How much does a 4 month old sleep? A few rules for good sleep. Falling into deep sleep

Sleep is a natural process. The body needs it to gain strength and relax. For newborn babies and in the first months of life, sleep is very important stage their development, and any deviation from the norm is a reason to reverse Special attention for the baby's health. Every caring mother should know how much a baby sleeps at 4 months.

Why you need to know sleep standards

Basically, any mother asks questions such as: how much should the child eat, how much weight and height should he gain? . But not everyone is interested in how old the baby is must sleep. However, it is very important that the baby receives this norm in full. If you know approximately the time normal sleep in children of different ages, then you can notice the first signs of the disease in time. You can also prevent other undesirable consequences and manifestations of excessive sleep or lack of sleep.

Sleep standards need to be known in order to:

  1. Provide the child required time rest, as this is very important for the full development of the brain and systems of the small body, as well as for the growth of the baby.
  2. Eliminate accumulated fatigue.
  3. Avoid the consequences and signs of overwork.

Due to the child's normal sleep wellness and mood.

How much should a 4 month old baby sleep?

The daily sleep requirement is determined by the age of the baby. The smaller the crumb, the more time his proper rest. Eg, one month old baby should sleep at least 17 hours, and 4 months - approximately 15–16 hours a day. Night sleep is approximately 11 hours, and the remaining 4–5 hours fall on daytime.

The baby can sleep 1.5 - 2 hours three times a day during the daytime. But the night time is interrupted for eating. At 4 one month old The number of feedings per night is only once or twice. When the baby is 6 months old, he may not wake up at all at night. But this doesn’t happen to everyone.

Often, a baby’s daytime sleep is superficial. He may fall asleep in his parents' arms while walking or in a stroller during a walk. At this moment, any sudden movements or loud sounds. During the daytime it is necessary so that the baby falls into a deep sleep at least once. This is only possible in a place where there are no loud or extraneous sounds.

The duration of sleep is also important. If a child's sleep is less than 60 minutes, then he will not be able to fully rest and relax properly. Because of this, the baby may become irritable and capricious.

When does your baby sleep more or less than normal?

Every baby individual organism. And even at such a young age, a child may sleep less than the allotted time or like to sleep longer.

Deviation from the norm to a lesser or greater extent by 2 hours per day is considered acceptable. If the deviation exceeds 2 hours, then pay attention to other features in the baby’s behavior.

If your baby sleeps less than expected and appears sleepy, moody and irritable, it is recommended to sleep more. For 4-month-old children, the causes of poor sleep may be:

If there is nothing unusual in the baby’s behavior, and he is sleepless and quite active, then a short amount of sleep is enough for him. There are children whose daytime nap lasts less than 60 minutes and this is enough for them.

If at 4 months of age the baby sleeps much longer than it should and has the following symptoms:

  1. Activities and games during waking hours.
  2. Attentiveness. The child is interested in new and exciting things.
  3. Normal weight and height gain.

In such cases (if all three conditions characterize your baby), he simply loves to sleep.

In some situations increased drowsiness indicates that some disease is occurring in the body. It is for this reason that if at least one condition does not apply to your child, contact a specialist for a health check.

Features of changing the daily routine

It is extremely important to set the night and nap starting from the first month of life. Very often you can see a situation where a child is awake at night, and most sleeps during the day. Or he falls asleep at 19 o'clock and wakes up by 5 am. In such cases, it is better to gradually change the child’s regimen.

If the baby sleeps more during daylight hours and is awake at night, then it is necessary to limit sleep during the daytime. For such purposes, make a table with a schedule and try to follow it. This is the only way to normalize the ratio of wakefulness and sleep. If the baby goes to bed and, accordingly, gets up late in the morning, then he needs to be woken up. This way you can create a daily routine that suits you.

When a child falls asleep early and, accordingly, wakes up early, then the time of going to bed must be gradually shifted. With a gradual shift in schedule, the baby needs to be settled 30 minutes later every week.

