How long can a urinary catheter last? Catheterization in women: the need for the procedure and the technique for performing it. Execution technique and procedure algorithm

In order to combat urological diseases used urinary catheter- a system of rubber tubes that is inserted into bladder through the urethra to control the amount of urine excreted or diagnose its composition. It is also intended to carry out the act of urination if a person has urinary dysfunction.

General information

Diseases such as cancer genitourinary system, prostate adenoma, urinary retention and kidney diseases lead to problems with urine output. One of the methods of their treatment is the introduction of a catheter into the urethra.

This is done to drain the bladder and make urination easier. The conductor can be latex or rubber (soft) or plastic or metal (hard). It looks like a straight or curved tube with holes at both ends. At the same time, soft ones have an oblique cut, and hard ones have a handle, beak and rod.

Types and sizes

Types of catheters are distinguished depending on the function they will perform. Classification is made depending on the material from which the devices are made and the time they remain in the body. The number of channels and organs into which the device is inserted are taken into account. The length of the tube depends on physiological characteristics

body. Women's catheters are usually shorter. The optimal length for women is 12-15 cm, for men - about 30 cm.

  • Based on the material of manufacture, they are distinguished:
  • elastic (rubber);
  • soft (latex or silicone);

hard (plastic or metal).

  • Depending on the length of stay in the ureter:
  • permanent (introduced for a long term);


  • Taking into account the organ of administration, they distinguish:
  • urethral;
  • ureteral;
  • instruments for the renal pelvis;

stents for the bladder.

  • By location there are:
  • internal (entirely located inside the body);

external (one end goes out).

  • Depending on the number of channels, there are options:
  • single-channel;
  • dual-channel;

three-channel stent.

Most common types

The Nelaton catheter is the best disposable catheter. Used for catheterization of the bladder catheters. Their choice depends on the function they will perform. The quality of the device is also important, since in some cases it leads to irritation or allergic reactions. Including the above factors, the most common are:

  • Urethral Foley catheter. It is considered an indwelling urinary catheter. Has a blind end and two holes. At the end there is a rubber reservoir, to which a thin channel is connected. Used to flush the bladder, remove blood clots or urine.
  • Nelaton catheterization device. Straight, elastic, with rounded ends. Has a smaller diameter than Foley. Not used as a permanent one. Inserted into the urinary canal for drainage.
  • Thiemann stent. It has one channel for drainage and 2 holes near the tip. Used for prostate diseases.
  • Pizzeria device. A rubber conductor having 2-3 holes and a cup-shaped tip. Installed as a permanent one for drainage of the kidneys when their main function fails.
  • Melekote is identical to the Pizzera pattern.
  • A Poisson stent is a smooth rubber thread with three holes and a spiral ending. It is administered using a metal probe, which must then be removed. Rarely used for the treatment of the genitourinary system.

Each of the examples of catheterization devices has advantages and disadvantages in use. If the insertion of a catheter is intended for a short period of time, the best disposable catheter is Nelaton. The Foley stand is more suitable not only for removing urine, but also for administering medications. If the patient is unable to urinate, the Pizzera option is most suitable.

How do they put it?

To place a catheter in the urethra, you must follow some rules. First, the catheter placement must be sterile. To do this, in order to avoid sepsis, the instrument and genitals are treated with antiseptic disinfectants. Secondly, patients who have undergone the procedure claim that it hurts. To relieve such sensations, use Lidochlor gel or other approved painkillers.

Inserting a urine catheter is much more difficult for men than for women. The problem is that men have narrowing in the urethra and it is longer than women's.

The procedure in men is performed correctly if fluid appears in the catheter.

The technique of inserting a catheter into men is complex. During the procedure, the patient should lie on his back with his knees bent and relax. The doctor treats the genitals and the apparatus with an antiseptic and begins to slowly insert the instrument. In this case, the penis should be in a position perpendicular to the body. A signal that the manipulation is happening correctly is the appearance of liquid in the catheter.

The bladder catheter in men is 20-30 cm long with a narrow diameter. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Therefore, you need to use the appropriate instance. At the end of the procedure, the insertion site of the adapter is disinfected with an antiseptic, and the urinal is attached to inner side hips. If the patient is lying down - go to the bed.

