Allergies may occur to the fabric. Allergy to fabric: symptoms and treatment Allergy to synthetic fabrics

Allergy to synthetics - why does it occur, what are the symptoms and how to treat? Every minute in the world, five people die from the severe consequences of allergies of various kinds.

Currently great amount clothing and household items are made from synthetic materials. Millions of children and adults wear things mainly from such fabrics. IN modern world their range is very large and they are more affordable than products made from natural materials. These things are practical and are not afraid of numerous washes. True, they have a number of disadvantages: they do not allow air to pass through well and are electrified. Synthetics absorb easily foreign odors, often difficult to wash. In addition, many synthetic fabrics contain formaldehyde, which is extremely harmful to humans. Unscrupulous manufacturers often add it to fabric to preserve color. It is for these reasons that synthetic fabrics can cause severe allergic reactions.

An allergic reaction to synthetics is a very serious illness that can lead to severe consequences. It occurs, like any other, upon contact with an allergen, in in this case with clothes or household items (bed linen, bedspreads, pillows, etc.) Low-quality synthetic items can cause not only allergies, but also diseases such as asthma and fungal infections and even affect nervous system person.

Absolutely any person who thinks that he is healthy can get this disease tomorrow.

Any allergy is a hyperreaction immune system to foreign protein. It can appear at any age, even if a person has never had this before. This disease is caused by some chemical elements contained in the fabric.

If you are allergic to synthetics, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Severe itching.
  2. Redness of the skin, spots on the face, arms, stomach, back.
  3. Tearing.
  4. Runny nose.
  5. Breathing problems.
  6. Swelling of the face, neck, larynx.

Symptoms appear very quickly, within 10-15 minutes after contact with the item. They cause extremely unpleasant sensations to the patient. In addition, this allergy can lead to attacks of suffocation or Quincke's edema.

When such serious signs you should immediately seek qualified advice medical care.

First, it is necessary to treat the allergy, remove its cause, and relieve the symptoms. This can only be done under the supervision of an allergist. He prescribes all medications, their dosage and methods of administration.

Medicines to help cope with allergies:

  • antihistamines;
  • sorbents;
  • medications that relieve symptoms of the disease.

Then you need to conduct an examination to identify the antigen that turns a person into an allergy sufferer. There are a number medical tests, with the help of which this can be determined.

If the allergy has taken severe form, then treatment should take place in inpatient conditions in the department intensive care. In this case, the doctor will prescribe more serious hormonal-based drugs.

The only one reliable way to get rid of the disease - eliminate any contact with the allergen. You should not try to cope with the consequences of allergies using home methods without consulting a doctor. This can only make things worse. Some folk remedies can somewhat alleviate the patient’s condition, but they cannot cure the disease itself. Infusions of some herbs (chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort) help relieve redness and itching for a while, but you should consult an allergist urgently.

If you are allergic to synthetics, you will have to review your entire wardrobe and completely eliminate all synthetic items in it. In the store, carefully read the fabric composition on the label.

It is better to refuse to purchase a product if it contains a lot chemical substances with the prefix "poly":

  • polyester;
  • polyacrylic;
  • polyamide.

This is especially important for people prone to allergies. If there are signs on the item that the product does not need to be ironed or has been treated with chlorine, it is better not to buy it.

Sometimes it happens that after a thorough wash, a synthetic item may not cause any more trouble, but you cannot risk your health.

Allergy sufferers should choose hypoallergenic clothing, as well as bedding and accessories. We will have to give preference to natural fabrics over synthetic ones in order to preserve health and life. This applies not only to clothes, but to all things in the house.

Required condition successful treatment diseases - strengthening the body’s immune system with the help of vitamins, proper lifestyle, and appropriate nutrition.

The best way to cure a disease is to take measures to prevent it.

Allergy to synthetics is typical for people suffering hypersensitivity skin, and this reaction of the body can cause a lot of discomfort. The cause of the development of an allergic reaction is an inadequate response of the immune system to an external irritant.

Most common symptoms allergic disease observed among women. This is due to the abundance of synthetics in things and increased skin sensitivity. Cotton and clothes made from it are considered to be the least allergenic. However, even cotton can cause the development of an allergic reaction, which is associated with its treatment with chemicals during the manufacture of the finished product.

Most often, the rashes are localized in the décolleté, neck, lower leg, abdominal area, wrist and bikini area. These places come into most close contact with synthetic fabrics. At acute symptoms rashes can occur on any part of the body. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, allergies can become chronic.

Causes of allergies

Allergies to synthetic clothing occur for many reasons. The most common factors include:

1. Mechanical

Symptoms of the disease are caused directly by the tissue, which has low hygroscopicity and prevents the removal of excess moisture. When sweat is released, synthetics accumulate liquid in their fibers, preventing normal air exchange.

Excess salt excreted in sweat increases irritation and provokes the development of inflammatory diseases. The same reaction can occur when interacting with lint, wool, or coarse threads. Active contact leads to hyperemia of the skin areas and severe itching. As a rule, after stopping contact with synthetic things and in the absence of complications allergic symptoms quickly neutralized.

