Vocational training and employment of disabled people. Lawyer's Notes Vocational education and training for people with disabilities

Educational institutions, together with social protection authorities and health authorities, provide secondary vocational and higher vocational education in accordance with individual program rehabilitation of a disabled person. The state guarantees disabled people the necessary conditions for education and training. The state ensures that people with disabilities receive basic general, secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person. Professional education disabled people is carried out in educational institutions various types and levels.

Topic 4.1 employment and vocational training of people with disabilities

Mode of activity and rest The legislation establishes a number of requirements for managers of enterprises hiring people with disabilities:

  1. The duration of the shift for citizens of groups 1 and 2 should not be more than 35 hours per week.
  2. The duration of daily activities is set in accordance with medical report competent medical institution.
  3. Disabled people may be involved in work on weekends, overtime or at night only with their written consent and provided that it is permitted due to their health status.
  4. Citizens with disabilities Those operating at enterprises are entitled to leave without pay. Its duration is up to 60 calendar days in year.

Course work

This Procedure establishes the rules and conditions for the organization by state government institutions of the Amur Region - employment centers (hereinafter - employment centers) of training unemployed disabled people recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner (hereinafter - citizens) in new professions. 1.2. Training of citizens in new professions is provided by sending them to employment centers to undergo vocational training or receive additional vocational education (hereinafter referred to as training) in new professions (specialties) that are in demand in the labor market.

Vocational training can also be carried out for jobs provided by employers. 1.3.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 2, 2015 N 831 approved a list of the 50 most in demand in the labor market, new and promising professions that require secondary vocational education. Vocational training and additional vocational education for unemployed citizens who, in accordance with the law, Russian Federation an old-age insurance pension has been assigned and those who seek to resume work are carried out in the direction of the employment service authorities for professions (specialties) in demand in the labor market, subject to the application of citizens of this category to the employment service authorities at their place of residence and their presentation of a passport, work book or documents replacing them, and a document confirming the appointment of an old-age insurance pension.

(paragraph entered Federal law dated July 2, 2013 N 162-FZ, as amended.

Employment of disabled people and their vocational training

Education of citizens can be group or individual, according to the form of organization - integrated, distance, in the form of specialized groups. 1.8. Education of citizens is provided free of charge. 1.9. Training of citizens in cases where it is impossible to organize training at their place of residence is organized in another area, including outside the Amur region.
Sending citizens to undergo training in another area is carried out only with their consent. 1.10. When citizens are sent to study in another area, they are provided with financial support, including: 1) payment of the cost of travel to the place of study and back; 2) daily expenses for the journey to the place of study and back; 3) payment for rent of living quarters during training.

Employment of disabled people – general provisions Meanwhile, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2018, the employment of disabled people is not a right, but an obligation of employers. According to labor legislation, it is impossible to refuse an employee this due to his disability.


The only possible reason for refusal can only be an insufficient level professional knowledge or lack thereof. Thus, if a disabled applicant has the necessary education and professional competencies that meet the requirements of a manager for a vacant position, then the enterprise is obliged to hire a disabled citizen.

At the same time, today every employer is obliged to calculate the quota for hiring disabled people.
Completion of vocational training and receipt of additional professional education by unemployed citizens, women during the period of maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three years, unemployed citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have been assigned an old-age insurance pension and who seek to resume working activities, are carried out in organizations implementing educational activities, in accordance with the contracts concluded by the employment service authorities. (as amended by Federal Laws dated July 2, 2013 N 162-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ) (see.

The procedure for employing or undergoing vocational training for disabled people

To implement this, the production manager needs to create and equip appropriate locations. Peculiarities of the process Employment of a disabled person is carried out after he submits an appropriate application to the employment center at his place of residence.
For each region, district are accepted regulations, in which planned figures are established. Employment of a disabled person is carried out with the direct participation of a representative of the company’s personnel department. He and the applicant himself are invited to the Central Hall. A conversation is held in the presence of a service employee. During this process, a representative of the employer presents a contract to the candidate for the position.

It specifies the conditions under which the employment of a disabled person will be carried out. The provisions of the contract determine the schedule, salary, and the period for which the citizen is enrolled in the staff.

