Nutrition during fasting. Proper nutrition during Lent and an example menu for the week

The proposed Lenten menu for the week does not fully comply with the strict church charter. Although the ministers of the Church themselves say that strict adherence to the instructions during fasting is the lot of priests and monks, for the laity it is enough to simply refuse products of animal origin. How to spend Lent, it's up to you to choose. And our website offers an approximate Lenten menu for the week for those who have decided to carry out the upcoming fast with minimal restrictions.

Any menu, and especially a Lenten menu for the week, should always be replete with fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. All kinds of salads, green smoothies and assorted fruits should be on your table at all times. The more in the diet fresh products, the more vitamins, microelements and enzymes you get - enzymes responsible for autolysis (self-digestion of food). Constant consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits allows the body not to waste its own enzymes on digesting food. Yes, and this affects the figure the most in the best possible way, because it’s quite difficult to overeat vegetables, especially fresh ones. During fasting, give up store-bought juices and other drinks and prepare kvass with rye flour. And from leavened sourdough you can quickly and easily make homemade bread.

The Russian Lenten menu is very diverse. These are soups, pickles, cabbage soup and borscht, many vegetable and mushroom main courses, as well as Lenten baked goods and drinks. In vintage cookbooks Lenten recipes occupy almost more space than the meat table. But life does not stand still, and in our Lenten menu for the week we decided to use vegetarian dishes from a variety of cuisines from around the world.

Depending on your preferences, you can have porridge, salad or an energy shake for breakfast. The porridge can be prepared overnight by pouring boiling water over the well-washed cereal and wrapping the pan in a blanket - this way the cereal will retain more useful substances. True, porridge prepared in this way will have to be reheated. For owners of multicookers and slow cookers, this is easier in this regard - measure out the required amount of cereal and water in the evening, set a timer, and in the morning the smell of freshly prepared porridge will wake you up. If porridge in the morning is too filling for you, then prepare an energy shake from greens or wheat germ. To do this, grind a handful of greens or sprouted grains in a blender, add 1-2 fruits to taste and add clean water if it turns out too thick. Or stretch your breakfast over two times, drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning, and a couple of hours later having a more substantial breakfast (porridge or salad).


Dinner - Pea soup with pearl barley

1 liter of water,
1 stack peas,
1 tbsp. pearl barley,
½ carrot
½ onion,
½ parsley root
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
greens, salt - to taste.

Soak the peas overnight. In the morning, add pearl barley to the peas and, without draining the water, let them cook. Cut the roots and onions into small cubes, fry in oil and add to the peas when they are almost ready. Salt and sprinkle with herbs.

Dinner - Bishop's style potatoes

1.5 kg potatoes,
5 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. flour,
salt - to taste.

Boil the peeled potatoes, cool and cut into large slices. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry potato slices in it, at the end of frying, add flour, stir quickly and thoroughly and fry until golden brown. Serve with fresh coleslaw.


Dinner - Tomato cream soup

1.5 kg of tomatoes in their own juice,
1 onion,
5 cloves of garlic,
2 medium potatoes,
1 stack water,
100-200 g cashew nuts,
salt - to taste.

Soak the nuts overnight in clean water. Place the tomatoes in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. When it boils, add the onion, garlic and potatoes, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes until soft. Pour the soup into a blender, add the nuts and blend until smooth. Add any seasonings to taste and salt if needed.

Dinner - Bean croquettes

500 g of any legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans, mung beans or a mixture of them),
1 tsp herbs de Provence seasonings,
vegetable oil, salt - to taste,
breadcrumbs for frying.

Soak the rinsed beans overnight in clean water. Cook over high heat, wait until it boils and reduce heat to low. Boil the beans until soft. Drain off the water if there is any left and blend the whole mass with a blender until smooth. Salt, add seasonings and pepper to taste. Make small cutlets from the resulting mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve with guacamole sauce (sauce made from avocado, garlic, lemon juice and vegetable oil) and salad, tomatoes and cucumbers.


Dinner - Vegetable soup with ginger

2 tbsp. olive oil,
1 onion,
¼ head of broccoli,
¼ head of cauliflower,
1 tbsp. grated ginger,
3 cloves of garlic,
¼ chili pepper,
½ tsp. a mixture of black pepper and salt,
3 stacks vegetable broth or water
300 g tomatoes,
5 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Heat the oil in a large saucepan and sauté the onion until soft, add other vegetables, ginger, garlic, pepper, a mixture of salt and pepper and fry everything until soft. Then add water or vegetable broth, chopped peeled tomatoes, bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cook for about 20 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs to taste. You can add a little grated coconut to the soup, this will add exoticism and piquancy.

Dinner - Curry with mushrooms

300 g mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms),
½ large onion
6 cloves of garlic,
1 tsp cumin,
1 tsp ground coriander,
1 tsp chili pepper,
½ tsp. turmeric,
½ tsp. salt,
1 tbsp. tomato paste,
3 tbsp. chopped cilantro.

Sauté finely chopped onion in hot oil until translucent, add garlic and fry for about a minute. Then add cumin, coriander, chili and turmeric, stir and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Add 1-3 tbsp. water, stir and add chopped mushrooms, tomato paste and salt. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with fresh cilantro before serving. You can serve couscous or brown rice as a side dish.


Dinner - Lenten cabbage soup with mushrooms

600 g sauerkraut,
6 dry porcini mushrooms,
1 tbsp. buckwheat,
2 onions,
1 potato,
1 carrot,
1 turnip or rutabaga (optional)
4 cloves of garlic,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
Bay leaf, black peppercorns, herbs, salt - to taste.

Place the sauerkraut in a clay pot, pour 500 ml of boiling water and place in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Then pour the broth into a separate bowl, salt the cabbage, add finely chopped onion and add vegetable oil. Stir until the oil is absorbed into the cabbage. Then transfer the cabbage to the broth and put the pan on the fire. Boil the pre-soaked mushrooms in 1 liter of water, combine the mushroom broth with cabbage, add buckwheat and cook the cabbage soup over low heat until the cabbage is cooked.