Catheterization in women

Inserting a urethral catheter for women is simple. In this case, the patient lies on her back, legs spread, knees bent. The labia and instruments are treated with disinfectants. The urethral catheter is inserted 4-6 cm into the urinary canal, lowering the second edge into a special reservoir. It is attached to the thigh with a tight bandage. During manipulation, blood may appear, but this is not dangerous. If the doctor did everything correctly, the bleeding is insignificant and does not recur. A urethral catheter can damage the neck and walls of the bladder.

Both cystostomy and urethral catheters have advantages and disadvantages. When installing the urethral version, the neck and walls of the bladder can be damaged. Suprapubic is less traumatic for humans. Cystostomy is easier to handle, and the likelihood of inflammatory infections is less. Moreover, an incision in the abdomen heals faster and causes less discomfort than a tube in the genitals. Among other things, if the device becomes clogged, urine flows down it, infecting the genitals. And if such a problem occurs in a suprapubic sample, urine is excreted in any case.

The suprapubic catheter has advantages in diameter. It is much wider than in the urethra. But cystostomy also has a number of negative aspects. Firstly, it is blocked more often, since it can only be installed on long time. Secondly, side effects its presence in the body are: urinary retention, spasm or stones. Thirdly, patients suffering overweight, it is difficult to place a suprapubic catheter.

This is the insertion of a catheter into the bladder to remove urine from it with therapeutic and diagnostic purpose and rinsing the bladder. Soft and hard catheters are used for catheterization. Catheterization requires special precautions so as not to introduce an infection into the bladder, since its mucous membrane has weak resistance to infection. Therefore, catheterization is not completely safe for the patient and should be performed only when necessary.

End of manipulation:

2. Remove the screen.

Bladder catheterization in men.

Preparation for manipulation:

  1. The nurse is fully prepared to perform the procedure: dressed in a suit (gown), mask, gloves, cap, and replacement shoes.
  2. Prepare everything necessary to perform the manipulation.
  3. Conduct psychological preparation, explain to the patient the purpose and course of the upcoming manipulation, and obtain his informed consent.
  4. Separate the patient with a screen.


1. Place the patient on his back, place a diaper or oilcloth under him. Legs are bent at the knees and spread apart.

2. A tray is installed between the legs.

3. With your left hand, the penis is covered with a napkin below the head, the external opening is opened urethra.

4. Right hand treat the glans penis with a swab soaked in furatsilin solution.

5. Index and thumb squeeze the head of the penis to open the external opening of the urethra.

6. A few drops of glycerin are poured into the open outer hole.

7. Using sterile tweezers, take the catheter and moisten it with sterile glycerin (by watering).

8. Insert the catheter into the external opening of the urethra.

9. The first 4 - 5 cm are inserted with tweezers, holding it with the fingers of the left hand fixing the head.

11. At the same time, pull the penis onto the catheter with your left hand. Which contributes to its better movement through the urethra.

12. When passing through the membranous part of the urethra, some resistance may be encountered. In these cases, without removing the catheter, wait 3-5 minutes, and after the spasm of the perineal muscles passes, move it forward again.

13. When urine appears, lower the outer end of the catheter into the urinal.

14. Before the end of urine output, after washing the bladder, carefully remove the catheter from the urethra.

End of manipulation:

1. Help the patient find a comfortable position.

2. Remove the screen.

3. Place waste material and instruments in containers with disinfectant solutions.

4. Remove gloves and immerse them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

5. Wash your hands with soap and dry them with a personal towel.

6. Make a record of the manipulation performed and the patient’s reaction to it.

A urinary catheter is a special device that is used in urology to control the amount of urine excreted and check its composition.


Problems with urine excretion occur mainly in people who suffer from urological diseases such as prostate adenoma, renal abnormalities, as well as cancer and problems with urination. In the treatment of all these diseases, a catheter is necessarily used, thanks to which the bladder is drained and the process of urination is facilitated.

Appearance of the catheter

A urinary catheter is a curved or straight tube. There are holes at the ends. The catheter guide is made mainly of latex, rubber, plastic and metal. Depending on the material used in the manufacture of the catheter, they can be soft or hard. Soft catheters are respectively made of silicone or latex and have a soft oblique cut on both sides, and hard catheters are made of metal or plastic with handles, beaks and rods located at the end.

