Clover (Trifolium): flower and forage crop. Clover: useful properties and contraindications. Clover flowers: medicinal properties

It contains abundant honey, Delicious and fragrant. This is a treasure for the farmer: He will not steal anything from the soil for free. It has been nourished and raised And it will be nourished.

Under the spring May rays of the sun, trifoliate leaves with pink multi-flowered heads quickly unfold. Clover is from the legume family, like all other members of this family, it has nodule bacteria on its roots, which assimilate nitrogen from the air and enrich the soil with it. It can be found in meadows, forest glades, among bushes.

Is a perennial herb with red-pink flowers, a member of the legume family (Fabaceae). It is found everywhere. Not used in scientific medicine. V folk medicine use clover heads together with top leaves. Raw materials contain essential and fatty oils, tannins and resinous substances, coumaric and salicylic acids, vitamins E, C, carotene and others. Preparations from meadow clover flowers have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Used for colds and skin diseases(Florea, 1975). The plant has an emollient, diuretic, diaphoretic, antiseptic effect. Infusion or decoction of clover flower heads in the Urals and in Western Siberia used for tuberculosis, anemia, cough, malaria, scrofula, leucorrhoea, exhaustion, painful periods... Outwardly, the infusion and decoction of clover is used in the form of a poultice as an emollient for abscesses and burns. Fresh crushed leaves are applied to purulent wounds, ulcers for their healing. They wash their eyes with a decoction of leaves when eye diseases and ears with scrofula. To prepare the infusion, 3 teaspoons of clover flower heads are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour in a sealed container, filtered. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals (Surina, 1974).

Description... A biennial herb 15-50 cm high. The leaves are trifoliate, with elliptical or obovate leaves, which, like other types of clover, fold upward at night; stipules wide, ovate, immediately narrowed upwards into an awl-shaped tip. Inflorescence is a spherical head, provided with a wrapper. Calyx with 10 veins. Corolla pale red or dark purple, rarely white. The fruit is a bean. Blooms from April to October.

Geographic spread... Almost all over Russia.

Organs used: rhizomes, leaves, inflorescences.

Chemical composition... Contains, according to various authors, essential oil, flavonoid glycoside tripolin, isotrifoline, asparagine, tyrosine, triphoside, coumaric and salicylic acids, fatty oil, traces of alkaloids. Coumarins are found in the roots. In meadow clover growing in Central Asia, found essential oil, furfural, coumarin methyl acid (X. Kh. Khalmatov, 1979).

Application... In folk medicine, tea from plant inflorescences is drunk with uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea, shortness of breath, cough, etc., a decoction or infusion of it - with anemia, exhaustion and as an expectorant, diuretic and antiseptic, the infusion, in addition, is recommended for anemia, painful menstruation, as an analgesic, emollient and anti-inflammatory agent. Crushed leaves are applied to festering ulcers and wounds (V.P. Makhlayuk, 1967).

Another herb - hybrid clover (T. hibrudum L.) - is used in folk medicine for the same indications, as well as for angina pectoris and muscle pains that appear in certain diseases.

Method of preparation and use

One - two tablespoons of flower heads of meadow clover or hybrid clover are poured with a glass of boiled water, insisted for at least 45 minutes, filtered. Assign inside 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Eaten fresh and dried clover heads, seasoned with soups, put in salads, added to tea. Such tea is especially useful for cystitis, anemia, cough, asthma, uterine bleeding, thrombophlebitis.

Clover leaf salads useful for diathesis in children, kidney disease, and colds.

The leaves and heads of clover contain vitamins C, E, B 1, B 2, carotene, salicylic acid, and minerals. In clover grass, up to 5% of flavonoids are found, they normalize fat metabolism in atherosclerosis and lower cholesterol, possessing strong antioxidant properties, they protect the body from oxygen starvation, ionizing radiation and poisoning, stimulate regeneration and immunity. The biostimulating properties of clover are attributed to its rich content succinic acid, which activates the metabolism. Clover heads contain analogs of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens. Women drink clover tea for the formation of milk, with painful uterine bleeding, pain after childbirth, for the prevention of menopause. The plant contains salicylic acid and lowers body temperature in case of colds, sore throats, lung diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect in rheumatism, skin diseases. If you've rubbed a corn, attach a clover- and the pain will pass. With eczema and skin rashes clover baths are useful.

In the Caucasus, young unblown clover heads ferment like cabbage. Young leaves and sprouts are added to salads. During the war years, leaves of all types of clover were collected, dried, crushed and added to flour when baking rye bread. Such bread is especially useful for thrombophlebitis.

Clover tea: Take one part of dry herb St. John's wort, two parts of currant leaves, and one part of clover heads. Mix all this and use for brewing.

Clover oil: Mix 100 g of butter with the same amount of grated cheese, 10 fresh or dry clover heads and one teaspoon of cumin or dill seeds, add salt and pepper to taste. Use for sandwiches.

Spring cabbage soup: Boil finely chopped potatoes, season with beaten egg, finely chopped sorrel and clover leaves and sautéed onion and remove immediately from heat. Place a spoonful of sour cream in each serving before serving.

Clover drink: Put 30 clover heads in 3 liters of boiling water, add half a glass of sugar, citric acid to taste, or 100 g of sorrel leaves. Leave for 6-8 hours, then strain and refrigerate.

Tea from clover heads is especially useful for asthma, thrombophlebitis, uterine bleeding, cystitis. Clover leaf salad is useful for diathesis in children, for kidney disease.

The herb contains up to 5% flavonoids, they normalize fat metabolism in atherosclerosis and reduce cholesterol, possessing strong antioxidant properties, protect the body from acid starvation, ionizing radiation and poisoning, stimulate regeneration and immunity.

The biostimulating properties of clover are explained by the rich content of succinic acid, which activates the metabolism. Clover heads contain phytoestrogens. Women drink clover tea to form milk, with painful uterine bleeding, pain after childbirth, to prevent menopause.

The plant contains salicylic acid and is used to lower body temperature in case of angina, lung disease, rheumatism and other diseases.

With eczema and skin diseases clover baths are useful (Surina, 1991).

Clover is used as a hemostatic agent for jaundice, intestinal colic, headaches, malignant tumors.

White clover is used for hernia (Yudina, 1988).

In Central Asia, the population uses a decoction of leaves and inflorescences for chest pains, malaria, to strengthen the stomach. The juice from the leaves is drunk with scrofula (Hammerman, 1983).

In Belarus, clover inflorescences are brewed and drunk like tea with rapid breathing - shortness of breath, with general ailments.

White clover is used for epilepsy.

Plowed clover is used for diarrhea, high acidity gastric juice, diseases of the bladder, kidneys, headache, migraine, nervous disorders... Children are bathed in clover broth in case of convulsions (Ges, 1976).

Plowed clover in Germany is used for hematuria (when urine is bloody), diabetes, dysentery, gout, and also as a bactericidal agent.

Lupine clover Tibetan medicine used for liver diseases, biliary tract, with jaundice.

Medium clover in the form of infusion and decoction is used as an anti-febrile remedy for neuroses. Outwardly - with paronychia (damage to the nail folds), panaritiums, abscesses, with arthralgia.

