How to steam your feet in mustard, what are the benefits of such baths? Foot baths: liquid “mustard plaster” in the fight against influenza and ARVI

Mustard (Synapsis) – popular, tested over the years, remedy. It is usually used to treat runny nose and other symptoms of colds. Foot baths on mustard is one of the ways to use it for all ages.

Benefits of dry mustard

Dry mustard, obtained from the seeds of several types of mustard plants, is undoubtedly useful product. Just look at its composition and medicinal properties.


Mustard contains: organic and fatty unsaturated acids, starch, B vitamins, minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, manganese and others.

Natural mustard seeds contain a large number of essential oils. Mustard owes its irritating properties to them, used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Mustard oil is extracted from the grains or dried, crushed to a powder. To steam your feet you will need this mustard powder.

Medicinal properties

Foot baths with mustard - effective and very affordable way fight against incipient rhinitis and colds. They help improve the patient’s well-being and condition, speed up recovery, and help cope with the disease. This action is due to a number of medicinal properties, which mustard powder has. These include:

  • reduction of pain and discomfort in muscles;
  • harmful effects on bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms;
  • warming effect;
  • facilitating sputum discharge;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • activation of protective properties.

Error one:one who suffers from a cold for a long time was in the cold. However, a clear relationship between colds and cold weather has not been identified. Such diseases, of a respiratory nature, are transmitted exclusively by viruses, for example, by airborne droplets through a cough or some object touched by the patient. Everyone knows that colds , occur more often in winter time than in the summer. But experts explain this fact by the fact that in winter we spend more time in heated and enclosed spaces, which create, in truth, ideal conditions for viruses.

Use in folk medicine

Mustard has become widespread in folk medicine. Recipes are most used for the prevention and treatment of colds. It is recommended to steam your feet with the spice at the first signs of illness - to warm up after hypothermia or the appearance of snot. This helps prevent the development of the disease or alleviate the patient’s condition.

However, mustard is also used for other diseases:

  1. For rheumatism and inflammation, a mixture of mustard oil and alcohol solution will help.
  2. When treating fungal diseases, solutions and ointments based on mustard powder can be used.
  3. Synapsis seeds can cope with loss of appetite.
  4. For hypertension, you can put mustard plasters on the calf area.
  5. In the treatment of neuralgia, gruel made from mustard powder is used.
  6. Lotions containing mustard will help a patient with rheumatism.
  7. One of the remedies for arthritis is mustard tincture with vodka.

The plant is also used in other industries. For example, in cosmetology for the preparation of masks for hair and skin, anti-cellulite wraps and other procedures.

Mustard foot baths


Foot baths with mustard are most effective in the first days of illness, but can also be used at other times. With their help, you can try to prevent a cold. To do this, a soaring procedure is carried out if a person gets his feet wet, is very cold, gets caught in the rain or is in a draft. Other indications for use: feeling unwell, weakness, dry runny nose or cough, pain and sore throat, drowsiness.

Is it possible to steam your feet with a runny nose?

Rhinitis is one of the indications for the use of foot baths with mustard. This procedure helps ease the patient’s breathing and improve his well-being. It is advisable to do it in the evening before going to bed. Often there is a noticeable improvement in the morning.

Steam heating is also effective for nasal congestion without snot: the blood vessels dilate due to high temperature and irritation from mustard lower limbs, blood rushes to the legs, and the nasal mucosa bleeds. The swelling subsides.

However, this procedure has its contraindications.


It is contraindicated to soar your feet with synapsis in the following cases:

  1. When the temperature rises above 37-37.5 degrees. Foot baths can only be performed after body temperature has dropped to normal values. Otherwise it will overload cardiovascular system, will cause severe weakness and slow down recovery.
  2. It is forbidden to use such methods of treatment during pregnancy, as this can increase tone, cause uterine contractions, premature birth and other complications.
  3. Contraindicated mustard procedures with varicose veins due to the likelihood of vascular damage and the development of edema.
  4. You should not perform foot baths when skin diseases, high blood pressure, allergic reactions, oncology and injuries.

How to steam your feet with mustard solution?

For an adult

To properly and properly steam an adult’s feet with mustard, you should adhere to the following method:

  1. Hot water is poured into a wide container, the temperature of which is approximately 40 degrees.
  2. Add a couple of large spoons of mustard powder to the water.
  3. Soak your feet in a mustard solution for 30-40 minutes.
  4. While vaping, you need to monitor the temperature of the liquid, adding as needed. hot water into the container.
  5. After the procedure is completed, the feet are removed from the water, dried well with a thick towel, and warm woolen socks are put on them.
  6. It is advisable that the patient, after soaring his legs, drink warm milk or tea and lie down under a blanket. The procedure can be performed at night.
  7. IN for preventive purposes feet should be steamed twice a day for three days.

