Hulls and lemon juice as a source of calcium. Eggshell: the benefits and harms of a natural source of calcium

Availability and efficiency are the main advantages for which we love recipes. traditional medicine... For almost any problem, from a lack of vitamins and minerals to self-care, there are several recipes designed to solve it. So calcium deficiency, followed by fragility of bones, imperfections of tooth enamel, diseases of the joints can be eliminated with the help of ordinary chicken egg shells.

Eggshell: a natural source of calcium and more

Chicken eggs are one of the most sought-after foods. They are included in the recipe for many salads, first and second courses, desserts. In addition, eggs themselves can be cooked in several different ways: fried eggs, scrambled eggs, poached, soft-boiled, etc.

A chicken egg is a source of easily digestible proteins, iron, vitamins D, P and group B. At the same time, boasting a high concentration necessary for a person minerals can not only its contents, but also the shell - the shell. Its composition is about 90% calcium, the rest is potassium, phosphorus, iron, some types of amino acids.

Eggshells are eaten by some pets and birds and are often added to the ground as fertilizer. Predators, small rodents, primates that eat birds' eggs never leave the shell, eating it all without a trace. And for human body it can be helpful if you know how to take it correctly. She will help:

  • improve the quality of tooth enamel;
  • strengthen bone tissue;
  • restore metabolic processes;
  • regulate the process of blood clotting.

Eggshell safe for health. It can be eaten by both children and adults, incl. pregnant and lactating women. The optimal course of receiving shells is considered every six months for 15-20 days.

How to choose a shell

Most often, the shell of a chicken egg is used to make a food additive. Optionally, you can prepare a powder from quail eggs since concentration nutrients in them above. But their shells are thinner, and the eggs themselves are several times smaller than chicken eggs, so it will be a little more difficult to make an additive from this raw material. An indicator such as color does not matter when preparing a powder: from this it beneficial features do not depend.

Remember not to use home remedies serious illness requiring qualified medical care... Eggshell is not a medicine, but a useful food supplement designed to eliminate the deficiency of calcium and some other minerals, as well as to alleviate the condition in some diseases, nothing more.

Preparation. First of all, you need to collect enough eggshells, so save them after you cook your next meal. So that it does not deteriorate under the influence of microorganisms and does not acquire bad smell, it must be thoroughly rinsed. Remember, the thicker the shell, the more calcium it contains.

Boiling. Strictly speaking, this stage is not necessary, but only such processing of the shell can guarantee the absence of various microorganisms, especially if you plan to give it to children. To sterilize the eggshell, it is enough to immerse it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

Drying and grinding. After processing the shell with boiling water, it must be laid out on a baking sheet and sent to an oven preheated to 150 degrees for a quarter of an hour, after which it must be thoroughly ground into powder. To do this, it is better to use a coffee grinder or blender, which can provide a fine grind.

The resulting powder must be stored in a tightly closed container, away from light and moisture.

The easiest way to take shell powder is with water. It is enough to dilute a teaspoon of the product in half a glass of water and divide it into three doses during the day. You need to take the mixture with food. It is not worth increasing the dosage, one teaspoon per day is enough to replenish the lack of calcium.

If you wish, you can not dilute the powder with water, but simply add a third of a teaspoon to food three times a day.

If you plan to give shells to a child under 7 years old, then simply add a little powder (2-3 g) to the baby's breakfast. Daily dose powder for children from six months to a year is even lower - as much as fits on the tip of a knife.

However, the method described above for consuming shell powder is not the only one. Depending on the disease, there are several recommendations for taking it.

The basis of the recipe, as in the previous case, is eggshell and water, but the dosage becomes higher than usual. Adults and children over 15 years old need to stir a teaspoon of the powder in a glass of water three times a day and drink it immediately. For children younger age it is recommended to reduce the amount of taking such a solution to 2 times a day.

For the treatment of this disease, it is recommended to use the shell half a teaspoon daily before bedtime, washed down with milk or kefir. The term for receiving the powder is once a year for 20-25 days.