The document is signed in the presence of a representative of the Central Bank.
A citizen is sent for training new profession, if: 1) does not have qualifications; 2) impossible to pick up suitable job due to lack of necessary qualifications; 3) the ability to perform work according to existing qualifications has been lost. 2.2. To be referred for training, a citizen submits to the employment center: 1) an application for referral to training in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure; 2) identity document; 3) an individual program for rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled person. Specialist of the employment center, in job responsibilities which includes accepting applications, takes copies of the documents submitted by the citizen, certifies the authenticity of these copies, attaches them to the application and returns the originals of these documents to the applicant.


24-hour legal advice by phone GET FREE LEGAL CONSULTATION BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: Employment of disabled people in the Russian Federation in 2018 - benefits when hiring a disabled person Issues of providing work for people with disabilities remain relevant today. Despite the automation of labor and the existence of numerous professions and jobs in which people with disabilities could work, enterprises and companies are reluctant to accept people with disabilities.

This is largely due to the availability of labor benefits for people with disabilities; getting a disabled person to work is considered problematic.

In case of referral for training under workplace provided by the employer, a tripartite agreement is concluded between the employment center, the citizen and the employer providing the workplace, the form of which is approved by order of the regional employment department. 2.7. Based on the concluded agreement, the citizen is issued a referral for training in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this Procedure.

2.8. If a citizen does not conclude a training agreement before the start of training, he has the right to re-apply to the employment center with the application and documents specified in paragraph 2.2 of this Procedure. Appendix No. 1.

Providing employment for people with disabilities. Vocational training for people with disabilities

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation”, employment is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and public needs, which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and, as a rule, brings them income , labor income.

The following citizens are considered employed:

Those working under an employment contract, including those performing work for remuneration on a full-time or part-time basis, as well as those having other paid work (service), including seasonal and temporary work, with the exception of public works;

Registered as individual entrepreneurs;

Those employed in auxiliary industries and selling products under contracts;

Carrying out work under civil law contracts, the subjects of which are the performance of work and the provision of services, including under contracts concluded with individual entrepreneurs, copyright agreements, as well as members of production cooperatives (artels);

Elected, appointed or confirmed to a paid position;

Those undergoing military service, alternative civilian service, as well as service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary to the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation." M., 2006. - undergoing full-time training in educational institutions, institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education and other educational institutions, including training in the direction of the federal civil service employment of the population (hereinafter referred to as employment service bodies);

Temporarily absent from the workplace due to disability, vacation, retraining, advanced training, suspension of production caused by a strike, conscription for military training, involvement in events related to preparation for military service(alternative civil service), performance of other government duties or other good reasons;

Those who are founders (participants) of organizations, with the exception of founders (participants) of public and religious organizations(associations), charitable and other foundations, associations legal entities(associations and unions) that do not have property rights regarding these organizations.

Disabled people are provided with employment guarantees by the state through the following special events, contributing to increasing their competitiveness in the labor market:

1) establishing in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, a quota for hiring disabled people and a minimum number of special jobs for disabled people. Job quotas are included in the system of methods of social protection of disabled people, provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, norms international law in the field of employment, current federal legislation. For organizations with more than 100 employees, the legislation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation establishes a quota for hiring disabled people as a percentage of average number employees (but not less than 2 and not more than 4 percent) Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” M., 2006.

2) reserving jobs in professions most suitable for employing people with disabilities. List of priority professions of workers and employees, the mastery of which gives disabled people the greatest opportunity to be competitive in the world regional markets labor, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of September 8, 1993 N 150;

3) stimulating the creation by enterprises, institutions, and organizations of additional jobs (including special ones) for the employment of people with disabilities. In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 1993 N 394 “On measures for vocational rehabilitation and ensuring employment of people with disabilities" stimulation is carried out by:

a) payments to employers from local budgets and other sources of compensation to cover income lost as a result of the use of disabled people at their enterprises, institutions and organizations, the use of other measures to stimulate their activities in professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people;

b) providing full support and assistance to enterprises, institutions and organizations that have assumed, in whole or in part, the functions of professional rehabilitation and employment of people with disabilities;

c) carrying out activities to attract extra-budgetary funds to finance activities for professional rehabilitation and employment of people with disabilities;

4) creation of working conditions for disabled people in accordance with individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, which contain a set of optimal conditions for a disabled person rehabilitation measures acceptance, which includes individual species, forms, volumes, timing and procedure for the implementation of medical, professional and other rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring, compensating for impaired or lost body functions, restoring, compensating for a disabled person’s ability to perform certain types activities Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” M., 2006. // Consultant Plus.;

5) creating conditions for entrepreneurial activity disabled people, including training in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in established by law ok.

