When shedding, your dog itches a lot, what should you do? Heavy shedding in dogs. With proper nutrition

05/07/2017 by Eugene

There are a number of artificially bred breeds that are not subject to seasonal shedding. These dogs were specially selected by selective breeding and bred for people who are allergic to animal fur, but who dream of pet. These breeds include maltese dog, Tibetan terrier, Yorkshire terriers, poodles, Irish spaniel. But when purchasing a pet of a non-shedding breed, you should know that this in no way relieves the owner of the problems of caring for the puppy’s coat. The fact is that if in ordinary dogs the fur is renewed on its own and requires intensive combing only at the moment of shedding, then in non-shedding breeds (especially long-haired ones) the fur begins to curl and become tangled. Therefore, such dogs require regular brushing and trimming.

Excessive hair loss: causes

First, you need to figure out what heavy shedding in a dog means. Hair loss in winter can be called abnormal, especially in December and autumn period. It is not at all difficult to check whether excessive shedding is taking place - by wetting your hand and running it along the withers. More than 10 hairs (not fluff) are considered abnormal.

Very intense hair loss over three weeks also falls under the category of deviations.

Dogs living in apartments, especially rare breeds, often suffer from a number of diseases, which primarily affect the condition of the coat.

Methods to combat severe hair loss

If you notice intense lint loss in your pet, you need to observe its behavior. If the dog behaves calmly, does not itch, does not whine, and the membranes of the eyes are a normal pink color, most likely this is a typical allergy. In this case, veterinarians recommend a course of detoxification (of course, if a food reaction is suspected). This course involves feeding the dog 1% kefir for 10 days.

Don't worry that your pet will lose weight or that this diet won't be enough for him. After the end of the diet, one component at a time, other products must be introduced. For example, 11-22 days - beef (chicken), 13-14 - you can add cereal to the meat. More simple
The way to determine what exactly a dog is allergic to is to undergo a special test in veterinary clinic, but, unfortunately, not every doctor has the necessary equipment.

To keep your dog's coat healthy, it is necessary to balance its diet. In a positive way Vitamins A and E affect the condition of the coat. Do not get carried away with synthetic analogues of these substances; to normalize the animal’s metabolism, it is enough to add 1 teaspoon olive oil in porridge (food), and also introduce carrots into the diet.

In purebred dogs and most breeds, shedding occurs in spring and autumn. The owner just needs to buy a thick brush and a comb with sparser teeth and comb the pet thoroughly at this time. This is necessary so that as little wool as possible remains on furniture, carpets, and clothes.

If you are not ready to devote time to combing dead hairs, but you want a dog, then buy a breed that does not shed. These include the popular one, and others. Schnauzers are trimmed, you can buy a Chinese Crested or a Mexican Hairless. This way you will avoid problems with regular brushing of the coat.

Why does shedding occur?

Outbred and purebred smooth-haired and long-haired dogs They shed necessarily 2 times a year (autumn and spring) and for other reasons. Wire-haired cats require trimming, when dead hairs are carefully plucked by the owners themselves or by a specialist.

In the fall for winter, the dog should shed shorter hair without a thick undercoat and acquire longer hair, often on the neck, hind and front legs, with thick hair. In the spring, the pet will shed this “fur coat” and again grow shorter and with a sparse undercoat. This type of molting is natural, “seasonal.”

Dogs descended from wolves, and that predator feels that with the onset of cold weather it’s time to get a warm “fur coat,” and when it gets warmer, you can get by with shorter hair. This type of shedding is the most abundant in dogs of both sexes. But in bitches it can be hormonal. It most often occurs after 2 months. after giving birth, when the bitch is actively feeding puppies or during estrus.

Puppies mature and exchange their soft puppy fur for adult fur. At the same time, it is tougher and the color becomes richer and more intense; if the dog is purebred, then the color will be like that of one of the parents. The puppy will be six months old and these changes will begin to occur.

How long does shedding last?

If you intensively brush your pet during seasonal shedding, it will go away in 1 or 2 weeks. Dogs that live in apartments are too hot and lose their hair throughout the year.

