How to care for a lip piercing. Lip piercing: upper, lower and above the lip with a photo

Many modern young people are interested in how to make piercing at home .

In the past few decades, piercing has spread very widely, and if at first pierced lips and eyebrows were in most cases perceived negatively by others, now this is quite a common occurrence and many find beauty and a way of self-expression in this. Since the main piercing contingent is of senior school or student age, as a rule, there is often a shortage of funds for an expensive procedure of this type in a special salon. That is why many teenagers and young people resort to self-care. piercing at home or ask friends (of course, not professionals) about it. In this case, you should carefully observe all the rules of hygiene, as there is a high probability of infection.

Piercing can be done on various parts of the body: eyebrow, nose, lip, ear, navel and so on. If we talk about the eyebrow piercing procedure, then it is usually quite painful. Here it is very important not to touch the optic nerve, so certain biological knowledge and professional accuracy are required. There are several options for piercing an eyebrow, but because of the danger of the procedure itself, it is better to consult a specialist. If you are determined to do piercing at home , then theoretically this procedure is quite simple. For its implementation, you will need a small barbell or earring (not long and thin for the first puncture), a dropper (pay attention to the fact that the bar fits the catheter), sterile cotton wool and a disinfectant (alcohol or hydrogen peroxide). Place the bar in a container with alcohol, and also treat well-washed hands with it. Also wipe the catheter and eyebrow with alcohol. Thoroughly rub alcohol into the puncture site, this contributes to additional disinfection and provides an anesthetic effect for a while. Now grab some skin and pierce it (you choose the direction yourself). If you feel a sharp pain, it means that you have hit a blood vessel. Quickly pull out the needle and stick it in another place. If you do this slowly, you may bruise. Now, without releasing the skin, pull out the catheter and insert the barbell. Quite possible heavy bleeding. It can take up to a week for a pierced eyebrow to heal (depending on the individual and on care).

Most Popular piercing at home in the form of a piercing of the ear (or both ears). This is due to the high prevalence of ear piercing, and the relative ease of its execution. The fact is that there are not so many biopoints on the ear, and the probability of getting into a blood vessel is quite small. The main thing here, as in all other types of self-piercing, is hygienic conditions and sterility. Thoroughly clean the surface of the ear, needle, and earring with alcohol or other disinfectant. For puncture, you can use a catheter or a regular needle. For better disinfection, the needle can be heated. Now it remains only to pierce the earlobe from the back (it is important to do this at a right angle) and insert the earrings (they should not be large and made of high-quality metal). For the first two or three months, the earrings cannot be removed at all, since the puncture is still in the healing process. After implementation piercing at home hygiene should be especially carefully monitored - disinfect the punctured site daily so that the infection does not get there.

Piercing is one of the oldest ways to decorate the body. Piercing done by people different peoples and different epochs for centuries and even millennia. The ancient Egyptians pierced the navel - it was not only an ornament, but also a symbol: a pierced navel meant belonging to the nobility. V modern world Piercing, which once settled in the hippie culture, gradually became popular among representatives of all ages and social strata.

Where to apply piercing

Most often, earrings are worn in the ears, eyebrows, nose, navel and nipples.

Experts strongly recommend doing piercing only in the salon with a trusted master! But there are craftsmen who are ready to make a puncture at home. To minimize the puncture in the wrong place, not to miss, not to damage the nerve endings and blood vessels, you need to clearly define and mark the point for future decoration right on the skin.

Having taken up this responsible business, the needle must be held firmly and confidently, pierced quickly and certainly evenly. With any type of piercing, the most important thing is hygiene and sterility, so that the puncture and instruments are thoroughly disinfected. Hands are no exception, wash with soap, wipe dry and wipe with alcohol. If possible, use sterile medical gloves.

Features of procedures

Earlobe piercing is the most popular type of puncture, it is not so difficult to make it: there is no risk of getting into the vessel, there are not so many biopoints on the lobe. prick with back side earlobes, an earring is inserted into the catheter and pulled out holding it. If you pierce your ear with a regular sewing needle, inserting the earring will be a little more difficult. Hold the earlobe taut and do not let go until the jewelry is in place. The easiest way is to use stud earrings. Often, after a successful first ear piercing experience, there is a desire to make a few more holes.

The eyebrow is pierced from the bottom up, grabbing the skin. The bar is pulled out and the puncture site is disinfected. It is important that the piercing is as close as possible to the end of the eyebrow and as far as possible from the bridge of the nose: if you prick at the bridge of the nose, there is a risk of getting into an active biopoint. You can also damage the optic nerves and get sharp deterioration vision. Eyebrows are pierced horizontally, vertically or diagonally. If, piercing the skin, you felt a sharp and strong pain, then you hit a vessel or nerve. Remove the needle, press the place of pain with cotton wool, and the puncture will have to be done in another place on the eyebrow.

The wing of the nose is an equally popular place for piercing. Before the puncture, the nostril is pulled back so that the fastener lies along the wall, so the procedure is not the most aesthetic, in contrast to the result. There are frequent cases of piercing in the septum between the nostrils.

