five years of age.


    This natural preparation against lice, which contains ylang-ylang and lavender oils. The shampoo with this name also contains additional rosemary oil and citric acid.

    Synthetic products

    "Pair Plus"

    This is a French-made aerosol based on karbofos and permethrin. The product causes almost instantaneous paralysis and death of both adult lice and nits. The product is applied to dry hair along the entire length, wait at least ten minutes, then rinse with any shampoo.

    The control procedure is repeated after a week. The drug is not approved for use in the treatment of head lice in children under 2.5 years of age. The drug is used with great caution in children suffering from bronchial asthma.

    Too much a large number of an aerosol applied to the hair and scalp can cause an allergic reaction and skin damage similar to a chemical burn.

    Knicks (Permethrin)

    This product is available in the form of a cream. Permethrin, which is the only component, paralyzes insects and inhibits the development of nits.

    The product should not be used if the child has dermatitis, especially if it is localized on the scalp. In general, the product is quite effective and the most “childish” - it is allowed to be used by children from birth, but increased precautions should be taken until six months.

    The cream is applied to previously washed and dried hair, kept for at least ten minutes, and then washed off and combed out the nits. The procedure is repeated after a week.


    This is another permethrin-based drug. You can buy it in the form of a gel or concentrate, from which an emulsion is then prepared at home. The medicine is applied to dry hair along the entire length, cover the hair with a bag or cling film for half an hour. Then the product is washed off and the nits are combed out by hand.

    If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a week. The emulsion can be used to treat head lice in children over one year of age, other forms - after five years.


    The product is sold in a large 1 liter container. To treat hair against lice, you will need 1 ml of the drug per 100 grams of water.

    A drug Russian production, according to parents, has an unpleasant and rather pungent odor.

    Dry hair is moistened with the solution, kept under the film for 15 minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed and combed with a fine comb. The medicine can only be used for children over 5 years of age.


    The basis of this remedy is the substance - malathion. Available in the form of emulsion and shampoo.

    If a child has a small number of lice, using one shampoo will be sufficient. If lice are increased, then it is advisable to use two forms together - first treating the hair with an emulsion, and then rinsing it with shampoo. The product is intended for children over 2 years old.

    "Itax shampoo"

    This is a shampoo with d-phenothrin. The substance has the ability to quickly act on nervous system insects, paralyzing them.

    Shampoo is rightfully considered the best remedy not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of head lice. It can only be used for children over 2 years old.

    The shampoo is applied to pre-washed and dried hair for 10 minutes, after which it is rinsed off and combed out with a fine comb. If necessary, repeat the procedure every other day. Then the drug can be used no earlier than after 7-10 days.


    This product is available in the form of a lotion, the main active ingredient is benzyl benzoate.

    The lotion is applied to the hair, which is first slightly moistened and moisturized. After waiting ten minutes, the lotion is washed off, it is advisable to rinse the hair weak solution acetic acid, and then manually comb out the nits.

    Products with silicone


    It is important to ensure that the drugs used for treatment do not get into the child’s eyes, nose, or mouth. If this happens, you need to thoroughly rinse the mucous membranes. To do this, it is better to use a solution of soda in warm water.

    If a child has swallowed the drug, call immediately Ambulance"and try to rinse the stomach yourself before the doctors arrive.

    Preventive measures


    If lice are found on another child, the quarantine time countdown starts all over again.

    • If a school or kindergarten has been quarantined, do not panic. It is enough to use preventive shampoos against lice (for example, Itax) 1-2 times a week, and calmly attend a group or class without the risk of getting lice.

    For information on what to do for head lice in children, see the following video.

    Sprays against lice and nits are very popular among patients with head lice. The reason for this is convenient way application of the product and a good treatment effect, although somewhat inferior to treatment with shampoos for nits and lice.

    Having virtually no contraindications, the aerosol can be used in the treatment of lice for children and pregnant women. Sprays are applied not only in treatment, but also for the prevention of lice and nits.

    Almost every modern anti-lice spray has approximately the same effectiveness in treating head lice as the average medicated shampoo. Moreover, according to some indicators, lice spray is even more preferable, mainly due to ease of use and high safety.

    If we compare sprays against lice and nits with shampoos and emulsions intended for the same purposes, the advantages of the former over the latter are as follows:

    Pediculosis can be treated with a wide variety of sprays, which differ from each other not only in price, but also in composition. Many drugs come under different names trade names, but have a common composition for all with very slight changes relative to each other.