For children

The child is also allowed a hot foot bath with mustard, but the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Very young children under five years old should not add mustard due to the likelihood of an allergic reaction;
  • procedure time 10-15 minutes;
  • it is important to monitor the water temperature, especially when adding hot water;
  • to make it easier for the baby to sit required time, he can be distracted by cartoons or looking at books;
  • It is better to steam your child’s feet before bedtime, as a last resort, after the procedure you need to refrain from going outside for at least three hours.

An effective combination recipe for a runny nose

To increase the productivity of mustard foot baths, other components can be added when preparing them. Essential oils (fir, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, citrus) and decoctions are used in this capacity medicinal plants, for example chamomile, rosehip or calendula. When such components are added, the warming effect is accompanied by an inhalation effect. However, essential oils are highly allergenic, so they should be used with caution to treat children and people prone to allergic reactions.

It’s easy to prepare such a bath. Add 3-4 large spoons of mustard powder, a few drops, to a bowl of water at a temperature of about 40 degrees. essential oil and plant decoctions (approximately 150-200 ml per procedure). Then the patient lowers his feet into a container of water. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, during which you need to monitor the water temperature. After the time has expired, your feet should be thoroughly dried by rubbing them vigorously with a terry towel. Then thick, warm socks are put on your feet.

Another way to warm your feet is with mustard. It will require two pairs of cotton socks. They need to be warmed up well with a hairdryer, microwave oven, on the heater or battery. Before going to bed, feet are washed and thoroughly rubbed with a hard towel. Then they put on one pair of socks, and on top of the second, into which a little mustard powder is first poured. Socks are left on all night. The mustard will warm your feet, causing them to sweat and absorb the healing vapors of the powder. This procedure will help cope with the onset of a cold or prevent it. You should not wear socks with mustard on bare feet, as this can lead to skin irritation and burns.

The benefit of the seasoning is its bactericidal properties, high content of trace elements and healing oils. Mustard baths have healing properties:

  • warming up the body;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • facilitating sputum discharge;
  • blocking the development of respiratory infections;
  • ridding the body of toxins and waste;
  • withdrawal pain, tension and stagnation in the muscles.

Official medicine also recognizes healing properties mustard, it is not for nothing that such a remedy as mustard plasters was developed.

  • at the first signs of a cold - malaise, weakness, body aches;
  • sore and sore throat, dry cough;
  • runny nose;
  • temperature - indicators should not exceed the subfebrile mark of 37.5°C.

The seasoning has not only healing, but also cosmetic effects. Dry mustard powder together with essential oils softens the skin. After the bath, just rub your heels with a brush to remove dead skin layers.


Soaking your feet with mustard is not always healthy. This procedure, familiar from childhood, turns out to have a number of contraindications:

  • hypertension with occasional hypertensive crises;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • varicose veins and trophic ulcers.

You cannot steam your feet with mustard at temperatures exceeding 37.5°C.

The most important thing in treatment is to do no harm. Therefore, if the temperature is high or low-grade symptoms last too long, you should not warm your feet in water with mustard. Instead of traditional baths, it is better to use other methods prescribed by your doctor.

Attention! During menstruation, women should refrain from steaming their feet with mustard. Such baths stimulate peripheral blood flow, which is fraught with possible bleeding.

Can pregnant women soak their feet in mustard? Doctors are unanimous in their opinion - it is impossible, since during the period of waiting for a child such influences are fraught with dangerous consequences.

How to warm your feet with mustard - rules for using foot baths

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - pour hot water into a basin, pour in mustard powder and sit and steam your feet. But in order for the procedure to be beneficial, you need to follow certain recommendations. They relate to the temperature of the water, the amount of mustard, and the time during which you will steam your feet.

You can also add different components to mustard baths to enhance the healing effect:

  1. Good use of essential oils: eucalyptus, coniferous trees(especially cedar and fir), citrus, menthol, lavender. 3 drops of oil per 1 liter of hot water is enough.
  2. Decoctions medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, rose hips. For one bath, it is enough to take no more than half a glass of this supplement.
  3. To enhance the warming effect of mustard, it is mixed with baking soda in equal proportions.

