How long does it take to perform a smear for oncocytology? The importance of a smear for oncocytology for women’s health, cancer prevention, interpretation of the results. What are Doderlein sticks

Patients need to have a smear for oncocytology from time to time.

Sometimes development cancer passes without obvious symptoms, so time is lost, which is so important for successful treatment. The analysis makes it possible to timely identify pathology and begin therapeutic measures.

A smear for oncocytology can be taken for all patients over 18 years of age.

Statistics show that even those women who do not have bad habits If you exercise regularly, you may develop cancer.

So, if there is a pathology of the cervix, then experts recommend taking a smear several times a year. For prevention, it is enough to undergo an examination once every 12 months.

If the papilloma virus is present in a woman’s body, then the patient must undergo a smear for oncocytology. This virus provokes the formation of cancer cells.

  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • the patient suffers from infertility;
  • pain often occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • woman long time underwent hormonal treatment;
  • close relatives had cancer.

The onset of menopause is not a reason to refuse a smear test. Some women believe that in old age there are problems with genitourinary organs will no longer arise.

This opinion is wrong and often leads to severe consequences. Patients have not been seen by a doctor for years, so it is difficult to detect the disease early stage does not seem possible.

It is important for older women to undergo a timely test for cervical oncocytology, even if there are no symptoms of the disease.

Women at risk should pay special attention to their health.

Such patients have deviations:

  • the body lacks vitamins A, C;
  • the patient has HIV infection;
  • the woman has been taking contraceptives for a long time;
  • a woman has an infection caused by chlamydia;
  • The patient was diagnosed with oncogenic papillomavirus.

Oncocytology is important for women who are planning a pregnancy. A special group includes patients who are over 30 years old.

It is important to identify the disease in a timely manner, because during pregnancy it will worsen and lead to fetal loss and deterioration of the mother’s condition.

During pregnancy, the gynecologist will advise you to do a smear for oncocytology 3 times. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the procedure can be cancelled. The doctor makes the decision to conduct an examination individually.

Types of procedure

Statistics show that cervical cancer in women ranks third among diseases genitourinary system. It is important to identify the disease at an early stage for treatment to be effective.

A smear for oncocytology will help detect cancer cells at the earliest stage, when the patient does not have any symptoms. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chance of defeating the disease.

A smear is taken from the vagina, after which the biomaterial is sent to the laboratory.

There are several types of examination:

  • Leishman method;
  • Papanicolaou method or PAP test;
  • liquid cytology.

IN antenatal clinic polyclinics do the Leishman method, and private clinics can do screening using the Papanicolaou method. The second method is more reliable than the first.

The biomaterial taken for analysis is applied to a glass slide, which is sent to the laboratory. The laboratory assistant determines the shape of the cells, their composition and quantity.

Based on the data in the transcript, the doctor makes a diagnosis. The PAP test is different from the Leishman method complex mechanism pigmentation. It takes approximately 2 weeks to prepare a cytogram.

Some clinics use the most modern method- liquid cytology. The method is informative and gives a more accurate result than the first two methods.

The doctor takes the material to study and transfers it to a liquid medium. Using special equipment, the cells are cleaned and arranged in an even layer.

During transportation, the moisture of the epithelium does not evaporate, so the result will be as accurate as possible. The transcript of the analysis will be ready in 7–10 days.

Any of the methods will show the degree and nature of cell changes, the presence of an inflammatory process or infection.

To understand the cause of the pathology, the patient must undergo additional examinations.

How is the examination carried out?

A smear for oncocytology is not a complicated procedure. During its implementation, the woman does not feel pain. It will take only 10–15 seconds to collect the material.

Before the test, the patient must prepare properly. A woman is advised to abstain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days.

It is worth giving up tampons and vaginal creams. Douching should be replaced with regular washing clean water. The gynecologist will tell the patient how to prepare before the examination.

The analysis can be done on any day except the days of menstruation. The blood will distort the screening results, and the woman will have to retake this test.

If the patient’s body is leaking inflammatory process, then oncocytology should be postponed and treatment of the disease should begin.

To take the test, a woman must be in a gynecological chair. The doctor takes a smear using special tools - a spatula or a cervical brush.

The instrument is carefully inserted into the vagina and lightly touches the inner and outer surface cervix. For the patient, such touches are practically imperceptible, so the woman will not feel pain.

The material taken from women is applied to a glass slide and sent to the laboratory for study. The research method is chosen by the doctor in each individual case.