    So, most often in sprays that can destroy louses and their eggs (nits), the following active ingredients (the main components of the drug) are used:

    • anise oil (a means Pediculen and others);
    • permethrin (medicine) Para Plus, Permethrin spray and others);
    • biphasic dimethicone ( aerosol Nyuda and others);
    • mineral oil Clearol ( aerosol Paranit-spray and others).

    The described active ingredients are almost equally effective against pubic lice and scalp lice. Moreover, they have a weak therapeutic effect and in relation to other skin diseases of the head, in particular demodicosis and seborrheic dermatitis.

    Research on which active ingredients better not carried out. Moreover, each product, regardless of the active ingredient, costs approximately the same.

    List of lice sprays

    Of all the variety of sprays for pubic lice and scalp lice, only certain preparations should be highlighted that are in great demand and have the most reasonable prices (without sacrificing quality).

    We are talking about the following medicinal products:

    1. Aerosol Pediculen Ultra. It is used not only for mild and moderate types of pediculosis, but also for severe forms diseases. Requires one-time use. Cost – 450 rubles (150 milliliters).
    2. Aerosol Para Plus. The drug has a small and non-critical toxic effect. Also among the disadvantages is the absence of a lice comb included with the medicine. Cost – 400 rubles (90 milliliters).
    3. Aerosol Nuda. One of the best drugs for the treatment of head lice in children. It has no toxic effects, but requires a long course of therapy (up to 14 days). Cost – 350 rubles (50 milliliters).
    4. Aerosol Paranit. A non-toxic drug for the treatment of lice in adults and children (from three years of age), which, meanwhile, is ineffective against lice eggs (nits). Cost – 600 rubles (100 milliliters).
    5. LiceGuard aerosol. The best drug for treating children, since even infants can be treated with it. In addition, it can be used during treatment with other means (not only sprays) against lice. Cost – 600 rubles (147 milliliters).

    Who prescribes the spray and can it be used independently?

    Sprays, unlike emulsions or shampoos, can be used independently, but this is not recommended. Only a doctor can assess the need for use special means and including selecting the specific, most effective in in this case, a remedy for pediculosis.

    You should seek advice on this matter from a general practitioner, trichologist or dermatologist. In some cases, a prescription for specific remedy can be prescribed by a mycologist (specializing in fungal infections).

    Consultation with a pediatrician is required if it is necessary to use sprays against head lice in a child, even if the spray manufacturer positions its product as being as safe as possible.

    Directions for use and precautions

    Aerosols against lice and nits must be used following certain instructions. Namely:

    • Under no circumstances should the aerosol be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes or oral cavity, if the product gets in, a thorough and long-term (10-15 minutes) rinsing of the mucous membranes with running water is required;
    • if you are allergic to the active substance of the spray, cancel treatment, even if the allergy is minimally expressed and manifests itself in the form of irritation or itching of the skin;
    • it is possible to combine other types of remedies for head lice with a spray, but only after consultation with a doctor and his approval of such actions;
    • If there are other people with head lice in the patient’s environment, all infected people need to start treatment at the same time, otherwise reinfection will occur.

    Spray against lice and nits NYUDA (video)

    Use for prevention

    Unlike shampoos, most sprays are approved for use for the prevention of head lice after the main treatment. In addition, they can be used for prevention for those people who are forced to come into contact with sick people.

    Prevention consists of one application of the spray during the period during which the treatment of those infected people with whom the person carrying out the prevention comes into contact. The essence of the mechanism is simple: a single use of the spray will provide lasting protection for the period during which patients from the environment will undergo treatment for pediculosis.

    The disease has been known to people since ancient times. One of the preventive measures has always been head shaving, common in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and other warm countries.

    Lice lay eggs called nits. They are glued to human hair by insect saliva. After 10 days, larvae emerge from the eggs, which are very similar to mature individuals, only smaller. After a few months, they become sexually mature and begin to reproduce.

    How is pediculosis transmitted? The main route of transmission is through household contact, including sexual contact, sharing a hat, comb, and bed linen. In children's groups, children can become infected from each other during games. IN Lately There have been cases of infection among teenagers during selfies - taking pictures together with a mobile device camera, during which participants may involuntarily touch their heads or hair.

    In addition, let's say that lice do not jump or fly, but crawl (run across) from one person to another.

    Types of disease

    • head lice;
    • body lice;
    • pubic lice.

