Until what age does a boy sleep with his mother? Co-sleeping between mother and child: pros and cons. Until what age can you sleep with a child in the same bed?

Scientists have found that teenagers aged 14 to 18 years need to sleep 8.5-9.5 hours. During sleep, children rest their body, brain and restore strength after physical and mental stress. If a child does not get enough sleep, he will soon become lethargic, irritable and inattentive. Its performance will decrease by 30%.

How much sleep does a 14 year old teenager need?

There is no single sleep standard for teenagers. Research by American and Swedish scientists has proven that children of a certain age have different needs for rest.

Sleep patterns in adolescents aged fourteen during the day and night

Children don't think about the fact that lack of sleep can lead to serious problems. 14-year-olds should have the same sleep schedule every day.

Teach your child to go to bed at 10-11 pm and wake up at 7 am.

And when a tired teenager comes home from school, he can regain his strength by sleeping between 15:00 and 16:00.

Duration of sleep in fourteen-year-old children during the day and night

Of course, teenagers should not only have night sleep, but also daytime. At night, 14-year-olds may need 8 hours of sleep instead of the required 9.5. But soon your child may become nervous and tired.

Children should spend 30-45 minutes on daytime rest. This time is enough to relieve fatigue, gain strength and go to additional classes or training.

Sleep disturbance in a 14 year old child: causes

  • Doctors are confident that modern children are disrupting their sleep patterns because they spend a lot of time at the computer or TV, watching movies or TV shows.
  • In addition, many teenagers fall asleep with headphones in their ears while listening to music tracks. Limit your child from these activities before bed.
  • Drugs containing caffeine that stimulate performance can disrupt sleep.
  • Also the reason bad sleep there may be an illness, such as breathing problems. It is worth seeing a doctor to find out if your child is sick.
  • In addition, a hard sleeping bed or a stuffy room can affect your sleep.

A 14-year-old child constantly sleeps: why?

The main reason in adolescence is- both mental and physical. Many parents complain that their children sleep a lot during the day when they come home from school. There are frequent cases when 14-year-olds wake up for dinner and then go to bed to sleep until the morning.

Also the reason constant desire may become sleepy disease . It can go unnoticed.

For example, some diseases of the ENT organs cause lethargy, malaise and proceed without high temperature. It is worth seeing a doctor and taking the necessary tests.

How much sleep does a 15 year old need to sleep?

Children at the age of 15 are very active; they attend not only school classes, but also clubs. In order to keep up with development and restore physical and mental capacity, teenagers need to sleep.

Let's consider how the rest process should proceed for 15-year-olds.

Schedule proper sleep in children aged 15

A 15-year-old child completely refuses daytime sleep. But there are teenagers who relax at lunch when they come home from school. Daytime sleep occurs approximately from 15 to 16 hours.

A proper night's sleep schedule varies from 10-11 pm to 7 am. As a rule, children wake up for school at this time.

How long should a teenager sleep during the day and at night?

The duration of daytime sleep depends on the load. However, children should not sleep for more than 30-45 minutes. It has been established that this time is enough for rest.

And the duration of night sleep is less than that of 14-year-olds, although not by much. 15-year-olds should sleep 9 hours at night.

Causes of poor sleep in a child aged fifteen

Sleep disturbances in a 15-year-old child can begin for several reasons.

  • Incorrect sleeping area.
  • Getting used to the lying position. Teenagers often spend a lot of time lying in bed. The body begins to get used to the lying position, and at the right time it is not prepared for sleep. In this case, it will be difficult for the child to fall asleep.
  • Listening to music or watching movies at night.
  • Computer games.
  • Disease.
  • Preparations containing caffeine.
  • Stuffy room.

A 15-year-old child constantly sleeps: why?

Of course, many children set their own sleep schedule at age 15. Some people say that seven hours is enough for them to sleep.

Parents, know that this is not true! Your child, after 1-2 months of this regime, will begin to sleep, and he will want to sleep constantly. Explain to him that his physical and emotional condition depends on the correct schedule and duration of rest.

The cause of lack of sleep can also be a disease occurring in the child’s body. See a doctor and get at least some general tests.