Dinner - Red lentil cutlets

1 stack brown rice,
½ cup red lentils,
3.5 stacks water,
1 tsp cumin seeds,
1 red Bell pepper,
1 onion,
1 tsp corn starch,
1-2 tsp. vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.
For the sauce:
¼ cup coconut flakes,
1 tsp grated ginger,
2 tsp chopped mint,
2 tsp honey,
1 tsp soy sauce,
1 tsp lemon juice,
1 clove of garlic.

Pour water into the pan, put all the ingredients in it except starch and vegetable oil, cover with a lid and cook over low heat until the water has completely boiled away. Cool the resulting mass, add starch and mix well. Form cutlets and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. To make the sauce, add everything necessary ingredients into a blender and beat. Serve with any salad.


Dinner - Vegetable soup

2 medium leeks,
6-8 large potatoes,
1 stack frozen peas,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
2 tbsp. flour,
1 liter of water,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the leek crosswise into thin round slices. Coarsely chop the potatoes. Sauté leeks and garlic for 2-3 minutes in vegetable oil, add flour, stir and add 1 cup. water. Mix well so that the flour does not form lumps, add the potatoes to the mixture, add the remaining water and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are tender. Then add the peas, boil and simmer under the lid for several minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Dinner - Mexican rice

1 stack rice,
2 cloves of garlic,
1 tbsp. olive oil,
2 stacks water,
½ onion,
1 medium tomato
1 hot peppers
¼ cup tomato sauce,
1 tsp. cumin seeds,
1 tsp spicy herbs,
salt - to taste.

Pour oil into a deep frying pan and heat it. Add the washed and dried rice and stir until all the rice is in the oil. Heat until the rice turns brown. Stir constantly to prevent the rice from burning. Add chopped garlic, stir and lightly fry. Pour in carefully cold water, add the remaining ingredients and stir. Cover loosely with a lid, reduce heat and simmer for about 20-30 minutes. When the rice is ready, all the water will be absorbed, the rice will be crumbly, but not dry. Add spices to taste.


Dinner - Borscht with squid

200 g squid,
150 g boiled beets,
200 g fresh cabbage,
1 carrot,
1 parsley root,
1 onion,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. tomato paste,
1 liter of water,
salt, sugar, peppercorns, bay leaf, vinegar, herbs - to taste.

Thaw the squid, remove the film and rinse well. Boil the squids in boiling water, lowering them one at a time for 2-3 minutes. Cut into strips or cubes. Cut the cabbage into strips and boil in a small amount of water. Chop the carrots and onions and fry in vegetable oil, then add the squid pieces and tomato paste and simmer for a few minutes. Add stewed roots and squid to the finished cabbage, cover with the remaining boiling water, add spices to taste. Boiled beets grate on a coarse grater, add to the cabbage, boil and add salt, vinegar and sugar. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Dinner - Cabbage roll with mushrooms

1 small head of cabbage,
50 g dried mushrooms (or 200 g fresh),
1 stack buckwheat,
2 onions,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Boil water in a large saucepan. Place a head of cabbage in boiling water, removing the softened leaves. Disassemble the entire head of cabbage in this way, cut off or beat off the thickened veins and lay the leaves on a towel in the form of a path so that each leaf covers part of the adjacent leaf. Place the filling, roll it up, place it on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven until golden brown. For the filling, cook viscous buckwheat porridge, add mushrooms fried with onions, salt, pepper, stir. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.


Dinner - Fish soup

300-400 g of sea fish,
1 liter of water,
2-3 potatoes,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. flour,
bay leaf, salt, herbs, peppercorns.

Clean the fish, rinse well and place in cold salted water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add herbs and spices. Fry chopped onions and carrots in vegetable oil until soft, add flour, stir and bring to readiness. Remove the finished fish with a slotted spoon, strain the broth and add chopped potatoes. Boil the potatoes until tender, add the fried vegetables, boil and serve, sprinkled with herbs.

Dinner - American style pumpkin roast

1 small pumpkin
250 g pearl barley,
300 g broccoli,
1 medium tomato
1 onion,
2 tbsp. pumpkin seeds,
15 pitted olives
1 tbsp. olive oil,
1 tbsp. basilica

For the sauce:
5 tbsp. balsamic vinegar,
6 tbsp. olive oil,
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard,
1 clove of garlic.

Peel the pumpkin and cut into pieces. Fill in olive oil, mix and place on a baking sheet. Place in the oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the barley until soft in salted water. Make the sauce: Whisk all ingredients in a small bowl and season with salt and pepper to taste. Combine the finished pearl barley with the sauce, stir and let cool. Steam the broccoli florets, place in a sieve and let dry. Mix pumpkin pieces, broccoli and pearl barley. This dish can be served either hot or cold.

The proposed Lenten menu for the week is just one of the options for how you can combine different herbal products in a week. By eating a varied diet, you will provide your body with all the useful substances.

Larisa Shuftaykina

How you should eat and what you can eat during Lent is very important point, as spring begins and the body is reconstructed to new conditions. At such moments, he needs vitamins, so recipes for dishes that will be served during fasting must be carefully selected.

Pros and cons of fasting

The most important disadvantage is that it is forbidden to consume meat, fat, fish, chicken and quail eggs, milk, cottage cheese, butter and so on. It is these products that can supply our body with useful substances and vitamins. In addition, along with fish, vitamin D enters the body, which makes our bones stronger. Of course, during fasting a person receives much less calcium, but it can be easily replenished.

Fasting eliminates the possibility of protein consumption, so for a certain time a person is deprived of tryptophan and some amino acids. This can affect mood, immunity and activity.

It is not necessary to strictly observe fasting; this is the privilege of the ministers of the Church; for others, it is enough for others to adhere to less strict rules for a certain time, because spiritual cleansing comes first.