You should not put your baby to bed later than 20.30 or 21.00. After this time, they are more tired, which means it is more difficult for them to fall asleep. If at a later time the baby looks energetic and cheerful, and not tired, then he needs to be put to bed.

You can sleep during the day at the same time or watch how tired your baby is. Both options are allowed if the ratio of night and daytime sleep is correct.

It is necessary to change the child’s sleep schedule, even if such a broken version more acceptable to parents.

Does a baby need to be rocked to sleep?

You should not stop paying attention to your child during sleep. Many parents argue about whether they should rock their baby to sleep before bed. There is a professional opinion on this topic:

The question of whether it is worth keeping quiet during the baby’s sleep period is very controversial.

Many children sleep peacefully in places where there is a lot of noise - this could be: vehicles, the street, a balcony, open windows facing a noisy road. At the same time, the baby can sleep so soundly that any adult will envy him.

Some parents during sleep use good fairy tales or light music. Sleeping with music quickly calms and relaxes you. The baby can be seen sleeping at a moment when two songs have not yet played. But if your baby does not show any reaction at all to a sudden or loud noise, then it needs to be shown to a pediatric specialist. This may be a sign of hearing problems. Very often you can find in childhood hearing problems.

But there are children who can sleep only in complete silence. Parents try to protect their child from any noise. In this case, the conclusion suggests itself: the baby gets used to the conditions that his parents created for him. The baby will demand complete silence while sleeping if he walks on tiptoe all the time. But if the child is accustomed to noise, then when he wants to sleep, he will definitely fall asleep.

Sleep regression

Adaptation period at the age of 4 months left behind. The baby is no longer bothered by painful colic. It would seem that you can breathe a sigh of relief and relax, but that was not the case. Without visible reasons Sleep problems appear and behavior changes:

It is precisely such manifestations that experts call “sleep regression” and this is a normal phenomenon. The baby seems to be returning to the period when his sleep was not yet regulated. This condition occurs approximately at 17 weeks of a child's life and can last approximately 2-6 weeks.

Why does a 4-month-old baby have a disrupted sleep pattern? The main reason for this problem is sudden jump psychological and physical development of the baby, the result of which is a change in the structure of children's sleep . Now he goes through all the same stages as an adult.

  1. Slow. It includes: drowsiness, superficial phase and deep dream. This stage is necessary in order to restore all the strength in the body.
  2. Fast. It is also called the stage of vivid dreams. During this period, the memory is prepared, the information that was received during the day is processed, and the nervous system is restored.

These phases have a cyclical repetition. For a 4-month-old child, the sleepy period lasts approximately 40 minutes. Between cycles the baby wakes up. An adult does not notice such an awakening and easily falls asleep again. But the baby still can’t do it. That is why he cries loudly, attracting the attention of his parents.


If you sleep together with your baby, regression may not occur. Is it so? Research has shown that:

There is always a risk of crushing the baby, but co-sleeping the benefits are undoubted, especially during the period of regression.

Having established children's sleep , you will ensure healthy development, and yourself peace of mind and peace of mind.

In the 4th month of life, children usually grow rapidly, develop physically and psychologically, and acquire new skills, abilities and abilities. During this period, parents are concerned with questions: how much should a child eat at 4 months, what duration of sleep and wakefulness is considered normal, will sudden changes in the weight and height of the baby.

How much a baby should eat at 4 months depends on weight little man. On average, the volume of food consumed does not exceed 1000 g per day, subject to feeding 5–7 times, 150–200 g at a time.

It is easier to understand how much a child should eat at 4 months. artificial feeding, when the amount of mixture is easy to regulate and calculate. The only way to find out how much your baby has eaten while breastfeeding is to control weight before and after eating.

You can understand that a newborn is eating enough by a number of indirect signs:

  • the baby himself refuses the breast, and after feeding with the formula, 10–20 ml of the mixture remains in the bottle;
  • after feeding, a healthy baby does not act up for 3-4 hours, sleeps or plays peacefully;
  • urination and bowel movements occur regularly.