The child's body is especially susceptible to various allergens. Therefore, it is recommended to use cotton fabrics. Unlike synthetics, cotton has good breathability, which provides it with a number of additional advantages.

2. Chemical

In the case where the hygroscopicity of the material is quite good, but allergy symptoms increase, the chemical composition of the material should be studied. To improve the quality and give the material a marketable appearance, many manufacturers treat it with dyes, which contain various chemicals. Often such products contain Strong smell and very bright, unnatural colors. The combination of all allergic manifestations can lead to serious consequences, including poisoning and anaphylaxis.

Therefore, people with increased sensitivity are recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, and if this condition cannot be met, synthetic items should be washed before first use.

If all methods of protection are unsuccessful and the allergy symptoms do not subside, you need to get rid of such things.

3. Psychological factor

Sometimes there are cases when an allergy to the synthetic fabric from which clothing is made occurs due to a person’s high psychological susceptibility. This can be triggered by excessive information about the dangers of artificial materials, which subconsciously exacerbates the fear of negative manifestations.

The slightest redness, small blister or slight swelling causes severe phobia in the patient. However, it should be borne in mind that the psychological mood has great value and quite often even pure cotton can cause allergic symptoms in such patients. In this case, consultation with an experienced psychologist is necessary.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often allergic manifestations on synthetic fabrics are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of allergic rhinitis;
  • difficulty breathing, up to suffocation;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • hyperemic rashes on the skin;
  • The child may develop contact dermatitis.

With complicated symptoms, it is possible to develop anaphylactic shock accompanied by cramps, fainting and a drop in blood pressure.

Treatment tactics

As a rule, it is impossible to completely get rid of allergies, but there are a number of medical events, helping to alleviate this condition:

  1. First of all, you need to stop contact with synthetic fabric, choosing cotton or linen.
  2. Allergic symptoms are well neutralized with antihistamines(Claritin, Suprastin, Zodak, Zyrtec, etc.). For children, it is better to use the liquid form in the form of syrup and drops.

Quite common in Lately There has become such a thing as an allergy to fabric, manifested mainly in the form of various changes in the skin in places of contact with the allergen tissue. The main function of the fabric is to protect the human body from adverse external conditions. But what to do when the same tissue becomes the cause of allergic manifestations?

Origin of matter allergy

The most common cause of allergies is synthetic material. The cheaper production of synthetic materials leads to the fact that natural ingredients are replaced by cheaper and non-environmental, chemically produced substances. An allergy to synthetics is caused by the content of substances in the fabric such as polyester, acrylic, viscose, etc., which poorly allow air to pass through, preventing the skin from “breathing,” and also retain moisture, creating a “greenhouse effect” on the skin. Allergy to synthetics also occurs due to the use of dyes, fixatives, resins and other harmful chemicals in its production. The cheaper the chemical ingredients used in the production of fabric, the higher the risk of allergic reactions when wearing it.

Therefore, the cheaper the fabric, the more dangerous it is to health. Children's skin is much more sensitive to the effects of toxic substances, so children react much more strongly to exposure to toxic substances in synthetic fabrics. When buying bedding and clothes for your baby, you should definitely pay attention to the color of the material, avoiding fabrics with too bright colors, as they can cause severe allergic reactions on the skin.

It would seem that when buying clothes you should give preference to natural fabrics, but in their production, as in the production of synthetic fabrics, various chemicals are actively used to obtain the desired density, texture and color. Therefore, fabric allergies often manifest themselves in cases where natural fabrics are used: cotton and wool.

Increased sensitivity of the skin may be a consequence of the mechanical effect on the epidermis of small fibers of tissue, its rough surface. Signs of allergies occur when wearing underwear that fits tightly to the skin.

Signs and symptoms of “linen” allergies

An allergy to underwear manifests itself in the form of changes in the epidermis: skin irritation, redness, strong burning sensation and itching, blisters. In addition to the main ones, the following may also occur:

  • itching in the nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dyspnea;
  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • sneezing.

Severe allergic reactions such as bronchospasm and anaphylactic shock are quite rare and usually occur in people who suffer from many other types of allergies.

To find out whether bedding or clothing is an allergen and not something else irritant, you need to know its distinctive features:

  • An allergy to bedding can occur on all areas of the body that come into contact with bedding during sleep. Appears in the morning, after sleep;
  • if we are talking about an allergy to clothing, then its manifestations are expressed in places where the skin comes into contact with one or another tissue: on the torso, on the limbs or on the neck;
  • allergic symptoms appear the first or second time you use new clothes;
  • after the item is removed, signs of irritation disappear.

