Why did Steve Jobs die? Letter from Steve Jobs before his death (last words)

When the leader of Apple died Steve Jobs, the company did not disclose the cause of death. The situation was clarified by the publication of an official document confirming the death of an outstanding entrepreneur. The certificate included the place where Steve Jobs died, the date of death and the cause. According to the document, he died at his home in Palo Alto (California) from respiratory failure caused by a metastatic neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas on October 5, 2011 at 3 p.m. The cause of death of Apple CEO Steve Jobs was a rare disease, and its name only hints at the enormous complexity of the disease, to which he finally succumbed at the age of 56. The American entrepreneur joined Nobel laureate Ralph Steinman, actor Patrick Swayze and Gene Upshaw as the latest celebrity to die from this aggressive disease that even he, with his vast fortune, and Steinman, with the experimental immunological treatments available to him, could not resist.

Poor prognosis

Most of cases of malignant neoplasms of the pancreas (53%) are diagnosed after they have spread, and the survival rate is extremely low - only 1.8% of patients live more than 5 years after confirmation of the diagnosis. For all types of cancer, this figure is only slightly higher - only 3.3%. So how did Jobs, whose disease was identified in the fall of 2003 and publicly announced in 2004, survive for 8 years?

Steve Jobs: biography

The personal life of an American entrepreneur is marked by a long, persistent struggle with this disease. In 2004, he underwent surgery to remove the tumor. In 2009, an Apple executive traveled to Switzerland to obtain radiation hormonal treatment, not available in the United States, and he underwent a liver transplant that same year. He took his last vacation in January 2011 before resigning as CEO in August and passing away in October.

Two types of disease

Steve Jobs' illness and cause of death was a rare form of tumor known as neuroendocrine cancer, which grows more slowly and is easier to treat. Surviving for years or even decades with this disease is not surprising. A neuroendocrine tumor differs significantly from the common form of pancreatic cancer because the patient's life expectancy is measured in years, not months. Unlike Steve Jobs, Steinman's cause of death was a disease that is usually fatal within a year of diagnosis. Given the extremely poor prognosis for both of these forms, scientists are working hard to develop better effective methods treatment and diagnosis, and are also trying to figure out why one patient can live for 8 years and another for 8 months.

Steve Jobs: cause of death

Pancreatic cancer is not a very common disease. In the United States, about 44,000 new cases are diagnosed annually, and the risk of contracting it is 1.4%. The vast majority of the disease (about 95%) is an adenocarcinoma, similar to the one Steinman had, but which Steve Jobs did not have. The cause of death of the latter, known as neuroendocrine cancer, accounts for a small proportion of patients with pancreatic malignant neoplasms. The gland itself consists essentially of two various organs. This means there are 2 various types fabric and, accordingly, 2 very different types neoplasms. The most common of these, adenocarcinoma, affects the exocrine part. It occupies the bulk of the pancreas and produces digestive enzymes, which are excreted into the gastrointestinal tract through special channels. Scattered throughout this organ are thousands of tiny islands of endocrine tissue that produce hormones released into the blood. Cancer of these islet cells was the cause of Steve Jobs' death.

Difficulties in diagnosis

Pancreatic malignancies are so deadly in large part because they are often very late stage. Unlike colon or lung cancer, it does not differ in many ways early symptoms. Doctors even find it difficult to list its manifestations, which include pain in upper area abdomen, weight loss, loss of appetite and the presence of blood clots, because these are common complaints that almost anyone can suspect that they have pancreatic cancer. Most cases of the disease are detected after some symptoms persist or appear for more serious signs, such as jaundice.

New diagnostic methods

Some research groups are looking for The best way screening for malignant neoplasms of the pancreas for the purpose of their early detection. Significant efforts are being made to this end, including by Neogenix Oncology, which is developing diagnostics and treatment for two types of pancreatic cancer. The company's researchers discovered several genetic markers that are present in this disease, but not in normal tissues. The goal of the research is to develop something similar to a test for prostate cancer.

Non-invasive screening

There is evidence that what Steve Jobs died from is not a disease that appears to come on suddenly. According to a study published in October 2016, after studying the accumulation of genetic mutations in pancreatic tumors, researchers concluded that it takes an average of 7 years for the main tumor to form and 10 years for it to begin spreading to adjacent organs. Armed with this knowledge, as well as other results from studies of precancerous lesions, scientists hope that a noninvasive screening method will eventually be developed.

