Puncture near the lip. Lip piercing. Bottom, top. Consequences. Lip piercing at home at home

There are many ways to show your individuality. An extraordinary hairstyle or original hair color, unusual clothes or tattoos, bright accessories and an informal appearance. Lip piercing is one of the methods of showing individuality and uniqueness. Needless to say that lip piercing is common in both sexes?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Many people, when they first see a person, pay attention to the eyes, and only then the gaze drops a little lower - to the level of the lips. Plump and attractive, they attract you with their attractiveness. To make them even more alluring, Is it worth getting a lip piercing? – a small detail that will certainly attract the attention of everyone around you.

Piercings in the mouth area are far from new.

History knows facts that representatives of some tribes wore earrings in their lips. This could be a designation of tribal or clan affiliation, or simply a way to demonstrate one's individuality. By the way, even today some peoples of Africa and Australia still pierce their lips and tissue in the mouth area.

In the modern and civilized world, piercing is more of a tribute to fashion, life position or simply an opportunity to demonstrate your uniqueness to everyone around you. For example, Monroe piercing looks very impressive on a round female face , emphasizing seductive lips and soft features.

There are things to think about

Yes, a pierced lip looks quite unusual. However, before you dare to take this step, you should pay attention to some nuances that, quite possibly, will make you change your mind or postpone going to the salon for an indefinite time:

  • Medical indicators. Even simple rashes during a seasonal exacerbation of ARVI can become the No. 1 reason that does not allow getting a piercing under the lip. Eczema, diabetes, epilepsy, pregnancy and lactation, and metal allergies are all serious medical contraindications that prevent you from getting a piercing. It is also better for girls during menstruation to refrain from going to the salon for a while.
  • Appropriate dress code. Do not forget that piercing is a clear manifestation of informal style. If a girl or guy works in a reputable company where it is often necessary to conduct business meeting, piercing will make a negative impression on the interlocutor.
  • Competent choice of master and salon. This is where it gets serious – this issue should be approached with special care. The lack of a license and certificate is a sign that this place should be avoided.

Many people are shy in front of the salon door, fearing that the procedure will be painful. In fact, piercing the upper or lower lip is not as scary as it seems at first glance. If we evaluate painful sensations in the process of creating a piercing, you can give 6 points out of a possible 10.

In addition, a lip piercing heals very quickly - the tissue in the mouth area is soft and thin, devoid of blood vessels and capillaries. This means that the experience of a professional master will allow you to quickly and efficiently complete the procedure.

Types of lip piercings

With the growing popularity of this cosmetic procedure The variety of forms and designs of piercing expanded. Today, more than 15 types of piercings in the mouth area are known, each of which has its own unique technique, advantages and disadvantages.

1. Monroe piercing owes its name to a famous film actress. This is a piercing above the upper lip on the left side, which is very similar to a front sight. Exists another name - Crawford piercing- by the name of another actress who was lucky enough to become the owner of a charming fly from birth. Piercing “Monroe Lips” is perfect for girls with soft features and full lips - this decoration will only emphasize the beauty of the face and its attractiveness.

2. Madonna piercing- absolutely identical option. The only difference is the location of the earring. If the Monroe piercing is done on the left side, then the Madonna piercing is located on the right side.

3. Medusa piercing IN in this case The nasolabial cavity is pierced. In the classic version, special earrings with a flat clip are used. Around 2000, vertical and horizontal jellyfish became widespread.

4. Vertical labret.
First, the needle passes along the line of the lower border of the lip and comes out a little higher directly in the center. A strictly vertical arrangement of the decoration looks most successful.

5. There is also a horizontal labret
- a piercing that is identical to the previous version, but the only difference is that the jewelry is installed parallel to the lower lip in the center. Unlike the Monroe puncture, the horizontal labret is complicated by the fact that when it is performed, the wound takes a little longer to heal, and in some cases, rejection of the foreign body is possible.

6. Dahlia bite.
With this puncture, the master makes two small holes in the corners of the mouth - the result looks quite impressive.

7. Ashley is a very beautiful but long-healing type of piercing.
. Unlike the “Labret” piercing, the lip takes a long time to heal, the earring can be torn away by the tissue - as a result, an unaesthetic scar is formed, which can only be corrected in a cosmetology salon. The puncture is performed strictly in the middle lower lip.