Of course, there are also advantages, the diet helps cleanse the body of toxins, this is a reason to diversify your diet natural products. Eating vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, various cereals, berries, honey is encouraged; all this is very useful for humans, especially for those who live in big cities. Plant foods are rich in potassium, vitamin C, B, and contain virtually no cholesterol or fat, which is why it is so necessary for residents of megacities who are accustomed to eating fried and baked foods.

What foods to include in your diet during Lent

  1. Since any source of protein is excluded from the diet, it can be replaced. Now there are many substitute products in stores, such as soy milk, meat, yoghurt. In addition, you can eat beans, nuts, and various cereals; they are capable of short time replenish protein deficiency in the body.
  2. The most important foods that help replenish energy are porridge with water and potatoes. Every housewife should have recipes for lean porridges, because they are very healthy and easy to prepare.
  3. No less important are vegetable oils. They can be added to any dishes or salads.
  4. During fasting, you are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, so you can safely consume 500 grams at least every day.
  5. In order for the mood to always be at its best and to avoid spring depression, an excellent breakfast option would be boiled brown rice with fruit, lentils or bananas.
  6. Spare no expense and go to the pharmacy for a vitamin-mineral complex. It will help strengthen health and immunity.
  7. And of course, we can’t forget about water. Drinking several glasses of clean water daily will help avoid digestive problems that may arise during Lent.
  8. The range of permitted sweets will be much smaller than usual. You can limit yourself to nuts, dried fruits and honey.
  9. It is better to have recipes for the first and second on hand, since you will need to eat at least 4 times a day. It is important to chew food thoroughly and reduce portions slightly. This way we can monitor our figure while dieting.
  10. If you don’t like certain foods that are allowed during fasting, then you shouldn’t force yourself.
  11. After the fast has ended, you need to be as careful as possible when eating meat, fish, dairy and fermented milk products, since the body has already gotten used to it. You need to approach your usual diet more carefully. It is important to remember that for children, the elderly and people with digestive problems it will be very difficult to start fasting, so the diet can be slightly simplified. Now we will look at recipes for various dishes that will become the main decoration of the table during Lent.

The most important thing on the table is the first course, so you need to prepare it according to all the rules, observing the nuances.


  • 290 gr. homemade sauerkraut
  • 240 gr. fresh mushrooms
  • some black peppercorns
  • 90 gr. fresh carrots
  • 90 gr. fresh onion
  • 20 ml. tomato paste
  • bay leaf
  • greens to taste
  • salt, seasonings if desired
  • 290 gr. young potatoes


  1. You can use vegetable broth or water, or prepare the base in a cube, it all depends on your taste preferences.
  2. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into not very thick strips. Transfer it to boiling, salted water.
  3. While the potatoes are boiling, chop the onion and carrots and lightly fry in vegetable oil until they are golden brown.
  4. Chop the mushrooms, you can leave them in large pieces if desired, and send them for frying. After a few minutes, add the cabbage, after squeezing out the liquid from it.
  5. When the vegetables and mushrooms are cooked, add them with a small amount of high-quality tomato paste to the broth with potatoes and cook until the cabbage soup is completely cooked.
  6. If desired, you can add spices, bay leaf, and ground black pepper to taste.

Of course, the preparation of this dish has its own nuances. Mushrooms are known to have a richer flavor when added to soup in their dried form, so don’t be afraid to substitute fresh mushrooms. The cooking process will also change a little: before you put them in the broth, you need to pour warm water for a few hours until they soften slightly.

Nutrition during fasting is no less important than spiritual cleansing, therefore, a lot of time and attention should be given to this.

Solyanka Lenten

Recipes for dishes that can be eaten during Lent can be found on the Internet, but in this article we have collected the most delicious and simple dishes.


  • 180 gr. pickled cucumbers
  • 180 gr. fresh tomatoes
  • 10 gr. flour
  • 60 gr. black olives
  • 90 gr. white onion
  • 90 gr. fresh carrots
  • 180 gr. fresh or dried mushrooms
  • salt, black pepper to taste
  • greens if desired


  1. Put the broth on the fire, add salt and bring to a boil. While the water is heating, prepare the remaining ingredients.
  2. Cut the pickled cucumbers into strips, preferably thin, but so that they hold their shape and do not fall apart.
  3. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  4. Soak the mushrooms first, if using dried ones, then add them to the vegetables and fry for about 5-10 minutes.
  5. Add chopped pickled cucumbers to the frying pan and simmer a little, then add to the broth along with the olives cut into rings.
  6. Pour a little flour into a dry frying pan and heat it until tender. cream color And the appearance of a lung nutty aroma, then sift and pour into hodgepodge, cook for another 10 minutes until fully cooked. If desired, add black pepper, herbs and seasonings.

Having considered the soups that can be consumed during Lent, you can move on to the main courses. It is in the first week that it is especially difficult for those on a diet, because the body is not accustomed to being deprived of meat or dairy products, so it is important to take a thorough approach to nutrition during fasting and try to prepare food that will be rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Carrots with honey

Surely, this combination will seem strange to you, but in fact, carrots baked with honey are very tasty dish, especially if you prepare it correctly.


  • 690 gr. fresh carrots
  • 290 ml. natural orange juice (can be replaced with store-bought)
  • 30 ml. natural honey
  • 50 gr. leek
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • a little spice to taste
  • carnation
  • salt, sugar, ground black pepper


  1. Peel the carrots and cook until done or half done in salted water. Cool, cut into not very thin rings.
  2. Prepare the sauce by mixing honey, Orange juice and finely grated garlic.
  3. Chop the leek into thin strips and add to the sauce. You can also send chopped herbs and spices there to taste.
  4. Pour the prepared mixture over the carrots, mix thoroughly and transfer to a baking tray.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dish for 20 minutes until fully cooked.

