Allergic rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment in adults. How to treat allergic rhinitis How to cure nasal allergies

Allergic rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment in adults

Rhinitis, or runny nose, is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It can be caused by various reasons: a viral or bacterial infection, an allergic reaction.

Rhinitis is usually accompanied by swelling inner surface nasal passages, sneezing, itching and an increase in the number. Allergic form of rhinitis is an immune disease.

In this article we will look at all the features, symptoms, and causes of this particular form of the disease. Here you will find information on what to do and how to get rid of allergic rhinitis.

What is allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis is an immediate allergic reaction (type I allergy).

When pollen comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or respiratory tract, the body reacts immediately and develops corresponding allergic symptoms (difficulty breathing, sneezing, etc.).

Causes of allergic rhinitis

In the case of allergic rhinitis, or as it is also called, the cause is an inadequate response of the human immune system to particles of an external substance (allergen) entering the body. Hypersensitivity (increased sensitivity of the body to a substance) can occur to the same substances that do not cause any reaction in other people.

The following may act as irritants:

  • plant pollen;
  • fur and skin particles of some animals (cats, dogs, etc.);
  • mold spores;
  • waste products of microscopic mites contained in house dust (often causing allergy symptoms).

There is also an increased reaction of the mucous membranes to, in which case an allergic runny nose may also appear, among other painful manifestations.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of allergic rhinitis

Predisposition to allergic rhinitis or increases if a person has chronic inflammatory diseases in the ear, nose and throat area. For those who are prone to protracted colds and frequent viral infections is also among increased risk. Environmental factors:

  • severe air pollution;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • an abundance of dust in the premises;
  • constant presence of animals.

The likelihood of allergic rhinitis increases if there is a hereditary predisposition (one or both parents are prone to allergic reactions).

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

The appearance of allergic rhinitis is characterized by certain symptoms. Some of them may appear almost immediately, within 4 to 8 hours, while others may appear 2 days or even weeks after the onset of the disease.

According to allergists, when a person first encounters an irritating substance, noticeable allergic reaction may not occur, but during subsequent contacts with the allergen it will become more pronounced.

In most cases, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are as follows:

  • repeated sneezing. Usually it occurs immediately when the allergen gets into the nasal mucosa;
  • itching in the nose, sore throat. These manifestations are also very pronounced, and precisely at the very beginning of the disease;
  • increased secretion of mucus from the nose. At the beginning it is a very thin, watery discharge. Subsequently, mucous secretions become thicker;
  • lacrimation, itching and;
  • congestion of the nasal passages, inability to breathe through the nose, deterioration of the sense of smell;
  • increased sensitivity to strong odors: household and construction chemicals, perfumes, tobacco smoke;
  • dry cough that comes later;
  • weakness, drowsiness, chills and extreme fatigue (phenomena characteristic of later stages of the disease). This is how the body’s general allergic reaction manifests itself;
  • Ear congestion and hearing loss are also characteristic of chronic stage allergic rhinitis.

Forms and stages of allergic rhinitis

A disease such as allergic rhinitis is characterized by two main forms:

  • periodic (seasonal);
  • permanent (all year round).

The difference between them is that in the seasonal form the allergen plant origin and is released during the flowering of certain types of flowers or trees. In the chronic form, the irritant is present in a person’s everyday life (dust mites, mold, animals) and the disease may not stop all year round.

There are also mixed form, in which chronic rhinitis is expressed year-round in an erased form and is amenable to drug control, and worsens in the summer season.

The following stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • acute – allergic rhinitis lasts up to 4 weeks;
  • chronic – manifestations of the disease last longer than 4 weeks in a row. They do not stop at all or there is an unstable remission and then a recurrence.

Annual recurrence of allergic rhinitis symptoms for more than 4 weeks is also considered chronic course diseases.

Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis

At the very beginning, to establish a diagnosis, the doctor conducts a detailed interview with the patient. This is how an anamnesis is collected about the course of the disease and all the factors accompanying its development, individual characteristics of the reaction to various substances, as well as treatment methods previously undertaken at home.

The hereditary factor, which is very important when diagnosing any allergic diseases, is also being studied.