Of course, these are not all types of lip piercings. There are about 8 varieties of bites alone. But that’s not what we’re talking about now. You should become more familiar with the puncture technique and recommendations that will help speed up the healing process of the wound.

Piercing procedure and aftercare

Among the most common types of piercings among girls, the Monroe piercing is the most popular. This type of body art allows you to add a touch of coquetry and grace to your expression, emphasizing the smooth features of your face and the swelling of your lips.

The puncture is quite simple:

  • First the master processes the place create holes and tools with antiseptic.
  • After this, a mark is made on the lip– its location is adjusted based on the client’s wishes.
  • The lip is then pinched using surgical forceps., with a quick, confident movement, the needle is inserted along with the catheter, in the place of which the earring is subsequently installed.

This is how almost all types of body art are performed. It doesn’t matter whether the lip piercing is on the side or the bottom – what matters is the experience and professionalism of the master, as well as further manipulations that will allow you to soon enjoy the original decoration on your face.

Piercing Care

How to care for a lip piercing? This question arises almost immediately after completing the procedure. It should immediately be noted that piercing in the Monroe style, the photo of which eloquently demonstrates its grace, or any other type of body art is performed in just a few minutes. After the procedure, it is highly undesirable to eat or drink alcohol for 4 hours. You should also avoid smoking for the next few hours after the puncture.

Does it hurt to get your lip pierced? Not really. On the pain scale, piercings in the “Dahlia” or “Madonna” style can be rated 6 points out of a possible 10.

In the first 72 hours, there may be slight bleeding in the puncture area, swelling of the lip and soreness. Immediately complete healing of the wound will occur within 1-2 months. At this time it is advisable:

  • Drink B vitamins;
  • Stick to a special diet– lean on soups and cereals, give up spicy, sour and salty foods (you will understand why when you try to eat a lemon immediately after the puncture). You should also avoid drinking too hot or cold drinks.
  • Decoration cannot be removed before the wound is completely healed.
  • Do not touch your lips with dirty hands until it becomes clear that the puncture site has completely healed.

The consequences of this procedure are extremely rare when it comes to professional work masters The only thing to be wary of is damage to the enamel if the earring is placed close to the surface of the teeth.


It hurts?

Comparable to pricking your finger when drawing blood.

What types of lip piercings are there?

A puncture under or above the lip, a puncture through the lip itself with an exit inward or outward. They heal differently and require different care because the piercing affects two types of tissue - the skin and the oral mucosa. Therefore, a puncture needs to be cared for differently inside and outside.

Which decoration is better to put on first?

For classic piercings under/above the lip, of course, this is a labret - a direct decoration with a disk inside and a ball or a beautiful stone outside. For punctures through the lip, we use a banana with flat twists or balls. Rings in fresh punctures will take a long time to heal, and it will be painful; we just put markings on them.

Why is the primary labret so long?

Due to swelling. It is largest on the second or third day, but it can become larger if an infection is introduced into it. If the client is unable to come to the specialist within 24 hours after the swelling increases, it is better to have a few millimeters in reserve, otherwise it will hurt.

How long will my lip swell after a piercing?

Usually the swelling lasts a week, plus or minus three days. If the puncture is in the middle, it won’t ruin it appearance face, if from the side, then keep this in mind if your job depends on your appearance.

How will this affect food?

At first, you need to eat carefully so that you don’t suddenly pull the labret out of habit.

Do lip piercings damage teeth?

If you do not change the jewelry to a short one and often play with it, knocking on your teeth, sooner or later the enamel will begin to break down. We recommend installing a short labret after 4-6 months, which will be slightly pressed into the lip from the inside. This way the labret does not rub against the gums and teeth, and they are safe.

Will I be able to kiss after the piercing?

Kissing and oral sex with a fresh lip piercing – dangerous occupation, because your partner's saliva or blood can easily transfer an STD to your wound.

What to do?

Germs and dirt from the street fly into a fresh lip puncture, and from the inside everything that was in the mouth gets there. So we will consider this puncture as two punctures at the same time - a puncture at the lyceum, a puncture of the mucous membrane in the mouth. For complete care you will need three things - an antiseptic (Miramistin), a rinse liquid (Saline solution) and a mouth rinse that should not contain alcohol and mint extract (LACALUT "Aktiv", PRESIDENT "Profi", ASEPTA, KOLGATE Plax "Complex" protection", LACALUT "Sensitive").

