What are the carbohydrates. carbohydrate products

To be beautiful and not be overweight, you need not only to exercise, but also to eat right. This rule applies to women of all ages. In a healthy nutrition system, an important niche is occupied by the process of correct distribution of BJU in the diet. The implementation of this task will be easier if you learn more about each substance from this set. If you follow your diet, then you are definitely interested in which foods contain the most carbohydrates, and how to properly compose your menu for the health and beauty of the body.

Interesting facts about simple carbohydrates

Foods high in simple carbohydrates

As you know, such foods are filled to capacity with potentially dangerous simple carbohydrates for losing weight:

  • sweets;
  • bakery.

A simple criterion applies here - if the composition contains flour with sugar, or at least one of the components in large quantities, then with a high degree of probability you have food in front of you, where mainly simple carbohydrates. When we talk about a high content of simple carbohydrates, we mean the amount of 50 grams per 100 gram serving of the product. Sweets mean not only sugar with sweets, but also cookies, jam, halva, condensed milk. Dried fruits, chocolates and honey also belong to this category of products, although they are useful when consumed in small quantities, it is better to give preference to such snacks instead of actively eating other completely useless sweets.

White bread, buns, along with the whole range of pastries known to us, will also be attributed to this group. For example, you can name pasta not from durum wheat, semolina, gingerbread, waffles, crackers, cakes and the like.

If you are into sports or fitness and would like to lose excess weight, then your diet should completely exclude or significantly limit the consumption of sweets and pastries. Instead of this food, other products are needed, which contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates, we will talk about them later.

Foods with a moderate percentage of simple carbohydrates

Let's designate from what food the body receives average portions of simple carbohydrates:

  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • sweet drinks.

Now let's talk about such products, which contain approximately 20 grams of simple carbohydrates per 100-gram serving. By naming fruits, we mean mainly bananas, persimmons and grapes. We also include here positions with a lower sugar content, these are grapefruits, apples, oranges. Berries have a lower carbohydrate content than fruits. For both positions, one criterion applies - a pronounced sour taste indicates a minimum proportion of sugars. Undoubtedly, both berries and fruits are necessary for a person who is on a protracted diet. They are eaten little by little so that the body that is losing weight does not experience exhaustion.

Of the vegetables, one should name potatoes, which we are all used to seeing as a side dish, as well as buckwheat with rice. Due to the huge amount of fat, you can’t eat french fries and regular fried potatoes on a diet. If we are talking about a boiled root crop, then it supplies slow carbohydrates.

From sugary drinks, let's take as an example soda and freshly squeezed juices that do not fit into the system. proper nutrition. There are not many fast carbohydrates in the composition, but these are unsuccessful drinks for a diet, since they do not help satisfy hunger, they carry few vitamins and other substances useful for the body. We do not recommend drinking more than 500 grams at one time. Instead of natural juice it is better to eat fruits. If you stick healthy eating then sugary drinks are not for you.

simple carbohydrates are found in vegetables, dairy products, fruits, sweets and pastries, and complex carbohydrates in cereal grains, legumes, potatoes, corn Which foods have the most carbohydrates? in dried fruits, pasta, cereals, sweets, honey, rice, bread, beans, peas

Complex carbohydrates for health and weight loss

Let's name the most powerful sources of slow carbohydrates that are useful to include in the menu:

  • cereal products;
  • whole grain bread products;
  • legume crops.

If fitness has become a part of your life and you are looking to build beautiful body, you need to know which foods have the most carbohydrates and regularly include them in your diet. The listed food contains a fairly large percentage of these substances, from 50 grams per 100 gram serving. It is useful to eat cereals, of which you can cook different cereals for breakfast every day. For example, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice are especially popular. Legumes include lentils, peas, chickpeas and beans. Instead of regular pastries, you should eat whole grain products, which include both bread and pasta. Such products are often dark brown color. Don't neglect slow carbohydrates, as they act as a fundamental source of energy, nourish the muscular system and the brain.

Low carb foods

Low carb foods include:

  • milk products;
  • raw vegetables.

In this category, we identified those foods that contain less than 10 grams of carbohydrates per 100-gram serving. Eating dairy products, focus on different types of cottage cheese and cheese, natural milk. In no case do we include here curds and curds full of sugars, that is, simple carbohydrates. It is important to note that dairy products contain a lot of valuable proteins that help maintain a beautiful muscle relief of the body during weight loss.

It is good when the diet is supplemented with fresh vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and eggplants. Such products are good because they provide a lot of scope for creating various tasty and nutritious dishes. Vegetables have a minimum of not only carbohydrates, but also calories, so they help to lose weight and maintain a comfortable state of health due to saturation. It is interesting that not only diets for weight loss are kept on vegetable dishes, but also for weight gain, since along with such food a whole spectrum enters the body. important vitamins and fiber to support normal digestion.

We hope this information will help you create a healthy diet. Regardless of goals, proper nutrition should include about 40% carbohydrates, as well as 30% each of the other integral components - fats and proteins.

You will be surprised how beneficial it can be to reduce carbohydrates in your diet.

It has been proven that low-carb foods significantly reduce hunger and promote weight loss and lead to "automatic" weight loss without the need to count calories.

At least 23 studies show that low-carbohydrate diets promote greater weight loss than high-carb diets. low content fat, sometimes they are as much as 2-3 times more effective.

Reducing carbohydrates in the diet also has a beneficial effect on overall metabolism.

This includes blood sugar levels, blood pressure, triglyceride levels, and "good" cholesterol and more.

Fortunately, making such a diet is not at all difficult, but we have collected low-carb foods in a list and divided into groups for convenience.

Create a diet based on natural products low carb diet and you will lose weight and benefit your health.

This is a list of 44 low carb foods. Most of them are not only healthy, but also nutritious and amazingly tasty.

Under each item, I've listed the amount of carbs per standard serving as well as the amount of carbs per 100 grams.

However, keep in mind that some of them are high in fiber, so sometimes their digestible (net) carbohydrate content is even lower.

List of low carb foods

1. Eggs (virtually zero)

Eggs are one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet.

They are loaded with nutrients, including important micronutrients for the brain, as well as components that are good for vision.

Carbohydrates: almost none


All types of meat contain almost no carbohydrates. The only exception is such parts as the liver, in which carbohydrates are about 5%.