According to the Regulations on the organization of training the unemployed population in the basics of entrepreneurial activity, approved by Order of the Federal Social Protection Service of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 1996 N 93, the purpose of teaching the basics of entrepreneurial activity is to prepare citizens for this activity, as well as for work in commercial organizations by acquiring the necessary legal, economic, social, and other professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the chosen field of entrepreneurship. Training is preceded by career guidance services, including career information, career counseling and career selection. The organization of training in the basics of entrepreneurship is carried out within the framework of existing entrepreneurship support programs developed by the authorities executive power subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments. The formation of educational groups for training is carried out by vocational education institutions, taking into account the educational and professional level of citizens within the terms agreed with customers. Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” M., 2006.

If it is impossible to organize training at the place of permanent residence of citizens, they can be sent, with their consent, to study in another area. Training ends with certification of citizens who have completed training, carried out by vocational education institutions in the prescribed manner, in the forms provided curriculum and professional educational programs. Citizens who have successfully completed training in the basics of entrepreneurship are issued certificates of completion by vocational education institutions, depending on the types and duration of training Kiseleva A.V., Education for the disabled: social and economic problems. Teaching the basics of entrepreneurship may include the following main areas of preparing citizens for labor activity in the field of entrepreneurship: organizing your own business, drawing up a business plan, marketing, export, finance, accounting, taxation, legislation, resource management, personnel management, etc.;

6) organizing training for disabled people in new professions. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2000 N 3/1 “On approval of the Regulations on the organization of vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population” establishes the right of people with disabilities to undergo vocational training as a priority. Vocational training for people with disabilities is carried out in professions and specialties that are in demand in the labor market, and increases their ability to find paid work (gainful employment). Vocational training can also be carried out in professions, specialties for specific jobs provided by employers Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” M., 2006. // Consultant Plus..

When organizing vocational training, people with disabilities can be offered, taking into account their education, professional experience and health status, options for choosing a profession, specialty (for which training is possible), which are in demand in the labor market. Vocational training ends with certification, carried out in the prescribed manner by educational institutions and organizations. Certification form (qualifying exams, tests, defense of essays, final written works etc.) is determined by professional educational programs. Persons who have completed appropriate training in full and certification after training are issued documents of the established form by educational institutions and organizations.

Vocational training for unemployed disabled people includes the following types training Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” M., 2006.

Vocational training with the aim of accelerating the acquisition by students of the skills necessary to perform certain work, groups of works;

Retraining of workers to acquire new professions for work (gainful occupation) in these professions;

Training workers with professions in second professions to expand their professional profile and obtain opportunities for work (gainful occupation) in combined professions;

Improving the qualifications of workers in order to update knowledge, abilities and skills, increase professional skills and increase competitiveness in their existing professions, as well as study new technology, technology and other issues related to the profile professional activity;

Professional retraining of specialists to obtain additional knowledge, skills and abilities in educational programs, providing for the study of individual disciplines, sections of science, technology and technology necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, as well as obtaining new qualifications within the existing field of training (specialty) Kiseleva A.V., Education for the disabled: social and economic problems. - advanced training of specialists in order to update theoretical and practical knowledge in connection with increasing requirements for the level of qualifications and the need to master new ways of solving professional problems;

Internship of specialists for the formation and consolidation in practice of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities, acquisition of professional and organizational qualities to perform professional duties.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1995 N 1285 “On the procedure for the participation of elderly citizens and disabled people living in inpatient institutions social services, in medical and labor activity" the main tasks of medical and labor activity of elderly citizens and disabled people living in inpatient social service institutions are occupational therapy and improvement general condition health of citizens, their labor training and retraining in order to master a new profession in accordance with their physical capabilities, medical indications and other circumstances Kiseleva A.V., Education for people with disabilities: social and economic problems.

