Where can you study to become an animal psychologist? Applied zoopsychology (in hippology, cynology). Distance learning. Speaking of money... How in demand are the services of a zoopsychologist? Where to go for a beginner specialist

Saint Petersburg

Program description:

The National Open Institute (NOIR) invites you to enroll in the popular and relevant specialty “Applied Animal Psychology (Hippology, Cynology)”. Training is conducted in absentia using distance technologies. Join NOIR!

Form and duration of training:

  • Correspondence courses using distance learning technologies - 4.6 years.


According to the results of the Unified State Exam

  • Russian language Unified State Examination
  • Mathematics Unified State Exam
  • Biology Unified State Exam (profiled)

For applicants from among individuals (who did not submit the Unified State Examination):

Having secondary (complete) general education, received before January 1, 2009;
- having secondary vocational education;
- those with secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign countries, the following are carried out entrance tests: Mathematics (testing), Russian language (testing), Biology (testing)

For persons with a higher professional education diploma, an interview in biology is conducted.

To enroll in the second and subsequent courses, certification tests are conducted in a block of the above disciplines.


Upon completion of training, graduates a state diploma is issued And A bachelor's degree is awarded in the field of applied zoopsychology (in hippology, cynology).

Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte (MIEMP)

Psychologist. Social educator (Bachelor's degree) (Higher education) Training program in the profile “Psychology and social pedagogy» is aimed at training specialists of a new generation who are capable of conducting social and pedagogical activities in modern educational institutions of any level, as well as working with children with limited opportunities health in specialized educational institutions and in inclusive education.

Higher education in psychology

Demand for psychological personnel in last years has increased sharply due to the emergence large number practical classrooms psychological assistance, psychological services in enterprises, organizations and institutions. The labor market requires qualified child and family psychologists, defectologists, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. For those wishing to undergo distance learning* in order to obtain higher psychological education, this page contains actual information about Russian universities that graduate bachelors in psychology. Among them is the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, where you can study to become a defectologist, educational psychologist and general psychologist, Togliatti State University"Rosdistant", University "Synergy". A special feature of these universities is the opportunity to obtain higher education in psychology through distance learning*.

Many people prefer to study by correspondence without being tied to a specific region and having to take a break from labor activity. This page provides a list of universities located in Moscow and other regions of Russia where you can get higher education psychologist remotely*. Modern Internet technologies make it possible to organize educational process in such a way that the student independently determines the order of training in the course. Higher education in psychology is available online.

How can I find out more about the programs?

For detailed consultation on all issues of admission and training, just select a specific one on this page educational program and click on the “Request for consultation” button. After this, within 4 working hours a specialist from the admissions committee will contact you and provide detailed information about obtaining higher education in psychology by correspondence. Additional information You can also get information about the program by following the link to the corresponding page.

Which university to choose?

A special feature of training in the programs indicated on the page is the opportunity to obtain higher psychological education remotely* at a state university. On the university website, applicants have access to personal account. All necessary educational and methodological materials are displayed here: calendar plan, syllabus, texts of lectures on disciplines, plans for practical and seminars, subject tests, current and final test tasks. If desired, the student can view online lectures, participate in webinars, and contact experts via chat to get answers to questions of interest. Based on the results of 5 years of distance learning*, the graduate receives a diploma state university or a private university/institute of higher education in psychology. Regardless of the form of ownership educational institution, the diploma is equally recognized in the labor market.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates can work in accordance with the qualifications received:

  • school psychologists,
  • organizational psychologists,
  • teachers of psychological disciplines,
  • psychodiagnosticians,
  • psychologists-trainers,
  • child psychologists, etc.

The universities listed on the page are also recruiting for master's courses in psychology with the possibility of distance learning*.

* Extramural learning using distance learning technologies

Animal psychologist is a psychologist specializing in animal behavior. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

One of the stars of animal psychology is an Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz(1903-1989).

Animal psychologist, one of the founders of ethology, laureate (together with K. Frisch and N. Tinbergen) Nobel Prize 1973 in physiology and medicine for studies of individual and group behavior of animals.

