How to make brown eyes at home. How to change your eye color at home

Can eye color change with age? It turns out yes. Changes in eye color are more common in infants. At birth, almost all children are blue-eyed. By 3-6 months, the iris gradually darkens. By the age of 3-4, the baby develops an eye color that is characteristic of him. These changes are associated with the gradual accumulation of pigment and thickening of the iris.

The reason for changes in eye color in adulthood is often the appearance of eye diseases (pigmentary glaucoma). In old age, the color also changes. In old age, dark-eyed eyes lighten due to a decrease in pigment production. Light eyes, on the contrary, darken. This is due to thickening and hardening of the iris.

Chameleon eyes

In nature, there is such a phenomenon as chameleon eyes. They have the quality of changing their shade. The reasons for this property are not fully understood. Presumably this is due to nervous and humoral regulation. The color of such eyes can transform during the day from blue to brown. This happens depending on the level of illumination, weather conditions and the emotional background of their owner.

Correction methods

Is it possible to change eye color and how to do it? The easiest way is to wear colored contact lenses.

There are also other options:

  • laser correction;
  • implant installation;
  • hormonal drops;
  • nutrition;
  • meditation;
  • changing color perception with the help of cosmetics, clothing and colored glasses.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.

Color contact lenses

Contact lenses can mimic the properties of the iris. They can give a new shade or completely modify the color of the eyes. Thanks to this accessory you can emphasize natural beauty, giving the desired shade, but keeping the base eye color the same. Stylists recommend having a set of tinted lenses to match different outfits.

The use of altering lenses need not be advertised, citing a successful combination of cosmetics. Fashionistas usually do this. Modern quality material allows you to make the use of lenses invisible to others.

There is also a creative way to dramatically change your appearance - carnival lenses with a pattern. You can safely wear them to a party.

Superiority over other methods - harmlessness if necessary hygiene requirements. You can choose lenses in such a way that, in addition to the cosmetic effect, they have a corrective effect on vision. This is an affordable method. An undoubted advantage is reversibility: the lenses can always be removed, returning the eyes to their natural color, or exchange them for others.

Laser correction

Laser technology is suitable for those who are thinking about how to change their eye color permanently. First, a computer scan of the iris is performed to determine the points of influence, then a portion of the pigment is removed with a laser. With this procedure you can completely change dark color eye to a lighter one (brown to blue).

The session takes about 30 seconds. After a month, the eyes take on the desired color. The transformation is irreversible, so before performing an intervention you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. The destruction of melanin leads to excessive light intake. Possible complications in the form of photophobia and diplopia (double vision) (due to impaired outflow of intraocular fluid).


You can change your eye color through surgery by installing a silicone implant through a small incision in the cornea. The method was invented by the American Kenneth Rosenthal. Initially, such an intervention was carried out with the aim of correcting a defect in the color of the iris in congenital or acquired eye pathologies: heterochromia - different colors of the iris, as well as a lack of melanin, traumatic pathology of the iris, cornea.

The color scheme is chosen at the request of the patient. The duration of the intervention is 30 minutes. It is carried out under local anesthesia. Regeneration occurs over several months. It is possible to change the implant again to change the color. The manipulation is performed in the absence of health contraindications. A full examination is carried out before the operation.

The method is unsafe and a number of complications are likely to develop:

  • Inflammatory changes in the cornea.
  • Corneal detachment.
  • Increased ocular tone up to the appearance of glaucoma.
  • Reduced vision to the point of blindness.

The addition of complications is an indication for immediate removal of the implant and corrective treatment.

Hormonal drops

Hormonal eye drops (Travoprost, Latanoprost, Bimatoprost, Unoprost) contain a substance similar in formula to prostaglandin F 2a. The use of these agents changes the color of the iris from light to darker tones (turns gray and Blue eyes in brown).

You can determine how much your eye color has changed after 3 weeks. The final effect is usually established after 1-2 months. An additional bonus is the increased growth of eyelashes under the influence of the drops. This property is successfully used by cosmetologists.

Unfortunately, this is an unsafe method, as complications are possible when using it. The purchase of hormonal drops is possible only with a prescription, using the method prescribed by a doctor. Long-term use leads to malnutrition eyeball, decreased vision.