How to use them?

Saline solution:

Pour it into a clean lid/glass, place your lip on it and turn it over so that the decoration is completely immersed in the solution. Wait a couple of minutes. After the puncture “floats” and the crusts adhering to it become wet, they can be carefully removed cotton swab. After this, wash off the residue clean water! This is done precisely in order to soak the crusts and remove them.


Pour it onto a cotton pad and apply it to the outside of the puncture. Hold this for half a minute or a minute. The point is to disinfect the puncture site if dirt or germs from another person’s body have gotten on it.

Rinse aid:

Place mouthwash and rinse for 30 seconds to disinfect everything inside.

So what to do?

Day 0-14:

Morning and evening, wash the puncture with saline solution from the outside so that crusts do not dry out on the labret and interfere with healing. Wash the outside of the puncture with Miramistin a couple of times a day. And every time after eating (but not more than 3-4 times a day), rinse your mouth with mouthwash! Keep in mind that if you do this too often, you can change the microflora in your mouth, so try not to eat too often.

Day 15-30:

We continue to wash the piercing 1-2 times a day; the saline solution can be replaced with a weak soap solution. At week 3, you should make an appointment with a specialist to replace the labret with a shorter one. This is necessary so that the enamel of the teeth does not get knocked on the labret and the gums are not injured, since the swelling should already have passed, and a long decoration will only get in the way.

How to live with this?

You can change the wraps yourself from day 31, once the primary healing is completed. But if the labret is constantly pulled and twisted, the skin inside the puncture may tear, and healing will begin again. This can also happen while eating, so lip piercings usually take longer to heal than desired. After 3-4 months, the redness should completely disappear. After this, you can replace the jewelry with a ring - but not before the master gives the go-ahead. If you leave the labret in the lip, then when the puncture becomes more or less stable, it is better to make it even shorter so that it is slightly pressed into the lip from the inside. This way you will protect your teeth and gums from possible damage from the jewelry. And at this time, the adaptation process will begin - when the puncture begins to become stable and will not tighten if the jewelry is removed. This takes several years. Remember that a puncture is healed not by ointments, but by your body. Remember about it several times a week until it heals completely, it still needs a little washing, care and love.

What not to do?

1. Do not pull, do not scroll, do not remove. The less you disturb the wound, the will heal faster puncture. And if you take out the jewelry in the first 2-3 months, you can’t put it back on your own, you need to go to a piercer.

2. Do not use peroxide, alcohol, calendula, or any ointments. Alcohol and peroxide can give new skin chemical burn, the wound takes longer to heal, plus it is painful. Folk tinctures most often they are made with alcohol, but ointments are generally good nutrient medium for bacteria.

3. Cosmetics, perfumes, scrubs, oils - all this should not get into the puncture! They will either clog the puncture and discharge will begin to accumulate in it, or they will cause allergies and inflammation.

4. It is better not to smoke, drink coffee, alcohol or blood thinning medications, including aspirin, for the first week. All this dilates the blood vessels, and the blood flows stronger, and the wound takes longer to heal. Nicotine generally inhibits general immunity, thereby increasing the healing time by up to 2 times.

5. Do not go to: solarium - 2 weeks, swimming pool - 4 weeks, saunas - 1.5-2 months.

Is it normal:

Q. 1. The puncture is a month old, there is a whitish lump around it.

A. That's normal. It's just that the skin is stretched around the labret due to its sliding back and forth. The canal itself is still healing and will take 2-3 months to heal.

Q. I can feel a seal around the labret!

A. And this is not normal. More likely, improper care or poor-quality jewelry slowed down healing, and this provoked a granuloma. This can be treated by visiting an experienced piercer.

Q. From the inside of the lip, the disc closes under the growth!

A. The labret disc tries to sink a little into the lip from the inside, and this is good, the teeth will be more intact. What is called a build-up is a normal phenomenon. If it is not the granuloma described above.

Q. The labret disc inside is rubbing the frenulum a lot!

A. If this happens, you can ask the piercer to choose a labret with a small cap if the piercing is more than a month and a half old. It happens the other way around – it’s more comfortable with a big hat than with a small one.