Increasingly, the tongue is also pierced, although this is quite dangerous: there are large vessels under the tongue. Therefore, a puncture is made between them, from the bottom up. It is important to place the needle strictly vertically, otherwise it will be both ugly and uncomfortable. After the puncture is made and the bar is installed, be sure to rinse your mouth. At first, rinsing should be done once a day and every time after meals.

In addition, piercings of the navel and nipples, as well as intimate piercings, have become popular types of piercing. But such punctures are necessarily made in the salon with the help of experienced piercers.

Contraindications for piercing

Despite the desire to stand out, show individuality, or, conversely, become like your idol, you need to think about the rationality of such a decision. And in some cases, piercing is unacceptable for health reasons. So, for example, you will have to refrain from puncturing your body:

  • people who have poor blood clotting;
  • in the presence of any skin diseases;
  • during infectious and other diseases;
  • at elevated temperature body;
  • young women and girls who plan to have children;
  • those who have diabetes, piercing is completely contraindicated.

If this list does not include you and the desire to pierce your skin remains unchanged, it is worth considering in advance what jewelry to purchase. Ordinary metal is inexpensive, but it is likely to cause suppuration and the inflammatory process will drag on for a long time. You can try to wear inexpensive jewelry when enough time has passed after the piercing procedure, and the wound has already completely healed. First you need to use only special materials. Gold, silver, platinum, titanium, niobium, teflon, surgical steel. Jewelry made from these metals does not cause allergies and even helps in speedy healing.

What is fraught with piercing?

Infection and allergies are not so rare. side effects piercing. infectious process about every fifth puncture ends in the wound.

In addition, if something goes wrong, there is a risk of getting suppuration, sometimes it can even lead to blood poisoning! With a lip piercing, there is a risk of losing a tooth, and with an ear or nose piercing, there is a risk of deformity auricle or nostrils. If you pierce your tongue, you can get swelling of the larynx, and as a result, an asthma attack. From putrefactive processes in the wound, teeth can also suffer. But the piercing of the genitals or the navel can result in complications during childbirth.

Do not perform the procedure on an empty stomach, as you can faint.

All instruments that will have to be used during the puncture process must be sterile. Simply wiping with alcohol is no guarantee.

Proper puncture care is the only way to avoid problems. The wound is regularly disinfected, and alcohol and blood-dissolving pills (aspirin, etc.) are not taken for several days after the procedure. The most difficult to care for are tongue and genital piercings.

When making a puncture in a place on your body where clothing is supposed to be worn, be prepared for some moments of discomfort. You will have to forget about tight-fitting clothes for a while. The beginning of summer is the best time to give your body a new look. A minimum of clothing is required, so it will be easier to get used to the piercing.

However, a properly performed piercing procedure and compliance with all hygiene requirements helps to avoid unwanted infections and get an aesthetic piercing.

Of all areas of the face, the puncture in the area of ​​​​the upper and lower frenulum is considered the most painful. Lip piercing gives the appearance of elegance and seductiveness, but in addition, it can be a threat to health.

The art of holes on the body came to Europe in the Middle Ages. For the first time, researchers encountered such an unusual approach to decorating themselves while studying African countries.

Exists the following types lip piercing:

But on this title female species lip piercings don't end there. Body painters often make compositions from individual punctures, creating so-called bites. For example, a spider, dog, cyber, snake, and shark bite is done. Microbananas, rings and half rings are used as decoration.

One of the most interesting body artists in the world is considered to be a dahlia bite - here the earrings are located at the corners of the mouth. Particular importance is attached to the shape of bananas. They can be spherical, spike-shaped and others.

How to do lip piercing step by step

There are two options for lip piercing - a gun or a needle. All masters recommend using a needle. This is due to the fact that when working with a gun, skin particles fall under the working plates, thereby contributing to blood infections during further procedures. Reviews also claim that even a professional needle can be replaced by a simple pharmacy catheter. How to work for you - decide for yourself.

How to pierce the frenulum of the upper lip or smiley:

  1. During the puncture of the navel, ear, nose or other parts of the body, these manipulations are not needed. But when piercing this area, the most important thing is to reduce salivation. To do this, before starting the procedure, large glands (they are located under the tongue and near the jaws) must be covered with cotton wool. V dental offices for this purpose, special tampons are used - they can be bought at a pharmacy;
  2. The place of the future puncture should be washed with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine. After that, the upper lip is pulled up so that you can get to thin places;
  3. This piercing is very easy to carry out at home due to its painlessness. To pierce the smiley, you need to find a white area on the bridle and direct the needle there. If the bridle is large enough, then you can experiment with the height of the earring. With a lower setting, it will be noticeable during a conversation, with a higher setting, it is practically invisible;
  4. After that, tampons are simply removed from the glands and the mouth is rinsed with Miramistin. There is no blood, so further use of cotton balls is not advisable.

Video: Lower lip piercing

To pierce any other part of the lip or perioral space, you will need special clamps. They are needed not only for fixation, but also so that a beautiful piercing does not move to the side, breaking the symmetry. You can buy these in any specialized stores.

If doing a real lip piercing is scary, then you can temporarily put fake piercing. This is a snag or a fake "puncture". Such an artificial decor will decorate the image for a while and will be able to show the hidden “informal” side of the personality without external damage.