2. Beef (zero)

Beef is highly satiating and rich in important elements such as iron and B12. There are dozens of ways to cook it, from ribs to minced meat and cutlets.

Carbohydrates: zero

3. Lamb (zero)

Like beef, lamb meat contains a lot of useful substances, iron and B12. Because the animal is often grass-fed, meat often contains a beneficial fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA (14).

Carbohydrates: zero

4. Chicken (zero)

Chicken is one of the most popular foods on earth. It is full of nutrients and is an excellent source of protein.

If you're on a low-carb diet, you might want to opt for higher-fat parts like wings or thighs.

Carbohydrates: zero

5. Pork including bacon (usually nil)

Pork is another delicious type of meat, and bacon is a favorite of many low-carb dieters.

Bacon, however, is a processed meat, so it's hardly a "healthy" food. However, on a low-carb diet, it is perfectly acceptable to eat a moderate amount of it.

Most importantly, try to buy bacon from resellers you trust, make sure it's free of artificial additives, and don't overcook the meat when cooking.

Carbohydrates: zero. But read the label carefully and avoid smoked or sugar-cured bacon.

6. Jerky (usually nil)

Vyalenina is meat cut into thin pieces and dried. And, as long as there's no added sugar or artificial additives, it can be a great addition to a low-carb diet.

However, one should not forget that what is sold in stores is often heavily processed and ceases to be healthy food. Therefore, it is best to make such meat yourself.

Carbohydrates: depends on the type. If it's just meat with seasoning, then about zero.

Other low carb meats

  • Turkey
  • Veal
  • Venison
  • Buffalo

Fish and seafood

Fish and other seafood are generally very nutritious and healthy.

They are especially high in vitamin B12, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are precisely the elements that many people's diets lack.

Like meat, almost all fish and seafood contains almost no carbohydrates.

7. Salmon (zero)

Salmon is one of the most popular types of fish among health conscious people, and with good reason.

It is an oily fish, which means it contains significant stores of heart-healthy fats. this case, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

Salmon is also rich in vitamin B12, D3 and iodine.

Carbohydrates: zero.

8. Trout (zero)

Carbohydrates: zero.

Like salmon, trout is a type of oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients.

9. Sardine (zero)

The sardine is a fatty fish that is usually eaten almost whole, with bones and all.

The sardine is one of the most nutritious fish on the planet and contains almost everything the human body needs.

Carbohydrates: zero.

10. Shellfish (4-5% carbs)

Unfortunately, shellfish get into our daily diet much less often than they deserve. However, they are on a par with the most useful products in the world, and in terms of nutrient richness they can compete with meat from internal organs.

Shellfish tend to contain small amounts of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates: 4-5 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of shellfish.

Other low carb fish and seafood

  • Shrimp
  • Haddock
  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Cod
  • Halibut


Most vegetables are almost carb-free, especially leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, as nearly all of their carbs are found in fiber.

On the other hand, starchy root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates.

11. Broccoli (7%)

Broccoli is a delicious cruciferous vegetable that can be cooked or eaten raw. It's high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber, and contains powerful plant compounds that help prevent cancer.

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per cup or 7 grams per 100 grams.

12. Tomatoes (4%)

Technically, tomatoes are berries, but they are classified as vegetables when they are together. They are rich in vitamin C and potassium.

Carbohydrates: 7 grams in a large tomato, or 4 grams per 100 grams.

13. Bow (9%)

Onions are one of the tastiest vegetables in the world and add a rich flavor to dishes. It is loaded with fiber, antioxidants, and a variety of anti-inflammatory compounds.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per cup or 9 grams per 100 grams.

14. Brussels sprouts (7%)

Brussels sprouts- an incredibly nutritious vegetable, a relative of broccoli and ordinary cabbage. Rich in vitamin C, K and many other useful elements.

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per half cup or 7 grams per 100 grams.

15. Cauliflower (5%)

Cauliflower is a tasty and versatile vegetable that can be used to cook a variety of interesting dishes. It is rich in vitamins C, K and folate.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per cup and 5 grams per 100 grams.

16. Curly cabbage (10%)

Kale or kale is very popular among health conscious people. It has a lot of fiber, vitamins C, K and carotene antioxidants. Among other things, kale in general is incredibly healthy.

Carbohydrates: 7 grams per cup or 10 grams per 100 grams.

17. Eggplant (6%)

Eggplant is another fruit often mistaken for a vegetable. It is rich in fiber and very versatile in use.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per cup or 6 grams per 100 grams.

18. Cucumber (4%)

Cucumber is a common vegetable with a mild flavor. It consists mainly of water with a small amount of vitamin K. [goes well with lard - approx. transl.]

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per half cup or 4 grams per 100 grams.

19. Bell pepper (6%)

Bulgarian pepper is a well-known vegetable with a pronounced pleasant taste. It is rich in fiber, vitamin C and carotene antioxidants.

Carbohydrates: 9 grams per cup or 6 grams per 100 grams.

20. Asparagus (2%)

Asparagus is an amazingly tasty spring vegetable. It is loaded with fiber, vitamin C, folate, vitamin K, and carotene antioxidants. It also has a lot of protein compared to other vegetables.

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per cup or 2 grams per 100 grams.

21. String beans (7%)

Technically, green beans belong to the legume family, but they are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.

In every piece great amount nutrients, as well as fiber, protein, vitamin C, K, magnesium and potassium.

Carbohydrates: 8 grams per cup or 7 grams per 100 grams.

22. Mushrooms (3%)

Mushrooms, generally speaking, do not belong to plants, but edible mushrooms, for simplicity, are classified as vegetables. They contain significant amounts of potassium and some B vitamins.

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per cup and 3 grams per 100 grams (porcini mushrooms).

Other Low Carb Vegetables

  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • zucchini
  • swiss chard
  • Cabbage

Almost all vegetables, with the exception of starchy root vegetables, contain almost no carbohydrates. You can eat a huge amount of vegetables and stay within the required carbohydrate limit.

Fruits and berries

Although the conventional wisdom about fruit is that it is a healthy food, the attitude of supporters of a low-carb diet is quite controversial.

And all due to the fact that fruits sometimes contain quite a lot of carbohydrates in comparison with vegetables.

Depending on what threshold you have set for yourself, you may need to limit your fruit intake to one or two per day.

This, however, does not apply to fatty fruits such as avocados or olives.

