What to feed a Scottish Straight kitten for 4 months. How to choose a diet for a Scottish Fold kitten

They are rapidly gaining fame. They are loved for their incredibly touching appearance: big kind eyes and miniature ears and a calm, meek character. Since this breed appeared as a result of a gene mutation, it is natural that some feeding and maintenance features are characteristic of it. Therefore, let's figure out together what to feed a Scottish fold kitten, how to care for it and how to raise your cat correctly!


What to feed your cat?

The nutrition of a Fold cat or otherwise a Scottish Fold should be balanced and complete. Veterinarians and experienced breeders do not recommend experimenting with feeding and not feeding purebred cats with table scraps.

Authorized Products

Absolutely all veterinarians give advice and claim that feeding Scottish Folds with dry food is correct. At the same time, the food must be premium; economy options purchased in supermarkets are not suitable for a purebred cat. Good quality food is sold in specialized veterinary pharmacies, pet stores, and pet clubs. The Royal Canin brand food has earned a good reputation; cats eat it with pleasure. In addition, please note that for feeding different age groups It is recommended to provide different types of food, taking into account the age needs of furry pets.

If feeding purchased food is unacceptable or expensive for the owner, because Royal Canin is not a cheap pleasure, then you can prepare food for your cat yourself at home. In any case, the cat needs to be cooked separately; you should not share your food with him. After all, cat food should not contain salt or contain just a little bit of it. Choose for your Scots some type of meat (preferably poultry or beef) and a couple of types of cereals; it is better to give rice, oatmeal or buckwheat. Cook the porridge separately and mix it with finely chopped heat-treated meat.

In addition to the meat you will give your cat, you can give him liver or boneless fish once a week. Excessive feeding of liver can lead to hypervitaminosis A, and this can cause fusion of the cervical vertebrae.

As for vegetables, according to most veterinarians, they do not provide any fundamental benefit to the cat. But boiled carrots will be the most beneficial for your cat. Remember that if you feed your purebred cat home-cooked meals, be sure to add vitamin-mineral complexes and calcium to them.

Without such supplements, bone mineralization processes may be disrupted, which in turn causes nutritional hyperparateriosis (weakness of the limbs). Hyperparateriosis increases the likelihood of accidental injury; in particularly advanced cases, it can cause fractures of the limbs or spine.

Prohibited products

As a matter of fact, almost all products for your cat Fold will be prohibited, except for those that we have already mentioned. Smoked meats, bones, salted, spicy or fatty food. Under no circumstances should you give your cat food that has spoiled, but you would feel sorry for throwing it away. The question of what to feed the Scottish Fold cat is very important and what can go smoothly for the yard Vaska can end in failure for him.

The issue of milk in the diet of lop-eared animals is quite controversial. The fact is that milk in the body of an already grown kitten is not absorbed or is not completely absorbed, so its benefits are quite controversial. In addition, undigested milk carbohydrates, in particular lactose, cause fermentation in the organs gastrointestinal tract and can cause distress. Therefore, it is better to abstain from milk in your cat’s diet, or at least give it infrequently.

And another taboo is raw meat. In rare cases, when you are 100% sure of its quality, eating it by a cat is acceptable, but in other cases it can cause infection with toxoplasmosis.

Nutritional features of kittens

It is not recommended to take fold-eared cats away from their mother cat earlier than after 1.5-2 months. Early weaning from mother's milk can negatively affect your pet's health in the future. Therefore, do not rush to take a kitten into your family, let him get stronger, and cat milk will help him in this as well as possible. The first food for a month-old Fold can be the specialized food for kittens “Royal Canin Babyket Intensive”, it is made in the form of a delicate mousse and the kids eat it without problems. In addition, he can be given oatmeal with low-fat chicken breast in addition to mother's milk.

The smallest kittens need to be fed often - 6-10 times a day. In addition, from one month to five months, the kitten is given low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat dairy products no more than 2-3 times a week. Boiled milk can be given for up to 5 months, then it is better to eliminate it.

As for ready-made food, the first of them is “Royal Canin Babyket Intensive”, from two months you can gradually get used to “Royal Canin Babyket 34”, and after 5-6 months you can switch to “Royal Canin Kitten Intensive 12” or “ Royal Canin Kitten 36.” These foods are given to a kitten up to 1 year old, after which it is considered adult and he can switch to adult grub.

What kind of care does a Scotsman require?