In the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, it is of great importance to identify exactly those irritants, which trigger a negative immune reaction. In this way, a possible range of cross-allergens (similar products and substances that can also negatively affect a person) is established. Treatment for allergic rhinitis begins only after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Proven diagnostic methods, the most popular at the moment:

  • Skin test(). This simple method is often used, but its error is quite large. The point is that using a special tool, a small scratch is made on a person’s skin into which a substance – an allergen – is introduced. After 15 minutes you can evaluate the result. When positive reaction the examination site will turn red, there will be slight swelling and itching.
  • Immunoblotting. This is an analysis of the reaction of human blood antibodies to molecules of an irritating substance. Held in laboratory conditions. A fairly accurate diagnostic method.
  • Microscopic examination of smears. For this analysis, smears of mucous secretions taken from a patient during an exacerbation of allergic rhinitis are stained with special preparations and examined under a microscope.
  • Allergen-specific immunoglobulin (IgE) test. Blood testing for an increase in the level of immunoglobulins E when exposed to various suspected allergen substances.
  • Method of provocative analysis(rarely used). The patient is not given a large number of a substance that can potentially cause an allergic reaction. If the result is negative, the dose is gradually increased. This study is used only in inpatient settings.


If the disease is not treated, allergic rhinitis usually goes through a stage of change, over time the allergy moves from the nose and eyes to the lower respiratory tract, resulting in allergic rhinitis. As a result, allergic pollen will cause.

In addition, many other complications can occur with hay fever, such as:

  • asthma;
  • itching of the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, ear;
  • cough;
  • allergic skin reactions (eg, redness, swelling);
  • problems with concentration;
  • sleep disorders;
  • and hearing;
  • general apathetic state.

Main complication of this disease - asthma (suffocation attacks). Sufferers have a significantly higher risk of developing asthma than people without allergies: in 80% of cases asthma is preceded by an allergy. However early treatment allergic rhinitis reduces the risk of developing asthma.

How to treat allergic rhinitis in adults?

To cure allergic rhinitis, it is first necessary to establish and confirm an accurate diagnosis, as well as identify a list of obvious and potential irritating substances - allergens. Subsequently, treatment is carried out aimed at solving three problems:

  • relieving allergic inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • elimination of the reaction to the influence of allergens (allergen-specific therapy);
  • organizing a hypoallergenic lifestyle, minimizing contact with irritants.

Nutrition and lifestyle

If the question of treating allergic rhinitis has already arisen, the first thing you will have to do is change your usual lifestyle. Great importance for any allergic diseases, there is the issue of reducing contact with irritants:

  • If signs of a negative reaction to food are detected, it is necessary to strictly diet and completely exclude those products to which allergies have been identified;
  • if a reaction to plant pollen occurs, it is recommended avoid any contact with the allergen during its flowering season(walks in nature, trips out of town). During an exacerbation, when coming home from the street, you need to immediately change clothes, take a shower, and rinse your nose with an isotonic solution. This is done in order to reduce the duration of contact with pollen that could be brought into the house on a person’s clothes, body and hair;
  • If an allergic reaction to house dust is established, it is necessary to carry out regular wet cleaning indoors. It is also recommended to organize a hypoallergenic life: no carpets, heavy fabric curtains and down pillows, removal of all kinds of dust collectors. It is necessary to use special covers for upholstered furniture and beds, acaricidal (anti-mite) cleaning agents;
  • Using household air purifiers is useful both for pollen allergies and in case of a reaction to house dust.

The listed methods are especially relevant in cases where there is a need to treat allergic rhinitis during pregnancy. In this case, everything needs to be done possible measures for organization healthy image life, proper nutrition and hypoallergenic living.

This set of measures will reduce the need for the use of chemical drugs.

Drug therapy

Medicines intended to treat allergic rhinitis are designed primarily to relieve the allergic reaction and remove severe symptoms of the disease. Most often these are antihistamines general action, available in tablets or drops.

They are taken as prescribed by a doctor, usually once a day, for a long period (from 1 month). Among these drugs, second-generation drugs have proven themselves well:

  • Cetirizine;
  • Claritin;
  • Zodak.
  • and the third (Erius, Zyrtec).

They have a minimum of side effects compared to the first generation (Suprastin). With a fairly mild form of the disease, it happens One medicine from this list is enough to completely eliminate symptoms .

When treating allergic rhinitis in patients with a more serious stage of the disease, doctors prescribe simultaneously with the use of tablets local anti-inflammatory drugs.

They are usually a nasal spray and differ in composition and principle of action active substance. Products based on sodium cromoglycate derivatives are widely known. These are drugs such as:

  • Cromohexal
  • Cromosol.

Such medications are used only as prescribed by a doctor. They are usually prescribed for mild to moderate severity of the disease.