1. Alcohol makes the swelling even worse. More swelling means more pain, it’s better just not to drink. Nicotine worsens the immune system, the puncture will take longer to heal. It's better to smoke less.

2. If the swelling is very severe and painful, try drinking ice water and applying ice to your lip. Cold reduces swelling and pain.

3. If you need to hide a piercing, you should immediately tell the master about it. The only way out– choose an inconspicuous decoration in advance before the procedure. For example, an imitation of a mole.

4. If you are going to wear a ring, it would be best to choose it immediately before the puncture. The master will mark the puncture so that after healing it “sits” as you expected.

5. If you have been wearing a very short labret in your lip for several years, then if it is removed permanently, a dimple from the outer part of the jewelry may remain on your lip. Keep this in mind before getting a piercing.

Lip piercing has been known since ancient times, it appeared in African and American tribes. Each puncture on the body meant social status, age, merits and exploits. Today the procedure is used for other purposes: aesthetic, religious, for self-expression. Piercing can have the meaning of protest against a certain culture, belonging to youth subcultures, or imitation of an idol.

Lip piercing is considered relatively safe due to the absence of important vessels, cartilage, and nerve endings. Painful sensations for each patient are individual, with a low threshold anesthesia is used. Soreness has a score of 6 out of 10.

Safe piercings are in the middle next to the groove above the upper lip, and piercings above the upper and under the lower lip. The procedures are characterized by minimal pain and no risk of infection. Piercing the frenulum leads to damage to tooth enamel and gums. Lower lip piercing can cause diction problems.

The procedure is contraindicated in:

  • herpes;
  • AIDS;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • DIC syndrome;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Types of piercings and puncture sites

View Peculiarity
Monroe Piercing on the side above the right upper lip, imitation of Marilyn Monroe, who had a mole in this place.
Madonna It is done symmetrically to the left of the above.
Dahlia Symmetrical piercings, left or right above the upper lip. It is rarely used, it is not always possible to achieve perfect symmetry, and it is not suitable for everyone.
Snake bite Paired piercings on the right and left under the lower lip.
Jellyfish Dimple piercing.
Shark bite Two symmetrical piercings under the lower lip.
Labret Single puncture under the bottom.
Smile The frenulum is pierced, the decoration is noticeable only when the person smiles.
Ashley A type of piercing in the middle of the lower lip.

How does the puncture procedure work?

Preparation for the procedure includes choosing a qualified specialist and a salon. Don't do it at home, there is a risk of contamination bacterial infection, the wound will take much longer to heal. In a professional salon, the procedure will take no more than two minutes.

There are no medical contraindications for the puncture site; the pain threshold is individual for each patient.

How the procedure works:

  1. Tampons are placed under the tongue to reduce salivation.
  2. Done local anesthesia(injection of 2% lidocaine solution).
  3. Apply an antiseptic: Chlorhexidine Bigluconate or Hydrogen Peroxide.
  4. The lip is pulled back using a special clamp to ensure symmetry of the pattern.
  5. The master pricks a needle or catheter and inserts jewelry (it is better to use gold or silver).
  6. After the procedure, the master must disinfect the puncture site with antiseptics and Miramistin ointment.

Check the sterility of instruments. The needle should be opened in front of the client.

The duration of healing depends on the puncture site, the quality of care after the procedure, and the individual characteristics of the body. In the absence of complications, problem areas heal in 14-30 days.

Caring for a puncture and possible complications

Care includes:

  1. Daily disinfection of swollen skin with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents externally and internally (Chlorhexidine, Levomekol) after each meal.
  2. Apply Miramistin ointment to the area.
  3. Do not use decorative cosmetics.
  4. Do not remove jewelry.
  5. If possible, do not touch problem area hands.
  6. For a week, do not eat hot or cold food, avoid salty and spicy foods. Include in diet maximum amount vegetables
  7. Take B vitamins as prescribed by your doctor.
  8. Quit drinking and smoking for at least a week.
  9. Take care of your skin after healing: avoid injury and damage.