Scottish Folds are considered absolutely unpretentious cats with excellent character. Basic care for Fold will consist of regular clipping of claws, combing and keeping the fur coat clean. In addition, the cat should have its own corner where it can do its own manicure. You can take care of the short coat of Folds about once a week, since their fur is not long, this will not be difficult. And the cat’s docile nature will make this procedure very simple.

By the way, despite the fact that the Scots are a short-haired breed, they are recommended to have their hair done periodically. The fact is that they have an abundant undercoat, which can shed intensively. And the right haircut solves this problem.

The cat does not need frequent bathing, but it is still not possible to completely avoid this activity. In addition, you need to take care of your pet's eyes and ears. By virtue of anatomical features Folds are prone to turning in eyelids, so if you notice “tears” in your cat, go ahead and see a veterinarian.

If there are crusts in the corners of the eyes that the kitten cannot remove on its own, use special cosmetic eye wipes. Check your ears once a week and oral cavity pet. This is the basic care that is typical for Folds. A cat with an easy-going character should be accustomed to all procedures from childhood, then he will not be afraid of them and will trust you without any problems.

Subtleties of education

Raising Folds is, one might say, pure pleasure. They absorb information very quickly and easily and can be trained without problems. They get attached to a person easily and require constant communication, however, it is not in their nature to be intrusive. Therefore, it is better not to neglect the cat, try to show him your care and love from the first days, and in your absence, be sure to leave toys for the baby.

Folds are accustomed to using the litter box within a month, and they just as quickly figure out where to sharpen their claws. If you are planning to breed these beautiful pussies, then be guided by the fact that males begin to be bred at 12-14 months, and females at 10-11 months.

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It is famous for its friendly character and unpretentiousness in care and feeding. These qualities, along with their good looks, have made the breed one of the most desirable and in demand. Of course, like any cat, the Scotsman, even a kitten, prefers a carnivorous diet based on meat. Everything that is laid down in childhood will affect your health adult cat, so we will figure out how to properly feed representatives of this breed at a young age.

The quality of food your pet consumes ultimately determines its well-being and appearance. It has been proven that timely introduction of certain products into the diet launches formation programs mental processes and characteristics. For example, if the first food after milk for Scottish Fold kittens was meat, then the kids learn hunting skills earlier and more effectively, and develop more dexterous and nimble.

The choice of feeding type is the responsibility of the owner. And here you cannot rely only on personal preferences and stereotypes. There is a whole science - veterinary dietetics, which develops specialized diets for animals with different nutritional details. Nutritional requirements vary among animals and feeds are also classified accordingly:

  • By age: for adult cats, for young cats, for kittens, for aging cats;
  • By type of coat: for long-haired cats, for “hairless” cats;
  • According to the degree of activity and type of keeping: for active cats, for sedentary cats, for homebody cats;
  • According to gastronomic preferences: for picky pets, for those prone to skin problems;
  • By life stage: for feeding animals during the breeding period, for pregnant and lactating cats;
  • By health factor: for those prone to allergies, food for cats with sensitive digestion, for urolithiasis, for liver problems, etc.

Depending on the type of raw material, feeding can be natural (food from the table and homemade dishes) and professional (ready-made dry and canned food). These two options can varying degrees combine, and then we get mixed feeding (when dry food is added directly to natural food) and combined feeding (dry food and natural products are given at different meals).
The main balance substances include proteins (proteins), fats (lipids) and carbohydrates (sugars). Their origin and energy value vary depending on the type of raw material. The same applies to the balance of minerals, vitamins and essential acids.

Why is natural feeding not always better?

Food for Scottish fold cats should be balanced, if only because the breed has some tendency to digestive diseases. And cats living in the house almost always begin to suffer from urolithiasis and obesity with age. Feeding with such metabolic features must be selected with caution and observed balanced diet since the early childhood.

Natural feeding would be ideal for the Scots if each owner could independently calculate the optimal balance of the diet for all nutrients and microelements. Selecting foods for such a diet is not an easy task. How, for example, can you calculate how much nutrients received by a cat who ate a mouse or caught a pigeon? How different is the nutritional value and calorie content of identical pieces of sea fish and turkey? What vitamins and minerals should be added to the diet of Scottish Fold kittens so that they grow up to be excellent representatives of their breed? Homemade natural feeding is unlikely to be able to take into account all the nuances.