Earrings and jewelry for piercing

Used for lip piercing different kinds decorations:

Lip piercing care

Depending on the chosen puncture site, special care is required. Any piercing can fester if you wash only its outer side. Special attention should be given to rinsing the mouth with various antiseptic and regenerating solutions.

How a lip piercing is treated:


Any body art carries a certain health hazard. There are some contraindications for piercing. First of all, it is herpes and others skin diseases. It is not recommended to pierce the skin during colds.

Other contraindications for piercing:

  • Pregnancy. This is not a categorical requirement, but during lactation and during an “interesting” position, interventions in the body are not recommended;
  • Blood diseases. If the piercing should heal, the reason lies in the composition of the blood. With a short time for the formation of platelets or other diseases, it is recommended to remove the jewelry;
  • It cannot be done with any reduced immunity.

The main consequences faced by the owners of lip piercings are swelling, suppuration or infection. If the girl’s piercing is festering, you need to remove the jewelry, apply an antiseptic compress to the wound and take care of the hole more carefully.

But sometimes, inflammatory processes It starts not because of improper care, but because of the wrong material of the piercing jewelry or the weight of the earring. For example, if the labret is too heavy, it can pull back on the skin and interfere with normal healing. In this case, you need to change the decor to gold or silver, but thinner and lighter.

Photo of lower and upper lip piercing

To find out how much a lip piercing costs, as in the photo, you need to accurately describe to the master what you want and choose a piece of jewelry (ring or microbanan). average price puncture varies from $10 to $50.

Meaning. The word piercing came to us from in English, in translation - “to make holes” and means, respectively, piercing various parts body earrings or piers of surgical steel. Then, at will, they are usually replaced with jewelry made of any metal (gold, silver, titanium or zirconium), excluding metals that oxidize. The history of piercing is very old., several thousand years and began from the African continent and South America. Then, in ancient times, the wearing of various, sometimes the most unexpected decorations injected into the body, had a certain meaning and significance. Piercing for various tribes was not only an ornament, but also a part of various religious rites. Each fragment of it carried information about belonging to a particular tribe, age, social status, military and love exploits. Piercing was closely associated with the civilization and culture in which the person lived.

V Ancient Egypt the priestesses and the entourage of the pharaoh pierced their navels to confirm their status and put gold jewelry into them. Indian women got their nose pierced, which indicated their marital status. For European residents for a long time piercing various parts of the body was associated with the traditions of the natives and barbarians.

Just a few years ago piercing in countries former USSR was a rather strange hobby, more inherent in hippies and punks. The only thing that was traditional and customary was ear piercing. Yes, but only for women. Men who pierced their ears were viewed with suspicion and apprehension. Currently, piercing is no longer exotic. Both men and women pierce any part of their body: eyebrows, lips, noses, tongues, navels, in a word, everything that can be reached. Piercing has long lost any meaning and meaning, it is done more for decoration and self-expression. By the way, female piercing is somewhat more popular than male. Probably because men tolerate it worse possible consequences. In addition, nature has rewarded women with the desire to constantly decorate their bodies.

One of the most popular piercings among young people is the eyebrow piercing.. How is it different? Firstly, the eyebrow piercing procedure is somewhat painful due to the thickness of the skin, and secondly, it requires caution and accuracy in execution, since the optic nerves are close. Of the positive differences - relatively fast healing and originality. But before you decide to pierce your eyebrows, think very carefully.

Usually, eyebrow piercing is done in its first quarter, closer to the edge of the eye. Extremely dangerous make a piercing in the center and not far from the bridge of the nose. If hurt ophthalmic nerve, the consequences are irreparable and can lead to a significant deterioration in vision. There are several ways to pierce the eyebrow: horizontal, vertical, at an angle. Can be pierced several times. Most often, a vertical puncture is made or slightly at an angle.

As decoration you can take rings or curved rods. To reduce the risk of injury to the puncture, it is better to take the decoration of a minimum length and thickness. It is important that the jewelry is made of high quality metals, otherwise after a couple of years they may begin to be rejected.

If your piercing is done by a good professional, then the operation will take place quite comfortable and healing will take no more than a month. And his advice will help to avoid various inconveniences and consequences. Therefore, it is better to get pierced in the salon by a professional. But some risky young people perform eyebrow piercing at home at home.

How to make the most piercing correctly? Eyebrow piercing at home. Free piercing.

Theoretically, the operation is not so complicated. The main thing is to fulfill the condition of sterility and adhere to the rules for caring for the eyebrow after a puncture. It's good to watch how this is done in the salon or invite a knowledgeable friend to help.

In order to implement the intended you will need:

  • Barbell or earring of small size. As already mentioned, for the first puncture, it should be thin and short.
  • Dropper. The rod must fit the catheter.
  • Packing of sterile cotton.
  • Hydrogen peroxide or alcohol for disinfection.