The Problem of Misdiagnosis

Widespread screening for more common cancers, such as colon, prostate and breast cancer, in Lately came under fire because they led to too many false diagnoses and subsequent treatment. With even more rare diseases the situation is even more complex, so it is extremely necessary low level false test results. Pancreatic cancer is terrible disease, but fortunately rare.

Surgical method

In the early stages of pancreatic cancer, doctors usually try to remove it surgically. However, the likelihood of him returning in a year or two is still relatively high. And the operation itself is risky. The pancreas is located deep in the abdominal cavity, surrounded by and connected to other major organs. This operation, known as the Whipple procedure, is considered an element of aerobatics in surgery.

Non-invasive methods

If the cancer has already spread, as it did in Steinman's case, the most common approach is chemotherapy, which is not very effective for regular pancreatic cancer. The drug mainly used is gemcitabine (Gemzar), which Steinman received, among other things. During trials of the drug, some patients did not get better, but for some it extended their lives by several years, indicating a significant molecular difference in the tumors.

New treatments

Despite initial positive effects chemotherapy, even as Steinman got better, he felt like he was living with a sword of Damocles over his neck—he didn't know when the symptoms would return. So he turned to the field he knew - immunology. He deeply felt that the key to healing was stimulation immune system to a level at which it can fight the tumor. But achieving this is not so easy. This method has been researched for a long time. The only currently approved immunotherapy for cancer treatment is for metastatic melanoma (Ipilimumab or Yervoy, approved in March 2017). His approval was good evidence that this area is important to study with a view to its application in the fight against other forms of the disease.

Chemotherapy and liver transplant

Steve Jobs, whose cause of death was neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer, was treated with various chemotherapy drugs. Two new drugs to treat this disease were recently approved by the US FDA. Approved in May, Everolimus (Afinitor) works by blocking mTOR kinase to alter cell communication. Sunitinib (Sutent) blocks vascular endothelial growth factor. None of them are a panacea, but they provide modest improvements in patient outcomes.

One form of treatment that is not recommended for most types of pancreatic cancer is a liver transplant. It is believed that the transplant that Steve Jobs underwent before his death was necessary because the metastases had spread to this organ. And while liver failure is a common cause of death in pancreatic cancer patients because the liver is close to the liver and is often affected by cancer, transplantation is not an accepted standard of care because there is no evidence that it works.

Even new liver prevents failure, immunosuppressants needed to prevent organ rejection may reduce the body's ability to fight remaining cancer cells. Taking into account many other real-life factors, it is ultimately impossible to conclude whether the transplant extended the life of Steve Jobs or was another cause of his death.

Keys to Treatment

Steinman, however, presents a different case. By subjecting himself to a range of therapies, he increased the average survival rate for his type of cancer by several years. But which treatment method was most effective is unknown. The combination probably helped him various therapies. Steinman himself was confident in dendritic cells, believing that they played a vital role, although until then they had only been used to treat HIV.

To really reveal internal work pancreas, it is necessary to carry out more fundamental scientific research person. Current efforts to improve our understanding of the molecular and genetic differences of each tumor, which offer hope of finding patterns in growth rate and response to treatment, may help identify better targets for therapy. But much of what determines why one patient can live for 8 years and another 8 months seems to depend on the biology of these cancers. In other words, scientists simply don't know the answer to this question.

Doctors have named the three most obvious reasons for the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs, the news of which spread around the world on Thursday night. These could be cancer itself, failure of the transplanted liver, or life-threatening side effects taking immunosuppressants.

However, this is the opinion of doctors who were not involved in treating the computer genius - they made their conclusions based on the meager information that the world press managed to obtain. Jobs himself and his circle did not talk about the disease. The man who changed the world and the lives of millions of people was as closed as possible in terms of personal life and carefully protected his family from curious people.

Steve managed to live for more than seven years with a rare form of pancreatic cancer in which cancer cells spread more slowly than usual. And although there was hope back in the spring that Jobs was on the mend, doctors now say that a liver transplant two years ago was in itself a bad sign. This was a sure sign that the disease not only did not recede, but was also progressing, reports AP.

Many experts suspect that Steve Jobs underwent a very complex operation called pancreaticoduodenectomy (in the West it is called the Whipple procedure), during which part of the pancreas is removed, part small intestine and in some cases part of the stomach, and then actually "reconstructing" the digestive system.

This is a very serious and large-scale operation, after which patients long time Various types of digestive problems may occur, Dr. Stephen Libutti, a doctor at the cancer center in the Bronx in New York, explained to the agency.