Diathesis in children
To combat diathesis in children over one year old, you can use following recipe... A quarter teaspoon of the powder is mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice and diluted with warm boiled water in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is given to the child after meals.

A quick and lasting effect in case of heartburn will give the intake of eggshells and milk (two teaspoons of powder in half a glass of liquid). For persistent heartburn, this remedy can be taken daily for a month.

Properly prepared eggshell powder is effective and safe food additive... Moreover, it is universal remedy, approved for use by adults and children from the age of six months. Its use will help restore metabolic processes in the body, increase strength bone tissue and strengthen the tooth enamel.

Video: how to cook and take eggshell calcium

Eggshells with lemon juice: salvation from calcium deficiency

Doctors have long been saying that taking calcium supplements, which pharmacies now abound in, are practically useless - an important macronutrient for the body is practically not absorbed from there. But on the other hand, another source of calcium is known, absolutely natural and proven by the centuries-old traditions of traditional medicine. This is an eggshell with lemon juice - together they represent a completely organic vitamin and mineral complex.

V recent times the focus on calcium from food has become popular, but good intentions do not always bring the desired results. The fact is that as calcium is supplied from some products, its accumulation in cells is depleted due to the use of others. For example, frequent and irregular coffee consumption leads to the leaching of calcium through the kidneys.

In addition, obtaining calcium through food is complicated by the fact that most foods contain it in molecular form, while its ideal assimilation in the body occurs only when it is presented in the form of ions. Nature has created a unique source of this substance for humans in the form of bird eggshells. The whole secret is that the macronutrient in the bird's body has time to go through the stages of synthesis from organic compound into inorganic.

How is eggshell useful for humans?

Regular consumption of eggshells with lemon juice is beneficial not only in terms of replenishing calcium deficiency in the body. The shell contains about thirty micro- and macroelements, including zinc and silicon, phosphorus and sulfur, copper and manganese, iron and fluorine, molybdenum and selenium. Powdered shells chicken eggs can be given even to young children, since it will not harm their health, but it will help eliminate the symptoms of diathesis.

Rickets, curvature of the spine, insufficient growth and various diseases teeth - that's far from complete list problems, the prevention of which can be the intake of eggshells in combination with lemon juice. This tool helps to remove radionuclides from the body, increase its resistance to radiation, prevent the development of osteoporosis, herpes on the lips, colds and allergic diseases... For women, homemade shell preparations are recommended to strengthen the muscles of the uterus and prepare for a healthy childbirth.

Lemon juice, which is widely used to strengthen nails, as well as to stimulate hair growth, in this case added as a "background", rich in vitamin C. After all, it is the latter that significantly accelerates the absorption of calcium at the level of the digestive tract.

How to take eggshells with lemon juice?

Some traditional healers consider more useful shell white and give her preference over the one that has a brownish color. But, by and large, the color of the shell does not really matter that much.

How to cook the shell? First, remove the remnants of a thin translucent film from it, and rinse the shells themselves under a running stream cold water... Then they should be dried and crushed to a powder state. This is best done with a coffee grinder or mortar. Then the resulting powder must be "extinguished" with lemon juice, as you would extinguish soda during the preparation of the dough. For a powder made from the shell of one chicken egg, 1-2 drops of lemon juice are enough. And then everything is simple: a pinch of such a remedy should be consumed twice a day with meals. You can drink the powder with water, or you can "eat" a portion of food.

If the shell with lemon juice acts as prophylactic, then the length of one course is from 1.5 to 2 months. When replenishing the acute lack of calcium in the body, the course can be extended for 3-4 months. Two courses are usually held during the year.

