Ostankino sausage. Widely branched network

Mint is very valuable and useful plant, which was used by man in ancient times. IN modern world it is in demand in medicine, cooking, and perfumery. The article provides information about what varieties of mint there are, and provides short information about some of them.

Did you know? According to The Plant List database, the genus Mint belongs to the Lamiaceae family and consists of 42 species and hybrids.

Other names for this mint are: honey mint, honey shoe, honey cake, lemon balm. Although it does not belong to the genus Mint, it belongs to the same family. Has a pleasant refreshing lemon flavor. Comes from Southern Europe, Mediterranean.

It is considered one of the most valuable plant species. Valued for its high taste qualities And medicinal properties, contains a large number of vitamin C, carotene, essential oils. It has been cultivated as a honey plant for many centuries. It is a perennial, blooms in summer, fruits ripen in autumn.

Talking about lemon balm, one cannot ignore the description of the plant. Its height is from 30 cm to 1 m 20 cm. The stems are erect, branched, tetrahedral, pubescent with short hairs. The petiolate, pubescent leaves are ovoid, bright green in color, located opposite, and have denticles along the edge. The pedicels are short, bluish-white or light purple flowers (from 6 to 12) located in the axils of the upper foliage. The large, black, shiny fruit remains suitable for sowing for 2-3 years.

Homemade mint

Homemade mint – otherwise indoor mint, moth tree, plectranthus or spur flower. Also a representative of the Yasnotkovyh, but does not belong to the Mint genus. It is an annual or perennial evergreen semi-succulent plant. In nature it grows in tropical and subtropical climates. With proper care it can live on your window for up to 5 years.

It can be a shrub, subshrub or herb. Homemade mint leaves contain a complex essential oil that gives it a pleasant aroma. Used for decorative, medicinal purposes, cooking (as a seasoning for leafy and root vegetables), it is believed that the aroma of the plant can repel insects such as moths, mosquitoes, etc.

It grows from 30 to 150 cm. The tetrahedral stems may have pubescence or be bare. The leaves are elliptical, ovate and round in shape, arranged oppositely, in a cross. Small flowers with bract leaves are collected in umbrella inflorescences. The fruit consists of 4 nuts.

The menthol herb is a type of peppermint, but, unlike it, contains a large amount of menthol. It has a rather sharp, intense, persistent odor and high resistance to pests and diseases. This variety has good winter hardiness.

It has a wide area of ​​demand - from cosmetology to cooking, is used as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic agent for the treatment of bronchitis, improves digestion. Menthol mint is used both as a spice and even for making mojitos.

Reaches from 30 to 65 cm in height (depending on the lighting of the area). Stems are dark, straight, powerful. The leaves are dark green in color, grow up to 5-7 cm in length and 1.5-2 cm in width, oblong in shape, slightly curled. Flowering occurs in mid-July - early August. Small, purple flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Did you know?The name of the genus Mint comes from the name of the nymph Menta (Minta, Mintha). According to Greek myth, she was the lover of the god of the underworld Hades and was turned into fragrant grass by his wife Persephone.

Peppermint is the most famous and common type of mint. This is the result of hybridization between garden mint and water mint. Also used in cooking, pharmacology and medicine. It is a valuable honey plant. Does not grow in nature. It has a pungent taste of the leaves, which is why it got its name. It is used in folk medicine and in modern pharmacology. Contraindicated for people suffering from low blood pressure And varicose veins veins

Peppermint is a perennial herbaceous plant; its description is quite simple. Hollow, erect, branched stems grow from 30 cm to 1 m in height. They are bare and pubescent (the hairs are sparse and short, pressed together).

The oblong leaves are ovoid, growing oppositely, crosswise. Petioles are short. The base is heart-shaped, the edge is sharply serrated. Small, light purple or pinkish flowers are collected in semi-whorls at the top of the stem. Flowering begins at the end of June and lasts until September. Fruits consisting of 4 nuts are rarely produced.

If we talk about what kind of mint there is, besides peppermint with similar characteristics, then spearmint is very close to it in terms of distribution and use. She is also called curly, spicate, German, garden, spring, mint.

Contains linalool and carvone, which gives it strong smell and a special taste, but it contains almost no menthol, and therefore this type does not have a cooling aftertaste. Peppermint essential oil is valued higher than oil peppermint. In addition to medicine and cooking, it is used in soap making, tobacco and confectionery industries.