More in autumn and spring and less at other times. Hormonal background they are somewhat disturbed.

To make the new coat grow better, feed it with super-premium dry food or natural food, so that there is a lot fresh meat, eggs and fresh vegetables, which most dogs love. Steam them. These are cabbage, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin and others.

What to do if your dog sheds a lot?

What to do first during seasonal molting depends on the breed of your pet. Experts recommend that everyone brush their pets and remove dead fur every day. At the pet store, purchase special combs suitable for your dog's coat type. If you notice that your dog sheds heavily even after 2 weeks, then you need to buy and introduce vitamins into the diet. Group B fatty acids, especially Omega-3, have a particularly beneficial effect. The wool will be strengthened in the roots and will fall out less.

There is a peculiarity that those dogs that eat only dry food and do not drink much water experience some dry skin and hair loss. Introduce wet industrial food into the diet at this time. Better yet, raw beef, turkey, chicken and other fresh or frozen and defrosted meat in the microwave or naturally. Don't give us bones. Don't forget to add boiled vegetables with egg and vitamins.

The pet will shed less, the amount of dandruff will decrease, and the skin will not be so dry and will acquire normal moisture. Let's consider other procedures that improve the condition of your pet's coat and skin.

We take care of wool

Everything has been written about your pets' fur.

We have already mentioned that when shedding, you need to brush thoroughly with fine teeth comb out dead hair. And so on every day. Then the new one will grow faster in those places. Circulation skin will improve and the new coat will be strong, elastic and as long as possible. If you devote this hygiene procedure 1 or 2 times a day, then there will be a minimum of wool on your sofas and carpets and you will not have to vacuum more than 2 times a week.

If it is not spring or autumn, your bitch is not feeding puppies or she is not in heat, and her hair is falling out, then you need to introduce vitamins with useful minerals into her diet. Such a complex useful substances You can purchase it at a veterinary pharmacy or through an online store, at a zoo market, etc. When few nutrients enter the body with food hair follicles may weaken and the pet loses more hair.

It’s a bad sign if the fur falls out in places and sores form there. It could be some kind of skin disease, from food allergies to fungus, ringworm. In addition, hair loss may indicate illness. internal organs. Take your pet to see a veterinarian immediately.

Cleaning wool

The best natural bristle brushes. Most often they are made from pork or horse hair. Some dogs may experience problems due to the synthetic brush. allergic reaction. Good brush moderately thick and medium hard.

Dogs need to be brushed especially often long hair. A comb is convenient for unraveling tangles and removing dead hair more thoroughly. A particularly thick comb is convenient for carrying out these procedures. When long-haired dog sheds, it is best to use brushes with soft bristles and run them gently through the fur so as not to pull out a tuft right along with the skin.

A haircut

Do you think that dogs are cut with ordinary scissors? Only beginners and inexperienced dog breeders. If the dog has long hair and constantly needs to have its hair done as the hair grows back, then it makes sense to immediately purchase a special clipper. So convenient to care for poodles, lapdogs, shih tzus and Yorkshire terriers when doing hygiene for them short haircut for summer. Usually, dogs of those breeds with which similar procedures are customarily cut are cut. Shepherd dogs, golden retrievers and they don’t even cut collies’ hair.

It is not enough to just clean your pet’s fur from dust and dirt in bad weather or bathe them; you need to feed your pet well so that the coat is bright, rich in color, and the hair is as healthy as possible. The best food super premium or premium class. If you constantly give them to your pet, he will be cheerful and active. An experienced veterinarian will say that long-lived dogs are more often found among those who eat not only dry food, but also raw meat, eggs, boiled vegetables.

Dogs that live in enclosures or in private sectors that have free range in the courtyard of the house are rarely bathed. Most summers, when the weather is hot, the owners buy them in a basin from a hose with cool well water. Or they take you to a local pond and wash and rinse thoroughly.

Pet dogs need to be washed more often. If your pet has not gotten dirty in something foul-smelling or in fuel oil, then you can wipe it with a damp sponge and shampoo. And if it gets seriously dirty, then it’s best to put it in the bathroom, wet the fur, soap it and rinse it off. You can repeat the procedure. Try to accustom your puppy to water procedures. Then even adults will be able to tolerate them calmly, and maybe he will enjoy swimming.