I will write from myself how to cook the shell, because many years ago I cured my son from diathesis in this way (he was a year old). The child did not sleep at night, itched all over. I watered him for 6 months, in two doses with a break of 3 months and more about this disease they never remembered. So here's how to cook ... You can take the shell from boiled eggs, and from raw. If we are going to boil eggs, you can just rinse them in water and put them to boil, if you are making scrambled eggs and the shell is from a raw egg, then the eggs pre and thoroughly wash with laundry soap. Then we put the shell in a dish and cover with gauze. It can be dried without breaking the halves and the film can be removed before grinding. And still very important point it is best to grind in a porcelain mortar with a pestle rather than in a coffee grinder. Contact with metal is not desirable .... As the shell dries, we grind it and you can pour it out and store it in some kind of vial of vitamins (with a lid) take half a teaspoon (without a slide) in the morning or evening, and right in a spoon extinguish with lemon juice (this is how I will take it now, for each dosage is individual), but for children the dosages are completely different ... (for little ones, in general, at the tip of a knife and once a day) ...

Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium, easily assimilated by the body, from the lack of which many people suffer. And a lack of calcium is fraught with serious problems with health.

90% of the shell of eggs consists of calcium carbonate, which is easily digestible, it also contains fluorine, copper, manganese, iron, phosphorus, molybdenum, zinc, silicon and sulfur, a total of 27 elements.

The substances in the shell stimulate the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, and its use is absolutely safe for the body and has no side effects.

Mandatory shell prophylaxis during pregnancy;

Prophylaxis is overly desirable for children 1 to 5 years of age;

Desirable in adolescence and adolescence(up to 19-20 years old);

Prophylactically twice a year, shell therapy is useful for adults in order to prevent diseases of the spine, dental caries and osteoporosis in the elderly;

Eggshell is an excellent excreting agent of radionuclides and can be effectively used in foci of radioactive contamination, because it prevents accumulation in bone marrow strontium-90 nuclei (consume 2 to 6 grams per day);

The intake of shells is especially indicated at the beginning of the year, when calcium metabolism slows down.

The question arises. How to use the shell? The method of its application is very simple. Eggs must first be washed with warm water and soap, rinsed well. In most cases, the shell of chicken eggs does not require special sterilization. For small children, put the shells in boiling water for 5 minutes. The shells from hard-boiled eggs are less active, but they are completely ready for use, since the cooking process has passed.

It is best to grind the shells into powder in a mortar, as it has been noticed that the crushed shells in the coffee grinder are less active.

The dosage is from 1.5 to 9 grams daily, depending on age. Take with morning meal - with cottage cheese or porridge.

Here are some recipes for traditional medicine using eggs.

An excellent remedy for the prevention of sore throats, colds and pulmonary diseases- eggnog: grind 1 egg white with 100 g of sugar, mix with 100 g of lard, 100 g of cocoa powder and 100 g of honey. Give children 1 dessert spoon daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

Remedy for bronchitis

On initial stage diseases when something scratches and scratches in the chest, drink in the morning on an empty stomach 2 raw eggs three mornings in a row, without salt and bread. For about twenty minutes after that, do not eat or drink anything. Wash eggs thoroughly.

Remedy for eczema

Take 50 g vinegar essence, fresh chicken egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of unsalted pork lard. Put an egg in a glass jar, pour the essence into it, close the lid and put in a cool dark place for 24 hours. Then add lard and stir until smooth.

Rinse the sore spots well, wipe dry, then lubricate with this ointment (it will hurt, but you have to wait at least an hour). Then grease with baby cream. The procedure must be repeated several times. The improvement comes immediately.

Burn remedy

Boil the required amount of eggs hard-boiled, remove the yolks and fry them in a pan over low heat until you get a black viscous ointment. If you lubricate burned areas with this ointment, then they heal quickly.

Asthma remedies:

1. Dry the shell of 10 chicken eggs and grind into powder. Squeeze the juice of 10 lemons and pour the powder from the shell into them. Place in a dark place for 10 days, then strain the mixture through cheesecloth. Knock down 10 yolks with 10 tablespoons of sugar and pour out 1 bottle of brandy. Mix the entire contents: lemon juice - with shell powder, cognac - with sugar and yolks. Drink 30 g 3 times a day before meals for 30 minutes. When you start drinking, try to make a second drink right away so that there is no interruption.

2. Take 500 g of lamb fat, 500 g bee honey, 500 g butter, 100 g cocoa powder, 10 chicken eggs. Mix everything and boil for 1-2 minutes, then cool the mass, stirring, so that it looks like chocolate. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon with warm milk for a month. Then take a break and repeat the procedure.