It must be said right away that carrots with honey are a rather unusual dish, so only lovers of such exquisite combinations will like it, but it is definitely worth the effort and time spent. If you like to bake vegetables in a sleeve, then you can slightly change the cooking method and thereby save time. In this case, you won’t have to cook the carrots, you just need to chop them, mix them with the sauce and bake them in a sleeve.

You can also find recipes on the Internet for cooking carrots in a slow cooker; this will be needed if you have digestive problems. This method will help preserve more vitamins and nutrients in the product. Of course, recipes for main courses during Lent are very important, but it’s time to move on to desserts. The list of sweets will be much smaller, because the products from which the dessert will be made can be counted on one hand, but if you show your imagination, you can pleasantly surprise your family and guests.

This dessert is worthy of attention; do not hesitate to prepare it during Lent.


  • handful of hazelnuts
  • 75 gr. dried apricots
  • 75 gr. prunes
  • 75 gr. any dried fruits
  • sugar if desired
  • water if necessary


  1. Cut prunes and dried apricots into thin strips and add a small amount warm water, mix, add granulated sugar if desired and leave to soak.
  2. Heat a frying pan and lightly fry the nuts, then remove the skins.
  3. Place the prunes, dried apricots and dried fruits into the bowl of a blender and grind.
  4. Divide the mass into as many pieces as there are nuts, then press each nut into the mass and give the candy a neat, round shape.

Of course, recipes can be changed at your discretion, you can add fruits, berries, it all depends only on your imagination. Instead of hazelnuts, you can use almonds, ordinary peanuts or cashews, but they must be roasted first so that you can easily remove the skin later.

Recipes for making classic apple strudel usually include butter and eggs, but all this is missing, so you can safely call this dish lean and eat it during Lent.


  • 380 gr. wheat flour
  • 140 ml. water
  • a little olive oil
  • a little vinegar
  • 4 medium apples
  • 60 gr. raisins
  • some walnuts
  • some almonds
  • 1 banana
  • cinnamon
  • some cranberries if desired


  1. Stir water, salt and vinegar. Sift the flour through a sieve several times, then add it to the water, knead the dough, gradually adding olive oil.
  2. The dough should be left for some time while the remaining ingredients are prepared. Peel the apples and cut into pieces.
  3. Grind the nuts, rinse the raisins thoroughly, mix everything in one container, add cinnamon.
  4. Roll out the dough into a very thin layer, add the filling and pinch the edges. Bake until fully cooked.
  5. While the strudel is in the oven, you need to prepare the syrup.
  6. Mix cranberries with banana, if desired, you can add any sweet syrup to taste, transfer the mass to a blender and grind until smooth.
  7. Place the saucepan on the fire along with the syrup, bring it to a boil, after which you can serve it with strudel.

It is very important that there are no seeds or any lumps in the sweet syrup, so before serving, you need to rub it through a sieve several times. In addition, instead of cranberries or bananas, you can use any other fruits and berries, in any case it will turn out very tasty.

All these recipes are great for Lent; the dishes will delight your family and friends.

What dishes should you prepare for your household every day during Lent? Oil Week is over, which means the time has come for Lent - the strictest and longest of the year.

How to structure your diet so as not to violate its requirements? What can you eat during this time, and what should you avoid? Find answers in our article.

Basic principles of nutrition during Lent

Lent in 2018 lasts from February 19 to April 7. The essence of nutrition during fasting is not just limiting a certain category of foods.

The true meaning is to pacify the spirit by pacifying the body. That is, you limit yourself in food in order to test your willpower and fortitude.

Pregnant and lactating women, children, people suffering from serious illnesses or after operations do not follow the regimen.

Too strong restrictions in nutrition, excessively zealous adherence to all the rules are fraught with serious negative consequences, so keep a balance and don’t go over reasonable boundaries.

The upcoming fast is considered the strictest of the year.
  1. In the first week (Monday to Friday), only cold dishes without vegetable oil are allowed.
  2. In general, the strictest days of fasting, in addition to the first week, are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from the second to the sixth week.
  3. The only thermally processed product that can be eaten these days is.
  4. But it must be lean - without milk or butter (even vegetable oil).
  5. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot food without vegetable oil and animal products is allowed.
  6. On Saturdays and Sundays, the diet can be expanded to include dishes with vegetable oil.
  7. But this does not mean that you need to eat monotonously and very sparingly. Spring is coming, and we all want vitamins, herbs, and fresh vegetables. Therefore, you should definitely include greens in your diet. Moreover, raw vegetables allowed even on days of dry eating.
  8. Pay attention to grains that you have not used before. Usually in our diet we use, at best, two or three types of cereals. But their range is much wider. In addition to the usual buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, it’s worth trying , barley, corn grits, pearl barley, millet, , lentils, wild rice.
  9. Be sure to include legumes and vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, , carrots, pumpkin, celery, bell peppers), mushrooms, fruits and nuts, seaweed, pasta (which does not contain eggs), lean sauces and drinks, dried fruits and .

Our recipes will make your fast satisfying

Lent cuisine - 5+ first courses

Lentil soup

You will need:

  1. 2.5 liters of water
  2. 0.5 kg lentils
  3. 2 heads onions
  4. 1 large carrot
  5. Salt and pepper to taste
  6. Bay leaf
  7. 2-3 cloves of garlic

Lentil soup

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Wash the vegetables, cut them and cook with lentils and bay leaves for three hours.
  2. Salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Add finely chopped garlic before finishing cooking.
  4. If the soup is too thick, you can add a little water to taste.


You will need:

  1. 5 medium sized turnips
  2. Parsnip root
  3. Parsley root
  4. 1 onion
  5. Pepper sweet pea taste
  6. Cloves to taste
  7. Bay leaf
  8. head of garlic
  9. A bunch of any greenery


Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place chopped turnips, parsley and parsnips in a saucepan with boiling water and cook until tender.
  2. At the end of cooking, add the head of garlic crushed in a mortar, bay leaf, salt and spices.

