DIY garden seating area. Do-it-yourself recreation areas at the dacha. Outdoor barbecue area

Rug, flea plant, trickster weed, midday heat, blessed, chicken leg, buterweed - this is all the name of one plant, purslane, a herbaceous annual or perennial flower. The word “purslane” itself, according to one version, comes from the Latin portula - gate, door, here referring to the method of opening the seed pod.

Another version comes from the fact that a sprig of purslane looks like a chicken foot and the name itself comes from the Latin pulli pied (chicken foot). The unpretentious purslane plant, growing from seeds, when to plant, and many other interesting materials are described in the sections of this article.

The attitude towards him throughout history has been quite ambiguous. Ancient Greek doctors used it as a medicine, and peasants in the Middle Ages fought the weed. And in Central Asia it was valued as an excellent seasoning for meat and fish. Today, purslane is used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and is valued by gardeners for its decorative qualities.

Spread in Europe from South America warm and light-loving purslane can be found in the wild in the southern regions of Russia, in Central Asia, in the vastness of Siberia, in the south of the Far East.

Purslane flowers - description

In mid-latitudes, purslane is planted as an annual plant. The flower is too heat-loving and cannot tolerate cold winters. But transplanted in the fall from open ground into pots and kept in warm rooms, it will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

Attention! Purslane can be grown in warm rooms as a perennial plant.

The plant is ground cover, creeping, not exceeding 25 cm in height. The root is spindle-shaped, the stems are succulent, having many branches, green or brown, the leaves are shaped like fleshy needles or flattened eggs.

Purslane blooms continuously and profusely from June to September, although the inflorescences, which range in size from 2 cm to 5 cm in some double varieties, live only one day and wither in the evening.

Flowers of white, red, yellow rich colors resemble poppies or small peonies with a sweet smell. The fruit is a capsule shaped like a ball and containing a large number of small seeds.

More than 100 types of decorative purslane are known, two of them are grown in temperate latitudes: garden, large-flowered, which has a decorative purpose, and vegetable, known as a medicinal plant and a weed at the same time.

Growing purslane from seeds

Sowing purslane for seedlings

To get a blooming carpet of purslane as early as June, many gardeners grow the plant using seedlings. There are certain rules for planting purslane and growing from seeds, when it should be planted in early spring.

The optimal time for sowing seeds is mid-March, early April; earlier plantings require additional lighting with special lamps. For planting, you can build small greenhouses (an old aquarium will also come in handy) or you can cover the top of the mini-garden with glass or regular cellophane film.

Plant purslane seeds in bright light and a temperature of 20 to 25 °C. The bottom of the containers is covered with a small layer of gravel, and a calcined mixture of sand and ordinary garden soil is poured on top.

The presence of a large percentage of peat will lead to the fact that the seeds will produce weak and rare shoots. And organic fertilizers threaten seedlings with fungal diseases.

Attention! You should not use store-bought mixtures to plant purslane. They contain a lot of peat.

After moistening the prepared soil substrate with melted or settled water, purslane is planted. This is done using a toothpick or a match, the wet end of which gently presses the seeds into the ground to a depth of 1 mm, leaving a space of 1 cm between them.

Experienced gardeners create the first days in containers with seedlings high temperature up to 50 °C, keeping them on windowsills on the sunny side. This is done for the purpose quick appearance sprouts, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Caring for purslane seedlings

The first shoots of purslane appear in ten days, now the film on the container is no longer needed. It is important to observe a certain thermal regime, because plants begin to get sick and develop more slowly at the following temperatures:

  • emerging shoots – at 20 °C;
  • week-old seedlings – at 16 °C;
  • seedlings with several leaves - at 10 °C.

Lower temperatures lead to slower plant growth and shedding of leaves. And adult individuals stop blooming.

Attention! Purslane seedlings do not develop well at low temperatures.

Purslane seedlings also require good lighting. Therefore, they should allocate the sunniest window sill or a glazed, warm balcony. Stretching of young shoots indicates a lack of light.

A daylighting device or even a regular table lamp, turned on early in the morning and evening to artificially extend the day, will help correct the situation. If the weather is often cloudy in spring, you can illuminate the seedlings all day.