Therapeutic measures

If a reaction to underwear occurs, the first step is to eliminate skin contact with the allergen. To get rid of itching and other manifestations on the skin, you should take a shower and lubricate the damaged areas of the skin with anti-inflammatory or antiallergic ointment. If the defeat affected not only skin, but also the conjunctiva of the eye, Airways, appointment required antihistamines inside. At the same time, an extremely important therapeutic and preventive measure is the complete elimination of contact with the allergen material, therefore, when purchasing new clothes, you should carefully study the composition of the fabric from which it is made. If the allergy occurs not to the fabric itself, but to the dye used in its manufacture, it is necessary to use only white linen. When purchasing any new item, it is recommended to wash and iron it to minimize the impact of irritating factors on the skin by reducing their amount in the material.

If you have a strong allergic reaction to fabrics, it is important to carefully consider not only the choice of clothing and bed linen, but also curtains, rugs, and furniture upholstery.

To reduce allergic reactions to a minimum, you should strengthen your immune system, watch your diet, exercise, and harden yourself.

Folk wisdom will help

Like official, traditional medicine advises staying as far away from the source of the allergen as possible. In addition to general recommendations, there are very specific recipes:

  • Brew one tablespoon of celandine with two glasses of boiling water, leave for four hours, then strain. You need to drink 15-20 minutes before meals, one quarter or half a glass, morning and evening;
  • For full recovery For any type of allergy, you should use a fresh decoction of the series instead of tea or coffee for several years (!). Brew it like tea, let it brew for 20 minutes. Important: the broth must be fresh and golden in color (not green or brown, not cloudy), otherwise it should not be consumed;
  • The infusion of meadowsweet flowers (spirea) has proven itself to be excellent. One glass of raw material should be poured with half a liter of boiling water, then left for 10 to 15 minutes and strained. You need to drink one tablespoon of infusion three to four times a day. At the beginning of using the infusion, allergic manifestations decrease slightly, and completely disappear after a few months of regular use;
  • calendula flowers. Pour 10 grams of calendula flowers into two glasses of boiling water and leave for one to two hours. You need to take it two to three times a day, one tablespoon;
  • mumiyo. The most powerful folk remedy for treating all types of allergies without exception. Important: mumiyo must be of the highest quality. Mumiyo is diluted in the proportion of 1 gram of mumiyo per 1 liter warm water. A sign of a good mummy is its complete dissolution, without the formation of sediment. The solution should be taken once a day, in the morning, with warm milk. Dose recommendations: children 4-7 years old - 70 ml, 8 and older - 100 ml. In case of severe allergic manifestations, you can also use the solution during the day, but the dose should be halved. The effect of mumiyo on the body is so powerful healing effect that even children suffering from swelling of the throat begin to feel better literally in the very first days. The course of treatment should take at least twenty days, twice a year: in autumn and spring.

Adviсe traditional medicine very often they really help in the treatment of many diseases, but you should remember: you cannot self-medicate. Before taking any medications or folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.

An allergy to synthetics is typical for people suffering from hypersensitive skin, and this reaction of the body can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. The cause of the development of an allergic reaction is an inadequate response of the immune system to an external irritant.

Symptoms of allergic disease are most often observed among women. This is due to the abundance of synthetics in things and increased skin sensitivity. Cotton and clothes made from it are considered to be the least allergenic. However, even cotton can cause the development of an allergic reaction, which is associated with its treatment with chemicals during the manufacture of the finished product.

Most often, the rashes are localized in the décolleté, neck, lower leg, abdominal area, wrist and bikini area. These places come into most close contact with synthetic fabrics. With acute symptoms, rashes can occur on any part of the body. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, allergies can become chronic.

Causes of allergies

Allergies to synthetic clothing occur for many reasons. The most common factors include:

1. Mechanical

Symptoms of the disease are caused directly by the tissue, which has low hygroscopicity and prevents the removal of excess moisture. When sweat is released, synthetics accumulate liquid in their fibers, preventing normal air exchange.

Excess salt released through sweat increases irritation and provokes the development of inflammatory diseases. The same reaction can occur when interacting with lint, wool, or coarse threads. Active contact leads to hyperemia of the skin areas and severe itching. As a rule, after stopping contact with synthetic things and in the absence of complications, allergic symptoms are quickly neutralized.

The child's body is especially susceptible to various allergens. Therefore, it is recommended to use cotton fabrics. Unlike synthetics, cotton has good breathability, which provides it with a number of additional advantages.

2. Chemical

In the case where the hygroscopicity of the material is quite good, but allergy symptoms increase, the chemical composition of the material should be studied. To improve the quality and give the material a marketable appearance, many manufacturers treat it with dyes, which contain various chemicals. Often such products contain a pungent odor and very bright, unnatural colors. The combination of all allergic manifestations can lead to serious consequences, including poisoning and anaphylaxis.

Therefore, people with increased sensitivity are recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, and if this condition cannot be met, synthetic items should be washed before first use.

If all methods of protection are unsuccessful and the allergy symptoms do not subside, you need to get rid of such things.

3. Psychological factor

Sometimes there are cases when an allergy to the synthetic fabric from which clothing is made occurs due to a person’s high psychological susceptibility. This can be triggered by excessive information about the dangers of artificial materials, which subconsciously exacerbates the fear of negative manifestations.