    Head lice

    Head louse can be transmitted through direct contact between people, as well as through the use of the same headdress, hairpins, bows, or combs. Most often girls and girls with long hair. At first, signs of pediculosis are manifested only by the presence of the insects themselves and their eggs. After a few days, their bites lead to the appearance of skin itching. When scratching, the skin is damaged, scratches and crusts appear, and when they are removed, it becomes wet. Increased itching and scratching is observed in impressionable people, “on nervous soil" The saliva of insects causes in people who are prone to allergies or have sensitive skin, a rash in the form of spots or elevations - papules, and sometimes blisters.

    The consequences of lice are as follows: pathogenic bacteria enter damaged areas of the skin, causing secondary infection of the wounds. Dermatitis develops and can form. Neck enlargement The lymph nodes. In advanced cases, a mat forms on the hair - a glued clump of tangled hair, which can only be removed by cutting. Sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears, and emotional disorders appear.

    Body lice

    The female body louse lays a large number of eggs, and by the end of her life her offspring reach several thousand individuals. However, without feeding on blood, lice in clothing die within a few days. This explains how people get lice very quickly when they cannot change their clothes.

    Lice are sensitive to temperature, so they do not live on people with high fever and the dead, but leave them, crawling on healthy people and spreading severe infections - rash and relapsing fever, trench fever. This is how typhus epidemics arose at the beginning of the twentieth century during the First World War and Civil War in Russia.

    Symptoms of lice caused by body louse, - skin rashes accompanied by itching. Their appearance on the neck is very typical. Chronic lice causes thickening of the skin and hyperpigmentation, that is, darkening. It's called "tramp disease."


    The pubic louse lives in areas skin having hair, most often on the pubis, as well as in armpits and on the eyelashes. The lesion is accompanied by itchy rashes in the form of papules (elevations). The appearance of spots of blue or blue color is characteristic, since the saliva of pubic lice destroys hemoglobin in the blood vessels of the skin. The size of such spots is 2-3 mm.

    Infection of eyelashes with pubic louse is accompanied by the development of blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids, swelling, redness, itching, and purulent discharge.

    All types of pediculosis and phthiriasis require urgent measures to eliminate them, because these diseases are very contagious and potentially pose a great danger to human health and life.

    Complications of pediculosis - pyoderma, epidemics in children's groups, in unfavorable conditions social conditions possible outbreaks infectious diseases carried by lice.

    1. Pediculosis pubis
    2. Characteristic bluish spots


    Before today Regular examination remains the main way to diagnose head lice. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of living individuals. If a child only has nits, this is not a sign of a disease and cannot serve as a criterion for excluding him from the team. However, most often, if nits are detected, the kindergarten medical worker conducting the examination excludes such a child from visiting preschool and refers him to a dermatologist.

    At a doctor's appointment, an additional examination can be carried out using a Wood's lamp, in the rays of which live insects give off a white glow, and the shells of nits give off a gray glow. When pubic lice develop on the eyelashes and eyebrows, they can be seen using a slit lamp.

    It allows you to accurately verify the presence of living insects or their eggs by studying the hair and lice themselves under a magnifying glass or even a microscope. Modern methods diagnostics () allow you to take photo and video images of lice under magnification, which confirms the diagnosis.


    The fight against pediculosis includes the following areas:

    • removal of insects mechanically, that is, combing;
    • the use of special preparations to kill lice;
    • examination of persons in contact with the patient and, if necessary, their treatment;
    • disinsection - removing insects from household items, clothing, and so on.

    Need to know that head treatment chemicals Contraindicated in pregnant women, young children (with some exceptions), and in patients with skin diseases. In such patients, mechanical removal of nits and lice is used - combing out with a fine metal comb, cutting or shaving the hair. Nits are tightly glued to the hair, so to make them easier to comb out, you must first wash your hair using any hair conditioner. It will make your hair smoother and the eggs will separate more easily.

    Non-pharmacy methods for treating head lice

    Treatment of pediculosis at home if inaccessible pharmaceuticals consists of using an old method - a mixture of soap and kerosene. 10 grams of laundry soap are grated and dissolved well in half a glass of water, and an incomplete tablespoon of kerosene is added to it. This emulsion is applied to the hair using a cotton swab very carefully, protecting the eyes. The head is tightly tied with a plastic scarf and left for 30 minutes. Then the hair is washed well with shampoo and rinsed with table vinegar, diluted 1:1 with water and heated. The remaining nits are removed with a comb through the teeth of which cotton wool is placed, soaked in the same vinegar solution. The hair is combed over a large sheet of paper or a piece of oilcloth, then everything is rolled up and burned. You need to understand that kerosene is very poisonous. Today, with many medicines, affordable, the use of “folk” recipes for head lice should be excluded.