Lorenz - creator of the theory of imprinting - imprinting in the memory of animals distinctive features objects. Lorenz discovered imprinting while working with greylag geese. He noticed that in the first hours after birth, goslings remember moving objects that are nearby and transfer their orientation to their parents to them. In other words, they mistake the first object they come across for a mother goose.

Lorenz wrote wonderful popular science books: “The Ring of King Solomon”, “A Man Finds a Friend”, “The Year of the Gray Goose”.

They are a must-read for anyone who dreams of becoming an animal psychologist.

Among scientific works: “Evolution and modification of behavior”, “Behavior of animals and humans”, “Behind the mirror. Study of the natural history of human knowledge”, etc.

Features of the profession

Animal psychologists should not be confused with dog handlers, felinologists, trainers and other specialists who know how to manage animal behavior.

Animal psychology is a branch of psychology.

Animal psychology is associated with ethology (from the Greek éthos - character), the science of behavior various types animals in natural conditions.

However, animal psychology is primarily interested not in behavior as such, but in mental processes. Even representatives of the same species or breed, and even from the same brood, behave differently. Experienced cat and dog owners will confirm this.

Animal psychologists are interested in both wild and domestic animals, whose psyches have great differences. After all, a pet is part of the human family. Even his ideas about getting food are completely different from those of his wild relative. For example, most domestic dogs and cats prefer to forage for food in the refrigerator rather than by hunting. And a person is perceived as a member of his pack.

Animal psychologists also study anomalies in animal behavior (fears, aggressiveness, inexplicable stubbornness, etc.). Good specialist can find out the reason and explain to the owner how to fix the problem. Often strange behavior is a manifestation of disorder nervous system. And sometimes - a reaction to some situation that worries the dog. The dog itself, of course, cannot explain to the owner the essence of the problems. Or rather, she makes him understand, but the owner does not understand. That's why we need a zoopsychologist.

Animal psychologists are also needed if problems occur with farm animals. For example, the milk yield of cows on a farm suddenly decreases. A specialist can investigate the situation and find out the cause.


Animal psychologists work in research institutes, consult in canine centers, and privately.

Where do they teach

Animal psychology is studied in psychology departments. And also at the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev and other universities.

An animal psychologist is a specialist who studies the character of an animal and corrects its behavior.

Description of the profession of an animal psychologist

The profession of animal psychologist is young and gaining popularity in the world. In Russia, however, it is not as well known as the specialty of dog handlers and trainers.

Animal psychology is a scientific branch that studies the character and behavior of animals, both wildlife, and among domesticated individuals. However, the main specialization of animal psychologists is the study of wild animals. The subject of study is the various behavioral strategies of individuals in nature: how they react to external influences, study and understand the world, how they interact with other individuals, how their memory and intelligence work, etc.

However, it is not surprising that the scientists’ achievements eventually migrated to the applied industry in the form of correction of the behavior of pets.

Features of the profession of an animal psychologist

Animals, like people, are subject to stress, experience psychological trauma and fear. The main problem is that a person can tell a psychotherapist about his problems. In the case of a dog or cat, the specialist must independently find the reasons.

An animal psychologist working with pets faces several main problems: the pet’s aggressive behavior, or its fear of any dangers. In this case, the specialist must understand the reason for the strange behavior, and then, together with the owner, try to correct the problem.

However, animal psychologists treat not only indoor pets. Their knowledge is needed in agriculture. For example, an animal psychologist can find the reason for the decrease in milk production in cows.

The main responsibilities of a zoopsychologist:

    establishing contact between owner and pet;

    correction of animal behavior;

    support during social adaptation;

    training, education and training of the animal (for dogs, OKD and UGS courses);

Animal psychologist and trainer: what is the difference?