Berries with a low sugar content, such as strawberries, are also good for you.

23. Avocado (8.5%)

Avocado is a unique fruit. Instead of carbohydrates, it is loaded to the eyeballs with healthy fats.

Avocados are high in fiber, potassium, and all sorts of other nutrients.

Carbohydrates: 13 grams per cup or 8.5 grams per 100 grams.

Keep in mind that the carbohydrates mentioned (about 78%) are found mainly in fiber, so there are practically no digestible (“net”) carbohydrates in it.

24. Olives (6%)

Olives are another delicious fruit high content fats. It is rich in iron, copper and vitamin E.

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per ounce or 6 grams per 100 grams.

25. Strawberry (8%)

Strawberries are the lowest-carb, highest-nutrient fruit you can find on your table. It is rich in vitamin C, manganese and various antioxidants.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per cup or 8 grams per 100 grams.

26. Grapefruit (11%)

Grapefruits are citrus fruits related to oranges. They are very rich in vitamin C and carotene antioxidants.

Carbohydrates: 13 grams in half a grapefruit, or 11 grams per 100 grams.

27. Apricot (11%)

Apricot is an incredibly appetizing fruit. Each apricot contains few carbohydrates, but a lot of vitamin C and potassium.

Carbohydrates: 8 grams in two apricots or 11 grams per 100 grams.

Other Low Carb Fruits

  • Lemon
  • Orange
  • Mulberry
  • Raspberry

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are very popular in low carb diets. They are usually low in carbohydrates, but high in fat, fiber, protein and various trace elements.

Nuts are typically used in snack foods, but seeds are more commonly used to add texture to salads and other dishes.

Nut and seed flours (such as almond, coconut, and flaxseed flours) are also used to make low-carb breads and other baked goods.

28. Almonds (22%)

Almonds are a wonderful delicacy. It's high in fiber, vitamin E, and one of the world's best sources of magnesium, a mineral most people lack in one way or another.

In addition, almonds make you feel full quickly, which, according to some studies, helps you lose weight.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per ounce or 22 grams per 100 grams.

29. Walnut (14%)

Walnuts are another delicious type of nut. It is especially high in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as a variety of other nutrients.

Carbohydrates: 4 grams per ounce or 14 grams per 100 grams.

30. Peanuts (16%)

Technically, peanuts belong to the legume family, but everyone is used to thinking of them as a nut. It is loaded with fiber, magnesium, vitamin E, and many other important vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per ounce or 16 grams per 100 grams.

31. Chia seeds (44%)

Chia seeds are gaining popularity among healthy eaters. They are loaded to capacity with a variety of important substances and are great as an addition to many low-carb recipes.

This is one of the best known sources of dietary fiber that you can find on the shelves.

Carbohydrates: 12 grams per ounce or 44 grams per 100 grams.

Keep in mind that about 86% of the carbs in chia seeds are in fiber, so there are almost no digestible (“net”) carbs.

Other low carb seeds and nuts

  • Hazelnuts
  • macadamia nuts
  • Cashew
  • coconuts
  • pistachios
  • Flax-seed
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

Milk products

If you're not lactose intolerant, then low-fat, low-carb dairy products are for you. Most importantly, pay attention to the label and avoid anything with added sugar.

32. Cheese (1.3%)

Cheese is one of the tastiest low carb foods you can eat raw or invent with it. interesting food. It goes especially well with meat, as well as in a burger (without a bun, of course).

Cheese is also highly nutritious. A piece of cheese contains as many nutrients as a whole glass.

Carbohydrates: 0.4 grams per slice or 1.3 grams per 100 grams (cheddar).

33. Heavy cream (3%)

Heavy cream contains very little carbohydrate and protein, but a lot of milk fat. Many followers of a low-carb diet add them to coffee or other meals. A rosette of berries with whipped cream is a delicious low-carb dessert.

Carbohydrates: 1 gram per ounce or 3 grams per 100 grams.

34. Full fat yogurt (5%)

Fatty yogurt is an exceptionally healthy food. Contains the same substances as whole milk, but the live cultures in it are a source of highly beneficial probiotic bacteria.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per 8 ounce pack or 5 grams per 100 grams.

35. Greek yogurt (4%)

Greek yogurt, also called filtered yogurt, is very thick compared to regular yogurt. It is rich in nutrients, especially protein.

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per package or 4 grams per 100 grams.

Fats and oils

There are many healthy fats and oils that are acceptable on a natural low-carbohydrate diet.

Most importantly, avoid refined vegetable oils such as soybean or corn because they are very harmful in large quantities.

36. Oil (zero)

Oil was once demonized for being rich in fat, but now it is coming back into its own right on our table. If possible, choose butter from the milk of grass-fed cows because it has more nutrients.

Carbohydrates: zero.

37. Extra virgin olive oil (zero)

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest things you can add to your diet. In addition, it is a product on which the Mediterranean diet is built.

It is full of powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements, and it is also incredibly beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Carbohydrates: zero.

38. Coconut Oil (Zero)

Coconut oil contains healthy fats and medium chain fatty acids, which have an extremely beneficial effect on metabolism. Studies show that it helps reduce appetite, helps burn fat and shed abdominal fat.

Carbohydrates: zero.

Other low carb fats and oils

  • avocado oil
  • Smalets

The drinks

Most sugar-free drinks are suitable for a low-carb diet.

Keep in mind that fruit juices are very high in sugar and carbohydrates and should definitely be avoided.

39. Water

Water should be your main drink, no matter what the rest of your diet is based on.

Carbohydrates: zero.

40. Coffee

Despite the fact that at some point coffee was slandered, in fact the drink is very healthy.

This is the most best source antioxidants in the diet, in addition, studies show that coffee drinkers live longer and are less at risk of such serious illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Most importantly, do not add anything unhealthy to your coffee. Black coffee is best, but coffee with milk or cream is fine too.

Carbohydrates: zero

41. Tea

Tea, especially green tea, has come under scrutiny and has been confirmed to have an extremely positive effect on health. It also promotes fat burning.

Carbohydrates: zero.

42. Carbonated water

Carbonated water is just water with carbon dioxide added. So as long as there is no sugar in it, it is completely acceptable. Read the label carefully to make sure that no sugar has slipped inside.

Carbohydrates: zero.

43. Dark chocolate

This may come as a surprise to some, but dark chocolate is actually the perfect low-carb treat.