Mountain clover is used from hernia.

In homeopathy, the inflorescence is used as an essence for mumps (acute intestinal infection), diseases of the glands.

Red clover in Great Britain and the USA is used as a poultice for malignant tumors.

The roots of creeping clover in Germany are used for hernia, inflammation of the appendages, and for dizziness (Plant Resources, 1987).

An antifungal substance, tripolysin, has been isolated from the roots of clover.

The leafy tops of plants, collected during the flowering period, are used for atherosclerosis, tinnitus: 40 g of the herb insist a day in 500 g of 40-degree alcohol, filter and take 20 g before lunch or before bedtime. The course of treatment is 3 months with a break of 10 days (Kovaleva, 1971).

Clover is used for bronchitis, cutaneous tuberculosis. A decoction of clover roots is indicated for inflammation of the ovaries and how antineoplastic agent(Pastushenkov, 1990).

Experiments have shown that the sterility of the sheep was caused by clover. Almost all types of clover contain phytoestrogens.

Clover and other plants of the legume family can cause obstructed labor, non-seeding, and infertility (Gorodinskaya, 1989). Hydrocyanic acid in stems and leaves (seeds and flowers do not form it) causes poisoning of animals (Gusynin, 1955).

Many of us have met on lawns, squares or parks meadow clover. The healing properties and contraindications of this amazing plant, known in nature as the shamrock, have long been familiar to people. Avicenna also used clover inflorescences for treatment various ailments... It is on this topic that we will talk today.

The secret to the benefits of clover

Many people grow clover on purpose in their flower beds. This flower mesmerizes with its beauty. At sunset, the flowers close, and with the first rays of the sun they meet a new day and bloom. Clover inflorescences can be red or purple.

Interesting! Clover - amazing plant, because it grows in almost all latitudes, even found in Antarctica.

Many people wonder why clover is so useful. What helps folk remedy prepared from the flowers of this plant? All the benefits of clover lie in its component composition. Phytotherapists consider the shamrock to be a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, acids. The clover flowers contain the following elements:

  • cellulose;
  • protein;
  • fats;
  • carotene;
  • salicylic acid;
  • tanning elements;
  • essential oil components.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the beneficial micro and macronutrients. The clover inflorescences contain great amount substances that affect human body beneficial influence. Recently, even in official medicine began to use clover inflorescences for the preparation of pharmaceuticals.

How to prepare raw materials?

Before we talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications of meadow clover, let's find out how to prepare inflorescences and leaves correctly. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made collection at the pharmacy. But you can pick flowers yourself.

Attention! We do not harvest clover flowers from roads, landfills or factories because they cannot be washed before drying.

It is better to collect flowers during the period of active flowering, in the morning, and only after the dew has completely disappeared. Flowers are laid out for drying in a secluded and shaded place. It is important to correctly determine the drying level. Underdried flowers will quickly deteriorate, and overdried ones will crumble.

By analogy, clover leaves are harvested. After drying, they need to be crushed to a powdery state and stored only in a tightly closed glass container.

Red clover - a gift of nature

In folk medicine, meadow clover has gained great popularity and demand. The use of this plant has also found its niche in traditional medicine, cosmetology. On the basis of clover inflorescences, juices and infusions, teas, decoctions, honey are made, compresses, lotions, masks, lotions are made.

Due to its unique component composition, meadow clover has the following properties:

  • diaphoretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Traditional medicines made from meadow clover inflorescences are used to treat various ailments and pathological conditions, in particular:

  • hepatic pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys and bile ducts;
  • inflammatory processes in the appendages and bladder;
  • swelling;
  • blood pathologies;
  • varicose veins;
  • asthenia;
  • anemia;
  • headaches of varying intensity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • asthma;
  • rickets;
  • abscesses;
  • burn wounds;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • acute respiratory ailments;
  • skin pathologies;
  • diathesis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • sore throats;
  • ailments of a cardiovascular nature;
  • high blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • decreased hemoglobin.

On a note! Meadow clover is often used for cholesterol. Decoctions and tinctures help reduce levels bad cholesterol, strengthen the vascular walls and purify the blood.

Traditional medicine based on clover inflorescences is taken by women during menopause. The clover flowers contain flavonoids, thanks to which they improve metabolic processes and aging slows down. In addition, fat metabolism is normalized.

Clover flower tea is an ideal drink for women during lactation. Active ingredients contribute to the development breast milk... The benefits of clover for skin... Infusions and decoctions are often used for washing wounds, compresses and lotions. This herbal remedy is used to treat such ailments:

  • furunculosis;
  • abscesses.

The fair sex noted the benefits of clover for curls. Decoctions help get rid of dandruff, as well as strengthen hair and protect hair from falling out.

On a note! Powder made from dried clover leaves can be used as food additive... This seasoning is added to salads and first courses.

Clover is also used to feed animals. It is not recommended to cut the flower completely. Carefully cut out with scissors or secateurs top part, that is, a flower with a couple of lower leaves must be left for further plant propagation.

All about contraindications

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • severe forms of oncological pathologies;
  • diarrhea;
  • after a heart attack or stroke.

Women should also give up clover tea during gestation. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the reaction of the organism. In case of individual intolerance to any of the component substances of clover, you must refuse to take such a medicine.

Attention! Long-term use of traditional medicine with the addition of clover inflorescences can provoke a delay in menstrual bleeding, as well as a decrease in potency in the stronger sex.

Piggy bank of folk wisdom

For more than one year and even a century, clover inflorescences have been used for the preparation of traditional medicine. Let's take a look at the most popular recipes.

Recipe number 1

Clover infusion helps to cope with painful sensations during menstrual bleeding, and it is also used to treat kidney ailments and urolithiasis.


  • 1 tbsp. l. dried clover inflorescences;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.

Manufacturing and application:

  1. We spread the raw materials in a glass container or thermos.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water and shake well.
  3. We insist the broth in a sealed container for 30 minutes, then filter.
  4. We take such a herbal remedy three times a day, half an hour before meals. The dosage is 70 ml.

Recipe number 2

As already mentioned, clover inflorescences have become very popular in the treatment of dermatological ailments. You can take a bath with clover flowers.


  • 0.4 kg of clover grass with inflorescences;
  • 2 liters of boiling water.

Manufacturing and application:

  1. We spread the chopped raw materials in a thick-walled dish and pour boiling water.
  2. Mix everything well and leave for 4 hours.
  3. Next, we filter the broth and add it to the bath.

On a note! The water temperature should be 36-38 °.

  1. The course of treatment is 8-10 procedures.

Recipe number 3

Boils, purulent wounds do not just spoil appearance skin. Such diseases interfere with a full life, cause pain. To treat these ailments, you can make lotions from a decoction of clover inflorescences.


  • 3 tbsp. l. clover inflorescences;
  • 250 ml hot water.

Manufacturing and application:

  1. We spread the raw materials in a thick-walled container and fill in the clover flowers hot water.
  2. Bring the broth to a boil over moderate heat and cook for exactly 60 seconds.
  3. We close the container, shake it well and put it in a secluded place.
  4. We insist exactly 2 hours, and then we decant.
  5. From such a broth we make lotions or wash out pustules, boils.