The listed antimicrobial ointments and antiseptics for treatment can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Possible complications:

  1. The wound may fester and take a long time to heal. This common consequence performing the procedure at home.
  2. Allergic reactions commonly occur to nickel, which is used as an alloying additive in tool steel (surgical steel for jewelry).
  3. Formation of keloids and scars.
  4. Injuries cause swelling and slow healing.
  5. Rejection by the body.
  6. Injuries to the teeth, oral cavity, gums (especially important when piercing the frenulum).
  7. Unsuccessful work of the master: lip piercing when there is no symmetry.

Rules for choosing an earring

The choice of earrings is made depending on the type of piercing and material of manufacture.

Decoration Characteristic What types of piercings are used for?
Labret Depending on the location of the piercing, a horizontal and vertical labret is used, which is a titanium rod with balls at the ends. Piercings above the upper lip: Monroe, Madonna, Medusa.
Barbell Half labret, half shaft with ball. Bridle.
Ring A metal gold rod with ends closed in a circle. Bridle.
Horseshoe Half a circle with arrows at the ends. Bridle.
Twist Reduced spiral. Piercing under the lower lip.
Circular Earrings are similar to rings, the difference is that circulars have threaded connections at the ends. Bottom.
Segment ring Rings that are divided into segments. In the mouth.

Do not immediately use complex jewelry; the wound will heal more slowly. During the procedure, it is better to insert a barbell or nail made of hypoallergenic materials.

Material of manufacture

  • gold (fineness from 585), surgical titanium, hypoallergenic plastic - used immediately after the puncture;
  • surgical stainless steel;
  • silver;
  • niobium;
  • zircon;
  • Teflon;
  • titanium.

Piercing is an informal decoration. Employers often set a dress code as one of their hiring requirements, into which such attributes do not fit. Fake clothes will help you try yourself in a new style.

How is a lip piercing done? How to pierce your lip correctly? How to care for your piercing? How long does it take for a lip to heal? Care.

Lip piercing(lower and upper) - was popular in ancient times. Then labial piercing was one of the components of some rituals.

Nowadays piercing is an attribute of fashion and a way of self-expression.

How is a lip piercing done? Let's talk about how piercing is done and what it is like in general. There are horizontal and vertical types of piercing.

Horizontal labial piercing involves a very deep puncture made parallel to the lip. Puncture healing time: from two to four weeks (this depends on the individual, personal characteristics organism). Jewelry for this type of piercing should be selected only from hypoallergenic material (for example, titanium).

In the case of a vertical puncture, the lip is pierced exactly in the center, starting from the lower border to the upper central point. Labrets (rod thickness 1.6 millimeters) are excellent for jewelry for vertical piercings. Labret is a special jewelry for piercing, consisting of a ball and a barbell (a non-screwing cap). And the size of the jewelry is selected according to the thickness of the lips of the person wishing to get a piercing.

Decoration - a ring is the pinnacle of attractiveness and sexuality. In order to avoid dental problems when installing this decoration, it must be carried out in such a way that top part the jewelry was between the teeth. Otherwise, the tooth enamel will be destroyed, since the ring will constantly touch the lip.

The piercing takes just one minute. Does it hurt? The fact is that all people are different. They all have completely different pain threshold sensitivity. Some people may feel almost nothing, while others, unfortunately, will feel pain or discomfort. Don't worry: the piercer always has anesthetic agents on hand (ultracaine or lidocaine are most often used). These solutions, by the way, can cause allergies. Therefore, first do a test injection.

How to care for a piercing at home? Care.

After the piercing procedure is completed, you need to make some temporary adjustments to your life so that the lip healing process takes place without irreparable consequences:

  1. After the piercing, for the first four hours, do not smoke, eat or drink alcohol.
  2. When four hours have passed, you can eat flour, dairy products, cereals and other fruits, but with the exception of citrus fruits.
  3. Forget, for a while, about oral sex and kissing, as everything can cause infection or injury to the pierced lip.
  4. There will be noticeable changes in your diction (the first three to four days).
  5. A fistula may appear (in rare cases).
  6. You will have to give up cold, spicy, hot, salty and sweet.

There is a very non-standard type of piercing - Monroe (Madonna, Crawford) piercing. It is made above the upper lip, off-center, to resemble a mole. In most cases, the decoration of such piercing is gem or a metal ball (it is located on the outside of the earring). Positive side This type of piercing is that the lip area heals much faster than with other types of piercing. The lip, after this type of piercing, heals (completely) after twelve weeks. For many - after six weeks. Monroe is an almost painless piercing. But there is a risk of a puncture in the labial artery (it is located just above the upper lip). Those with thick lips will experience more discomfort. More painful procedure turns out to be for men, as their skin becomes rougher due to shaving.

