Cardiology open oval window. Patent foramen ovale in the heart in children and adults: pathology and norm Persistent foramen ovale

I just found good information on the Internet. Now this diagnosis is made by 80% of children, and up to two years of age it is normal and is considered a minor anomaly of heart development.

"YOUR CHILD HAS AN OPEN FOREOVALE WINDOW" -Such a diagnosis is heard today by about 80% of parents some time after the birth of a child.

In a child in the intrauterine state, the blood circulation process occurs differently than in an adult, because in the womb the child does not breathe, and his lungs do not work, all necessary nutrients it receives through the placental circulation. The cardiovascular system functions thanks to three openings: oval, arterial and venous. The foramen ovale is located between the right and left atria, and blood passes through it, bypassing the lungs. Coming through the open oval window blood feeds primarily the brachiocephalic region, ensuring rapid development of the brain. After birth, with the baby’s first breath, the pulmonary circulation begins to function. Due to the increase in incoming blood, the pressure in the left atrium increases, and the oval foramen closes with a special valve, like a door. This functional closure occurs in the first 3-5 hours of life, and complete anatomical closure, due to the fusion of the edges of the valve flap and the edges of the hole, in 2-12 months. Sometimes the overgrowth process lasts up to two years, which is also considered normal. ☆☆☆

But this does not happen for everyone. The foramen ovale can close in utero, which leads to overload of the right parts of the heart and simultaneous underdevelopment of the left ones. A child in such a situation dies either in utero or in the first hours of life.

In some children, the hole does not close completely, or does not close at all. This often happens in premature babies, and there is also an opinion that it occurs in those children whose mothers abused alcohol or smoked. Due to genetic characteristics, the valve that closes the window may be slightly smaller in size than the hole, and is not able to completely cover it. Some diseases accompanied by increased pressure in the right side of the heart can contribute to non-closure of the foramen ovale, which serves as a compensatory message. The right parts of the heart are unloaded, which improves the patient’s condition. Such situations arise in primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary stenosis, abnormal drainage of the pulmonary veins, tricuspid valve defects.

In most cases, the presence of a patent oval window does not cause serious concerns. Due to the fact that the pressure in the left atrium is slightly higher than in the right, the valve between the atria is kept closed, which prevents the discharge of blood from the right atrium to the left. This usually happens with small hole sizes: up to 5-7 mm. In newborns, a temporary increase in pressure in the right atrium may occur against the background of crying, straining, and prolonged anxiety. This is accompanied by a reset venous blood through the foramen ovale and is manifested by short-term cyanosis (blue). In older children, bleeding may occur when paroxysmal cough, diving, exercises accompanied by straining and holding your breath. Consequently, such children are not recommended to engage in scuba diving, weightlifting, gymnastics, as well as choosing professions associated with extreme situations: pilots, divers, miners.

At large sizes oval foramen (more than 7-10 mm), disturbances characteristic of the defect occur interatrial septum. This open oval window is called a “gaping” window. The child should be consulted by a cardiac surgeon to decide on surgical correction. IN Lately closure of the defect through femoral vein using a special device - OCCLUDER.

One of the most severe complications that arises against the background of a functioning open oval window is paradoxical embolism. Emboli, blood clots, gas bubbles, tumor pieces, foreign bodies, from the right atrium entering the left, and continuing its path further, can reach the vessels of the brain and cause a stroke, or be localized in any other organ with the development of thrombosis and heart attacks. Thrombophlebitis is often the source of emboli. lower limbs and pelvic organs, therefore special attention is required to monitor the course of pregnancy in girls with PFO, especially in the last trimester.

A patent foramen ovale is not considered a heart defect. It is rather classified as MARS (minor anomalies of cardiac development). Many people, having such an anomaly, lead a normal human lifestyle, living peacefully into old age. Sometimes, in older children with a hemodynamically significant PFO, there is fatigue and shortness of breath during physical exertion, pallor, slight cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, and less often, a tendency to faint. At the same time, a murmur over the heart area may not be heard. X-ray of organs chest no different from the norm. The ECG may show incomplete blockade right leg of the Hiss bundle (which also occurs in absolutely healthy children), less often - overload of both atria.

The main method for diagnosing PFO is echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart). It is better if the device on which the study is carried out has a color Doppler cardiography attachment. This will allow you to see the presence of even a small discharge of blood through the open oval window.