It is often not recommended to bathe indoor pets due to the fact that the skin can dry out and the hair will begin to fall out more. If your pet itches frequently and you have treated it for fleas a long time ago, repeat the procedure. After all, when it itches, the hair in those places falls out. Clean your pet's ears. If he gets ear mites, he may develop bald patches behind the ears due to intense scratching with his back paw.

Food for pets that shed

If you have been feeding your pet premium food and notice that hair has begun to fall out profusely, consider changing the food. Well proven food super premium class: Royal Canin with Hills, Bosch with Eukanuba, ProPlan with Acana and Orijen with Belcando, etc. They are the most expensive, but for their preparation the manufacturers used high-quality raw materials.

They are perfectly balanced and maximally beneficial for your pet. There are enough proteins with fats and minerals with essential vitamins and fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6 and others useful microelements. In cheap food, unfortunately, this balance is not maintained and your pet’s body will not receive an insufficient amount of necessary substances.

You will be surprised, but by changing your diet to a more balanced one, you can solve the issue of shedding. It will be significantly reduced. Or the dog will stop shedding noticeably altogether. They will contain high-quality meat and fish, cereals, enough microelements with vitamins and fatty acids.

Good premium foods that can be fed to a puppy and an adult dog, nursing a bitch, are: ProNature with Purina and Red Oak and other good foods. Even though they are not expensive and in some ways inferior to super-premium food, they can form a regular diet for your pet. And they are cheaper than those higher quality, but also expensive feeds.

The owner who feeds the dog natural food does even better. This means that every day the dog eats fresh or frozen meat, cereals (boiled buckwheat, rice) boiled along with meat and vegetables, etc.

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Almost all dogs shed periodically. Certain breeds, e.g. german shepherds, may shed all year round, however, even dogs that are not so prone to shedding, such as poodles, also shed sometimes. Weather conditions and the changing seasons have a big impact on how much a dog sheds, but the health status of the dog plays the most important role. A dog whose hair loss is noticeably greater than average rate for her breed, may have hidden health problems. Of course, you can't completely stop your pet's shedding, but with proper care of its health and good grooming, you can reduce it.


With proper nutrition

    Feed your dog high quality food. One of the best ways reduce excessive shedding in a dog - transfer it to healthy eating. Cheap dog foods are mostly made up of fillers that dogs have a hard time digesting, such as corn and grains. Instead, turn your attention to those foods in which meat is the main ingredient. Quality foods cost more, but they are better for your pet for a variety of reasons. Nutrients from meat feed are better digested and absorbed, thereby promoting health, reducing problems with dry skin and excessive shedding. Remember that improving nutrition may reduce shedding, but will not eliminate it completely.

    Add olive or flaxseed oil to your dog's food. A good place to start is to give one teaspoon (5 ml) of oil for every 4.5 kg of animal weight. These oils contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help soothe inflamed skin, reduce dandruff and improve general state wool

    Give your dog "people food" from time to time. Apple slices ( without seeds, which contain traces of cyanide that can accumulate in your dog's body), bananas, cucumbers, and cooked lean meats (without bones) are all moisture-rich foods that will help your dog maintain water balance. In addition, such food contains beneficial nutrients, helping to make the coat smooth and shiny, and also reduce the amount of shedding. However, remember that only 5-10% of your dog's daily food intake should be treats of any kind; the rest should come from high-quality dog ​​food.

    Provide your dog with constant access to clean, fresh water. Dehydration can lead to dry skin, which in turn can lead to excess shedding and even disease. Make sure your dog always has access to this amount of fresh and clean water what kind of drink she can drink.

    Through regular grooming

    1. Brush your pet's fur regularly. Grooming allows you to remove lost hair from the coat and distribute sebum throughout it, which helps strengthen the coat. Depending on your dog's coat type, you can use either a brush, a slicker brush, or a flat comb.