Lenten cabbage soup with mushrooms

You will need:

  1. 0.5 kg sauerkraut
  2. 30 g dried porcini mushrooms
  3. 2 onions
  4. 3 potatoes
  5. 1 carrot
  6. 1 parsley root
  7. 1 turnip
  8. 3 bay leaves
  9. head of garlic
  10. Salt and allspice to taste

Lenten cabbage soup with mushrooms

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Boil mushrooms in three liters of broth.
  2. Add chopped potatoes and finely chopped onion.
  3. Send carrots, turnips and parsley there.
  4. Squeeze out excess liquid from the sauerkraut and add to the pan.
  5. At the end of cooking, add crushed garlic, bay leaf, salt and allspice.

Oatmeal soup without oil

You will need:

  1. 2 liters of water
  2. 2 potatoes
  3. 1 carrot
  4. 1 onion
  5. 0.5 cups oatmeal
  6. Dried herbs to taste
  7. Salt to taste

Oatmeal soup

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place the chopped potatoes in boiling water, after a few minutes add finely chopped onions, carrots and dried herbs.
  2. Salt, add cereals and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Millet kulesh

You will need:

  1. 8 potatoes
  2. ¾ cup millet cereal
  3. 2 onions
  4. 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  5. Dried herbs
  6. Salt to taste

Millet kulesh

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place the potatoes, cut into slices, into boiling water.
  2. Bring to a boil, add millet and cook until tender.
  3. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add onions fried in vegetable oil.
  4. Sprinkle with dried herbs before serving.

Main dishes for the Lenten menu

The main dishes for fasting for every day are easy to prepare in. So, I often prepare mashed peas and potatoes with zucchini.

Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker

You will need:

  1. 4 potatoes
  2. 1 zucchini
  3. 1 onion (preferably sweet varieties)
  4. 2 cloves garlic
  5. A couple of tablespoons of olive oil
  6. Salt, pepper - to taste
  7. Fresh herbs for serving

Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Peel the prepared potatoes and cut into cubes. Cut the zucchini into half rings or cubes.
  2. Chop the onion and fry in a slow cooker in olive oil. Send vegetables, spices, and salt there.
  3. Set to “Stew” or “Simmer” mode (depending on your model) for 40-50 minutes.

You will need:

  1. 0.5 kg champignons
  2. 1 cup rice
  3. 1 carrot
  4. 1 onion
  5. 2 glasses of water
  6. Vegetable oil for frying
  7. Salt and spices to taste

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry in a multicooker bowl in vegetable oil.
  2. Add sliced ​​mushrooms there too. Fry everything together for a few minutes, then add salt, add spices and add rice to the mixture.
  3. Carefully pour in water so that the vegetable and rice layers do not mix. Cook in the “Pilaf” mode, then the equipment will do everything itself.
  4. Serve the finished dish, garnished with chopped herbs.

Oatmeal cutlets

You will need:

  1. Half a glass of boiling water
  2. 1 cup oatmeal
  3. 3-4 champignons
  4. 1 potato
  5. 1 onion
  6. 2 cloves garlic
  7. Salt, spices to taste
  8. Oil for frying

Oatmeal cutlets

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour boiling water over the oatmeal in a saucepan and leave, covered, to soak. 20-30 minutes will be enough.
  2. Wash the peeled potatoes well and grate them. Grate the onion in the same way.
  3. Cut the champignons into cubes, chop the greens and pass the garlic through a garlic press (you can grate it on a fine grater).
  4. Mix all ingredients, add salt and pepper. The finished mass should be moderately liquid - so that you can scoop it up with a spoon.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry, spooning them into the hot oil.
  6. Fry over medium heat until a beautiful golden brown crust forms.
  7. After turning over to the second side, fry over medium heat for a minute, then cover the pan with a lid and fry the cutlets for another 3-5 minutes over low heat.
  8. You can serve the cutlets with mashed potatoes, boiled peas or fresh vegetables.

Lent dishes for every day - salads and sauces

Dishes without vegetable oil that can be cooked are first of all.

Refueling for them can be lemon juice, a mixture of vinegar and sugar, guacamole, tomato sauce.

You will need:

  1. 2 avocados
  2. 1 clove of garlic
  3. Salt and black pepper to taste
  4. 2 tsp. lime or lemon juice

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. To prepare guacamole sauce, beat the pulp, garlic clove, salt, black pepper and lime or lemon juice in a blender.
  2. If desired, you can add other spices, any pepper or herbs that you like to the mixture.

Tomato sauce

You will need:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  2. 3 cloves garlic
  3. Adjika to taste
  4. Half a bunch of finely chopped greens
  5. Salt to taste

Tomato sauce

Step-by-step preparation

  1. To prepare lean tomato sauce, mix tomato paste, finely chopped garlic, adjika, salt and finely chopped herbs.

Spicy ginger sauce

You will need:

  1. 60 ml rice vinegar
  2. 1 clove of garlic
  3. 1 small shallot
  4. 2 tbsp. l. grated fresh ginger
  5. 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce

Ginger sauce

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Grind all ingredients to a puree and add to dishes to taste.

Mustard sauce

You will need:

  1. 100 grams mustard powder
  2. 4 tbsp. l. natural vinegar
  3. 0.5 tsp. salt
  4. 2 tbsp. powdered sugar
  5. Cinnamon to taste
  6. Cloves to taste
  7. Nutmeg to taste

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The first step is to prepare a paste from mustard powder.
  2. To do this, brew it with a small amount of boiling water and stir quickly to form a thick paste.
  3. When there are no dry lumps of powder left, we slowly begin to add more boiling water.
  4. In total we will need about two glasses of water. Leave the poured mustard to soak for a day.
  5. Then drain excess water. This must be done carefully so as not to “disturb” the mustard grounds that have settled at the bottom of the container.
  6. Add all the other ingredients to the resulting paste, leave for another 3-4 hours and then you can use it.
  7. The sauce should be stored in a tightly closed jar.