Flu remedy

Take 0.5 liters of fresh, slightly warmed raw milk, mix with fresh chicken egg. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of butter. Mix everything thoroughly and drink at night. The very next day there will be no runny nose or cough.

Cough remedy

1. The usual mogul (egg yolks, whipped with sugar and rum) is good for cough if you eat it on an empty stomach.

2. Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh butter, 2 yolks of fresh eggs, 1 tsp wheat flour and 2 teaspoons of honey. Consume 1 teaspoon 4-6 times a day.

Joint Pain Relief

Boil a hard-boiled egg, separate the yolk, take half. The second half of the yolk and white are not needed. Grind the yolk with a fork on a saucer. Pour 1 cup of high purity refined sunflower oil into an enamelled ladle. Put a piece in it beeswax about the size of a matchbox. Put on low heat to melt the wax. Take grains of yolk and throw into a bowl of boiling oil. With the first portions of the yolk, the oil will start to run away. To prevent this from happening, set it aside to boil over outside the fire. Stir, put on fire again, toss the yolk again, etc., until all half of the yolk is in the oil. Let the ointment cool slightly and strain through the nylon (gauze is not good). Store in a glass container in the refrigerator for 10 months. Lubricate sore joints with this ointment and put compresses daily for 2 hours. Compresses can be put on at night, especially if there is swelling on the joints.

That, it turns out, is what an ordinary chicken egg can do!
By the way, in the West, egg shell powder has been sold in pharmacies since 1970.

In addition, the shell powder helps with diarrhea (with wine), heartburn (take ½ tsp), kidney stones and bladder, to normalize acid-base balance, for Have a good mood and cheerfulness to healthy people.

I. Makarova

Eggshells are used for a variety of purposes: fertilizing the soil, bleaching clothing, complementary foods for poultry and livestock, and human consumption.

Today, doctors have proven that the use of eggshells has a positive effect on the human body, eliminating calcium deficiency, it is possible to prevent the development of many dental diseases, nervous system, blood vessels, hearts, kidneys.

Therefore, it is very important to regularly replenish the body's calcium reserves!

The benefits of eggshells for bone tissue in adults and children

Eggshells contain more calcium than pharmaceutical preparations, which are half composed of auxiliary additives.
Therefore, it is very beneficial for bones and teeth. Regular consumption of chicken egg shell powder will strengthen the skeleton, teeth and teeth, nails and hair in a matter of days.

People who monitor the calcium content in their body are much less likely to encounter fractures, dislocations, and nerve paralysis.

Who needs to replenish calcium reserves in the body on a daily basis:

  • young children and adolescents;
  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • all girls and women in the period hormonal changes in the body (the first couple of months from the moment of the first menstruation and during menopause);
  • everyone who has suffered as a result of fractures;
  • patients suffering from cancerous tumors who are undergoing chemotherapy;
  • people who have seizures;
  • the elderly and those with weak, fragile bones;
  • girls and women during the period of vitamin starvation (late autumn and early spring).

How to prepare eggshells for oral administration

In order for the eggshell to bring only benefits to the body, it is necessary to follow all the rules for its preparation.

For any recipe, only boiled egg shells are used.


Some doctors advise washing eggs in a soda solution before cooking. Soda solution prepared as follows: for 1 liter of boiled water, one large spoonful of baking soda.

One more important condition to remember. The shells of boiled eggs must be removed from the inner transparent film.

There are no useful substances in it, moreover, salmonella may be present in it. It is also believed that it may be poorly absorbed by the body of some people.


Digestible Calcium Recipe

The most common and effective recipe is called Cinderella.

To prepare this wonderful medicine, you need eggs from home-grown chickens. It is equally important that the eggs are, as they say, "from under the cock."

How to cook.