INTERESTING! IN extreme conditions cats can for a long time go without food. They can lose up to 40% of their weight without serious consequences for good health.

About proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The average cat's diet should contain a lot of fats, which are valuable not only in themselves, but also help in the absorption of vitamins A and E. A lack of fat leads to weight loss, vitamin deficiency and related problems of skin, coat and digestion. And excess is a direct road to accumulation and obesity. However, with age, the proportion of fat should increase slightly.

The proportion of protein (or rather, proteins of different origins) in the daily diet should be at least 26%. These percentages are calculated by the ratio of the so-called dry residue, since ordinary food contains about 70% water. The higher the “construction” costs, the higher the protein indicator. Food for pregnant and lactating cats and growing kittens should contain the most protein.

For example, in a standard factory diet for kittens, protein is at least 35%, and fat from 12 to 24%.

And these are only proteins and fats, but there are also a lot of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and special needs. Do you still intend to feed your cat natural food and do it according to all the rules? To know what to feed a Scottish Fold kitten as part of a natural diet, you will have to learn to count not only calories.

Ready-made factory feed

The easiest way to organize the nutrition of your beloved pet has always been feeding it with ready-made factory food. Manufacturers offer a huge selection of diets and veterinary diets for any needs of cats and kittens, taking into account the financial capabilities of the owners.

The quality of the products is almost always high, and the price consists of the cost of individual components. For example, food based on salmon is always more expensive than dry food with a chicken base. Cats can be picky about the taste and variety of food, so food brands offer entire menus. For kittens, there are usually three flavors: poultry, game and fish with different combinations additional components.

The new owner will have to change food for a growing Scotsie twice: when the kitten is 3-4 months old and when he becomes an adult (9-12 months). The nutritional value food for kittens and young animals differs, as does the vitamin and mineral balance. In any case, feeding ready-made diets has undeniable advantages:

  • The cat always receives fresh food (from a bag, jar or pouch);
  • The feed balance strictly corresponds to current needs;
  • It is easy to control the amount of food eaten and follow the feeding norm;
  • There is no need to waste time searching for ingredients and preparing food.

When the kitten grows up, it will need to be switched to “adult” food. Feeding a Scottish cat ready-made food you can do it all your life. It's convenient and safe. The most preferred food groups for adult Scottish cats:

  • Food for cats with digestive problems;
  • Food for long-haired cats or marked “from hairballs”;
  • Pedigree food for Scottish cats;
  • Food for sedentary pets or labeled “weight control”;
  • Food for sterilized cats and neutered cats (according to age).

About feeding Scottish kittens

It is recommended to do the first feeding in this breed a little later than in “wild” type breeds (Abyssinian, Siamese cats). Scots are often formed with slight delay. This is not a pathology, but only a feature of genetics. While average kittens are ready for their first food at the end of the third week of life, Scottish Fold kittens will try their first meat (or soaked food) a week later.

INTERESTING! Beginning breeders should know that if the first complementary food is meat (for example, a scrape from a heavily frozen piece of selected beef), then mental development kittens will be more intense.

Natural kitten diet

Kittens of the second month of life should still receive mother's milk along with complementary foods for some time. This is important for promoting good behavior and health. If the breeder weans the kittens from the nipple earlier, then later (after about six months) the first problems with friendliness and quality of digestion may arise, and it happens that such forms of behavior as sexual and territorial behavior are impaired due to milk underfeeding. It turns out how important it is to feed dairy kittens to their fullest.

After 3 months, when kittens are completely ready to feed on their own, the amount of cow's milk and its derivatives should be reduced. Cats often enjoy lapping up milk all their lives, but this is not always good for digestion, because... enzymes that break down milk protein, cease to be synthesized.

In general, a kitten’s natural diet should include:

  • Several types of meat;
  • Ocean or sea fish;
  • Eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, kefir, a small amount of milk;
  • A small amount of vegetables and fruits as a source of vitamins and coarse fiber (but how to get a cat to eat fruit?);
  • Plant and animal fats, taurine, carnitine;
  • A small amount of cereals as a source of plant fiber;
  • Ready-made vitamin and mineral complex according to your needs.

It is not easy to balance all these components in the diet of a small, growing kitten whose nutritional needs are constantly changing. It's much easier to pay attention to finished products. However, if the owner still wants to feed his cat food from the table, then alternative option veterinarians recommend using ready-made diets temporarily - at least for 8-9 months. By this point, the period of intensive growth will end, and the kitten can be fed with the food that seems more acceptable to the owner. But still, it is better to choose ready-made food.