In turn, Dr. Michael Pishwayan, an oncologist at the Georgetown University Cancer Center, said that a liver transplant could have cured Jobs, but the cancer could have relapsed within one to two years after the operation, which apparently happened.

Steve Jobs himself announced back in 2004 that he had had a small island of neuroendocrine tumors removed, which were a much “milder” and curable form of pancreatic cancer than the most common one, from which actor Patrick Swayze died two years ago. If there are no relapses of the disease, some patients can live 20 or 30 years. But if the cancer returns, then this period is reduced to seven to eight years. Again the case of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs considered death the best incentive in life, as he said in his “spiritual testament”

The computer genius himself, it seems, spent all the years allotted to him after the discovery of cancer with the persistent thought of death, which he, however, considered the best incentive in work and life. Even six years ago, he mentioned it a lot in a philosophical sense, in his parting words to graduates of Stanford University. Now Steve's performance is considered his "spiritual testament."

“The awareness that I could die at any moment is the main tool that helps me make important life choices,” Jobs told the students then. “Because almost everything in the world: passive waiting, pride, fears, grievances and failures - everything they fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."

“Remembering death is the best way to avoid the trap into which you are driven by thoughts that you have something to lose. You have already lost everything. There is no reason not to follow the call of your heart,” he inspired. “Probably death is the best invention of life,” concluded this great man.

Bill Gates said goodbye to Steve Jobs

Microsoft founder Bill Gates said it was an “insanely great honor” for him to be friends and work with Apple founder Steve Jobs, whose death was previously announced by Apple.

Reuters notes that the expression "insanely great" was one of Jobs' favorite expressions.

"Steve and I first met about 30 years ago. We have been colleagues, competitors and friends for more than half of our lives," Gates said, adding that rarely has anyone had such a profound impact on the world as the Apple founder.

Gates, 55, and Jobs, 56, were key figures in the early development of personal computing in the 1970s and 1980s.

“I am truly saddened by the news of his death,” Gates said, offering his condolences to Jobs’ family, as well as everyone who knew, was friends with and worked with the Apple creator.

“There are very few people in the world who can make a contribution like Steve’s, the effects of which will be felt for generations to come,” said the Microsoft founder.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Walt Disney President Bob Iger, former California governor and film actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and many others also offered their condolences over Jobs' death. Samsung CEO Choi Gi Sang said that Jobs was a “great entrepreneur.”

US President Barack Obama also said goodbye to the Apple founder.

"Michelle and I are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was one of America's greatest inventors - brave enough to think differently than everyone else, brave enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to to make it happen," Obama said.

On the main page of the Apple website there is now a black and white portrait of Jobs and the years of his life are written.

Twitter users reacted emotionally to the death of their idol

Twitter users reacted very emotionally to Apple's message about the death of the IT industry idol Steve Jobs - millions of Apple fans, preserving the style created by Jobs innovative technologies, wish him to “rest in peace in Paradise.”

"Steve leaves behind a company that only he could build, and his spirit will forever be a pillar of Apple," Apple said in a tribute to him.

The phrases RIP Steve Jobs (Rest in peace, Steve Jobs) and ThankYouSteve (Thank you, Steve) from grateful fans instantly entered the global service trends after Apple’s sad message.

After some time, the phrase “Only 56” appeared in trends - this is how users expressed regret that Jobs left at such an early age.

Later, the expressions iDead, iHeaven, iClouds and iSad appeared there - recognition of Jobs’ achievements in the style of Apple product names.

Users noticed almost mystical date the death of the founder of Apple - the day after the presentation of the company, which for the first time, instead of Jobs, was held by the new Apple CEO Tim Cook.

Finally, millions of Twitter users reminded the world catchphrase Steve Jobs' "Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry", which he delivered to Stanford University graduates and encouraged them to never stop there.

Biography of Steven Jobs

American engineer and entrepreneur, co-founder and head of Apple Inc. Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in Mountain View, California, USA. Steve's birth mother abandoned the child at birth. The child's adoptive parents were Paul and Clara Jobs from Mountain View, California. Clara worked for an accounting firm, and Paul Jobs was a mechanic for a laser company.

Steve has shown an interest in technology since childhood. At the age of 12, Steven Jobs called the head of Hewlett-Packard, William Hewlett, and asked him for the parts he needed to assemble some device. After talking with the boy, William sent him everything he needed and invited him to work at his company during the holidays. While working at Hewlett-Packard, Jobs met Stephen Wozniak, his future colleague at Apple.