      • Brushes are best suited for short-haired and smooth-haired dog breeds, such as many terriers, pugs and greyhounds. Dog brushes look similar to the hair brushes used by humans.
      • Slicker brushes are good for most dogs with medium-length or curly coats, including retrievers, cocker spaniels and St. Bernards. These combs are brushes with relatively dense metal bristles.
      • Flat brushes are best for dogs with long hair and a thick undercoat, such as collies, long-haired German shepherds and chow chows. When purchasing a flat comb for your pet, make sure the teeth are roughly the same length as your dog's fur so that he can properly comb out any loose undercoat.
    2. For heavily shedding dogs, use special anti-shedding tools. Use these tools before the onset of spring, when the winter coat begins to thin, and in the fall, when it grows back. Dogs that spend most of their time indoors can shed year-round.

When an animal begins to shed profusely, it itches, this becomes a real problem for the owner. Wool flies in the air, sticks to furniture, sticks to carpets, and during the whole process, there is a lot of it. In this article, we will tell you about this process, difficult for humans, but necessary for dogs, why and when it happens. Or maybe this is a sign of illness?


What is shedding in dogs?

Change process hairline, is called molting. What can dog shedding tell experienced owners? For many professional dog owners, this process can tell what condition an animal is in. By looking at the fur coat, you can conclude whether the animal is sick or whether it is healthy and well cared for.

Shedding periods

There are planned and unplanned molting periods. The planned period includes the autumn and spring periods - twice a year. We will now dwell on each of them in more detail.

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Spring molt

In the spring, the first planned change of hair begins. At this time, the animal is preparing for the upcoming summer heat and changes its very dense winter coat to a lighter one. Depending on the characteristics of a particular animal, the process can take about two weeks.

While shedding old fur, the pet constantly itches and leaves large balls of fur throughout the home. Help the animal get rid of excess hair, brush your dog special brush, which can be bought at any store. Your pet will be very grateful to you, and there won’t be much hair on furniture and clothes.

Autumn molt

Typically, the second time a year when an animal changes its fur occurs in the fall. Unlike spring molting, in autumn, the pet, on the contrary, warms itself up for the upcoming cold weather. The dog grows thicker and more matted fur, the coat becomes very dense to protect the animal from the cold and frost of the coming winter. In order for the fur coat to be very dense after molting and shine in the sun, it needs proper care in the process of molting.

  1. Combing the fur with a special brush.
  2. Visits to the dog groomer (if necessary).
  3. Visit to the vet (if you feel something is wrong).

Molting out of season

Due to a combination of some factors and reasons, it also happens that the four-legged animal continues to shed its old fur after the planned molting season, throughout the year. This may be due to several reasons, which we will discuss below.

Causes of off-season shedding

Usually, a coat change is expected before significant warming or cooling twice during the year. If the animal lives in a very warm house, next to heating devices, the process of flowing from spring to autumn molting may occur. Due to the fact that the conditions in the house are different from natural conditions habitat, including temperature, molting can last all year round. In addition, the animal may shed during periods of vitamin deficiencies, estrus or other hormonal imbalances.

It also happens that behind an unscheduled molt there is some kind of serious illness. Out-of-season hair loss may be associated with many diseases that may only begin to manifest themselves in the animal’s body, or may not cause any symptoms at all. visible symptoms. First of all, the fur reacts to a malfunction in the body.

If the animal is constantly itching, but does not have fleas, then pay attention to the fur coat. You can tell by the condition of the fur whether your pet is sick or not. Still, what should you do if your dog sheds a lot and you are concerned about its health?

How to solve the problem with out-of-season shedding

If your pet continues to shed heavily, then you should make sure that it is not normal seasonal shedding. Seasonal molting is not accompanied by skin irritations; the animal itches, but this happens without pain, there are no bald patches, the fur does not feel rough.

If you do not observe any signs of the disease, but your pet is shedding, you can do the following:

  1. Do not place sleeping area the pet is too close to heating devices.
    Ventilate the room. Inflow fresh air Helps reduce temperature and increase fresh air flow.
  2. Take your dog for walks regularly. Regardless of the weather and time of year, the dog should walk and experience emotions every day.
  3. Regular physical exercise. This will help your pet stay in good mood, thereby moving away from depressive habits. This is why it is important to play with the animal.