Lip piercing at home at home. How to pierce your lip correctly?

If you want to get a piercing without leaving home, then this is possible. Who will do the piercing for you is, of course, up to you. You can, in principle, call a specialist to your home. You can ask your friend for this favor. If you want, do the piercing yourself. The choice is yours.

So, where to start? Buy a catheter needle (available at the pharmacy). A catheter is a tube-shaped instrument. Choose a piercing (it’s better to have a longer labette rather than a ring, since the ring will take a very long time to take root). Clean the piercing with alcohol. The needle does not need to be processed: it is sterile. From the front side, pierce the lip with a catheter needle and insert the piercing into it. Make sure that your hands do not shake during the procedure, as your hand may slip. It’s even better if there is someone else next to you, so to speak, for insurance and confidence.

How to care for your piercing? How long does it take for a lip to heal? - Care.

Remember that there are rules that should not be broken, no matter what:

  1. For the first seven days, do not steam the piercing site.
  2. For the first two days, do not allow water to get into the piercing site.
  3. Wipe puncture sites (both exits) by special means, twice a day. However, there is no need to remove the earring. By the way, don’t forget to rotate it to lubricate and clean the ear. It is better to wipe with a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine, as they are excellent antiseptics. Alternatively, you can use antibiotic ointments or calendula tincture. Alternatively, try salicylic or boric alcohol.
  4. There is no need to drink alcohol before piercing, as it will be much harder to stop the bleeding.
  5. Do not buy or acquire low-quality, cheap jewelry.
  6. Do not change the earring or barbell until the area where the puncture was healed.
  7. Do not use your fingernails to remove the crust of blood remaining on the jewelry. A swab soaked in chlorhexidine will help more here.

Lip piercing. Bottom and top. - Consequences.

Before you go for a piercing procedure, think very carefully: do you really need it? We, in turn, consider it our duty to remind you that after piercing you can expect very unpleasant (sometimes very unpleasant) consequences. Such, for example, as:

  1. Increase in complications of dental diseases.
  2. Enamel cracks.
  3. Inflammation of the gums.
  4. Dental tissue damage.
  5. Periodontitis.
  6. Fractures of teeth (front).

The above consequences are typical for adolescents.

Unfortunately(maybe fortunately), there are those who get piercings - Prohibited.

These include:

  1. Those with poor blood clotting.
  2. Those who suffer from an exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  3. Those who are not yet eighteen.
  4. Those with a fever.


Lip piercing

The main advantage of lip piercing is its effectiveness. It’s impossible not to notice it: it’s a bright addition to your look, makeup, or even just your mood. Our salon will be happy to help you choose one or another lip piercing.

Lips are one of the most sensual and sexy parts of the face. It is not surprising that people have long sought to highlight and highlight them with piercings. But some are still afraid: “It won’t suit me, such a puncture will only aggravate the shortcomings.” Well, an ordinary thick ring or circular may indeed look completely unattractive, but a miniature diamond or iridescent opal to match the color of your eyes, hair or favorite lipstick is another matter.

Lip piercing and health

It is advisable to do the piercing in such a way that the jewelry does not touch the teeth if possible. Or at least didn't do it all the time. Because the metal will constantly rub against tooth enamel, it may begin to collapse, resulting in caries and other troubles.

The installation of low-quality jewelry adds fuel to the fire: they oxidize, peel off and worsen pathological process. That is why a high-quality and safe piercing is a piercing made primarily by an experienced craftsman with high-quality jewelry made from implant titanium and nickel-free gold.

Safety also includes the presence of an autoclave in the studio, which is guaranteed to destroy HIV, hepatitis and other viruses and bacteria. Dry heat and ultraviolet ovens are completely unsuitable for these purposes, just as soaking in solutions, boiling, wiping with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, and so on are not suitable.

Lip piercing. Kisses and more

There is an opinion that lip piercing interferes with kissing - in most cases this is not the case. Sometimes it really takes time to get used to a piercing, both for the owner and for the partner. However, some lip piercings only enhance sensitivity due to stimulation erogenous zones partner directly with decoration. In addition, gently biting the area around the puncture also feels very pleasant.