The presence of PFO in children under 2 years of age is normal and, in the absence of other heart diseases, should not cause concern. If the window has not closed after 2 years, this is also no reason to panic. Regular visits to the cardiologist and periodic repetition of heart ultrasound will help parents not let the situation get out of control and monitor the size of the hole. In a certain percentage of children, it nevertheless heals completely. If this does not happen, you need to decide with your doctor what to do next.

★★★★★★★In general, the main thing is what size it is and whether it will be overgrown by the age of 2 years. Beware of coughing and physical exertion - as I understand.

A patent foramen ovale is not a heart defect. Every child is born with it. When the baby takes his first breath, his blood circulation will begin to work normally, and the need for it will disappear. The window disappears when the pressure in the left atrium becomes higher than in the right. Usually, the valve is overgrown with connective tissue, after which the LLC disappears.

If the hole is not completely closed or is not closed at all, blood is discharged from the right chamber to the left. That’s when they talk about the diagnosis of “patent foramen ovale” in an infant. According to statistics, more than 40% of adults suffer from it. Is it really that dangerous? Let's take a closer look.

Features of the disease

Depending on age, the disease may differ. So, in infants, a window that is not completely closed cannot open from physical overexertion, therefore, only pathologies can become the cause of LLC.

Symptoms in different ages is also different.

  • For example, infants do not gain weight well, become irritable, and may experience cyanosis.
  • Older children experience developmental delays and restlessness.
  • LLC in adolescence characterized by low endurance, fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

If the open oval window has closed, then it will no longer be able to open.

You can see what an open oval window looks like in the following video:

Classification of open oval window

LLC is located with inside the left wall of the right atrium, namely at the bottom of the fossa ovale. Most often it has a small size (up to 2.5 mm) and an elongated shape, similar to a slit. The oval window is classified by size, which can be:

  1. small;
  2. average;
  3. big;

A large window can reach 20 mm, then they speak of complete non-closure, which is a wide round hole.


The causes of the disease are not fully understood. To the appearance of an open oval window in infant Some factors like:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. prematurity;
  3. heart defects;
  4. connective tissue dysplasia;
  5. negative impact of the external environment;
  6. use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol during pregnancy;
  7. genetic abnormalities;

There is a risk of the oval window opening. Thus, in athletes who are fond of weightlifting, wrestling and similar sports, the oval window may open due to heavy physical exertion. The following are also at risk:

  1. divers and divers;
  2. patients with thrombophlebitis;
  3. patients with pulmonary embolism;

It should be noted that the opening of the oval window is observed in people with an open foramen. The reasons for non-union are not fully understood.


In most cases, LLC proceeds without specific signs with very few symptoms. TO indirect signs The disease can include a whole group of symptoms such as:

  1. pale skin;
  2. cyanosis in the lip area during physical load;
  3. slow physical development in children;
  4. fainting;
  5. dizziness;
  6. headaches;
  7. shortness of breath;
  8. low endurance;

However, these symptoms are indirect and cannot be used to diagnose the disease.


To diagnose an open oval window, it is necessary to undergo hardware examinations, for which a doctor gives a referral. The doctor collects an anamnesis of complaints and symptoms, evaluates the patient’s nutrition, conducts a physical examination and, based on the results of the studies, prescribes:

  • General tests of blood and urine to assess the condition and identify concomitant diseases.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood to determine the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar.
  • Coagulogram to assess the likelihood of blood clots.
  • EchoG with Dopplerography to detect the valve of the LLC, cardiac anomalies.
  • ECG, which reveals heart pathologies.
  • Chest X-ray to determine the size of the heart muscle.

It is also possible to consult with other doctors, for example, a therapist. We’ll talk about the treatment of an open oval window next.


If the patient does not have pronounced violations in the functioning of the heart, then treatment of PFO can be limited to therapeutic methods and medications. In case of severe pathologies, endovascular treatment may be required.

In a therapeutic way

  • Limit physical activity. loads.
  • Eat a balanced diet, 4-5 meals a day. Pay special attention to vegetables and herbs.
  • Follow the regime labor activity and rest, do not overexert yourself.

It is also important to comply correct mode sleep, do not overtire the body.


Along with therapeutic measures, patients are also prescribed medications if signs of malaise appear:

  • Anticoagulants, for example Warfarin. Designed to prevent thrombosis and thromboembolism.
  • Antiplatelet agents or antiplatelet drugs, for example, Aspirin for prevention, or.