The involvement of citizens in medical and labor activities is carried out on a voluntary basis, taking into account their state of health, interests, desires and on the basis of a doctor’s opinion inpatient facility(for disabled people - in accordance with the recommendations of the medical and labor expert commission).

Inpatient institutions organize various types of medical and labor activities, differing in nature and complexity and meeting the capabilities of citizens with different levels of intelligence, physical defects, and residual working capacity. Medical work activities can also be organized in the form of work in auxiliary rural farms inpatient institutions Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”

Therapeutic work activities of citizens in inpatient institutions are carried out by labor instructors and worker training instructors in accordance with schedule plans and individual rehabilitation programs.

Specialists and workers may be involved to perform the work necessary to organize medical work activities.

The duration of medical and labor activity of citizens should not exceed 4 hours a day.

For each citizen participating in medical and labor activity, the doctor of the inpatient institution maintains an individual card of medical and labor activity.

The determination of the type and duration of medical work activity is carried out by a doctor at a hospital institution specifically for each citizen, taking into account his desire, about which a corresponding entry is made in the medical history and individual card medical and labor activities.

The therapeutic and labor activity of each citizen is carried out under the supervision and control of a doctor at a hospital institution, and the results of its implementation are recorded in an individual medical and labor activity card.

The transfer of citizens from one type of medical and labor activity to another, increasing its duration without the permission of the doctor of the inpatient institution supervising the medical and labor activity, as well as without the consent of the citizens themselves, are prohibited.

In inpatient institutions, premises and equipment for medical and occupational activities must comply with occupational safety and health requirements, and also be accessible to citizens, taking into account their physical and mental state and age.

Citizens participating in medical and labor activities are provided with special clothing, special shoes and other equipment in accordance with current legislation personal protection according to established standards, taking into account the type and nature of activity Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” M., 2006.

Citizens participating in medical and labor activities are paid a remuneration in the amount of 75 percent of the cost of work performed with the remaining 25 percent credited to the accounts of inpatient institutions in which these citizens live, for use in improving material, living, social and medical services for citizens and for other purposes. their needs.

The administration of an inpatient facility, in cases established by current legislation, provides assistance in the correct and appropriate use of funds received as a result of medical and labor activities to those citizens who, due to the characteristics of the disease, cannot spend them rationally.

If there are no conditions for organizing medical-labor activities (one of its types) in the inpatient institution itself, such activities can be organized outside it.

The relationship of an inpatient institution with other institutions, enterprises and organizations in which medical and labor activities are organized are determined by the agreement concluded between them.

The agreement, in particular, provides for the responsibilities of institutions, enterprises and organizations in which medical and labor activities are organized to ensure healthy and safe working conditions, accessibility of workplaces for citizens, provision of premises and workplaces appropriate sanitary standards and rules, organization of proper sanitary services Bratanovsky S.N., Rozhdestvina A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” M., 2006. Citizens participating in medical work activities must be previously familiar with its conditions, the procedure for maintaining and cleaning equipment, equipment, tools and workplaces, the design of equipment and equipment and their purpose, rules, regulations and instructions for protection labor when performing certain types of work. A corresponding note must be made on the individual medical work activity card regarding the instruction.

It is prohibited to participate in medical and labor activities of citizens who have not undergone occupational safety instructions in accordance with the established procedure. Forcing citizens to engage in medical work is not permitted.

Federal Law of November 24, 1995 “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” enshrined the provision that the state guarantees disabled people the necessary conditions for obtaining education and professional training (Article 9).

Vocational training of disabled people is carried out in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program in educational institutions general and special types, as well as directly at enterprises. When entering secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, they enjoy certain benefits - their enrollment is carried out regardless of the admission plan.

For disabled people who need special conditions for receiving vocational education, special vocational educational institutions of various types or corresponding conditions in general vocational educational institutions are created.

Upon receipt of professional education disabled people are given the opportunity to study according to an individual schedule. Disabled people can also use extramural training, external practice, as well as home study. During the period of study, an increased stipend is paid.

Vocational training for people with disabilities is also carried out in special educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development. In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 25, 1993 “On measures for professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people” Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, State Committee RF according to higher education It was proposed to organize vocational training and retraining for disabled people in subordinate educational institutions, primarily in priority professions and specialties, the mastery of which gives disabled people the greatest opportunity to be competitive in regional labor markets.