Refers to perennial herbaceous plants. Height – 80-90 cm. Numerous stems are erect, bare. The leaves grow oppositely, have an oblong shape, are wrinkled and curly, and have jagged edges. They are bare at the top, and there are sparse hairs along the veins on the underside. Regular, mauve flowers, with very short pedicels, are collected in inflorescences and located at the end of the stem. Blooms from June to September. The seeds ripen in October.

Important!Paper or canvas bags or bags are best suited for storing spearmint and should be placed in a cool, dark, dry place.

Korean mint, also called rugosa polygonum or Tibetan lofant, also belongs to the Lamiaceae family, but not to the Mint genus. Homeland - Northern Asia. It is grown as an ornamental, spicy and medicinal plant.

It has general strengthening and rejuvenating properties, normalizes blood pressure. Included in drugs that improve blood composition and are used for organ diseases respiratory system, to combat liver diseases. Considered one of the the best varieties mint for a gentle and long-lasting effect on immune system person. For this reason, ginseng enjoys the reputation of a worthy rival in the East. Korean mint essential oil has bactericidal properties.

This is a perennial shrub. Grows up to 1 m. Stems are erect, tetrahedral. The petiolate leaves are 10 cm long and have an oval shape and jagged edges. Tubular flowers of bluish-purple or white collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. They bloom in July-September. It smells like mint, anise, and oregano at the same time. The fruits ripen in September. The species is quite winter-hardy, withstands frosts down to -15 °C.

Budra ivy, or dognip, magpie– it is perennial, very fragrant, herbaceous plant, not belonging to the genus Mint, but also from the Lamiaceae family. It grows in Eurasia, in temperate climate zones. The taste is bitter, burning. Refers to honey plants, medicinal (widely used as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic, healing agent), used in the manufacture of tonic drinks.

It grows no higher than 40 cm. The stems are creeping, bare or covered with short hairs, from 20 to 50 cm long. The shoots are numerous and rooting. Leaves with long petioles (the lower the leaf is located, the longer its petiole) have a kidney-shaped or rounded-reniform shape, located opposite. Collected in groups of 3-4 small flowers have a purple or lilac-bluish color. They bloom until mid-summer. The fruits are brown, up to 2 mm in length.

Did you know?The mint plant is used in Chinese medicine for several thousand years as an anti-inflammatory, carminative, choleretic, diaphoretic, deodorant and local anesthetic, and mint oil is recommended for washing the eyes.

Catnip) belongs to the genus Catnip, not Mint, but to the same family. It has a strong, distinctive lemon scent that attracts cats (thanks to nepetalactone essential oil). Selects forest clearings, wastelands, waste places, slopes, roadsides.

It is often cultivated in apiary zones, as it is a valuable honey plant. Also used in perfumery, soap making, confectionery production and, of course, in medicine. Popularly used for illnesses gastrointestinal tract, headaches, skin diseases, hysteria, exhaustion.
This is another perennial representative of the flora. Grows from 40 cm to 1 m in height. The roots are woody, branched. Stems are erect and strong. The pubescent leaves, triangular-ovate in shape, with large teeth along the edge and a sharp tip, have a heart-shaped base. Off-white flowers (purple or violet speckles are located on lower lip) are collected in complex semi-umbrellas at the ends of the shoots, bloom in June-July. Smooth oval fruit Brown ripens in mid-late summer.

or meadow, also called wild- a representative of the Mint genus. Growing area: Europe, Central and Western Asia, the Caucasus, partly India and Nepal. Prefers the banks of rivers and other bodies of water, damp meadows, fields, and swampy areas. She doesn't require any care.

Mainly essential oil with pungent odor and the bitter taste consists of menthol and various terpenes. It has been experimentally proven that inhaling the aroma of mint throughout the day reduces calorie intake by 1800 kcal/day. Used in cooking, medicine (in the treatment of bloating, gastritis, if acidity is increased, liver diseases). The powder is used as an antiemetic.

Perennial grass. It can be 15 or 100 cm in height. The rhizome is creeping. Branched stems are erect, but usually they are prostrate. The leaves can be ovate, oblong-elliptic or oblong-ovate. Pointed at the top. Flowers of lilac or lilac-pink color on pedicels are united in false, spherical whorls. Blooms from June to October. The fruit consists of 4 smooth erems. Its ripening occurs in August-October.

Curly mint

Spearmint is one of the names of spearmint, which was written about above.