Kitten feeding regimen

For healthy growth and development of kittens, not only the composition and type of food is important, but also the feeding regimen. Depending on age, you will have to change the number of feedings and their composition. pay attention to daily norm food at each age:

As we can see from the table, the maximum nutritional requirement is observed in kittens at 6-9 months. This is a period of intensive growth, puberty, formation of the psyche, behavior and social contacts. At this time the kitten needs large quantities various nutritional components. Feed brands take these needs into account and offer ready-made balanced diets.

IMPORTANT: Do not combine food from different manufacturers or different lines of the same manufacturer in your diet. Their balances may differ significantly. It is best to choose dry. AND wet food one brand and one line.

Do not forget that the kitten should not be allowed to actively move immediately after eating. It is advisable to take a 15-20 minute break before games. For any type of feeding, the kitten should always have access to clean drinking water, which cannot be replaced with other liquids.

Feeding secrets for a good character

From how to feed a kitten to early childhood depends on how healthy and beautiful he grows up. It is better for the breeder to feed the first complementary foods by hand rather than from a bowl. This will form additional contact between the cat and the person and help establish a positive, friendly character.

Cats respect rituals and rules, so before you feed your Scottish cat, invite her to come with the command “Come here” and sit opposite you. Then put the bowl down and let him eat. In the future, this will save the cat from eating food that is not its own and stealing from the table - it will wait for the command to eat. You can start such exercises with 1.5-2 month old Scottish kittens.

You should not exceed the daily feeding allowance or supplement your cat with food from your own table. Despite the unpretentiousness of the Scots, their health is not always ideal. The breed has a tendency to excess weight and heart and genitourinary diseases. Therefore nutrition Scottish cat at any age, it must be carefully balanced and meet the needs of the body. And feeding a kitten needs to be given Special attention and strictly adhere to the regime.

Selection of ready-made food

In the laboratories of well-known food brands, they try to take into account maximum cat needs and tastes. Brands such as Royal Canin, Acana, Jams, Hills offer a wide range of feeds and a convenient online feed selection system, some take into account the breed, others are based on age and health characteristics.

For example, Hills, a brand famous for its highly specialized veterinary diets and recognized by British breeders, offers its “ Scientific plan»feeding kittens up to 1 year.

Feeding plan for a kitten:

  • First feeding and feeding up to 2-3 months: Science Plan™ Gentle mousse for kittens “My first diet”;
  • Feeding from 3 to 6 months: Science Plan™ Science Plan™ Kitten Chicken (in cans or pouches). Available flavors: chicken, tuna, turkey;
  • Feeding up to 1 year: at six months, Hills suggests switching the kitten to a permanent diet for a growing organism: Hill’s Science Plan Kitten Healthy Development – ​​Hill’s for kittens “Healthy Development”, or using the diet for sensitive digestion Hill’s Natures Best Naturally Gentle Kitten.

Choose food for your Scottish cat online on the website of one of the manufacturers. There you can ask questions to the company’s specialists and receive comprehensive advice.

Royal Canin, perhaps, one of the few brands that develop breed diets for separate groups breeds: www.royal-canin.ru

Josera when selecting food, it is based on the age of the cat, and then from the options offered you can choose the appropriate diet for your Scotsman: www.josera-cat.com

Another famous brand ProPlan (Purina) Inspired by the characteristics of each breed, but focused on the health characteristics and goals of each age:

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles preserved about that period of human life when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man got modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its wild ancestor. Proof of this is archaeological excavations, produced on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During excavations, bones belonging to domestic animals were found ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, domesticated animals accompanied us. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals caused by humans. For example, let's take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile soil for life and development. An example of this is hares or rabbits in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge quantities and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. The first confirmations in chronicles and legends we meet are a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used by humanity in the ancient era. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied a niche pet and a mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used various animals to catch mice, such as weasels or genets.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live directly in the same room with a person.

The second type is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure time, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them are almost useless for practical purposes. modern world, for example, hamsters, Guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A striking example Therefore, rabbits and ferrets are kept at home as pets, but are also bred for meat and fur. Also, some waste from pets can be used, for example, the hair of cats and dogs for knitting various items or as insulation. For example, belts made of dog hair.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families who keep animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing a pet and caring for it.