In 1972, Steve Jobs graduated from high school and entered Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but after the first semester he dropped out of college.

In the fall of 1974, he returned to California, where he met an old acquaintance, Stephen Wozniak, and got a job as a technician at Atari, which produced computer games. While working at the company, Jobs was able to save money for a trip to India, which he had long dreamed of.

On April 1, 1976, Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak founded Apple Computer Co., producing computers of their own design. The company was officially registered in early 1977. The author of most of the developments was Stephen Wozniak, while Jobs acted as a marketer.

The first personal computer introduced by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak was the Apple I; subsequently, a new computer, the Apple II, was created, designed for a wider range of users. The success of the Apple I computer and especially the Apple II made Apple a key player in the personal computer market. Apple grew larger and went public in 1980 with a successful initial public offering, making Steve Jobs a millionaire at age 25.

In 1985, due to ongoing conflicts in management, Wozniak left Apple, and then Steve Jobs. Also in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT, a company specializing in hardware and workstations.

In 1986, Steve Jobs co-founded the animation studio Pixar. Under Jobs' leadership, Pixar released films such as Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. In 2006, Jobs sold Pixar to Walt Disney Studios, and he remained on the board of directors of Pixar and at the same time became the largest individual shareholder of Disney, receiving 7 percent of the studio's shares.

Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1996, when the company founded by Jobs decided to acquire NeXT. Jobs joined the company's board of directors and became the interim manager of Apple, which was experiencing a serious crisis at that moment.

In 2000, Steve Jobs became a full-fledged executive director. In 2001, Jobs introduced the first iPod. Within a few years, selling iPods became the company's main source of income. Under the direction of Jobs Apple significantly strengthened its position in the personal computer market.

In mid-2004, Jobs began to have health problems, but he continued to work. In 2006, the company introduced the network multimedia player Apple TV; in 2007, sales of the iPhone mobile phone began; in 2008, Steve demonstrated the thinnest laptop in the world, called MacBook Air.

Since January 2011, he has been on indefinite leave for health reasons, but has consistently presented his company’s new products to the public.

It was reported back in January 2011 that Steve Jobs left the company's leadership for health reasons.

Steve Jobs has a rare form of pancreatic cancer. The disease was diagnosed 7 years ago. In 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant - the operation was performed on him in Switzerland. Meanwhile, according to statistics, only 4% of patients with pancreatic cancer live more than 5 years. And in February, one of the doctors risked making a dire prediction that Jobs had no more than six weeks to live.

Biography Steve Jobs life episodes and obituary . When born and died Jobs, memorable places and dates of his life. A film about Steve Jobs. Quotes, photos and videos.

Years in the life of Steve Jobs:

born February 24, 1955, died October 5, 2011


“Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost amazing person. Those of us who were fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and inspiring mentor. "Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple."
Epitaph on the Apple website after the death of Steve Jobs


Biography of Steve Jobs became legendary during his lifetime - a daring dreamer who revolutionized the world of computers. An adopted child who never finished college, who organized a company in the garage of his parents’ house, which later became one of the most expensive companies in the world, he seemed to prove with his whole life: you need to dream and believe in yourself, and then everything will work out. Or almost everything.

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955. His parents were not married, and their relatives were against their marriage, so Jobs's biological mother and gave him up for adoption, taking from foster parents the promise they'll make to Steve higher education. Who knows how Jobs' biography would have turned out if Clara and Paul had not become his parents. They worked tirelessly to raise money for their adopted son's education, and in 1972 Steve entered Reed College. And then left him - after six months, because he was bored there. True, he attended lectures for another year as a free listener and later admitted that they gave him a lot.

While still at school he met Steve Wozniak. Wozniak and Jobs founded Apple together in the garage of Jobs' parents' home.. In fact, first personal computer (Apple I) assembled by Wozniak, but it was Jobs who convinced his friend not to sell the patent, but to refine it and create own business, acting as a talented marketer. Already four years later Jobs became a multimillionaire. But not everything always went smoothly in the history of Steve Jobs - for example, in 1985 he was fired from Apple, but invited back after twelve years. It was under his leadership that the company was able to significantly strengthen its position in the market. He became her ideological inspirer, a face, a person whom thousands, if not millions of young people dreaming of such success, wanted to be like.