How to change eye color at home? Nothing is impossible: you can change the color of your eyes by turning on daily diet some products. This method is suitable for those who are thinking about how to change their eye color without lenses or surgery. The method is completely safe.

The disadvantage is the need for long-term dieting. If there is a match taste preferences With the recommended products this does not cause serious inconvenience.

Let's look at how to change eye color without lenses by eating certain foods.:

  • Honey adds warmth to the look and makes the eye color softer and lighter.
  • Spinach and ginger make the color more saturated.
  • Eating fish is good for the eyes due to high content It contains microelements, it makes the colors brighter.
  • Taking chamomile tea adds warm shades.
  • Olive oil makes the color scheme of the iris softer and more delicate.
  • Almonds and other nuts enhance the intensity of the colors.

By skillfully using combinations of products, you can achieve a change in shade by 1-2 tones. A complete color transformation cannot be achieved in this way.

Meditation and self-hypnosis

How to change eye color without lenses? You can try to do this through meditation and self-hypnosis. The method has no evidence base, but some people believe in its effectiveness. You can check on your own whether you can change your eye color with this know-how, especially since it is completely harmless and painless.

In a state of complete relaxation, you need to try to imagine the desired shade of the eyes, yourself with new eyes, the expression of newly colored eyes. Such exercises should be performed daily until the desired effect is obtained.

You can also look at objects painted in the color that a person wants to achieve. The effectiveness of these methods is questionable, but given their safety, you can try to achieve the desired result.

Change in the perception of eye color

Is it possible to change eye color without lenses? What really changes is not the color itself, but the idea of ​​it. How can this be achieved? This is achieved by choosing clothes in certain colors, skillfully applying makeup, and wearing glasses with colored lenses. The advantage of these methods is their harmlessness and reversibility.


By applying makeup correctly, you can do dark eyes lighter and vice versa. Shadows, multi-colored mascara and eyeliner will help with this. You can emphasize the blueness of the iris using chocolate and orange shades of shadows.

To create an accent on brown eyes, it is better to use shadows in cool shades (gray, blue, sea green). With coffee shades grey eyes will be perceived as bluish. Lilac and cherry shadows will give them an emerald tint.


By choosing your wardrobe, you can change the perception of the iris spectrum. Gray eyes can be given a bluish tint by using blue-colored items. Green elements in clothing will help to emphasize the green color of the iris. You don't have to radically change your entire wardrobe. It is enough to choose the right accessories according to the color spectrum to change the perception of eye color in a given direction.


Colored glasses will help change your eye color, but not as dramatically as colored contacts. The perception of iris color will depend on the lighting and the color of the glass.

Is it possible to change eye color? Yes, most often colored lenses are used for this. When choosing one or another method of correction, it is necessary to take into account its safety medical indications, affordability and reversibility. For acceptance the right decision You should consult your doctor.

Useful video about contact lenses

Changing eye color - is it possible?

Let's look at the methods of changing eye color that are known and possible today.

A person always strives for something new and perfect. I want to change my life for the better, and not only my financial situation or moral state, but also my appearance.

Nowadays, many operations are performed to change one's body and face. Eye color is no exception. Some people have a complex, others have curiosity.

A few words about what an iris is.

Outer part choroid The eye is the iris or iris. It is shaped like a disk with a hole (pupil) in the center.

The iris is made up of pigment cells that determine the color of the eyes. connective tissue with vessels and muscle fibers. Exactly pigment cells we are interested in.

Depending on how the melanin pigment is located in the outer and inner layers The color of the eyes depends on the iris.

Let's look at the most common ones.

Due to the low density of the fibers of the outer layer of the iris, containing a small proportion of melanin, the color blue is obtained.

If the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are denser and have a whitish or grayish color, the result will be blue. The denser the fiber, the lighter the shade.

The gray color is similar to blue, only the density of the fibers is slightly higher and they have a grayish tint.

Green color occurs when the outer layer of the iris contains a small amount of yellow or light brown melanin, and the back layer is blue.

With a brown color, the outer shell of the iris is rich in melanin, and the more of it, the darker the color, even black.

On this moment There are 6 known ways to change eye color.

Let's look at them in more detail.

First way.

Colored lenses are selected according to the color of your eyes.

If you have light color, then tinted lenses are also suitable, but if your eyes are dark, then you need colored lenses.