The slightest redness, small blister or slight swelling causes severe phobia in the patient. However, it should be borne in mind that the psychological attitude is of great importance and quite often even pure cotton can cause allergic symptoms in such patients. In this case, consultation with an experienced psychologist is necessary.

Symptoms of the disease

The most common allergic manifestations to synthetic fabrics are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of allergic rhinitis;
  • difficulty breathing, up to suffocation;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • hyperemic rashes on the skin;
  • The child may develop contact dermatitis.

With complicated symptoms, anaphylactic shock may develop, accompanied by spasms, fainting and a drop in blood pressure.

Treatment tactics

As a rule, it is impossible to completely get rid of allergies, but there are a number of medical measures that can help alleviate this condition:

  1. First of all, you need to stop contact with synthetic fabric, choosing cotton or linen.
  2. Allergic symptoms are well neutralized with the help of antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Zodak, Zyrtec, etc.). For children, it is better to use the liquid form in the form of syrup and drops.

  1. In case the allergy to the fabric is complicated severe course, course recommended hormonal drugs outdoor use. It is important to consider that to treat an allergy to synthetics in a child, hormone therapy permitted only under the supervision of a physician.
  2. In addition, enterosorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel) may be prescribed. These drugs effectively cleanse the body of toxins, removing all toxic substances from it.

To obtain good results, you must strictly follow all treatment recommendations and not self-medicate. This approach prevents the development of complications.

Allergy to synthetics symptoms

An allergy to synthetic fabrics, typical for people with hypersensitive skin, can literally poison, if not life, then health. How to avoid unpleasant manifestations of an allergy to synthetics and what to do if the disease has already made itself felt?

The vast majority of clothing sold in stores is made from synthetic materials with the addition of certain chemical solutions and dyes.

Even if a product is listed as 100% cotton, this does not guarantee that the natural fiber has not been treated with chemicals during the manufacturing process of the finished product.

After all, it is through the use of non-natural substances that clothes acquire a rich and stable shade, and the strength and elasticity of the material increases.

On the back of the coin are acute allergic reactions caused by synthetic things. With constant and close contact with artificial fabric on sensitive skin irritation may occur.

The 5 most “favorite” areas of the body where itchy allergic rashes most often appear:

  1. neck (collar contact area and décolleté area);
  2. hands (especially wrists);

In critical cases, blisters and spots caused by intolerance to synthetics cover up to 100% of the skin. Synthetic fibers and areas with excessive sweating- armpits, folds of skin, lower chest (in women).

An allergic reaction to fabric is not always limited to dermatitis. Often severe itching and red spots are accompanied by peeling, bouts of runny nose, excessive tearing (due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes), suffocation, and can even lead to anaphylactic shock.

What is the fabric made of?

The composition of artificial matter includes synthetic fibers, which irritate the mucous membranes and skin.

The most common types of threads used when sewing synthetic clothing:

  • polyester- elastic and soft, but not hygroscopic material;
  • acetate- fiber reproduced from cellulose acetate, pliable, capable of maintaining its shape for a long time;
  • elastane- flexible and resistant to external influences material capable of returning to its original presentation after stretching;
  • acrylic- one of the products oil industry; durable and resistant, but poorly permeable to air and highly electrified;
  • lycra- strong, dense and at the same time very elastic fiber; widely used in the production of products that fit tightly to the body;
  • viscose - artificial material, the properties of which are as close as possible to the properties of natural fabrics; It is made from wood cellulose and has good hygroscopicity.

The moderate use of each of these fabrics in the production of clothing is completely justified. And allergies to synthetics most often arise not from the materials themselves, but from chemical products that are actively used for dyeing, fixing color, increasing wear resistance, protecting against moths and other treatments.

Causes of allergies to synthetics

Several factors can trigger the body’s negative reaction to synthetic material. It happens that the root cause of allergies is not artificial clothing, but the person himself. But first things first.

And so, the causes of allergic rashes.


The artificial fabric itself acts as an irritant due to its low hygroscopicity, which contributes to moisture retention.

When a person sweats, synthetic fabric not only retains droplets of liquid in the fibers, but also does not allow the material to “breathe”, and the necessary natural air exchange does not occur. Moisture does not have the opportunity to evaporate. And due to the excess salt in the waste released from the sweat glands, irritation only intensifies.

Photo: Rubbing with a cloth in the armpit area

The body can also react to lint, barbed threads, wool, and seams. Intense friction gives rise to inflammation of the skin, leading to redness of the affected areas and itching.

When, after removing a synthetic product, the skin calms down and such manifestations do not bother you, this is a sign of an allergy to the fabric.


If everything is in order with hygroscopicity and other features of matter, but the symptoms, nevertheless, continue to bother you, the reason for this must be sought deeper.

Namely - in chemical composition, which was used in fabric processing to improve quality and presentation:

  1. all kinds of dyes that sometimes color the water so intensely when washing a product;
  2. chemicals that, if accepted standards are not followed, betray themselves pungent odor oil.