With sufficient nutrition, other parameters of the newborn should change proportionally: height, volume chest and head circumference. Normal indicators for 4-month-old children are shown in the table.

The age of 4 months is too early to introduce complementary foods into the diet of a newborn, especially if the baby is breastfeeding. However, by this time the feeding regime has already been established, which occurs before daytime and night sleep, as well as after waking up.

In the first year of a newborn’s life, weight gain is the main indicator of health and normal harmonious development. On the question of how much a child should gain at 4 months, pediatricians agree: no less than 20–25 g per day. Over a month, the total weight gain for a healthy newborn will be 0.6–0.7 kg.

Speaking about how much a child should gain at 4 months, the norm is considered to be plus 120-150 g per week for boys and 115-130 g for girls.

Parents need to know how much a child should write at 4 months in order to identify in time possible deviations and track the first alarming manifestations. Thus, up to six months, it is normal for children to urinate 350–450 ml per day up to 25 times a day (25 ml at a time). If the baby pees more often or less often, this is a signal of hypothermia or dysfunction in the nervous system.

How much a baby should poop at 4 months usually depends on the number of meals. If the baby receives food 5 to 7 times a day, then the same number of bowel movements is considered optimal. However, this process is individual and for a particular newborn, stool once every 2 days is also normal.

Pediatricians do not give an exact answer on how much sleep children should sleep at 4 months, but 14–15 hours of sleep is considered the norm. This time occurs at night and 2-3 periods of sleep during the day.

When talking about how much sleep a baby should sleep at 4–5 months, we take into account the duration different phases sleep and wakefulness. So, at night the baby needs 10 hours of deep sleep to recuperate. good sleep, and during the day - 3-5 hours of naps after feeding or during a walk. Thus, the answer to the question of how long a child should be awake at 4 months is simple: the remaining 8–9 hours.

There are several ways to adjust your baby's routine:

  • introduce bedtime rituals (feeding, bathing, lullaby or story);
  • go to bed at the same time (preferably between 19:00 and 21:00);
  • in the crib where the baby sleeps, do not leave toys that distract and encourage play;
  • ventilate the children's room, maintain air humidity at 60–70%.

At 4 months old, parents should decide how much sleep they should have during the day, taking into account that waking hours are best spent on light massage, gymnastics, air baths and games.

By 4 months, a healthy newborn has acquired several skills that indicate his or her normal development, physical and mental. At this age, a little person can normally:

  1. Raise and hold your head while lying on your stomach. In a supine position, it can study its legs or objects opposite.
  2. Roll over from your stomach to your back. This skill may not yet be very well established, but the newborn makes attempts to change the position of his body.
  3. Turn his head in the direction of an object or phenomenon that is of interest to him (follow a toy, watch what his parents are doing).
  4. Watch your hands. His movements become purposeful and coordinated, his palms are not clenched into fists, his elbows are straightened. Can grasp and hold light objects by squeezing with fingers.

The baby strives to explore the world around him:

  • reacts to sounds and noise, listens, perceives music;
  • strives for communication: makes its own sounds and tries to imitate others;
  • distinguishes odors;
  • tastes all objects;
  • laughs while playing or talking to him;
  • attracts the attention of adults by “hooking”.

The appearance of children at this age also undergoes changes:

  1. The thin hair with which the baby was born is replaced by new, stronger and thicker hair, and its color often changes.
  2. Eye color changes: light eyes can become brown and vice versa. The dominant genes of one of the parents are decisive.
  3. “Fontanelle” is a place on the back of the head where the bones of the skull have not yet fused, while it is open, but is decreasing in size.

All the given quantitative and qualitative changes are only averaged indicators in the norm. If the child is behind in some of them, or does not know how to do something, then parents should not panic ahead of time - each person is individual. However, in cases where there are serious reasons for concern, you need to talk about it immediately alarming symptoms pediatrician

All children are different. Among them there are sleepyheads, and there are also those who sleep significantly less than normal. Children almost never sleep more than three or four hours at a time, day or night. This means you won’t be able to sleep for many hours in a row either. At night you will have to get up to feed and change your baby; during the day you will play with it.