Small, tender seedlings require constant watering. Drying out the soil leads to the death of plants, a large amount of moisture leads to rotting. You can avoid such problems by watering the seedlings not from above using the usual drip method, but by adding water to the pan.

Attention! Do not use cold water for watering purslane seedlings. tap water. It needs to be allowed to stand for a day at room temperature.

Purslane picking

Purslane is a ground cover plant and can grow very wide. Small seedlings can be thinned out first by removing weak and sickly seedlings. The remaining stronger individuals are easier to plant. This is what they do to prevent thickening at the age of two or three true leaves.

For picking, it is convenient to use ordinary plastic cups into which the sprouts are transferred along with a lump of earth. The plant is carefully planted and covered with soil up to the cotyledon leaves.

When to plant purslane in open ground (in central Russia, Siberia)

The seedlings are kept at home until the likelihood of night frosts and daytime temperatures dropping to 5–7 °C disappears, which can be detrimental to delicate plants. In the southern regions, purslane is planted in the ground in mid-May, for middle zone the optimal period is early June, for Siberia and the Urals - mid-June.

Before planting, it will be very useful to carry out a hardening procedure on fresh air. For one to two weeks, containers with seedlings are taken outside, first for 15 minutes, then gradually increasing the residence time and bringing it up to 6 hours. A sprout with 10 formed leaves and the presence of buds will be considered strong and viable, ready to change places.

Attention! Planting purslane in open ground should be done either early in the morning or in the evening, so that the tender seedlings have several hours to adapt to new conditions.

How to plant purslane correctly

Purslane is given the sunniest place in the garden. This could be a flowerbed on the south side of the building or an artificially created elevation. It is here that he will be able to fully reveal all his incredibly bright flowers. A plant that receives temporary shade during the day will not produce many buds.

Each purslane flower lives only one day, but due to their large number, the change of inflorescences is not so noticeable. If we talk about soil, then purslane is undemanding to special composition or acidity. The main thing is that it allows air and moisture to pass through well. Close flow of groundwater or its stagnation will contribute to rotting of the roots.

The flower grows with pleasure on the most ordinary garden soils; on poor sandstones it blooms even more profusely. A large number of fertilizers in the ground, fatty black soils can lead to the so-called fattening of purslane, when the plant grows green branches to the detriment of flowering.

Attention! Soils rich in humus can reduce purslane blooms!

For replanting, shallow holes are prepared every 15–20 cm. Low bushes can spread 30 cm wide. The planted purslane is watered and the soil is loosened until the growing bushes allow this to be done.

Purslane - care

Many gardeners grow purslane because of its relative ease of care. In addition, the decorative nature of the plant allows you to make garden plot bright and unique even for busy people. Purslane plantings look very impressive both in individual flowerpots and in pots on loggias.

Rooted on permanent place in open ground, young plants no longer require special care. Common gardening activities for this plant look like this:

  1. No loosening required. And the overgrown and intertwined bushes will not allow this to be done.
  2. No pruning is needed, the plant itself grows new stems well.
  3. It is worth removing weeds so that the decorative appearance is not spoiled.
  4. No feeding required. Purslane also blooms profusely in poor sandy soils.
  5. Watering is required moderate but regular. The plant is a succulent and tolerates minor droughts well.

Even double varieties of purslane, distinguished by large flowers that do not close in cloudy weather, are easy to care for.

Pests and diseases of purslane

The flower has high degree sustainability in relation to various diseases and insect pests. But if the plant has been attacked by insects, then you should think about special preparations:

If aphids have appeared on plants in the garden, then they may also like purslane. Insecticides (Aktara, Tanrek, Biotlin) are well suited to combat this insect. One or two treatments are enough for the insects to disappear.

Attention! Spraying with a solution of laundry soap will help cope with aphids!

Small black dots that appear on the leaves may turn out to be another pest - thrips, which suck out plant sap. To combat them, Intavir, Karbafos, Fitoverm and other insecticides are used.

Growing purslane is not limited only to decorative needs. Since ancient times, it has been used in medicine, because the young leaves and shoots contain a high content of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins E, C, K, organic acids and minerals, as well as macroelements: sodium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and manganese.