Before the beginning procedure, place the barbell in a small container of alcohol. Wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with alcohol. Then, with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, wipe the catheter (needle) and eyebrow. With another swab, carefully rub alcohol into the puncture site. This will somewhat numb the procedure. Then grab some skin, pull back and pierce from the bottom up or to the side, as you wish. If there was sharp pain , which means that you landed in a blood vessel, in this case, quickly remove the needle and pierce it in another place, otherwise there will be a bruise. Then, without releasing the skin from the fingers, remove the catheter (needle) and insert the prepared barbell. Please note that the holes and the inlet and outlet should be opposite each other. Rinse everything well. The brow area contains a lot blood vessels, therefore, quite a lot of bleeding is possible.

Piercing Healing eyebrows depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the care of the puncture site. This usually takes 2 to 8 weeks.

Care after eyebrow piercing.

Care for eyebrow piercing includes washing the puncture site twice a day with any antiseptic solution. After the procedure, inflammation, swelling and allergic manifestations. You need to be very careful with clothes and hats, make sure that hair does not get into the piercing. Need to protect the puncture site From injuries, eyebrow piercing is often threatened by infection. The eyebrow, in fact, is an accumulator of dirt, dust and sweat. Accumulating, all this can get into the wound and cause infection. This may be indicated by redness and pain. It is better not to solve the problem yourself, but to contact a specialist. Take care of yourself and do not touch the piercing with dirty hands. It is better not to twist or change the barbell until it is completely healed. Secondary piercing of the eyebrow is possible only after the complete healing of the first puncture.

Moreover, you should know that there are a number of contraindications for piercing. Do not pierce those who have poor blood clotting, who suffer from metabolic disorders or diabetes, have skin diseases or weakened immune system, and of course those who are allergic to metal objects.


Lip piercing, upper or lower, was popular in the most ancient times - then it was part of magical rituals, and today it is a tribute to fashion and a way to express yourself.

how does it happen?

In practice, many cosmetologists divide piercing into horizontal and vertical. The first type, in fact, involves a fairly deep puncture made parallel to the lip. How long does a lip piercing take? Deep puncture - for 2 to 4 weeks. Jewelry for this type of piercing should be chosen from a hypoallergenic alloy.

If we talk about vertical puncture, then in this case it is made exclusively in the center, starting from the lower limit and up to the upper, most central point. It heals faster - in 7-10 days. For him, a special decoration - labrets - is optimal.

They make the lip puncture itself, the photo of which you see in the article, in a minute - quickly and efficiently. Many people ask if the procedure itself is painful. In this case, everything depends on pain threshold, which is typical for each of the patients, when the pain seems unbearable to someone, and for someone - like a mosquito bite. Nevertheless, you should not worry - the piercing master always has painkillers on hand, which can be applied even before the puncture procedure.

How to pierce the lip at home?

For many fashionistas and fashionistas, the question of whether it is possible to make a lip piercing at home without visiting a beauty salon is very relevant. It is quite possible to carry out such a procedure at home on your own. In this case, you can do it yourself, or ask a friend for help.

The lip piercing process itself is quite fast, and the main point in this is preparation. For a puncture, it is worth buying a catheter needle in a pharmacy - it looks more like a tube than a needle from a syringe familiar to many, with a large outlet diameter. Next, you should decide on the choice of decoration. In this case, you should choose a long labret, but not a ring. Although the latter looks more sexy, it will take longer for the wound to heal with it.

Next, treat the piercing itself with an alcohol solution, but there is no need to treat the needle: this was pre-made by the manufacturer and packaged under sterile conditions. Next, make a puncture in front of the lip with a catheter needle and insert the piercing. The main thing in this regard is a firm hand, because the slightest error will lead to slipping and more injury.

How to care for a piercing?

After a fashionable piercing is done, it is worth adopting certain rules that will contribute to a speedy recovery and healing.

The rules themselves are simple and do not require any special means and knowledge, but their exact observance will help not only accelerate healing, but also prevent the occurrence of complications. At the very beginning, it is worth remembering and strictly observing the rule: for the first 6-7 days, you should not steam out the place on the lip, pierced and decorated with piercings. And what is no less important: in the first two days it is strictly forbidden to wet this place!

In addition, for 7-10 days it is worth wiping the puncture site on the lip with special antiseptics without removing the earring itself or the labret. The piercing itself should be periodically scrolled, preventing overgrowth, moistening with an antiseptic and cleaning the ear. For wiping can be purchased at the pharmacy alcohol solution miramistin or chlorhexidine are excellent antiseptics. If there is an allergy to these drugs or individual intolerance, as an alternative, you can take an ointment with antiseptic composition or tincture of calendula. Perfectly proved itself in the treatment of punctures boron or

Many people consume alcohol before the lip piercing procedure - so to speak, for courage and as a pain reliever. You should not do this - the blood in this case coagulates worse, and therefore it will be somewhat more difficult to stop the bleeding. As an anesthetic, alcohol is ineffective. At the same time, it reduces the effectiveness of local anesthetics. You should choose high-quality jewelry - do not save on yourself, because such an infringement will not lead to the best consequences.

The earring itself or the labret should not be changed at first - wait until the puncture heals and only after that you can experiment and pick up something new. Agree, everything is quite simple, and subject to the rules, the result will be fast healing puncture and the absence of complications in the form of redness, suppuration and infection.