Make sure it has at least 70-85% cocoa, this will mean that there is almost no sugar in it.

Dark chocolate has a lot useful properties such as improving brain function and reducing blood pressure. Studies also show that dark chocolate lovers are much less at risk of heart disease.

Read more about the health benefits of dark chocolate in this article.

Carbohydrates: 13 grams per 1 ounce bar, or 46 grams per 100 grams. The carbohydrate content depends on the type of chocolate, so read the label carefully.

Keep in mind that about 25% of dark chocolate's carbs are in fiber, so the amount of edible carbs is even lower.

44. Herbs, spices and condiments

There are an infinite number of wonderful herbs, spices and seasonings recommended for consumption. Most of them do not contain carbohydrates, but will make your meals healthy, tasty and flavorful.

Examples of such seasonings include salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, mustard, and oregano. In this article, you will find 10 wonderful herbs and spices that are incredibly healthy at the same time.

Anything else?

You can invent countless variations on a low-carb diet using the low-carb foods on our list. They are difficult to overeat and your meals will always be healthy and healthy.

There are practically no difficulties in implementing proper nutrition, it is enough to follow a few basic provisions and choose the right nutrition scheme for yourself. Carbohydrate-rich foods can help reduce calories effectively. They allow not only to lose weight, but also to improve metabolism, and this is important for health. To find a beautiful and slender body, you need not only to know which foods contain a lot of carbohydrates, but also to engage in physical training.

What should be the food

Sometimes in the modern world, the pace of life does not allow giving the body special physical exertion, and therefore, in order to maintain health, it is necessary to choose the right balanced diet for yourself. It has been proven for centuries that proper nutrition contributes to a healthy and long life. Proper carbohydrate nutrition is one of the most complex mechanisms organism. The difficulty lies not only in the energy supply of the body, but in the proper functioning of the muscles, organs, digestive, circulatory, bone and vascular systems. Carbohydrates play the main role in all biological processes. In the body, they are stored as glycogen, which is stored in the muscles and liver.

But you can not eat only foods containing carbohydrates, you need to know at least basic nutritional information well. What foods contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins, how they affect the body, how much should be taken and other data should be taken into account before embarking on a rigid diet. And be sure to consult a doctor if there are any chronic diseases or ailments in a severe form. Only with the help of a doctor of knowledge diets can a special individual program eating certain foods, which can help not only lose weight, but increase muscle mass, and in some cases, to cure or reduce the severity of the course of the disease.

Fats and proteins are necessary for the body to carry out the correct operation of all organs and systems. Protein helps to improve muscle tone, the lack of protein in food intake interferes with muscle building. They contain amino acids necessary for the body. A person is unable to synthesize them on his own, and therefore he needs to consume them in the form of food, whether tosoy, egg white or some other food. Therefore, the diet should include proteins of animal origin (better digested than proteins plant origin). Fats, like carbohydrates, are also a kind of battery for the body, but their structure is significantly different from carbohydrates. Foods saturated with fats are much more nutritious than carbohydrate-containing ones, they are digested and broken down much longer, deposited in the form of a fatty layer, and are necessary to maintain the excellent condition of the hair and nails. Fat is also needed for the production of testosterone.

Carbohydrates as the main energy source

The energy basis for a person is the consumption of plant and dairy products. This is due to the fact that these products containing carbohydrates contribute to the saturation of the body with glucose. It is she who supports cellular metabolism.

What foods contain carbohydrates? Dairy products, fruits, vegetables, refined sugar are well saturated with simple carbohydrates, while complex carbohydrates are starch-containing foods (grains, cereals). Moderate dietary intake of complex carbohydrates is so significant for human body, they are the fundamental menu of proper nutrition. Foods containing unrefined carbohydrates are the healthiest. They contain whole grain products, which are useful due to the high content of vitamins and dietary fiber needed by the body.

What foods contain carbohydrates that are so beneficial to health? Many people do not know how to enrich their body with the right amount of carbohydrate-containing foods at an ordinary meal.
From what foods contain carbohydrates, the list of products includes the following main components:
1. Bananas, legumes, whole grain breads and flours are insoluble. The benefit of this food is a good effect on the colon in the form of normalization of the intestine.
2. Eating oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, corn and pasta, and brown sugar.
3. It is also worth eating apples, melons, peaches, pears and berries, this is useful not only for saturating the body with carbohydrates, they also have diuretic effects, which allows you to remove harmful substances from the body in a natural way.
4. Cabbage of any kind, baked potatoes, bell pepper, onions in any form, carrots, beets, spinach. All these vegetables can improve the vision and physical condition of a person.
5. Nuts, yogurts, kefir and soy products improve the neurological condition, the quality of sleep and the functioning of the glands and the brain.

It is known that the above menu items should be an integral part of human nutrition. They will help to reduce not only weight, but normalize blood sugar. There are significant improvements in the CNS. If an individual diet requires foods containing carbohydrates, a list of them can and should be recommended by a nutritionist. This is due to the fact that food can contain not only carbohydrate microelements that have a good effect on the body, but also worsen its condition.

What absorption is undesirable to use in large volumes

As you know, simple carbohydrates are unable to enrich the body with the necessary nutrients due to their absence. Moreover, foods high in carbohydrates without nutrients are highly discouraged from eating in large volumes, they can provoke many ailments or aggravate existing ones.
What kind of damage do they cause?
1. Become the cause of a rapid increase in blood sugar. This is especially dangerous for patients diabetes. They also provoke diseases of the pancreas due to its excessive overload, and cause it to produce a high amount of insulin, designed to normalize blood sugar.
2. These carbohydrates are one of the main causes of obesity. With help, rapidly formed fat cells, resulting in the occurrence of excess weight.
3. There are violations on the psychological level in the form of chronic fatigue or psychological instability. Often this is due precisely to the body getting used to the constant intake of food containing such carbohydrates.

It is worth noting that refined carbohydrates should not be consumed all the time, especially in large volumes. They cause disease cardiovascular system, the development of metastases (cancer cells), osteoporosis, caries and many other diseases that are dangerous not only for the general condition of a person, but for his life as a whole.

Foods high in carbohydrates that cause varying degrees of harm to health:

  • absolutely all products made from white flour;
  • sugar and products containing it in a large volume, carbonated drinks;
  • canned juices, fast food products, puddings, ice cream and more.