The leaves contain dopamine and norepinephrine, starch, unsaturated fatty acids, and cellulose. Here is such a mini-pharmacy in one small plant.

Through experiments it has been established that dosage forms with purslane included in them can increase blood pressure, stimulate the heart muscle, stop internal bleeding. It can be included in the diet when diabetes mellitus, since it has a hypoglycemic effect.

And although medicinal properties purslane were known back in ancient Greece, and today they have been identified and proven, official medicine they are not fully recognized, and the use of the plant is advisory.

Unlike official medicine, traditional medicine uses purslane to treat a wide range of diseases. Purslane leaves have a wound-healing effect. To do this, they are rubbed and applied to sore spots. They reduce swelling, eliminate painful sensations for insect bites.

Plant seeds added to honey help treat bronchial asthma. In addition, purslane is known as a good anthelmintic and antipyretic. An ointment based on seeds is applied to the skin for neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

Attention! Before using recipes traditional medicine If it contains purslane, you should consult your doctor!

There is a known case in history when, during the American gold rush, those miners who ate purslane salad were able to protect themselves from scurvy and not die from scurvy. In the Russian army of the 18th-19th centuries, in which service life reached 25 years, decoctions from this plant were used to relieve sexual arousal.

Purslane after flowering. How and when to collect seeds

Seed material can be collected two weeks after the flower wilts. This is subject to dry weather. If it is cold and rainy, or in early autumn, the seeds ripen in a month.

And if you don’t specifically collect them, then the ripe boxes open and shower the soil with tiny seeds. So, 1 gram contains up to 5 thousand of them. Self-seeding can lead to the plant going wild, when it grows and takes over more and more new territories.

Attention! Purslane can spread by self-seeding. To limit the area of ​​its growth, unnecessary seedlings are removed in the spring.

There is also a special method for collecting seeds. At the beginning of autumn, several strong plants are identified, which are fed with mullein solution several times a month. When the stems turn yellow, the purslane is cut off and carefully hung in a dry room. Paper or cloth is spread under it so that the seeds from the opened boxes spill out there. Collected purslane seeds can be stored for up to 5 years.

Purslane in winter

In temperate latitudes, garden purslane does not overwinter. In the fall, the bushes are removed from the ground, and the vacant area is dug up. If you plan to leave this corner of the garden for planting this flower, then you don’t need to worry about the seeds. Those remaining in the ground will successfully overwinter and sprout on their own in the spring, but the buds will appear at the end of July. As mentioned, purslane can bloom earlier if you grow seedlings at home.

Types and varieties of purslane

Gardeners know about two hundred annual and perennial species of this plant. The large-flowered plant and its wild cousin, the vegetable purslane, are grown in gardens.

Portulaca grandiflora - grandiflora purslane, photo.

Portulaca grandiflora

The heat-loving perennial plant is grown in temperate latitudes as an annual. It has reddish fleshy stems that spread like a carpet along the ground. The height of such a cover is 30 cm. The leaves are dense, up to 2.5 cm long. The inflorescences are single or growing in a small group (up to 5 pieces) of flowers of different colors, the diameter of some can reach 6 cm.

Purslane has good decorative properties. The flowers open only for one day, but due to their large number, the change of inflorescences is almost imperceptible. On cloudy days, the corollas of flowers close. In some terry species they are open even in bad weather.

The most famous varieties of grandiflora purslane:

  1. Mango - has double flowers of orange color, an ampelous variety.
  2. Cherry is a low-growing, up to 12 cm, bush with cherry-colored flowers.
  3. Flamenco is a double variety with multi-colored inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter.
  4. Double Mixed - has double flowers that look like small roses.
  5. Long Summer - a terry mixture with flowers in seven shades.
  6. Cloudbeater - has flowers that do not close in cloudy weather.

Purslane vegetable growing from seeds when to plant

Vegetable species of purslane, just as easy to care for as large-flowered ones, are bred for consumption. For this purpose, varieties such as Paradox and Kuzminsky Semko are taken.

