Adult Samoyed. Samoyed husky dog. Attitude towards strangers

Samoyed or Samoyed dog(Samoyed, Samoyed Spitz) is one of the most ancient Spitz breeds. The Samoyed was a companion for almost 3000 years among the northern peoples of the Sami group (Samoyeds) - Laplanders, Nenets, etc., who inhabited northern Russia and Siberia. The Samoyed tribes roamed with their herds of deer, using dogs as sled dogs, as well as for hunting walrus and bear, and to guard the herds of deer.

Photo: Samoyed dog (Samoyed Laika)

Samoyed dogs slept in people's homes and kept them warm with their fur coats. This breed has survived to this day in its original form, as it has never been subject to the intervention of breeders. These dogs participated as sled dogs in almost all major polar expeditions. Now the Samoyed is one of the rarest breeds.

Appearance and size

Among factory Samoyeds, there are two intra-breed types: bear and wolf. They differ slightly in structure. The bear Samoyed is powerful, short, with a wide skull. The wolf has a more elongated body and a narrow head.

The height of males at the withers is up to 57 cm, females - up to 53 cm. Weight ranges from 17 to 30 kg.

The Samoyed’s signature “smile” gives it a mischievous appearance. The nose can be black, flesh or brown. In winter, the nose may become discolored. The deep-set eyes are dark brown.

The small ears are set high, thickly covered with hair inside and slightly rounded at the ends.

The tail of the Samoyed is long and densely covered with fluffy hair, and when moving it is thrown over the back or to the side.

The coat is thick and abundant, very dense and shiny. A “collar” is formed around the withers and neck, framing the head. The hair on the head, outer surface of the ears and front legs is short and even. “Pants” on the back of the thigh.

The color can be pure white, cream or fawn. The ends of the guard hairs should be silvery.

Samoyed character

He is an unpretentious and hardy worker, delicate and well understanding of people. He is open and friendly, cheerful and independent. He is loyal and intelligent, gets along well with children. Not aggressive and not timid, suitable for watchdog and guard duty. It has very weak hunting instincts, which is good when living with other animals.

This dog has an uncanny sense of danger. Even under deep snow, she is able to guess holes and cracks, and finds her way home in the most hopeless situations.

In America, Samoyeds are called a good mood dog, and doctors recommend communicating with them to get rid of loneliness and depression. The Samoyed himself also does not tolerate loneliness well; he is always drawn to people. This is a wonderful home companion, loyal and affectionate.

The Samoyed can be stubborn, but it is not aggressive. He won’t start a fight himself, but he can stand up for himself.

Despite its thick coat, the Samoyed adapts perfectly to apartments and is not afraid of hot climates.

It does not require specific care and is odorless. All you need to do is brush him regularly and wash his paws after a walk.

Characteristics of the Samoyed Laika breed.

Recently, Samoyed huskies have become increasingly popular in our country. This article is dedicated to those who are interested in this breed or are looking for information about a dog before purchasing.

Samoyed dog Laika: characteristics and description of the breed

This breed is one of the most ancient. It is believed that it appeared more than 3,000 years ago in Siberia and the Far North of Russia, and belongs to the Spitz group. And such dogs were brought to Europe around the end of the 19th century. It is noteworthy that in Russia this breed was considered almost extinct, and was again brought into the country only in the 90s of the last century. According to international classification This breed is classified as aboriginal, or primitive, since it was practically not subjected to the intervention of breeders.

Exists several titles, used for dogs of this breed:

  • Sami husky
  • arctic spitz
  • samoyed husky
  • Samoyed
  • Samoyed dog

For many centuries, the Samoyed dog has been a reliable companion for the northern peoples. People have used these animals in many ways areas:

  • while hunting seals and walruses.
  • as shepherds for grazing herds of reindeer.
  • for warmth - often people slept with dogs in the chum in an embrace, clinging tightly to them. At the same time, Samoyeds freeze, become extremely careful and attentive, and try not to disturb their person
    as a guardian of your property.
  • as a reliable nanny for a child in the absence of parents.
  • for sled riding - experts have differing opinions on this issue. Some researchers argue that Nenets culture prohibited the use of such dogs as draft force. Others say that carrying heavy loads is the main function of Samoyed dogs.
  • for forwarding support of goods.

The appearance of the Samoyed dog leaves no one indifferent. Snow-white fluffy fur and a good-natured expression on the face (thanks to the characteristic “smile” and slightly sly eyes) always attract attention to this animal.

In addition, breeders claim that this breed has an extremely pleasant character. Indeed, over their thousand-year history, Sami huskies have always been in close contact with humans. Therefore, they have developed a subtle understanding of people and a strong attachment to them.

Distinctive character traits of the Samoyed dog:

  • extremely friendly and affectionate - this animal can find an approach to any family member.
  • loving - always tries to please her master, although sometimes she can be stubborn.
  • gets along well with other animals in the house - due to evolution, Samoyeds have practically lost their hunting instincts, so they get along well with other domestic animals.
  • is a full member of the family who takes an active part in all matters and events.
  • loves children very much and patiently endures their increased (and sometimes intrusive) attention to her person.
  • This animal is devoted to only one owner and his family. Therefore, it is not recommended to adopt a dog as an adult.
  • very smart and quick-witted (even cunning), understanding her owner well.
  • completely devoid of aggressiveness. This kind of husky rarely starts a fight, but at the same time it can stand up for itself.
  • cheerful and mischievous - in America, Samoyeds are often called mood-lifting dogs and are recommended for those who feel lonely or are prone to frequent depression.

  • Absolutely cannot stand loneliness. A Samoyed should not be locked in an apartment alone. He is always drawn to people and constantly demands attention. It will be better if at least one family member is always present at home. When this dog is left alone even for a short time, it begins to get nervous and chew everything around. People who are too busy and are rarely at home are advised to get other breeds.
  • loves physical contact with a person, loves to jump near him, expressing his joy and demanding affection.
  • very energetic and active - for normal development she needs space and active walks in the fresh air.
  • This breed is adapted to live in nature. Therefore, small enclosed spaces or kennels are not suitable for the animal. It is preferable to build a spacious enclosure for her in the courtyard of a private house.
  • endowed with a calm and independent character, sometimes turning into stubbornness.
  • strong and resilient, with a special flair. Her ancestors always found their way home, and also sensed cracks in the ice even under deep snow.
  • is highly social. Samoyeds are sociable not only with members of their family, but also with strangers. Therefore, this breed is not entirely suitable for protection.
  • unpretentious and extremely hardy.
  • curious, full of enthusiasm, absolutely not shy and playful until old age.
  • A rather talkative dog who loves the sound of his voice and therefore often gives it.
  • Samoyeds' favorite time of year is winter.