Allergic rhinitis in adults is sometimes preferable to treatment local means this particular group, so that systemic effects from a general antihistamine do not develop.

At severe symptoms For allergic rhinitis, more serious hormonal medications are used to suppress the inflammatory reaction: nasal corticosteroids, which are also available in the form of sprays. These include drugs such as:

  • Nasonex;
  • Tafen;
  • Benarin.

Although topical corticosteroids are usually well tolerated and have few side effects, they should never be taken without a doctor's prescription. Only treatment is allowed in adults, in younger childhood these drugs are rarely prescribed.

Preparations based on isotonic solution or sea ​​water:

  • Salin;
  • Aquamaris.

They are completely harmless and are designed to gently rinse and cleanse the nasal passages of allergens and mucus accumulations that have entered there.

Attention!!! It is strictly not recommended to use popular vasoconstrictor drugs for a long time in the treatment of allergic rhinitis - Naphthyzin, Xymelin. They do not solve the problem in any way, but instead dry out the inflamed nasal mucosa and, when used regularly, cause the development of drug-induced rhinitis.

Before treating allergic rhinitis, it is worth trying preventive measures, for example, Nazaval and Prevalin. These are protective sprays based on cellulose or oils and clay, which have an enveloping effect. They help isolate the nasal mucosa from the irritant, that is, they prevent the allergen from entering it.

The use of such drugs is advisable only in a state without an exacerbation - there is no point in applying them to the irritated mucous membrane during an allergy attack.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT)

A separate group of medications is designed to prevent the development of a negative reaction to an allergen.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is relatively new method treatment. The method is based on a gradual decrease in the body’s sensitivity to the allergen through gradual “habituation”. This long-term and complex therapy, carried out during the period of remission, allows you to prepare for the season of exacerbation of hay fever and achieve a decrease or complete absence reactions to a stimulus.

To achieve stable remission, 3–4 courses of therapy may be needed.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis with folk remedies

Try to treat allergic rhinitis with remedies alternative medicine is permissible only when the disease is mild and has not progressed to chronic stage.

You should be careful and remember that many plants themselves can be quite strong allergens.

To find out how the body reacts to a specific herbal remedy, you need to try using it for several days in a minimal amount.

If the body's reaction is normal, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out in long courses. Here are some popular recipes:

  • A decoction of raspberry roots. Pour 100 grams of dry raw material into 1 liter of water, boil for half an hour, cool and strain. Take a quarter glass of this decoction three times a day, before meals. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  • Elecampane decoction. Pour 2 teaspoons of dry, crushed elecampane roots into 200 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain, take half a glass 2 times a day. The course of taking the decoction is 14 days.
  • Aloe juice nasal drops. Squeeze the juice out fresh leaf aloe, instill 2 drops into each nostril 2 times a day. The juice can be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for 1 week.
  • A mixture of lemon and horseradish. Mix the crushed ingredients in equal parts. If desired, you can add a little honey (if you are sure there is no allergic reaction). Take 1 teaspoon twice a day, half an hour before meals.

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are very unpleasant, and it can be quite difficult to completely cure this disease. Doctors recommend that people at risk adhere to the following rules to prevent allergies:

  • use filters and indoor air purifiers;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning, get rid of house dust accumulations (carpets, large soft toys, down and feather pillows);
  • avoid prolonged exposure to aggressive air environments (tobacco smoke, harsh chemical smells, dust and soot);
  • during the flowering season of allergenic plants, stay indoors as much as possible or go to a different climate zone;
  • follow the principles of proper nutrition and a hypoallergenic diet;
  • If you have the slightest tendency to allergies, you should refuse to keep any animals in the house.

The topic of preventing diseases such as allergic rhinitis during pregnancy is becoming especially relevant. After all, there is a risk of developing the disease not only for the mother, but also for the unborn child. The use of drugs such as Prevalin or Nazavalsafe way preventing the development of the disease.


The long-term prognosis of allergic rhinitis is good, as many cases are successfully managed by minimizing allergen exposure and treatment with one or more medications.

However, when people with allergic rhinitis have other coexisting disorders, it is much more serious, as it has been fatal in rare cases.

Although the condition is not considered serious (unless you have asthma), it causes a lot of discomfort and interferes with normal Everyday life sick.


Simple and fast way There is no drug available for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in people prone to allergies. Only a qualified doctor can tell you what to do in each specific case.

To completely get rid of the disease you will have to undergo complex diagnostics and long course of treatment. In the future, you will need to avoid contact with allergens and adhere to a whole set of rules.