Drugs with other effects may also be prescribed depending on concomitant diseases.

Endovascular procedure

Now surgery is not performed because it has been completely replaced by an endovascular procedure.

During endovascular treatment, a catheter is inserted into the artery. An occluder is installed at the end of the catheter, which occludes the oval window when inserted.

Disease prevention

There is no specific prevention of LLC. To prevent opening an uncovered window, it is important:

  • Maintain balanced physical activity and do not overexert yourself.
  • Treat emerging diseases in a timely manner and prevent their complications.

Drivers and divers must avoid excessive loads and strictly adhere to safety precautions when working.

Read on to find out whether you are recruited into the army if you have an open foramen ovale.

Do they take you into the army?

An open foramen ovale fits Article 42, according to which the patient is partially or completely exempt from military service with the following categories:

  • B, of limited use if there is a disease with blood discharge. The conscript is unfit for service in peacetime.
  • B, suitable with minor restrictions if the disease is without blood discharge.

However, you need to remember that now there is a strict selection process for the army, and often people with any form of LLC are exempt from service. The final decision will be made by the draft committee.

If there is a risk called open oval window during pregnancy, it is worth taking care of prevention.

Prevention during pregnancy

There are precautions that a pregnant woman must take to reduce the risk of the disease in her unborn child, for example:

  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Compliance proper nutrition. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fried, smoked and spicy foods, pay Special attention products with increased content fiber, that is, vegetables, herbs, beans, etc.
  • Avoid contact with strong ionizing radiation.
  • Avoiding contact with caustic chemicals. things, for example, varnishes, paints, liquid medications.
  • Avoidance or timely treatment infectious diseases, especially rubella.

IN general principles Prevention comes down to following the principles of a healthy lifestyle.


The patent foramen ovale itself often leads to the formation of blood clots in the heart. Due to thrombus formation, there is a high risk of:

  • which leads to brain damage.
  • Myocardial infarction, leading to damage to the heart muscle tissue.
  • Kidney infarction, leading to death of kidney tissue.
  • Transient disorder cerebral circulation, which temporarily disrupts brain function.

You need to understand that insufficient blood circulation affects all human organs, and therefore can lead to other pathologies.


With proper treatment, the prognosis for patients is positive. After surgery, it is recommended to take medications prescribed by your doctor and keep healthy image life to increase positive effect. It is also recommended to regularly visit a cardiologist and undergo echocardiography.

Modern diagnostic procedures are able to identify even minor deviations, anomalies in the structure of organs and tissues of the body. Such opportunities help to begin the necessary treatment in a timely manner.

However, there are many conditions whose detection does not require immediate initiation of therapy or surgical intervention. This is worth remembering for young parents who fall into a kind of panic when informed that there is a small hole at the site of the fetal message in the heart of a newborn baby.

Often, when explaining the diagnosis, this is called a patent oval window.

Anatomical background

The intrauterine period of its development unborn child spends in amniotic fluid.

Accordingly, there is no need for active breathing, and the lungs are in a closed state. The baby receives oxygen through the umbilical vessels from the mother.

The heart initially consists of 4 chambers and is ready to work in both circles of blood circulation, but lung tissue does not function. Therefore, the right ventricle is practically switched off from activity, and for the life support and development of fetal organs, nature provides for the discharge of oxygenated blood from the right atrium to the left and further along big circle blood circulation to all structures.

This interatrial communication is called the oval window or foramen (foramen ovale).

Is it pathological?

With the birth of the baby and the first cry (inhalation), the lungs expand, the pressure gradient between the chambers of the heart changes, and the fetal window slams shut. Subsequently, connective tissue grows in this place, leaving only a hole.

There are many situations where the closing process is delayed. The hole remains open until 2 years of age in 50% of children, and up to 5 years in 25% of children. Approximately every fourth to sixth adult in the population can live peacefully, unaware of the presence of such an anomaly in the heart.

Based on various studies, doctors agreed that the fundamental criterion for alertness in the presence of communication between the atria is not the fact of the presence of a defect, but the age of the patient, the clinical picture and the size of the open opening itself.

When should you not worry?

If the hole in a newborn in the area of ​​the oval window has a diameter of up to 7 mm, there are no manifestations of disorders, then cardiac intervention is not resorted to. The baby is observed at the prescribed time. After a certain amount of time, a repeat echo-CG is performed to assess the dynamics of the size of the open window.