As much as he needs, the answer suggests itself. And in general, the child does not owe anything to anyone. Sleep is natural process. The baby is tired - he will sleep. He doesn’t want to sleep, which means he’s not tired enough yet; the body doesn’t need it. Is it so?

How long should a child sleep?

The period of wakefulness of a newborn is only three to four hours a day, but its duration increases with each month. To the question: “How much should a baby sleep at 4 months?” Russian experts answer: “From fifteen to seventeen hours in total.”

At the same time, about eleven hours are allotted for night rest. Foreign colleagues give slightly more modest figures: from fourteen to fifteen hours daily. Both of them agree on the issue of organizing daytime rest: the number of sleeps should be in the range from two to three, and preferably for fresh air.

How much sleep should a child actually sleep?

The theory, of course, sounds beautiful, but it reflects average statistical data, and deviation from the given figures is not a pathology. If the baby feels great, is cheerful and active, but rests a little less or a little more than normal, there is nothing wrong with that and discussions about how much sleep a child should have at 4 months is a waste of time. Healthy baby sooner or later it will adjust this time, regardless of the tabular data.

When you think about adults, does everyone sleep the same amount of time? Does everyone go to bed before midnight and wake up with roosters crowing? One for full recovery you need six hours, while others can sleep all twelve. Some people feel better when they go to bed early and get up early, while others do the opposite. Children are no exception. And there is no need to adjust them to some average indicators.

Another case is if the baby does not sleep due to some discomfort. Therefore, when thinking about what a child’s sleep should be like (he is 4 months old or a year old), you need to focus not on its duration in hours, but on its quality indicators. Let's think about adults again: you can twist and turn all night, wake up in the afternoon and feel exhausted. Or you can go to bed quite late, sleep “in one breath” and wake up the next morning cheerful and full of strength.

How much does a 4 month old baby eat?

6 feedings every 3.5 hours, 150-170 ml. When feeding with formulas that are as close as possible to breast milk, only juices and fruit purees are additionally introduced into the diet. According to the latest recommendations, the introduction of yolk and cottage cheese has been postponed to a later date.

At 4 months, when you can introduce fruit puree into your diet, remember general rule: a child is not given two new products in one day! So, if you started feeding dry formulas, you need to wait a little with purees. When it comes to fruit purees, there is nothing better to start with than our Russian Antonovka. The apple must be washed, peeled and grated on a glass or plastic grater, or you can scrape it with a sharp spoon.

Grated raw apples are not only a source of vitamins and plant fibers, improving digestion, they are suitable for children with unstable stools, and copra with green skin is well tolerated by children suffering from diathesis. On the first day, give only a quarter of a teaspoon, the next half, and so, gradually increasing, bring up to 5-6 spoons a day by the end of the month. Purees, like juices, are best given after meals, and only before a child who spits up frequently.

Child development at four months of age

Each age has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them for the age of four months. So, the pros. A child at 4 months comes out of the so-called “fourth sleep duration of a child at 4 months trimester.” He begins to show more and more interest in the world around him. All senses seem to become sharper, perception becomes deeper.

They themselves can control and regulate their sleep, nutrition and rest patterns. Now the first traits of his character have become noticeable, he has become more sociable, curious, plays excitingly and enjoys it, laughs and is delighted with own discoveries. Every day you notice your baby doing something new. It’s so interesting to watch them, to watch. Deep down in your soul, you begin to understand that here he is, that little man who will become someone in the future.

And now the cons. If a child has sleep disorders or has difficulty sleeping, falling asleep, or sleeping little, there may be a chance that the baby will not outgrow these problems. Your help will be needed here, since at this age the baby’s needs completely change. How much a child sleeps at 4 months will be determined individually. But there are still the same criteria that you should be aware of.