Sometimes moving to a different climate zone dramatically helps solve this problem.


Allergic rhinitis or allergic rhinitis is a disease of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes that occurs when a person comes into direct contact with the cause of the allergy - the allergen. It is characterized by the patient experiencing itching, mucous secretion, nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Certain forms of rhinitis can cause Negative influence on the body and immune system, contributing to the development of serious chronic diseases.

There are two types of sources of allergies - open and closed.

Open sources are typical for seasonal manifestations of rhinitis, which often occurs in the initial stages during periods of flowering of trees (spring-summer) or wild grasses and shrubs (August-September). Open allergens include:

  • Pollen;
  • Herbs;
  • Food;
  • Mold.

Closed sources of rhinitis indicate a more serious form of the disease with its possible transition to the chronic stage. As a rule, closed allergens are not found in a single copy, but comprise entire groups of elements that cause an inflammatory reaction in the body. Closed allergens include:

  • Pet hair;
  • Dust mites;
  • Tobacco smoke;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Cockroaches;
  • Mold growing in damp areas.

The allergic nature of a runny nose can be caused by any element that you encounter during your daily activities. In nature, there are a huge number of allergens to which the body produces immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, which play main role in the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Important! In the treatment of allergic rhinitis initial stages, an immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody test can more accurately determine the presence of an allergic reaction.

It is IgE that can play a cruel joke on you, perceiving familiar and previously safe products, substances or elements as foreign, causing an allergic reaction. IN medical practice Such cases occur quite often, and determining the nature of the disease becomes an extremely difficult task.

Classification of allergic rhinitis

Experts distinguish the following types and classifications of rhinitis:

  • allergic,
  • infectious,
  • non-allergic, non-infectious rhinitis.

Seasonal and chronic rhinitis are also distinguished.

Seasonal disease poses the least danger to human health, and, as a rule, occurs in a mild form for 1-1.5 months once a year.

Chronic occurs when there is an obvious allergic reaction to closed sources of allergens, which requires complex treatment, and even a change of place of residence, up to a complete change of climate zone.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis

Seasonal rhinitis occurs in both children and adults. Qualified help for seasonal rhinitis is necessary as early as possible; it is advisable to consult your doctor at the first manifestation of symptoms:

  • Runny nose;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Frequent sneezing.

In the first stages of the onset of the disease, treatment of allergic rhinitis is the fastest and most painless way, and also provides the greatest guarantee of complete relief from an allergic reaction to specific elements and objects.

Important! Symptoms of allergic rhinitis can manifest with an increase in body temperature to 37.0-37.3 degrees. Also, with the manifestation of colds and infectious diseases Often there is an exacerbation of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.

The main causes of seasonal allergic rhinitis

An allergic reaction of a seasonal type occurs during the flowering period of plants and trees, when a large amount of pollen is produced and carried air masses. The main allergens during this period are:

  1. Ragweed is the main allergen that causes rhinitis; according to studies, more than 75% of people suffer from allergies precisely because of the pollen of this plant. Most dangerous before lunch;
  2. Herbs - from mid-May to the end of June, active flowering and ripening of herbs continues, releasing a huge amount of pollen and seeds, as a rule, the reaction to them manifests itself in the evening;
  3. Trees and shrubs - fruit and ornamental plants that bloom in the spring are prone to releasing huge amounts of seeds and pollen, which negatively affect the condition of the allergy sufferer;
  4. Mold spores - released from fallen and rotting leaves from spring to autumn, have a particularly negative effect on the human condition on dry and windy days, as well as in rainy and damp weather, when the concentration of spores in the air is highest.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis are a runny nose and profuse postnasal drip; other symptoms depend solely on the phase of the disease, which is divided into two stages - early and late.

Symptoms of the early phase of rhinitis

The early phase of allergy manifests itself within just a few minutes of exposure to allergens on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Runny nose;
  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Itching in the eyes, nose, throat, mouth.

Symptoms of the late phase of rhinitis

Symptoms of the late phase of allergy appear within 4-8 hours after the allergen enters the human body and are manifested in the following:

  • Stuffy ears and nose;
  • Lethargy;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Headache;
  • Ear pain.

How does allergic rhinitis manifest? late stage? Quite simply, the symptoms begin to gradually affect the person, and in the first few hours it will seem to you that you are just tired or did not get enough sleep, perhaps you have a slight cold.