If you have interesting observations of your pet’s behavior or would like to share information about some pet. Or do you have a nursery near your house? Vet clinic, or a hotel for animals, write to us about them at the address so that we can add this information to the database on our website.


Provide the kitten Free access to food and water. In contrast, they eat often and in small portions. Your little kitty can approach a cup of food up to 20-30 times a day. If you decide to feed your dog natural food or canned food, then change the food in his bowl with fresh food at least 4 times a day, as such food disappears very quickly. And if you feed your baby dry food, he can be in the bowl all the time.

At natural feeding, give your kitten meat daily. It could be beef meat. Before offering it to your pet, the meat must be frozen for 3-5 days and given raw, or lightly boiled. For kittens up to 4 months of age, feed the meat in the form of minced meat or finely chopped meat. Only feed poultry meat (chicken or turkey) well-cooked to avoid infection with salmonellosis. 3 times a week, give your pet offal (both beef and chicken) - heart, lung, kidneys, tripe. Give by-products only frozen or boiled. Give liver once a week and only in boiled form.

Fish can be given only sea fish, low-fat types. Before feeding the fish to your Scotsman, boil it and remove all bones. Do not give your kitten raw or freshwater fish. Do not overuse fish, give it 1-2 times a week. If you constantly eat fish (especially raw fish), you may develop urolithiasis.

Milk can only be given to kittens up to three months. Then the body of many animals stops assimilating it. Boil the milk before giving it. It’s better to replace milk with fermented milk products: kefir or low fat. Don't give your kitten cream. Even at the lowest percentage of fat content, this product is harmful to the animal’s liver. Also, do not give yoghurts - as a rule, they all contain sugar.

Give your pet rice porridge several times a week. oatmeal, wheat. Boil them in water or milk. If you cook in water, then add meat, meat broth and boiled vegetables, pureed, to these porridges. You can also add egg yolk to porridge. If the eggs are not, then be sure to boil them. Grind 1 yolk into puree and add to the porridge.

When feeding naturally, do not forget about vitamin supplements. Before using any vitamins, consult your veterinarian. Seeing general state kitten and knowing its diet, the veterinarian will help you choose the most optimal vitamin complex for your pet.

A good vitamin supplement would be grass. But under no circumstances give grass from the street. Buy special grass at the pet store and, following the instructions, germinate it.

If you decide to feed your kitten with ready-made food, then choose “Premium” or “ Super premium" class. Never feed your baby cheap food - this can have a very bad effect on his health, since such food contains very little meat as such, but a lot of offal (even skin or feathers) and vitamins that are not well balanced. When feeding ready-made food, do not add vitamins to the kitten - there are enough of them in the food. Choose food that is appropriate for your cat's age.

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Do not give your kitten: fried, smoked, salty, spicy food; chocolate and all sweets containing sugar; duck, goose, game, pork, lamb; any legumes and potatoes.


  • food for fold cats

You have decided to purchase. It's touching and an important event both for you and for your future pet. He will have another family, and you - little friend and a loving companion. Undoubtedly, your responsibility for him as a living being is colossal. Proper care, hygiene, walks, all kinds preventive vaccinations and of course, organization proper nutrition- here is an incomplete list of upcoming troubles.


Include low-fat fermented milk products in your baby's diet. In terms of digestibility, the first place is taken by curds from the series baby food. For an older adult, you can feed him 0% fat cottage cheese. But don’t get carried away with cottage cheese - its excess leads to an increase in the rigidity of the animal’s coat and causes the ears to rise. But soft plush fur and hanging ears are the main features of your pet. It is better not to give whole food at all, it causes intestinal upset.

Feed an already grown kitten lean meat, for example, lean lamb, rabbit, . Before eating, scald the meat with boiling water or bring to a boil and cool. This way you will be confident in the safety of the product. And exclude pork meat, as it can lead to fatal diseases your pet. Also offer your baby boiled offal. But remember that they should be given no more than once a week. Buy only sea fish and before serving to your pet, boil it and remove the bones.

Do not give your kitten poultry bones, as they are sharp and can damage the wall of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have a Scottish Fold at home, you are lucky: there is hardly a more loyal friend among all the cats. Of course, he will allow himself to be stroked only if he wants it, but this is from a love of freedom, and not from a lack of sympathy towards you. Such a warm relationship will last at least 12-15 years. Of course, if the cat is fed correctly, it will not get sick.