Red clover - for acute colds, painful menstruation

2 tablespoons of chopped herbs, pour 1 glass of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 8 hours, drain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.


Used as a diuretic and astringent with kidney disease and gastrointestinal tract... The same broth is used externally for inflammatory diseases of the skin, oral cavity and pharynx (rinsing, lotions)

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, close the lid and keep in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, drain. Squeeze the raw materials and bring the volume of the resulting broth with boiled water to the original. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

For coughs, colds

200 ml. pour boiling water 40 grams of chopped herbs, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take 50 ml. 3-4 times a day.

Noise in the ears

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

Tincture. With atherosclerosis

Pour 40 grams of chopped grass with 40% alcohol, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, drain. Take 20 ml. before meals. The course is 3 months. After each month of treatment, take a break for 10 days.

Lotions. For burns, acne

Pour 20 grams of chopped herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, leave for 30 minutes. Use as a lotion.


11/12/15 Sergey

We followed your recommendations. Course conducted: collection with Zyuznik - hawthorn flowers, hawthorn fruits, red clover flowers, Japanese Sophora fruits, grass and flowers of the Common cuff, and 2 times a day 15 drops of Potentilla. In general, the wife feels fine, continues to drink herbal tea and tincture. Tyrosol also DOES NOT accept. After your recommendations, my wife managed to get off tyrosol, and this is the most important thing.

Thank you, Julia Evgenievna! God bless you!

06/05/12 Almina

I have been your client for a long time. Was - lying. Thanks to your herbs, and I drank many of them, for example, Ziziphora, Sunflower root, vascular with Clover, etc. I began to move around, go out into the street, even go to the store. I couldn't do this before. I am so grateful to your Company! To all employees! You are doing a great, noble cause. I will continue to raise myself with the help of your products. Thanks again!

08/06/18 Vladimir Vasilievich

Good afternoon.

I add: I am 60 years old, height 180 cm, weight 116 kg. The results of the latest analyzes are in the photo in the application, there is also the established main diagnosis, the treatment being carried out.

Neurological and vascular symptoms- numbness and cramps in the feet and toes, fingers freeze when normal temperature... angina pectoris, tachycardia, initial stage cataracts.

Good day, Vladimir Vasilievich!

It's good that I saw the results of the survey!

We will change the collection a little - the liver leaves much to be desired, the vessels - too:

Cooking and drinking is the same.

2. In connection with severe angiopathy, I consider it necessary to add to you general turpentine baths, mixed - yellow and white. I am sure that this is the only way to cure capillaropathy in diabetes mellitus.

You have hardly read the main work of A.S. Zalmanov. (Lenin's personal physician) "The secret wisdom of the human body."

Here he outlined his theory of capillary circulation, which is still fundamental; and his own way to treat ALL diseases by re-educating the capillaries, with the help of turpentine baths. This is an unforgettable book and a must-have for every medical practitioner.

You can buy compositions as close as possible to the author's.

If you read the book and approve of the method, I will give detailed recommendations.

After all, you can start with turpentine foot baths.

20.0 g of crushed seeds pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, drain. Use externally to rub the calf muscles and the front of the lower legs.

Let's try to stand on an impromptu massage rug made of young pine cones.

Happy start, Vladimir Vasilievich!

Until next time! :-)

08/04/18 Natalia

Advise herbal treatment for my problems, please.

Age 56, profession - accountant.

The crux of the problem:

Point by point - everything that causes discomfort (both physical and psychological; complaints, not dianoses):

1. Pain (mostly at night) in thoracic region spine - the right side in the area of ​​the scapula (mainly), less often on the left and girdle pain along the lower edge of the ribs, since January 2017.

2. Pain in cervical spine backbone (mainly at night), with lumbago in the back of the head. Restrictions on turning the head, especially to the left, since February 2018.

3. Pain in the chewing muscle of the face, to the left of the left ear with lumbago in the temple and larynx, since November 2017. Currently decreased (since July 2018).

4. Pressure surges. Since June 2017 (first crisis 170/100). Then, until May 2018, repetitions are rare up to 140/95 with convulsions. From May 2018 to June 2018 - 2 crises were repeated, BP 160/100 and several more jumps to 140/90. At the peak - convulsions.

In July, several times in the supine position, at night - panic attacks "- numbness of the feet, hands, then the whole body, pain in the heart area - a feeling of strong heartbeat at BP 110/70, anxiety.

Cardiologist: somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system of the cardinal type, sympatho-adrenal crises.

Conclusion on the cardiogram of 07/17/18: the e-axis of the heart is rejected to the left, sharp. Voltage. norm. Rhythm syn. owl. ECG without pathologies. Blockade of the anterior branch of the left leg of the item Gisa. left ventricular hypertrophy . Changes in the myocardium.

Hello, Natalia!

Apparently, you have filled out a questionnaire for another site.

I read everything carefully and, to be honest, I think that adding something else to this scheme will be superfluous.

Experience shows that it is better to build something new than to break and rebuild the old.

I hope I did not offend you by expressing my opinion.

Good luck and all the best!

07/20/18 Vladimir


A rheumatologist diagnosed with liveovasculopathy, arterial hypertension 1 tbsp., Cyst of the left kidney. Anticoagulant therapy was prescribed, pradaxa 110 and 2.5 mg twice a day. The study revealed genetic defects folate cycle enzymes: MTHFR: 677C T C / T result (C / C norm), MTHFR: 1298A C A / C result (A / A norm), MTRR: 66A G A / G result (A / A norm).

Later, the cardiologist diagnosed IHD, unstable angina II B, arterial hypertension III degree.

Total cholesterol - 7.5, platelets - 144.

As a result, appointed the following medications: Losartan 100 mg, Norvax 10 mg, Concor 5 mg, Crestor 10, Pradaxa 110, Plavix 75 mg, Omez 20.

I take the pills for about two months, the total cholesterol has dropped to 5.2. Is it possible to replace the treatment with herbal treatment? Completely, or at least partially?

Hello Vladimir!

Unfortunately, the abolition of drugs is tantamount to the work of Sisyphus! As soon as you cancel everything, cholesterol and lipids soar higher than before. If there is no critical narrowing of the lumen coronary arteries plaque (narrowing up to 50%) and a person is able to completely change the lifestyle, the way of eating - you can completely and significantly reduce the dose of antihypertensive drugs without statins. Moreover, if there was no heart attack!

Breathe before taking a sip open mouth(feel the effects of Peppermint).

We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Eco-factory in your city, as well as in our online store.

All the best, Vladimir, until communication if you want to support the dialogue!

07/16/18 Anna

Hello dear doctor!

Hello Anna!

In general, it is not the cholesterol indicator that needs to be changed, but the whole way of life, starting with nutrition. And to put in order not cholesterol, but the ENTIRE lipid spectrum. Many do not know that cholesterol is a great blessing! And, above all, because billions of cell membranes are made of it; all sex hormones and many lipids (energy suppliers) of blood serum are synthesized.

If your lipid spectrum is normal, or almost normal; the atherogenic index is not significantly increased, you only need the prevention of vascular complications, WITHOUT statins.