These products contain refined substances, which, entering the body, provoke a short-term burst of energy, resulting in stiffness.
People who prefer this food quickly become hungry again, they have to eat more, because of which they get better. Complex carbohydrates saturate the body for a longer period, which contributes to physical and general improved condition, so they should always be part of the daily menu.

However, it is not enough to know the composition of products containing carbohydrates, it is necessary to properly distribute carbohydrate products at the time of intake. After all, it is known that food absorbed in the first half of the day is better burned, therefore, to support the figure, the most high-calorie and carbohydrate-containing food should be eaten until 16.00, later lighter food is needed, and in the evening, instead of your favorite side dishes, it is best to eat vegetable salad.

Carbohydrate-containing foods are absorbed more intensively in the morning hours after sleep. It can be various milk porridges or cereals, as well as potatoes and fruits.
If a person trains his body, then, regardless of the time of physical activity, the need for carbohydrates, and, accordingly, their absorption, increases dramatically. Fitness instructors call this phenomenon "carbohydrate window". During this period, carbohydrates enter the muscle, fat-free mass.

For the life of the body, energy is needed from food. Approximately half of the energy requirement is provided by foods containing carbohydrates. To lose weight, you need to maintain a balanced intake and expenditure of calories.

Why does the body need carbohydrates

Carbohydrates burn faster than proteins and especially fats, they are necessary to maintain, are part of cells, participate in the regulation, synthesis of nucleic acids that transmit hereditary information.

To lose weight, you should not eat foods containing carbohydrates in the afternoon.

The blood of an adult contains approximately 6 g of glucose. These reserves are enough to provide the body with energy for 15 minutes. To maintain in the blood, the body produces the hormones insulin and glucagon:

  • Insulin reduces the level of glucose in the blood, converts it into glycogen or into fat, which is especially necessary after eating.
  • Glucagon raises blood sugar levels.

The body uses up glycogen stores from the muscles and liver. These reserves are enough to supply the body with energy for 10-15 hours. When the level of sugar drops significantly, there is a feeling of hunger.

Carbohydrates differ in the degree of complexity of the molecule. In order of increasing complexity, they can be ordered as follows: monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides.

Some products contain indigestible carbohydrates, which include (dietary fiber, pectin), necessary for intestinal motility, removal of harmful substances from the body, binding, stimulating the activity of beneficial microflora.

Table of carbohydrates depending on the complexity of the molecule
Nametype of carbohydrateWhat products are found in
simple sugars
GlucoseMonosaccharideGrapes, grape juice, honey
Fructose (fruit sugar)MonosaccharideApples, citrus fruits, peaches, watermelon, dried fruits, juices, compotes, jams, honey
Sucrose (food sugar)disaccharideSugar, confectionery flour products, juices, compotes, jams
Lactose (milk sugar)disaccharideCream, milk, kefir
Maltose (malt sugar)disaccharideBeer, kvass
StarchPolysaccharideFlour products (bread, pasta), cereals, potatoes
Glycogen (animal starch)PolysaccharideEnergy reserve of the body, found in the liver and muscles
CellulosePolysaccharideBuckwheat, barley, oatmeal, wheat and rye bran, wholemeal bread, fruits, vegetables

Glucose is the fastest absorbed, fructose is inferior to it in terms of absorption rate. Under the influence of acid gastric juice, enzymes are rapidly absorbed lactose and maltose.

With sufficient consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, the body stores glycogen (animal starch) in the liver and muscles. With the intake of excess sugars and sufficient glycogen stores, carbohydrates begin to turn into fat.

Weight loss products containing carbohydrates

A significant portion of carbohydrates comes from grains and legumes. This diet is rich in vegetables, vitamins and minerals.

The germ and shell of cereals contain the maximum of useful substances, therefore, the greater the degree of processing of the product, the less useful it is.

Legumes have a lot of protein, but they are only 70% digestible. In addition, legumes can block the action of certain digestive enzymes, which in some cases disrupts digestion and can damage the walls of the small intestine.

The largest the nutritional value in whole grain products containing bran, as well as in a variety of cereals.

Rice is easy to digest, but it is low in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. There is much more fiber in millet and pearl barley. In buckwheat. Oat groats high in calories, rich in potassium.

It turns out that it is difficult to achieve overeating foods containing carbohydrates, under normal conditions, they do not increase the amount of fat reserves.

The increase in body weight is mistakenly associated with the consumption of a significant amount of carbohydrates. In fact, they are absorbed faster than proteins and fats, which is why the body significantly reduces the need to oxidize dietary fats, and they form deposits.

In addition, some foods containing carbohydrates are high in fat. For example, in chocolate it is up to 45%, in cream up to 55%. In order for the body to cope with the oxidation of fats, it is enough to reduce consumption fatty foods. As a result, you will be able to lose weight or keep the weight at the same level.

Table (list) of products for weight loss

To lose weight, you should consume no more than 50-60g of foods containing carbohydrates per day. To maintain weight at a stable level, it is allowed to increase their number to 200g per day. When eating more than 300g of carbohydrates, weight will begin to increase.

Table of foods rich in carbohydrates and used for weight loss
ProductsCalorie content (kcal per 100 g)Carbohydrate content in 100 g
Rice372 87,5
Cornflakes368 85
plain flour350 80
Raw oats, nuts, dried fruits368 65
White bread233 50
Wholemeal bread216 42,5
Rice boiled123 30
Wheat bran206 27,5
Macaroni boiled117 25
cream cake440 67,5
shortbread cookies504 65
Sweet pastries527 55
Biscuit dry301 55
Eclairs376 37,5
Milk ice cream167 25
Milk and dairy products
Kefir fruit52 17,5
Whole milk powder without sugar158 12,5
Kefir52 5
Meat and meat products
Fried beef sausage265 15
Fried pork sausage318 12,5
liver sausage310 5
Fish and seafood
fried shrimp316 30
Cod fried in oil199 7,5
Flounder fried in breadcrumbs228 7,5
Perch cooked in the oven196 5
Potatoes fried in vegetable oil253 37,5
raw green pepper15 20
boiled potatoes80 17,5
Sweet corn kernels76 15
Boiled beets44 10
boiled beans48 7,5
boiled carrots19 5
dried raisins246 65
Dried currant243 62,5
Dried dates248 62,5
Prunes161 40
fresh bananas79 20
Grape61 15
cherry fresh47 12,5
fresh apples37 10
fresh peaches37 10
fresh green figs41 10
Pears41 10
fresh apricots28 7,5
fresh oranges35 7,5
fresh tangerines34 7,5
Blackcurrant compote without sugar24 5
grapefruit fresh22 5
Honey melons21 5
Raspberry fresh25 5
Fresh strawberries26 5
chestnuts170 37,5
Soft walnut oil623 12,5
Hazelnuts380 7,5
dried coconut604 7,5
Roasted salted peanuts570 7,5
Almond565 5
walnuts525 5
Sugar and jam
white sugar394 99,8
Honey288 77,5
Jam261 70
Marmalade261 70
lollipops327 87,5
Iris430 70
milk chocolate529 60
Soft drinks
liquid chocolate366 77,5
cocoa powder312 12,5
Coca Cola39 10
Lemonade21 5
Alcoholic drinks
Alcohol 70%222 35
Vermouth dry118 25
Red wine68 20
Dry white wine66 20
Beer32 10
Sauces and marinades
marinade sweet134 35
Ketchup tomato98 25
Mayonnaise311 15
Chicken noodle soup20 5