How much and how should a 16-year-old teenager sleep?

Children at 16 often begin their independent lives while attending college. Teenagers build their own daily routine, despite the norms of sleep and wakefulness.

Parents should tell their teenager how much sleep he should have so that he feels good and his brain activity is one hundred percent.

Sleep patterns in adolescents aged sixteen years at night and during the day

The correct night sleep schedule for children aged 16 is as follows: the child should fall asleep from 10 to 11 pm and wake up from 6 to 7 am. Adhering to this regime, teenagers will feel great and will have enough strength to visit additional classes and various workouts.

As a rule, 16-year-olds refuse to nap during the day.

Sleep duration in a 16 year old child

A teenager aged sixteen should sleep 8 hours and 45 minutes, with the rest period falling at night.

Long sleep or, conversely, too short sleep can cause nervousness, fatigue, inattention and decreased ability to work.

A 16-year-old teenager sleeps poorly or does not sleep: why?

Let's list the causes of sleep disturbance.

  • Wrong sleeping place. For example, there may be a hard mattress or a large pillow.
  • Disease, bad feeling, difficulty breathing, etc.
  • Medicines that improve performance.
  • The influence of technical items, say, a telephone, a computer, a laptop, a player.
  • The habit of lying on the bed. Scientists have found that the body quickly gets used to the lying position. If a teenager often lies on the bed, it will be difficult for him to fall asleep in the evening.
  • Stressful state.
  • Stuffiness in the room.

Why does a 16-year-old teenager constantly sleep during the day?

Parents assure each other that there is no reason why children cannot sleep during the day. At the age of 16, a child should completely give up daytime naps. Why does your teenager sleep a lot during the day?

  • My sleep pattern is out of whack.
  • Disease.

Features of sleep of a teenager aged seventeen

At this age, children begin to establish their own daily routine. And those who live separately from their parents may adhere to an irregular sleep-wake schedule.

Parents should pay attention to their child and convince him that for normal operation The teenager's body requires a certain regime.

Sleep patterns in adolescents aged 17 at night and during the day

Children at 17 years old refuse to nap during the day. The main rest should come at night.

Correct sleep schedule: from 10-11 pm to 6-7 am. If the sleep schedule is not the same, parents should sound the alarm and find a way to convince the child that he needs a night's rest.

Duration of sleep in a 17 year old child

A teenager at this age should sleep 8 hours and 30 minutes. Of course, this time can be reduced to eight full hours, but doctors do not advise doing this.

Eight hours of sleep can be left if the child feels well. With 8-8.5 hours of rest, a 17-year-old teenager should accumulate a lot of strength and energy, which he can spend on studying at school/college/university or playing sports.

Why does a 17 year old child sleep poorly during the day or at night?

A student's sleep can be disrupted in a number of cases.

  • If the room is not ventilated before going to bed.
  • Due to the fact that the teenager was faced with many educational problems, as a result of which physical, emotional stress or a stressful state appeared.
  • If the child is sick and does not feel well.
  • When your child is used to falling asleep in front of a laptop, TV or phone.
  • Due to improper sleeping place, for example, hard mattress, large pillow.
  • If a teenager uses drugs containing caffeine or substances that increase performance.

Why does a child sleep a lot at 17 years old?

A teenager may sleep a lot due to improper sleep patterns. If a teenager stays up at night or sleeps less than 8 hours, his emotional and physical state will be on the verge of collapse.

Parents note that after 1-2 months of an incorrect sleep schedule, the child becomes nervous, irritable, loses interest in activities that he was interested in before, and develops fatigue and drowsiness.

Also, the reason for the constant desire to sleep can be increased load. The student may be subject to workload at the educational institution.

In addition, the teenager can attend sport sections or dance classes, and spend your energy on them.

How many hours of sleep does an 18 year old teenager need?

Young people of this age often begin to live independently. They set their own sleep and wakefulness patterns, so it is sometimes difficult for them to live by certain rules.

18-year-old boys and girls do not think about sleep standards at all; their heads are occupied with other issues. At night they live in games, the Internet and in social networks, and then they sleep until lunch or, when they come home from school, until the evening.