In the laboratory, the composition of cells, their shape and size are studied. Preparing a transcript takes time. The patient will be able to receive finished result in 12 – 14 days.

Changes in cells on the way to a serious illness occur over a long period of time. Oncocytology makes it possible to detect atypical cells at the first stage of the disease. The doctor will prescribe treatment that will help you recover effectively and quickly.

Each woman must find one free day to undergo the examination. A preventive examination will help to identify pathology in a timely manner and begin treatment.

A timely examination can not only preserve the patient’s health, but also save a life.

To ensure that the result is reliable and informative, it is recommended that you ask your gynecologist about the rules for taking a smear.

What does the transcript contain?

The results of a smear for oncocytology are informative for the doctor, but completely incomprehensible to the patients. The gynecologist does not always explain what the transcript shows, because this requires a lot of time.

The PAP test involves dividing the condition of cells into degrees. If class 1 is determined, then there are no deviations in the cells. This cell structure is the norm for healthy patients.

If the transcript indicates class 2, then a change in structure has occurred in individual cells. This indicator indicates an inflammatory process caused by infection.

This stage is normal, but the doctor will advise the woman to undergo additional examination for a more accurate diagnosis. After treatment, 3 months should pass. Only after this are patients tested for oncocytology.

Class 3 signals pathological changes nuclei of a small number of cells. In this case, the woman must undergo histological and microbiological examination. Only based on the results of all tests will the doctor make a diagnosis.

Class 4 indicated in the transcript indicates malignant anomalies identified during the study. In women with this class, a precancerous condition is determined.

Patients must undergo a series of tests and immediately start taking medications. In grade 5, the smear contains many cancer cells.

The transcript of the analysis contains the result of a smear to check the cleanliness of the vagina. The first 2 degrees are normal for the patient.

For grades 3 and 4, the doctor will prescribe additional studies for a more accurate diagnosis and determine therapeutic actions.

Oncocytology contains letters, which indicate the location of collection of biomaterial for analysis:

  • C – cervical canal;
  • U – urethral canal;
  • V – vagina.

The smear may contain leukocytes. Their norm is no more than 15 units. A larger number indicates an inflammatory process occurring in the body; the patient needs to undergo appropriate treatment.

The smear will contain some mucus. Epithelial cells must be present in a certain number.

Cell norm squamous epithelium is 10 units or less. Their number above normal may indicate a benign formation.

If many epithelial cells with an abnormal structure are found, this may signal the development of cancer.

Specialists carefully study such cells and determine the nature and type of changes. The data obtained is described in the transcript.

The doctor can show the test result to the patient, and he must explain the abbreviation indicating the degree of cell atrophy.

Pathogenic organisms in a smear

Oncocytology should not contain Trichomonas, gonococci, gardnerella or other fungi. Their presence indicates infections of the genital organs; the woman should urgently begin treatment.

If the smear contains fungal mycelium in combination with gardnerella, the doctor diagnoses vaginal candidiasis. This disease can provoke an inflammatory process.

Pathogenic organisms found in a smear for oncocytology always indicate inflammatory processes.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the disease will develop into chronic illness, and it will be more difficult to cure it.

It is important to do such a smear before planning to conceive a child and early stages pregnancy.

If the test result shown to the expectant mother contains pathogenic organisms, then treatment should be started immediately. Pathogens can harm not only the mother’s body, but also the fetus.

Gonococci in the smear are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The organisms have the appearance of coffee beans.


Oncocytological smear is used as a screening method of assessment reproductive system. In contrast to flora analysis, which evaluates the composition of the vaginal biocenosis and cervical canal, cytology shows changes at the cellular level, the presence or absence of atypical elements. Deciphering the results of oncocytology of the cervix allows you to determine the degree of damage cover epithelium in various pathological processes. However, patients are often interested in what exactly this or that abbreviation means in the decoding.

Types of research

There are various methods of smears for oncocytology with to varying degrees accuracy.