The profession of animal psychologist is quite young, so they are often confused with dog handlers and trainers. However, the differences are still more than significant. Firstly, an animal psychologist does not teach commands to animals. Secondly, it mainly helps to understand the pet’s psyche and build the correct system of behavior and reaction to the owner. However, the main contingent of animal psychologists are dog owners, so it is not surprising that they are not distinguished from dog handlers.

In addition, an animal psychologist for the most part works with the owner himself, even to the point of giving recommendations on the choice of a particular animal.

Professional requirements for an animal psychologist

The work of an animal psychologist requires a specialist to constantly develop and learn new techniques. There is no place for routine, because each case requires an individual solution.

A zoopsychologist must help owners and pets find contact with each other, understand the reasons for anomalies in the animal’s behavior, and identify the source of stress.

An animal psychologist requires the following qualities:


    strength of character;




Most often, owners of dogs or cats turn to an animal psychologist, but there are also cases when they have to work with horses or cattle.

An animal psychologist should pay great attention to working with animal breeders. Just like in the case of human psychology, early experience greatly influences the animal and its behavior. If you don’t tame him to certain actions from the very beginning early age, this can then manifest itself in the idea of ​​various deviations.

An animal psychologist needs knowledge in such areas as:





Vacancies for animal psychologists on the labor market and salary levels

Since the specialty of an animal psychologist is not very widely known in Russia, it is not easy to find open vacancies.

Experienced specialists do not hide the fact that most often clients pass on information about them to each other “the old fashioned way.” Therefore, at the initial stage, when there is not enough experience and an established customer base, it is worth trying to get an internship with a team of experienced professionals.

Where can a zoopsychologist work?

Animal psychologists usually work in organizations such as:

    Research institutes with specialization in zoology and animal husbandry;

    veterinary clinics;

    agricultural enterprises;

    private practice.

Where do they study to become animal psychologists?

To obtain a higher education as a zoopsychologist, you can enroll in the faculty of psychology or biology.

There are also short courses that provide basic knowledge of animal psychology, which are also suitable for animal owners. They study to become animal psychologists in the same place as ordinary psychologists.

Pros and cons of the profession of an animal psychologist

  • an interesting profession for animal lovers;
  • the ability to provide private services;

    combination with research work.

  • low popularity of the profession;
  • little demand;

    low salary;

    overall a health hazard.

Animal psychologist is a psychologist specializing in animal behavior. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

One of the stars of animal psychology is an Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz(1903-1989).

Animal psychologist, one of the founders of ethology, laureate (together with K. Frisch and N. Tinbergen) of the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for research into individual and group behavior of animals.

Lorenz is the creator of the theory of imprinting - imprinting the distinctive features of objects in the memory of animals. Lorenz discovered imprinting while working with greylag geese. He noticed that in the first hours after birth, goslings remember moving objects that are nearby and transfer their orientation to their parents to them. In other words, they mistake the first object they come across for a mother goose.

Lorenz wrote wonderful popular science books: “The Ring of King Solomon”, “A Man Finds a Friend”, “The Year of the Gray Goose”.

They are a must-read for anyone who dreams of becoming an animal psychologist.

Among the scientific works: “Evolution and modification of behavior”, “Behavior of animals and humans”, “Behind the mirror. Study of the natural history of human knowledge”, etc.

Features of the profession

Animal psychologists should not be confused with dog handlers, felinologists, trainers and other specialists who know how to manage animal behavior.

Animal psychology is a branch of psychology.

Animal psychology is associated with ethology (from the Greek éthos - character), the science of the behavior of various species of animals in natural conditions.

However, animal psychology is primarily interested not in behavior as such, but in mental processes. Even representatives of the same species or breed, and even from the same brood, behave differently. Experienced cat and dog owners will confirm this.

Animal psychologists are interested in both wild and domestic animals, whose psyches have great differences. After all, a pet is part of the human family. Even his ideas about getting food are completely different from those of his wild relative. For example, most domestic dogs and cats prefer to forage for food in the refrigerator rather than by hunting. And a person is perceived as a member of his pack.