  1. Wash ten eggs thoroughly and boil hard. Allow to cool completely.
  2. Peel the eggs, and then separate the inner film from the shell.
  3. Already processed shells must be dried (you can use a newspaper that is laid on the windowsill). Then it should be collected in an opaque container and stored in a dark place for 72 hours.
  4. Next, the shell needs to be crushed. To do this, it is best to use a special porcelain mortar (sold in crockery stores). If it is not there, you can take a blender, coffee grinder.
  5. The resulting composition must be carefully sieved through a fine sieve to remove particles of the inner film and large pieces of shell.
  6. The cleaned powder should be stored in an opaque glass container in a cool, well-ventilated room.

How to use.

  • Mix powder with lemon juice fresh cooking(one small spoon at a time).
  • Wait until the end of the chemical reaction. When calcium combines with acid, a lush foam is formed.
  • Eat the resulting mass with warm purified water. The course of treatment lasts up to 2 months, no longer.

Note! One teaspoon of eggshell powder is the daily serving for children 13 years of age and older.

Children between the ages of 7 and 13 should be given half a spoon, and younger children should be given a quarter of a spoon. The medicine should be taken with meals in the morning.

Everyone has heard about the importance of calcium for the body. It not only makes bones and teeth strong, and hair beautiful. It is also required for normal functioning nervous system, muscles, heart and blood vessels.

However, getting enough calcium from regular food is not always possible. For example, for some problems with the gastrointestinal tract and hormonal diseases its assimilation is difficult, so the calcium supplied with food becomes insufficient. And taking certain medications or excessive consumption of coffee and salt contribute to its increased leaching from the body, as a result of which there is an increased need for it. In some situations (during pregnancy, with fractures, and just with age), the need for calcium also increases significantly.

That is why even with balanced nutrition supplemental calcium is often needed.

Benefits of egg shells

Calcium, sold in tablets, is in the form of various chemical compounds(this can be calcium gluconate, calcium carbonate, etc.). And not all of these compounds are useful or safe. Some forms of calcium are very poorly absorbed by the body, some can even contribute to the appearance of kidney stones.

But we have at hand a 100% natural, healthy and also free source of this element - eggshells. In its composition, it is very close to the composition of bones and teeth. In addition, it contains 26 others, a lot important elements... At correct preparation and using the calcium from the shells is easy to digest and absolutely safe. So we can say that eggshells Is the best calcium.

Egg shell preparation

Step 1. First, the eggs must be washed well with a brush and laundry soap. After that, use the eggs themselves as intended, and rinse the shell from the remaining protein.

Step 2. Then you need to remove the inner film from the shell... It also contains some useful substances, but if the film is not removed, then later it will be difficult to grind the shell into a fine powder. In addition, with the film, the shell dries longer.

Step 3. After that, the shell is boiled for ten minutes. Raw is easier for the body to digest, but at the same time there is a risk of contracting salmonellosis. Only in the case of using homemade eggs, when you know for sure that the chickens were healthy and not infectious, you can do without boiling. Some people calcify the shells in the oven or in a frying pan to disinfect the shells.

Step 4. If you have not calcined the shell, then you will have to wait until it dries. To do this, put it on a towel, napkin or plate and wait a day. During the heating season, it will dry very quickly at the radiator.

Step 5. After the shells have dried, they must be ground. You can do this in a mortar (preferably not a metal one), using a hand mill, or using a coffee grinder. It is believed that contact with metal is bad for calcium, but in a coffee grinder, this effect is quite short-lived.

The finer the shells are ground, the better they will be absorbed.

Step 6. Pour the resulting powder into a glass container and place in a dark place. So it will persist for several months.

Correct reception of shells

The calcium in the shell is in the form of calcium carbonate. By itself, in this form, it is not assimilated. However, interacting with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, calcium carbonate turns into calcium chloride, which is already easily processed by the body:

CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

Therefore, people with high acidity stomach can eat the shell in its pure form. At the same time, too high acidity of the stomach will decrease. But, as in everything, here one must observe the measure.

If gastric juice is not enough, then the excess calcium will not be absorbed, and with a regular excess it will begin to accumulate in the form of stones. People with low acidity it is generally better not to use calcium in the form of carbonate.