    Another, safer “folk” remedy is tar soap. After thoroughly soaping, the hair should be covered with oilcloth and left for 30 minutes, then rinsed with water and vinegar.

    Hats need to be dry cleaned or thoroughly treated. Combs and hairpins must be soaked in an insecticide solution. You should wash sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, towels, furniture covers, vacuum carpets, car seats, and mattresses.

    How to get rid of head lice caused by body louse

    The body and head are washed and completely covered with anti-pediculosis drugs. Clothes and bedding are placed in a drying cabinet for 30 minutes at a temperature of 65˚C or in a disinfection chamber where exposure is combined high temperature And chemical substances(vapor-formalin chamber). If the treatment of a patient when lice is detected is carried out at home, then the linen is soaked for 30 minutes, completely immersing it in water, and then boiled for 20 minutes with the addition of soda ash. Outerwear that cannot be boiled is ironed with a hot iron, turning Special attention on folds and seams.

    If for some reason the processing of hats and clothing is not carried out, they must be wrapped in polyethylene and put in an inaccessible place for 2 weeks, preferably in the cold. You can dry things in the sun for the same time. During this time, the lice will die.

    Treatment of phthiriasis

    For phthiriasis, the usual remedies for head lice are used. If the eyelashes are affected, they are lubricated with Vaseline for 4 days in a row.

    Preparations for the treatment of pediculosis

    It is best to use products purchased at a pharmacy to kill lice. Majority modern drugs contains the following substances:

    • permethrin;
    • pyrethrin;
    • phenothrin;
    • malathion.

    Permethrin is part of the Nittifor solution, Nix cream, Medifox emulsion and gel, Para-plus aerosol ( combination remedy), Veda and Veda-2 shampoos, NOK shampoo, Hygia solution. Pyrethrin is a component of the combined Spray-Pax aerosol. Phenothrin is available in the form of Anti-bit liquid soap, Itax and Parasidosis liquids, Bin and Phenolon lotions, Sumitrin shampoo; malathion - emulsion and gel Pedilin, combined aerosol Para-plus.

    5% boric ointment is also used. It is usually recommended for treating the skin after shaving hair, for example, when infested with pubic lice.

    Preparations with essential oils are produced: Pediculen-ultra aerosol and Lavinal spray. Some preparations contain clearol oil - Paranit (shampoo, lotion, aerosol), Nuda aerosol.

    Let's look at some popular means from pediculosis.

    Cream Nyxeffective medicine, has a detrimental effect on nits, larvae and adult lice. After application to the skin, it is very slowly absorbed into its surface, where it is metabolized to harmless components. Therefore, Nyx has virtually no side effects.

    Treatment of the scalp for head lice using Nyx cream:

    • wash your hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel;
    • shake the bottle and apply the cream liberally to the scalp and hair along its entire length, especially carefully treating the skin behind the ears and on the back of the head;
    • leave for 10 minutes;
    • rinse your hair thoroughly and dry it with a towel;
    • comb wet hair with the included comb;
    • If necessary, repeat treatment after a week.

    Nix Cream can be used in adults and children from 6 months of age. It does not harm patients with associated disorders liver and kidney function. If prescribed by a doctor, this medicine can be used in pregnant women during breastfeeding and in children under 6 months, but do this only if absolutely necessary.

    Undesirable effects of the drug include temporary loss of skin sensitivity and irritation, manifested by swelling, burning, redness, and skin rash. Possible allergic reactions. The product should not be used if you are intolerant to it, or if you have dermatitis of the scalp.

    After the first use, cure occurs in more than 90% of patients.

    Couple-plus– a combination aerosol containing malathion, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. It is sprayed onto the scalp and hair, left for 10 minutes and washed off with shampoo, then combed through the hair with a comb. The drug is well tolerated, only occasionally causing a slight tingling of the scalp. However, it is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma and children under 2.5 years of age. During pregnancy, it can be used with great caution, as prescribed by a dermatologist.

    Cheaper, but almost the same effective means hellebore water is used for lice. It is available in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. Apply the product to damp hair, exposure time is half an hour. Then the hair is washed and lice are combed out. The treatment is repeated every other day, and if necessary, after a week. Use of the product is prohibited during breastfeeding. It can be used with caution during pregnancy.