You will need:

  1. Pulp of one apple
  2. Half a can of canned pineapple
  3. 0.5 cups orange juice

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. For fruit or vegetable salads An unusual apple-pineapple sauce is perfect.
  2. To prepare it, mix the pulp of one apple, a cup of pineapple pulp and half a glass of orange juice in a blender.

Raw beet snack

You will need:

  1. 3 medium beets
  2. 1 onion
  3. 3 cloves garlic
  4. 1 tsp.
  5. 0.5 tsp. ground red pepper
  6. 0.5 tbsp. l. natural vinegar
  7. 0.5 tbsp. l. Sahara
  8. 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Raw beet snack

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, I often cook beets. Try the beetroot salad with spices too.
  2. Wash and peel raw beets. Grate, add salt and set aside. Mix sugar and vinegar in a bowl, then combine with grated beets. Leave to marinate for 2 hours.
  3. After the beets have been pickled, drain off the resulting juice.
  4. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until it turns dark golden brown and remove from the pan.
  5. In the future, we will only need the remaining aromatic oil without onions.
  6. Sprinkle red pepper, ground cilantro seeds and minced garlic over the beets. Pour hot oil over everything.
  7. Mix well and the salad is ready. In the same way, you can make this appetizer with carrots or cabbage, or you can try making an assortment by mixing several types of vegetables at once.

Tender bean pate

You will need:

  1. 200 grams of mushrooms
  2. 100 grams of dry beans
  3. Dill to taste
  4. 1 onion
  5. 1 medium sized carrot
  6. 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Nutmeg, black pepper, dried basil - to taste

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Boil the beans and let them drain. Fry the onion in half rings in oil, add grated carrots, washed and chopped mushrooms.
  2. Fry everything together for a few minutes, then cover the pan and simmer a little more over low heat.
  3. Combine the boiled beans, vegetable mixture, salt and spices and beat the pate well with a blender (you can pass it through a fine mesh meat grinder twice).
  4. Press the pate tightly into the mold and leave for several hours until it cools completely and the ingredients become friends.

Lent dishes for every day - sweet recipes

So that at the end of the fast all your thoughts do not come down to food, periodically prepare sweets.

For example, according to one of the recipes below.

Crackers with flax seeds

You will need:

  1. 150 grams of flour
  2. 60 ml cold water
  3. 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  4. 3 tbsp. l. flax seeds
  5. 1 tsp. salt
  6. 0.5 tsp. baking powder
  7. 2 tbsp. l. Sahara

Crackers with flax seeds

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients, mix oil and water separately, pour into flour mixture and knead well.
  2. The finished dough should be thick, like dumplings. Place the dough in a bag for 15-20 minutes, then roll it out into a thin layer 3-4 mm thick.
  3. The dough is rolled out very thin and cut into diamonds or squares with a knife.
  4. It is better to do this immediately on baking paper so that you can immediately bake without transferring it from the table to a baking sheet.
  5. Bake in the oven at 200⁰C (preheat the oven in advance). Check the readiness of the cookies appearance- the crackers should be browned.
  6. In addition, you can add any nuts or seeds that you like to cookies.

Sea buckthorn marmalade

You will need:

  1. 250 grams of sea buckthorn puree
  2. 5 grams agar-agar
  3. 100 grams of water
  4. 100 g sugar

Sea buckthorn marmalade

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. In a saucepan or thick-bottomed saucepan, soak the agar-agar in water and leave to soak. Meanwhile, bring the mixture to a boil in another saucepan berry puree and sugar.
  2. Combine both liquids in a saucepan and bring everything together to a boil.
  3. Boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. The mass in the saucepan will be quite viscous.
  4. Pour the finished marmalade into molds and leave to harden in a cool place.

You will need:

  1. 200 ml soy milk (can be nut or rice)
  2. 350 ml coconut milk
  3. 80 grams cocoa powder
  4. 200 grams of dried dates
  5. 2 tsp. starch
  6. A pinch of salt

Diet ice cream

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Remove the pits from the dates, pour coconut milk over the pulp, add salt and boil.
  2. Add cocoa and beat the mixture in a blender until smooth. If desired, the mixture can be strained through a sieve, which will make the ice cream smoother, but this is not necessary.
  3. Return the mixture to a low heat.
  4. Mix starch and cold soy milk, add to the mixture that is already heated on the fire and boil everything together.
  5. Cool and freeze. If you have an ice cream maker, your worries end here, just freeze the mixture in it according to the instructions for your unit.
  6. If you work manually, like me, you will need to put the cold mixture in the freezer and beat it with a fork every half hour.
  7. In total, you will have to stir 9-10 times (that is, the first 4 hours of freezing).

In addition, you can eat any jams, fruit drinks and fruit purees.

Videos about dishes during Lent for every day will be useful for novice cooks, because with their help you can see the preparation of dishes step by step.

The post was not invented for fun and gastronomic delights. But this is not a reason to eat fried potatoes with pickles and pasta with ketchup for forty days. They will not make your soul happier, but your health will be seriously undermined. There is a great variety of healthy and very satisfying food that meets the strictest Lenten rules! In addition, Lent is an ideal time to revive forgotten recipes and find new delights in long-familiar products.

Our Porridge is the best option for a Lenten menu

Russian porridge- this is not food, this is philosophy. It includes our entire history, starting from pagan times; hints at long-suffering and frugality, not to mention hospitability and hard work... For centuries now we have seen porridge in pots, we have to eat it with a large family with wooden spoons - and the instructions are funny to us " pour boiling water over and eat immediately"What kind of philosophy is this, if immediately? Porridge is a leisurely thing that pays a hundredfold for patience. the main idea Here it is: porridge is never tasteless. It just needs to be cooked correctly.

There you are the clearest example: pearl barley. Or “pearl”, barley from which noble whiskey is made.