Adding herbs and oils also gives an inhalation effect, which is very useful for coughs and runny nose.

How to soar correctly

To carry out the procedure, you will need a container for water (preferably a small basin), a thermometer, a terry towel, woolen socks and the main ingredient of the bath - mustard powder.

How to warm your feet with mustard:

  1. Pour hot water into a basin up to your ankles. Then add mustard powder and stir until completely dissolved.
  2. While you keep your feet in the water, you need to cover yourself with a blanket or put on a warm sweater.
  3. The water will cool down during the procedure; you need to add it periodically. It is good if one of the family members does this so that the patient is not distracted.
  4. After waiting the allotted time, rinse your feet warm water, rub dry with a towel and put on woolen socks - they retain heat better and help maintain the warming effect longer.

Important! The water should be hot, but still tolerable, because the feet are very sensitive to heat. A temperature of 45°C is acceptable, but provided that it does not cause you discomfort. It is usually recommended to heat water to 38 to 40°C.

How many mustard baths do you need? The optimal amount is from 2 to 3 procedures per day for at least 3 days.

It is useful to warm up from the inside while steaming your legs. Drink lime tea with the addition of honey, rosehip decoction, herbal teas from chamomile or lemon balm.

How much mustard to put

How much mustard do you need for one bath? The “more is better” option will not work - excess mustard powder will not bring any benefit. Do not forget that the spice has the property of burning the skin, so the procedure may not be very pleasant.

Usually adults are recommended to take 1 tablespoon of mustard per 1 liter of water. The concentration of spice in baby baths should be 2 times less. If you decide to warm up your baby for the first time, take 15 g of powder for the entire volume of liquid. Double the amount of seasoning if the child tolerates the trial procedure well.

Mustard powder

How long to hover

This point is also important - you need to know exactly how long to steam your feet using mustard powder.

A hot bath for an adult will be effective if taken for at least 20 minutes. Half an hour will be enough.

The child needs less time - from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on age.

What to do after the procedure

The best thing you can do after taking a mustard bath is not to lose the warming effect achieved by the procedure.

Therefore, after conscientiously serving the allotted time, quickly rinse your feet, dry them thoroughly with a terry towel, put on warm (preferably woolen) socks and go to bed. Let someone close to you bring you a cup of hot herbal tea; it’s a good idea to add honey, ginger, and lemon to the drink.

Hovering a child's feet

Is it possible to hover the legs of small children? Pediatricians have different opinions about age: some believe that it is permissible to treat children 2-3 years old in this way, while their opponents allow such procedures for children over 5 years old.

Some people may have an allergic reaction to mustard, so this factor must be taken into account.

Regarding the use of this procedure in children, it is better to consult a pediatrician, because there are other contraindications besides allergies.

Features of foot baths for children

TOhow to soar your feet with mustard for a child:

  • take a basin or small bucket so that the child’s feet are immersed deeper in hot water, the temperature of which is not higher than 40 degrees;
  • stir 2 tablespoons of mustard powder in water;
  • You can lay a cotton towel on the bottom of the container;
  • 10 minutes is the maximum time for warming your feet with mustard. To a small child 5 minutes is enough;
  • how often to warm your feet - no more than 2 times a day;
  • It’s good when the bath is done before bedtime, so that after it you can immediately put the baby to bed;
  • The child should not be left unattended; he may not like the slight burning sensation from the effects of mustard. If a small patient begins to remove his feet from the basin, the effect of the procedure will clearly decrease.

Soaring feet with a runny nose

Feel like you're starting get sick? Do you feel weak, body aches, chills, or even have a runny nose? It's time to take action and one of the folk remedies that helps to cope with the ailment may well be a mustard bath.

To kid

A mustard bath is considered an effective way to combat initial catarrhal symptoms:

  • relieves swelling and inflammation of mucous membranes;
  • makes breathing easier;
  • accelerates the process of liquefaction and removal of mucus;
  • Helps stimulate the body's natural defenses and improve immunity.

Runny nose in children

How to do the procedure correctly is described at the beginning of the article. The sequence of actions is standard, only the time and dosage of mustard differ. After steaming, do not forget to give your child warm milk with honey and butter (preferably ghee).

For an adult

Soaking feet with mustard for a runny nose is also useful for adults. You only need to do the procedures at the first symptoms of illness. Treating rhinitis in an advanced stage with foot baths is ineffective.