All catheters are classified according to the time they stay in the patient’s body, the material from which they are made, the number of channels and organs into which it is inserted. As for the length of the tube, it completely depends solely on the physiological characteristics of the patient. As a rule, catheters intended for males are shorter than those used for catheterization of women.

Urinary catheters, depending on what material they are made of, are as follows:

  • elastic - made of rubber;
  • soft - made from silicone and latex;
  • hard - made of metal or plastic.

Rigid metal catheter

But depending on the length of stay, they can be permanent or one-time. They differ in that the one-time one is administered for a short period of time and the nurse is entirely responsible for it, but the permanent one requires certain skills and knowledge of information from the patient himself and is administered for a fairly long period. In addition to those already listed, there are also suprapubic catheters. They are installed via abdominal wall directly into the bladder. This type is mainly used for diseases such as complete or partial urinary incontinence, as well as after surgery. The main goal This catheter is emptying and eliminating the risk of infection. These catheters need to be replaced at least every four weeks.

The main indications for carrying out such a procedure as bladder catheterization are the following situations:

  • urinary retention, which manifests itself in patients with tumor blockages of the urethra, with disturbances in the innervation of the bladder;
  • diagnostic studies;
  • postoperative period.

Despite all positive points that occur after the insertion of a urinary catheter, sometimes there are situations where such a procedure is contraindicated. In general, catheterization is not permitted if the patient is diagnosed with infectious urethritis, anuria, or spastic narrowing of the sphincter.

Catheterization is indicated for acute delay urination

Note! If you suffer from any diseases of the genitourinary system, if you need to install a urinary catheter, be sure to inform your doctor about your problems, who can professionally rule out the presence of contraindications for this procedure.

Most patients not only feel nervous before this procedure, but also fear. This happens mainly because not everyone has an idea of ​​how to place a catheter directly into the bladder.

In order for the installation of a urinary catheter to be carried out correctly, in addition to the catheter itself, you also need to purchase a standard kit for its insertion. It includes:

  • sterile gauze wipes;
  • cotton balls;
  • diapers;
  • glycerin or 2% lidocaine gel;
  • syringe with a blunt tip;
  • sterile tweezers;
  • urine collection container;
  • Furacilin or Povidone-iodine.

Before inserting a catheter into the bladder, the patient must undergo some procedures, which include:

  • washing with a light antiseptic solution;
  • treatment of the urethral opening with furatsilin solution;
  • If a catheter is inserted into a man, a lubricant is injected into the urethra.

An example of inserting a catheter into a man

After completing these procedures, the process of inserting a catheter into the bladder area begins. In men, this process is more subtle and sensitive. Due to the fact that the male urethra is a narrow muscular tube through which not only urine but also sperm is excreted, the procedure may be contraindicated if the canal is damaged. In this case, insertion of the catheter may lead to rupture of the drainage tube.

A bladder catheter in the male population is installed as follows:

  • first, the foreskin is moved with a sterile napkin and the head is exposed;
  • after this, the catheter is inserted with a rounded end into the canal to a depth of about six centimeters;
  • then he slowly moves it about another five centimeters.

When urine appears from the free end of the catheter, we can say that the installation process is complete.

Installing a catheter in women is almost painless

As for installing a female catheter, the whole process is a little easier and does not cause pain. This happens because the urethra in women is wider and shorter, and its opening is clearly visible.

To install a catheter, the nurse treats the woman's labia with an antiseptic, lubricates the inner end of the catheter with Vaseline and inserts it into the opening of the urethral canal. To do this, it is enough to spread the patient’s labia and insert the tube to a depth of about six centimeters. This is absolutely enough for urine to begin to flow.

Important! If the patient is diagnosed with areas of physiological narrowing, then when there is resistance to the movement of the catheter, it is necessary to take a deep breath about five times. These manipulations will lead to relaxation of smooth muscles.

The most difficult thing is installing a catheter for a child

The most difficult process is undoubtedly the process of installing a catheter in children. After all, all actions in this case must be carried out with extreme caution. In addition, children can create difficult conditions for its introduction. In most cases, they not only cry, but also break out.

For this procedure, only soft catheters are selected, which, when inserted correctly and carefully, are not capable of damaging the sensitive tissue of the urethra. Also Special attention It is worth paying attention to the size of the catheter for the child. It is selected depending on the age of the child, to which, in turn, must be added by eight.