What your eye color will be is up to you. The modern market offers a wide selection of lenses.

Let's take a closer look at the first method of changing eye color:

How to change eye color using tinted lenses (video):

Second way.

If your eyes are light in color and change depending on your mood and lighting, then this method is right for you.

You can shade green eyes with brown mascara. Clothes should be chosen in lilac tones.

A significant disadvantage of this method is that when choosing cosmetics and clothes, do not forget that a particular shade can have a different effect on the color of your eyes.

Third way.

Eye drops containing analogues of the hormone prostaglandin F2a (travoprost, latanoprost, bimatoprost, unoprostone).

The eyes will become darker with prolonged use of eye drops. This means that eye color depends on certain types of hormones.

I would also like to note that the substance bimatoprost is also used in for cosmetic purposes. Apply the drug to eyelashes and eyelids, eyelash growth will noticeably improve.

Let's consider some points:

Fourth way.

The technique of changing eye color using a laser came to us from California.

It does possible change iris color from brown to blue.

A laser beam of a certain frequency will remove excess pigmentation. In this regard, two to three weeks after the operation, the eyes become bright blue.

In this case, there is no harm to vision.

However, there are disadvantages:

1. Considering that the method is very “young”, no one knows the long-term consequences.
2. The experiment is not yet completed. It requires a million dollars to complete.
3. If the experiments are successful, the operation will be available to Americans in a year and a half, and for the whole world in three (the countdown should begin in November 2011).
4. The surgery will cost you approximately $5,000.
5. Laser color correction is an irreversible operation. It will be impossible to return the brown color.
6. Scientists believe that such an experiment can lead to photophobia and double vision.

Despite all this, reviews of this operation are very positive.

Fifth way.

The operation was originally intended to treat congenital eye defects.

During the operation, an implant is implanted into the iris shell - a blue, brown or green disc.

If you change your mind, the patient will be able to remove the implant.

Disadvantages of surgery:

The scientist himself, who invented such a procedure, does not recommend the operation. However, the patients are satisfied.

Sixth method.

This method quite extraordinary and controversial - a visualization method based on self-hypnosis and meditation.

To do this, sit in a calm environment, relax all your muscles, let go of your thoughts and imagine the eye color you would like to have.

The duration of the exercise is 20-40 minutes. Classes should be held every day for at least a month.

What's happening in the world...

This method cannot be called barbaric, and harmful consequences for health and pockets is not expected.

While working on your unique style, you can not only change clothes or accessories, but also change your eye color. Today this can be done even at home, although no one can cancel surgical intervention. However, all kinds of operations performed even in modern clinics pose a danger to the body. Therefore, nowadays lenses are used more and more often, since they can change the color of the eyes without harm to health.

Before we move on to practice, let’s understand a little about what color depends on human eye, or rather, his irises. The presence of one color or another is determined by the melanin pigment and its quantity. With a low melanin content, the eyes become blue, with a moderate level - greenish, with a medium level - gray-blue, with a high level - brown.

Method number 1. Can food change eye color?

Let's start with simple and available ways. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is extremely low, so before you start using them, you need to understand that it will not be possible to completely change the color (only a slight correction of tone will occur). Some methods may require a lot of time and, oddly enough, a person’s tendency to show strong emotions.

You can start by changing your diet. Certain products, if regular use, can increase melanin content. True, this method is only suitable for those who want to change the color from blue to brown. So how to change your eye color? To do this, you need to eat foods: nuts, fish, ginger (affects saturation), olive oil, chamomile tea, onions and green onions, honey.

Method number 2. Selection of clothes

Can eyes change color when wearing certain clothes? Of course, the main thing is to choose everything correctly. For example:

  • To make gray eyes appear blue, you need to wear blue, silver and dark clothes. gray. In all other cases, you won’t be able to radically influence the color of your eyes, but you can emphasize and saturate their shade.
  • If you have green eyes, then wear brown, purple and dark red clothes.
  • If brown, then yellow, orange or coral.

Method No. 3. How to change eye color using drops

Here we will look at more effective method, which is carried out using special eye drops. Why did the drops change the color of my eyes? The fact is that they are made from prostaglandin, a synthesized hormone.

These drugs have some side effects. These include: deterioration of the blood supply to the eye, development of cataracts, heterochrony (the left and right irises have different colors).