If, nevertheless, your fears that your pet has health problems have not passed, then under no circumstances self-medicate. You are not a professional doctor and can only make things worse. The best solution to this problem is to contact an experienced veterinarian. He will examine the animal, take everything necessary tests and will appoint correct treatment. In this case, the pet will again shine with its beautiful coat, and you will be calm.

Video “Shedding in dogs”

This short video will give you a quick overview of shedding and how it works.

Almost all dog breeds shed their fur and undercoat twice a year – in autumn and spring. This is necessary and natural process fur coat and skin renewal. If the owner brushes the dog daily, the process will last 1-2 weeks. In long-haired breeds and dogs with a solid undercoat, shedding can last for 3 weeks, and there is nothing suspicious about it. In most cases, when hair loss actually occurs, the owner simply does not notice a number of warning symptoms.

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    If a dog that lives outside begins to shed in winter, you need to analyze the previous 2-3 weeks, perhaps the owner did not notice that the animal was itching or was experiencing excessive anxiety. It is necessary to examine your pet's skin. If there are red areas and scratches, it is most likely due to dermatitis. Dermatitis is a very vague diagnosis and cannot be treated arbitrarily.

    A strange, sharp, unusual smell for a dog is also a symptom. A change in odor indicates abnormal functioning of the skin glands. This phenomenon has a dozen reasons: from low-quality shampoo to food picked up in the trash. Even if there was no smell before the molting began, you should not forget about this symptom. The first source of a strange smell is the dog's ears and paws.

    Particularly susceptible this symptom German Shepherds: in them it may additionally be accompanied by dandruff. IN in this case the problem will be the shortage fatty acids, which in some cases may indicate dysfunction of the liver and pancreas.


    The next question to ask is: Has the dog been nervous the past few weeks? Fights, injuries, veterinarian visits, or any other stress during Lately may well provoke shedding. With this development of events, hair loss should not be intense and should stop within 2-3 days. Stress can trigger any “dormant” disease, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pet as a whole, and not just its coat.

    Food allergies

    After this reason has disappeared, it is worth thinking about the pet’s diet. There are several main reasons in this case:

    • Excess of artificial additives in feed.
    • Change of diet.
    • Lack of vitamins in the dog's diet.

    Theoretically, any, even the most healthy dog may be allergic to food, even to a single product.

    In this case, the disease develops almost like autoimmune disease: leukocytes defend the body from the “enemy” - improperly selected food. Since skin and fur are not vital organs compared to, for example, the heart, all negative effects organisms manifest themselves primarily on them. In this case, the allergy is accompanied by a number of symptoms - severe itching, anxiety, sometimes active salivation. The dog's nose appears wetter than usual; eyes may become watery and red.

    Lack of vitamins, especially A and E, fatty amino acids Omega 3 and 6, has an extremely detrimental effect on the condition of the skin and coat.

    Change of feed

    If the dog eats natural products, you should definitely take vitamin courses, especially during the off-season. If she eats dry food, it should be at least premium class. If the dog is predisposed to allergies, then a super-premium or holistic class food is needed. Food from the economy series will be useless at best, and harmful at worst due to large quantity salt.

    If a dog is transferred from dry to natural food(or vice versa), it is necessary to do this gradually. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing stomach problems or allergies in your pet.

    Non-food allergies

    Unexpected molting also indicates a more insidious ailment - non-food allergies. The situation is complicated by the fact that the body’s reaction can be provoked by almost any object in the home or even air (polluted with gases, exhausts, pollen). A new bowl, walking clothes, bedding, etc. can pose a threat.

    Low-quality shampoos can cause the development of dermatitis and other skin ailments. Frequent bathing, especially in dogs with a thick undercoat, also provokes shedding.

    If your pet's ears have dark coating, should be looked for in the pet ear mites. Lice eaters are another threat that even experienced dog owners fear. An infected dog sheds heavily all year round until it becomes critically bald. The problem is the difficulty of diagnosing such a danger.