Lip piercing: consequences

Before deciding on such cosmetic procedure, you should think with a cold head and without emotions about whether you really need to get pierced. Think about how the piercing itself will look on your face in 10 years. And also, you should not discount the possible consequences, and not the most pleasant ones. For example, the puncture itself, which hits a nerve or muscle, can lead to a distortion of the facial tissues - do you want to look like that? Of course not, not to mention the possibility of infection of the puncture site, blood in the absence of careful processing.

In addition, after a lip piercing, a person can also expect problems with teeth - cracking of tooth enamel and inflammation of the gums, periodontitis, fracture or chipping of the front teeth. After piercing, few people are interested in spending money on a dentist.

Prohibition on piercing

Despite the fact that the procedure itself is quite simple and not complicated, there are certain prohibitions on its implementation. In particular, lip piercing should not be done to those people who have been diagnosed with poor blood clotting, and there is also an exacerbation of one or another chronic disease. Such decoration should not be done by teenagers under the age of 18. It is also contraindicated to carry out a puncture when the body temperature is elevated.

What are the risks associated with a lip piercing?

As noted earlier, lip piercings can cause dental problems, damage, and gum disease. All this can provoke an incorrectly selected piercing jewelry, lack of puncture treatment, or an attempt to remove the jewelry in the first days after the procedure.

In addition to problems with the oral cavity and teeth, blood poisoning is also possible when an infection enters the wound, as well as the formation of a so-called fistula in the absence of proper care. Also, if the procedure for treating the puncture with an antiseptic is incorrectly performed, itching and swelling may occur.

Before making a serious decision about your appearance, consult with a specialist and weigh the pros and cons. Don't do reckless things!

Why do you need a lip piercing?

The great popularity of piercing is characterized by the fact that it gives the lips a peculiar beauty and sexuality. It is best to pierce the lip from the side or in the middle. It is necessary to accurately calculate the distance so that the jewelry is strictly between the teeth. Otherwise, the tooth enamel will be destroyed. Lip piercing makes a kiss out of an ordinary kiss with a great storm of emotions and unforgettable sensations that cannot be experienced without it. A pierced lip with a beautiful decoration looks very attractive and sexy.

How to choose a piercing jewelry?

Before you make a lip piercing, you need to choose a piece of jewelry. As a rule, titanium or plastic labrets are used for primary piercing. A small ring works well too. After the wound has healed, other jewelry can be used.

What you need to know when doing a lip piercing?

Lip piercing procedure - a bit painful process. The wound does not heal quickly, it takes about four weeks. Caring for a piercing is a responsible and difficult task. The main condition that must be met is constant treatment with a special solution. During the day, it is necessary to carry out processing 3-5 times. It is also recommended to make compresses by applying a swab soaked in a special solution to each side of the lip for a couple of minutes. It is strictly forbidden to drink after the puncture alcoholic drinks, smoke and take food. You can only eat ice cream. But remember: after eating ice cream, rinse your mouth. During the healing of the puncture, you must carefully monitor your diet. It's best to stick to a diet. During healing, alcohol should be excluded from the diet. You can eat dairy products, cereals, fruits (but not citrus fruits), vegetables and flour. Reception right food will contribute to the speedy healing of the puncture. In this case, it is recommended to exclude hot, salty and spicy. Until the puncture is completely healed, it is worth giving up kissing, otherwise there is a chance to infect the lip piercing.

Consequences that may occur after a puncture

If the lambrete is very short, then there is the possibility of growing it to inside mucous membrane of the lips. Therefore, it is necessary to choose longer jewelry or jewelry-rings until the wound heals. If you get an infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. Often, the infection gets as a result of wearing low-quality jewelry made of steel. It is necessary to conduct a course of treatment. Make compresses in the morning and evening. After compresses, use an antibacterial ointment.

Lip piercing: types that are very popular

The most common are vertical and horizontal punctures. Many make Medusa in the center of the philtrum. Madonna and Monroe are very painful - a puncture on the right and left. Remember, no matter what lip piercing you choose, it will not only be an ornament, but will also require daily care.

There are many ways to express your individuality. Extraordinary hairstyle or original hair color, unusual clothes or tattoos, bright accessories and informal appearance. Lip piercing is one of the methods of manifestation of individuality and uniqueness. Needless to say, lip piercing is common in both sexes?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Many, when they first see a person, pay attention to the eyes, and only then the gaze drops a little lower - to the level of the lips. Plump and attractive, they beckon with their attractiveness. To make them even more alluring, worth a lip piercing - a small detail that will certainly attract the attention of everyone around.

Punctures in the mouth area are far from an innovation.

History knows the facts that representatives of some tribes wore earrings in their lips. It could be a designation of tribal or tribal affiliation, as well as just a way to demonstrate one's individuality. By the way, at present, some peoples of Africa and Australia still pierce lips and tissue in the mouth area.

In the modern and civilized world, piercing is more of a tribute to fashion, life position or just an opportunity to demonstrate to everyone around you your uniqueness. For example, Monroe piercing looks very impressive on a round female face , emphasizing seductive lips and soft features.