Animal psychologists also study anomalies in animal behavior (fears, aggressiveness, inexplicable stubbornness, etc.). A good specialist can find out the reason and explain to the owner how to fix the problem. Often strange behavior is a manifestation of nervous system disorders. And sometimes - a reaction to some situation that worries the dog. The dog itself, of course, cannot explain to the owner the essence of the problems. Or rather, she makes him understand, but the owner does not understand. That's why we need a zoopsychologist.

Animal psychologists are also needed if problems occur with farm animals. For example, the milk yield of cows on a farm suddenly decreases. A specialist can investigate the situation and find out the cause.


Animal psychologists work in research institutes, consult in canine centers, and privately.

Where do they teach

Animal psychology is studied in psychology departments. And also at the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev and other universities.

Everything you wanted to know about dogs.

15 years of my experience + the experience and knowledge of dozens of specialists from different fields (from veterinary medicine to human psychology) + hundreds of scientific papers - in one course.

Yes, I have my own methodology and point of view, but during the course I try to show the variety of approaches to studying, training and correcting dog behavior. After all, in order to correct your dog or help others, you must learn to think freely, and not repeat rote facts or someone else’s opinion.

This course is designed to be interactive, with the ability to communicate with the lecturer. Because recording a lecture will not teach you to think, look for answers to questions on your own, improvise and believe in yourself.

Yulia Bespyatykh


“Yulia Islamova’s course in Applied Animal Psychology is very cool. This is not a scheme, not a dogma, not a truism. It is for seeking people who love to learn and think, to look for answers, and not receive them on a silver platter.
Yulia is an amazing person, a very talented teacher and, of course, a professional in her field. And this is especially pleasant after several seminars and webinars I attended by other dog handlers, after which, to be honest, I wanted to say “give me my money back!”

Marina Zasim

(Russia, Miass)

"After this course, like after reading a good book, you will never be the same again. At the same time, you will look at yourself, your dog, your family and your environment. You will have a social circle in a warm, friendly fb group, you will be happy and sad , laugh until you cry and cry.

In addition to everything that was written above, I received great inspiration, new goals in life, an understanding of where to move and why it is necessary."


The web course on applied animal psychology is designed for anyone who wants to learn, understand and know more about dogs.

These are not only people who want to work in the field of training and behavior correction. These are ordinary dog ​​owners who lack the knowledge to correct their dog's behavior problems. These are also those who simply love dogs and love to learn.

The only requirement I want to put forward is the understanding that I do not give knowledge on a silver platter. I'am a teacher. I teach you to think. And I help you understand.

Why don’t I just want to give ready-made knowledge? Because knowledge without understanding, awareness and logic is worthless. But logic, understanding and awareness cannot be transferred from Teacher to student.

And further. I invite only those who are confident that they are ready to rack their brains, feel like an idiot, make mistakes and curse me and my meticulousness to study. last words. I honestly warn you - it won’t be easy for those who study with me))

If you are ready, I'm glad. If not, but you have acquaintances/friends who would like to, tell them about this opportunity.


The course is divided into 4 interconnected parts:

1. Construction general idea about the dog(anatomy, physiology, first aid, thinking, sociality, instincts, needs and their implementation, mental characteristics and hormonal system, periods of growing up, dog language, breed characteristics, etc.)

This part is necessary to understand the norms of dog behavior, to understand the logic by which dogs live this type, in order to learn to see the connection between anatomy, physiology, mental processes and behavior, because they are interconnected and influence each other constantly and in everything.

2. Education and training(methods of training and training systems, possibilities of influencing a dog, features of the dog’s perception of people’s behavior, features of training dogs of different ages/breeds/temperament/character, raising a puppy and adult dog, etc.)

This part is necessary in order to connect together all the knowledge gained in the first part and learn to understand specific living dogs, as well as understand how, why and what the dog reacts to and how to use it in education and training. Training is also considered an integral part of behavior correction.

3. Behavior correction and psychocorrection(stress, dog habits, fears, aggression, fear of loneliness, uncleanliness, neuroses, neurotic conditions and other behavioral problems - what it is, what to do about it, why and how it happens, methods of treatment, etc.)