And at the beginning of the disease, warming up the feet is useful:

  • anti-inflammatory effect due to the content of essential oils, antioxidants, and vitamins in mustard;
  • warming effect;
  • impact on reflex zones in the feet;
  • increased blood flow;
  • increasing local immunity.

Runny nose in adults

Soaring feet when coughing

The use of mustard for a cough is popular as effective folk remedy. Foot baths help reduce swelling respiratory tract, cope with inflammation, make breathing easier.

Both adults and children can enhance the healing effects of mustard by using additional decoctions medicinal herbs and essential oils. By mixing healing ingredients in water, you will also get an inhalation effect.

An adult, after steaming his feet, before going to bed, can use this recipe to fight a cold - in a cup of freshly brewed tea with lemon and raspberry jam add a tablespoon of vodka. Drink a drink and go to bed, covered with a warm blanket. In the morning you will feel better.

Mustard- a universal product that is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. This procedure It is better to carry out at the stage of manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease. Sore throat, weakness, fatigue, body aches, rhinitis, stuffy nose - all this is a reason to soar your feet with mustard.

An algorithm for carrying out a procedure that allows properly steam your feet with mustard:

  • 1. You need to take a basin and fill it with slightly cooled boiling water. The temperature should not exceed forty degrees.
  • 2. Then pour mustard powder into a bowl of water at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of liquid.
  • 3. Feet are immersed in the resulting composition for maximum warming.
  • 4. The liquid will cool quickly, so you need to keep temperature regime on the same level. To do this, you need to periodically add boiling water. In this case, it is better to remove the legs from the basin so as not to get burned.
  • 5. The recommended duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Can be done several times a day. Warming up your feet in the evening is a must. Do it before bed.
  • 6. After warming up, wipe your feet dry and put on warm socks. Better made of wool, they retain heat as much as possible.

Benefits of this procedure:

1) Mustard has antibacterial properties.

2) Fights fungus and viral infections, which makes it possible to expel the cold virus from the body.

3) The warming ability of mustard increases blood flow and maximizes blood circulation.

4) Eliminates sore throat, cough, promotes sputum discharge.


- not for children under five years of age;

- body temperature over 37.5;

- high pressure, as it can provoke an attack of hypertension;

.- oncology;

- pregnancy. Maybe it will end in unpredictable consequences;

- critical days(this will only increase bleeding);

- dilated veins - varicose veins. Swelling may occur;

- allergy.

Be sure to follow all the rules for the procedure and monitor the water temperature to prevent burns. Arm yourself with all means and do not get sick.

Having a cold on a rainy autumn day, in addition to the usual set medicines, most of us use remedies to treat colds traditional medicine. In this article we will tell you how to steam your feet with mustard. This traditional method treatment known to everyone since childhood, and good alternative mustard plasters, which adults and children dislike so much.

Therapeutic effect

If you steam your feet with mustard according to all the rules, then this procedure can even bring some pleasure to a sick person.

Usually, to treat colds in this way, dry powder is used, which, unlike mustard plasters, is sold in any store. But mustard is potent substance, and to get positive effect Before using it, you need to know the basic rules for its use for medicinal purposes and possible contraindications.

What is provided healing effect this famous spice? Due to high content essential oils, which have a strong irritating effect and have high penetrating ability, due to the action of which we feel a tingling effect on the skin.

At the site of mustard exposure to the skin, irritation begins and blood flow increases, and, as a result, blood flow throughout the entire circulatory system accelerates. The body's defenses are activated and an active fight against the causes of the disease begins. Since mustard has a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect, warming the feet has a suppressive effect on pathogens.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for warming procedures with mustard are pronounced cold symptoms: cough, sore throat, weakness and feeling of weakness, runny nose.
But if you have a fever, then you should not steam your feet with mustard, since the procedure itself can provoke a further increase in temperature.

Despite the fact that the procedure is quite simple, there are contraindications that should not be forgotten. You can't steam your feet with mustard:

  • pregnant women due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • at skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis);
  • with varicose veins, trophic ulcers;
  • during exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to mustard powder.

Traditional way

Before carrying out this simple procedure, first prepare everything you need: a thermometer to measure the water temperature, mustard powder, a basin, a towel and warm socks. Then fill the basin hot water temperature 40 degrees and add 0.5 cups of dry mustard powder. There should be so much water in the basin that your legs are immersed in it up to your ankles.