Seeds are planted without seedlings in open ground from the end of May to June, planted to a depth of 1–2 cm. A strip planting method is used, that is, several long beds are prepared with a distance of 50 cm between them. The first harvest can be harvested from growing bushes three to four weeks after sowing the seeds.

Attention! Vegetable purslane does not require special care! But we must remember that insufficient watering can lead to coarsening of the leaves and damage to their taste.

Garden or vegetable purslane has another name - dandur. This is an annual plant, reaching a height of 30 cm. A branched brown stem with drop-shaped fleshy leaves is crowned with modest yellowish flowers, less than 1 cm in diameter.

This species is not grown for ornamental purposes. But it is valued in cooking, medicine and cosmetology, as it has many beneficial properties and has a rich chemical composition.

Vegetable purslane has a sour-spicy, slightly pungent taste and a pleasant aroma. It is used both raw (in salads), and boiled (for sauces, soups), and stewed. You can also marinate it; it will be a good seasoning for meat dishes.

The most famous varieties of garden purslane: Svetlyachok, Makovey, Kuzminsky Semko, Paradox, Lakomka. They are planted immediately in open ground at the end of May. Almost no maintenance is required.

Every home owner eventually thinks about how to improve a comfortable recreation area on their site. What could be more wonderful than relaxing or eating in the open air, and even more so, in your own, comfortably equipped territory?! Of course, if the area near the house is very small, you can organize flower beds or flower beds, put up a barbecue or the same outdoor version of the fireplace. Well, if you have a lot of space, what’s the point of limiting and infringing on yourself in something?! Indeed, in this case, the recreation area of ​​the courtyard of a private house can be equipped with everything necessary for maximum convenience and comfort.

Here you can view a selection of photos of a recreation area in the yard with a non-trivial approach to the most ordinary elements of your landscape, designs of industrial motifs, original and unusual combinations of materials, as well as many green spaces, which together allow you to create a comfortable stay in your own yard. We will tell you about this option for arranging a recreation area in more detail.

One of the options... how to design a recreation area in the yard

You can equip a platform made of wood, which you will access from the back door of the house. And in its lowlands, organize a soft zone equipped with a canopy that protects you from the sun on hot, hot days, as well as from rain in bad weather. The entire hanging area can be decorated with soft sofas, in which the backs and seats can be removed. This type of furniture is quite practical, since it will still be in outdoor conditions, which means it will get dirty much faster than household items.

On one side, the recreation area can be enclosed by a fairly high brick fence. The arc part of the fence is constructed from concrete slabs, which hide the chimney of a fireplace installed on the street, and also serve as a backdrop for images from the projector. Having such vertical planes on your site, the main structure of your canopy will rest on it. In turn, the structure is made of metal and wood materials covered with polycarbonate.

High walls and fences allow you to create shade on hot summer days. But despite this, lighting is still required in the recreation area.

The lighting can be designed in a wide variety of modifications. For example, you can attach large spotlights to the beams, and organize local lighting from the “18 Watt” wholesale store in the fireplace area.

The spotlights, which you attach to metal channels, can be turned completely in different directions. This way you will create a unique atmosphere!

Arrange switches at the entrance to the recreation area. There should be an outlet near them if it is necessary to connect any electrical devices.

Using a projector aimed at a concrete wall, you can arrange gatherings as if in a home theater, only in the fresh air! Both a large family and a large group of friends will be comfortable here.

The table can be organized by placing 3 construction pallets. And to soften the industrialism, plant flowers and plants near the brick fence, this will “soften” the situation and bring a feeling of unprecedented “naturalness”.

You can arrange lighting under the wooden platform so that you can move around the area calmly and safely at night.

Use different plants for plantings, which will have different heights, seasonality and many or year-round flowering. In combination with an embankment of stones, the landscape design of your site will be cozy and harmonious.

The design of a summer cottage is of increasing interest to summer residents - this is due to the long summer season and increased interest in a healthy lifestyle. Today we will tell you how to make a cozy relaxation area at your summer cottage.

Most recreation areas are located near the house, but this should not be your rule.

On the other hand, if you plan to use the recreation area as an additional outdoor room, then it is better to place it next to the house or a covered gazebo.

Whether your relaxation area will be simple or grand depends on the elements surrounding it, which will greatly enhance its charm.