1. Kremlin drops, 5% alcohol tincture of iodine. It is the fastest and convenient way not only lower cholesterol levels, but also feel a surge of energy, strength, sharpen memory and hearing.

Drink according to the "slide" scheme.

Start with 1 drop once a day. Every day, you need to add 1 drop per dose, and after reaching 10 drops, immediately begin to decrease, removing 1 drop from the reception. Dripping into any amount of milk.

Pour 50.0 grams of chopped roots with 500.0 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally, drain. Drink 25-30 drops 3 times a day. The course is 2 months.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; stir evenly.

Take herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour 300.0 ml of cold mixture drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze out and top up to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months, lipid control, change of herbs.

4. Nutrition is exactly what needs to be radically changed.

Get ready to temporarily become a vegetarian and fall in love with salads, vegetables, fruits; correct vegetable oils With high content polyunsaturated fatty acids- omega-3 and omega-6.

They are abundantly presented in flaxseed, olive, soybean, camelina, sunflower, mustard oils (unrefined); natural butter, lard. It is better to replace meat with fat sea ​​fish and seafood.

We'll have to give up mayonnaise, fried food, refined sweets, white sugar, baked goods.

But the goal will be achieved, and quickly. And then you will get used to eating that way.

If your blood pressure, blood sugar is normal, so far nothing else is needed.

Until next time, waiting!

07/15/18 Zlata


Good day, Zlata!

I hope you underwent an MRI scan and did not find anything that could give you dizziness. If this is the case, consult an ENT to rule out Meneer syndrome.

If this is done, it must be excluded, as well as elevated level lipids; and hormonal imbalances (FSH, LH, Prolactin).

In the meantime, let's try the classics:

20.0 g of flowers, without crushing, pour 100.0 ml of 60-70% alcohol (or pharmacy Gerboton) and leave for 7 days. Strain. Drink 10 drops 2 times a day - at low pressure; and 12-15 drops twice a day - with increased. The course is 1 month.

Repeat the course in 2 months.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; stir evenly.

Take herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 dec.l. pour the mixture with 200.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze out and top up to 200.0 ml.

Drink 70.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

I think other herbs should be tried for neuro-sensory hearing loss:

1. Tincture of Red Clover.

Pour 50.0 g of chopped herbs with 500.0 ml of 40% alcohol, or brandy and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain.

Drink 20.0 ml before meals. The course is 3 months. After each month of treatment, take a break for 10 days.

2. Locally, drops.

1 tbsp pour 300.0 ml of crushed seeds of vodka, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, drain.

Before use, mix 1: 0.5 with oil (6 drops of tincture and 3 drops of peach or olive oil). Drip 3 times a day in both ears. The course is 3 weeks, a break of 7 days and repeat at least 4-5 times.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; stir evenly.

Take herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Cool, strain, squeeze out and top up to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course is 2 months.

With regard to the relationship between noise and MPS, it is unlikely. BUT if there are specific problems, report them and confirm with a urinalysis.

I really hope to get the result, but we must be patient.

GOOD LUCK to us and see you!

06/06/18 Olga



In such cases, it is necessary to start taking special modern drugs. They very effectively stop the process of decay of the memory-intelligence system!

These are Akatinol, Akatinol-memantine and a number of similar ones.

In folk medicine, a tincture of Tamus ordinary and a number of symptomatic herbs are used:

Pour 10.0 g of crushed dry root with 0.5 liters of 60% alcohol or pharmacy Gerboton and leave for 10 days. Drink 1 tablespoon dissolved in 1/3 cup of water, 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals. Course - 1 month, break for 10 days and repeat twice.

1 tsp Pour 200.0 ml of boiling water over crushed dry roots and simmer in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. Remove, leave for 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals. Course - 3 weeks, break 2 weeks and repeat twice.

Do NOT exceed the dose, the roots are poisonous in case of an overdose!

2. Collection of herbs.


I can only say one thing - the collection is large.

Polycythemia is a neoplastic disease. This means that the appropriate herbs are needed.

I would take the small periwinkle as a basis, but only in combination with medicinal Donnik:

1 tsp Pour 200.0 ml of boiling water over chopped herbs, leave for 20 minutes, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Course - 1 month, blood control.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course is 2 months.

Blood control after 1 month from the start of taking any herbs.

SUCCESS and thank you for your question!

05/02/18 Svetlana

Hello, Yulia Evgenievna!

I treat thyroid gland according to your recommendations. And now I would like to consult about my mother. She is 75 years old. Three years ago, she started to feel dizzy and her blood pressure rose. She was tested and prescribed medications: indapafon 2.5 mg, bisoprolol 2.5 mg and lisinopril 5 mg. the dizziness is gone, but the pressure jumps, then 160 x 110, then 110 x 70. I went to the doctor again. passed the tests, but the doctor was only interested in cholesterol, not blood pressure. The analyzes are as follows: leukocytes-6.4, hemoglobin-121, urea-7.7, kereatinin-73, cholesterol 8.7, bilirubin-10.6, ROE-37, sugar-3.86, aspartate aminotransferase-25, alanine aminotransferase-20.

Doctors do not bother with patients over 70, they told my mother that it can be worse, rejoice. I live far from my mother, otherwise I would have visited this miracle doctor. Mom still has arthritis in her fingers. She does not stay at home; she walks several kilometers every day. Please advise something for my mom. What tests do I need to pass? About 20 years ago we had liver problems. We really hope for you!

Light, good day!

Cholesterol itself is NOT considered in isolation from lipids.

BUT, if the same high LDL, VLDL, Atherogenic Index, immediately start giving your mother the following herbs:

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take the herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months, control of cholesterol and lipids.

Your mom has a high ESR - possibly due to arthritis; high urea.

Path will make general analysis urine and rheumatic test.

I took everything into account in the collection.

For a hand-bath with a decoction of bark, or Lilac branches. Can be rubbed with ready-made tincture of Sabelnik marsh.


04/26/18 Olga

Hello! Please tell me what herbs can be used to lower cholesterol levels? It stays at around 8, with a norm of up to 5. Age 68 years. Thanks!

Hello Olga!

In lowering cholesterol, it is necessary to start with the liver, where cholesterol is formed, small intestine where it is absorbed into the blood; and the large intestine, where reabsorption takes place

I give you a short and effective diagram:

1. Kremlin drops

5% alcohol solution of iodine.

Drink 10 drops three times a day, AFTER meals, in 50.0 ml. milk. Course - exactly 3 weeks, break 2 weeks with cholesterol control.

Hello, Tatyana!

Now my mother has an exacerbation of the disease. This is due to extremely unstable weather, surges in atmospheric pressure up to 10 times a day. The first to react to this are hard sclerosed vessels, which are not able to adjust to these surges.

We will not quickly restore the elasticity of the vessels, but it is necessary to gradually free them from calcium.

Morozov drops will help to quickly normalize pressure, 30 drops 4 times a day; local procedures - mustard plasters on the neck and calves. Add the sedative -Afabazole; diuretics - veroshpiron, amlodipine and let mom lie down for 3-4 days.