If the hole does not close in the first months and has borderline dimensions (5–6 mm), the doctor may prescribe drugs that improve metabolism in the heart, vitamins and restorative procedures. Such drug support, good organization of the daily routine and nutrition help speed up the process of overgrowth of the small communication between the atria.

Possible signs

An open oval window can manifest itself as cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle during feeding, crying of the baby, or straining while passing stool. The child does not gain enough weight, is capricious, and does not breastfeed well.

Quite often, the fetal opening between the atria becomes a finding only when listening to heart sounds and/or performing an echocardiogram. At the same time, there are no complaints from the parents of the baby.

Preventive measures

An open oval window of small size is considered a normal variant until a certain age of the child. As the baby grows, the hole should close on its own.

Genetic malfunctions or disruption of intrauterine ontogenesis can become a reason that interferes with the normal growth and functioning of the unborn child. That is why, while carrying a baby, a mother should think about proper diet nutrition, daily routine, use of vitamins and minerals, it is also important to follow the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Surgical treatment

If the oval window has hemodynamically significant dimensions (with mixing of blood), there is no decrease in the lumen of the communication over time, the child is referred for consultation to a cardiac surgeon.

New techniques make it possible to quickly and minimally invasively install a special “shutter” (occluder). Through a small puncture in the femoral vessel, under hardware control with the help of a guidewire, a synthetic implant is brought to the interatrial septum, which closes the existing fetal communication.


Most identified cases of PFO in newborns subsequently regress and end with complete closure of the interatrial communication in the first 2–5 years of life, without delivering obvious reasons for concern.

An open foramen ovale, which is small in size, is already considered in older children as MARS (minor anomaly of cardiac development), and can limit excessive physical activity and extreme sports for them.

Article publication date: 02/10/2017

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: in which cases an open foramen ovale in a child’s heart is a normal variant, and in which cases it is a heart defect. What happens with this condition, can an adult have it? Treatment methods and prognosis.

The oval window is a canal (hole, course) in the area of ​​the interatrial septum of the heart, providing unilateral communication between the cavity of the right atrium and the left. It is a vital intrauterine structure for the fetus, but after birth it must close (overgrow) as it becomes unnecessary.

If healing does not occur, the condition is called a patent foramen ovale. As a result, oxygen-poor venous blood continues to be discharged from the right atrium into the cavity of the left. It does not enter the lungs, where it should be ejected from the right half of the heart to be saturated with oxygen, but immediately, once it reaches the left side of the heart, it spreads throughout the body. It leads to oxygen starvation– hypoxia.

Staying open after birth is the only violation of the oval window. But not in all cases this is regarded as a pathology (disease):

  • Normally, in all newborns the window is open and can function periodically.
  • Overgrowth occurs gradually, but individually for each child. Normally, in children older than one year, this channel should be closed.
  • The presence of a small open area of ​​the oval window in children aged 1–2 years occurs in 50%. If there are no manifestations of the disease, this is a normal variant.
  • If a child has symptoms in the first year of life, and also if the oval window functions in children older than 2 years, this is a pathology - a minor anomaly of heart development.
  • For adults and children over 2 years of age, the window should be closed. But under certain circumstances, at any age, it can open, even if it is overgrown in the first year of life - this is always a pathology.

This problem is treatable. Treatment is carried out by cardiologists and cardiac surgeons.

What is a patent oval window for?

The heart of the fetus in the womb contracts regularly and provides blood circulation to all organs except the lungs. Oxygen-enriched blood reaches the fetus from the placenta through the umbilical cord. The lungs do not function, and the underdeveloped vascular system in them does not correspond to a formed heart. Therefore, blood circulation in the fetus bypasses the lungs.

This is what the oval window is intended for, which dumps blood from the cavity of the right atrium into the cavity of the left atrium, which ensures its circulation without entering the pulmonary arteries. Its peculiarity is that the hole in the septum between the atria is covered by a valve on the side of the left atrium. Therefore, the oval window is capable of providing only one-way communication between them - only right to left.