It is found in Africa, Asia, and almost all of Europe. The area of ​​application is the same as that of other representatives of the genus, plus the production of green cheese. Has a pleasant aroma. The main component of the essential oil is pulegone; it also contains carvacrol, menthol, etc.

Long leaf mint is rich ascorbic acid.It has good frost resistance. Demanding on humidity and lighting. Propagated by rhizomes.

Important!To use as a spicy-aromatic plant, this mint should be collected before flowering and only occasionally during this period.

Soft fluffy appearance, up to 75 cm tall. The tetrahedral stems are strong, slightly pubescent, branched. Creeping roots. The pointed, pubescent leaves are grayish in color, lanceolate or ovate-oblong in shape, have a fluffy-felt surface and jagged edges. Small flowers are collected in racemes whorled inflorescences and have a purple or pale lilac color. It blooms in July-August and bears fruit in August-September.

Ginger or thin– perennial herbaceous mint. It is found naturally in Egypt, Southeast Europe and Western Asia. Has no cooling effect. According to advice traditional medicine, used for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used, in particular, to combat flatulence and as a sedative.

Tetrahedral, straight, branched stems from 30 cm to 1 m high have dense foliage. The roots are horizontal and well developed. Leaves on short petioles, 8 cm × 2 cm, pointed at the end. The shape is elongated-ovoid. Thanks to its variegated yellow-green color, ginger mint is also grown as an ornamental plant. Small flowers, collected in false whorls, form spike-shaped inflorescences of pink or light purple color. They bloom from June to October. Fruits are rarely produced.

Chocolate mint plant - original variation of peppermint. It spreads quickly and grows in damp places. Prefers light soil. Quite aggressive. Requires minimal care. It has pleasant taste and a sweetish aroma. Resistant to pests, diseases, and mild frosts. When properly lit, the foliage turns a unique deep purple hue. Grown as an ornamental plant, as a spice with mass useful qualities, used in the confectionery industry and medicine.

Dense shoots look like a compact spreading bush up to 40 cm high. The rhizome is highly branched. Stems are straight, tetrahedral, stable. The serrated leaves are round in shape, veined, have a sharp tip, similar to the leaves of mint, growing oppositely, crosswise. Small whitish flowers are collected in panicles and located in the axils of the leaves. Flowering occurs at the beginning of August.

pennyroyal or flea mint, refers to perennial plants genus Mint. In Europe it grows almost everywhere; it can also be found in the Caucasus, Turkmenistan, East Asia, North Africa. Flea beetle essential oil consists of 95% pulegone and also contains menthol and limonene. Due to this, it is used in perfumery, confectionery, and canning production.

Traditional medicine endows this plant with antiseptic, abortifacient, wound-healing properties and recommends it for the treatment of whooping cough, bronchial asthma, hysteria.

The height of pennyroyal is from 20 to 60 cm. The stems are branched and sparsely hairy. The petiolate leaves are about 1 cm in length, wedge-shaped at the base, and have an elliptical or oblong-ovate shape. Pinkish-purple flowers with a white tube, formed into dense rings of almost spherical shape. They bloom in mid-late summer. Shiny, brown, ovoid fruits ripen in late summer - early autumn.

These are just a few varieties of mint with a photo and description for each name. As you can see, this wonderful herb has many beneficial qualities, and everyone can choose the one that suits their needs.