As a last resort, call an ambulance. Or do injections at home - mom should know what exactly suits her (magnesia 2-3 times, dibazol, etc.).

When the pressure returns to normal, connect herbs:

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take the herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5 months, a change of herbs.

Pour 100.0 grams of root crushed to cereal with 0.5 liters of vodka, insist for 14 days in a dark cool place, shaking occasionally, strain, squeeze. Drink 25-30 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals. The course is 30 days, a break of 7 days and the course is repeated. Conduct at least 3 courses.

Keep me updated on the pressure and well-being of your wonderful mom.

GOOD LUCK to us and see you!

04/05/18 Marhaba

Good day! I have a diagnosis of dyscirculatory encephalopathy of vascular origin, neurosensory hearing loss on the right of the 1st degree. Please help me choose what herbs you can drink from the noise in the right ear. Thanks in advance.

Hello Marhaba!

Let's start by improving cerebral circulation:

1. "Kremlin drops are a 5% alcohol solution of iodine.

Drink 10 drops three times a day, AFTER meals, in 50.0 ml. milk. The course is 3-4 weeks. and go to another tincture

20.0 g of flowers, without crushing, pour 100.0 ml of 60-70% alcohol (or pharmacy Gerboton) and leave for 7 days. Strain. Drink 10 drops 2 times a day at low pressure; and 12-15 drops twice a day, with increased. The course is 1 month. Break for 1 month. You can repeat the course in 2 months.

To remove alcohol, you need to drip the tincture in 15.0-20.0 ml of slightly cooled boiling water (about 70 degrees) and drink after 15 minutes. During this time, alcohol simply evaporates, leaving everything useful in place.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take the herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months, change of herbs.

Good day!

Through increasing SHBG:

1. Nutrition

Refusal from industrial meat and especially poultry. Their feed contains steroid-type anabolic steroids; use Androgen-lowering products - eggplant, soy products, corn, dietary supplements based on Alfalfa (Eracond), Dioscrea (Wild Yam) and Red Clover; sprouts of Wheat Fenugreek and Fenugreek itself as a spice; Helba Fenugreek tea Mint tea.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take the herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months, androgen control.

Dear Liana!

I am very glad that you are taking care of your mother. BUT such a crisis pressure at any moment can lead to a vascular catastrophe! I hope you understand which one. Orthosiphon in "sad loneliness" will NOT reduce blood pressure. Your mom needs to combine drugs and herbs. For instance:

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take the herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 2 months, with daily pressure control; change of herbs.

2. Drugs must be selected for others, if the prescribed do not work, and this is the most important thing.

3. Optimization of lifestyle and food - second pressure normalization condition.

SUCCESS and all the best, please!

03/26/18 Natalia

Prompt the collection of herbs that are good for improving blood circulation. for a long time the left heel hurts, cramping of the legs and arms in an uncomfortable position, tingling of the tips of the fingers. Thank you in advance.

Good day!

Pour 100.0 g of crushed dry root with 0.5 liters of 60% alcohol or pharmacy Gerboton and leave for 10 days. Use ONLY for rubbing, under a compress.

2 tablespoons of crushed seeds pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, drain.

2. Magne V6forte. Drink as directed for 4 weeks

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

And visit specialists - phlebologist and neuropathologist.

SUCCESS, all the best!

03/23/18 Tatiana

Hello! Yulia Evgenievna really hope to get a recommendation from you, please tell me what herbs will be treated ?! I am 61 years old, Weight 71kg, Height 162cm.

In my carotid arteries heterogeneous atherosclerotic plaques on the left, its size is 30%, on the right, 60%. Eating herbs that can dissolve plaque? Since 2010, for 9 years I have been taking statins, first Liprimar 20 mg, now I take Crestor 10 mg once a day at night. My biochemical analysis: ALT = 38.00 U / L; AST = 23.00 U / L; GGT = 38.00 U / L; Lipoprotein (a) = 0.31 g / L; Total cholesterol = 4.45 mmol / l; HDL = 1.35 mmol / L; LDL = 2.13 mmol / L; Triglycerides = 2.57 mmol / L;

Hello, Tatyana!

Let's look for the good in the bad. Thanks to statins, your lipid spectrum is normal, or very close to it. The plaque on the right is hemodynamically significant, that is, it can impair blood flow. On the right, it is permissible. But the plaques are heterogeneous, that is, they require stabilization, which is not possible without statins. everlasting-1 tsp, blood-red hawthorn flowers -1, Fir foot -2

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take the herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course -2 months.

3.1. Beet juice - contains iodine and at the same time supports the heart.

Drink 50.0 ml., In small sips, 2-3 times a day. The course is 1.5 months, a break of 2 weeks and resume.

4. A solution of kaolin.

Stir high-quality white clay in a glass soft to the consistency of kefir. Drink 1 glass, three times a day, the course is at least 2 months and repeat the ultrasound of the brachiocephalic vessels.

menstruation, in principle, regularly, on average + -28 days, began at the age of 12, sometimes painful, but tolerable Everything was fine until 17. Then I was very nervous 50 days there were no menstruation. I drank the mastodinon, everything worked out. (Ultrasound of the mammary glands is normal). And last summer there was another failure (40 days), but it is completely incomprehensible why. I took a lot of hormones, did an ultrasound of the pelvis, everything is fine, except for the 2 hormones indicated at the very beginning. Also, half a year since painful periods have gone again, but you can endure it, sometimes NO-shpa saves you.

On myself, I feel a little increase in testosterone (more hair falls out on the head, grows more on the body / face, but not critical) although there has always been a hereditary predisposition to this

The doctor decided that it was

And they can be easily reduced by systematically taking Peppermint Tea for 1.5 months:

1. Mint drink

But again, at what pressure you feel good, and at what pressure you feel bad.

Collecting good herbs does not necessarily have good effects. Will it reduce androgens, perhaps - there are many soothing herbs in the collection. But pain during menstruation will reduce. Drink!

I advise you to definitely look at cortisol, progesterone and estradiol; and start doing a contrast shower in the morning, and move as much as possible during the day.

GOOD LUCK, Sasha. write!

02/14/18 Love

Hello. I am 65 years old, height 154cm., Weight 61kg. I develop dry, red spots of various shapes, mainly on my arms and legs. For 4 years passed many dermatologists. The only deviation in the analyzes was the presence in the blood high value eosinophils 7-8%. Analyzes were carried out for rheumatoid tests, for immunoglobulin E, for lamblia, enterobiasis (ascoridosis), toxoplasmosis. Ultrasound done thyroid gland... Everything is within the normal range. Each doctor made his own diagnosis, up to the fungus, prescribed treatment, and did everything. The improvements were short-term, the itching of the skin sometimes became very strong. In August 2017 A skin biopsy was performed in two places. The histological conclusion: data for psoriasis were not found; it is impossible to exclude Deverji's disease, eczema at the stage of resolution, pityriaziform drug toxic reaction. Based on the results of a biopsy, the diagnosis was made of small plaque parapsariasis. Treatment with courses of aerosol skin-cap, silicyl ointment, m. Belosalik, ketotifen, moisturizing balms and creams. A month passes from the beginning of the appearance of the focus to the last subsidence, then remission is not long, no more than a month. I read that for the treatment of parapsariasis, you can prepare an ointment with meadowsweet root. I do not want to use hormonal ointments almost constantly, albeit in short courses. Can I drink some herbs? Also worried about loud noise, ringing in the head, headaches. Short-term improvement is given by injections and droppers. The pressure is mostly within the normal range, sometimes it rises. Headaches have been observed to be unrelated to pressure. Cholesterol is slightly elevated. Atoris 5mg was prescribed. I want to give up statins, but nutrition does not work. What herbs can be used to improve the condition of blood vessels?