By using curved shapes in your garden design, you will create a more harmonious, relaxed atmosphere that will differ from the traditional clear and rigid rectangular structure of your garden beds and home.
This way you will soften the overall style.

Be creative by incorporating elements of a flower garden or pond into the overall design of the recreation area at your summer cottage.

Add some flair to the design of your summer cottage by leaving open ground on your path or patio for gravel and planting small flower beds.
Choose unpretentious plants, which can grow on a minimal amount of soil. And at the same time, your relaxation corner will acquire an exclusively decorative appearance.

Try to create several zones on the patio: for private conversations, for quiet contemplation of nature alone with yourself, for more formal and large-scale meetings with guests.

If your sitting area isn't comfortable, you won't use it. Therefore, consider protection from the sun and wind.

If you like to have barbecues often, then place a barbecue in the recreation area - and you will have a lovely summer kitchen.

A recreation area for a small family can be small. But, if you are going to invite guests in the future, then it is better to provide additional space for them.

In order to understand how large your future gazebo should be in the recreation area, place the required number of tables and chairs on the ground, so you will see with your own eyes how much space you need to build a gazebo.

Tile, concrete, brick, and stone are the most popular materials for patio flooring. But when choosing a material, try to focus not only on price. It's good when the style of the recreation area matches the style of your home.

And, if you are going to use the recreation area regularly as a dining room, then it is better to choose the surface for covering the floor that guarantees the most stable position of the table and chairs.

The simplest seating area can be just a piece of paved area in the garden.

But to get more out of your patio, add lighting, flower containers, fountains, and barbecues. Allow your desires to dictate what small but essential details your patio needs.

Building a garden seating area can be quite a challenge for a beginner.

But first, you can try to pave a small area for a recreation area yourself.

Making a picnic area or area with your own hands is not at all difficult. It is enough to choose a secluded and beautiful corner. Such a vacation spot can not only be attractively decorated, but also equipped with a stove or barbecue.

How to choose a place on a summer cottage to create a recreation area

In a private home it is not always possible to organize a party for a large company. In order to properly design a comfortable and beautiful area in the garden, where you can not only relax, but also have a good time preparing barbecue or barbecue, you need to carefully consider the choice of place. For this purpose, it is necessary to evaluate the area of ​​the site, the presence of a slope for the drainage of rain and melt water, the presence and location of communications and garden plantings.

Important, first of all, focus on the possibilities of the territory and combinations in landscape design. You can set aside a cozy area for improvement in the front part of the local area, but also in its depths, almost in the garden, where you can easily hide from the prying glances of all passers-by. To protect from rain and scorching sun rays, both lightweight buildings and a regular canopy can be used. In small areas, such a recreation area should be more compact. A large garden area allows you to create a multifunctional recreation area from several diverse subzones.

Recreation area at the dacha: arrangement ideas (video)

Relaxation area in the country and in the garden: ideas and options

On a personal plot or summer cottage, a recreation area can be organized for the whole family, children or guests. The playground can be not only open, with a play area, but also closed, for a romantic getaway. New and easy to create ones can be borrowed from famous landscape designers, and then modified a little on your own.

How to create a cozy corner in your country house for a romantic getaway

This version of the site most often represents a kind of “ open room"in the fresh air. A variety of decorative curtains made of transparent and translucent fabrics can be used as walls. Lattice walls decorated with a variety of climbing ornamental plants look very original. A curtain made of multi-colored beads is a very simple, but very effective way to fence off a corner for the desired privacy. IN Lately increasingly d Bamboo screens are used to decorate such areas, which, in combination with a variety of container exotic plants and mini fountains, allow you to recreate a romantic atmosphere Japanese garden.

How to make an indoor play area for children

Most often, such a closed building is designed using the wall of the household, and the entrance to the recreation area is made directly from the living space.

The most convenient option is to locate the playground for children from the backyard. When arranging, they are most often used sports equipment, houses, slides and, as well as a sandbox.

Outdoor barbecue area

The open area can only be used in good, not rainy or windless weather, therefore best place to accommodate the barbecue area there is a separately erected small structure with a stone wall near the fire.