All this can lead a person with sensitive skin to a serious allergic reaction, including poisoning and irreversible consequences. Therefore, before wearing synthetics, the product must be washed thoroughly.

If after removing clothes and hygiene procedures the symptoms of irritation weaken, you will have to get rid of synthetic things.


Often, the manifestation of allergies should not be blamed on synthetics, but on the person himself. Having watched enough “useful” programs about the inevitable harm of artificial matter, people develop a subconscious fear of irritation.

Many people have serious phobias regarding skin rashes in the form of red dots, blisters and small swellings. Self-hypnosis does serious things.

This may seem fantastic to some, but often even relatively harmless synthetic clothing can cause severe allergies especially impressionable people.

To understand whether this is truly a reaction to the fabric or just a psychological mania, contact a competent specialist for examinations and tests for skin sensitivity to synthetics.


But it happens the other way around - a person does not see allergies point-blank, not to mention manias and phobias. It's just that allergies to artificial clothing don't always manifest themselves. severe itching and profuse dermatitis.

Sometimes these can be rare spots that itch slightly.

Occasionally a person sneezes, perceiving this as dust getting on the nasal mucous membranes or a minor cold. Everything would be fine, but if diagnosed untimely, the disease can develop from a temporary stage into a chronic one.

How to identify clothing allergies

To independently diagnose the body’s negative reaction to clothing, it is enough to check and compare how the skin responds to contact with synthetic fabric.

Particular attention should be paid to hypersensitive areas of the body (neck, stomach, knees, wrists).

Do you feel tingling, itching, discomfort, does your skin turn red and become blotchy? In this case, there is only one way out - the complete exclusion of synthetics from the wardrobe.

If it's brand new, try washing the item thoroughly and check your skin's reaction again.

When the body reacts equally sharply to all things made of artificial fibers, this is a sign of a mechanical factor.

Allergies to certain items of clothing are typical due to chemical irritation. This means that such tissue has been treated with a substance (or several at once), upon contact with which the skin finds itself in unnatural conditions. normal functioning conditions.

What to do if you are allergic to fabric

What to do if synthetics, as it turns out, are an unacceptable material for the skin? How to competently approach the treatment of allergies in infant? And what to do if the disease manifests itself during pregnancy?

Clothes for a newborn baby should, in principle, not contain artificial fibers, since the baby's skin is incredibly sensitive. And the reaction to chemicals and rough material can be too unpredictable, from rashes to anaphylactic shock.

First of all, you need to get rid of synthetic products.

Why not check every artificial slider for a negative reaction? If it turns out that your baby is susceptible to synthetics, from now on look in stores only for things made from natural fibers.

Be sure to contact a specialist who will give valuable recommendations and prescribe treatment that is most appropriate for the child’s age and condition.

A child's wardrobe should consist entirely of things that are safe for health. Avoid too bright, saturated shades - this is a sign of an excessive amount of dyes. An atypical and unpleasant pungent odor should also be a reason for suspicion.

Can you be allergic to seeds? How to identify it and how to treat it? Read here.

During pregnancy

While a woman is preparing for the birth of a child, she needs to take care not only of her health. If future mom suffers from allergies to synthetic fabrics; during pregnancy it is better to be especially prudent.

First you need to eliminate the cause that causes the negative reaction.

This means that for all 9 months, clothing adjacent to the body (underwear, shirts, turtlenecks) should not contain synthetics.

It is necessary to notify the doctor early on so that he can prescribe medications and give general recommendations for safe wearing of synthetics.

Video: What to look for when choosing a blanket

The success and rate of treatment of this type of non-food allergy depend on the stage of its development (temporary or chronic).

The first step towards getting rid of a disease is eliminating the causes.

That is, keeping the use of synthetics to a minimum, wearing only over natural fabrics, or completely eliminating the irritant. How to treat further - with medications or folk remedies, everyone decides for themselves.


Ideally, treatment is prescribed by an allergist or dermatology specialist.

And to combat allergies on your own, you need to arm yourself with antihistamines.

For example, Desloratadine or Loratadine help well with complex exacerbations of the disease. And the elimination of mild rashes can be entrusted to such drugs as Fenistil, Cetrin.

Folk remedies

Common herbs:

  1. a frozen decoction of chamomile and mint will help quickly relieve irritation and eliminate severe itching;
  2. infusion on bay leaf can be used as a bath or to make lotions. A decoction of the same composition helps no worse than an infusion;
  3. A decoction can also be prepared from a mixture of herbs and chamomile. Wipe the areas of skin affected by an allergic rash with the strained liquid.

What is an atopic allergy? Read here.

Can a baby be allergic to cheese, and how does it manifest itself? Read here.

Preventive measures

To prevent irritation from turning into chronic stage, it is necessary not only to successfully treat, but also to prevent possible relapses. If you do not want to provoke new attacks of allergies to synthetic materials, give preference to cotton or linen items, as well as clothes made of silk.

First of all, this should be underwear and all products that have direct contact with the skin.

For washing, use only powders with a hypoallergenic composition.