At four months, cognitive abilities reach an important level and major milestone. The child’s brain continues to grow and develop rapidly; this can be seen in the way the child begins to pay attention to everything that is happening, increased interest in new things, and frequent distractions while eating. At 1 or 2 months, the baby calmly suckled at the breast, looking intently at you and your face, and now, having heard a sound or a familiar voice, he immediately breaks away from the breast and turns his head in the direction from which the voice came, waits and peers.

With increased interest, sleep problems may arise. Children may wake up suddenly at night or sleep less during the day, despite the fact that sleep was fine before. Tricks and tricks for falling asleep lose all effect. Many parents who have children 4-6 months old understand each other, because they have one of the important problems and tasks: “How to put your baby to bed faster and more efficiently?”

You hope that the child will fall asleep on his own, having found a comfortable position, you convince yourself that all these are temporary difficulties and everything will pass as soon as the baby grows up a little. This is true. Don't be upset and most importantly don't be nervous. After all, all our mothers also went through this, and we also have to go through this. But now you will know how much a baby sleeps at 4 months.

Baby's daily routine at 4 months

At 4 months you can start feeding your baby juices, fruit and vegetable puree. From the fourth month you can spoon-feed, and new foods should be introduced in small portions very carefully. Usually at this time the pediatrician prescribes vitamin D, it is necessary for the prevention of rickets and correct formation bones.

During the day, a 4-month-old child should eat 5-6 times. Total food taken per day should be 1/6-1/7 of the child’s total weight. For the fourth month, these figures are 900-1000 g. For each feeding, the child should eat about 200 ml breast milk. At this age, mother's milk is irreplaceable and necessary for the child; its quantity must fully satisfy the baby's needs.

Long lasting and restful sleep plays one of the main roles in the development of the child. Sleeping in the fresh air can improve immunity, promote hardening and strengthen nervous system. Night sleep at this stage of a child's life becomes longer and deeper. During the day, you need to put the baby to bed, noticing rubbing his eyes, yawning, and signs of fatigue.

Caring for a 4 month old baby

A 4 month old baby should be washed with water in the morning. room temperature and dry with a soft towel. It is necessary to keep your nose and ears clean. It is necessary to bathe your baby every day. The water temperature should be +35-36 degrees, then you can wash the baby with water 1-2 degrees lower than the temperature in which he was bathed. While bathing, the baby should show joy, hit the water with his palms, splash, and laugh.

Games with a child

It is necessary to play with a child at 4 months using toys. This might awaken him to creative process. In this case, it is necessary not only to teach the child to play with toys, but also to choose them correctly. Toys should be large, bright and in local colors.

An excellent option would be a suspended carousel that moves and makes sounds. At this stage of life, all the child's toys should provoke his motor abilities. Toys should be appropriate for their age and should not have small parts or sharp edges.

By 4 months, the baby acquires a lot of useful skills. He knows how to hold his head tightly, turns towards the source of the sound, grabs a toy, turns on his side, and sometimes rolls over from his back to his stomach and back. The baby has mastered basic communication skills: smiling and laughing, humming, expressing dissatisfaction and the ability to distinguish between loved ones and strangers. As the baby grows, his need for rest changes. How long should a 4 month old baby sleep?

An intensively growing organism requires prolonged and healthy sleep. Therefore, babies up to one year old sleep a lot during the day. A four-month-old baby spends most of the day sleeping. Usually, by this age, infant colic is less of a concern, and sleep becomes stronger and more restful.

During the day, a 4-month-old child should sleep a total of 5–6 hours. On average, 1.5 - 2 hours 3 times a day.

This is the average data. In some children, the duration of deep sleep during the day reaches 3 hours, and the remaining two episodes last 30–60 minutes. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby and his environment.

The introduction of complementary foods usually begins at four months. If a child shows anxiety after a new product and sleeps poorly, it is necessary to delay the start of complementary feeding for 2 weeks and consult a doctor.

Sleep at 4 months directly depends on the baby's reaction to complementary foods

Night sleep

If in the first months the baby often confused day with night, then at four months of age night sleep close to mom's mode.

The child sleeps for about 10 - 12 hours with breaks for 1-2 feedings.