If the area of ​​the local area does not allow the construction of a separate structure, then you can place the fireplace on a small terrace or under a regular canopy, which will protect the barbecue or barbecue from rain, snow and gusts of wind. Do not place the fireplace near perennial plants and garden plantings. Also for reasons fire safety,the fireplace should not be located in close proximity to households, wooden buildings and fences.

If the barbecue area is supposed to be located under a canopy, then it is imperative to provide a high-quality hole for the smoke exhaust. Such an area should be divided into a kitchen area and an area for a comfortable stay, equipped with furniture and other interior items. In this case, it is necessary to take care of a convenient supply of main communications.

Recreation area in the country for a noisy company

The open area is most often used by families with children or large groups. To design a recreation area for a large and noisy company, you will need to allocate a sufficient area. Very good option There will be a real patio courtyard, represented by a long concrete bench and a lot of pillows. Sprinkling with crushed stone, planting perennial grasses with soft foliage and arranging a fireplace are also carried out.

Elegant tables and chairs can also be used in decoration, and a large umbrella can be installed as protection from the hot sun. Great for decorating hammocks or hanging sofas. When landscaping, it is advisable to opt for the least demanding varieties and types of flowering or decorative foliage plants. Daylilies do not require constant watering and are most often planted on patio areas.

Recreation area at the dacha: gazebo and terrace (video)

How to make an outdoor recreation area at your dacha with your own hands

The open zone is the most quickly erected and simplest option, which does not require large financial investments and is carried out with minimal costs time and effort. Most often it is possible to place a seating area in the front garden, but in this case, you need to take care of creating high-quality isolation from the street through a hedge. If there are still wild trees or any shrubs in the garden area, then there is no need to rush to uproot them - such plantings may well serve as the basis for the construction of an open recreation area.

Preparatory work and zoning

When arranging your own outdoor area on a personal plot, it is advisable to place it near the household, on a paved area in slight partial shade. Carrying out preparatory work and zoning measures are carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

  • design is related to soil and natural conditions, a plan of the existing household and communications, taking into account the interaction of all elements of architecture and landscape design;

  • one of the main elements in the design is a lawn covering, which will not only serve as a decorative decoration for a personal plot, but also have a positive effect on the microclimate;
  • It is recommended that the recreation area be located among green spaces, so that vacationers are provided with comfort and relative silence;
  • The marking of the territory into separate functional zones is carried out in accordance with a pre-prepared plan and working drawings.

To zone a personal plot, it is not at all necessary to build high stone walls. It is quite enough to purely symbolically designate the necessary boundaries using paving stones against the background of lawn grass. Green spaces for the design of such a fence should be selected depending on the level of illumination and taking into account the taste preferences of the owner of a country property. Special attention hedges created from coniferous crops deserve. Such plants not only effectively complement the design of the garden area, but also clean the air well, filling it with bactericidal essential oils.

Making the base

For sites open type Not only lawn grass can be used, but also a more permanent base, which must easily withstand the pressure created by the barbecue and pieces of furniture. The most correct and affordable option for such arrangement is to use a traditional concrete pad, which is being built in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • choosing a location and determining the size of the territory;
  • careful leveling of the surface;
  • marking the area for the foundation using signal pegs and rope;
  • removing the top layer of soil to a depth of one bayonet with a garden shovel;
  • installation of formwork around the entire perimeter;
  • pouring concrete mortar.

The process of complete hardening of concrete and gaining sufficient strength takes approximately three weeks. On hot and dry days, you should periodically water the surface of the foundation being built with water and cover it with a polymer film from direct rays of the sun. After the concrete pour has completely dried, the surface is decorated.

For this purpose, a terrace board can be used, but Very affordable decoration with ceramic or paving tiles is especially popular. If you decide to lay out the base using wooden flooring, then you can not fill the area completely with concrete, but instead build a shallow strip foundation. This option allows you to significantly save time, effort and cash.

Placement of garden furniture and decorative elements

When choosing the most practical and easy-to-use garden furniture for a comfortable summer pastime, landscape designers strongly recommend being guided by the principles of lightness and durability. Wicker and wooden furniture can be a very good alternative to traditional upholstered furniture.