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Do you want to learn how to make a Mojito cocktail? The history of the most popular Mojito cocktail Mojito (masculine, Spanish: Mojito) is a cocktail based on light rum and mint leaves. There are 2 types of mojito: low alcohol and non-alcoholic. Originating from the island of Cuba, it became popular in the United States in the 1980s. There are several theories about the origin of the name "Mojito". One says that the word comes from Spanish. Mojo (moho, mojito - diminutive). Mojo is a sauce believed to be native to Cuba and the Canaries, usually containing garlic, pepper, lemon juice, vegetable oil, greenery. Another claims that mojito is a modified mojadito (Spanish: Mojadito, d. from mojado), which means “slightly moist.” A mojito traditionally consists of five ingredients: rum, sugar, lime, soda water and mint. Its combination of sweet and refreshing citrus and mint, which may have been added to the rum to "mask" the strength of the latter, made this cocktail one of the most popular summer drinks. How to make Mojito at home. In a tall glass, crush a sprig of mint with sugar. Squeeze the sweet lime into a glass with your hands and place the peel into the glass. Fill the glass with crushed ice, pour in the rum and stir until the glass fogs up. Top up with soda water, garnish with mint and serve with a straw. Not all types of mint will combine harmoniously with other ingredients. Most suitable variety- peppermint (Mentha piperita), which has a pronounced menthol aroma and cooling taste (mint of this variety is sold in supermarkets). In gardens and orchards middle zone In Russia, a very common type of watermint (Mentha aquatica) does not have such a strong aroma and refreshing taste. The second way to prepare Mojito at home (as it is made in Cuba). Pour a little cane sugar into a glass (about one heaping teaspoon), pour lemon juice on two fingers (!), add a couple of sprigs of peppermint, stirring, add water and a little three-year-old Cuban white rum. Put down the straw and the mojito is ready. Required Ingredients“Mojito” - alcoholic: White rum 50 ml Sugar syrup 15 ml Soda 100 ml Lime 1/3 pcs Mint 5 g Crushed ice 250 g “Mojito” - non-alcoholic recipe: Sugar syrup 15 ml Soda water 150 ml Lime 1/3 pcs Mint 5 g Crushed ice 250 g Necessary equipment Highball Mudler Cocktail spoon Straws Good for you. Mint is a very useful plant for humans. Peppermint contains essential oil (2.5%), the main component of which is menthol, which determines the taste of mint, as well as other substances - esters, felandrene, pinene, jasmon, piperitone, mentofuran, etc. Are included in its composition tannins, flavonoids, bitterness. Menthol turns mint into a bactericidal plant. Peppermint has analgesic as well as vasodilating properties. Peppermint oil is included in many medicinal drugs: mint drops, stomach pills, various ointments. Peppermint improves digestion, eliminates nausea, has choleretic properties, used for asthma, flatulence. Mint decoctions are drunk as a sedative for inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, and also in cardiovascular, gynecological diseases. Mint is used as a tonic cardiac remedy, which relieves palpitations, stimulates heart activity and blood circulation, and also has a diaphoretic property. Mint is used to combat colds and fever. The relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties of mint make it an excellent remedy for pain and cramps such as stomach pain, colic, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, hiccups, headaches, migraines, nausea and motion sickness. The tannins contained in mint protect the intestines from irritation, which is very useful for relieving pain during diarrhea, combating spastic constipation and ulcerative colitis. The bitterness of mint stimulates the liver and gallbladder Therefore, it is used to cleanse the liver and remove stones from the gall bladder. Best wishes

Mojito can be safely called the ideal drink for a hot summer. It perfectly refreshes, tones, and invigorates both body and spirit. But here’s the paradox: with the onset of cold days, this cocktail does not disappear from the human diet, but smoothly flows into an alcoholic version, which perfectly warms and uplifts the mood.

To try it, you don’t need to look for a cafe with a skilled bartender and pay extra money, because you can cook mojito at home very fast and easy.

Main Ingredients

The mojito cocktail, like a capricious lady, absolutely does not tolerate changes in its classical composition and low-quality products.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main components and evaluate their importance for obtaining a decent drink:

  • Rum is the most important ingredient in the alcoholic version of a mojito, which requires you to take a serious approach to its choice. It's worth noting that this is one of those rare situations where price doesn't matter. Yes, expensive dark rums are very tasty, but they are not suitable for making a mojito. The latter tastes much better with regular budget white rum. And even though it cannot boast of many years of aging, rich taste and incredibly seductive aroma, but best option you won’t find one for cocktails;
  • Mint is an equally important ingredient, without which not a single recipe for a non-alcoholic or heady mojito can do. This herb gives the drink a pleasant taste and aroma, saturates it with freshness and gives a cooling effect. It is thanks to the latter that this cocktail is so pleasant to taste on hot summer days and languid evenings. Regular mint is not suitable for making an original mojito. You should only use peppercorns that contain menthol. It is this that gives the feeling of coolness and freshness. Only leaves are placed in the glass itself, since the stems are bitter and spoil the whole taste. If you don’t have mint on hand, feel free to use mint syrup;
  • Rarely, even the most exotic mojito recipe is complete without lime, the presence of which no lemon can replace. The latter dramatically changes the taste of the drink, and not in the most better side. Choose only fresh and high-quality fruit that has a dense, shiny and yellow-green skin;
  • No non-alcoholic or alcoholic mojito recipe is made without ice. Moreover, it is preferable to use crushed ice rather than pieces of frozen water. Wrap the ice cubes in a clean sheet and crush with a bottle or rolling pin. When preparing ice, remember that this ingredient perfectly absorbs everything foreign odors. Therefore, freeze the water immediately before making the mojito, and cover the mold with a lid or bag.