  1. Leishman's method is old, traditional method painting and fixing elements. It is used in district clinics and is the least expensive. Decoding consists in determining simple oncocytological transformations.
  2. Papanicolaou method or PAP test- a more common manipulation. The accuracy of the smear for oncocytology is higher than that of the previous method. The biomaterial of the cervix is ​​smeared onto a glass slide, fixed with a special solution and sent to the laboratory. The doctor studies the composition of cellular elements in the form of a polychrome micropreparation. Instant fixation and new staining methods make it possible to qualitatively decipher the analysis for oncocytology of the cervix and identify precancerous conditions in the early stages.
  3. - most modern analysis cervical cells for oncocytology, has the highest accuracy. Due to the high cost of the equipment, it is not used in all clinics. Once received, a smear for oncocytology is immediately placed in a liquid medium. Special devices the material is cleaned of foreign elements and placed on the glass in a thin, even layer. There is no loss of elements during transportation. Decryption is expensive and requires a highly qualified specialist.

According to European recommendations liquid oncocytology is a more sensitive method. A significant advantage is the fact that after deciphering the results, the smear can be used for molecular studies of proteins, the breakdown of which indicates dysplasia and cervical cancer.

Rules for the preparation and collection of material

To avoid errors when deciphering cervical oncocytology, the patient should prepare for the study. The doctor warns the woman that the results of the smear can be distorted by:

Smear for oncocytology It is not carried out during menstruation, preferably 5 days before the onset of discharge.

The patient should not urinate for approximately 2 hours before the test. An oncocytological smear excludes transvaginal ultrasound before collecting material. The manipulation is carried out with special brushes and spatulas after the insertion of gynecological speculum.

Mandatory technical condition: a smear is taken two-handed vaginal examination. It is important to take material from transition zone transformation of the cervix. This is the border between the epithelium that covers the outside of the organ and the cells of the cervical canal. Up to 90% of tumors arise from this area.

The procedure is painless. After the manipulation, bloody or bloody discharge within 48 hours. Decoding the results of a PAP test takes 12-14 days. Liquid cytology will be ready after 5-7 days.

Indications, risk groups

A smear for oncocytology of the cervix is ​​performed to determine disorders at the cellular level. The most important goal is to detect the presence of malignant or potentially malignant elements. On preventive examination the method is applied as:

  • standard early detection cancer, before symptoms appear;
  • cytological assessment of the body's response to inflammation, suggesting a pathogen.

When deciphering the smear, the reason for the transformation of the epithelium is determined. An indicative or specific pathogen is identified. The consequences of hormonal, mechanical changes, chemical, radiation damage, and medication are assessed.

Every woman is analyzed after the onset of sexual activity, regardless of age. Starting from the age of 18, the study is carried out annually. After receiving two results without atypia in a row, it is possible to take a smear every three years.

Decoding with precancerous changes in the cervix, carriage of the human papillomavirus (HPV), burdened by heredity requires examination annually, or even once every six months. Every year, a smear for oncocytology is performed in the following categories of patients:

  • after 30 years;
  • upon detection of dysplasia, cervical erosion;
  • With early onset sexual life;
  • at long-term use oral contraceptives;
  • smokers;
  • in the absence of a permanent partner;
  • with menstrual irregularities;
  • more than 2 births;
  • carriage of HPV, chlamydia, herpes.

In women with similar risk factors the likelihood of developing cervical cancer is higher. Oncocytology is a simple way to monitor organ changes and identify pathology at a very early stage.

Interpretation of results

Sometimes, when deciphering a study, in the laboratory technician’s conclusion you can find only two words: positive, negative. This implies the presence or absence of potentially malignant elements. Today, such interpretation of a smear for oncocytology is incorrect. More accurate and detailed description lesions.

Decoding according to the degree of dysplasia has become widespread in the country. The smear is graded according to the following grades:

  • CIN 1, mild dysplasia – persists normal structure words of epithelium, there are altered foci;
  • CIN 2, moderate dysplasia – cell degeneration occupies half of the layer;
  • CIN 3, severe dysplasia - pathological transformation of elements is observed in most of the epithelium.

To simplify the interpretation of oncocytological smears, depending on the chosen technique, special classifications have been compiled. According to the results of the Pap test, the decoding consists in determining the appropriate class. Another gradation recommended by WHO is widely used abroad - the Bethesda method. Modern laboratories when deciphering a cervical smear, the latest classification is used. The practitioner must know the group ratios in order to explain the results to the patient.

Bethesda scale


NIL (no malignancy observed)

Absence pathological disorders smear, normal cytological structure of the cervix.

(atypical cells unknown origin)

LSIL(low grade lesions)

ASC-H (atypical elements not classified as HSIL)

Changes of unknown origin were identified. The main reason is the inflammatory process. Depending on the nature of the degeneration, an assumption is made about the causative agent. A clarification of the diagnosis and further examination is required.