It seemed that Steve could do everything. But Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003, rare and, according to doctors, incurable. However, Steve was not going to give up so easily - the tumor was successfully operated on. It seemed that he managed to win again, but five years later the cancer that miraculously disappeared returned. followed long treatment, severe weight loss, liver transplant and Jobs’s next return to work with excellent prognosis.

But on August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs released his open letter in which he said: “I have always said that if the day ever came when I could no longer fulfill my responsibilities and expectations as the head of Apple, I would be the first who will inform you about it. Unfortunately, this day has come." It became clear to everyone that Jobs had serious health problems, but everyone fully hoped for a miracle, which, alas, did not happen. Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011. No one had any doubts about how Steve Jobs died - the cause of Jobs' death was pancreatic cancer. The news that Steve Jobs died shook the public, filling the pages of Internet sites, blogs, and newspapers.
Steve Jobs funeral took place two days after his death - it was a small, private funeral. At Stanford University, where Jobs gave a fiery speech in 2005, a closed service was held, attended by Steve Jobs' relatives and colleagues. To this day, Steve Jobs remains for many a dreamer, a winner, a person who inspires action. Steve Jobs Quotes- these are the words of a person who lives every day as if it were his last, who knows how to set goals for himself and achieve them, loving life and received from her everything he wanted: love, success, money and dreams come true.

Steve Jobs with his wife Lauren and illegitimate daughter Lisa

Life line

February 24, 1955 Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco.
summer 1972 Finishing school, entering Reed College in Portland.
1974 Work at Atari in Los Gatos, California, a video game company. A trip to India in search of spiritual enlightenment.
1975 Return to Atari.
April 1, 1976. Registration of Apple Inc. with Steve Wozniak.
May 17, 1978 Birth of an illegitimate daughter, Lisa Nicole Brennan, from her relationship with Chris Ann Brennan.
December 1980 Apple Inc.'s first public sale of shares. Steve Jobs becomes a multimillionaire.
1985 Dismissal from Apple.
1986 Purchase of Pixar studio for $5 million.
March 18, 1991 Wedding to Lauren Powell.
September 1991 Birth of son Reed.
August 1995 Birth of daughter Erin.
1997 Returning to Apple as interim CEO.
1998 Birth of daughter Eve.
2000 Jobs becomes Apple's permanent CEO.
2003 Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
August 2004 Surgery, successful tumor removal.
October 2004 Steve Jobs's first public appearance after surgery.
2006 Sale of Pixar studio in exchange for shares of Walt Disney worth $7.4 billion.
January 2009
June 2009 Jobs' return after liver transplant.
January 17, 2011 Taking leave for health reasons.
August 24, 2011 Official resignation from the post of head of Apple Corporation.
October 5, 2011 Date of death of Steve Jobs.
October 7, 2011 Steve Jobs' funeral at Alta Mesa Cemetery.

Memorable places

1. Steve Jobs' house, where he lived with his parents and in whose garage he founded Apple Computer together with Steve Wozniak.
2. Homestead School, where Steve Jobs studied.
3. Reed College, where Steve Jobs studied for the first six months and then remained a free student for a year.
4. Office of Apple, created by Steve Jobs.
5. Pixar Studio, owned by Steve Jobs from 1986-2006.
6. Steve Jobs' home, which he purchased in the 1990s. and lived there until the end of his life.
7. Alta Mesa Cemetery, where Steve Jobs is buried.
8. Monument to Steve Jobs in Grafisoft Park in Budapest.

Episodes and facts from life

Steve Jobs has always been a talented and inquisitive child with extraordinary abilities who does not like formalism. So, in elementary school he At first I was considered a hooligan until one of the teachers found an approach to him. As a result, when Jobs finished the fourth grade, the school director offered to transfer him directly to the seventh, but Steve’s parents agreed on the sixth. Jobs was also expelled from college after six months, but he continued to attend lectures and classes that were interesting to him. According to him, it was thanks to the calligraphy course he took that he was able to create the famous Mac fonts.

Courage, self-confidence- were one of Jobs' main qualities. So, at the age of 12, Steve called the head of Hewlett-Packard on his home phone and talked with him for 20 minutes. A teenager wanted to assemble a frequency indicator electric current and he needed some details. At the end of the conversation, the HP president not only agreed to send the necessary parts, but also offered Steve a summer job at his company.

Jobs's best qualities that helped him achieve success also hurt him - for example, lack of modesty, timidity and, as a result, some arrogance. It was because of his difficult character that Jobs was forced to leave Apple. But when he started a family and children, he became much softer and changed his attitude towards people, himself and his employees. His return to Apple allowed the company to become the most successful company in the computer market.