Intrauterine blood circulation in the fetus occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Oxygenated blood flows through the umbilical cord vessels into the fetal venous system.
  2. Through the venous vessels, blood enters the cavity of the right atrium, which has two exits: through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle and through the oval window (an opening in the septum between the atria) into the left atrium. The vessels of the lungs are closed.
  3. The increase in pressure during contraction pushes back the oval window valve, and part of the blood is dumped into the left atrium.
  4. From it, blood enters the left ventricle, which ensures its movement into the aorta and all arteries.
  5. Through veins connected to the umbilical cord, blood enters the placenta, where it mixes with the mother's.

The oval window is an important structure that provides blood circulation to the fetus during the intrauterine period. But after the birth of a child, it should not function and gradually overgrows.

Possible development of pathology

At birth, the fetal lungs are well developed. As soon as the newborn baby takes his first breath and they are filled with oxygen, the pulmonary vessels open and blood circulation begins. From this moment on, the baby's blood is saturated with oxygen in the lungs. Consequently, the oval window becomes an unnecessary formation, which means it must heal (close).

When this happens - the process of overgrowing

The process of closing the oval window occurs gradually. In every newborn it can function periodically or constantly. But due to the fact that after birth the pressure in the left cavities of the heart is much higher than in the right, the window valve closes the entrance to it, and all the blood remains in the right atrium.

Children of the first year of life

The smaller the child, the more often the oval window is open - about 50% of children under one year old. This is an acceptable phenomenon and is associated with the initial degree of development of the lungs and their vessels at the time of birth. As the child grows, they expand, which helps reduce pressure in the right atrium. The lower it is in comparison with the left one, the more tightly the valve will be pressed, which should be firmly fixed (fused with the walls of the window) in this position for life.

Children of the second year of life

It happens that the oval window only partially closes (1–3 mm remains) by 12 months (15–20%). If such children develop normally and do not have any complaints, this is not considered a deviation from the norm, but requires observation, and by two years it should completely close. Otherwise, it is regarded as a pathology.


Normally, in children over two years of age and in adults, the oval window should be closed. But in 20% it either never heals or re-opens throughout life (and then is from 4 to 15 mm.

Six reasons for the problem

Six main reasons why the oval window does not heal or open:

  1. Harmful effects on the fetus (radiation, toxic substances, medications, intrauterine hypoxia and other complicated pregnancy options).
  2. Genetic predisposition (heredity).
  3. Prematurity.
  4. Underdevelopment (dysplasia) connective tissue and heart defects.
  5. Severe bronchopulmonary diseases and pulmonary embolism.
  6. Constant physical stress (for example, crying or coughing for young children, intense exercise and sports for adults).

Pathological signs and symptoms

The discharge of oxygen-poor blood through the open foramen ovale into the heart leads to oxygen starvation in all organs and tissues - to hypoxia. The larger the diameter of the defect, the greater the discharge and the stronger the hypoxia. This can cause the following symptoms and manifestations:

About 70% of people with open channel do not make any complaints. This is due to the small size of the defect (less than 3–4 mm).

How to diagnose the problem

Diagnosis of pathology - ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography). It is better to perform it in two modes: standard and Doppler mapping. The method allows you to determine the size of the defect and the nature of circulatory disorders.

Image of a large patent foramen ovale during cardiac ultrasound. Click on photo to enlarge


In deciding questions about the need for treatment and choice optimal method two factors are taken into account:

  1. Are there any symptoms or complications:
  • if yes, surgery is indicated, regardless of the size of the defect;
  • if not, treatment is not required in both children and adults.
  1. What are the dimensions of the defect and the amount of blood discharge according to echocardiography: if they are pronounced (more than 4 mm in a child) or there are signs of cerebral blood flow disorders in adults, surgery is indicated.

The oval window can be easily closed using a procedure that is performed without a single incision through a puncture of one of the large arteries.

Endovascular surgery to close the oval window in the heart


The asymptomatic course of an open oval window in adults and children does not pose any threats and restrictions in 90–95%. In 5–10% of cases, when unfavorable circumstances (lung disease, heart disease, hard work) are added to this anomaly, a gradual increase in the defect is possible, resulting in clinical manifestations and complications. Operated patients recover in 99%. All adults and children with a patent foramen ovale should visit a cardiologist once a year and undergo an ultrasound of the heart.

The patent foramen ovale in the heart is a small hole located in the septum directly between the right and left atria. Normally, they should not communicate with each other to prevent mixing of arterial and venous blood, as well as pressure changes. This condition is a pathological phenomenon in adults and children of a certain age and occurs very often. Sometimes the disease does not cause serious physical discomfort, but in some cases it can lead to various violations at work of cardio-vascular system and requires treatment.