Why is the Samoyed husky called that?

Many people are interested in where such a strange, and even slightly ominous name for the breed “Samoyed Laika” came from. There are two main versions of the origin of this name.

Generally recognized (official):

Such animals were bred by northern peoples belonging to the Samoyed group (Nenets, Enets, Selkups, Laplanders). In the old days they were called “samoyed”, “self-integrated” - that is, “those who live separately, on their own, alone.” And the dogs that belonged to them began to be called the same by analogy.

Without any scientific confirmation (unofficial):

When the snow-white Samoyeds were harnessed to a sled, they were not noticeable at all against the background of snow. And it seemed that the sleigh was moving without outside help. And for this reason, such sleds were called “self-eating”, or otherwise “samoyeds”. Subsequently, the dogs themselves began to be called this way.

Samoyed dog Laika - breed standard: size and weight of an adult dog

The generally accepted breed standards for the Samoyed Laika include the following external characteristics:

  • the average weight of the animal is from 23 to 30 kg
  • height at the withers - from 57 to 60 cm for males, and from 53 to 56 cm for females (in the English standard, male - from 51 to 56 cm, female - from 46 to 51 cm, and in American - from 53 to 60 cm and from 48 to 53 cm respectively)
  • females are slightly smaller in size and look much more elegant and graceful than males
    a fairly powerful head, wedge-shaped, with a slightly convex skull, and evenly tapering towards the nose
    The length of the muzzle should be approximately equal to the length of the skull
  • small triangular, very mobile erect ears. The distance between them is wide. Puppies up to a month old have floppy ears.
  • deep-set dark chocolate eyes. They are slightly slanted, almond-shaped and outlined with a dark edging.

  • The nose has a well-developed black lobe. May not be fully pigmented until the age of two months
    very strong jaw and strong dental apparatus
  • lips black, tightly fitting. At the same time, the corners of the mouth are slightly curved, and thereby form a “smile” characteristic of this breed.
  • slightly elongated, strong, extremely muscular body with a strong neck. Moreover, it should be approximately 5% longer than the height of the dog at the withers.
  • well-spaced straight muscular parallel limbs, elbows pressed to the body. The dewclaws of puppies are removed at 3-4 days from birth.
  • the chest has a width slightly less than half the height of the animal at the withers
  • movable long tail, which is set quite high. IN excited state Samoyed, the tail is curved up or to the side, and when calm it is lowered down
  • movements are characterized by a tireless, energetic and free gait
  • coat color – white, cream, white and fawn. The tips of the guard hairs have a silvery tint.

The main distinguishing feature Arctic Spitz has a “polar”, unusually thick coat, with such properties:

  • The coat itself is double, consisting of a thick, soft but dense undercoat and straight, very long, outer coat.
  • the shoulders and neck are framed by an extremely fluffy collar
  • the tail is very furry
  • from the long hair that grows on the back of the thighs, the so-called “pants” are formed
  • protective fur grows on the inner surface of the ears and between the toes
  • The coat length of males is slightly longer than that of females
  • “fur coat” has a sparkling shine
  • at low temperatures the coat becomes even fluffier
  • has virtually no characteristic “dog” smell

TO disqualifying deficiencies Sami huskies include:

  • blue or different colored eyes
  • soft ears
  • pincer rather than scissor bite
  • a tail that is twisted into a double helix
  • wavy wool
  • excessive gracefulness in males or excessive power in females
  • atypical behavior: aggressiveness, cowardice, lack of contact

Samoyed dog Laika wolf and bear type – pink, white, colored Samoyed dogs and Samoyed dog puppies: photos

Today, 7 types of the Samoyed Laika dog breed are officially recognized. They are divided into two main groups, between which there are slight differences in appearance. This is due to the fact that the main purpose of animals during their breeding and selection was different:

Herding dogs (bear type)– have a more powerful, strong body with a short back and short legs, a massive skeleton and a wide skull.

Breeds of this type:

  • English
  • Australian
  • New Zealand

Working sled dogs (wolf type)– characterized by a narrower skull, elongated limbs, elongated body, reduced volume chest, shortened coat length.

Breeds of this type:

  • American
  • Canadian

For the listed breeds of both groups of Samoyeds, the standard colors are:

  • snow-white is the most common and popular. This color reflects the sun's rays well, which saves the animal from excessive overheating
  • cream is not a very common shade. Such dogs look less impressive
  • white with cream (not brown!) tan markings - this color is quite rare. Light beige (biscuit) spots may be present in small quantities on the limbs, head, and torso. At the same time, only the tips of the fur are colored fawn, and not the entire coat and undercoat.

Samoyed puppies are incredibly funny, looking like white teddy bears.

Raising and training a Samoyed dog

You need to understand that the Samoyed husky is a pack animal that lives according to certain laws. These are very smart animals with an independent character, which can cause disobedience and stubbornness.

Samoyeds understand perfectly well who is boss in the house, and when proper education respect and obey the owner. In order for the dog to be obedient and not cause problems, you need to show the animal which of you is the leader.

Listen to the advice of dog handlers:

  • education must begin in early age, and training after all vaccinations have been done (about 3 months).
  • Give the puppy his own place and teach him not to get in the way.
  • demonstrate your leadership immediately. When entering the premises, the owner must enter first, and then the animal. And you need to feed the dog after the whole family has eaten.
  • do not forget that execution of commands is mandatory. If the Samoyed fails to execute a command for 4 times in a row, it may develop into a system problem, since bad habits it absorbs as quickly as the good ones. The dog may feel permissive and become disobedient.
  • Immediately reward the animal’s correct behavior with praise.
  • Punish the Samoyed only at the moment of the mistake, so that he understands exactly what action he is doing that causes subsequent punishment.

  • It is very important to wean your Samoyed dog from jumping on people at a very early age. Such jumps, in which the puppy tries to lick you on the lips, are at first a way to simply beg for food, but in later life they acquire another meaning - a demonstration of their leadership. To avoid this, when greeting, praise your puppy only when he has all four paws on the floor or is sitting. Don't react to him while he's jumping. And don't let him lick people's faces.
  • Remember that physical contact with a person is always pleasant and desirable for the Samoyed breed. Therefore, when you push the dog away with your hand or lightly slap it on the forehead for disobedience, it is regarded as encouragement and encouragement, which can subsequently develop a love for rough games and fun.
  • Never hit your dog with a leash as a punishment - this can lead to the dog resisting and refusing to put it on for a walk.
  • When walking, keep the Samoyed on a leash, as if it gets carried away, it can chase small animals and run away.
  • You need to walk your husky every day, mandatory provide her with the opportunity to run around to her heart's content over a wide area. Breeders recommend creating conditions for the Samoyed in which he will be constantly busy. Otherwise, his unspent energy will result in loud barking for no reason or damage to your things.
  • in principle, the Arctic Spitz calmly tolerates high temperatures. However, still avoid intense workouts in extreme heat. Move them to the morning or evening.
  • It is important not to forget that this northern handsome man has a vulnerable character. Therefore, when training him, assault or shouting is strictly prohibited. The animal will simply avoid you or not obey you at all.
  • Please note that the Samoyed relieves stress by chewing everything around it.
  • When training, each session should end with praise for the dog. But it must be deserved. If the Samoyed did not try hard enough or did not follow your commands, do not praise him.