You will need

  • - chicken breast;
  • - beef;
  • - sprouted grains;
  • - dairy products;
  • - premium cat food.


Develop a diet. Scottish fold from the very beginning early age It is necessary to learn to eat strictly at certain hours. Try not to deviate from this regime yourself. For example, if on weekdays morning feeding is at 8 o'clock, you should get up at the same time on weekends.
As for frequency, veterinarians recommend feeding 3-5 times a day. If this is not possible, buy an automatic feeder and leave the daily amount of food in it. The Scottish Fold will get used to it very quickly and will use it without any problems. Of course, only dry food should be left out for the day. Otherwise, the cat food will quickly become unusable.

Compose proper diet, if you are going to feed your homemade food. Remember that these cats are large-boned and quite muscular, and therefore require an increased intake of protein and calcium. And one more important piece of advice for those who decide to feed their Scottish Fold homemade food. “Homemade” is not a synonym for “food from your table.” The cat will have to go separately, because many “” foods are undesirable for him.
Optimal for cats is white chicken meat, which should be boiled for about 10-15 minutes after boiling in water without salt. If you want to feed your Scottish Fold raw beef or beef liver– they can only be used after first freezing and then thawing. However, it is better to boil, of course, fresh meat. Porridge made from sprouted grains is a good side dish.
The same grain, but with green sprouts and fresh, is good to give to Scottish Folds as a vitamin supplement (it also helps remove swallowed fur). Once a day, cats should be fed fermented milk products - fresh, natural and without fruit or sweet fillers. But fish and milk should be completely excluded from their diet.

Today this breed is quite popular, which means that owners often ask questions about what to feed Scottish kittens. In order for these “plush” creatures to look beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to satisfy their body’s needs for good nutrition. If the baby is fed by the mother, then her milk lasts for about 20 days. If even before this age he shows restlessness and cries constantly, it means that he no longer has enough milk and needs to start supplementing. This is probably the most difficult test - feeding newborn babies, but it is quite doable. What to feed Scottish kittens under three weeks of age? Warmed goat or cow's milk will do. This natural product much better than baby formula.

Artificial feeding

If the cat died or abandoned its offspring, then all you have to do is bottle-feed the babies yourself. We have already noted what to feed newborn Scottish kittens. You should not take formula for feeding children; the organisms of humans and animals are significantly different. But goat milk is considered the best option. The main problem is that they need to be fed approximately every two hours, and sometimes even more often, because if one of them wakes up and starts crying, then all the other fluffballs will soon wake up too. Be patient: you will have to take almost maternity leave and take care of your pets!

The kittens are 2 weeks old

Around the 12th day, it is first time to offer the purrs real food. It can be pureed meat or boiled fish. Now the most important thing is not the result itself (how much the kids will eat), but to give them the opportunity to try so that their intestinal microflora gradually gets used to such products. We will tell you in detail what to feed Scottish kittens, and what you absolutely should not give. So you can be sure that you have composed your diet correctly.

Feeding a one-month-old kitten

We continue our conversation and smoothly move on to what to feed Scottish kittens at 1 month. Usually at this time, the furry beauties move to live with their new owners and begin to eat fully from a bowl. Now their diet should include meat. Mandatory after treatment with steam or boiling water. This can be pureed beef or chicken; in addition, it is very important to add vegetables and fruits to the diet.

If you don’t teach your pet healthy food now, you will never be able to do so. It is very important to gradually accustom kittens to eating pieces of meat in order to develop masticatory muscles and strengthen teeth. Instead of feeding Scottish kittens with dry food, it is better to work a little now, preparing fresh portions of food for your pets up to 10 times a day. Gradually, the kittens grow, and portions of meat and fish should increase accordingly. Don’t forget that fresh meat is something you absolutely cannot feed Scottish kittens at 1 month of age. To treat the baby raw meat, it must first be frozen in the freezer. At the same time, we must remember that it is undesirable to give fatty meat; chicken or beef is best.

Your pet is two months old

Surely the breeders gave you some information and told you what to feed Scottish Straight kittens. Indeed, to make your pet look chic, you need to ensure complete diet, not scraps from your table. The baby is growing quickly, but you already know what to feed Scottish kittens (1.5 months).