    Speaking in general about the effectiveness of anti-pediculosis drugs, it should be noted that it largely depends on the correct processing. In some cases, the product does not help, then the treatment is repeated. The same drug should not be used more than 3 times; it is better to replace it with another drug, for example, with a different active ingredient.

    After treatment for lice and examination by a doctor, the child is allowed into the team after 2 days.


    Measures to prevent head lice:

    • follow the rules of personal hygiene, regularly wash your hair and body (at least twice a week), change bed and underwear;
    • avoid contact with infected people, as well as socially disadvantaged people, vagrants, illegal migrants;
    • do not use other people’s hats, combs, hair clips, etc.;
    • parents need to regularly examine the child’s head;
    • recommended to use special shampoos for children, giving the child’s hair smoothness; It is more difficult for lice to attach to silky hairs;
    • should explain to the child that kindergarten or the school is not allowed to take other people’s hats, combs, bows, and so on;
    • V adolescence The child should know why head lice is dangerous, why it is undesirable to spend the night outside the home, on someone else’s bed, to borrow friends’ things, or to use their headphones or hats.

    Means for prevention: it is not recommended to use chemicals to prevent head lice. If cases of infection are detected in a children's group, then healthy children can rinse their hair with water with added oil. tea tree or wet your comb with it. The use of shampoos and other anti-pediculosis drugs for prevention is recommended only for family members of an infected person.

    In conclusion, let's say that lice should not be a source of shame; it can infect the most ordinary people, simply by trying on someone else's baseball cap or accidentally touching your head to someone else's pillow in a student dorm. If you find yourself with lice, don’t waste time panicking and thinking, just go to the pharmacy and buy one of the anti-lice products. Very soon you will forget about this unpleasant disease.

    The main criterion by which people choose remedy against pediculosis - effectiveness. In the same time significant role Other features of the drug also play a role: safety, cost and ease of use. If last condition especially important for you, pay attention to the spray against lice and nits. Here you will find full review effective means this category and learn how to use them correctly.

    General information about drugs

    If you have an idea of ​​what a spray is, then a medicine produced in a similar form will not be new to you. main feature the drug - the presence of a convenient sprayer. It allows you to economically dose the contents of the bottle and conveniently distribute it throughout your hair.

    Sprays usually contain aqueous, alcohol, combination or oil solutions, plant esters, insecticides or other substances. They can act in different ways: paralyze the nervous system of insects, cause suffocation, blocking their access to air.

    Lotions are liquid saturated solutions of medicinal components. They are distributed over the hair without rubbing into the scalp and hair. Thanks to high concentration active ingredients, the drugs have a noticeable effect after the first procedure.

    When choosing a lotion or spray for lice and nits, focus on the following criteria:

    • age restrictions - some products are not recommended for children under 3 or 5 years of age;
    • list of contraindications - this is especially true for pregnant women and those with organ diseases respiratory system;
    • purpose - what type of lice the spray treats: head, pubic or body lice;
    • effectiveness and required number of procedures;
    • how many full-fledged treatments are enough for the contents of the bottle;
    • price;
    • reviews from people who have already used the product.

    How to use correctly

    The effectiveness of a spray or lotion, like other drugs against head lice, depends on the correct use. Exact recommendations are indicated on product packaging. General rules boil down to the following:

    1. Before starting the procedure, your hair should be combed thoroughly. For convenience, you can divide them into separate strands.
    2. At this stage, the curls should be dry.
    3. The spray is sprayed at a short distance from the hair. The specific distance is indicated in the instructions. It can be either 5 or 25 cm.
    4. To use the lotion, you should moisten a cotton swab or pad with the healing liquid, and then treat your hair.
    5. After manipulation, the strands should become damp.
    6. Any product will be more effective if you cover the treated hair with a plastic cap.
    7. The holding time depends on the product. It cannot be exceeded!
    8. Spray or lotion is washed off warm water, and if the instructions allow, also with shampoo.
    9. After this, lice and nits are carefully combed out. Special combs with thick teeth are often included with anti-lice medications.
    10. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after the time specified in the product description.

    TOP 5 funds

    Medicines against lice and nits are sold in pharmacies, including online. Before purchasing, compare prices of products and reviews about them. Practice shows: expensive lotions or sprays are not always more effective than cheaper analogues.

    Advice. Be sure to check the expiration date of the drug.