List of such priority professions has been approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of September 8, 1993, which states that when teaching people with disabilities in all types of educational institutions, the following rules must be observed: medical instructions and contraindications for admission to training and MSEC recommendations.

Vocational training of disabled people can also be carried out directly at work. It has a number of advantages due to the presence at enterprises of a wide production base and opportunities to choose professions, a reduction in training time, more high level material support during training. In general, all types of vocational training for people with disabilities are a necessary measure to provide them with a real opportunity to get a job, taking into account their state of health and the degree of disability.

The right of persons with disabilities to employment is ensured by the introduction of additional guarantees enshrined in Law of November 24, 1995, as well as in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment in the Russian Federation” with changes and additions:

1) implementation of preferential financial and credit policies in relation to special enterprises employing the work of disabled people;

2) establishing a quota for hiring disabled people;

3) reservation of jobs in professions most suitable for employing people with disabilities;

4) encouraging the creation of additional jobs by enterprises to employ people with disabilities;

5) creation of working conditions for disabled people in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program;

6) creation of conditions for entrepreneurial activity;

7) organization of training for disabled people in new professions.

The law obliges local authorities authorities to ensure the creation of additional jobs and specialized enterprises for the employment of disabled people. The legislation establishes for organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, the number of employees is more than 30 people, quotas for hiring people with disabilities. Public associations of disabled people and organizations owned by them, business partnerships and societies, the authorized capital of which consists of the contribution of public associations of disabled people, are exempt from mandatory quotas. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to establish a higher quota for hiring people with disabilities.

If enterprises do not comply with the quota for hiring disabled people, they pay a mandatory fee State Fund employment. At the same time, certain measures are also taken to create an enterprise’s interest in hiring people with disabilities. They are installed tax benefits In addition, compensation is paid from local budgets and other sources to cover income lost as a result of the use of labor by disabled people.

In solving problems of employment of disabled people, an important role belongs to municipal social service centers. In accordance with Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 2, 1995 “On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people”(Article 28) they have the right to create workshops, production workshops, subsidiary plots and home-based industries specifically for the employment of disabled and elderly citizens. Such workshops, workshops and other production facilities are under the jurisdiction of the administrations municipal centers social services. The social protection authorities are directly involved in issues of employment of disabled people.

The Law of November 24, 1995 provides that all disabled people employed in enterprises, institutions and organizations must be provided with the necessary special conditions labor in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program (Article 223).

Special workplaces for employing disabled people- these are jobs that require additional measures on the organization of work, including the adaptation of main and auxiliary equipment, technical and organizational, additional equipment and the provision of technical devices, taking into account the individual capabilities of people with disabilities.

In cases provided for by law, the administration is obliged to hire disabled people and in accordance with medical recommendations install incomplete for them work time and other preferential working conditions. Disabled people of groups I and II are entitled to a reduced working day (no more than 35 people per week) and annual paid leave (at least 30 calendar days).

Workplaces for disabled people in enterprises and organizations must meet special requirements for workplaces for disabled people, depending on the degree of disability.

Social protection authorities accept necessary measures to realize the opportunity of disabled people to work. At present, when the problems of employment in general and the employment of disabled people in particular have become more acute, there is a need to expand home-based work for disabled people.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1996 No. 1285 “On approval of the procedure for the participation of elderly citizens and disabled people living in social service institutions in medical and labor activities” In stationary social service institutions, special jobs are created for persons living in them and having residual working capacity. Therapeutic work activities of citizens in inpatient institutions are carried out under the guidance of labor instructors and worker training instructors in accordance with schedule plans and individual rehabilitation programs.

Determination of the type and duration of medical and labor activity is carried out by a doctor at an inpatient institution specifically for each citizen, taking into account his wishes. The duration of medical work activity should not exceed 4 hours a day.