Sometimes owners of Samoyed Laikas complain about their stubbornness and even stupidity. However, this behavior is the result of improper upbringing and training of the animal. Samoyeds are extremely intelligent and highly trainable pets. They just need a fairly firm and confident owner.

Samoyed Laika - hypoallergenic dog: care and maintenance in the apartment

There is an opinion that the Samoyed is a hypoallergenic dog, and its fur does not cause allergies at all, because it is devoid of a specific “dog” smell. However, this opinion is not entirely correct. Allergies can be caused not by the entire breed of dog as a whole, but by a specific animal in a specific person. Therefore, before getting an Arctic Spitz puppy, it is recommended to undergo appropriate tests to check for an allergic reaction.

The Samoyed dog has a luxurious fur coat, which requires some care and effort on the part of the owners. The texture of this dog's coat is similar to angora wool, so it is often used for knitting fur products.

Basic rules for caring for the Sami breed in an apartment or private house are to maintain animal hygiene:

  • brush your dog at least twice a week
  • During molting, the animal must be combed daily. This period lasts about three weeks and occurs once a year in males, and twice in females.
  • It is not recommended to cut a dog's hair, because this may slightly change the structure of the animal's coat, which will negatively affect its protective properties from cold and heat. You only need to trim the fur between your toes if it becomes too long.
  • When tangles form in the wool, do not cut them off, but carefully sort them out with your hands
  • Check your dog's ears regularly for infections or mites. Clean their surface with a cotton pad soaked in a special product.
  • Brush your dog's teeth once a week to prevent gum disease
  • Experts recommend trimming your nails once a month.

Carry out the procedure for combing Samoyed hair correctly:

  • first comb the animal with a brush, removing dirt
  • after this, use a slicker brush, carefully combing it down to the undercoat
  • separate part of the fur, holding it with one hand against the growth, and with the other hand comb in the direction of growth
  • After thorough combing, use a comb to run the comb against the grain to fluff up the undercoat.

What to feed and what shampoo to wash a Samoyed dog so that its coat is white and fluffy?

The beautiful coat of the Samoyed is believed to have self-cleaning properties. It always remains white without washing. This is due to the fact that the hard hairs are impregnated with lubricant, and when dirt gets on them, it simply flows off. This feature persists throughout the animal’s life if you do not wash it too often.

But sometimes the owners of such dogs notice that the pet’s snow-white coat begins to turn yellow. This usually happens due to insufficient or improper care:

  • the undercoat is difficult to comb out, causing the fur to change color on the back or near the mouth due to saliva secretion
  • Excessive amount of protein(s) in the feed
  • presence of worms
  • pregnancy or lactation
  • gastrointestinal and infectious diseases
  • disturbance in the body's metabolic processes

After a thorough examination and identification of the reasons for the color change, they need to be eliminated and more attention should be paid to caring for your pet.

According to experts, it is enough to wash the Samoyed twice a year. As a rule, this is done only to rid the Samoyed of foreign odors that permeate its fur. And to keep the coat clean, it is quite enough to simply brush the dog on a regular basis. As mentioned above, this must be done at least twice a week, and during molting, the procedure must be carried out daily.

In case of severe contamination (for example, after walking in rainy weather), it is recommended to wash off the dirt from the animal without using shampoo, just with running water. But show dogs, as a rule, are washed every two weeks so that their coat does not lose its shine and luster.

  • Wash your pet with shampoo for white dogs. Such products have whitening and super-cleaning properties. Additionally, use a conditioner or moisturizing mask on the coat
  • Since thick hair makes the bathing process quite labor-intensive and difficult, dry shampoo is sometimes allowed
  • rinse very thoroughly detergent warm water, avoiding contact with the animal's eyes and ears
  • When blow-drying, comb the coat against the grain with a wide-tooth comb.
  • Using a suede mitten, carefully smooth the fur in the direction of growth - this will give the fur coat additional shine

In addition, to maintain the whiteness of the coat of the magnificent Samoyed, it is extremely important to observe proper diet her nutrition. Breeders advise feeding northern dogs with specialized premium dry or wet food, as they contain minerals and vitamins necessary for the animal.

During the active growth of the animal (up to 9 months), many veterinarians recommend sticking to natural feeding. The following requirements must be taken into account.

You can't feed your dog:

  • chocolate and other sweets
  • baking
  • chicken and pork bones
  • eggs
  • lamb
  • beets, potatoes and carrots
  • milk
  • raw meat (it needs to be either boiled or doused with boiling water)
  • beef (steamed or minced)
  • offal (boiled only)
  • lean raw fish without bones (frozen)
  • fermented milk products (they are also required when feeding dry food)
  • buckwheat or rice porridge
  • cabbage, greens, zucchini, cucumbers, bell pepper, bananas, apples
  • chicken fillet (frozen, slightly thawed) – several times a month
  • turkey, rabbit (boneless)

Do not forget that with natural feeding it is necessary to give additional vitamins and minerals, and the dog should be fed after a walk.

Why does the Samoyed have a pink nose?

Over varying periods of time, a Samoyed's nose may become discolored and turn pink. As a rule, this happens in winter. At the same time, however, a dark edging is always preserved around the nose.
This feature is inherent in northern dog breeds. There is even such a thing as a “snow nose”. The scientific name for this condition is hypopigmentation.

According to experts, the following factors may be the reasons for the color change:

  • In winter, the Samoyed dog loves to dig snow with its nose, as a result of which upper layer lobes are exfoliated mechanically
  • the dark color appears due to an elementary tan, which appears with the onset of the spring sun

Hypopigmentation has no effect negative influence on the dog. You can enhance the pigmentation of the nose without waiting for spring by adding the following to your animal’s diet:

  • seaweed
  • vitamin E
  • Brewer's yeast
  • liver and kidneys

Nicknames for Samoyed dogs for boys and girls: list

When a Samoyed puppy appears in the house, every owner thinks about what nickname to choose for this fluffy bear cub. Often the breeders themselves give the puppy a name, not the owners. In this case, it is often determined capital letter in the name, and the owners come up with the nickname themselves.