Minor signs of atypia. Dysplasia mild degree, koilocytosis, signs of HPV infection.

There are single smear transformations such as HSIL, but they are not enough to move to the lower gradation.

HSIL (lesions high degree malignancy)

Precancerous conditions of the cervix - moderate and severe dysplasia.

Suspicion of malignant transformation. Cancer in situ.

Invasive cancer

Invasive cancer

The deciphered smear of groups 1 and 2 is considered normal or has minor deviations. The second type requires additional examination and clarification of the diagnosis. The remaining classes require additional colposcopic and histological examination. After receiving a full package of tests and deciphering the biopsy, the doctor will determine further treatment tactics.

Study during pregnancy

Oncopathology of the reproductive system largely depends on hormonal levels. Gestation due to increased concentration estrogen acts as a trigger for the development of cancer. There is an opinion that it is necessary to perform a smear for oncocytology three times: when registering, when registering maternity leave and on the eve of childbirth. The results of the manipulation are entered into the exchange card. It is especially important to carry out a smear in patients at risk.

Oncocytology is an important method for diagnosing cervical cancer. Painless and quick smear procedure with high accuracy determines the presence of oncological changes in cells. Identification of erosion, dysplasia, and HPV carriage as the main culprit of cancer does not necessarily mean tumor degeneration. Must be carefully monitored reproductive health. An annual smear for oncocytology helps prevent the spread of the tumor, which significantly extends the length and quality of a woman’s life.

Oncocytology is microscopic examination which allows for timely identification.

A smear is taken from the cervix and cervical canal. During the procedure, biomaterial from different layers of tissue that lines the cervix is ​​examined.

Studying the structure of the epithelium makes it possible to determine how healthy the cells are and whether there are any mutated ones among them.

The analysis reveals not only the oncological component, but also various inflammatory processes. Thanks to timely diagnosis, most ailments can be successfully treated.


The study is relevant not only for the manifestations of any disease, but also in for preventive purposes.

If the doctor suspects cancer, the test is compulsory. But a woman can always refuse the study.

The indication for the study is planning pregnancy. Must be carried out in the second and third trimester. The results are entered into the exchange card and taken into account when choosing a method of delivery. If the cervix is ​​damaged during childbirth, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics several times a year.

Oncocytology is one of those procedures that is prescribed to girls and women, regardless of their lifestyle. For people under 30 years of age, it is done once a year. After passing this border, the risk of getting sick is much higher. Therefore, a smear test is required twice a year.

Direct indications for the study are:

  • menstrual irregularities,
  • erosion,
  • presence of cancer patients among close relatives.

Representatives of the fairer sex who smoke, have various immunodeficiencies, and infections of the reproductive system should pay special attention to their health. An indication for diagnosis is a deficiency of vitamins A and C.

Sometimes you may hear that after menopause, diseases of the genital tract may disappear. This opinion is erroneous: women of Balzac age and older need to undergo cytology once every 12 months.

If the requirement is not observed, cancer cells may be discovered that are very difficult or impossible to cure.

Types of cytology

There are two main types of diagnostics:

  • simple,
  • liquid.

They differ in the technique used and the use of special equipment.


This type involves applying biomaterial to glass. In this case, a smear is taken only from a certain area. The disadvantage of the method is that it can show the presence or absence of a disease, but it is not always possible to draw a conclusion about quantitative characteristics virus.

The specificity of the study is that the doctor takes the material and makes a “smear-imprint”. To do this, touch the entire surface of the slide with a brush. It is then dried, placed in packaging and sent to the laboratory.


It differs from the previous version in that the taken material is completely immersed in a container with special composition. At the same time, the morphological and biological properties cells. You can store such material for any amount of time.

The liquid medium in which the taken material is placed protects the cells from bacteria, premature drying and damage. This material remains resistant to temperature changes. A kind of preservation occurs inside the liquid, so the biomaterial turns into an even layer of washed cells.

Preparing for analysis

The study does not guarantee receipt exact result, if the study was carried out against the background of an inflammatory process. It is recommended to take it after treatment and not during menstrual bleeding.

For two days you should abstain from sexual relations, the use of tampons, creams and medications. You are allowed to take a vertical shower the day before. It is best to avoid taking a bath. All these factors can lead to incorrect results examinations.