Steve Jobs battled cancer for 7 years and tried not to advertise the disease, declaring only a good prognosis after completing the next course of treatment. According to him, the disease helped him look at life differently: “The memory of the fact that I will die soon is the most important tool that helps me make difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. Remembering death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no longer any reason for you not to follow your heart.” Steve’s loved ones, who were next to him at the time of his death, claim that the last words of the geniuses, a few hours before his death, were: “Wow! Wow! Wow!".

Steve Jobs has always been a bold dreamer

Testaments and bright quotes of Steve Jobs

“Stay hungry. Stay reckless."

“Don't waste your time living someone else's life... have the courage to listen to your heart and intuition. Somehow they know what you want to become. Everything else is secondary."


“I am saddened by Steve's passing. Together with his wife, we express our most sincere condolences to his family and friends and everyone who worked with him. Steve and I first met about 30 years ago and have been colleagues, competitors and friends for the better part of our lives. It is rare to find a person in the world who has had as much influence as Steve, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those who were lucky enough to work with Steve Jobs, it was a huge honor. I will miss Steve terribly."
Bill Gates, creator and largest shareholder of Microsoft

“Steve, thank you for being a mentor and friend. Thank you for showing that you can change the world with what you build. I will miss you".
Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook

“Steve was one of America's greatest innovators - brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it. Steve liked to say that he lived every day like it was his last. It is because of this that he changed our lives, entire industries and accomplished the most important feat - he changed our vision of the world. The world has lost a prophet."
Barack Obama, US President

“Even as a feminist, all my life I’ve been waiting for a man to love and who will love me. For decades, I believed that my father would be such a man. But when I turned 25, I met such a man, and he turned out to be my brother.”
Mona Simpson, Steve Jobs' biological sister

» died on October 5, 2011 from complications of pancreatic cancer, he was 56 years old. The average life expectancy for this form of cancer is 3-6 months, but Steve Jobs successfully fought the disease for twenty years.

Steve battled pancreatic cancer for two decades.

Pancreatic cancer is a rapidly progressing malignant tumor that leads to death.

In this regard, twenty years of life lived with such cancer, can be considered a long time for anyone battling this type of cancer; and in order to simply live through them, it was necessary to choose the correct strategy to combat the disease in all respects.

It is common knowledge that Steve Jobs chose alternative and natural treatments to treat his illness.

There are two types of pancreatic cancer.

A more aggressive form, which Jobs did not have, attacks cells and tissues that produce enzymes and remove toxins from the body.

The cancer that Jobs suffered from destroys the hormone-producing cells of the pancreas. Life expectancy for this disease is usually from 3 to 6 months on average. However, Steve lived with him for twenty years! However, it appears that he did not undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

But before that, Steve lived twenty years with progressive cancer!

Let's think about this. Prominent doctors who treat pancreatic cancer say that the prognosis of the disease that Jobs suffered from usually allows patients to live from 3 to 6 months, but Steve managed to live for 20 years! What is Steve's latest mistake?

To answer this question accurately, we must determine two main causes of cancer:

  • General slagging of the body
  • Micronutrient deficiency

The term “general slagging of the body” means that the body is overloaded with toxins that are not eliminated for a long time.

That is why cleansing the excretory system, especially the colon, liver and kidneys remains the right way to staying away from cancer-causing toxins.

When the body is unable to get rid of toxins through consumption clean water, good nutrition, cleansing, fasting and constant physical exercise, toxins fill the cells of the body, causing the first diseases and cancer.

When the body is overloaded with toxins, the following appear: symptoms and diseases:

  • Allergies
  • Immune system deficiency
  • Inability to fight colds and infections
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Gluten intolerance
  • Furunculosis
  • Blood sugar problems
  • Depression
  • Mental and emotional disorders

Almost every health problem that people go to the doctor for presents warning signs that you're not taking good care of your body.

If these health problems are left without proper attention for a long time, they continue to spread to other parts of the body, and sometimes lead to the development of cancer.

Lack of microelements occurs when there are insufficient vitamins and minerals in the daily diet. Get rid of packaged, processed foods and instead buy whole foods that your body can actually use to their advantage.

Organically grown products are the best for the body because they contain the least amount of toxic chemicals. Some of the most nutritious and beneficial foods for your body can be grown in your own garden.

The best and in a safe way To obtain vitamins and minerals is to eat natural foods.

I think we can say with confidence that Steve Jobs, for most of his life, adhered to healthy diet and periodically cleansed my body.