No matter how great the temptation may be to call this cute fluffy by some funny and amusing nickname, do not do it. Remember that the puppy will soon grow up and become a respectable animal, and will bear its name for the rest of its life.

Therefore, take your choice of nickname seriously, taking into account the advice of breeders:

Arctic Spitz breed originated in the harsh northern regions. Therefore, it is customary to call such dogs by sonorous names that will remind of the glorious history of their origin:

  • Snowball, Storm, Whirlwind, Leopard, Pole, Thunder, Hail, Wind, Fog, Frost, Cliff
  • Avalanche, Blizzard, Dawn, Blizzard, Storm, Alaska, Thunderstorm, Snezhana, Umka

You can choose a foreign name using literary works about the inhabitants of the north and their sled dogs:

  • Jack, Bart, Kai, Brian, Mart, Moren, Chuck, Phil, Firman, Pierre, Farim
  • Virta, Stella, Gerda, Blenda, Briana, Helma, Ava, Tilda, Rhonda, Ursula, Frida

After observing the puppy for some time, you can give it a nickname taking into account its temperament. Males are more stubborn and restless, and nicknames that emphasize energy and perseverance are suitable for them. And Samoyed girls, as a rule, are more affectionate and friendly, but also mobile and active:

  • Zorro, Excitement, Borey, Valt, Flash, Viking, Storm, Shooting Range, Rambo, Banzai, Sheriff
  • Yula, Fairy, Utah, Astra, Sheela, Ista, Yalina, Bianka, Yurza

You can translate into a foreign language the words that are associated with the Samoyed dog (northern, snowy, fluffy, playful, white, warm, affectionate, hunter, shaggy, etc.), and choose the most sonorous of them for the nickname:

  • Darling, Lucky, White, Light, Hunter, Ice, Nord, Snow, Frost, Host
  • Moon, Faina, Smiley, Ace, Snuggy, Misty

Sometimes Samoyed dogs are named after gods or heroes from ancient mythology and epics

  • Zeus, Hercules, Osiris, Hermes, Vulcan, Perseus, Ulysses, Charon
  • Hera, Yuna (from Juno), Grace, Athena, Pandora

It is preferable to choose short ones sonorous nicknames, since they are more convenient to use. Wherein official name can be long, but in everyday life it is shortened to one or two syllables:

  • Benj (Benjamin), Mark (Markello), Ron (Ronaldo), Bart (Barten), Tim (Timur)
  • Alya (Albina), Silva (Silvia), Siba (Siberia), Liz (Elizabeth)

Samoyed dog Laika: reviews from owners

Irina, 28 years old:

I can't imagine how I lived before without this miracle! I always dreamed of having a dog, but as a child my parents forbade me from having one. And so I persuaded my husband to buy a puppy. We read on the Internet for a long time about various breeds. The Samoyed simply captivated me with his appearance. Therefore, the choice fell on him. This is truly a very affectionate and good-natured dog, extremely loyal. But it must be said that people who are rarely at home should absolutely not have one. When we left him alone in the house for half a day, there was absolute destruction: chewed up slippers and books, an overturned trash can. When we built him an enclosure, he was happy. Although he still likes to run into the house and lie on the couch.

Andrey, 35 years old:

The dog is beautiful, although stubborn. Requires a fairly firm attitude towards yourself. He obeys me unquestioningly, but not always his wife. But it is impossible to be angry with him for a long time, the breed is too charming and sweet. If you decide to get a Samoyed, be prepared for the fact that his hair will be EVERYWHERE, regardless of whether he is currently shedding or not. You need to take care of your coat constantly, every day. Walk actively, at least twice a day. Therefore, the Samoyed is not suitable for lazy people.

Olga, 40 years old:

Our Gerda is already 5 years old. You simply cannot find a better friend and companion. For all her friendliness and affection, she can very well stand up for herself and her owners. Once she even drove other dogs off our street with just her growl. Our dog doesn’t get bored from loneliness, since we also have a cat and a dachshund. They all get along well together, but Gerda is still jealous of us.

Victor, 18 years old:

Our friends have had a Samoyed male for three years. Not very well-mannered, loud, noisy, mischievous. Most likely due to lack of education. He is really very friendly with everyone. When we come to visit friends, he starts jumping on us with joy, trying to lick us. To be honest, this is not very pleasant to me.

Video: All about the Samoyed breed

Origin of the Samoyed dog breed and its original habitat. Description of appearance from the standard, character and ability to train. The nuances of hair care, as well as possible health problems.

Primitive breeds share a similar appearance and purpose, but Samoyeds stand out from this group. Their character is recognized as very friendly, and their training abilities are high. The breed is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world every year.

History of snow-white dogs

The Samoyed dog has served the peoples of the North and part of Siberia for several centuries. She had a lot of real work:

  1. Cargo transportation;
  2. Livestock grazing;
  3. Protection of possessions.

Samoyeds were also warmers and nannies for children and adults. They went hunting with some pets, but these qualities have not taken root in modern dogs. They had light fur, with a thick undercoat. Samoyeds amazed with their endurance and devotion.

At the end of the 19th century, the first dog was taken to England. Soon several more individuals appeared there. They worked on hauling and transporting goods in snowy areas. Enthusiasts set about breeding an independent breed and they succeeded.

In the 20th century, there were almost none of them left throughout Russia. Similar individuals were found only in remote corners of the country, but it is difficult to call them purebreds. By the end of the century, the first representatives arrived in Russia from England and other Western countries.

The breed received its official name “Samoyed” from the Sami tribes. Other options: Arctic Spitz, Samoyed or Laika.

Standard and description of appearance

Important characteristics:

  1. Ideal height: males 53–60 cm, females 48–53 cm;
  2. Weight: males 20–32 kg, females 17–25 kg;
  3. Color: white, cream, biscuit spots are acceptable;
  4. Eye color: dark brown;
  5. Nose: black, let’s say “winter nose” effect, but with a black frame;
  6. Coat: double-layered, with a long fluffy axis and a thick undercoat;
  7. Bite: scissor bite;
  8. Ears: high set, triangular;
  9. Tail: Set high, of moderate length.

Samoyed wool can be seen from afar, it is very stuffed. It forms a collar on the neck, “pants” on the hips, and the tail is even more pubescent. Bitches have less hair than males. The coat color is only light, without bright spots, the guard coat is healthy dog glitters. Eyes are different or blue color considered a vice.

Bitches are more graceful than males. However, all individuals have strong legs and an elegant build. The muzzle is moderately narrowed, the eyes are slightly slanted. Together with the breed's signature smile, they create a positive impression. The lips and eye rims are black.