Harm of eating a lot of foods containing carbohydrates

Eating large amounts of carbohydrate foods depletes the insulin apparatus, leads to a lack of mineral salts, vitamins, disrupts the processing and assimilation of food, and malfunctions of internal organs.

Carbohydrate breakdown products can inhibit the development beneficial microorganisms. For example, the yeast used to make white bread, come into conflict with the intestinal microflora.

The harm of yeast dough products has been noticed for a long time. Therefore, some nations bake bread exclusively from unleavened dough, sometimes this rule is enshrined in the dogmas of beliefs.

Modified: 02/14/2019

If you're a weight watcher, this list of 40 low carb foods will help you stay in great shape. Add them to your shopping list!

People who watch their figure know that they are at the very edge of the twilight zone. On the one hand, carbohydrates are essential to fuel your muscles during intense workouts. On the other hand, it's worth a little overdoing it, and about six dice abdominals you can forget.

Losing energy, a growing belly, and stuttering muscle growth are sure signs that you're overindulging in pasta, cereal, and other carbohydrate-rich foods. I don't think it's worth pointing out that any trip to the supermarket can turn into a carb hurdle race as you navigate through a jungle of questionable foods teeming with refined carbs and simple sugars but poor in muscle-building protein.

A key success factor in your war on fat deposits will be a clear understanding of where to look for low-carb foods. Products that are filled to capacity with what your body needs, namely, useful microelements, vitamins and not so dangerous natural ones.

We'll put together a comprehensive shopping list that includes low-carb foods - the perfect choice for active lifestyle enthusiasts. We will go through all the selected positions step by step. So who's hungry?

1. Zucchini

Carbohydrates: 7 grams in 1 medium sized squash

Zucchini, or as the French often call them, zucchini, are green vegetables that will help you cut excess carbohydrates from your diet. Zucchini cut into strings with special peelers for vegetables will be an excellent substitute for spaghetti in side dishes for meat dishes.

Grated zucchini can be put in potato pancakes instead of potatoes, or you can add them to the dough instead of flour. Or you can make an inspiring low-carb snack. Trim the ends off the zucchini and cut into long, wide strips using a peeler or a professional vegetable grater. Then put a piece of smoked salmon or arugula on one end of the strip and roll up.

Good to know. Zucchini is rarely called a "superfood", but they contain a lot of essential substances, including potassium, magnesium and.

2. Cauliflower

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per 1 cup

Cauliflower is called a "low-calorie starch" for a reason. Boiled cauliflower's unique texture makes it a great alternative to mashed potatoes (but you save about 23 grams of carbs per serving compared to potatoes), pasta, cheese, creamy soups, and even a flavorful pizza crust. Or chop up a raw head of cauliflower in a food processor and cook it in place of millet porridge or rice.

Good to know. Cauliflower is a member of the Brassicaceae family, so just like regular cabbage or broccoli, it contains a huge supply of antioxidants.

3. Swiss chard

Carbohydrates: 1 gram per 1 cup

Nutrient-rich dark leafy vegetables should be a must on your shopping list, and chard is no exception. You can steam or sauté it, or you can take raw beetroot leaves and use them in place of the carb-rich tortilla in tacos and rolls.

Good to know. Leaf beet provides the body with a large amount of potassium. A study in the Journal of Dietetics showed that potassium reduces total risk development of oncopathology and heart disease.

4. Mushrooms

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per 1 cup

Porcini mushrooms, button mushrooms and the much more exotic shiitake - all mushrooms are low-carb foods with great taste and rich aroma. Large fleshy mushrooms can be used as an alternative topping for a hamburger or pizza, which in the traditional version is detrimental to your figure.

Good to know. All types of mushrooms contain large amounts of substances that stimulate the immune system.

Carbohydrates: 1 gram per 1 stem

Celery is 95% water, so don't be surprised by the almost complete absence of carbohydrates in it. Cut celery into wedges, add to a salad, or just slather some nut butter on it for a nutritious snack without the refined carbs that destroy abs.

Good to know. Celery is an excellent source of vitamin K, which is involved in the absorption of calcium and strengthens bones.

6. Cherry tomatoes

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per 1 cup

Cherry tomatoes taste better than the large supermarket tomatoes, and they offer a great way to add nutrition to your diet without any risk of spinning the carb counter.

You can put cherry tomatoes in your mouth whole or sprinkle them vegetable oil and bake at 200 degrees until the tomatoes shrivel and turn into fragrant baked bombs.

Good to know. These pink balls are a source of the cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene.

7. Pumpkin Spaghetti

Carbohydrates: 7 grams per 1 cup

Think of pumpkin spaghetti as Mother Nature's low-carb answer to traditional pasta. When cooked, pumpkin pulp breaks up into thin, nutty-tasting strips that are very low in carbohydrates. Simply cut the pumpkin flesh into thin slices, remove the seeds, and microwave until tender.

Pat the pumpkin thoroughly with paper towels or parchment paper and microwave for 8-12 minutes, or until the flesh is tender. Leave the pumpkin to cool for 5 minutes, then cut it into thin strips with a fork. Top the pumpkin spaghetti pasta with your favorite protein-rich meat dish.