When installing a catheter, all actions are performed according to gender in the same way as for adults. Be sure to ensure compliance with all hygiene standards, sterility of instruments and hands. Since at a young age the child’s immunity is not yet properly developed, the risk of infection is very high, so the entire process must be carried out with extreme caution.

Installation of a urinary catheter is carried out only medical personnel if indicated. The installation of a rubber catheter can be carried out by junior medical personnel, but a metal catheter is inserted only by a doctor, since this procedure is considered quite complex and if such a catheter is inserted incorrectly, the risk of developing all sorts of complications is very high. To carry out the procedure, a quiet place is selected and its complete sterility is created, and a trusting relationship is established between the specialist and the patient. These measures are the key to a less painless and faster catheter insertion.

The main purpose of installing a catheter in the bladder is to clean and rinse it. Thanks to this procedure, elements are also removed from the organ tumor formations and stones small size. The washing process involves injecting an antiseptic solution. This procedure is carried out only after the collected urine has been removed from the bladder.

The procedure for entering and removing the rinsing liquid is repeated until it becomes transparent and clean. Depending on the situation and severity of the disease, according to indications, the patient may be additionally prescribed antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the bladder

After these procedures, the patient needs to remain in a horizontal position for some time.

Possible complications

If the bladder catheterization technique is violated or hygiene standards are not followed, this may cause unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • emergence various infections, cystitis, carbuncle, urethritis and others;
  • inflammation or swelling foreskin, which can develop into paraphimosis;
  • the occurrence of fistulas;
  • bleeding;
  • injuries to the walls of the urethra or rupture of the urethra;
  • non-infectious complications.

Non-infectious complications include the possibility of the catheter being pulled out or becoming clogged with blood clots.


Since the algorithm for catheterization of the bladder in this period of time has been worked out on top level, and there are also many types of catheters, a similar procedure is quite actively used in the treatment of various diseases and does not lead to complications. Thanks to this, it is possible not only to facilitate the process of treatment and diagnosis, but also to improve the quality of life of the patient.

Excluding the area of ​​professional interest, people with a urethral catheter encounter serious problems with health in the genitourinary area.

A urethral catheter is a system of tubes placed in the body and one end coming out; its purpose is to drain and remove urine (empty the bladder) if the body for some reason cannot cope with this physiological need on its own.

The medical term "catheterization" refers to the insertion of a catheter into a hollow organ, respectively, a urethral catheter is inserted through the urethra into the bladder.

Today, there is a wide range of these products on the market. medical instruments both imported and domestically produced in various sizes.

Urethral catheters, intended for the removal of urine, are distinguished by the composition of the material:

  • hard (metal; they look like a curved tube, its inner end has a smooth curve, it is also equipped with a handle, a rod and a beak);
  • semi-rigid (also called elastic catheters);
  • soft (they are made of polymers (Teflon, silicone, latex and other materials), less often - of rubber, the length of this type of catheter is 25-30 cm).

Urethral catheters vary in terms of use:

  • short-term (periodic);
  • long-term (permanent).

They also differ in type:

  • Nelaton (Robinson) - a straight tube with a blind end, used for short-term catheterization.
  • Timmana is a straight tube with a blind end in the form of a curved beak.
  • Foley is a straight tube equipped with a 5-70 ml cartridge.
  • Pezzera is a curved rubber tube with an extension and two holes at the end.

The length of the urinary catheter intended for women is from 12 cm. The length of the instrument intended for men is 30 cm.

The difference in the length of catheters is due to the physiological characteristics of female and male urinary tract.


Catheters are placed with diagnostic and/or therapeutic purpose. The goal is to detect the presence of urine in the bladder if this cannot be done by other means or if a sterile portion of urine is required. A urethral catheter is also inserted if a study with a contrast agent is to be administered.

Therapeutic catheterization is used for diseases such as prostate adenoma, oncology (prostate cancer). Because with these diseases there is urinary retention (acute or chronic).

Foley catheter

The instrument is also placed in the postoperative period, when surgery on the urinary organs was performed. If urinary tract diseases are being treated, this may also be a reason for installing this type of catheter.

In modern urology, therapeutic catheterization is used if urine is not excreted from the body naturally.

How is a urethral catheter installed?

The procedure for installing a catheter is accompanied by discomfort and pain.