A dog like a Samoyed moves easily and has a powerful drive. She is active and energetic, without aggression or cowardice. Always friendly to people and animals.

The first English standard was published in 1909. The modern version of the description from the ICF document appeared in 1997.

Character and temperament

Features of Samoyeds:

  1. Goodwill;
  2. Openness;
  3. Activity;
  4. Devotion;
  5. Attentiveness;
  6. Endurance;
  7. Unpretentiousness;
  8. Sociability.

Samoyeds are a true companion who is not afraid of problems. This is facilitated by physical data and a stable psyche. In the USA they are called mood dogs, they are always ready to follow a person, they get to know other dogs without hesitation, and never touch cats.

By temperament they are more sanguine. They know how to listen and feel the mood of the owner. They seek attention and achieve it. They sleep lightly, ready at any moment to go in search of adventure or a regular walk.

In the description of the modern Samoyed Laika breed, aggression is considered an unacceptable manifestation. Therefore, it is convenient to walk with such dogs in public places and travel.

They study with interest the world without missing a single new detail.

They participate in any activity. Left alone at home, they can chew furniture, shoes, run and bark. This indicates a lack of attention and stress. Simple training with walks will help deal with this behavior. They do not tolerate a change of owner well, as they become attached to one for life. They love to be praised and constantly catch the eye of their owner.

Relationships with people and other pets

Samoyeds get along with any people, but there are care features that impose certain obligations on the owner of this breed. A potential buyer of a snow-white Samoyed puppy should love active pastime and activities with fur.

Although the breed is very friendly and good with children, it is not suitable for a child. The first reason is size. Adult dogs weigh more than 20 kg, and the saiga will envy their agility. A child will not hold a pet that wants to play with its relatives or run after a bird. A responsible teenager can solve this problem if he works with the puppy under the supervision of a dog handler.

Pets are friends for the Samoyed; he will never hurt a cat or small dog. He does not enter into conflicts, does not know how to fight, and avoids any skirmishes. This is an affectionate and gentle dog, drawn to the same relatives. Gets along well with other dogs in the house. There are very few dominant individuals among Samoyeds.

Because of the loud barking of a Samoyed dog or husky, those who love peace and quiet in the house can quickly become bored with the pet. There are ways to wean him from this annoying habit.

White and fluffy wool, when kept outside, will quickly turn gray and unkempt.
In the original habitats of Samoyeds most There is snow all the time, so they always look clean there. In addition, keeping an aviary requires a lack of communication, and this breed suffers without attention and contact with the owner.

In a private home, Samoyeds quickly get used to the street, but they come home to sleep. They also regularly drop by during the day to find out how the family is doing and get a dose of affection. Such dogs are not kept on a chain.

In the apartment they choose a comfortable place to relax. They follow the owner during his movements and are rarely left alone. They fully justify the purpose of a companion.

A true Samoyed puppy is very active and can get injured if left unattended. Sometimes what saves him is a cage in which he is locked for several hours. Inside it, the dog should be spacious and have enough space for bedding, bowls of food and water. By 12 months, activity decreases slightly.

Samoyeds shed permanently in an apartment. In this case, seasonal shedding is not pronounced, and the coat may not be very thick compared to street dogs.

Training and sports

Samoyeds tend to be a little stubborn, but they show good results in classes. Their mobility and attention to the owner makes training easier. A toy or treat will help you cope with stubbornness. It is necessary to use any positive reinforcement of correct behavior for such a pet.

Their learning abilities are average. Don't expect submission German Shepherd, automatic actions. Samoyeds are an aboriginal breed with their own nuances in character. They may run away during walks, but trained pets adolescence They do this rarely and in extreme cases.

They engage in various sledding sports. They work well in teams and alone. In terms of strength and stubbornness in achieving goals, they are not inferior to Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes. In the breed characteristics from the standard, you can find references to all of the listed qualities.

General obedience, agility and obedience courses are available for them. Their movements are light, they freely avoid obstacles and cover any distance at high speed.

Training classes begin at an early age. The first of them are like a game, the subsequent ones already become a real school with a clear framework of execution and obedience. Samoyeds are not suitable for guard duty, but they can bark at a stranger who approaches a door or gate.

Care of fur, claws and ears

Wool is one of the main advantages.
The Samoyed dog with a lush and two-layer coat requires significant effort and time to care for. When kept in apartments, they are washed 1-2 times a month so that the coat is bright, shiny and smells good. You can achieve snow-white purity with the help of special shampoos; before the exhibition, you also use powders and sprays. It is not advisable to use balms; they weigh down the hair and remove frizz.

Buy two combs for such a pet: a slicker brush and a comb. If you have experience, use a furminator, but be very careful, otherwise it will cut off the spine. During molting, they are brushed daily, the rest of the time they are limited to 2-3 procedures per week. Dry Samoyed hair in the direction of hair growth warm air from a hair dryer or compressor.

Care for teeth, nails and ears is standard. They rarely show signs of allergies or other problems. Therefore, regular inspection and preventive measures are sufficient.

In winter, they can withstand severe frosts with any precipitation, and rain will not wet their thick cover. Samoyeds do not need clothing, only dusters for walks before shows, so that the coat remains snow-white. The Samoyed dog quickly cleans itself of dirt due to its good coat structure.

Feeding Basics

The Samoyed diet includes the following foods:

  1. Meat low-fat varieties - 60-70%;
  2. Vegetables;
  3. Fruits;
  4. Dairy products;
  5. Chicken egg;
  6. Sea fish;
  7. Porridge.

There should be little grains in the food of these dogs. Turkey meat, beef, and chicken are suitable for daily feeding. Fish is given 1-2 times a week raw, just like egg. To preserve the white color of the coat, beets, carrots and other products are removed from the diet, from which the coat acquires a yellowish color.

Fermented milk products are necessary to strengthen bones and ligaments. It can be kefir, homemade or calcined cottage cheese for puppies, fermented baked milk.

Dry food is chosen with a small content of cereals from lines for medium breeds of dogs with increased activity. There are ready-made products for breeds with white wool.

With proper care and maintenance, vitamin and mineral supplements are not required. However, for intense physical activity, for example, sledding, they are prescribed by a veterinarian.

In contact with

Samoyed photo |

basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs Dog's tendency to find mutual language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

Snow-white, fluffy dogs with button eyes are Samoyeds who for many centuries have lived side by side with the peoples of the North. From time immemorial, the peoples of the Samoyed group (who are otherwise called Samoyeds - Nenets, Enets, Selkups) kept such dogs as sled dogs; they often saved people from the terrible cold thanks to their warm and thick coat. Nowadays, Samoyed dogs are loved all over the world not only for their special appearance, but also for their cheerful and playful disposition.