Hello dear Love!

It is not the quality of external agents that prevents you from entering remission, but the lack of internal funds in the treatment. This can be compared with caring for a car, the owner of which shines the body and interior, and does not change the oil in the engine. We urgently need to add herbs:

100.0 g Pour 0.5 liters of vodka or brandy crushed to cereal and leave for 14 days in a cool dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain, squeeze out. Drink 25-30 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals. The course is 30 days, a break of 7 days and the course is repeated. Conduct at least 3 courses.

3. Sorbents of a natural range. Drink continuously for at least 2 months Prolifepan, or Litovit M.

You should use creams and ointments for dry and flaky rashes. complete absence liquids in rashes, or blisters.

Grind the grass and fruits of cocklebur into a powder, mix 1: 1 with an oil base (peach oil, baby cream, castor oil, chicken fat, lard)

Place in the oven at 75 degrees for 1-2 hours and stir occasionally. Store in refrigerator, but use warm 3-4 times a day.

In the same way, you can prepare an ointment with meadowsweet root.

BUT, if the skin gets wet, or bubbles appear on it, only liquids are used for care in the form of lotions, compresses, or wraps.

Avoiding statins is quite possible, Love, if you can keep yourself within the framework of the Orthodox mail, which began today.

atherosclerosis -2

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take the herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is at least 2 months under pressure control.

I think that the famous Kremlin drops will be enough.

With wishes of health to your wonderful grandmother!

All the best, until next time!

02/06/18 Maria

Good afternoon!

Friends advised me to buy Japanese Sophora at the pharmacy in Ukraine, it is not expensive and I was interested in its properties. I am 50 years old, but I suffer from frequent headaches, the therapist recently prescribed Westinorm 16 and advised me to go on pins and needles to the city of Lutsk because I have a very squeezed the left side and blood does not flow to the head, two -2, meadowsweet-2, red clover-1, medicinal sweet clover-2

fruit of sophora -1

Grind the grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take the herbs without specifying the dose with tablespoons.

1 tbsp pour the mixture with 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, top up to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

All the best and success!

At the first symptoms of various diseases, many people pay attention to herbs and tinctures. If you consult with your doctor in advance and observe the dosage, then a natural "pharmacy" can really help. Some even make a kind of reserves of medicinal herbs, since the season has already begun. Let's find out more about what meadow clover is useful for, and what is its use in.

Chemical composition

Discreet-looking plant in its composition will give odds to many "factory" drugs.
Its leaves and stems contain many valuable elements and compounds. So, protein alone is 25%, and there is the same amount of fiber. Fats and amino acids are less, but they are also present -3% and 1.4%, respectively. Also includes:

  • Vitamins of groups B, C, E, K.
  • Oils (fatty, essential) and resins.
  • A large number of organic acids, among which the leadership is for ketoglutaric and salicylic.
  • Pigments.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Isoflavones and flavonols (formonetin, pratoletin, kaempferol, etc.).
  • Glycosidic compounds and sitosterol components.
The flowers contain 5-6% fatty acids. Seeds are not inferior to them in value - the share of fatty oils in them usually exceeds 11%. It is logical that with such a structure, this herb has firmly taken place in traditional medicine. Let's take a closer look at exactly what medicinal properties clover is famous for, not forgetting to mention the contraindications.

Beneficial features

Clover has many advantages. Here are just the main ones:

  • Smoothes inflammation and relieves swelling.
  • Cleans blood vessels and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Normalizes the work of the heart.
  • Lowers blood pressure (both arterial and intracranial).
  • It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Relieves headaches of varying intensity.
  • Regulates metabolism.
  • Acts as a tonic.
Note that on this beneficial features a given plant does not end there. Meadow clover is an excellent hemostatic agent that is used to treat hemorrhoids and tuberculosis.
The abundance of phytoestrogens makes it indispensable for problems with women's health- during periodic pains, herbs help to dull discomfort.

Did you know? According to Irish legend, Saint Patrick expelled all the snakes from the island with the help of a clover. In addition, the Catholic tradition ascribes to him an explanation of the dogma of the Trinity, which also could not do without these leaflets.

The herb is also good for prevention. The fact is that when consumed regularly, flavonoids supply tissues with oxygen, thereby slowing down the aging of the body.

Another distinguishing feature of the plant is its. A pale-looking product with a delicious taste is among the best, any beekeeper will confirm this.

As you can see, the list is quite impressive. Therefore, it makes sense to find out how and at what time it is best to collect such useful material.

It is easy to collect the required amount of "potion": clover grows almost everywhere in our latitudes. True, there is one nuance here - it is better not to take roadside grass, it is better to take time and wander around the nearest edges and forests.
The best thing healing properties appear in flowers plucked at the very end - the beginning. They are removed together with the upper leaves (the so-called stipule). To heighten the effect, you can cut the stem itself.

The workpiece is dried in the shade, out of the sun. In this case, the room should be well ventilated. Many immediately after collection grind all the material and only then spread it in a thin layer for drying.

Important! When drying, try to turn the collected material at least 2-3 times a day. Ideally, this should be done every 6 hours.

When the "medicine" dries up, it is placed in a sealed container. It can be a tissue or paper bag, bag or box. Such stocks can be used within 1 year - as they "age" valuable properties herbal preparations are lost.
We were again convinced of the clear benefits of clover, but if taken too actively, harm to the body can also appear. To prevent this from happening, let's get acquainted with the recipe and dosage of homemade drugs.

Recipes, application in traditional medicine

In medicine (even in "unofficial") there is Golden Rule: every disease has its own medicine. Of course, it is impossible to "mix" several decoctions in one sitting, as well as to self-medicate. But it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Let's start the story about the preparation and use of "clover" remedies with the popular "tonic" remedy.

Strengthening immunity

Everything is extremely simple:

  • Take 1 glass of flowers and "half a liter" (yes, vodka).
  • After mixing, let it brew for at least 10 days in a closed container. The bottle is shaken periodically.
Take the ready-made mixture 1 time per day, a teaspoon before meals. The entire course will take a month, you can start a second one only after a 10-day break. There are recipes in which 3-time use is "prescribed", but it gives a rather large load on the stomach.

Did you know? Shamrock image-it is not only a symbol of Ireland, but also the official trademark of the country.

Alcohol is not suitable for everyone, in which case a softer recipe will come in handy:
  • 200 g of fresh inflorescences are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 4–5 minutes;
  • then add honey (to taste) and put the container in the refrigerator.
The drink can be taken without fear - in the heat they can even replace the water. This will not only quench your thirst, but also strengthen your immune system.