Rinse it, pour plenty of boiling water, wrap it in a blanket and let it stand for 8-10 hours. Then drain the water, pour boiling water over the cereal again and cook for about fifteen minutes. Let's turn to our Middle European brothers, the Lithuanians, for experience - they love " glass porridge"Fry onion rings in vegetable oil, and then add grated potatoes. Add prepared pearl barley and spices.

A similar story happens with buckwheat porridge, which for some reason is eaten exclusively with cutlets or milk. Did you know that in the fashionable West, buckwheat (kasha, as they say) is a newly discovered organic product, along with the ancient Aztec amaranth and quinoa? There, however, for some reason it is believed that buckwheat must be mixed with whipped egg white before cooking - otherwise, they say, it will not turn out crumbly. You can simply fry good buckwheat with vegetable oil - even on a baking sheet - and then let it try not to crumble! I don’t know if it’s necessary to say that buckwheat is very good with fried onions, extremely good with carrots, peppers, eggplants, and just very, very good with mushrooms?

But you probably have no idea that buckwheat is eaten with great pleasure in Korea! It is used to make sae me duk - steamed buns. To do this, take buckwheat flour, a little salt and enough water to make a stiff dough. It is kneaded, rolled out a centimeter thick and cut into small squares, which must be greased with vegetable oil and placed in a double boiler for 10 minutes. This amazing dish is served warm on major holidays.

The Japanese make noodles from buckwheat, and porridge is extremely popular in Jewish cuisine." Varniškės": you need to fry a little onions (in the original - in chicken fat), cook the porridge separately, separately - twice as much pasta fusili type. Combine it all, warm it up, eat it and be surprised. In general, if you are tired (and for for a long time you can easily get bored with fasting) the usual taste of porridges, mushrooms and vegetables, get yourself a spicy one" berber mixture", which can be sprinkled anywhere.

Go to the market and enrich the spice merchants there by buying 2 tbsp. l. cumin seeds, 1 tbsp. l. cardamom seeds, black peppercorns, fenugreek (aka fenugreek or shamballa) and coriander, half a spoon of allspice, a couple of dozen clove buds, 5 tbsp. l. red pepper and a tablespoon each of dried ginger, turmeric, paprika and cinnamon. Place the first seven spices in a dry frying pan and fry for 2 minutes, stirring. Then add everything else (and more salt) and put it in the coffee grinder. This wonderful powder will bring you happiness.

We eat fruits dry during Lent and don’t complain

By definition, there can be no fresh fruit in Russia at this time of year. Sauerkraut, of course, is an excellent source of vitamins - but, alas, you can’t make compote from it. We can only rely on summer preparations.

Producers (both branded and Asian brothers) in Lately They try their best: any market is ready to offer at least 10 varieties dried fruits. With the exception of pineapples, which cannot be dried without the use of sugar, other fruits - even kiwi! - simply dry in special drying machines.

Quantity natural vitamin At the same time, of course, their sugar level decreases and their sugar level increases, but the benefits of dried fruits are still undoubted, because all microelements are retained in the required quantities. In the markets, dried fruits are much cheaper, but branded fruits guarantee freshness and complete integrity of all benefits. Chewing dried fruits just like that, even with tea, is not a very exciting activity.

Any dried fruits, especially figs, cherries and large prunes, combined with red berry juice can turn into a very delicious dessert. To do this, various spices are added to the juice: cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, sugar- and actually dried fruits. All this is boiled over very low heat: first without a lid for about forty minutes, then under the lid for another half hour - until the syrup becomes very thick. Can be served with porridge. In addition, many amazing things are done with dried fruits: for example, they stuff tomatoes, sweet peppers or eggplants with them. Or stewed with onions and red beans.

The main meat is mushrooms

If you don't take into account the newfangled soybeans, mushrooms- the main meat during fasting. They are in winter for most - this mushroom soup. For the especially advanced - mushroom julienne. It's not fair. What about mushroom caviar? A potato cutlets stuffed with mushrooms, with mushroom sauce? What about mushroom risotto? What about dumplings with mushrooms?

All this, of course, can be made from dried mushrooms, lovingly collected with your own hands in the distant summer... But it makes sense to pay attention to the counters with frozen foods. Honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletuses, white...

Japanese ones are also common shiitake mushrooms- world champions in wrestling cancer cells. Even giant portobello mushrooms (which taste like pure chicken) are quite common in supermarkets. This fantastic variety of mushrooms gives rise to almost daily experiments.

Here are some options. You can make sandwiches with tapenade from wild mushrooms: grind capers with olive oil and lemon juice in a mortar and season with salt and pepper. The result is a paste that is wonderfully spread on toasted slices of bread - and between them, impressive slices of mushrooms fried to a crisp.

From oyster mushroom The salad appears as if by itself: fried mushrooms, apples, celery stalks, lettuce leaves and dark seedless grapes. You can top it with a dressing made from lemon juice with crushed pine nuts, salt, pepper and a pinch of cinnamon. For the sake of variety, champignons can be fried in a wok with soy sauce, honey, sesame seeds and green onions (serve immediately).

During Lent, eat nuts

Nuts in our diet they play a completely inappropriate role. Either they sprinkle them on cakes, or on beets with garlic... And it seems that everyone only eats peanuts, pine and walnuts. Meanwhile, during Lent, when every protein counts, nuts are an irreplaceable thing. If they are fresh, this is practically a panacea for all the problems of the spring-winter period. And not at all as boring as it seems. They can be sweetened - or, conversely, sharpened.

In the first case, you collect different unroasted nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, pine. In addition, you will need orange juice, sugar, cinnamon and orange zest. From all this it boils thick syrup, to which nuts are added. There they need to be mixed thoroughly so that the syrup has time to stick to each, and then transferred to oiled paper and separated with a fork while they are warm.

Spicy nuts ( almonds, pistachios without shell, peanuts) are done in approximately the same way - you just need salt with pepper, chili, cumin, coriander, ginger, garlic powder... with whatever you want - plus delicious vegetable oil. And still a little bit of honey, otherwise the nuts will be separate and the spices will be separate.