That's why The best way taking the shell is to turn it into calcium citrate. To do this, you just need to add lemon juice or citric acid to the powder from the shells, then the reaction of the transformation of calcium carbonate into calcium citrate will occur:

2C6HO7 + 3CaCO3 = Ca3 (C6H5O7) 2 + 3CO2 + 3H2O

In this form, calcium is perfectly absorbed by the body, and the risk of kidney stones from it is minimal. There is even an opinion that calcium citrate prevents the formation of stones by alkalizing urine.

That's why before taking the powder from the shells, pour lemon juice into it... As soon as the reaction is over (that is, the mixture will no longer fizzle and bubble), drink the resulting liquid. Wash it down with water if desired.

When taking such a mixture without food, you can not wait for the end of the reaction - it will end already in the stomach, especially if there is enough hydrochloric acid in it. When adding the mixture to food, it is better to wait a couple of hours for the reaction to end.

Keep in mind that large pieces of shells will not be affected chemical process and will remain at the bottom like sediment. Since this sediment is calcium carbonate, it is better not to use it if there is a lack of gastric juice.

Taking calcium is recommended after noon. This is explained by the fact that in the evening and at night it is very actively excreted, so the body needs it more, and its absorption is much better. But there is an opinion that it should be taken in the morning, since the acidity in the stomach is increased at this time. So the best option will be consuming calcium several times a day.

Instead of lemon juice, you can use citric acid, making a solution out of it that is similar in acid to lemon juice... For the shell from one egg, about 1 gram of citric acid is required.

You can also dilute the powder with kefir. This will produce calcium lactate, which will be absorbed as well as calcium citrate.

Calcium Daily Value

An adult needs about 1 gram of calcium per day.

Now we consider: the shell of one medium egg weighs about 6 grams and almost all consists of calcium carbonate, and pure calcium in it is 36%.

Thus, pure calcium in the shell of 1 egg is 6 * 0.36 = 2.16 grams.

This means that to get 1000 mg of calcium, you need to take about half of the shell from one. This is about half a teaspoon of powder.

But the body receives a certain amount of calcium from food, so it is recommended to take from a quarter to a half teaspoon of the powder per day.

Also keep in mind that more than 500 mg of calcium cannot be absorbed by the body at a time. The excess amount of calcium citrate will be useless and excreted from the body.

A small amount of calcium is absorbed much better, so taking calcium is preferred several times a day in small portions. For example, half in the early evening and half before.

Finally, it should be noted that for calcium to perform its functions in the body, it needs vitamins D and A, magnesium, phosphorus, and also vitamin C. Vitamin D is especially important. Therefore, do not forget to regularly eat foods containing these substances.

If you are lacking calcium and have to buy expensive medications to make up for the lack of calcium in your body, remember that you have a more affordable and completely safe alternative - eggshell. The benefits and harms of any substance are determined by its recommended dose. Even a natural and seemingly completely neutral drug, if not observed, can negatively affect the human body. Next, we will look at how to take eggshells, talk about what properties it has and reveal the secret of its positive effects on the body.

The healing properties of the shell: revealing folk secrets

Eggshells are a storehouse of nutrients that have been used for many years. In addition to the high percentage of calcium, the shell contains more than 30 minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, silicon. Moreover, all these elements are in maximum convenient form for assimilation by the body. After entering the intestines, they are rapidly absorbed and assimilated.

Eggshell is used for bones, because it makes them stronger, helps to heal faster after fractures. It is important to remember that eggshells as a source of calcium and other macronutrients can only be used if correct dosage.

How to cook and take eggshells correctly?

To begin with, it should be noted that the shell of any poultry - chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, quails, pigeons - can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. And its shade does not matter and does not affect the amount of nutrients. Of course, it is recommended to use exclusively fresh homemade eggs, since they contain all the "usefulness" to the maximum. To prepare remedy from an eggshell, you need to perform a number of simple actions.