Features of daytime and night sleep in an eighteen-year-old student

A child aged 18 years should go to bed at 10-12 pm and wake up at 6-7 am. Of course, not everyone follows this schedule. But it is worth recognizing that it is from 22-23 hours that the peak of drowsiness occurs.

The earlier a student wakes up in the morning, the better he will feel. To strengthen the body of an 18-year-old, you can add morning exercises to your daily routine.

During the day or at lunchtime, as a rule, children of this age do not sleep.

How much should a student sleep during the day and at night at 18 years old?

The approximate duration of sleep for a teenager is 7-8 hours. How much sleep? The young man must decide for himself.

Some people divide this time into night and day. For example, they sleep 6 hours at night, and rest for the remaining 2 hours at lunchtime. But doctors advise refraining from daytime sleep.

Why does a teenager sleep poorly or not sleep at all: reasons

A child may not sleep well or not sleep at all for a number of reasons.

  • If your sleep and wakefulness patterns are out of whack.
  • Frequent stress - both physical and mental.
  • Stuffy room. It is worth ventilating the room before going to bed.
  • If he has an uncomfortable sleeping place. There may be a hard mattress or a large pillow.
  • A disease that goes unnoticed.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Treatment with medications containing caffeine or performance enhancing substances.
  • Using technology before bed: laptop, phone, TV.
  • Experienced stress.

Why does a teenager sleep a lot at 18?

What are the causes of drowsiness or frequent sleep?

  • Loads: mental and physical.
  • Lack of sleep and wrong mode sleep.
  • Disease.

The topic of children sleeping in adults' beds traditionally raises many questions. Some parents claim that it helps them bond with their child. Others do not consider it necessary to sleep together so that the baby does not get used to it and is not afraid to sleep alone. Still others do not even allow the thought of it, since, in their opinion, it could be dangerous. Here's what pediatricians think about this.

Advantages and disadvantages of co-sleeping

  1. Convenience and installation of a strong psychological connection. During co-sleeping the mother is nearby near the baby, you can stroke and calm the child.
  2. Unhygienic. Each person has their own microflora. And when the baby is in a shared bed, he can acquire microflora that is atypical for him, and maybe even dangerous in some cases.
  3. Not safe. When a person sleeps, he turns over. Moms feel like they are in control of the process. But sometimes they get very tired and can fall into deep dream, turn around, and tragedy may end up happening.
  4. Lack of independence. How smaller child will be in parent's bed, the more independent he will be.

Until what age should children sleep with their mother?

If you decide to sleep with a small child, you are probably wondering when it’s time to move your baby into your own bed.

Pediatrician scientist Nils Bergman argues that there is no need to rush to move the child into your bed. He claims that children who snuggle close to their mother during sleep form a better bond with her. close connection and sleep well. But early separation can negatively affect development baby brain. As a result, this may affect the child's behavior in the future.

Researcher Bergman studied the behavior of 16 children. Only 6 of them slept peacefully separately from their parents. The rest had their sleep cycles interrupted and the children's hearts were under more stress. According to the doctor, this makes it difficult to build relationships in adulthood.

Mr. Bergman concluded: Children should sleep with their parents until they are three years old..

Do you agree with the researcher? When did you move the children into their own bed? Share your experience, it may be useful to someone!

In preparation for the arrival of a baby in the family, most future parents buy a small crib. And then this wonderful piece of furniture sits in vain, because the baby sleeps with his mother. However, this does not happen in all families; some parents are categorically against putting their baby in bed with adults.

Let's try to figure out why children shouldn't sleep with their parents, and whether co-sleeping is really harmful.

Full sleep - important condition maintaining human health. Newborns spend their time sleeping most days, since they are still too weak for long wakefulness. During sleep, the human body recovers and replenishes reserves. vital energy, and also eliminates the consequences stressful situations. A children's body It is also growing rapidly.

Where should a child sleep? In a separate crib or next to your beloved mother? It must be said that to date there is no consensus on this matter. Some experts are loyal to co-sleeping, while others believe that a child should not sleep with his parents. At the same time, both sides of the dispute have very significant arguments.