With a headache

  • 2 tbsp. l. dried inflorescences are poured with water (250 ml);
  • boiling, the mixture is insisted for 40 minutes, and then decanted.
Three times the intake is reduced to 0.5 cups at a time.

This "drug" is great for migraine headaches. Dizziness and unpleasant noises will be relieved by a herbal mixture of clover and meadowsweet, which is brewed like tea. It is usually drunk after a meal.

For colds

Everything here is familiar to those who know how to brew dried clover (unless more water is needed):

  • 2 tbsp. l. fill in 2 glasses;
  • stirring, give 5 hours for tincture.
This dose should be enough for a day. Having thoroughly filtered, the mixture is divided into equal portions. After taking it, it is better to wrap yourself up and sweat thoroughly - then recovery will take only a couple of days.

Important! For the preparation of such compositions, enameled dishes without chips on the coating are suitable. In such containers, the vitamin balance of drinks and meals is maintained longer.

If a cold is accompanied by a strong cough, honey comes into play: in a glass warm water drip a teaspoon of juice and. The result is a delicious and mild product. This is a "child" dose, adults can take more.

With hypertension

"Kashka", if used correctly, removes pressure well. To bring his numbers to the norm, you need:

  • Pour a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of water and boil.
  • Defend for about half an hour.
  • Take according to the verified scheme. The entire volume is divided in two, the first half "goes" on an empty stomach in the morning. The remainder is divided into two more equal shares - pre-lunch and evening (before dinner).
The maximum course of such treatment is 10 days. The intervals between the series are long, for several weeks. This is due to the fact that the slightest overdose causes the opposite effect: the readings of the manometer "drive" downward. So it doesn't hurt to be careful.

With stomach ulcers

"Weight" and components are unchanged: the same spoon with dry heads and a glass of boiling water, followed by a downtime of 30 minutes. It is recommended to take a mixture for 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

There is a belief that finding a leaf in the "four blades" is fortunately. But the more rare five-pointed processes, on the contrary, are best avoided.
Note that in in this case the dosage depends on the person's weight: for those who have crossed the 80 kg line, the volume is doubled.

Experienced herbalists put the herb into complex decoctions (along with, chamomile and). If we take, for example, 15 g of clover, then other ingredients will be required, respectively, 5, 15 and 25 g. The recipe and administration are the same, but sometimes there is an individual intolerance to any element.

With kidney disease and urolithiasis

The scheme is the same:

  • 2 tbsp. l. flowers are boiled in water (1 glass);
  • insist 20 minutes;
  • filter after cooling;
3 approaches a day (a tablespoon) will clear the channels and return the liver to its previous tone. The standard course is 2 weeks, only a doctor can prescribe a second one.

With purulent wounds and boils

This is the outer "hypostasis" of clover tincture and the answer to the question, what else does it help from. Before processing, take a thermos and make a blank:

  • The inflorescences are poured with boiling water, based on the proportion already familiar to us (2 tbsp. L / 1 tbsp). The volume itself depends on the area of ​​damage, for large wounds a larger "kneading" is needed, but stick to the original ratio.
  • Covering with a lid, leave for 1.5–2 hours and decant.
  • The resulting liquid is washed with wounds, ulcers and abscesses.

Important! Boils should not be treated with brilliant green or other colored preparations.-then it is difficult for doctors to determine the size of the lesion. You will also have to refrain from bathing.

The same procedure is done when boils appear. But you can fight them with compresses. At the rate of one spoon per glass, kept in a thermos for at least 6 hours. The entire volume is divided into two procedures.
A similar scheme can be used for baths, if their use is convenient in a particular case.

For vessels

When planning to cleanse the vessels, stock up on flowers as you should - you will need a lot of them.

Red clover grass is considered useful - medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant are used in folk medicine. Its other name is meadow. The plant is biologically rich active substances, is used to treat inflammation, skin diseases, helps to cope with menopause due to the content of phytoestrogens. How to use grass for good, not harm?

What is red clover

The meadow or red clover Trifolium (botanically named Trifolium pretense) belongs to the legume family. The medicinal plant reaches a height of 20-90 cm, has complex trifoliate elliptical leaves with wide triangular trefoils. They have whitish spots, jagged edges with a network of veins. The flowers are papilionaceous, small, in the form of spherical purple-red heads.

The stable blooms in June-July, bears fruit in late summer. Its stems are erect, ascending. The fruit is an ovoid bean, single-seeded, scarious. Meadow clover grows in meadows, forest edges, in steppes, bushes, in glades. Found throughout Russia. For medicinal purposes, the ground part of the grass is used, the stems are rich in protein, can be eaten as an additive to salads. Flowers are considered excellent honey plants, from 1 hectare you can collect 100 kg of honey. Red clover is harvested during the flowering period, air-dried without direct exposure to the sun.


Diverse and rich chemical composition leaves and flowers of red clover. It contains the following substances:

  • essential oils - aromatic substances that relieve inflammation and pain, eliminate nervous tension, possess antimicrobial action;
  • flavonoids, phytosteroids, isoflavones - components that have antibacterial, antiradiation, antispasmodic and antitumor effects;
  • glycosides (tripoline, isotrifoline) - complex compounds for functioning of cardio-vascular system;
  • fatty oils (linoleic, palmitic, stearic acids) - are responsible for the absorption of vitamins;
  • organic acids (coumaric, salicylic, succinic) - substances needed to relieve inflammation, regulate metabolism, remove toxins;
  • resins, ash - viscous compounds with powerful bactericidal properties;
  • medicinal tannins- with astringent, hemostatic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • alkaloids - toxic compounds that have a positive effect on the nervous and respiratory system;
  • amino acids (asparagine, tyrosine) - proteins that take part in all metabolic processes;
  • cellulose - vegetable fibers needed for positive work intestines;
  • vitamins A, carotene, group B, vitamin C, E;
  • trace elements - magnesium, potassium, selenium, chromium, iron, calcium, phosphorus;
  • phylloquinone - a substance that supports the function of hematopoiesis;
  • tannins, xanthines, furfural carotenoids, bioquinones, coenzymes, coumarins, proteins.


Due to such a rich composition, the healing properties of red clover are wide and include the following indications:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • elimination of vitamin deficiency;
  • lowering the temperature;
  • toning the body;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • relief from cough;
  • relieve eye fatigue, help with cataracts;
  • choleretic, immunostimulating, tonic property;
  • cleansing the lymphatic system;
  • analgesic, hypotensive, antifungal, antitumor effect;
  • elimination of mastopathy;
  • relief of the course of menopause;
  • antiseptic, antiviral, sedative effect;
  • restoration of affected tissues;
  • expectorant, thinning phlegm;
  • diuretic effect;
  • slowing down baldness;
  • stimulation of collagen production;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • analgesic, anti-sclerotic, antiallergic, astringent, diaphoretic, antidepressant, emollient.

The benefits of clover to the body

The beneficial properties of red clover are used in folk and official medicine. It is used for the following diseases and ailments:

  • decreased immunity, exhaustion;
  • the threat of atherosclerosis;
  • menopause;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • menopause, hot flashes, tenderness and chest pain (there are contraindications);
  • fragility of the walls of blood vessels, angina pectoris;
  • decreased potency in men;
  • purulent wounds, eczema, psoriasis, burns;
  • loss of strength (for vivacity);
  • joint pain;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cough, asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, thrombosis;
  • allergies.