1. Professional Preparation disabled people carried out in general and special educational institutions, as well as directly at enterprises in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program (including an individual schedule, classes at home, external studies, correspondence courses, etc.).
Vocational training and retraining of disabled people is carried out primarily in priority professions and specialties, the mastery of which gives disabled people the greatest opportunity to be competitive in regional labor markets2.
2. Employment disabled people is guaranteed by a system of guarantees (for example, establishing a quota for hiring disabled people; reserving jobs in professions most suitable for employing disabled people; creating working conditions for disabled people in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program; creating other working conditions for disabled people, etc.), as well as by the system economic incentive measures (for example, the implementation of preferential financial and credit
1 See Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation "On the regulation of fees for the maintenance of children in children's preschool institutions and on financial support for the system of these institutions" dated March 6, 1992 No. 2464-1.
See Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures for professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people" dated March 25, 1993 No.
policies regarding special enterprises employing disabled people; stimulating the creation of additional jobs by enterprises to employ people with disabilities; creating conditions for entrepreneurial activity):
for organizations with more than 30 employees, it is established quota For reception on work disabled people as a percentage of the average number of employees (but not less than 2% and not more than 4%]);
public associations of disabled people and organizations formed by them, including business partnerships and societies, the authorized (share) capital of which consists of the contribution of a public association of disabled people, are exempt from mandatory quotas of jobs for disabled people;
in case of failure or impossibility of fulfilling the established quota for hiring disabled people, employers pay a monthly obligatory payment to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for each unemployed disabled person within the established quota. The amount and procedure for employers to pay the specified fee are determined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
in cases provided for by law, the administration is obliged to hire people with disabilities and, in accordance with medical recommendations, establish for them part-time work and other preferential working conditions. Disabled people of groups I and II are provided with abbreviated worker day (no more than 35 hours per week), annual paid leave (no less than 30 calendar days);
workplaces for disabled people in enterprises and organizations must correspond special requirements, requirements for workplaces for disabled people depending on the disability group.


1. Employment of disabled people.

  • 1.1. Peculiarities of employment of disabled people.
  • 1.2. Quotas of jobs for people with disabilities.

2. Training for people with disabilities.

  • 2.1. Vocational training for people with disabilities.
  • 2.2. Employment problems and vocational training disabled people.


List of used sources and literature.


Currently, it is no secret to anyone that the number of disabled people is extremely high not only in our country, but throughout the world. According to the UN, in the early 1990s there were approximately 0.5 billion people with disabilities in the world, that is, approximately 10% of the world's population.

The number of disabled people in the Russian Federation in last years is constantly increasing and amounted to 13.2 million people in 2015.

Of the 3.96 million disabled people who are of working age, only 816.2 thousand people are engaged in labor or other activities. The number of non-working disabled people is 3.14 million people or 79.3% of the number of disabled people of working age.

The number of disabled people registered with social protection authorities has increased almost fivefold over the past forty years, while the number of disabled people receiving a disability pension has decreased by 1.2 million people. (31%), of which 0.5 million are disabled children. Particularly alarming is the increase in the proportion of disabled people among the population: if in the 1970s–80s. There was a decrease in the disability of the population, then in the 1990s. and at the beginning of the new century there has been significant growth. IN Lately There was some stabilization of this process, but in general the number of disabled people in the country increased 10 times, while the number of disabled children increased five times.

This analysis shows that an increase in primary disability was observed in the early 1990s: in 1990 - less than 0.8 million people, and since 1992 - more than one million people per year. In recent years, starting from 2008, the level of primary disability has decreased slightly and amounts to 0.9 million people. in year. A record increase in the number of persons recognized as disabled for the first time was recorded in 2006 - 1.5 million people.

According to Article 20 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation,” disabled people are provided with guarantees of employment by federal and subjective authorities state power[2.FZ dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ].

Also, the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” and Articles 92, 94,96, 99, 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide the following benefits to a disabled person:

Object of work are the problems of employment and employment of the population.

Subject– problems of training, employment and employment of people with disabilities in conditions modern society.

The purpose of this work will identify the problems of training, employment and employment of people with disabilities in modern society and ways to solve them.

To achieve it we will have to solve the following tasks:

  • 1. Consider the legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign countries regulating the sphere of employment and employment of disabled people.
  • 2. Study the specifics of the problems of people with disabilities in the field of employment and employment and ways to solve them.
  • 3. Research technologies social work with disabled people in the field of employment and employment.

When writing the work, methods will be used theoretical analysis primary sources, systematization, analysis of regulations, survey method, statistical processing method, observation method.