    A 100 ml bottle is enough for several treatments - from 2 to 8, depending on the length of the hair. Use the product strictly according to the instructions:

    1. Shake the contents of the bottle.
    2. Spray dry and combed strands. Start from the roots and then spray along the entire length. Particular attention should be paid to the areas behind the ears and curls at the back of the head. The hair after treatment should become damp.
    3. Wear the hat included in the kit.
    4. After half an hour, rinse your hair with warm running water.

    It is believed that this is enough to destroy lice and their larvae. However, it is still necessary to mechanically remove dead insects from the hair. The spray manufacturer Lavinal recommends the following algorithm:

    After 8–10 days, the treatment should be repeated, starting with the use of a spray and ending with methodical combing. Users highly appreciate the effectiveness of Lavinal. However Despite all the advantages, the product has a drawback: it can be difficult to find in pharmacies, including online.

    Spray Nuda

    The German product is non-toxic because it does not contain toxic substances. The main ingredient is dimethicone, which affects all types of lice, as well as nits.

    Nuda spray is suitable for adults, as well as for children over 3 years of age. The product is available in a small bottle of 50 ml. This is enough for about 2 treatments, but a lot depends on the thickness and length of the hair. Other characteristics of the drug and features of its use are described in detail in our thematic material.


    This brand produces a whole line of products against lice. In addition to lotion and spray, there is shampoo, repellent and other preparations. Safe remedy from the series can be selected for babies from one year old and expectant mothers (Paranit Sensitive). However, some drugs are not very effective against nits.

    Find out about other features, pros and cons of Paranit products, and how to use the spray correctly if you choose it from the entire range of this brand.

    Pediculen Ultra

    Another series of drugs designed to kill lice and their offspring. If you wish, you can buy the entire set or choose individual products for yourself: shampoo, conditioner, lotion or spray. The range even includes a magnifying glass and a special comb.

    Couple Plus

    The drug is effective against fleas, scabies mites and lice (head and pubic). It has an oily consistency, but is easily washed off with shampoo. The composition of the spray is considered harmless to humans, therefore, after consultation with a doctor, pregnant women can also take it.

    The product is suitable for eliminating not only lice, but also their larvae - nits. Find out whether Para Plus causes unwanted reactions, and how many procedures will be required to achieve a 100% result.

    Precautionary measures

    Like other drugs against head lice, Sprays and lotions should not be used for skin diseases, abrasions, wounds on the head. Some products in this category are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for children of a certain age (usually under 2, 3 or 5 years). In some cases, the use of an aerosol form is not recommended if there are diseases of the respiratory system. Also, do not exclude individual intolerance to individual components of the spray or lotion.

    It happens that during the procedure a person begins to experience a burning or tingling sensation at the site of treatment of the skin on the head. As a rule, this is due to an unauthorized increase in the time the drug is left on the hair. If the drug accidentally gets into the mouth, it is possible that it will cause nausea, vomiting, weakness and other signs of withdrawal. In this case, a sorbent will help (the simplest is activated carbon).

    Temporary Negative consequences- feeling of greasy shine and bad smell on hair - will eliminate shampoo to which a few drops are added essential oil. For better effect You can wash your curls twice.

    Attention! Remember to take precautions when working with spray or lotion. Wear a mask, gloves, perform the procedure away from fire and turned on electrical appliances etc.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Advantages of sprays:

    • Ease of use;
    • minimum contraindications;
    • relatively safe composition;
    • efficiency;
    • efficiency.

    Pros of lotions against lice and nits:

    • high performance;
    • rich concentrated composition of medicinal components;
    • availability of purchase.

    Alternative remedies

    One of the easiest products to use is shampoo. It begins to act already while washing your hair, but greatest benefit brings benefits when the whipped foam is left on the hair for a while.

    The exact number of minutes is indicated in the instructions for each drug. When using any product, you must be careful not to get it into your eyes or mouth. An overdose is also fraught with unpleasant symptoms.

    Our tips and reviews of popular shampoos for head lice will help you decide on the product and learn how to use it correctly.

    When choosing a drug against lice, many people prefer universal products: those that are suitable for adults and children. After all, most often it is children who bring insects home, contracting the disease in the garden, on the playground or at school. Some parents believe that in this case it is worth using folk remedies, arguing their choice based on the safety of the home-prepared drug. However, even among folk recipes There are very toxic mixtures. We will tell you which of this assortment is suitable for children and which only for adults, and how justified the use of homemade compounds against lice is.

    Useful videos

    Remedies for head lice.

    How to rid a child of lice.