This part is the most difficult, it is entirely devoted to various deviations from the norm of dog behavior, the reasons for these deviations, the ability to see, understand and diagnose problems, as well as independently select possible options corrections.

4. About people (mistakes of owners and their consequences, the influence of attitude towards a dog on its character, how to work with people different types, interdependence psych. problems of owners and behavior problems of dogs, human psychology and its use when working with owners and dogs, etc.)

This part is especially interesting, since a dog and a person live side by side in a kind of symbiosis, and it is necessary to learn to understand yourself, your body language, in order to learn how to properly contact an individual of another species. And also learning to interact with dog owners who need help - this is the most difficult thing in the work of a behavior corrector. It is not enough to be able to understand dogs well, because every dog ​​is inextricably linked with its owner and it is impossible to correct their relationship by approaching only from the dog’s side.

During the course there will be not only training, but also an opportunity to test your strength on test tasks. After each part there is a control lecture, where you can sort out all the questions that have arisen and test your knowledge.

Guided practice is free!

If you live in Moscow or near it, the practice is open all year round.

For non-residents: from mid-spring to mid-autumn you can come to Moscow for any period of time and learn to work with dogs, applying knowledge in practice and gaining confidence in your strengths, skills and abilities.

There is also the opportunity to practice for free with your dog on.


As a result of the training, students should

- basic principles of the structure and features of the organ systems of dogs: musculoskeletal, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, integumentary, excretory, reproductive, endocrine, nervous, including the central nervous system (CNS);

Ambulance Basics first aid dog;

Basics of diagnosing common diseases in dogs;
- basic physiology of higher nervous activity;
- the basics of elementary rational activity of animals in general and dogs in particular;
- physiological basis canine behavior (needs, emotions, motivations, physical activity, etc.);
- the main components of the behavior of a domestic dog;
- instinctive behavior of canines;
- social behavior of canines;
- sound and non-verbal communication of dogs;
- periodization of canine ontogenesis and features of the formation of the domestic dog’s psyche in each period;
- the structure of the psyche and behavior of a domestic dog;
- evolutionary-biological and psychophysiological bases of aggression, types of aggression, the influence of domestication on the severity aggressive behavior in dogs;
- the concept of stress, uncontrollable stress, breakdowns of IRR;
- the origin of breed groups and behavioral portraits of each breed group;
- principles of feeding, physical activity, disease prevention and other features of raising a dog;
- features of raising and training a puppy;
- forms, methods and techniques of dog training;
- purpose and use of special equipment and equipment for training;
- specifics of dog training depending on breed, gender, age and temperament;
- specifics of special dog training;
- safety precautions when communicating, training and correcting the behavior of dogs;
- rules for diagnosing dog behavior problems;
- methods for correcting problem behavior in dogs;
- basics of diagnosis, prevention and correction of aggression, fear, unscrupulous behavior, destructive behavior, excessive vocalization, inappropriate sexual and play behavior, food-getting behavior on the street and coprophagia, etc.;
- basics of occurrence, development, diagnosis, prevention and correction neurotic conditions dogs, including neuroses, phobias, anxiety, stereotypical behavior, etc.;

Basics of pharmacological behavior correction;

Auxiliary methods and methods of behavior correction;
- basics of testing the properties of the nervous system and their correction;
- features of choosing a dog for a specific family;
- basics of preventing behavioral disorders in dogs;
- basics of human psychology, family psychology;

Basic defense mechanisms human psyche;
- ethics of professional relationships;
- basic rules for conducting individual lessons and consultations on training and behavior correction of dogs.