The amount of food consumed has not yet increased, but the kitten still asks to eat at least 8 times a day. Usually sellers warn that by about 2 months the need for calcium in kittens increases greatly. If you don't give them cottage cheese and fish, their ears may not stand up and their bones will remain weak. Any kitten needs calcium, but in this case the breeders place an emphasis, apparently, so that if the ears don’t stand up, there will be no complaints about them. Sea fish You can give it raw, but river water - only boiled. Be sure to remove any bones from it. In large quantities, fish can harm a cat’s body, as it contains a lot mineral salts, which are capable of causing urolithiasis. But this problem is relevant only if you feed the cat only raw fish or for a long time.

Features of the diet at this age

Speaking about what to feed Scottish kittens (2 months), it is necessary to mention the body’s high need for vitamins. To replenish consumed microelements, kittens should be given vitamin flour from sprouted wheat or oats. Every breeder must know what to feed Scottish kittens at 2 months. The basis of the diet will continue to be raw frozen meat and boiled boneless fish 2-3 times a week. Dairy products are an important component of the diet, it can be kefir or yogurt, cottage cheese, but it is not recommended to give yogurts, as they contain sugar. The daily portion is still small, only 150 g. However, it needs to be divided into 6-10 meals.

Nutrition for a three month old kitten

Now the baby’s diet is changing somewhat, he has already grown significantly, become stronger and has become like an adult cat in miniature. Let's look at what to feed Scottish kittens at 3 months. The older a kitten gets, the less its body requires milk; moreover, with age, the number of enzymes responsible for processing milk decreases significantly. Therefore, now cottage cheese and kefir should be given little by little no more than three times a week.

Many people are interested in what to feed Scottish kittens (3 months), that is, continue natural feeding or purchase a good one. ready-made food? Everyone has it veterinarian I have my own opinion on this matter. But most of all experts are in favor of giving the baby natural food. Now the number of feedings needs to be reduced to 4-6 per day, but the portions need to be increased. The amount of food fed in one day does not exceed 220 g. These rules must be followed for up to 6 months.

Scottish kitten after six months

You have already passed the most difficult stage, the pet has grown a lot and can now switch to the diet of an adult cat. You already know from your own experience what to feed small Scottish kittens, but now you can safely switch to feeding them three times a day. The daily portion is approximately 250 g, while the proportion of meat products should not be less than 40 g. By approximately 11 months, it will be possible to transfer the baby to two feedings a day, which is optimal for adult cats. The diet should contain vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, vitamin supplements, and fish.

Natural feeding

Let's look at the recommendations of experienced veterinarians to know exactly what you can feed Scottish kittens. It must be raw frozen beef, approximately 30 g for a kitten and 120 for a cat. Chicken can be given every day, but offal - no more than twice a week. You can give an egg yolk twice a week, but it is better not to feed the white at all. Milk - only for kittens up to 3 months. Milk porridge is also given only to kittens; it is better to offer vegetables to adults. But you can have fermented milk products every day. Vegetables and grains need to be alternated.

You cannot feed your cat from your table, give it soups and salads, and bones are strictly prohibited. Fatty meats, as well as spicy, salty and fatty foods, are not suitable for cats. Don’t forget about this, canned food and sausage are not at all what a handsome “plush” needs for full growth and development. Any sweets are contraindicated for cats, this applies to sweets and dried fruits, everything that contains sugar in large quantities. Don't forget that chocolate is poison for cats. If you want her to live long and happy life, then forget about pampering her with fried, fatty and sweet foods. Better yet, give up this diet yourself. The cat should not eat legumes or potatoes. Do not salt food under any circumstances. Any spices are harmful to the animal.

Feeding dry food

This is very convenient, especially if you are a busy person. It is very important that before purchasing a pet you inquire about who Scottish kittens are, what to feed, how to care for them, and how to treat them in case of illness. If you choose ready-made food, you can save your time and also be sure that your cat receives all the necessary minerals and vitamins. However, keep in mind that ready-made food, both canned and dry, can only be given to adult animals. Therefore, up to a year, you will still have to cook for your baby yourself.

A very important nuance: you need to choose only high-quality food from trusted manufacturers, because the health of your pet depends on it. Products from the brands Ekanuba, Hills, Purina Pro Plan, and Royal Canin can be considered good. Cheap food like Kitty Kat should not be given. They contain by-products (bones, wool, feathers, skins) as sources of protein and a lot of dyes, flavors and mineral salts.