Try to maintain the temperature of the liquid in the basin by periodically adding hot water. To enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, you can sprinkle a little essential oil with a healing effect into the water, this will have a mild inhalation effect and improve sputum discharge. As essential oils in alternative medicine use pine, citrus oils, eucalyptus oil, you can add chamomile, soda, rose hips. Mustard vapors in combination with additives will moisturize the mucous membrane, relieve nasal congestion and reduce runny nose.

The duration of the procedure should be no more than half an hour, and it is better to carry it out in a warm room with the doors closed to avoid possible drafts. When you've finished steaming your feet, dry them with a towel, put on warm wool socks and go to bed. If once is not enough, then repeat it twice a day (morning and evening) until complete recovery.

Dry method

There is another way to steam your feet with mustard; it is also called the “dry” method. It is better to use it if you have a cough. Take two pairs of clean, dry cotton socks and heat them on a radiator or in any other way. Before going to bed, wash and dry your feet with a hard, dry towel, put on one pair of socks, and pour two tablespoons of dry mustard powder into the second. Put the second pair on top of the first and go to bed.

The active components of mustard powder will have a warming effect, and essential oils will have a healing effect. Since the duration of exposure is long, the “mustard in socks” method is very effective. It is necessary to use exactly two pairs of socks to avoid burning your feet.

If you decide to steam your child’s feet, then follow the same recommendations, but reduce the procedure time to 10–15 minutes and reduce the amount of dry powder in a ratio of 1:2 from the adult norm.

This procedure can be done not only in medical, but also in for cosmetic purposes. Add a little soda to hot water with mustard or sea ​​salt, steam your feet, and then rub your feet with a stiff brush or pumice stone. The rough skin of the feet will quickly soften and be easy to remove.

If you are chilled by the wind or wet in the rain, feel the first signs colds, then the best preventive and therapeutic measure your feet will warm up. Use folk method fight a cold and get ready to soak your feet with mustard.

The “mustard” treatment method, familiar from childhood, is actually a full-fledged physiotherapeutic procedure. It is based on the principle of reflex expansion blood vessels under influence high temperatures. Thermal procedure accelerates blood circulation in all organs and activates the body's defenses during hypothermia.

It is not for nothing that Chinese medicine has been using the feet since ancient times as a zone of influence on the entire body or on specific organs. Nowadays, scientists have already proven that, for example, the feet are the reflexogenic zone of the upper respiratory tract. This is additional motivation to warm them up at the first sign of illness and in the midst of a cold.

Thermal procedures include not only the use of dry mustard, but also mustard foot baths and mustard plasters. But you should always remember that all “mustard” procedures are not carried out when the patient’s temperature is above 37 degrees C.

1) You need to use mustard foot baths and “steam” your feet. For this procedure, pour hot water at a comfortable temperature (no more than 38 degrees C) into a basin or bucket, add 1 tablespoon of mustard powder per liter of water. Place your feet in the basin and sit for a few minutes to get used to the temperature of the water and warm your feet. It is necessary to gradually add boiling water so that the temperature remains constant throughout the entire procedure, which lasts about a quarter of an hour.

After a warming foot bath, dry your feet thoroughly with a towel, after rinsing them with running water. Put on natural wool socks and go to bed. Drink a cup of herbal tea with raspberries or lemon and honey, adding ten grams of cognac if desired.

A contraindication for this healing and warming procedure is pregnancy - soaring your legs in this position is strictly not allowed. In addition, people suffering from pustular diseases and varicose veins veins

1) Dry mustard, a powdery substance, can be poured into cotton socks and worn at night. Natural skin hydration of the feet stimulates the release of phytoncides and essential oils. This is ancient and very effective method cold treatment for adults and children.

However, in Lately to avoid irritation sensitive skin and even mustard “burns”, it is recommended to wear two pairs of cotton socks and sprinkle mustard powder between them. We advise doing this when treating children, the elderly, diabetics and diseases of the veins of the lower extremities.

3) Mustard plasters can also be used to warm up the feet. To do this, they are placed on the calves and on top part breasts The procedure is performed every other day or daily, for fifteen minutes, several times a day. The burning sensation should be moderate. After the procedure, lubricate the application areas with baby cream.

Who should not use the “mustard” treatment?

Unfortunately, allergy sufferers should avoid close contact with mustard powder, since it causes severe skin and respiratory allergic reactions.

For the same reason, mustard is not used to treat children suffering from diathesis. Here you need to select other, more gentle methods of treatment: soda and oil foot baths, rubbing your feet with balm “ Golden Star"or "Doctor MOM", turpentine ointment.