Breastfed babies can breastfeed without waking up if they are placed next to you in bed. But, despite the convenience of sharing a rest, pediatricians do not recommend sleeping with a child due to the danger of cutting off the baby’s oxygen supply or squeezing.

Basic data on the duration of sleep and wakefulness of a child at 4 months are presented in the table.

How to establish a daytime and nighttime sleep pattern

To ensure that your child sleeps soundly, it is important to follow a routine.

To ensure your baby has a healthy and relaxing holiday, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to establish a daily routine and stick to it. For example, get up in the morning at 7 - 8 o'clock, spend hygiene procedures and massage, go to bed during the day at approximately the same time, swim at 20:00 and after feeding go to bed at night.
  2. To make it easier for your child to fall asleep during the day, you need to curtain the window and turn down the TV/music. There is no need to create complete silence; the baby will get used to it and will flinch at every rustle. Let the TV “talk” quietly, and all other sounds and steps will become quieter.
  3. While awake, you should not overtire your child, otherwise it will be difficult for him to fall asleep. At the first signs of fatigue, you should stop developing activities.
  4. If the baby is tired, you need to pick him up and rock him calmly. At the same time, talk in a quiet, friendly voice, stroke the child on the head or tummy. This will make it easier for the little person to fall asleep.
  5. If the baby falls asleep at the end of feeding and often burps in his sleep, you need to hold him in a “column” until he belches air, about 20 minutes in length. But you need to move to this position carefully, without waking the baby.
  6. If the baby does not spit up milk at night, you should not torture him and carry him upright. He fell asleep - let him continue to sleep soundly, but in a position on his side.
  7. Night rest should be complete, so you need to turn off all irritants: lights, TV, etc. The baby must understand that night has come.
  8. A child's sleep depends on the level of oxygen in his body. Therefore, daily walks in the fresh air for 2 hours are required, weather permitting, and frequent ventilation of the room.
  9. Bathing before bed should be approached with understanding: the amount of energy the child spends in the bath, the more soundly he will fall asleep. The water temperature should be no higher than 37 degrees. If the baby lies relaxed in the water, it means that it is too warm and does not stimulate his activity.

What position should you put it in?

Children under one year of age eat liquid food, which often leaves the stomach along with trapped air. In a dream, this poses a particular danger - the child can choke and suffocate. To avoid such a terrible outcome, you need to place the baby on his side, placing a cushion of a blanket or diaper under the back. There should be no unnecessary things, pillows or toys in the crib.

  • The position on the stomach is good for colic: it is easier for the child to get rid of gases. But sleeping in this position is also dangerous due to aspiration of stomach contents into the lungs, that is, the baby may choke.
  • If the baby has fallen asleep with his back up, you cannot leave him alone, you need to be nearby in order to come to the rescue in a dangerous moment.

No matter what safe position the child is lying in, he needs to be checked every 10 to 15 minutes.

To lull or not

Each parent decides for himself what is more convenient and important for him. For some, the most important thing is the baby’s comfort and closeness with him. For others, it means saving time and having the most productive day possible.

If a child falls asleep on his own at 4 months, it means he is comfortable, calm and nothing bothers him. Children get used to motion sickness quickly. But there are situations when you can’t do without it: colic, illness and bad feeling baby, excitement and fatigue, disruption of routine and change of environment, periods of increased growth.


At four months, each child has an individual sleep norm. It may differ from the average by 2 - 3 hours. If your baby begins to sleep much less than before, or, conversely, is too sleepy, you need to show him to a doctor.

Mental and physical development child already with early childhood depends on many factors. In the first year of life, in particular, great value has a mode. Proper organization of nutrition, sleep, and wakefulness ensures that the child quickly gets used to a certain regime, and this is the key to a strong nervous system and overall health. Everyone knows that sleep has a beneficial effect on a child, but many new parents wonder how much sleep a 4-5 month old baby should sleep. This is the age when the baby begins to actively react to others, recognize his parents, and roll over. But first things first.