Everyone's pain threshold is individual, so patients give different assessment this manipulation.

In the postoperative period, after surgery on the urinary organs, the painful sensation is more severe.

It is important to understand that bladder catheterization is one of the stages of treatment, a step towards recovery or maintaining quality of life.

Installation of a urinary catheter in men is considered a more complex manipulation than a similar procedure in women, since the length of the male urethra is 20-25 cm and there are narrowings in it (this is a male physiological feature). A male urethral catheter is used for the procedure.

Sterility is one of the the most important conditions installation of a urinary catheter, otherwise there is a high risk of sepsis. The instrument is pre-treated with an antiseptic and sterile lubricant, which facilitates its insertion. Painkillers are also used - for example, lidochlor gel and others.

The genitals and the exact place where the hollow tube will be installed must be treated and disinfected.

Catheter installation for men

The patient lies on his back with his knees slightly bent; it is advisable to be in a relaxed state, this will facilitate the insertion of the hollow tube.

The doctor performs the manipulation by slowly and smoothly inserting the catheter into the urethra.

Index correct installation– the appearance of urine in the catheter means that fluid will flow out.

If the tube is difficult to advance, it is possible that the doctor will select a catheter of a smaller diameter. But in the vast majority of cases, replacement is not required, since its size corresponds to the urethra. Do not be alarmed by the appearance of a small amount of blood; this happens quite often during this medical procedure.

The final stage of installation - the catheter is washed sterile water; if it is correctly installed in the bladder, then it quickly returns.

Upon completion of the manipulation, the urinal is attached to the patient’s thigh or at the bedside (the second option is more often used for urine drainage in bedridden patients).

When conducting surgical interventions, as well as, if necessary, introduction medicines A catheterization procedure is applied directly into the bladder. It is carried out easily and painlessly, since the urethra in women is short. Read more about the procedure on our website.

For what diseases does the lower abdomen on the right hurt, read.

Kidney stones are a common disease. Modern method The treatment for urolithiasis is the crushing of stones with a laser. Here you will learn more about the procedure, indications and contraindications.

Urethral catheterization for women

The patient lies on her back, legs bent at the knees and spread to the side.

The genitals and the external opening of the urethra are treated with a disinfectant solution.

Using smooth rotational movements, a female urethral catheter, pre-treated with an antiseptic, is inserted into the urethra to a depth of approximately 4-6 centimeters.

The outer end of the catheter is placed in a urine bag; if urine begins to come out, it means that the manipulation was successful and the hollow tube is in the bladder.

After installing the catheter, in order to avoid injury, you should not twist it or try to push it deeper inside.

Instrument care

When urinary catheterization of a patient, the key point is to ensure a tight connection between the hollow tube and the adapter and urinal; this is where special clamps come to the rescue.

Due to this, urine leakage is eliminated, and the patient feels more comfortable not only physically, but also mentally.

Another important nuance is the convenient location of the urinal on the human body. It should be below the level of the bladder.

The urinal should not be positioned higher; in this case, urine may flow back and this can lead to infection.

Most often, the urinal is attached to the thigh using special elastic straps.

For prophylaxis, antiseptic solutions (for example, chlorhexidine) must be periodically injected into the bladder through the urinary catheter; it does not irritate the mucous membrane, and disinfection is quite effective.

With urethral catheterization, a possible complication is pressure sores of the urethra. To avoid this, you must constantly change the position of the drainage tube in the urethra. This manipulation is painful, but vital.

It is recommended to change the urinary catheter tube at least once a week, as it tends to take the shape of the urethra, which can lead to the development of bedsores in the urethral mucosa. To replace it, it is recommended to contact a doctor (this procedure is usually performed by a nurse), but, as practice shows, patients who for a long time live with a urethral catheter, learn to carry out this manipulation independently.

If you manipulate a catheter or urinal, then your hands must first be treated with a disinfectant solution.

Unlike female catheterization, this procedure in men, it requires more qualified training of medical personnel, since the urethra in men is long and the catheter must be installed with great care. : indications and technique of the procedure.

About preparing for an ultrasound abdominal cavity read the topic. Colon cleansing and diet before the study.

Video on the topic

Installation of a urinary catheter- a procedure performed in a hospital by a nurse and urological doctors. Bladder catheterization differs between women, men, and children, as do the devices themselves.