Can you make the same mixture from seeds - pumpkin and sunflower. It makes sense to keep spicy nuts and seeds in the refrigerator for a couple of days - let them smell the spices.

Another option for enthusiastically consuming nuts is in a paste or sauce. Peanut butter, a cult product of American teenagers, has long been known to fans of the TV series. It’s easy to make at home: take roasted and peeled peanuts, put them in a meat grinder and grind them with a little water and salt. It is better to store in the refrigerator. Spread this paste on your cookies every morning, because nuts make you smarter - it’s been proven. Healthier Snack Option: sesame seeds, honey, cinnamon and salt.

If guests are going to come over and everyone is fasting, ask them to bring fresh apples, carrots and celery stalks with them. While they're running around town in search of these scarce foods, calmly grab your stash of raw almonds, lemon juice, honey, fresh basil, salt, garlic and ginger. Proportions are up to your taste. Pass it all through a meat grinder, adding water as needed to get the consistency of thick sour cream. When guests show up, cut the fruits and vegetables they brought, and let them dip them in your sauce themselves. Soon they will have enough to eat, become kinder and begin asking you about the secrets of mastery...

Voluntary refusal of food and abstinence from any entertainment is called fasting. True Christians who want to reunite with, decide to fast. But what can you eat while fasting to maintain strength for everyday life?

The essence of fasting

Many Orthodox Christians who are just beginning their path to God believe that fasting means giving up eating altogether. But this is not entirely correct. First of all, you need to limit yourself from activities that bring idleness and pleasure:

  • do not participate in pleasure festivities;
  • stop watching entertainment programs;
  • do not do bad things;
  • not fulfill marital duties;
  • do not use foul language or gossip.

Secondly, you need to stop eating fast food. Only lean foods are allowed.

There is a basic list of lean foods that can be eaten:

  1. Various types of cereals: semolina, barley, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley.
  2. Any vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, onions, beets, carrots.
  3. Fruits and berries.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pine.
  6. Bee products.
  7. Canned vegetables, fruits and berries (compotes, jam, vegetable salads).
  8. Seasonings, spices and herbs (dill, parsley, bay leaf, black and red pepper, cardamom, etc.)

You can eat during fasting, because this is a test, not a test of survival. In order for the body to function fully, it requires sufficient quantity squirrel. Where can I get it if the meat is in fast days under strict ban? The answer is simple, you should replace meat products with those that contain vegetable protein. Legumes (beans, soybeans, chickpeas, peas) are especially enriched with such protein.

Try making lean soup using any type of legumes, vegetables and grains. Season with spices to taste, and you will understand that fasting can be delicious. But don't overeat. After all, excess food is a violation of fasting. You should eat everything in moderation, trying only to satisfy your hunger, and not to eat to satiety.

When can you eat fish during fasting?

Fish is a unique product that is prohibited on strict days. To answer the question “When can you eat fish during fasting?”, you should study the basic rules for its consumption.

Most often, fish can be included in your diet when fasting days coincide with big days. church holidays. For example, April 7 (Annunciation), the last Sunday before Easter (The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem), the Saturday of Lazarus.

During the Dormition Fast, fish is allowed on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Peter's Fast allows you to eat fish on the following days: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday.

During the Nativity fast, fish can be included in the menu on weekends: Saturday and Sunday.

Special rules apply to people with poor health. When talking with the priest, you can ask for relief, then you will be allowed to eat fish products at any time.

Meals on different days

During the week, you need to know on which days you should relax, and on which days, on the contrary, you should completely abstain from food.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days of the most strict fasting. At this time, if possible, you should completely refuse food or you can allow yourself to eat very little raw, uncooked foods. In addition, during these 3 days you cannot add vegetable oils to your dishes. The main food is Rye bread, vegetables, fruits and unsweetened jelly or compote.

Tuesday and Thursday. These days you are allowed to eat food that can be pre-cooked or fried. But sunflower oil again, adding is prohibited.

Saturday and Sunday. Days of relaxation. You can make your own soup or cook vegetable stew with the addition of fish and vegetable oil.

This fast is the strictest and longest. Therefore, before you start committing it, you need to think about whether it will harm your health. Sick people and nursing mothers are allowed to eat even a little meat on fasting days.

You should refuse:

  • from any type of meat, fish and even seafood;
  • dairy and fermented milk products, eggs and even egg powder;
  • baking, since prohibited products are added to the dough during cooking;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces if they contain milk or eggs;
  • alcoholic drinks, as they have cheerful properties.

It must be remembered that fasting people do not eat at all on the first day of Lent and every Friday.

In the first and last 7 days, you can only eat vegetables and fruits and drink only fresh water.

On other days, you are allowed to consume honey, sunflower oil, and sometimes fish.

Are sweets allowed?

Some sweet tooth lovers are interested in whether it is sometimes possible to drink tea with sugar or eat a bar of chocolate during Lent? The Church gives a positive answer.

During fasting, it is allowed to add sugar to food; in addition, you can eat dark chocolate in small quantities without adding dairy components, dried berries, kozinaki, marmalade candies and honey.

Some Orthodox Christians believe that eating honey is undesirable. Old Believers and monks especially adhere to this opinion. But church officials are not against honey being present on the table of Orthodox Christians during Lent. They advise choosing buckwheat or linden varieties, as they contain many trace elements and vitamins.

Menu for one day of Lent

For people who have decided to start fasting for the first time, we can recommend this approximate diagram meals:

  • Breakfast: a piece of black bread, 250 g of any porridge cooked in water.
  • Lunch: lettuce salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with lemon juice and salt.
  • Afternoon snack: one apple or pear. A glass of berry compote.
  • Dinner: stew from stewed vegetables: potatoes, cabbage and carrots.

According to the clergy, the most important thing is the purification of the soul. But the question “What can you eat during fasting” has no such of great importance. The main thing is to sincerely believe that through spiritual and physical abstinence we...