Moreover, we know that he used excellent alternative methods treatment. Twenty years is a long time to battle cancer, but Steve had an optimistic outlook on life and suffered no pain or illness for most of those years.

So what can we learn from the above?

Follow a natural diet and take care of yourself in all aspects of your life. These include physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.

Steve Jobs was well aware of the importance of this approach, and it helped him not only maintain control over various aspects of his life, but also live twenty happy years, despite pancreatic cancer.

Foods that protect against cancer

Cruciferous vegetables and dark leafy greens include: cabbage, broccoli, mustard greens, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale and spinach.

These excellent vegetables contain anti-cancer components that destroy potential carcinogens (toxins) found in the body. They actively work to prevent cancer formation. You should try to include daily diet Eating a variety of vegetables, either raw or steamed with stewed garlic and a little olive oil.

It is necessary to consume berries from the strawberry family: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries; Cranberries and other berries are also useful. A study from The Ohio State University Medical Center found that all strawberries work equally well in preventing cancer, and they can even reduce size. malignant tumors. These results were published in the June issue of the journal Pharmaceutical Research. ()

Organic fruits and vegetables are good for your health: in order to be sure of receiving sufficient quantity whole foods in your diet, use a color system. Eat five to seven raw or steamed vegetables and fruits of different colors.

Garlic- Best eaten raw. Nutritional supplements from garlic, as well as eating the entire plant, are ineffective. The first cancer studies examining the properties of garlic were described in the 1950s, when researchers injected mice suffering from cancer intramuscularly with garlic's valuable active ingredient, known as allicin. Mice injected with allicin continued to live for a subsequent 6 months; mice without allicin injections lived only 2 months. Since then, numerous studies have proven the undeniable effectiveness of garlic in the prevention of various diseases and cancer. ()

Another active ingredient in garlic, allyl sulfur, has also been shown to be effective in preventing cancer. A large study of middle-aged women from the Iowa Women's Health Epidemiology Center showed excellent results.

In women who regularly ate raw garlic, there was a 35% reduction in the risk of colon cancer.

Laboratory studies of the properties of green tea have shown that it active ingredients, called catechins, inhibit the growth of cancer cells by destroying toxins before they can lead to tumor formation. In studies of the skin, liver and stomach cells of mice, catechins from green and black tea helped reduce tumor size.

To date, studies conducted on people drinking green tea have proven equally promising. In one such study, 18,000 men consumed green tea in their daily diet; At the end of the study, their health indicators were compared with similar indicators of people drinking other drinks.

More than fifty percent of tea drinkers were found to be less likely to develop throat and stomach cancer, although some were smokers and did not always eat a healthy diet.

Produced in the body under the influence sunlight This is the only way to absorb this vitamin most effectively. Contrary to popular negative opinion, sun exposure and tanning have a wonderful effect on our health. However, sunburn causes serious damage to the skin. To avoid “burning”, you should not lie in the sun for a long time.


Finally, let's think about a wise saying that Steve Jobs often quoted. Perhaps we can use this wisdom for our own lives:

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your voice. Have the courage to follow your heart. They know exactly who you really want to become. Everything else is secondary!

October 9, 2015

It would be strange to talk about the death of a person without explaining his biography. In the case of Jobs, there is no choice at all. His colorful life became a source of inspiration for millions of people.

Childhood and youth

If the story of Steve Jobs doesn't impress you, then it's unlikely that anything else will surprise you. The future founder of Apple was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. His parents gave the child to an orphanage, where he was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. The baby was named Steve Jobs. Quotes suggest: he always considered his adoptive parents to be his family.

Since childhood, his social environment was programmers and engineers, who felt especially comfortable in California. In addition, his mother worked as an accountant in one of the pioneer companies of the future Silicon Valley. Steve's father was an auto mechanic. So he unwittingly introduced his son to the basics of electronics.

At school, Jobs became friends with Stephen Wozniak, his main colleague and partner for many years. Both were interested in new technologies and rock music of the 60s, primarily Bob Dylan. The hippie counterculture that emerged at that time had a huge influence on Jobs’ character and worldview.

Steve's first job was at Atari, which was famous for its video game machines. Under these conditions, he and Wozniak founded the “Homemade Computers Club,” which brought together lovers of microcircuits and other tricks.

Founding of Apple

It was then that Wozniak created his first computer. It was called the Apple I. Steve realized that the invention had enormous commercial potential. He persuaded a friend to start a company and start selling his products.