Of course, we are talking about a healed piercing.

Lip piercing and braces

Some guys get the idea that braces and lip piercings will interfere with each other already when they cross the threshold of the studio. This point should be thought through in advance. It is really better to postpone some punctures until the braces are removed - for example, “Medusa”, “Horizontal Labret”, “Ashley” and some other options.

At the same time, each case is discussed individually, so it is better to make an appointment with a specialist and select jewelry in the studio in order to know exactly how it will all look in the end.

Lip piercing and jewelry

For lip piercing, various jewelry can be used, which the master selects: straight labrets with beautiful twists, “bananas,” rings, circulars.

However, whatever the shape of the product, the material should always be of high quality, so we recommend using titanium or nickel-free gold in both a fresh and a long-existing piercing. They don't highlight harmful substances, which are allergens and not only inhibit the healing of the canal, but sometimes make it impossible in principle.

The piercing procedure should proceed approximately according to the following scheme:

1. The client chooses the jewelry he likes from those proposed by the master.

2. The master advises the client on what he cannot do for some time after the puncture (eating very spicy or very salty food, drinking too hot tea or coffee, drinking alcohol, smoking). She also learns about the nuances of the client’s health that may affect the piercing or its healing.

3. The master takes the jewelry to be sterilized in an autoclave along with napkins, a disposable piercing needle and gloves.

4. While sterilization is in progress, the client fills out a form in which he indicates detailed information about his health and studies the care instructions, which he takes with him.

5. Sterilization is complete. The client goes to the office.

6. The technician takes out sterilized instruments, treats the puncture site with a disinfecting surgical scrub, puts on sterile gloves and marks the puncture site.

7. A sterile disposable needle is used to make a puncture exactly along the markings, and the jewelry is inserted immediately after the needle.

Lip piercing - healing and care

Time primary healing After this procedure it takes about four weeks. After the lip piercing procedure, you will have to stop eating citrus fruits for a while. alcoholic drinks and kisses. To avoid infection, it is better to entrust lip piercing to a qualified specialist who will carry out the procedure competently and give detailed instructions for further care - this is exactly what they do at St. Scalpelburg.

If you are wearing a labret, try not to open your mouth too wide: the disk with inside may touch teeth. You can shave as usual, but you should avoid getting any aftershave lotion (especially alcohol-based lotion) into your healing piercing.

Do not share lipstick or lip balm with anyone. During healing, you should not use balms in jars: they are applied with your finger, from which infection can enter the wound.

Plaque can accumulate on the inside of the stain, especially where the disc connects to the shaft. This area is sometimes difficult to reach with a toothbrush, so it is better to use dental floss to keep the dye clean.

Jewelry may sink slightly into the mucous membrane of the lip - this is normal; however, if you feel that the jewelry has gone too deep/started to sink in too much, contact your piercer immediately. During the healing process outer side The piercing (the one directly on the face) sometimes changes color, usually pinkish or reddish, during the first two weeks after the procedure. Frequent baths with saline solution will help solve this problem.

Replacing decoration

A good piercer will advise you before or during the procedure that the length of the labret needs to be reduced after healing is complete. Depending on the size of the rod and how the healing process has proceeded, you may have to reduce the length of the rod several times; Wait until the piercing is completely healed before inserting close-fitting jewelry.

Saliva can make changing jewelry on your own a daunting task: small pieces will constantly slip between your fingers; Keep gloves and a clean paper towel or two on hand—you'll likely need them. A labret with a three-piece replaceable disc will be more difficult to screw on without outside help– due to their flat shape and small size.



It doesn't hurt much more than accidentally biting your lip, and it happens just as quickly.


Complete healing will take 3-4 months, but if you follow all our recommendations the swelling will subside already in the second week, and the puncture will stop causing discomfort after 3-4 weeks. Next, you just have to remember that your piercing is still healing and don’t “play” with the jewelry once again. If you need to shave/put on makeup, you should do it very carefully, without tugging at the jewelry or introducing cosmetics into the still fresh piercing.


In no case. Jewelry made from implantation titanium has a hard, smooth surface, and the mythical “ingrowth” cannot occur. But you can easily tear off crusts of dried natural secretions from a still fresh wound so that the still fragile tissue of the piercing canal begins to scar.