Among other things, beautiful and very reliable forged openwork furniture, as well as sets of interior items based on modern durable plastics, have recently become especially popular among owners of country real estate. For decoration and to enhance comfort summer holiday, a variety of high-quality soft flooring and small decorative pillows can be used.

Children's playgrounds in the country (video)

How to beautifully design the area around the recreation area

Most often, a variety of climbing annuals are used for decoration. Decorative morning glory, nasturtium, sweet pea and fiery red beans, which bloom luxuriantly and for a long time, and are also characterized by rapid growth and development, which allows you to turn trellises into bright flowering “walls”. Even a traditional wattle fence made of willow or bird cherry twigs can become the structural basis of a mini-tent.

Do-it-yourself recreation areas can be varied in size, shape, elements used and purpose. Many owners of country real estate prefer to supplement traditional zoning with artificial ponds and play areas, which significantly increases the comfort of spending time in their countryside.

Modern owners of a summer cottage often want not so much to grow fruits and vegetables, but to have the opportunity to relax in silence and clean air. This is possible thanks to the equipped recreation area in the form of a cozy corner, where household members can enjoy a warm evening without fuss and problems, enjoying the taste and aroma of freshly prepared kebab. The arrangement of such a zone will be determined by its purpose. Let's take a closer look at this topic.

All more people comes to the dacha not to plant potatoes, but to relax from the bustle of the city

Types of recreation areas

Privacy in a closed area

The walls in such a “room” appear in the form of light curtains or flowers and plants climbing along trellises, or in the form of a natural bamboo screen. The lightness and airiness of the entire structure will create a harmony of unity with nature, but at the same time it will do an excellent job of protecting the owners and their guests from the wind.

Cozy place to relax

Outdoor activities

There can be many options for designing a recreation area, but we will analyze the most popular and convenient ones. We will start with an open area, where lovers of an active lifestyle will be able to realize their dream of combining a sports competition and a cozy pastime. For children, you can arrange a sandbox and swings, or, in the best case, a children's playground with a shallow pool. Organization of open areas – The best way spend time with children, participating in common games and fun. And in the evening this will be a great place for a disco.

Lawn, barbecue, town and pergola with a bench in the open area

Advantages of a mobile platform

Mobile furniture made of wood, plastic, and metal allows you to move the recreation area to a new location in the blink of an eye. A closed room easily turns into an open area, ready to receive a dozen guests. The frames of the structure can be portable or collapsible. Collapsible canopies and platforms are good, as well as light sets of chairs with a table, which are widely available in stores for outdoor recreation.

The mobility of the structure allows you to locate the resting place at any point in the summer cottage. The flexibility of design changes allows you to adapt the site for a different number of guests.

Light, practical furniture will allow you to create a resting place in any part of the site

Patio is modern

Initially, the patio was meant as an enclosed courtyard; this was the custom back in ancient Mediterranean. Nowadays, at a summer cottage, this happens a little differently. However, even today the basis of the patio remains a flat stone platform. Such a recreation area is placed between the buildings on the site. The walls of the house and adjacent buildings in this case play the role of protection and fencing.

In such a closed and cozy space it is pleasant to hold family gatherings, host a dinner party, or simply sunbathe in privacy and silence. Feature patio in the modern sense - the use of exclusive design solutions in the design of a recreation area. The most successful way to place such an area is behind a private house, where there will be no noise from cars and dust.

Four seasons patio behind the house

We arrange it ourselves

Choose a cozy place

The choice of place to relax will depend on the capabilities of the dacha area. It is possible to organize an “oasis” both in the front part of the garden and in its very depths.

The comfort zone, located in the shade under the treetops, will undoubtedly become a favorite place for both household members and all visiting friends. A place in the shade is ideal for older people.

When choosing the most suitable location, consider the following points:

  • accessibility and short distance of the recreation area from the house;
  • the ability to isolate yourself from the outside world and prying eyes;
  • availability of sufficient area for the selected option.

We relax everywhere: on the terrace, observation deck, swing, on a sun lounger by the sauna and pool

A general purpose recreation area should be arranged on a flat area of ​​the garden, where it is possible to place not only a barbecue, but also a canopy with a table and benches. For fans of active recreation, it makes sense to provide the opportunity to tie a volleyball net, secure a basketball basket, or place a small football goal on the lawn.