Samoyed dogs (often called Samoyeds, or Samoyed huskies) are about 55-60 cm tall for males and 50-55 cm for females, and the dog's weight ranges from 25-30 kg for males and 15-25 kg for females. The body of the Samoyed is strong, slightly longer than the height at the withers, the neck is developed, muscular, the limbs are straight, with highly developed muscles, the tail is high, and in an excited state is thrown over the back or side. The dog's head is wedge-shaped, the muzzle gradually tapers towards the nose, the ears are erect and have triangular shape. A special pride of the Samoyed is its thick and long coat with a soft and fluffy undercoat. The dogs have a luxurious collar around the neck, long hair covers the hind legs and tail, while it is much shorter on the face and front legs. Samoyed coat color is white (sometimes with pale fawn markings) or cream.

Samoyed photo:

Photos of Samoyed dogs |

Origin story

What is known for certain is that the Samoyed dog is one of the oldest breeds, since the first memories of these amazing animals were first found several hundred centuries ago among the ancestors of the current small nations of the North. Presumably, Samoyed dogs helped people in hunting and gathering back in the 11th century BC. The appearance and character of the dog suggests that the breed appeared in the process of domestication of the polar wolf. And indeed, when comparing a Samoyed dog and a polar wolf, one can definitely discern similar features - the ability to live in extremely cold conditions, unpretentiousness in food, thick white (or cream-tinged) fur. But this origin is only one version.

According to other versions, the Samoyed dog is a descendant of the aboriginal Nenets Laika (reindeer Spitz), ancient inhabitants of the cold tundra. For centuries, these dogs protected the plague of the inhabitants of the North from wolves, helped them during the hunt, and accompanied them in the impenetrable snow-covered wilds. But this idea of ​​​​the origin of the breed is not the last.

One of the most common versions of the origin of the breed is the one according to which the British scientist E.K. Scott in 1889, after traveling to the territory of the Samoyed tribes, brought several aboriginal Samoyeds to England, who helped the inhabitants of the North in everyday life. And only then these and others aboriginal dogs were crossed to create a new breed - the Samoyed. By the way, there are several other different options for the appearance and spread of Samoyeds. Who knows where exactly the truth lay. One thing is known - the homeland of the Samoyeds is the territory of the current Russian Federation.

Samoyed character

Samoyed dogs have a friendly character; they treat kindly not only their family members, but also those who come into the house with kindness and kindness. with an open heart. It has been noticed that Samoyeds retain their love of games and an active lifestyle until old age (and they live until about 12-15 years old). Sometimes these animals try to stand their ground, as if resisting the commands of the owner, but there is also a certain element of play in this. Samoyeds most often get along well in families (including with children); they need communication like air. The rest of the owner's pets are treated tolerantly; they may not like other people's animals. The Samoyed dog should not be adopted as an aggressive guard dog. These dogs are not such dogs in essence, and besides, they rarely give a voice on the matter or without it. Samoyeds are unpretentious in everyday life, extremely hardy (they can carry a load weighing 1.5-2 times their own weight), and respond with affection and loyalty to their owner. Perhaps one should not single out one of the breeds, belittling the dignity of others, but when looking at the Samoyed dog, feelings of tenderness appear from the true beauty that was created on our Earth.

Samoyed dogs can live both indoors and on the grounds of suburban or private houses, provided that an enclosure and kennel are equipped for them. They tolerate heat well, and especially cold. The dog's sleeping place should be equipped with a moderately hard and spacious bed, close to which there should be a bowl of water around the clock.

First of all, the new Samoyed owner should decide what the dog’s role will be in the future. Will the puppy grow up to be a simple house friend or a champion with titles? It follows from this that caring for the dog, of course, can be different - more complex and meticulous if the Samoyed has a show life in the future. But if the owner does not plan to make a celebrity out of the dog, then (surprisingly) there will be nothing difficult to care for.

Let's look at the features of caring for a domestic dog. The snow-white coat of the Samoyed dog requires shampooing no more than 1-2 times a year, since Samoyeds have unique property self-cleaning wool. They have virtually no specific odor, which is typical for many furry dogs. Shedding occurs 1 (in males) or 2 (in females) times a year. Thick wool all year round (and especially during shedding) requires careful combing with brushes and slicker brushes. Regular brushing is better cleaning dog coats. Samoyeds should clean their ears with cotton pads and cleansers as needed. The Samoyed's claws should be trimmed by the owner using a nail clipper, and the hair around the toe pads should be carefully removed with scissors.

No specific advice can be given regarding the nutrition of these dogs. It is advisable to ask the breeder before buying a dog about the diet that was “native” for the puppy. A sudden change in diet can negatively affect a dog's digestive system. In the future, the Samoyed will happily gobble up both ready-made (only high-quality) dry food and those prepared by the owner. But you should not feed your dog food from the table, although Samoyeds are practically omnivores, food rich in spices, fatty and fried will certainly not benefit the animal.

Since Samoyeds are cheerful and active dogs, it is advisable to walk them at least 2 times a day, and active pastime is desirable. In extreme heat, the dog may feel unwell due to overheating, so it is wiser to go for a walk in the morning and evening hours. It’s a good idea to purchase special toys for dogs – squeakers, bones, balls. Communication and play with a dog of this breed is an indispensable condition of keeping.

Training and education

Teaching a puppy the simplest commands should begin no earlier than 3 months. But from the very first days, during walks and at home, the owner must be persistent in raising the Samoyed baby. For example, even if you really want to, you shouldn’t let your dog beg for food from the table or sleep in the owner’s bed. Samoyeds are quite smart and savvy, therefore, having sensed weakness once, they will continue to insist on their own. The puppy must be taught the commands: “Fu”, “No”, “Come to me” and others. After successfully executing an order, the owner should reward and praise the dog. In case of disobedience, shouting, much less hitting the Samoyed, is not worth it. When the animal gets stronger and learns to unquestioningly respond to the voice of the owner, it is worth doing real training under the supervision of an instructor who will explain all the nuances of training this breed. According to Samoyed owners, these dogs are quite trainable, although they can sometimes be stubborn. Therefore, it is important to correctly show the dog that dominance always remains with the owner.