  1. Wash eggs thoroughly with warm water and laundry soap, it is advisable to rub them well with a brush.
  2. Pour out all the contents, and boil the shell itself or soak for 30 minutes in a glass of water with a tablespoon of soda. After that, the shell should be dried. In hot weather, in the sun, on a hob or in an oven - but the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. The benefits and harms of eggshell directly depend on the correctness of its preparation, because it allows you to get rid of the main negative factor eggs - salmonellosis. This is why neglect heat treatment it is forbidden!
  3. Grind dry shells to a powdery state, for which you can use a porcelain mortar or a spice mill with glass knives. It is important not to use metal objects for grinding, as contact with them reduces the effectiveness of some minerals.

Already ground shells can be eaten with food, added to drinks, or packaged in drug capsules.

Most common uses

  1. Eggshell with lemon is excellent remedy to eliminate calcium deficiency, as well as to cleanse the body, which can even be given to children. To prepare this medicine, it is necessary to add lemon juice to the already crushed shell until a gruel is formed.
  2. Eggshells for allergies can be used at any age, and for more effective treatment it can be mixed not with water, but with milk
  3. Eggshells for fractures are a highly effective remedy that allows you to speed up the healing process several times. You need to take half a teaspoon of shell powder 2-3 times a day until complete absence symptoms.

And of course, the eggshell is indispensable during pregnancy, because with its help you can completely compensate for the loss of calcium and at the same time not worry about the health of the child, because the shell is completely natural product!

Eggshells in the treatment and prevention of diseases

How are eggshells good for you? It contains 90% calcium, which is fully assimilated at any age. The daily dose of this beneficial element is high, since calcium is important for normal flow metabolic processes. Every environment in our body is involved in chemical reactions while consuming calcium. If there is not enough element in the body, Negative consequences: problems with teeth, dull and falling hair and other ailments.

For reference! Lack of calcium is the first reason for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is one of the most common and dangerous diseases.

It is extremely important to use eggshells for expectant mothers, young children, nursing mothers, women during menopause. A child should normally receive 400-800 mg of calcium daily. In an adult, the dose, as a rule, exceeds the child's indicator by several times. Daily rate you can provide by using, for example, 1 kilogram of cottage cheese. Will you absorb the pounds of dairy products? This is hardly possible with a standard diet. And here the shell comes to the rescue.

Benefits and harms: a complete list

If we are talking about doses, then it should be remembered that an excess of calcium is even more harmful than a temporary lack of it. Excess substances settle in the form of stones, disrupt the passage of a nerve impulse to muscle fibers.

How to drink eggshells to take advantage of only the positive properties of the drug and enrich the body with natural calcium? For a baby, the ground shell is given at the tip of a knife; for an older child, this dose is doubled. If your child is often sick or grows poorly, think about such a remedy as eggshells. For children, there is nothing better than natural, natural supplements. The average dose for adults is one quarter of a teaspoon.

Eggshell powder can be added to food, baby food, wash down with water. One course of taking the drug is 30 days. After that, a break is taken with the subsequent resumption of the course.

Remember that calcium-rich foods should be monitored while taking eggshells. Focus on your health, listen to how the body reacts to the introduction of the drug into the diet. Provided a sensible, balanced approach, fortification of food with fast-assimilable calcium will only benefit both the adult and the child. For maximum results, it is good to diversify the diet with foods rich in vitamin D, and get sunbathing. In this case, calcium saturation will occur faster and more efficiently.

Egg shells for your beauty

To strengthen the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside, masks are made, which include eggshells. For hair, a mask based on cucumber and olive oil is used. It has a positive effect on the structure of the curls, strengthens them, gives the hair splendor and elasticity.

To prepare the base composition, take a cucumber, cut into small pieces, mash them until they are liquid and combine with eggshell powder. Add olive oil to the resulting gruel. It remains only to apply it to your hair and wait a little. Rinse off the mask after 20 minutes warm water and shampoo. You just have to enjoy the result!

Please note that you can strengthen hair according to this scheme no more than 2 times a month.

So, calcium can be called one of the most important elements for the healthy functioning of the body. It is the main material for strong bones, teeth, hair. Many foods are filled with calcium, but only eggshells can quickly fill its deficiency. The benefits and harms of this simple product It has been studied for a long time all over the world and most doctors say that the shell can be called the safest supplement to the diet.

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