We divide the site into comfortable zones

An important component is the base and paving

The simplest and most cost-effective way is to make the basis for the “frontal” area from a soft lawn. This natural covering will delight bare feet and allow you to have a light picnic directly on the grass. Places intended for placing tables and benches should be paved with stone, log cuts, tiles, special bricks or plastic panels with a checkered structure. In Western countries, the choice is often made in favor of pre-treated wood. special compounds. The most reliable, but at the same time expensive and prestigious method of paving is decking.

Garden paths harmoniously transition into the area

Nice additions

Sit comfortably with friends in the gazebo, enjoying tea or freshly ground coffee. From the gazebo it is nice to watch the surrounding landscape. Having a roof over your head in the hot sun or in rainy weather brings special pleasure. Such an island will be appreciated by all guests of your dacha.

Climbing plants entwining its walls will help create romance and mystery in your gazebo. Preference should be given to such beautifully flowering options as honeysuckle, climbing rose and clematis.

Wanting to pamper yourself and your friends from time to time delicious kebab, you should think about such a necessary accessory as a barbecue. Having a fairly large area at your disposal, you can start arranging an outdoor fireplace, which will be an alternative to a kitchen stove. In outdoor fireplaces the fire is closed, which means they are as safe as possible compared to other methods of cooking.

Cozy closed gazebo

For the soul and body - patio and sauna

By organizing a patio next to the Russian bathhouse with your own hands, you will forever give yourself and your loved ones the joy of being at the dacha. There is nothing more beautiful than sitting after a steam room in the fresh, clean air in a cozy chair and waiting for a fragrant kebab. The combination of pleasure, comfortable design and pleasant company will make any evening in the garden unforgettable.

Glued laminated timber is usually chosen to build a bathhouse. This material is the most resistant to moisture and fungal deposits, and is also of high quality.

Consider creating all the amenities in the bath complex: steam room, bathroom, shower, relaxation room and patio, which will be securely closed from prying eyes, and, therefore, will give all vacationers the harmony of nature and modern technologies. It is better to finish the internal walls with linden clapboard.

Sunbathers can afford to build their own beach right in the middle of the garden. Preferably this intimate place rest behind a private house, away from prying eyes. The area under the “beach” should be paved in the form of a platform, then rainwater will not stagnate there. A terrace board or stone is perfect for paving.

Sun loungers for a summer house can be easily built with your own hands

You can “furnish” your own beach with sun loungers and portable sun umbrellas. Add a couple of benches and a table to make your stay in such a cozy place even more comfortable. The convenience of staying at the dacha will increase noticeably if you equip a small pond, a swimming pool, and perhaps a fountain. Our Photos show you how to do this.

Garden furniture, light and comfortable

To make your holiday at the dacha pleasant and comfortable, experts advise choosing lightweight and practical furniture options. Products made of wood and plastic are ideal as garden furniture. Exquisite forged and wicker decorative elements are good in their own way.

Garden furniture is easy to maintain and, in addition, perfectly withstands exposure to sun and rain. It is possible to decorate hard backrests and create maximum coziness and comfort with the help of soft pillows and bedding. The mobility of such elements allows them to be quickly hidden in case of bad weather.

Garden furniture should be practical and light

Important little things or selection of accessories

It has long been established that it is the little things that create a feeling of comfort. Here the design is limited only by the limits of your imagination: ringing bells, cute animal figurines, bird feeders and birdhouses, decorative lanterns, etc. Don't forget about flowers, they always decorate any interior. In the evening it will be a great pleasure to watch the gentle play of light from various lamps and luminous stones. Design examples are shown in photos.

True relaxation is an old, forgotten wonderful hammock

In conclusion, we note that the main rule that must be observed when organizing a vacation is the need to ensure harmony with the house, buildings and landscape of the area. We believe that there is no point in dragging everything that “glitters brightly” into your favorite corner. It is easy to demonstrate good taste if you decorate the recreation area slowly, taking pleasure in displaying the missing accents.