There are things to think about

Yes, a pierced lip looks quite unusual. However, before you dare to take this step, you should pay attention to some nuances that, quite possibly, will make you change your mind or postpone going to the salon indefinitely:

  • Medical indicators. Even elementary rashes during the seasonal exacerbation of acute respiratory viral infections can become the number 1 reason, which does not allow you to make a piercing under the lip. Eczema, diabetes, epilepsy, pregnancy and lactation, and metal allergies are all serious medical contraindications that prevent getting pierced. It is also better for girls during menstruation to refrain from going to the salon for some time.
  • Appropriate dress code. Do not forget that piercing is a vivid manifestation of informal style. If a girl or a guy works in a reputable company where you often need to conduct business negotiations, the piercing will make a negative impression on the interlocutor.
  • Good choice of master and salon. Seriously here - this issue should be approached with special care. The lack of a license and certificate is a sign that this place should be avoided.

Many are shy in front of the salon door, fearing that the procedure will be painful. In fact, the piercing of the upper lip or lower lip is not so scary as it seems at first glance. If we evaluate pain in the process of creating a piercing, you can put 6 points out of a possible 10.

In addition, a lip piercing heals very quickly - the tissue in the mouth area is soft and thin, devoid of blood vessels and capillaries. This means that the experience of a professional master will allow you to quickly and efficiently complete the procedure.

Types of lip piercing

With the growing popularity of this cosmetic procedure the variety of forms and executions of piercing expanded. To date, more than 15 types of piercings in the mouth area are known, each of which is distinguished by its own technique of execution, advantages and disadvantages.

1 Monroe Piercing owes its name to the famous film actress. It's a puncture over upper lip on the left side, which is very similar to a fly. Exists another name - Crawford piercing- by the name of another actress who was lucky enough to become the owner of a charming fly since birth. Piercing "Lips Monroe" is the best fit for girls with soft features and plump lips - this decoration will only emphasize the beauty of the face and its attractiveness.

2. Piercing "Madonna"- absolutely identical option. The only difference is the location of the earring. If the Monroe piercing is done on the left side, then the Madonna is located on the right side.

3. Medusa piercing In this case, the nasolabial cavity is pierced. In the classic version, special earrings with a flat retainer are used. Around the year 2000, vertical and horizontal jellyfish became widespread.

4. The labret is vertical.
First, the needle passes along the line of the lower border of the lip and exits a little higher directly in the center. The most successful is the strictly vertical arrangement of the decoration.

5. There is also a horizontal labret
- piercing, which is identical to the previous version, but with the only difference that the jewelry is installed in parallel lower lip in the center. Unlike the Monroe puncture, the horizontal labret is complicated by the fact that when it is performed, the wound heals a little longer, and in some cases, rejection of the foreign body is also possible.

6. Dahlia bite.
With this puncture, the master makes two small holes in the corners of the mouth - the result looks quite impressive.

7. Ashley is a very beautiful, but long healing type of piercing.
. Unlike the Labret piercing, the lip heals for a long time, the earring can be rejected by the tissue - as a result, an unaesthetic scar is formed, which can only be corrected in a beauty salon. The puncture is performed strictly in the middle of the lower lip.

Of course, this is not all types of lip piercings. Only one! bites ”there are about 8 varieties. But it's not about that now. You should become more familiar with the puncture technique and recommendations that will help speed up the wound healing process.

Piercing procedure and aftercare

Among the most common types of piercing for girls, the Monroe piercing is the most popular. This kind of body art allows you to give the expression a slight coquetry and grace, emphasize smooth facial features and swelling of the lips.

The puncture is quite simple:

  • First, the master processes the place creating holes and antiseptic tools.
  • After that, a mark is made on the lip– its location is adjusted based on the wishes of the client.
  • Then, with the help of surgical forceps, the lip is clamped, with a quick confident movement, a needle is inserted along with a catheter, in place of which an earring is subsequently installed.

This is how almost all types of body art are performed. It doesn’t matter if the lip piercing is from the side or from below - the experience and professionalism of the master are important, as well as further manipulations that will soon allow you to enjoy the original decoration on your face.

Piercing Care

How to care for a lip piercing? This question arises almost immediately after the procedure. It should be immediately noted that the Monroe style piercing, the photo of which eloquently demonstrates its grace, or any other type of body art, is performed in just a few minutes. After the procedure, it is highly undesirable to eat for 4 hours, drink alcohol. You should also refrain from smoking in the next few hours after the puncture.

Does it hurt to get your lip pierced? Not really. On a scale pain piercing in the style of "dahlia bite" or "Madonna" can be rated 6 points out of a possible 10.

In the first 72 hours, there may be slight bleeding at the puncture site, swelling of the lip, and soreness. Directly complete wound healing will occur within 1-2 months. At this time it is desirable:

  • Drink B vitamins;
  • Stick to a special diet- lean on soups and cereals, refuse spicy, sour and salty foods (you will understand why when you try to eat a lemon immediately after the puncture). Drinking too hot or cold drinks should also be avoided.
  • Decoration cannot be removed. before the wound is completely healed.
  • Do not touch your lips with dirty hands until it becomes clear that the puncture site has completely healed.

The consequences of this procedure are extremely rare when it comes to professional work masters. The only thing to be afraid of is damage to the enamel when the earring is close to the surface of the teeth.