Health and illness

Most often, Samoyeds are healthy guys, but there are diseases that still occur in them. Such unpleasant diseases include:

  • Eye diseases (cataracts, primary glaucoma, atrophy and dysplasia of the retina) - the owner should pay attention to the symptoms: redness of the eyes, clouding of the lens, lacrimation, depressed state of the dog, etc.;
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system(aortic stenosis) - the animal suffers from shortness of breath, blue discoloration of the mucous membranes, and fainting may be present;
  • Liver disease (portosystemic shunt) – symptoms are often absent, sometimes there is insufficient body weight, poor coat condition, gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Kidney diseases (renal dysplasia and failure) - temperature fluctuations, increased thirst, vomiting, rare urination, etc.;
  • Diseases associated with metabolic disorders (diabetes, etc.) - changes in appetite, weakness, gastrointestinal disorders, thirst, etc.;
  • Joint diseases (hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis) – lameness, fatigue, changes in gait;
    • It is generally accepted that the breed received its name in honor of the Samoyed people (aka Samoyeds). But there is an old legend that says that the dogs were named so because, thanks to their white fur, they were invisible in the snow when they were pulling sleds. In a blizzard and at night, the dogs completely merged with the snow cover, which created the impression that an unknown force was harnessed to the sled, as if they were riding on their own (“they are riding” - “Samoyed”).
    • These smart and hardy dogs more than once took part in polar expeditions (R. Amundsen and others), saving own health people's lives. They say that since ancient times, Samoyeds used dogs as nannies for children in especially severe frosts, when babies in chums pressed against the warm body and thick fur of huskies, and they saved them with their warmth. It’s not for nothing that you can’t find any bad reviews about this breed; Samoyed dogs do not leave anyone indifferent - large, white, with intelligent eyes. Samoyeds are the real stars of the Russian North!
    • Eat wonderful poem L. and A. Markelov “Ode to the Samoyed”, which soulfully reflects the essence of this wonderful breed.

Samoyed Laika - a breed with a unique coat snow-white color, playful character and unique innate smile. These dogs have a proud posture, unsurpassed endurance, gentle character and devotion to their owner. The breed is versatile and can be used as a companion, watchdog, shepherd and sled dog.

The Samoyed Laika is a dog that accompanied the Samoyed tribes that lived in Siberia and northern Russia. Nomads used huskies as guard, hunting, and sled dogs. Laikas even served as nannies, warming babies with their bodies in harsh climatic conditions.

According to existing legend, the Samoyed dog is a white wolf tamed by nomads. The tamed predator got its name thanks to its snow-white color. When the dog was pulling the sleigh, from the outside it seemed that they were moving on the white snow on their own. According to another version, the dog was named after the Nenets Samoyed people.

Dogs of this breed lived next to their owners, slept with them, keeping them warm own body. In 1889, a zoologist from Great Britain E.K. Scott lived for three months in the Samoyed tribe and met huskies there.

From the expedition he brought with him a couple of representatives of the breed and began breeding work. In the country, he created the Farmingham kennel and a club for fans of Samoyed Laikas, which opened in 1909. At the same time, the first breed standard was adopted. The description of the Samoyed husky has not changed since those times.

Description of appearance and breed standard, photographs

The Samoyed Laika has a spectacular appearance. The dog has a harmonious silhouette, luxurious fur, a sweet face adorned with a sincere smile and deep, wise eyes. Dimensions adult dog– height of males from 51 to 56 centimeters, females 46-51 centimeters; weight from 20 to 30 kilograms.

Photo. Samoyed husky

Samoyed husky in the photo

There are 2 types of Samoyed Laikas:
  1. Bearish - short back, slender build, wide, large head.
  2. Wolf - lean build, medium-wide chest, wedge-shaped, slightly elongated head.

The Samoyed Laika breed has the following standards:

  • Head powerful with a wide, flat skull. The muzzle is elongated, gradually tapering towards the end. Even lips. With raised corners, which creates the impression of a smile.
  • Nose black, brown or maroon.
  • Eyes obliquely set, almond-shaped, brown tones of varying intensity.
  • Ears dense, medium length, moderately rounded tips. Set wide apart, fully erect, covered with hair.
  • Bite scissor-shaped. The jaws are powerful.
  • Body medium length, muscular. The back is straight and wide. The ribs are convex and deep.
  • Neck medium length, curved, strong.
  • Limbs straight set, muscular, medium length. Shoulders are positioned correctly. The shoulder blades are inclined and strong. The hips are wide and muscular. Paws are oval. Fingers are arched, slightly bent.
  • Croup slightly inclined, wide.
  • Tail set high, medium length.

Disadvantages of the breed:

Disqualifying defects include blue eyes, floppy ears, and aggression.
  • Light frame.
  • Lack of sexual dimorphism.
  • The eyes are yellow.
  • Convex, barrel-shaped chest.
  • Squatness.
  • Incorrect placement of limbs.
  • Pincer bite.
  • Unpigmented lips.

Disqualifying faults:

  • Blue eye color or different eyes.
  • Overshot or undershot.
  • Drop ears.
  • Cowardice, aggressiveness.

Coat and color of the breed

The Samoyed has a double coat consisting of a short, soft, dense undercoat and a long, harsh, straight outer coat. The dog's neck is complemented by a collar around the shoulders and neck. Males have a particularly rich collar.

The hair is short on the head, forelimbs, and body. The ears are covered with vertical hairs, inner surface well furred. On hind limbs the wool forms the "pants". The tail is furred profusely.

Samoyed Husky colors:

  • White.
  • Cream.
  • White with biscuit tones.

The presence of brown shades in the color is not allowed by the standard.

Characteristics of the Samoyed dog

The character of the Samoyed Laika breed is distinguished by its unsurpassed friendliness and ability to find a common language with literally all family members. High intelligence and easy-going nature make the breed an ideal family pet.

The Samoyed is a very sociable, active and friendly dog.

The Samoyed Laika gets along well with children, participates in noisy games and even tolerates their importunity. Samoyeds do not have a hunting instinct, so they get along well with any animals in the house.

Education and training

The dog has enough high intelligence, and is therefore capable of receiving independent decisions in many situations. Incredible intelligence makes the process of training a husky quite simple, since it can master many commands literally the first time. If you carry out the training process in a playful way, the learning process goes quickly.

If you try to suppress your pet’s will and prevent him from taking initiative, the Samoyed will show his independence and stubbornness. This dog will quickly get tired of the monotonous, monotonous repetition of the same command. The dog needs to be captivated, then the training process will be successful.

IMPORTANT. You cannot beat a dog with a leash for disobedience, as in the future it will perceive this object from a negative side and refuse to go for a walk. For severe disobedience, you can, in rare cases, spank the dog with a whip.

The behavior skills of the Samoyed Laika must be reinforced with special training. The technique of forcing the dog to follow commands and rewarding it for obedience makes it possible to quickly make the dog completely controllable.

You need to behave with a dog as if you were a partner, then its behavior will be the most appropriate.

You should not allow your puppy to be disobedient, as he will feel condescension and will systematically show willfulness. Therefore, when raising a husky, you cannot do without punishment.