Good to know. Pumpkin is high in vitamin C, a nutrient that helps with muscle soreness and protects muscles from oxidative stress after intense workouts.

Other Low Carb Vegetables:

  • radish
  • watercress

8. Apricots

Carbohydrates: 8 grams per 2 fruits

Enjoy apricots as a quick snack, or chop and add to yogurt, oatmeal, and even salad for a natural sweetness.

Nutritional value: orange pulp of apricot contains a lot of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that affects brain function.

Carbs: 8 grams per ½ avocado

Unlike their fruity relatives, the avocado contains virtually no sugar. 75% carbohydrates of avocados are presented dietary fiber and are not digested in the intestines.

Good to know. bold, in good sense, avocados are loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per 1 cup

Of all the berries in the world, strawberries contain the least amount of sugar, making them an excellent choice for satisfying the needs of the sweet tooth. If you are concerned about the possible presence of pesticides in the berries, look for "organic" strawberries on the shelves.

Good to know. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and protects the athlete's body from colds.

11. Red grapefruit

Carbs: 9 grams per ½ cup

It's time for this low-carb fruit. Did you know that a grapefruit has 20% less sugar than an orange? Just don't try to mask its sour taste by generously sprinkling sugar on the slices.

Other Low Carb Fruits:

Meat and fish are low in carbohydrates

12. Catfish

Even more delicious than telapia, catfish - inexpensive option to load muscles with pure high-quality protein. Farm-raised catfish are considered a sustainable choice for those who love fish. Fillets can be steamed, grilled, baked in the oven or fried in a pan.

Good to know. This swimmer is an excellent source which is essential for normal operation nervous system.

13. Canned pink salmon

Carbohydrates: 0 grams per ½ can

Canned fish is an ideal source of carbohydrate-free protein. Pink salmon is considered a budget option with low levels of toxic substances, in particular mercury, which is often found in canned tuna.

Good to know. Canned pink salmon is a great way to get a powerful boost of fatty acids that reduce muscle soreness after workouts and stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

14. Chicken drumstick

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Although the usual chicken fillet can be called the ideal choice, the budget chicken drumstick also has its advantages. It is juicier, has a richer taste and does not become too dry during cooking. Leave the skin on before cooking for even more flavor, but if you don't need extra fat, remove the skin before eating.

Good to know. In addition to a powerful protein boost (30 grams per 100 grams), chicken drumstick is rich in selenium, an antioxidant that will help you deal with oxidative stress after training.

15. Minced Turkey

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Inexpensive and ubiquitous ground turkey is an easy way to fill your diet with protein without the carb load. Use minced meat for burgers or meat dishes. To remove fat calories, look for minced white meat.

Good to know. Like any other bird, turkey contains a complete set of essential amino acids that will boost your muscle growth.

16. Pork tenderloin

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

At proper cooking pork tenderloin is juicy, has a great taste and is not so expensive compared to beef. It also offers an excellent protein to fat ratio of 6:1. If you're buying pre-cooked pork tenderloin, choose unseasoned meat. This will help you avoid the appearance in the diet excess salt and dubious ingredients that can end up on the table along with seasonings.

Good to know. In addition to muscle-friendly protein, pork tenderloin contains a B-vitamin needed to generate the energy you need in the gym.

17. Boneless steak

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Beef tenderloin is one of the best varieties lean meat presented in supermarkets. Right choice if you want to saturate your muscles with zero-carb protein. The meat is perfect for marinating, which will make it even more tender. To boost the nutritional value of the dish, choose grass-fed beef steaks.

Good to know. Red meat, including steak, is natural source, a substance beloved by athletes, which helps to demonstrate miracles of strength in gym.

18. Roast beef

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

In most cases, roast beef is devoid of sugars that can be added to turkey and other deli meats. You may be surprised, but it is also one of the leanest products in the deli meats department.

For an extremely low-carb lunch, wrap a few slices of roast beef in chard or kale leaves and top with red pepper, Dijon mustard, a little cheese, or avocado.

Good to know. The easy-to-digest beef form will help revitalize your muscles during a grueling series of squat rack sets.

19. Moose meat

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

When it comes to grilled meats or burgers, consider bringing carbohydrate-free sources of protein into play as often as possible. Elk meat is increasingly found in butcher shop, as many are transitioning to the Paleo diet and are actively looking for alternatives to beef and meat from livestock farms.

Good to know. Studies have shown that when moose are raised in natural pastures, their meat accumulates much more omega-3 fats than meat from animals from cattle farms that are fed only soy and corn.

Other low carb meats and fish:

  • Chick

20. Gruyère cheese

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Forget about cheeses that are made for the mass market. This unique hard cheese from Switzerland has a great nutty flavor that won't leave you indifferent. Gruyere cheese melts beautifully, making it the perfect way to add variety to everything from steamed broccoli to low-carb pizza.

Good to know. This aged cheese is an excellent source of calcium, a macronutrient involved in bone building and possibly fat burning.

21. Butter

Carbohydrates: 0 grams per 1 tablespoon

With the link between saturated fat and heart disease being questioned to say the least, butter has once again found a place in your kitchen. To cook delicious mashed potatoes, try mixing steamed cauliflower with butter, fresh thyme and two pinches of salt.

Good to know. Substitutes butter e.g. margarine or hard vegetable fats, raise the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the risk of heart disease to a much greater extent than saturated fats in butter.

22. Eggs

Carbs: 1 gram per 2 large eggs

What came first, the egg or the chicken? What difference does it make if both products are loaded with protein and contain virtually no carbohydrates? In fact, egg white is considered the highest quality among all natural products.

Good to know. Canadian scientists have concluded that eggs are an excellent source of antioxidants and help fight free radicals that damage the cells of our body.

23. Curd

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per 1 cup

There is a good reason why this product is still considered a favorite among many bodybuilders: cottage cheese is very high in protein (up to 28 grams per 200 grams) with a minimum content of carbohydrates. The amount of sodium in cottage cheese varies widely, so choose your manufacturer carefully.

Good to know. Cottage cheese is rich in slow digesting, which makes it good choice for an evening treat that will fill your muscles with protein during a night's sleep.

24. Plain Greek Yogurt

Carbohydrates: 9 grams per 1 cup

Behind last years Greek yogurt has gone from a rare visitor to the dairy counters to a cult rock star. Considering that with one serving you get about 23 grams of protein, such popularity of the product only benefits the muscles. Of course, if you don't want to spin the carb counter, you'll have to opt for plain yogurt that has no sugar.