It hurts?

Comparable to a prick in the finger when taking blood.

What are lip piercings?

Puncture under or above the lip, puncture of the lip itself through and through with access to the inside or outside. They heal differently and require different care, because the puncture touches two types of tissue - the skin and the oral mucosa. Therefore, the puncture inside and outside must be looked after differently.

Which decoration is better to put first?

For classic under/above lip piercings, of course, this is a labret - a direct decoration with a disk inside and a ball or a beautiful stone on the outside. For piercings through the lip, we put a banana with flat wraps or balls. Rings in fresh punctures will heal for a long time and painfully, we only put markings on them.

Why is the primary labret so long?

Because of the swelling. Most of all, it is on the second or third day, but it can become larger if an infection is introduced into it. If the client does not have the opportunity to come to the master within a day after the increase in edema, it is better to have a few millimeters in reserve, otherwise it will hurt.

How long will the lip swell after a piercing?

The swelling usually lasts for a week, plus or minus three days. If the puncture is in the middle, it will not spoil appearance faces, if on the side, then keep this in mind if work depends on your appearance.

How will this affect food?

At first, you need to eat carefully, so as not to pull sharply on the labret out of habit.

Do lip piercings damage your teeth?

If you do not change the decoration for a short one and often play with it, knocking on the teeth, sooner or later the enamel will start to go astray. We recommend putting in a short labret after 4-6 months, which will be slightly pressed into the lip from the inside. So the labret does not rub against the gums and teeth, and they are safe.

Will I be able to kiss after the piercing?

Kissing and oral sex with a fresh lip piercing - dangerous occupation, because your partner's saliva or blood can easily transfer STDs to your wound.

What to do?

Microbes and dirt from the street fly into a fresh lip piercing, and everything that was in the mouth gets there from the inside. So we will consider this puncture as two punctures at the same time - a puncture on the lyceum, a puncture of the mucous membrane in the mouth. For proper care, you will need three things - an antiseptic (Miramistin), a washing liquid (Saline solution) and a mouth rinse, which should not contain alcohol and mint extract (LACALUT "Aktiv", PRESIDENT "Profi", ASEPTA, COLGATE Plaks "Complex protection”, LACALUT “Sensitive”).

How to use them?


Pour it into a clean lid / glass, put your lip on it and turn it over so that the decoration is completely immersed in the solution. Wait like that for a couple of minutes. After the puncture “floats” and the crusts adhering to it get wet, they can be carefully removed cotton swab. Then wash off the residue clean water! This is done precisely in order to soak the crusts and remove them.


Pour it on a cotton pad, apply to the puncture from the outside. Hold it like that for half a minute. The point is to disinfect the puncture site if dirt or microbes from the body of another person have got on it.

Rinse aid:

Fill your mouth with mouthwash and rinse for 30 seconds to disinfect everything inside.

So what to do?

Day 0-14:

In the morning and evening, wash the puncture with saline from the outside so that the crusts do not dry out on the labret and do not interfere with healing. Wash the puncture outside with Miramistin a couple of times a day. And every time after eating (but not more than 3-4 times a day) rinse your mouth with mouthwash! Keep in mind that if you do this too often, you can change the microflora in your mouth, so try not to eat too often.

Day 15-30:

We continue to wash the piercing 1-2 times a day, saline can be replaced with a mild soapy solution. At week 3, it is worth making an appointment with the master to replace the labret with a shorter one. This is necessary so that the enamel of the teeth does not stray on the labret and the gums are not injured, since the edema should already pass, and the long decoration will only interfere.

How to live with it?

You can change the cheats yourself from 31 days, primary healing passed. But if the labret is constantly pulled and twisted, the skin inside the puncture can tear, and healing will start over again. And it can also happen while eating, so it usually takes longer to heal a lip piercing than we would like. After 3-4 months, the redness should already pass completely. After that, you can replace the jewelry with a ring - but not before the master gives the go-ahead. If you leave a labret in the lip, then when the puncture becomes more or less stable, it is better to make it even shorter so that it is slightly pressed into the lip from the inside. So you will save your teeth and gums from the possible destruction of the jewelry. And at this time, the process of adaptation will begin - when the puncture begins to become stable and will not tighten if the jewelry is removed. This takes several years. Remember that the puncture is healed not by ointments, but by your body. Remind him several times a week until he heals to the end, he still needs a little washing, care and love.

What not to do?

1. Do not pull, do not scroll, do not take out. The less you disturb the wound, the heal faster puncture. And if you take out the jewelry in the first 2-3 months, it won’t work back on its own, you have to go to the piercer.

2. Do not use peroxide, alcohol, calendula, any ointment. Alcohol and peroxide can give new skin chemical burn, the wound heals longer, plus it's painful. Folk tinctures most often made on alcohol, and ointments are generally good culture medium for bacteria.

3. Cosmetics, perfumes, scrubs, oils - all this should not fall into a puncture! They will either clog the puncture, and discharge will begin to accumulate in it, or they will give allergies and inflammation.

4. It is better not to smoke for the first week, not to drink coffee, alcohol and blood-thinning drugs, including aspirin. All this expands the blood vessels, and the blood flows more strongly, and the wound heals longer. Nicotine, on the whole, depresses general immunity, thereby increasing the healing period up to 2 times.