A urinary catheter can only be installed in a hospital.

Indications for installation of a urinary catheter

Installation of a urinary catheter is indicated for the following conditions:

  1. Urinary retention as a result of infections and surgical interventions.
  2. Unconscious patient with uncontrolled outflow of urine.
  3. Acute inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs, requiring lavage and administration of medications into the bladder.
  4. Injury to the urethra, swelling, scars.
  5. General anesthesia and postoperative period.
  6. Spinal injuries, paralysis, temporary incapacity.
  7. Severe cerebral circulatory disorders.
  8. Tumors and cysts of the urinary organs.

At inflammatory diseases urinary organs, installation of a urinary catheter is indicated

Catheterization is also carried out if it is necessary to collect urine from the urinary bladder.

Types of catheters

The main type of device used in urology is the Foley catheter. It is used for urination, flushing the urine bladder during infections, to stop bleeding and administer medicines V genitourinary organs.

You can see what this catheter looks like in the photo below.

Foley catheter comes in different sizes

There are the following subtypes of the Foley device:

  1. Two-way. It has 2 openings: through one, urination and rinsing are performed, through the other, liquid is introduced and pumped out of the balloon.
  2. Three-way: in addition to standard moves, it is equipped with a channel for insertion medicinal drugs into the patient's genitourinary organs.
  3. Foley-Timman: has a curved end, used for prostate catheterization in men with benign tumor organ.

A Foley catheter can be used for procedures on any urinary organ. The service life depends on the material: devices are available in latex, silicone and silver-plated.

The following devices can also be used in urology:

  1. Nelaton: straight, with a rounded end, made of polymer or rubber. Used for short-term catheterization of the bladder in cases where the patient is unable to urinate on his own.
  2. Timmana (Mercier): silicone, elastic and soft, with a curved end. Used to drain urine in male patients suffering from prostate adenoma.
  3. Pezzera: A rubber device whose tip is shaped like a plate. Designed for continuous drainage of urine from the bladder through a cystostomy.
  4. Ureteral: a long PVC tube 70 cm long, installed using a cystoscope. Used for catheterization of the ureter and renal pelvis both for the outflow of urine and for the administration of drugs.

The Nelaton catheter is used for short-term catheterization of the bladder

All types of catheters are divided into men's, women's and children's:

  • female - shorter, wider in diameter, straight in shape;
  • men's - longer, thinner, curved;
  • children's - have a smaller length and diameter than adults.

The type of device installed depends on the duration of catheterization, gender, age and physical condition patient.

Types of catheterization

Based on the duration of the procedure, catheterization is divided into long-term and short-term. In the first case, the catheter is installed on a permanent basis, in the second - for several hours or days in a hospital setting.

Depending on the organ undergoing the procedure, the following types of catheterization are distinguished:

  • urethral;
  • ureteral;
  • renal pelvis;
  • vesical.

Urethral catheterization

Catheterization can also be divided into male, female and pediatric.

Preparing for bladder catheterization

The procedure does not require special preparation. Before catheterization, the patient should wash himself and, if necessary, shave the hair in the intimate area.

The nurse or attending physician should sterilize and prepare for use necessary tools. The catheterization kit includes the following:

  • sterile tray for instruments;
  • diaper or oilcloth;
  • disposable rubber gloves;
  • antiseptic for rubber processing;
  • gauze napkins;
  • Vaseline or glycerin;
  • tweezers;
  • Janet syringe;
  • furatsilin solution;
  • 2 new catheters.

Catheterization kit

You may also need a container to collect urine for analysis.

Before performing the procedure, the specialist thoroughly washes his hands, puts on disposable gloves and handles them antiseptic drug. The tip of the selected device is lubricated with Vaseline or glycerin.

Algorithm of actions when installing a urinary catheter

To prevent catheterization from harming the body, you should read the instructions for its implementation. The steps for inserting a catheter are different for men, women, and children.

Carrying out catheterization in women

Installation of a urological catheter in women is performed as follows:

  1. The patient takes a horizontal position: lies on her back, bends her knees, spreads them apart. A diaper is placed under the patient’s buttocks.
  2. The labia are washed, treated with an antiseptic and pulled apart.
  3. The entrance to the urethra is treated with a solution of furatsilin.
  4. A tube soaked in Vaseline is inserted into the urethra using tweezers.
  5. When the device is inserted 7 cm deep, urine begins to flow through the tube. The second end of the catheter is fixed in the urinal bag.