Arguments from proponents of co-sleeping

Let’s first consider the opinion of those who advocate for mother and baby to sleep together:

  • Feeling safe. A child who has become accustomed over time intrauterine development to the rhythms of the mother’s heart and breathing, calms down when he finds himself in a familiar environment, that is, next to his beloved mother he sleeps much more peacefully than in a separate crib. The baby is confident in his safety, and this strengthens his psyche and makes him more confident in his abilities.
  • Mom's convenience. While the baby is still too small, he often wakes up at night to eat and just to make sure that his mother is nearby. If he sleeps separately, then the young woman has to get up many times a night, reacting to the baby’s crying. When sleeping together, this uncomfortable moment is eliminated. To feed the baby, the mother does not need to get up, just give him the breast. Of course, with such an organization of the regime, the woman gets tired much less.
  • Psychological comfort of the mother. Interestingly, co-sleeping calms not only the baby, but also his mother. The young woman's feelings of anxiety decrease, and it is easier for her to overcome postpartum depression.

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  • Tactile contact. A newborn baby needs close tactile communication with its mother. This is an urgent need that contributes to the full development nervous system child. To satisfy this need, you can carry your baby in your arms all night long, but isn’t it much easier to put the baby down with you and rest peacefully?
  • Compensation for imperfect thermoregulation. In small children, the baby's thermoregulation system still functions poorly, but next to his mother he will never freeze. If the baby sleeps separately, then the parents often have to get up and check whether the baby has opened up in his sleep.
  • Emotional connection. Some experts believe that it is in the first years after birth that emotional contact is formed between the child and the mother, and sleeping together contributes to the formation of closer relationships in the future.

  • The period of childhood fears passes easier. Children who sleep with their mother are less likely to suffer from fear of the dark and other childhood fears.

Arguments against co-sleeping

No less serious arguments are made by those experts who believe that young children should not sleep with their parents.

  • Personal space. It is believed that even very young children sometimes need solitude, this contributes to the formation of individuality and develops independence.
  • Addiction. Babies who sleep with their mother all the time develop a very strong attachment. And even a short separation from the parent is a tragedy for such a child.

  • Habit formation. Children who have learned to sleep in their parents' bed may categorically refuse to sleep separately.
  • The risk of “sleeping” the baby. A tired mother may turn awkwardly in her sleep and accidentally deprive the baby of air.
  • Deterioration of marital relations. Co-sleeping with a child does not improve intimate life parents. Lack of sexual activity can lead to relationship problems or even divorce.
  • Hygiene. Of course, the microflora of mother and baby is common, however, hygiene issues still need to be taken into account. In addition, washing baby clothes in the event of an “accident” with a diaper will be much easier than washing and drying the mattress from a parent’s double bed.

Security questions

So, whether to practice co-sleeping or not will have to be decided by the mother herself. You need to proceed from your convenience or the convenience of your baby. But in any case, you need to take care of safety.

Never put a child to sleep between mom and dad. The fact is that women have a maternal instinct, thanks to which she can hear perfectly well what is happening with her baby even in her sleep. Therefore, the likelihood that the mother will “sleep” the child is quite small.

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But if the mother is very tired, or she is prescribed sedatives or sleeping pills, then co-sleeping cannot be practiced. In this state, she may not hear the child in her sleep and accidentally harm him.

The father does not have maternal instinct, so putting the baby to sleep next to the father is categorically not recommended. Therefore, when sleeping together, the mother needs to place the child between herself and the wall, or place the child closer to the edge, forming a cushion from the blanket to protect it from falling out of the bed.

How and when to move a child to a separate bed?

Even if parents are supporters of co-sleeping with the baby, sooner or later they have to teach the baby to sleep separately. It is best to do this at the age of 2-3 years. By this age, the child begins to develop a sense of individuality and ownership, and he will be interested in acquiring personal belongings.

If the baby has slept with his parents since birth, then “move” him to a separate crib and, especially, to a separate room will not be easy.

There is no need to take drastic action. Even if in the morning the child agrees to sleep in his crib, then in the evening he may well give his parents a “concert” and flatly refuse to go to his bed.