5. Do not go to: solarium - 2 weeks, swimming pool - 4 weeks, saunas - 1.5-2 months.

Is it ok:

Q. 1. I've been pierced for a month, there is a whitish seal around.

A. This is normal. It's just that the skin is pulled tight around the labret because it slides back and forth. The canal itself is still healing and will heal for 2-3 months.

Q. I can feel the seal around the labret!

A. And that's not normal. Most likely, improper care or poor-quality jewelry slowed down healing, and this provoked a granuloma. This is treated by a visit to an experienced piercer.

Q. From the inside on the lip, the disk closes under the growth!

A. The labret disc is trying to sink a little into the lip from the inside, which is good, the teeth will be healthier. What is called a build-up is a normal phenomenon. Unless it's a granuloma described above.

Q. The inside of the labret disc rubs the frenulum a lot!

A. If this happens, you can ask the piercer to pick up a labret with a small hat if the piercing is more than a month and a half. It happens the other way around - it is more convenient with a large hat than with a small one.

1. From alcohol, the swelling becomes even greater. More swelling means more pain, it's better not to drink. Nicotine impairs immunity, the puncture will take longer to heal. It's better to smoke less.

2. If the swelling is very severe and painful, try drinking ice water and applying ice to your lip. Cold reduces swelling and soreness.

3. If you need to hide the piercing, you should immediately tell the master about it. The only way out- before the procedure, choose an inconspicuous decoration. For example, an imitation of a mole.

4. If you are going to wear a ring, it is best to choose it immediately before the puncture. The master will mark the puncture so that it “sets down” after healing, as you expected.

5. If you wear a very short labret in your lip for several years, then if you remove it forever, a depression from the outer part of the jewelry may remain on your lip. Keep this in mind before getting pierced.

How to pierce a lip?

Now on the street you can often meet people of various age groups with piercings all over the body. Especially the fashion for piercing has gained wide popularity in Europe.

Today, lip piercing is considered one of the simplest. The main reason for this is the absence of large blood vessels in the lip, as well as a large number nerve nodes.

Why is this needed? Only those people who have done or are going to get pierced can answer truthfully. Let's learn how to pierce a lip. Everything that will be described below must be done accurately and accurately. Read first, then do!

How to pierce your own lip

First, let's get the necessary tools. First of all, we need a special tongue holder (can be replaced with a regular oval terminal clip). Of course, you can not do without a catheter needle, which is specially designed for piercing. Do not forget to grab the main decoration for the lip - a labret (sometimes they call it decoration).

Before the procedure, be sure to treat the lip. Rinse oral cavity hydrogen peroxide solution (dilute hydrogen with water in a ratio of 1: 1). Rinse your mouth for 5 minutes. Treat the place of the future puncture with a special antiseptic wipe or with the usual 95% ethyl alcohol. Dip the earring and its ball in 95% alcohol for 15-20 minutes.

The puncture itself must be done according to middle line, receding about 8 mm. from the reddish lip border. Mark points for puncture. Now you can proceed to the direct piercing of the lip.

  1. Fix the skin fold on the lip with the previously prepared clip. Previously marked puncture points should fall into the clamp windows.
  2. Gently pierce the fixed skin fold with a sterile needle.
  3. Then remove the needle. The catheter should be left.
  4. Insert the leg of the labret into the catheter.
  5. Use a labret to push the catheter out of the canal.
  6. The labret itself should be located in the “inside-out” position.
  7. Wait until the threaded part of the labret shows up from the opposite side.
  8. Remove the catheter from the leg of the jewelry and wind the ball.
  9. During step 8, do not forget to hold the skin fold. If you do not hold the skin fold, then the catheter can easily slip off the leg and the whole procedure will be in vain.
  10. Now the lip is pierced. Rinse your mouth again (with the same solution as before). Also apply chlorhexidine bigluconate to the skin and outside of the canal. For more good example piercing, you can watch a video of how a lip is pierced.

Now you have a pierced lip! Now we need to pay attention to mandatory procedures after piercing.

Mandatory care after piercing

  1. Do not remove your labret for 6 weeks.
  2. During the first 3 days after the piercing, exclude water procedures in the pool, in the bath or swimming in the reservoirs.
  3. Regularly treat the skin at the puncture site daily with an antiseptic or the chlorhexidine bigluconate mentioned above. It is necessary to ensure that the antiseptic enters from two sides - from the side of the entrance of the needle and from the side of its exit. When processing, do not forget to move and scroll the earring in the channel.
  4. The procedure from point 3 must be performed in the morning and evening for 6 weeks.
  5. In no case do not treat the puncture site with alcohol, this can lead to burns.
  6. Throughout the time, treat the puncture site after playing sports, showering, bathing, bathing or swimming.
  7. Avoid hot, spicy, salty foods after the piercing procedure. Try to cut out smoking.
  8. Only after 4 weeks you can safely remove and change the earring.
  9. Do not forget to take off the earring when visiting the sauna or solarium. In the first 3 weeks, visiting the sauna and solarium is prohibited.