Important! If the allergic reaction is extremely severe, repeated nosebleeds may occur. In such a situation, immediate medical attention from a qualified specialist is necessary.

Allergic rhinitis in both children and adults can always be distinguished within a few minutes, even without visiting a doctor. At the moment we are not talking about a diagnosis, but about diagnosing allergic form diseases.

In case of an allergic reaction, a person feels a deterioration in the condition within 2-5 minutes, a profuse runny nose and sneezing begins, over the next 4-8 hours, antibodies are actively released inside the body, contributing to an even greater deterioration general condition. Body temperature rises, itching begins, fatigue and irritability appear.

If such situations arise, you should consult a doctor immediately, who may ask you a series of questions to clarify how and after what the allergy began, and whether you are taking medications that have similar side effects. If necessary, you will be asked to undergo certain types of tests.

Types of tests to detect rhinitis

To diagnose the disease, several testing methods are used that involve direct identification of the primary source of the disease - identifying the allergen.

Skin test

A small incision is made on the patient’s skin, reminiscent of a scratch, onto which an allergen dissolved in a solution is applied; if within some time the substance begins to cause an allergic reaction, the test is done correctly; if not, the tests continue. The test allows you to determine the cause of allergic rhinitis with an accuracy of up to 90%.

Nasal swab

IgE analysis

The analysis gives inaccurate data, but in the case where the patient is unable to undergo skin test Due to pregnancy or the presence of certain types of diseases that prohibit this type of analysis, IgE analysis performed on blood samples comes to the rescue.

The blood taken from you for analysis is placed in separate flasks, where it is alternately mixed with allergens, trying to determine the source of the disease.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in all phases of its course occurs exclusively through medication and therapeutic means in specially equipped treatment rooms. The treatment mechanism looks something like this:

  1. Determining the allergen that causes nasal congestion;
  2. Complete elimination or reduction of the patient’s possibility of contact with the allergen;
  3. Taking medications that improve immunity and reduce the symptoms of the disease;
  4. Conducting allergen-specific immunotherapy;
  5. Prevention of disease.

To treat nasal congestion, both chronic and allergic, several types of drugs are used, but the basis for therapy is always the antihistamine group.

Antihistamine drugs

Taking medications is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, and, as a rule, depends on current state sick. Antihistamines of the second and third generation are prescribed, which have an effect within 15-20 minutes after taking the tablet or syrup.

More often, doctors prescribe Zodak, Cetrin, Erius, 1 tablet or spoon of syrup once a day. In situations with pregnancy and children under 2 years of age, the drug is selected individually or completely excluded from the course of treatment, since it can have irreparable consequences for the course of pregnancy and the growing body of the child.

Nasal rinsing

Treatment of nasal congestion by rinsing perfectly helps with seasonal exacerbation. Preparations rich in iodine and sea ​​water relieve swelling of the mucous membrane for a long time and help cleanse the respiratory tract.

There is also a folk method for treating a runny nose by rinsing, but its effectiveness has never been proven, since the solution only temporarily relieves symptoms and does not have a lasting effect.

To prepare the solution at home you will need:

  • ¼ teaspoon of salt per 200 ml glass of boiled water (cooled);
  • ¼ teaspoon of baking soda per 200 ml glass of water;
  • 2-3 drops of iodine.

The entire contents of the glass must be thoroughly mixed and the drug used according to the folk recipe for daily rinsing of the nose.

Vasoconstrictor drops

Vasoconstrictor drugs do not have any effect on the recovery of the patient during allergic rhinitis. The drops have a short-term effect on the blood vessels and mucous membrane, in most cases complicating the course of the disease.

For children with allergic rhinitis, the use of nasal drops is strictly contraindicated.

The use of certain drugs over a long period of time can cause drug addiction and become one of the causes of chronic nasal congestion.


The introduction of a small amount of an allergen-containing solution under a person’s skin on an increasing schedule in order to develop immunity to a specific substance or element. Depending on the severity of the allergy, the course of treatment in this way can last from 6 months to 3 years.

Before starting treatment, you must consult with your doctor and immunologist.

Prevention of rhinitis

For drug prevention For the occurrence of rhinitis in children and adults, drugs containing cromones are used:

  • Cromohexal;
  • Cromosol;
  • Cromoghlin.

The drugs help reduce the symptoms of the body's reaction to the allergen. The drugs have an extremely positive effect on the course of the disease, also helping to prevent it.