The presence of an oval-shaped depression is normal, because during pregnancy, while the fetus’s lungs are not functioning and its body requires additional oxygen, blood is transferred to the left atrium through this hole. The absence of such a duct in the process intrauterine development can lead to various anomalies and even the death of the child before birth or immediately after it.

When the baby takes his first breath, work begins respiratory system, and his lungs immediately expand. The increased pressure in the left side of the heart stops the flow of blood through the foramen ovale.

In a newborn baby, the foramen ovale in the heart should close within a few days or weeks. But very often during the next planned medical examination it turns out that this did not happen, and the doctor informs the parents about pathological abnormalities in the development of the infant’s cardiovascular system. An unclosed oval window in most cases requires some treatment, but the known children's pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky advises parents not to panic and not resort to radical measures. In his works, he emphasizes the fact that in almost half of all newborns there is no sudden closure of the hole in the heart septum and it can remain for a long time open until the age of five.

Despite the fact that an unclosed passage in the septum between the two atria can be considered normal for some time, there are other factors in the occurrence of a physical defect. They can cause the development of various pathological changes in the work of the heart muscle. These factors include:

  • smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks during pregnancy;
  • various malformations of intrauterine development (including infection);
  • taking medications inconsistently with a doctor;
  • hereditary factor.

If the child was born prematurely, this also increases the risk that the hole in the heart will not close, and blood will be transferred through it with a weak pulsation. With various anomalies in the structure and development of the heart muscle, a sharp opening of the previously connected oval window may occur due to temporary stretching of the chambers of the left and right atria.


In some cases, the hole does not heal even after several years of life. If a teenager has an unclosed window, then this defect will definitely remain with him forever. Why is this dangerous? In fact, according to official statistics, this phenomenon accompanies at least 25% of the entire adult working population throughout their lives. At the same time, restrictions are imposed only on extreme sports and activities associated with constant physical activity. Caution is necessary because the presence of an open foramen ovale in the heart in an adult can lead to sudden changes in blood pressure.

Cases with pronounced clinical picture diseases when the following pathological conditions make themselves felt:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders and tendency to thrombosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • severe headaches of a chronic nature;

  • excess normal level blood volume in the lungs;
  • exercise intolerance;
  • arrhythmia and shortness of breath;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • mobility impairment different parts bodies;
  • pathological changes in the right atrium (usually clearly visible during ultrasound);
  • systematic fainting of unknown etiology.

In most cases, the disease occurs latently and is quite difficult to diagnose, so it is detected by random medical examinations and checks. The lack of specific signs also complicates the search for the main cause of ailments in adults, because the above symptoms occur in various pathologies.

Possible complications

An open window in the heart rarely poses a serious threat to human health and has virtually no effect on life expectancy, but worsens its quality. But this pathology together with others chronic diseases respiratory organs, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, can lead to serious complications, which include:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • kidney infarction;
  • stroke.

In addition, a temporary disruption of the blood supply to the brain may occur, which can lead to memory loss, central nervous system depression, body immobility, numbness of the limbs and speech defects. After some time, these symptoms may disappear without a trace.

Treatment of the disease

If, during a medical examination, an open depression in the heart was revealed, but it does not bring any physical discomfort to the person, then special treatment is not carried out. For minor complications, prescribe various drugs, preventing the formation of deep vein thrombosis.

In some cases, the defect can be corrected through surgery.

Doctors often use special absorbable patches, which are temporary patches for the oval window.

During the period of their use, connective tissue grows, which subsequently closes the duct between the atria.


This disease generally has a good prognosis, but to avoid various complications needs to be carried out periodically ultrasonography(especially newborn children) and visit a cardiologist. You should also avoid physical fatigue and increased stress.

The same rules apply for teenagers. Parents should not send their children to boxing or martial arts classes, and it is better to avoid school competitions if possible, providing a certificate in advance about the presence of a birth defect.

If you exclude all possible risks and treat in time accompanying illnesses, then you can live almost your entire life without remembering this problem. Pathology is not an obstacle to pregnancy and natural childbirth, but a woman must notify her obstetrician-gynecologist in mandatory. In old age, the disease sometimes causes heart failure, so from time to time you need to undergo routine examinations and carry out prevention with medications or traditional medicine.