An effective way to punish or stop wrong actions is to spank the withers. If the pet behaves incorrectly, it needs to be lifted by the withers, shaken and pressed to the floor. This action will not cause pain to the pet, but it will understand that its owner does not like its actions.

But any punishment for a Samoyed must be extremely fair. If a dog is punished simply to show his superiority, he will be offended and begin to show his own character.

Raising a Samoyed Laika is carried out according to the principle of behavior of animals in a wolf pack.

The owner is the leader, which means that the dog must learn the rules:

  • There is only after it.
  • Enter the house after the owner and with his permission.
  • Know her designated place and not get in her way.

Raising a Samoyed Laika is carried out according to the principle of behavior of animals in a wolf pack.

The puppy must learn all these rules starting from the age of 2.5 months. If the dog is used as a guard, it is needed. But guarding qualities are not characteristic of the Samoyed husky, therefore this type training is not required for her.

Keeping and caring for a dog

The Samoyed is a pack breed, so experts advise having several pets in the house at once. This will make the husky active and provide an opportunity to better demonstrate its working qualities. If proper physical activity is provided during long active walks, you can keep this breed in a city apartment.

The dog needs frequent walks and communication with its owner. If a husky is kept alone in an apartment, it will become depressed and begin to behave destructively (as a protest and). Despite its independent character, this dog cannot do without daily interaction with people.

During walks with the dog, they play active games and give it another physical activity. . A dog needs a short leash for going to the veterinarian; it is not suitable for walking, as it restricts the pet’s movements.

The Samoyed is a sledding breed, so it can be harnessed to a sled or team.

The Samoyed is a sledding breed, so it can be harnessed to a sled or tied to a skier with a special device, and it will happily act as a draft force. You can train your dog to carry special doggy shopping bags from the store. For the dog, this will be great entertainment and an opportunity to keep the body in proper physical shape.

IMPORTANT. In summer, it is better to choose early morning or late evening for walks so that the dog does not overheat in the sun.

The Samoyed husky in the apartment must have a place to sleep, which must not be warm, in order to prevent the animal from overheating. Dog toys should be placed near the sleeping area. For feeding, it is recommended to purchase a special stand with a bowl.

The optimal conditions for keeping a Samoyed Laika is a country house with a large plot. But the dog should not be chained as a guard. For her, the yard is a place for independent walks, and not an object for protecting the territory.

The height of the fence to prevent jumping must be at least 120 cm. A dog can sleep in a kennel, even on severe frost, since the wool of this Arctic breed reliably protects the body from any cold. At the same time, this breed should not live constantly on the street, far from its owners. The dog should be able to enter the house and communicate with the owner and family members.

The Samoyed has a very thick coat, so this dog can live outside all year round, even in severe frosts.

While walking around the yard, the dog will dig the ground and chase any objects it finds. Samoyeds develop a great passion for digging holes in hot weather, when they turn over the top layer of soil to cool it. In hot weather, you can install a bathtub or pool in the yard so that the dog splashes in it and cools his body.

Basic rules for caring for a dog

  • Combing wool once a week, and during shedding every other day. The procedure is carried out using a special powder brush. There is no need to bathe the husky often, since its coat is capable of self-cleaning and is protected from contamination by a fatty coating. It is enough to refresh your pet's coat 3-4 times a year using a special shampoo. The pet's paws are washed after walks.
  • Ears and eyes dogs wipe with a damp cotton pad once or twice a week. Excess hair from the ear can be trimmed.
  • Teeth cleaning The dog needs it once a week. To prevent the formation of tartar, the Samoyed Laika can be treated raw vegetables, special bones from a pet store and meat cartilage.

Organizing dog nutrition

Each owner can decide what to feed the Samoyed Laika independently, after consulting with the puppy’s breeder and a veterinarian. If you choose the option of feeding dry food, it is worth purchasing or, in which increased content squirrel.

You can use class food as the main diet of the Samoyed super premium or holistic.

Brands, EaglePak, Innova, Solid Gold contain exclusively natural ingredients and will provide the dog with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Natural nutrition of Samoyed

The natural diet of the Samoyed Laika should include the following products:

  • Meat – 30% (beef, turkey, chicken).
  • Porridge based on cereals (rice + buckwheat in a ratio of 2 to 1).
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk).
  • Sea fish - once or twice a week instead of meat.

It is acceptable to include vegetables and fruits in the diet. They can be included in the menu in addition to the main diet, introduced one type at a time, tracking the body’s reaction.

Prohibited for use:

  • Pork, lamb, steamed veal.
  • Bones.
  • Beets, potatoes.
  • Salt, sugar, chocolate.
  • Flour, white bread.

It is not advisable to include in the menu:

  • Carrot.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Pasta.

The natural diet of a Samoyed includes meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and dairy products.

The meat is given to the dog scalded or lightly boiled. Porridge is cooked in water or meat broth. Before consumption, fish is frozen at low temperatures for at least 2-3 days.

IMPORTANT. It is very useful to give a puppy up to 6 months old goat milk and cottage cheese.

Characteristic diseases

The Samoyed Laika is a hardy and healthy dog.

Typical ailments include:

  • Arthritis.
  • Infection genitourinary system.
  • Some individuals exhibit sensitivity to analgesics, congenital deafness and eye diseases.

Samoyeds live 10-15 years.

Samoyeds may suffer diabetes mellitus, diseases of the genitourinary system, deafness occurs in some dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The undoubted advantages of the breed are:

  • High intelligence.
  • No dog smell.
  • Self-cleaning wool.
  • Friendly character, gets along well with other pets.

The disadvantages of the breed are the need for long walks and abundant shedding of hair during molting.

Rules for choosing a puppy

Before choosing a Samoyed puppy, you need to decide on your goals:

  1. A dog for sled sport should not be too massive in build in order to have maneuverability and ease of movement.
  2. To participate in exhibitions, you need a puppy whose conformation is completely consistent with the breed. It is better to postpone the purchase of such a pet until 6-8 months, when all the external characteristics of the breed appear.
  3. If the dog is purchased solely as a pet, you need to choose a puppy that you like. A cheerful, lively puppy, responsive to affection, is ideal for a family.

General selection rules:

  • Thick, shiny coat.
  • Fatness, activity.
  • Clear eyes.
  • Clean ears.
  • The fur and skin around the anus should be clean, without signs of indigestion or infection with worms.
  • Males must have two full testes.
  • The puppy's movements must be correct and free.

Photo. Grown up Samoyed puppy

Little puppy Samoyed husky in the photo

You can buy a purebred Samoyed husky puppy in nurseries in the following cities:
  • Moscow - at prices starting from $800 (,,
  • St. Petersburg – $500 (,,
  • Ekaterinburg - at a price of $600 (,,