Today the most popular drugs are:

  1. Latanoprost.
  2. Xalatamax.
  3. Glauprost.
  4. Travatan.
  5. Bimatoprost.
  6. Unoprostone.
  7. Travoprost.

Is it possible to change eye color with drops without consequences? Unfortunately no. Firstly, their use leads to negative consequences which we have already mentioned. Secondly, the color of the eye can only change from light to dark. Third, noticeable result will appear in 2-3 months.

Method number 4. Meditation to change eye color

Meditation is a specific, but quite interesting way to change your eye color. With the help of autosuggestion, some trained people influence chemical processes occurring in the body. Let us immediately note that positive results after using this method there was very little. However, you can see some good reviews on the Internet.

Let's look at a few practical exercises how to change eye color.

  • Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine some well-known area. This could be your room workplace or the view from the window. Try to visualize all the small details, think of the weather, time of year, day. Then begin to imagine how the entire space is filled with the color that your eyes have. Imagine the paint slowly dripping onto houses, furniture, trees, people. Once everything is filled with your color, start “painting” the desired color on top of the current one. Do this slowly, observing each change. Repeat the exercise daily for 10–15 minutes. Changing eye color by self-hypnosis can take months.
  • Look at the light bulb for a second until a bright spot flashes before your eyes. Then take a mirror and concentrate on your iris. Imagine how the desired color spreads across it, how it fills your eyes. The exercise does not need to be repeated too often; once every 1–2 days is enough.
  • Start to reassure yourself that your eye color has really changed. Imagine, for example, how you met a friend and he was delighted with your new color, or how you looked in the mirror and were surprised at your transformation.

Change eye color using mood

Our mood can also affect eye color to one degree or another. Longing and sadness make the eyes brighter and give them richness. Irritation and anger paint the iris in dark shades. Light shades add a feeling of joy and happiness to the eyes.

Changing eye color using this method works, as they say, 50 to 50. After all, not all people are equally susceptible to self-hypnosis, not everyone has a good imagination. The main thing in meditation is to believe in success.

Method No. 5. Lenses

Perhaps the most effective and quick way how to change eye color - these are lenses. Let's say a few words about what types of lenses there are. They are usually classified into the following groups:

  • Disposable. Cheap and uncomfortable lenses that are usually worn for no more than 12 hours.
  • Reusable. The most popular type of lenses that can last up to two years. True, you will have to pay well for a high-quality model.
  • Fully colored. These lenses completely change the color of your eyes. And even dark brown eyes can be made into light blue eyes.
  • Partially colored. They saturate your natural color or add a new shade to it.
  • Carnival. Such lenses allow you to change the color of the iris, for example, cat eye or the eye of a vampire - your choice.
  • Let's look at some features of colored lenses to learn how to change your eye color. The density of each lens is different: for bright models that completely change the color, it is higher, which simply enhances the natural shade - lower. It is not advisable to wear dense lenses for people who have increased sensitivity eyes, so you should consult your doctor before purchasing.

Negative consequences after colored lenses

Colored lenses also have other negative sides. These include:

  1. If selected incorrectly, the lens may put pressure on the eye, causing vision to deteriorate.
  2. Some models, especially carnival ones, are covered with a special film that transmits light poorly or completely distorts it. As a result, the eyes will become very strained.
  3. Lenses, especially those with high density, often slip off the iris.

But all these problems can be avoided if you choose the right model. When purchasing, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Before purchasing a product, find out what type of eyes it is intended for (light or dark). There are also universal lenses.
  • If you have light eyes and want to change them, for example, to brown, then you should buy tint lenses. Otherwise, it is better to take thick colored lenses.
  • By purchasing bright colored lenses, you make your eyes look unnatural. If possible, it is better to take tint ones.
  • A high-quality product must have good gas conductivity so that the eyes are less tired and watery.

Can lenses change eye color? Yes, the main thing is to choose a manufacturer. On modern market There are quite a lot of them, but there are several companies that have managed to establish themselves well.

Lens manufacturers

Acuvue Colors. A pack of 6 colored lenses made of silicone hydrogel - a classic material for such products. It is recommended to change lenses every 2-3 weeks. That is, the package will last you about 1.5–2 months.
Multi-Curve. Products of this brand have the unique feature of softly adhering to the eye, which makes wearing them as comfortable as possible. In addition, the lenses allow oxygen to pass freely and even protect against ultraviolet rays. Changing your eye color is easy.