Depending on the purpose of the procedure, it can end at this point, or continue with rinsing, administering medications and further removing the device.

Due to physiological characteristics, women tolerate this procedure much easier than men.

Staging technique for men

Placement of a urethral catheter for men is carried out as follows:

  1. The patient lies in a horizontal position on his back. Legs are bent at the knees and spread apart. Oilcloth is placed under the buttocks.
  2. The penis is wrapped in a napkin, the urethra is treated with furatsilin solution and wiped.
  3. The catheter is taken with tweezers and inserted into the urethral canal. The penis is slowly and gently pulled onto the tube until it moves towards the external sphincter.
  4. The device is slowly lowered into the scrotum until the obstacle is overcome.
  5. The second end of the catheter is fixed in the urine bag. The specialist waits for the outflow of urine from the bladder.

Urethral catheter in men

Further instructions depend on how long the catheter is placed. For short-term use, the device is removed after urine drainage or medication administration. For long-term use, catheterization is completed after insertion.

If the procedure was carried out correctly, painful sensations none.

How is a catheter placed in children?

The general algorithm for installing a catheter in children does not differ from adult instructions.

Exist important features when performing the procedure in children:

  1. The urethral catheter for children should have a small diameter so as not to damage the child’s genitourinary organs.
  2. The device is placed on a full bladder. You can check the fullness of the organ using ultrasound.
  3. Treatment with medications and strong antibacterial compounds is prohibited.
  4. In girls, you need to spread the labia carefully so as not to damage the frenulum.
  5. The insertion of the tube should be gentle, slow, without applying force.
  6. The catheter must be removed in as soon as possible so as not to provoke inflammation.

The procedure in children, especially infants, should be performed by a urologist with pediatric training.

Urinary catheter care

To avoid infection genitourinary tract An indwelling urinary catheter should be carefully cared for. The algorithm for processing it looks like this:

  1. Place the patient on his back, place an oilcloth or bedpan under the buttocks. Drain the drainage fluid and carefully remove the device.
  2. Drain the urine from the drainage bag, rinse it with water, treat it with an antiseptic: Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Dioxidine, boric acid solution.
  3. Flush the catheter using a 50 or 100 mg syringe. Fill it in antiseptic, and then rinse with running water.
  4. At inflammatory processes urinary tract, treat the catheter with furatsilin solution, diluting 1 tablet in a glass of hot water.

Miramistin - antiseptic for treating urinals

The urine bag must be emptied 5-6 times a day and washed with antiseptics at least once a day. The catheter should be cleaned no more than 1-2 times a week.

In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the patient's genitals.

How to change a catheter yourself at home?

Changing a catheter at home is a dangerous procedure that can cause damage to the urinary organs. severe injuries. Carrying out the procedure yourself is only permissible for a soft urethral device, and if there is a serious need.

To replace the device, you must remove the old catheter:

  1. Empty the urine bag. Wash your hands with soap and wear gloves.
  2. Lie in a horizontal position, bend and spread your legs to the sides.
  3. Wash the device tube and genitals with an antiseptic or saline solution.
  4. Locate the device's cylinder opening. This is the second hole, not used for draining urine and flushing the bladder.
  5. Empty the balloon using a 10 ml syringe. Insert it into the hole and pump out the water until the syringe is completely filled.
  6. Gently pull the tube out of the urethra.

Correct position when changing the catheter

After removing the device, a new one is inserted into the urethra, according to the instructions given above for representatives of different sexes.

The nurse should change the ureteral and renal pelvic catheter. The replacement and removal of the suprapubic (vesical) device is performed by the attending physician.

Possible complications after the procedure

Pathologies resulting from catheterization include:

  • damage and perforation of the urethral canal;
  • injury to the urethral bladder;
  • urethral fever;
  • urinary tract infections.

If catheterization is performed incorrectly, inflammation of the urethra may occur.

These complications can be avoided if you use a soft catheter and carry out the procedure in medical institutions, with help nurse or the attending physician.

Bladder catheterization is used for urinary stasis and infections of the genitourinary system. If the device is correctly selected and its placement is observed, the procedure cannot harm the patient or cause discomfort.