An allergy to synthetics is not the most common type of negative reaction to an irritant. The symptoms of this disease are easily preventable and treatable, and provoking factors can be excluded at any time.

Choose clothes not only by beauty, but also by smell and color. Unnaturally saturated colors can cause allergic reaction, as well as foreign odors.

Clothing made from synthetic fibers usually costs much less than natural items. Therefore, not everyone can afford to fill their entire wardrobe with cotton and silk outfits.

And I also want to wear bright clothes. To ensure that the variety in the closet does not lead to monotony in the body's reaction, replace at least the underwear that is adjacent to the body with natural material.

Allergy to synthetics symptoms

The body’s painful reaction to food and medications is a common phenomenon and has been known for quite some time. Clothes allergies are enough new pathology, which appeared with the invention of various non-natural fabrics. The intensity of industrial development leads to manifestations that, if left untreated, are not so harmless. An advanced disease can turn into serious troubles and cause toxic damage not only to the skin, but also to internal organs.

Allergy to synthetics

The production of materials from non-natural fibers, which are based on petroleum and other products, affects any and all areas. If previously at least children's things were free from artificial inclusions, today items used for babies and infants are also at risk.

Fact! If a product contains 100% cotton, there is no guarantee that the natural fiber has not been treated with chemicals. The procedure is carried out to protect the fabric from fading and increase its strength and elasticity.

Explicit or hidden allergies to synthetics are part of our lives, but here is a list of unnatural and inexpensive fabrics that most often cause pathology:

For all its softness, practicality and amazing aesthetic properties, the materials are made on the basis of polymers. The widespread use of non-natural raw materials: from bedding sets to covers in cars, has led to the fact that more than 37% of people experience serious problems with health.

It should be noted that it is very easy to distinguish a material where polyester is used from natural one. The fabric has a gloss, shine, does not absorb moisture well, does not allow air to pass through well and accumulates static electricity. In addition, the manufacturer is required to indicate the composition, so you should carefully study the label, especially if an allergy to synthetics has already manifested itself.

Causes of allergies

Possible reasons for the development of the reaction may be:

  1. Mechanical. This happens due to the lack bandwidth fabrics. In other words, the skin does not breathe, due to which the sweat produced does not dry out. Salt deposits increase irritation, which leads to redness and itching.
  2. Chemical. May appear due to the use of chemicals during the manufacturing process of the material. For example, if the water changes color after washing, dyes are added, and during the cleaning process the item emits bad smell chemicals – processing was carried out with an abundance of prohibited substances. In this case, allergic reactions can be very severe, even fatal. This is why new items, especially those containing polyester, should be washed well first!
  3. Psychological. Often, signs of allergies occur due to psychofactors. Suspicious people hear various TV programs, exposing explanations and other “horror stories,” then invent a problem for themselves. And so, an itch appears, a rash appears on completely harmless things.

Regardless of the causes of skin reactions, you should definitely consult a specialist. Of course, if there was no improvement when changing bed linen and clothes. It is extremely undesirable to delay the treatment of the baby - children's body much weaker, because allergies often provoke pathological processes and irreversible changes.

General symptoms of diseases

If you are allergic to synthetics, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Redness and itching of the neck, groin, arms, abdomen, legs;
  • Wetting blisters and spots;
  • Focal formation of wounds with scabs, mainly when scratching itchy areas;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Sneezing, nasal congestion.

Sometimes an allergy to fabric manifests itself as colds: hoarseness, redness of the throat, cough. Symptoms manifest themselves in different ways, but usually go away when the irritating factors are removed. Skin rashes are among the most obvious manifestations, such as in the photo.

Fact! Allergies to synthetics or other fabrics can appear at any age. Borderline age conditions: infants and elderly people. In the first group, the skin is very delicate and there are no meaningful reactions to pain; in the second group, the skin is dry, so they quickly arise when rubbed. mechanical damage covers, which leads to the rapid formation of cavities and focal inflammation.

The beginning of healing requires determining the nature of the disease. After an examination and history taking, the allergist will make a diagnosis, identify the course and nature of the disease, and determine the root cause of the pathology. Subsequent actions depend on the dynamics and manifestations of the pathology. Most often, a course of medications (antihistamines), creams and ointments is prescribed.

Folk remedies are also good to get rid of an allergic reaction. A decoction of chamomile, mint, tincture of bay leaf (as a lotion), and oak bark are suitable. But alternative treatment must be correct: sometimes herbs are also allergens, and the course of therapy worsens the signs of pathology.

The most common diseases

Synthetics can cause both mild reactions in the body and develop into more serious pathologies:

  1. Contact dermatitis. It manifests itself as skin rashes in places of contact with seams and folds of clothing. Much depends on the quality of material processing. The dynamics of development are slow, the manifestations are not bright. Signs: pinpoint irritations that appear both while wearing clothes and after some time. The symptoms are very characteristic: at the site of contact, the skin first turns red, then bubbles with liquid, swelling and itching form. Treatment with ointments, creams and tablets. A decoction of celandine and string (lotions) helps children well.
  2. Allergic dermatitis. This is the body's reaction to polyester and other synthetic fabrics. The pathology has a sluggish dynamics, but for the first symptoms to appear, contact with clothing must be prolonged. Characteristic signs similar to eczema: large red spots on the skin quickly become covered with small bubbles with liquid, begin to burst, become wet, and then scars remain. Often the wounds become covered with scabs and scales.