Even then, the different roles of these two people in the future project were outlined. If Wozniak created a product, then Jobs gave it the form that would be most popular with customers. For example, this was the case with the new user interface technology, where everything happens on the now familiar desktop with a cursor and folders. Before this, computers had only system directories and dull lists of their names. Steve Jobs' company combined, firstly, enormous creative technical potential, and secondly, precise commercial acumen.

Video on the topic


Apple's main success in its early years was the creation and promotion of the revolutionary new Macintosh computer (also in oral speech The abbreviation Mac is often used).

It had several important innovations for the industry, from the already mentioned user interface to accessibility for every ordinary buyer. That's when computers became personal. They were purchased by ordinary buyers, not just programmers and geeks. Another component of success is the advertising campaign that accompanied the start of sales.

It all happened in 1984, and Jobs suggested making a video with references to the novel by George Orwell, the title of which was this date. It was a book about a totalitarian society in a fantasy future. Jobs wrote a story in which Apple customers new technology in their hands were radically different from the backward majority in the novel. “Think different” is the main slogan of everything Steve did.


However, things subsequently went poorly for the company. Sales were down, and new products were generating losses. Jobs was fired from his own creation. He did not give up and created other projects - Next and Pixar. The latter of them achieved success, and now it is the largest studio regularly releasing popular cartoons. Pixar's use of computer graphics in animation was a revolution. The first such cartoon was the film “Toy Story” in 1995.


In the late 90s, Apple began asking for Steve Jobs to return. The reason for the “death” of the company is poor products and marketing. All this made many employees remember the founder. In 1997, he again became the head of the enterprise.

In the next decade, several super-successful devices and services appeared, for which the masses today know about Apple. These are smartphones with innovation for the 2000s operating system, iTunes music service and much more. Steve Jobs came up with all this one way or another. Quotes from the entrepreneur indicate that the thought of death forced him to become 100% active every day. He demanded the same from his subordinates.

So why did Steve Jobs die? Largely from my busy daily schedule. However main reason not this.

Deterioration of health

Since his youth, Steve has been interested in alternative medicine: herbal treatment, acupuncture, vegan diet, etc. He was greatly influenced by Indian culture and the practice of yoga. Let's remember his youth as a hippie with drugs and LSD. So when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003, he refused traditional surgery.

After nine months of self-medication, he finally agreed to see qualified specialists. He underwent surgery and the tumor that appeared was cut out. However, the examination showed that metastases had appeared in Jobs' liver - new cancer cells that over time develop and spread to other organs. They could only be treated with courses of chemotherapy. The entrepreneur publicly stated that he had gotten rid of the disease, and in the meantime he began to recover necessary procedures secretly.

This was all Steve Jobs. The cause of death (later it became cancer) gradually made itself felt more and more. First of all, this affected his appearance. Jobs became very thin and, just before his death, admitted that he had cancer. The public paid close attention to this also because he continued to give presentations to large audiences, where he presented the company’s new products in his signature bright style.

Steve was supported by his family - his wife Lauren and three children. For all this he was eternally grateful to them.


No matter how Steve Jobs passed away, the cause of this man's death did not mean that his work was in vain. He could be sure that he had not lived in vain, thanks to the fact that he had built the largest corporation in the world, whose products reached almost every American and the citizens of many other countries.

In August 2011, Steve announced that he was leaving his leadership position at Apple. He named Tim Cook as his successor, who continues to serve today. Steve himself stated that he would remain on the board of directors. However, a couple of months later, on October 5, he died at home.

His attending physician stated that his death was due to neglect of his own health. Despite this, his passing away occurred peacefully and calmly. Of course, the outstanding entrepreneur already understood everything and was internally prepared for the upcoming outcome.

In particular, he agreed with the writer and journalist Walter Isaacson that he would conduct many interviews with him in order to prepare material for a book biography. Isaacson recorded a large number of monologues authored by Steve Jobs himself. Death interrupted this long cross-cutting interview, which lasted until last days businessman.

In addition, Walter interviewed about a hundred people who were in close relationships with Steve. The book was supposed to be published in November 2011 during his lifetime, but due to his death its release was postponed a month earlier. In particular, the biography contained the answer to the question of why Steve Jobs died. The new product immediately became a bestseller.

No matter how Steve Jobs had previously assured, the cause of death was his own alternative treatment, whereas with this serious diagnosis it was necessary to immediately turn to professionals. His stubborn character never allowed him to admit his mistake.