Be able to (after completing the internship):
- determine anatomical and age characteristics animals;
- determine the need to contact a veterinarian;
- apply theoretical knowledge on the analysis of a dog’s behavioral act in practice;
- use non-verbal communication to establish contact with the dog and facilitate the training or correction process;
- determine the type of aggressive or anxious behavior of a dog based on history and observation of it;
- diagnose development anxiety state or neurosis in the dog according to the history and observation of it;
- apply knowledge about the anatomy, physiology and behavior of dogs to improve the quality of life of dogs, prevent diseases and behavior problems;
- determine the breed group and behavioral portrait of a dog based on its appearance and history of the breed, use this knowledge in training and behavior correction;
- teach your dog commands and tricks using the most suitable method;
- correct your dog’s behavior problems in a timely and effective manner;
- determine an individual methodology and method for training any dog, taking into account the breed, age, gender and temperament, as well as the individual characteristics of the dog;
- train and correct the behavior of puppies various breeds;
- interview and survey dog ​​owners to collect anamnesis;
- examine the dog, establish contact with the dog, and observe safety precautions;
- identify the problems of a particular dog in accordance with its species, breed and individual characteristics;
- practically apply knowledge on the psychology of dogs of various breeds, genders, ages with various types constitution and properties of the nervous system;
- select a behavior correction method depending on the behavior problem, breed, gender, age and individual characteristics of a particular dog;
- select a breed and a puppy for a specific family and a specific person, taking into account the purpose of the breed and the needs of the person;
- draw up a prevention plan possible problems behavior for puppy owners.


A web course on Applied Animal Psychology is a series of lectures and webinars available to anyone with Internet access at home.

None additional programs not needed, all you need is a computer, headphones and Internet access.

Studying is possible from any country in the world.

The total duration of the course is more than 150 hours(2 times a week for 3 hours for 6 months).

Course cost (for 2017):

If paid in full (50 lectures) - 24,000 rubles.

When paying in parts (one part - 10 lectures - 6,000 rubles) - 30,000 rubles.

The course price includes:

Possibility to listen/download an already listened or missed lecture for all participants

Recordings of thematic seminars on topics: aggression, fears, etc.

Verbatim lecture notes with illustrations

Presentations from lectures

Participation in a secret Facebook group for students of this year’s Web course

Consulting on behavior problems of trainees’ personal dogs

Practice with your dog at the Applied Training Course

Practice in consultations and any group classes at the sites of the UDC "Dog Business"

After listening to the course, passing all tests and tests - an official certificate is issued. Separate certificates are issued after completing practical training and internship.

Certificates are not of state standard.

The course always starts in October of the current year

Timetable of classes:
Tuesday 20.00-23.00
Friday 20.00-23.00

Registration for the Web course on Applied Animal Psychology by mail [email protected]

The title of the letter is “Registration for a Web course on Applied Zoopsychology.”


It is possible to listen to the course offline (correspondence learning)!

For yourself and your dog this is suitable option- a lot of knowledge, the ability to view records in convenient time the whole family.

Pros of offline learning:
- the course is cheaper. 12 t.r. when paying for the entire course and 7500 tr. for half of the course (for offline training, payment is made in installments in two stages).
- you can view or download lectures at a time convenient for you
- you are not burdened with control and test tasks
- by agreement with me, you can come to the site (if you live in the Moscow area) or contact me by phone to discuss issues of interest to you after each part of the course. The service is paid.
- after each part of the lectures, at the request of the listeners, a separate free webinar is possible for all volunteers with the opportunity to try their hand at test tasks and ask accumulated questions.

Disadvantages of offline learning:- you will be able to listen/download only the first 3 parts (since the last part is intended for those who are going to use knowledge in their professional field of activity)- you will not be able to ask your questions during the seminars and you will have to write them down so that you can ask them to the lecturer later- you will not have an internship (the opportunity to practice remains, but for an additional fee)

All organizational issues resolved through the administrator.

Details about registration deadlines, time and cost of the training course can be clarified by mail [email protected]

Elena Belousova


"It was a most interesting adventure and the knowledge I really need for minimal money, because the amount of material received is priceless.
For the first time in 4 years of living in the USA, I regretted that I was not in Russia and could not have real practice on Yulia’s site in an accessible manner. But even like this, at a distance, we succeeded. Happened!