Good to know. Probiotics, the friendly creatures found in yogurt, will work hard for your digestive and immune systems.

25. Goat milk

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per 1 cup

It's time for goat's milk to show its horns. This milk shows great promise because it has fewer carbohydrates than cow's milk, it is better absorbed and, according to recent studies, is richer in nutrients, in particular omega fatty acids.

Good to know. Analysis nutritional value goat milk shows that it contains a fatty acid that helps the body burn fat stores.

Other low carb dairy products:

  • ricotta
  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese

26. Tofu

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per 100 grams

Tofu isn't just for vegetarians! It offers inexpensive, low-carb protein to meat-eaters who want a meat-free evening. Tofu is not a very tasty product, but if you add it to vegetable side dishes or other dishes, it will quickly absorb their flavor. Try it as a source of cheap protein - quickly fry the tofu in a pan or marinate it, as you do with meat, and toss it on the grill.

Good to know. Isoflavones, a component of soy, from which tofu is made, can lower blood pressure.

27. Tempe

Carbohydrates: 9 grams per 100 grams

Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans, making it an excellent source of protein. The taste can be described as smoky, nutty, and slightly earthy with a mushroom undertone. Try adding tempeh to chili, tacos, soup, and pasta sauce.

Good to know. Being a fermented product like yogurt or kefir, tempeh contains a very useful crops probiotic microorganisms.

Carbs: 18 grams per ½ cup

Of the beans, pinto beans have the least carbs but still provide you with an impressive amount of plant-based protein - 12 grams per serving. You can use them as a protein booster in salads and scrambled eggs.

Good to know. A large amount of plant fiber reduces the peak rise in blood sugar caused by food carbohydrates.

29. Pumpkin seeds

Carbohydrates: 5 grams in 30 grams

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of whole-food protein, with one serving giving you almost 7 grams of protein. Note that there are no sugars among the carbohydrates in pumpkin seeds, making them an even better source of extra protein in salads, cereals, yogurt, or cottage cheese.

Good to know. you can use pumpkin seeds as a source - a well-known testosterone secretion booster.

Other Low Carb Vegetable Proteins:

  • hemp seeds
  • edamame

30. Thread cheese

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Thread cheese is loved by both adults and children. Packaged string cheese is one of the most convenient low carb snacks available. Your growing muscles will also benefit from an additional supply of high quality milk protein.

Good to know. Like regular cheese, string cheese contains a lot of calcium.

31. Dried meat

Carbohydrates: 3 grams in 30 grams

When it comes to snacks, it's always a challenge to choose a product that offers an impressive amount of protein without the refined carbs as a load. Cured meat will be the best choice. However, you should choose carefully, as some beef or turkey snacks are pre-soaked in sweeteners.

Good to know. Dried meat covers the body's needs for zinc, an essential trace element that supports the immune system and raises testosterone secretion.

Carbohydrates: 4 grams in 30 grams

Not only will walnuts help you have a carb-free snack, but they will also provide you with an impressive portion of very healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and this is another argument in favor of nuts. When buying nuts, choose unsalted ones to control your sodium intake.

Good to know. Nuts contain copper, a trace element that the body needs for energy synthesis.

34. Almond flour

Carbs: 6 grams per ¼ cup

Made from carefully ground almonds, Paleo-worthy almond flour will help you make cookies or other baked goods that are much healthier for your abs.

Good to know. In addition to helping eliminate carbohydrates from the diet, almond flour is high in protein, heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and much richer in antioxidants than wheat flour.

35. Shirataki noodles

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

These translucent gelatin noodles are made from the crushed roots of the Asian konjac plant. Shirataki is predominantly made from plant fibers called glucomannan, which ensures there is no carbohydrate load whatsoever. Shirataki noodles have their own unique taste, which is difficult to describe, but it perfectly absorbs the flavors of other dishes and goes well with various seasonings. Rinse the noodles thoroughly with water before cooking, then briefly dip them in boiling water.

Good to know. Preclinical studies show that glucomannan normalizes cholesterol levels and fasting blood sugar, making it beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

36. Amaranth

Carbs: 23 grams per ½ cup

Cereals will never be the lowest carb food in the supermarket, but South African amaranth contains a small amount of them. Like quinoa, amaranth is a source of essential amino acids that fuel your muscles. Amaranth becomes sticky after cooking as it releases starch. Try it as a breakfast cereal alternative.

Good to know. Gluten-free cereals contain a large amount of magnesium, a trace element necessary for normal metabolism.

Other low carb cereals:

  • hazelnut flour
  • coconut flour
  • Peanut flour

37. Unsweetened ice tea

Carbohydrates: 0 grams per serving

While bottled sweet tea is a sugar bomb, a drink made with just brewed tea and water is a great thirst quencher and contains no sugars.

Good to know. If you choose a drink made from green tea, you will get a boost of antioxidants. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania have shown that when combined with a training program, the antioxidants in green tea increase fat burning.

38. Unsweetened almond milk

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per serving

If you need an extra ingredient for your protein shake or morning cereal, try this nut-based drink. A great choice that won't fill up your cargo holds with unnecessary carbs. Just be sure to check the packaging, it should say "unsweetened milk", since sugar is added to many non-dairy drinks during production.

Good to know. Almond milk will enrich your diet with vitamin E, which is great for cellular damage caused by oxidative stress caused by exhausting workouts.

39. Maple juice

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per 1 cup

Think of maple sap—the purest liquid from maple trees before it turns into syrup—as the American answer to coconut milk, but with half the sugar. Each sip will give you that exquisite taste that you used to associate with morning pancakes.

Good to know. Maple sap is a natural source of magnesium, which is good for bone health.

40. Tomato juice

Carbohydrates: 10 grams per 1 cup

Good old tomato juice contains half as much sugar as orange juice. Also, don't we need to increase the proportion of vegetables in our diet? Today it's easy to find low sodium juice to reduce the risk of fluid retention. Be sure to drink 100% natural vegetable juice and not a mixture of sugary fruit juices and sweeteners.

Good to know. A study published in the Journal of Dietetics showed that athletes who drank antioxidant-rich tomato juice were less likely to experience post-workout inflammation, which may speed up the recovery process.

Other low carb drinks:

  • Herb tea