Cooking technology

Before preparing the mojito, make sure you have all the ingredients. Chill the soda and prepare ice. Remember, despite the elegance and versatility of this cocktail, it is very simple to make and the whole process does not take more than 10 minutes.

So, the sequence of manipulations is as follows:

  • Tear mint leaves and put them in glasses;
  • Add one teaspoon of brown sugar there;
  • Using a mortar, gently grind the mint and sugar. This is needed to highlight essential oils, which will give the drink that same exclusive aroma and taste;
  • Cut the lime into 8 slices, squeeze the juice out of 4, throw one piece into each glass and grind everything again with a mortar until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved;
  • Pour 50 ml of rum into the containers, mix everything again;
  • Pour crushed ice into all glasses, then fill with chilled soda.

Now the famous Cuban drink is ready, which just needs to be decorated with the remaining lime slices, a small mint sprig and a beautiful straw.

Possible cocktail variations

The classic mojito recipe is constantly undergoing metamorphosis regarding the amount of main components and their replacement with other products. For example, rum is quite successfully replaced by vodka, which gives the drink a new and interesting taste, robbing it of the spicy rum notes.

You'll love this recipe for a non-alcoholic Cuban cocktail. ardent opponents alcohol or those who have to stop drinking it due to their line of work or health conditions. In such cases, vodka or rum is replaced with apple juice, fruit and berry syrup, fresh strawberries, currants or raspberries, pureed in a blender along with mint leaves.

You can give a glass of a drink a more seductive look if you throw a few whole berries into it and decorate the edges of the glass.

Please” is the most popular (after “bring the bill”) phrase in cafes, coffee shops and bars in the summer. This refreshing cocktail and its many variations perfectly cool even the hottest heads during the hottest season.

From the pirate Drake to old Ham

Like any self-respecting drink, mojito has a history of creation, and even more than one.

They say, for example, that the “pirate” version of the glorious mojito under the gloomy name “El Draque” (Dragon) belongs to Francis Drake himself. A famous pirate used draconian methods to mix yo-ho-ho with rum,

Mint and lime and drank under the fluttering Jolly Roger. According to one rather dubious version, mint was added by a harsh sea wolf to soften the taste

(“And no more than two servings, dear filibusters - you’ll have a headache in the morning, but we have a planned boarding”). According to another, more plausible -

served to prevent cholera. Since the pirate bartender often visited Cuba, the drink soon gained great popularity there.

The second, more “glamorous” story of the birth of the drink takes us to the Seville Hotel during the great and terrible Prohibition Law. Hollywood stars, the American cream of society and other drink-loving citizens went for fun and alcohol to Cuba, the island of the crimson dawn, light and dark rum. On the twenty-fifth of May 1930, during a hot party, a new cool cocktail was born. At first it was about the julep, a drink of the Southern aristocrats made from mint, soda, bourbon and sugar. But the problem was that the bourbon had run out, and there was an indecent amount of mint and sugar left. I had to be content with what I had - and it was great, I must say, to be content. When asked about the name of the new cocktail, the bartender, according to legend, thoughtfully answered “Mojado”, i.e. “damp” - probably by analogy with a steamed glass and the heated faces of the regulars. The name was heard as “mojito”, and by the morning the party ended, the bartender became very famous, as did the drink. Soon, every decent bar in Havana included a new product in the cocktail menu, flavored it with citrus sourness and began treating visitors to ice-cold mojitos. And in 1933, after the repeal of the unproductive Prohibition Law, mojitos began to be served in the USA.

The final and irrevocable popularity of the “wet” drink comes thanks to Ernest Hemiway, or simply Papa Ham. “My mojito is at La Bodeguita, my daiquiri is at El Floridita” - fans of the writer and the drink have learned this quote from Hemingway by heart. In the El Floridita bar, Ham, cast in bronze and imperturbable, is still waiting for a cocktail at the counter. There are more than enough people who like to clink glasses with daiquiris and mojitos. The recipe for the classic, same Bacardi Mojito remains the same: the strength of rum, the freshness of lime, the sweetness of brown sugar and a minty chill.