FreshLook ColorBlends. These lenses can both change eye color and slightly correct vision. They also provide comfortable wearing and use. And thanks to new technologies, they can create an interesting gradient of several colors on the lens.
Doll Eye. Due to the fact that the lenses extend beyond the iris, they slightly enlarge the eye, making the look more expressive. And then the eye color changed.
As for the price, it varies from 300 to 1 thousand rubles for a regular pair of lenses; a higher quality and durable product can cost more than two thousand. However, keep in mind that lenses are usually produced in packs of 3-4 pairs.

Method number 6. How to change eye color in Photoshop

Photoshop (or any other graphic editor) can help you if you want to experiment with an image, choose the right color or shade.

To begin, choose a photo in which your eyes are clearly visible; the photograph itself must also have high resolution. After loading the image into Photoshop, begin processing. There can be many editing methods, it all depends on your skills. Here is the simplest and most understandable method.

  1. Use the zoom tool to enlarge the photo.
  2. Then select the cornea area with the Elliptical Marquee tool (oval area). To get an even circle, you need to set the “shift” key. If part of the eye is covered by eyelids, then it will be more convenient to use a lasso.
  3. Now you need to copy the selected area to a new layer. Press the "Ctrl" and "j" keys simultaneously.
  4. After creating a layer, click the “adjustment layer” or “New Adjustment Layer” button, which is located in the lower right corner. In the menu that opens, select “Color Balance...”
  5. Now add a mask: “Layers” - “Create Clipping Mask”.
  6. Having opened the color balance, in the “Tone” column, select “Mid Tones” and, moving the sliders, select the desired color. You can also change the Opacity of the layer to achieve the desired effect. And lo and behold, the change in eye color occurs instantly!

Method No. 7. Operation

No matter how good the lenses are, they still cannot permanently change the color of your eyes. But modern technologies can cope with this task. medical technology. Foreign ophthalmologists have long been practicing operations to change the color of the iris.

The essence of this method is that a special implant is implanted into the cornea, which is a color-painted silicone plate of very small thickness. Usually the operation lasts no more than 20 minutes under local anesthesia. However, it is carried out only if the patient is absolutely healthy.

Among possible complications can be called: inflammation of the cornea, cataracts, glaucoma. In rare cases, partial loss of vision has been observed. The cost of the procedure is huge - from 8 thousand dollars. Therefore, such procedures are extremely low in popularity.

There is, however, another method of surgical intervention - laser correction. However, it can only change the color from brown to blue, since the special laser can only remove melanin.

The change in eye color occurs within 1 minute, and the patient does not even feel pain. This method also has fewer complications. Sometimes they manifested themselves: photophobia, short-term pain in the eyes, glaucoma. The cost is about 5 thousand dollars, but the price drops every year.

How to change your eye color is up to you. However, doctors strongly advise against resorting to surgical intervention. It's better to try simple ones first safe methods: Change your diet or do yoga.

The eyes are called the mirror of the soul for a reason. They reflect a person’s mood, his thoughts and even his state of health. Poor nutrition bad dream, diseases and stress are the reasons for a dull look that spoils appearance and causes distrust among others. How to do brighter than the eyes and regain your pure, clear gaze? We know three methods, which we will discuss in the article.

Full sleep - The best way which will help brighten your eye color

How to brighten your eyes with makeup?

The richer the color of the iris, the larger and more expressive the eyes appear. Properly selected cosmetics help highlight their shade. Below is a step-by-step makeup option for eyes of different colors:

  1. Apply white pencil to the inner corner of the eyes. A neutral color will refresh and open up your eyes.
  2. Paint your eyelids with shadows that contrast with the shade of your iris. To green eyes purple and blue colors, blue - brown and green, brown - any color and black.
  3. Apply mascara to curled eyelashes. The first layer should be black: it will emphasize the depth of the look and give it expressiveness. To make the iris brighter, you can color your eyelashes with a second layer of colored mascara. Its color is selected according to the same principle as the shadows.

Don't forget about basic skin makeup, which will also help highlight your eyes. The complexion should be even, clean and fresh.