Any of these pathologies is a reaction of the whole organism to contact with synthetic fiber. First, the allergy affects a certain area, then the toxic substances penetrate deep under the skin and touch internal organs and therefore it is important to stop the pathology at the very beginning.


Determining a negative reaction to fabric is not difficult. The slightest discomfort in the form of burning, itching, or rashes on the skin should alert you. In order not to aggravate the disease, it is better to refuse such bedding and clothing. IN as a last resort, wear a cotton shirt under a synthetic jacket - this way you can avoid direct contact with the skin and prevent the development of the disease.

Advice! You should not choose polyester for a baby or a pregnant woman. Even if natural fabrics look less bright, wrinkle and cost a little more, such inconveniences are not as terrible as poor health and major changes immune system.

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An allergy to synthetic fabrics, typical for people with hypersensitive skin, can literally poison, if not life, then health. How to avoid unpleasant manifestations of an allergy to synthetics and what to do if the disease has already made itself felt?

The vast majority of clothing sold in stores is made from synthetic materials with the addition of certain chemical solutions and dyes.

Even if a product is listed as 100% cotton, this does not guarantee that the natural fiber has not been treated with chemicals during the manufacturing process of the finished product.

After all, it is through the use of non-natural substances that clothes acquire a rich and stable shade, and the strength and elasticity of the material increases.

On the back of the coin are acute allergic reactions caused by synthetic things. With constant and close contact with artificial fabric, sensitive skin may experience irritation.

The 5 most “favorite” areas of the body where itchy allergic rashes most often appear:

In critical cases, blisters and spots caused by intolerance to synthetics cover up to 100% of the skin. Areas with increased sweating - armpits, skin folds, lower chest (in women) - suffer greatly from synthetic fibers.

An allergic reaction to fabric is not always limited to dermatitis. Often severe itching and red spots are accompanied by peeling, bouts of runny nose, excessive tearing (due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes), suffocation, and can even lead to anaphylactic shock.

What is the fabric made of?

The composition of artificial matter includes synthetic fibers, which irritate the mucous membranes and skin.

The most common types of threads used when sewing synthetic clothing:

  • polyester- elastic and soft, but not hygroscopic material;
  • acetate- fiber reproduced from cellulose acetate, pliable, capable of maintaining its shape for a long time;
  • elastane- flexible and resistant to external influences material, capable of returning to its original presentation after stretching;
  • acrylic- one of the products of the oil industry; durable and resistant, but poorly permeable to air and highly electrified;
  • lycra- strong, dense and at the same time very elastic fiber; widely used in the production of products that fit tightly to the body;
  • viscose- artificial material, the properties of which are as close as possible to the properties of natural fabrics; It is made from wood cellulose and has good hygroscopicity.

The moderate use of each of these fabrics in the production of clothing is completely justified. And allergies to synthetics most often arise not from the materials themselves, but from chemical products that are actively used for dyeing, fixing color, increasing wear resistance, protecting against moths and other treatments.

Causes of allergies to synthetics

Several factors can trigger the body’s negative reaction to synthetic material. It happens that the root cause of allergies is not artificial clothing, but the person himself. But first things first.
And so, the causes of allergic rashes.


The artificial fabric itself acts as an irritant due to its low hygroscopicity, which contributes to moisture retention.

When a person sweats, synthetic fabric not only retains droplets of liquid in the fibers, but also does not allow the material to “breathe”, and the necessary natural air exchange does not occur. Moisture does not have the opportunity to evaporate. And due to the excess salt in the waste released from the sweat glands, irritation only intensifies.

Photo: Rubbing with a cloth in the armpit area

The body can also react to lint, barbed threads, wool, and seams. Intense friction gives rise to inflammation of the skin, leading to redness of the affected areas and itching.

When, after removing a synthetic product, the skin calms down and such manifestations do not bother you, this is a sign of an allergy to the fabric.


If everything is in order with hygroscopicity and other features of matter, but the symptoms, nevertheless, continue to bother you, the reason for this must be sought deeper.

Namely, in the chemical composition that was used in processing the fabric in order to improve the quality and presentation:

  1. all kinds of dyes that sometimes color the water so intensely when washing a product;
  2. chemicals that, if accepted standards are not followed, give off a pungent odor of oil.

All this can lead a person with sensitive skin to a serious allergic reaction, including poisoning and irreversible consequences. Therefore, before wearing synthetics, the product must be washed thoroughly.

If after removing clothes and hygiene procedures the symptoms of irritation subside, you will have to get rid of synthetic items.


Often, the manifestation of allergies should not be blamed on synthetics, but on the person himself. Having watched enough “useful” programs about the inevitable harm of artificial matter, people develop a subconscious fear of irritation.