Want to repeat? Throw 12 mint leaves and half a lime (cut into three parts) into a tall glass and mash well. Pour finely crushed ice to the brim, pour in 50 ml of Bacardi Superior light rum, 20 ml sugar syrup and soda - as much as will fit in the glass. The glass is decorated with a slice of lime and a sprig of mint. By the way, the ideal variety of mint for a mojito is pepper, the most “icy” and aromatic. The so-called “water” mint - a regular in domestic summer cottages - is less suitable, its taste is rather weak for a Cuban drink.

Strawberry, apple, watermelon

Like everything beloved, successful and popular - be it a film, a song or a dish, the mojito led to many “remakes”. List classic ingredients: ice, lime, mint, rum, sugar, soda - changed, reduced and supplemented. What remained unchanged, perhaps, was the ice, the name and the mint leaves. With blackberries and watermelon, pineapple, ginger ale, rose petals and even champagne - this cocktail has not been prepared and is not prepared with anything! However, it still doesn’t become less tasty, and the additives only add pleasant variety.

Watermelon mojito

Shyly turn the portrait of Hemingway to face the wall and grind 12 mint leaves, 180 g of ripe watermelon pulp pitted, half a lime (cut into three parts) and a tablespoon of sugar. Pour in 60 ml of white rum, add 8 ice cubes and mix in a shaker, pour into a glass with crushed ice, dilute with soda. Add a slice of watermelon to the mint-lime garnish.

Raspberry-apple mojito

Ideal for hardworking summer residents who have harvested fresh, aromatic raspberries. You will need the juice of four fresh berries, half a lime cut into 4 parts, 6 mint leaves and a teaspoon of sugar syrup. All this is mixed and combined with 60 ml of white rum, 50 ml of sweet and sour mix (sugar syrup and lemon juice), 90 ml clarified apple juice, crushed ice and 60 ml soda. Raspberries are added to decorate the glass.

Blackberry Mojito

Another dacha and berry cocktail option. Six mint leaves, 2 tablespoons of berries, three parts of one lime half, a tablespoon of sugar syrup are ground until a persistently attractive aroma of blackberries and mint appears. Add 60 ml white rum, 50 ml sweet and sour mix and 8 ice cubes. Then everything is as in the previous versions: shaker - glass with crushed ice and soda.

Pineapple Mojito

Some say that pineapple burns fat, others do not believe in such a miracle, but everyone is inclined to believe that this habitually exotic guest gets along well with mint and rum. This means grinding all four lime quarters with 10 mint leaves, a teaspoon of sugar syrup and crushed ice to the rim of the glass. Pour in 60 ml of rum, 30 ml of pineapple juice and soda. The glass, of course, must be decorated with a slice of pineapple.

Mojito with mango and pomegranate

This is the least laconic version of the mojito. But the very idea of ​​mixing tender mango with tart pomegranate, not to mention rum and mint, deserves attention and understanding. Want to experiment? Mash five mint leaves, 60 g of fresh mango, half a lime (cut into 4 parts) in a glass. Pour 60 ml of mango nectar there, the same amount of white rum and soda and 30 ml of sugar syrup. Generously pour in ice cubes to the brim, transfer the mixture to a shaker, shake for a couple of seconds and return to the glass, where we combine with 60 ml pomegranate juice. We decorate with whatever we have - that is, lime, mint and aromatic tropical mango.

Ginger-apple mojito

More like autumn, but also very decent option. It will require 10 leaves of mashed mint, a full glass of crushed ice on top and 15 ml of sugar syrup, 25 ml of clarified apple juice and 50 ml of golden rum poured into it. To complete the apple-rum study, squeeze a quarter of a lime and add 120 ml of ginger ale. Yes, the decoration is to the bartender’s taste, from the mint-ginger collection.

Mojito orange

The same with citrus, but also with orange, sweet. It is better to cook for a large company in an appropriate jug. We put leaves from a bunch of mint into it, pour in 60 ml of sugar syrup, 120 ml of lime juice, 300 ml of rum and the juice of two large oranges. Pour into ice-filled glasses and add soda to taste. And don’t let the scale of the ingredients scare you – it’s still a long way from the biggest mojito in history. Prepared in 2004 in Moscow, the mojito consisted of 5 kg of mint, 5 kg of lime, 1 kg of sugar, 10 liters of rum, 20 liters of soda and 20 kg of ice! By the way, all of the above, including the giant one, and any other variants of the mojito can be made non-alcoholic by excluding the rum, may Francis Drake forgive us. Instead of soda, you can add apple juice, lemon soda or tonic water to the version for children, nursing mothers and those who do not like alcohol. As a decoration - a leaflet about healthy way life.