A fresh piercing already has to deal with sweat and dust, so you shouldn’t expose it to unnecessary external irritants for as long as possible. The minimum terms are 2 weeks for a solarium, 4 weeks for a swimming pool, and 6 weeks for baths and saunas. After this period, you can slowly start going there, but immediately after the visit, wipe with an antiseptic.


The shape and size of the primary decoration depends on the type of puncture. In "labret" (piercing under the lower lip), "medusa/philtrum" (piercing in the dimple above the upper lip) and "Monroe"/"Madonna" (piercing above the upper lip on the right or left, imitating the famous "flies" of divas, in honor which is named this type lip piercing) straight jewelry with a thickness of 1-1.6 mm is placed, in which a flat disk is wound or welded on the inside, and a ball, pebble or other beautiful twist of a more non-standard shape on the outside. The length of the base should be several millimeters greater than the thickness of the lip at the puncture site (most often 9-11 mm). The outside of the pebble should be at least 2 millimeters so that during primary swelling it does not “sink” into the skin.

In the “vertical labret” (vertical piercing of the lower lip), “gestrum” (the same as the vertical labret, but on upper lip) and “Ashley” (a horizontal piercing of the lower lip that extends inwards) most often small bananas are placed, but sometimes the anatomy allows for direct decoration. After 2-3 weeks, when the swelling subsides, the base of the jewelry can be changed to a shorter one so that it does not “crawl out” during expressive facial expressions and/or does not “dangle” inside, injuring the gums/teeth). And, of course, do this not on your own, but with the help of a master.


Firstly, it is not suitable for all types of piercings, so if you want to wear a ring in your lip, you should warn the specialist about this before the procedure - he will tell you about all the options for piercings “under the ring”, and will also offer to try on several sizes, and you will immediately know what it will look like. If you don’t do this, you can end up in a situation where you’ve already spent a lot of time and effort on healing, but the ring of the desired size puts pressure on the puncture or, conversely, looks cumbersome.

Secondly, you should not install it in a fresh puncture, as it will constantly rotate, thereby injuring the channel trying to form. And in order for the ring not to dig into the lip during primary swelling, it must be a size larger than the one that will fit neatly around it. If you immediately place a ring that is close to each other, during the initial swelling it will “cut” the walls of the puncture, and even if it heals under such conditions (and this is unlikely), then the result will be a migrated puncture with a ring that sits too loosely. If you carefully follow our care recommendations, after 3 months you can come for a follow-up examination and installation of the long-awaited ring.


In addition to the above standard punctures, you can make entire compositions from the same types, arranging them in any quantity and order that your anatomy allows (pictures with all kinds of heresy like the one I have). You can also sometimes “hide” a piercing using a mole-shaped wrap.


With a very fresh puncture, we do not recommend doing this at all, since no matter how much confidence you (NI?) have in your partner, there is always a risk of transmitting STDs if someone else’s secretions enter your blood. Starting from the 3rd week you can already return to full life, but do not forget that the less you disturb the puncture, the faster it will heal. But in general, you get used to lip piercings (as well as lip piercings) very quickly and stop feeling them - provided that the puncture is located optimally for your anatomy and the size of the jewelry is chosen correctly. So the only thing left to think about is your partner’s preferences, and the rest is a matter of your taste and the skill of your piercer.


This happens if you wear jewelry made of material that is not suitable for piercing. Impurities contained in gold from jewelry stores, silver and surgical steel, can react with natural secretions and start the oxidation process. Replacing the jewelry with one made of implantable titanium or nickel-free gold usually solves this problem.


If this does not happen locally at the puncture site, where the jewelry comes into contact with the tissue, then the problem is not with it, but with the antiseptic and/or rinse aid. Everyone's oral microflora is different, and the same antiseptic or hygienic rinse can have different effects on different people. When the mouth rinse is not suitable, it can disrupt the microflora of the mouth, and because of this, a reaction appears, it is called stomatitis. In this situation, just try changing the rinse aid to another one from the list provided in ours.


If such an outcome were possible, no master would take upon himself the responsibility of practicing this piercing.

Does lip piercing hurt? Here's what our clients say:

About a month ago I got my lip pierced in St. Scalpelburg, I’m happy with it. Special thanks to the dear master Ksenia.