For oral administration in case of inflammation, liver problems, the need to remove toxins, a medicinal decoction is used without contraindications. To make it:

  • Take 300 ml of water and a teaspoon of red clover blossoms.
  • Heat water, add raw materials and boil for six minutes.
  • Cool the broth, filter, drink four times / day for a tablespoon.
  • The course of treatment lasts a month, then it can be extended.


For the preparation of baths for skin rashes, ingestion for headaches, colds, coughs, use the infusion of red clover. To make it:

  • Take two tablespoons of dried flowers and a glass of water.
  • Combine ingredients and bring to a boil.
  • Let it brew for 40 minutes, strain.
  • Take half a glass three times a day or pour a warm infusion into the bath.


For the treatment of septic wounds, burns, psoriasis or cancerous tumors apply a medicinal ointment made on the basis of red clover inflorescences. They are insisted on pure olive or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 2. Leave the mixture for two weeks in a dark, warm place, stir constantly. At the end of the exposure period, filter and lubricate the affected areas with a cotton swab with a wound healing agent.


For the general strengthening of the body, immunity and relieve fatigue, a medicinal extract of red clover with vodka is used:

  • Take a glass of dried flowers and 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka.
  • Mix the ingredients, leave in the dark for at least 10 days, or more.
  • Drink the prepared extract dropwise three times a day before meals.
  • The course of therapy is a month, then a break is made for 10 days and the treatment is repeated in two more cycles.

Red clover in folk medicine

Red clover is widely used in folk medicine due to its medicinal properties. It successfully treats tuberculosis and prevents its recurrence, serves as a preventive measure against malignant tumors and after their removal. For women during menopause, it helps to cope with hot flashes and normalizes hormonal balance. It can be given to children as a cough disease without contraindications.

With tuberculosis

Fresh plant juice and a decoction of meadow clover inflorescences with medicinal properties can be used to treat the inactive stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, its prevention, anemia:

  1. Pour 20 g of dried inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, cool. Drink 2-3 tablespoons three times a day.
  2. Twist the fresh flowers through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, dilute the resulting juice with water in a 2: 1 ratio. Drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

For cholesterol

The plant is rich in tannins, essential oils and glycosides, which helps to show its medicinal properties at increased concentration bad cholesterol... Red clover breaks down fat deposits on the walls of blood vessels, removes excess naturally while restoring and strengthening blood vessels. For treatment, use alcohol tincture and tea without contraindications:

  1. Take a two-liter jar and fill it halfway with fresh inflorescences (or a quarter dry), pour 500 ml of vodka, close the lid. Keep in a cool dark place for 15 days, filter. Take three months with a break of 10 days after each. In the first month, the dosage will be 15 ml 1r / day before lunch, in the second - 20-22 ml, the third - 15 ml.
  2. Pour dry herbs of clover and meadowsweet in equal amounts with hot water, drink half a glass of tea once a day.
  3. Brew 10 flower heads with a glass of boiling water, keep for 2 minutes, strain. For three weeks, take half a glass three times / day.

With menopause

Phytoestrogens are found in red clover, which are similar in action to female sex hormones. With menopause, the latter are quantitatively reduced, so that the infusion and decoction of the flowers will help to normalize sleep, enhance sexual function, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and eliminate dry skin without contraindications:

  1. Take three tablespoons of chopped roots and flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for an hour. Strain and drink throughout the day in equal portions diluted with water. Combine herbal medicine with medication.
  2. Pour 40 g of young leaves and 30 g of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and filter. Use for vaginal douching, or drink 50 ml orally 4 r / day to eliminate painful periods.

With hypertension

The healing properties of red clover are applicable to hypertension. The broth dilates blood vessels and normalizes the heartbeat, stabilizes arterial pressure, serves as a means to increase potency:

  1. Pour three tablespoons of dried flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for half an hour. Strain, drink 75 ml three times a day.
  2. Brew a tablespoon of raw materials with 250 ml of hot ox, boil for five minutes. Drink 5 times / day for a tablespoon for at least a month.

For sore throat

For pneumonia, for the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough, an express tincture or a medicinal decoction with a minimum of contraindications will help:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of flowers with two glasses of water, leave for five minutes. Drink this amount in equal portions throughout the day. Lie warm after drinking.
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a glass of flowers and leaves, leave in a thermos for a day, shaking occasionally. Strain, mix with an equal amount of vodka, hold for a couple of hours. Drink a tablespoon 3-4 r / day before meals.
  3. Pour two glasses of dry raw materials with a liter of hot water, leave for an hour. Drink a tablespoon three times a day to prevent colds.

For skin diseases

To eliminate the manifestation of psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, scrofula, decoctions, infusions and baths with red clover are used:

  1. Take as many flowers as possible to apply a thick layer to the affected area. Pour boiling water over, leave for an hour, squeeze and wrap in cheesecloth. Make a compress at night.
  2. Brew three tablespoons of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for two minutes. Insist for two hours, strain, add to the bath. It will also help to cope with the manifestation of the fungus on the skin.

With atherosclerosis

In addition to cleansing the blood, the use of decoctions and clover tea will help normalize blood pressure, soothe nervous irritability:

  1. Pour 100 pieces of inflorescences with 500 ml of water, cook for six minutes. Insist for three hours, strain. Mix with honey and drink the amount throughout the day.
  2. Pour two cups of boiling water to four tablespoons of leaves, leave for seven hours. Drink half a glass three times a day.

With oncology

For general strengthening of the body, suppressing the growth of cancerous tumors or preventing their occurrence, take a decoction or tincture of red clover with medicinal properties:

  1. Pour 300 ml of water to three tablespoons of plant roots, boil in a water bath for half an hour. Strain, add clean liquid to the volume of evaporated water. Drink five times / day before meals for a course of three weeks. Repeat after a month's break.
  2. Pour a glass of inflorescences with 500 ml of vodka, leave for 14 days in a dark, dry place. Shake the can every five days. Drink a teaspoon on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals for a month. Take a break for 10 days, repeat twice more. Read the contraindications before taking.


You can buy red clover at the drugstore, or prepare your own raw materials. Contraindications to the use of phytopreparations based on it are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • violation hormonal balance;
  • blood disorders (may cause bleeding);
  • upset stomach;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heart disease, stroke;
  • the period two weeks before surgical operations and the same time after them;
  • estrogen-dependent cancers (fibroids, ovarian inflammation, breast cancer, endometriosis);
  • thrombophlebitis.

In addition to contraindications, you should learn more about the side effects that may occur while taking red clover:

  • skin rash;
  • muscle pain;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • uterine bleeding.

In addition to contraindications and side effects the herb itself, you should be wary of drugs based on it and interactions with certain medications: estrogens in tablets, contraceptives with ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel, liver enzymes, aspirin, heparin, warfarin, tamoxifen. It is important to get competent advice before treatment (this is the rule for both men and women).


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