Technique for taking a smear for oncocytology

The gynecologist does not pinch off a large number of epithelium from the surface of the cervix. There is no pain or painful sensations.

After collecting the analysis, in rare cases, small discharge Red.

Usually they do not require correction and end that day or the next.

The tools used are a special cervical brush or spatula. They are inserted into the vagina, and after taking the analysis, the material is placed on glass or in a container with liquid.

What do oncocytology results show, interpretation and norm

There are five classes of cervical condition:

1 There is not a single atypical cell, all elements are of normal size.Norm.
2 There are cells indicating an inflammatory process, but there are no criteria indicating the presence of tumors.Repeated research and diagnosis using other methods is required.
3 There are a small number of atypical cells.A dynamic study is prescribed.
4 There are malignant cells in the smear.Cells are evidence of cancer, required additional research and treatment.
5 A large number of malignant cells are noted.The patient is sent to the oncology clinic.

The result of oncocytology can be positive or negative. In the first case, the cells are carefully studied to determine the type of pathology. The final diagnosis is made based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis.

Cytological studies may contain information about:

  • Smear from the cervical canal. Then, normally, columnar epithelial cells are found unchanged. Sometimes metaplastic epithelium appears in small quantities. It is considered a variant of the norm. Indicate that the analysis was taken from the transition zone.
  • Vaginal smear. In it, stratified squamous epithelial cells are considered the norm.

If any changes are detected, the cytologist must describe them in detail. If atypical cells are detected, colposcopy is performed. This method allows you to study cells under a microscope.

How many days does it take for results to be prepared?

In the laboratory, an oncocytology analysis is prepared from 3 to 5 days to obtain an overall picture. If there is a change in cells, then the study takes place in several stages.

Therefore, at best, you will have to wait at least a week. Cytological examination in municipal clinics it is usually ready within two weeks.

Diagnostic price

The test is carried out in almost all clinics. In municipal and federal districts you can get diagnosed for free by medical policy. To do this, you will first have to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

In private clinics, a standard (simple) test is cheaper than a liquid test. The difference is almost double. Please note that the price lists usually include the cost of the analysis itself, without consulting a gynecologist. In some it is implemented comprehensive program cancer research. As part of this, a smear is also taken.

Oncocytology allows us to identify cancer cells even at the very beginning of the disease. At positive result a more thorough approach to examining the body is required.

Video about analysis for oncocytology of HPV and PAP test:

Cytology smear from the vagina (Papanicolaou smear, Pap test, smear for atypical cells) is a laboratory microscopic examination that allows you to identify abnormalities in the cells of the cervix.

What does a cytology smear show?

IN cytological smear The size, shape, number and nature of the arrangement of cells are assessed, which makes it possible to diagnose background, precancerous and cancerous diseases of the cervix.

What are the indications for taking a smear for cytology?

This test is prescribed to all women over 18 years of age once a year, as well as for:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • genital herpes;
  • obesity;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • a large number of sexual partners.
  • before inserting an intrauterine device;

How to prepare for research?

Before visiting a gynecologist for tests, you should:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 days;
  • do not apply vaginal preparations(creams, suppositories, lubricants) and do not douche for 2 days;
  • before submitting a smear for cytology, it is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours;
  • It is not recommended to submit a smear for cytology if you have symptoms such as itching and vaginal discharge.

It is advisable to take a smear for cytology immediately after menstruation, on the 4-5th day of the cycle.

How is a smear taken for cytology performed?

A smear is taken during a gynecological examination with a special disposable small brush from the outer and inner surface of the cervix. The procedure for taking a smear is painless and takes 5-10 seconds.

Could there be any discomfort after a smear for cytology?

Since the doctor makes a scraping during cell collection, some may have minor spotting. bloody issues from the vagina within 1-2 days.

How many days does it take to prepare a smear for cytology?

1 working day.

How is the result of a smear for cytology assessed?

A smear is considered normal or negative when all cells are normal sizes and shape, there are no atypical cells.

To describe a smear for cytology, doctors use special terms: dysplasia 1, 2, 3 degrees, atypia. For grade 1 dysplasia, the study must be repeated after 3-6 months.

What to do if pathological cells are detected in a cytology smear?

In this case, the doctor recommends additional examination. This could be a simple repeat of the smear cytology test some time after the first result. Sometimes a colposcopy with a biopsy of the cervix is ​​prescribed to clarify the diagnosis, based on the results of which a decision on the treatment method is made.