To avoid stress, it is worth preparing your child for the upcoming changes in his life. It is worth postponing “relocation” if the child is sick or has some problems (for example, he is getting used to kindergarten). Two such shocks at once is too much for a child’s psyche. So, if a younger child is expected in the family, then you need to start teaching the baby to sleep separately at least six months before the birth of a brother or sister.

Good afternoon to all blog readers! Alena Bortsova is with you. Not long ago, my sister and I were remembering how funny our little boys were, lively Andryushka and smart Dimka.

And then Oksana says: “Do you remember how Dimka fell asleep on the toilet during the day when he was five?” Honestly, I don't remember. Anyway, we had a debate about how old children are until they sleep during the day? Is it easy to put a 4-5 year old child to bed and is it necessary? Let's try to figure it out.

How do your daughters and sons sleep?

For me, the words “Oh, my son started playing and fell asleep” are something from the realm of fantasy. My children have never gone to bed so easily. I always had to fight with my son, which I now regret. Only when I was six months old did I think of going to a neurologist; my son was diagnosed with hyperactivity. Daytime sleep is a difficult ordeal for such children.

Already at the age of three, Andryusha stopped sleeping for long periods of time during the day. At most it was enough for an hour. It took much longer to set up. I read books, played songs, carried them in my arms. Andryukha laughed, ran into another room, played with toys, and cried. He asked me to eat, drink, go potty. From the age of four, the boy was allowed to simply lie down, since lying down was more exhausting than helping him rest.

But even though my daughter doesn’t adhere to the “run, fall, fall asleep” principle, she still doesn’t refuse to fall asleep during the day. She even climbs onto the bed and screams: “Bai!!!” Although, of course, she pursues a specific goal - to get breast milk. For being almost two years old, the girl is quite smart.

And everyone is sleeping in the garden!

Do you know that most children in the garden sleep? And where to go, the teacher will not let 25 people go out, no matter how much they would like to. If babies do not sleep, then they will be capricious, some children even have headaches.

What can be noted in age system? Children under three years of age sleep completely. Problems arise with small quantities:

  • Children undergoing adaptation do not sleep. The solution is to agree with the mother that she will pick up the baby after a nap. Therefore, it will be easier to persuade the baby to lie down in the crib - “you will sleep, and mom will come.”
  • Those who are intimidated by the garden do not sleep. This is where nervous tension comes into play.

A normal teacher does not force a child who does not sleep well during the day to close his eyes. For children from 4 to 6 years old there is a simple system:

  • Before going to bed, everyone goes to the toilet.
  • 15 minutes after going to bed, everyone who asks to go to the toilet should also be offered a drink of water.
  • They laid us down, tucked in a blanket, sat in the middle and read a fairy tale. Until what age do children need to be read to in order for them to fall asleep? I practiced this method until my son was 8 years old, then he read on his own.
  • If someone does not fall asleep after reading monotonously for half an hour, let them lie down!

Yes, this may seem strange to some, but kindergarten teachers allow the children to just lie quietly. A simple way, lying around with nothing to do is boring, even seven-year-olds fall asleep.

I also suggest that parents use “gardening” techniques, especially if you have several children. The main thing is to make the child’s day before bed so eventful that he himself wants to sleep.

Until what age should it be laid?

Sometimes you really want to go back to childhood just to get some sleep! I think children should be put to bed before the age of 40!

But seriously, you need to judge by the baby’s behavior. In my opinion, the cut-off age is 3 years. Then problems begin with daytime sleep at home. If your child, when organizing daytime sleep, adhere to the following principles:

  • Using my mother as an example. It wouldn’t hurt for an adult to lie down and rest. Kids love to sleep with company.
  • No violence. She absolutely does not want to sleep - she walks quietly.
  • = strong nap.
  • If, due to sleep during the day, the baby has difficulty falling asleep in the evening, it is better to refuse the “siesta”.

Remember, the child does not owe anything to anyone. If you spend more time putting your child to sleep than he sleeps, you should not torture yourself and your baby.

You will also find very good materials about children's sleep and daily routine from a specialist in children's sleep.

Let the baby's sleep be pleasant, and let the time spent on putting it to bed bring pleasure and strengthen the bond between the baby and mother. Good night To you, day and night! I look forward to seeing you in the next topics.