Many people have serious phobias regarding skin rashes in the form of red dots, blisters and small swellings. Self-hypnosis does serious things.

This may seem fantastic to some, but often even relatively harmless synthetic clothing can cause severe allergies in especially impressionable people.

To understand whether this is truly a reaction to the fabric or just a psychological mania, contact a competent specialist for examinations and tests for skin sensitivity to synthetics.


But it happens the other way around - a person does not see allergies point-blank, not to mention manias and phobias. It’s just that an allergy to artificial clothing does not always manifest itself as severe itching and profuse dermatitis.

Sometimes these can be rare spots that itch slightly.

Occasionally a person sneezes, perceiving this as dust getting on the nasal mucous membranes or a minor cold. Everything would be fine, but if diagnosed untimely, the disease can develop from a temporary stage into a chronic one.

How to identify clothing allergies

To independently diagnose the body’s negative reaction to clothing, it is enough to check and compare how the skin responds to contact with synthetic fabric.

Particular attention should be paid to hypersensitive areas of the body (neck, stomach, knees, wrists).

Do you feel tingling, itching, discomfort, does your skin turn red and become blotchy? In this case, there is only one way out - the complete exclusion of synthetics from the wardrobe.

If it's brand new, try washing the item thoroughly and check your skin's reaction again.
When the body reacts equally sharply to all things made of artificial fibers, this is a sign of a mechanical factor.

Allergies to certain items of clothing are typical due to chemical irritation. This means that such tissue was treated with a substance (or several at once), upon contact with which the skin finds itself in conditions unnatural for normal functioning.

What to do if you are allergic to fabric

What to do if synthetics, as it turns out, are an unacceptable material for the skin? How to correctly approach the treatment of allergies in an infant? And what to do if the disease manifests itself during pregnancy?


Clothes for a newborn baby should, in principle, not contain artificial fibers, since the baby's skin is incredibly sensitive. And the reaction to chemicals and rough material can be too unpredictable, from rashes to anaphylactic shock.

First of all, you need to get rid of synthetic products.

Why not check every artificial slider for a negative reaction? If it turns out that your baby is susceptible to synthetics, from now on look in stores only for things made from natural fibers.

Be sure to contact a specialist who will give valuable recommendations and prescribe treatment that is most appropriate for the child’s age and condition.

A child's wardrobe should consist entirely of things that are safe for health. Avoid too bright, saturated shades - this is a sign of an excessive amount of dyes. An atypical and unpleasant pungent odor should also be a reason for suspicion.

During pregnancy

While a woman is preparing for the birth of a child, she needs to take care not only of her health. If the expectant mother is allergic to synthetic fabrics, it is better to be especially prudent during pregnancy.

First you need to eliminate the cause that causes the negative reaction.

This means that for all 9 months, clothing adjacent to the body (underwear, shirts, turtlenecks) should not contain synthetics.

It is necessary to notify the doctor early on so that he can prescribe medications and give general recommendations for the safe wearing of synthetics.

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The success and rate of treatment of this type of non-food allergy depend on the stage of its development (temporary or chronic).

The first step towards getting rid of a disease is eliminating the causes.

That is, keeping the use of synthetics to a minimum, wearing only over natural fabrics, or completely eliminating the irritant. And how to treat further - with medicines or folk remedies, everyone decides for himself.


Ideally, treatment is prescribed by an allergist or dermatology specialist.

And to combat allergies on your own, you need to arm yourself with antihistamines.

For example, Desloratadine or Loratadine help well with complex exacerbations of the disease. And the elimination of mild rashes can be entrusted to such drugs as Fenistil, Cetrin.

Folk remedies

Common herbs:

  1. a frozen decoction of chamomile and mint will help quickly relieve irritation and eliminate severe itching;
  2. An infusion of bay leaves can be used as a bath or as a lotion. A decoction of the same composition helps no worse than an infusion;
  3. A decoction can also be prepared from a mixture of herbs and chamomile. Wipe the areas of skin affected by an allergic rash with the strained liquid.

Preventive measures

To prevent irritation from becoming chronic, it is necessary not only to successfully treat it, but also to prevent possible relapses. If you do not want to provoke new attacks of allergies to synthetic materials, give preference to cotton or linen items, as well as clothes made of silk.

First of all, this should be underwear and all products that have direct contact with the skin.

For washing, use only powders with a hypoallergenic composition.

An allergy to synthetics is not the most common type of negative reaction to an irritant. The symptoms of this disease are easily preventable and treatable, and provoking factors can be excluded at any time.

Choose clothes not only by beauty, but also by smell and color. Unnaturally saturated colors can cause an allergic reaction, as well as foreign odors.

Clothing made from synthetic fibers usually costs much less than natural items. Therefore, not everyone can afford to fill their entire wardrobe with cotton and silk outfits.

And I also want to wear bright clothes. To ensure that the variety in the closet does not lead to monotony in the body's reaction, replace at least the underwear that is adjacent to the body with natural material.