How to organize your baby's sleep?

From the beginning of the child’s second month of life, you can begin to establish a wakefulness and sleep schedule. The smaller the baby, the more time he needs to sleep. It is advisable that the child have a separate bed. The room in which the baby is located should be regularly ventilated. Bedding also needs to be aired every day, but not in the sun or in a damp room. You cannot smoke in the room where the baby sleeps.

It happens that kids early age they confuse day with night, so how much sleep a 4-month-old child should have according to the schedule does not always correspond to the recommended standards. In this case, parents should help the baby enter normal mode. During the day, when the baby is awake, it is necessary to keep him active: play with him, turn on bright lights, do not reduce the level of normal noise (sound cell phone, TV). At night, on the contrary, reduce the level of all noise sources, do not play with the child, and do not talk for a long time.

How to put a baby to bed?

Many mothers detect fatigue in their infants by their eyes. Someone sees how the baby turns his head in a special way, yawns, and rubs his eyes. A relaxing warm bath with string or chamomile has a beneficial effect on the child and helps him fall asleep easier. Don't constantly rock your baby to sleep, give him the opportunity to fall asleep on his own - just put the sleepy baby in the crib and dim the lights. Experts say that babies acquire sleep-related habits from early childhood, therefore, in order to avoid problems in the future, they advise not to rock or feed the child before falling asleep.

How long should a 4 month old baby sleep outdoors?

Sleeping in the fresh air is very important. It is always long-lasting, deep and healing. Sleeping in the fresh air not only strengthens the body, but also has a beneficial effect on the baby’s nervous system. In the summer, the baby can sleep for a long time in the fresh air, but parents should remember that ultraviolet baths have a positive effect on immune system child, but a direct hit sunlight may have a negative impact on his health. Therefore, when a child sleeps outdoors, he must be protected from wind and direct sunlight. In winter, starting from the age of two weeks, provided that the child was born more than three kilograms, is active and eats well, you can start placing him outside at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes.

So, at 4 months, how much should a baby sleep? The table is presented below.

Night sleep

Daytime nap

Total time sleep

Total waking time

10-12 hours

But exceptions to the rules are also possible.

How much should a 4 month old baby sleep during the day and at night?

Four-month-old babies who are bottle-fed can sleep 11-12 hours at night; if the baby is breastfed, the time of uninterrupted sleep decreases. During the day, a 4-month-old child sleeps for a total of 3-4 hours. The total sleep time per day is 14-16 hours.

The quality of daytime sleep and its duration plays a very important role for health and proper development for the baby.

Causes of sleep disturbances

Data on how much you sleep Small child the four months above are just averages. Each child is individual, so the schedule and number of hours of wakefulness and sleep for your baby may vary slightly.

Sometimes parents feel a problem such as a disrupted routine. They know how much a child should sleep at 4 months, but they cannot implement the rules. Several factors can influence how long you sleep. We need to find out the reason.

The very first thing parents should pay attention to when a child has restless sleep or cannot sleep for too long is the state of his health. Maybe he is worried about colic (digestion problem) - in this case, you can give a light massage to the abdomen (stroking clockwise), put a warm diaper on the tummy or attach it to your body. Maybe teeth have begun to cut - in this case you should always have home medicine cabinet pain-relieving gels for gums. Or the baby just wants to be rocked and picked up.

Also the reason bad sleep is overexcitation. If the day turned out to be stormy, full of emotions, the baby received a lot of impressions, this can cause restless and short sleep. Therefore, before putting your baby to bed, you need to play calm games and listen to soothing music.

Experts say that a person’s temperament also affects the duration and quality of sleep. For example, choleric people sleep slightly less than the average statistical norm, and phlegmatic people, on the contrary, sleep a little more.

Scientists also found that genetic predisposition bedtime also occurs. There is even a gene that is responsible for the quality and duration of human sleep.

All of the above suggests that the duration of sleep varies from person to person. Therefore, do not worry if your child's sleep schedule deviates slightly from accepted standards.