Correctly selected assistants will cope with the task: foundation, powder, blush, highlighter

How to brighten your eye color with lenses?

Modern contact lenses perform several functions at once. Corrective models with diopters improve vision, designer ones are used for a creative look, and colored ones help change the color of the iris or make it more saturated. To make your eyes brighter, choose lenses of a similar color. They will make your look clear and expressive.

Even regular lenses that do not correct vision need to be selected together with an ophthalmologist.

An experienced specialist will find the material, shade and thickness of the products that suits you

A healthy lifestyle as a way to brighten your eye color

The safest, most effective and cheapest transformation method is healthy image life. Complex of simple and available actions has a beneficial effect on beauty and mood. Do you want a bright, fresh and healthy look? Help your body with the following measures:

  • good sleep;
  • regular walks on fresh air;
  • drinking enough water;
  • limiting alcohol and tobacco;
  • rest.

You can make your eyes more expressive and beautiful instantly - with the help of lenses or the right makeup. But along with the washed off cosmetics, the brightness of the iris, obtained unnaturally, will also disappear. Therefore, you can resort to such tricks, but you shouldn’t forget about drastic changes - until health problems are solved, there can be no talk of natural brightness and shine of the eyes.

Nowadays, many people want to be stylish. They often change clothes, accessories, and hairstyles. And some people want their eyes to be a different color. And at the same time, changing makeup, eyebrow shape and eyelash length is not enough. Often people want to change the shade of the iris of their eyes and at the same time do not want to buy lenses.

The best way to change eye color today is with colored contact lenses. But not everyone can wear them comfortably: some people don’t like the process of putting them on, while others suffer from irritation and allergies. Therefore, the question is quite relevant: how to change eye color without lenses?

How to change eye color without lenses at home

1 . Even the surrounding environment can affect the change in the shade of your eyes. This method can be used by people whose eyes are blue, gray or green. If you have gray eyes, then, thanks to blue items of clothing, the iris of your eyes may become blue. Use this method if you cannot wear lenses.

2 . For women, changing eye color without lenses at home is even easier - just use cosmetics. If you have green eyes, then you can use a contour pencil and shades of gray or brown. Once the makeup is applied, the eye color will become more intense. Thanks to this method, women can easily change the color of their eyes. Instead of buying lenses, you can use decorative cosmetics in different shades.

3 . Regardless of whether a person wants it or not, the iris of the eyes changes its shade with age. In newborns it is often blue. And then there is a natural change in shade as the child grows up. It may turn grey, brown or green. Older people often have lighter irises. And if a person suddenly loses his vision, then the iris becomes a faded color. If young man eyes brown color, then by old age they can become honeyed.

4 . Some people's eyes take on a different color after illness. They can become either lighter or darker. Most often this happens to blue-eyed people; this does not happen to brown-eyed people. Because of the eye inflammatory diseases it is possible to change the color of one eye, which leads to heterochromia. For example, Fuchs syndrome and Posner-Schlossmann syndrome may cause the iris to appear greenish.

5 . Some people with glaucoma often experience changes in eye color without lenses due to hormonal hormones. eye drops. Thanks to this drug there is a decrease intraocular pressure, but if you use it for a long period of time, the iris of the eyes darkens.

6 . Another way to change eye color without lenses at home? It will be enough to change the lighting in the room or the mood in your heart. This technique works for those with light eyes. For such people, it is enough to learn how to choose the right wardrobe. For example, green-eyed women will only need to wear lilac clothes and brown mascara to make their eye color different.

7 . There is also a controversial method that involves visualization. It is believed that you can change your eye color through self-suggestion. You need to imagine the shade that you want for the iris of your eyes. Before starting a self-hypnosis session, be sure to completely relax. It is best if the environment is quiet, so that nothing will distract you. Twenty to forty minutes will be enough for one visualization session.

8 . Another one appeared recently medical method change eye color - using laser beam. American scientists have developed this method; with its help, eyes turn blue. To obtain this color, unnecessary pigment is burned out with a laser on the iris of the eye. Only this process is irreversible. In addition, such an operation costs at least five thousand dollars, which is much more expensive than contact lenses.

With these tips you can change your eye color without contacts. But if you did nothing and the color has changed, you should be concerned and visit a doctor, as this may be the result of a disease.