There are other methods for preventing the development of nasal congestion and the formation of allergic rhinitis, including:

  • Replacing bed linen, pillows and blankets with new ones with anti-allergenic filling;
  • 3 times comprehensive cleaning of the apartment per week;
  • No pets in the apartment;
  • Changing your place of residence to another region during an exacerbation of an allergic reaction.

Features of nutrition and lifestyle

The causes of allergic rhinitis can be extremely varied, from intolerance to specific foods to dust mites and pet hair. Having established the cause of the allergy, you should immediately stop keeping pets at home and carry out more thorough and regular cleaning of the apartment.

Rhinitis itself does not pose any danger to a person’s health and active lifestyle, but it does cause some discomfort, spoils the appearance and can progress into more severe forms of the disease; this process is commonly called the march.

Possible complications

Starting treatment or initially incorrect self-medication can lead to the progression of rhinitis into complex chronic diseases, up to pneumonia and pneumonia. There are also more serious diseases, including chronic forms which can lead to allergic and chronic runny nose.

Allergy sufferers need to completely avoid contact with the allergen, consult with an immunologist, and also begin comprehensive treatment as soon as possible. therapeutic treatment under the supervision of the attending physician.

In recent decades, allergic reactions among the population have become very widespread. According to statistics, 8-12% of the world's inhabitants suffer from various forms allergies that most often develop between 10 and 20 years of age.

Allergic rhinitis is one of the variants of an inadequate reaction of the body to various external irritants - pollen of flowering plants, insect bites, mold and yeast fungi, mites in library and house dust, various toxic or flavored chemicals in household chemicals, household items, and to internal irritants - certain foods or medications.

What to do if a child or adult has seasonal or year-round rhinitis? How to treat allergic rhinitis, with what drugs, medicines, drops, sprays? You cannot tolerate constant nasal congestion, sneezing, tickling and itching in the nose, watery eyes, this affects your mood and condition. nervous system, disrupts the usual way of life and reduces performance. In addition, the constant long course of allergic rhinitis, the symptoms of which are pronounced, can provoke the occurrence of nosebleeds, nasal polyps, otitis and sinusitis, severe impairment of smell and bronchial asthma.

Signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children and adults

With allergic rhinitis, symptoms begin to appear after contact with the allergen; if it is animal fur, then after being in a room with pets, when using woolen blankets, down pillows, long bouts of sneezing occur; they may appear at the time of contact with the allergen or after some time. that time, more often in the morning.

If this is hay fever, then it can occur at any time when trees or weeds are blooming - from spring to autumn. Moreover, a characteristic sign of allergic rhinitis in children and adults is the formation of a transverse fold on the nose, which occurs from frequent scratching of the nose with incessant itching.

A person with year-round allergic rhinitis may have a constantly stuffy nose and have to breathe only through the mouth. This leads to chronic congestive processes, loss of taste and smell, complicated by the addition of a secondary infection with severe swelling of the mucous membrane and blockage of the paranasal sinuses.

Also a common companion to allergic rhinitis is lacrimation, discomfort in the eyes, itching, redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes - allergic conjunctivitis, swelling of the face, it is also possible the appearance of, which in the future can provoke the development of bronchial asthma.

When examined by an otolaryngologist, the nasal mucosa is loose and pale, and nasal discharge is most often watery. There are usually no significant changes in the pharynx, but sometimes it is also possible to develop chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis. There are usually no serious complications with seasonal rhinitis.

Persons suffering from allergic rhinitis are very sensitive to various chemical odors, perfumes, cosmetics, tobacco smoke, odors of household chemicals, washing powders, new furniture, caustic fetid odors new carpets and other industrial products with fumes of harmful substances (see).

Why do the population in Lately so often various such phenomena arise are still not clear, there are only theoretical guesses. The main one is the use of chlorinated water, unfavorable ecology, increased radioactive background, harmful chemicals in products, antibiotics in meat, pesticides and nitrates in vegetables and fruits, the use of a lot of medications - all this prepares the body for an allergic response to seemingly harmless irritants .

The mechanism of the occurrence of an allergic reaction is well studied and known:

  • If the level of immunoglobulins E is high, a delayed-type reaction occurs
  • Upon initial contact with the allergen, preparation occurs mast cells, and upon repeated contact, their destruction with the release of histamine and similar mediators, they increase the permeability of cell walls to plasma - hence itching, swelling and runny nasal discharge.
  • In children, even upon first contact with an allergen due to the characteristics of the complement system, which is inherited from parents and which immediately destroys mast cells.

Variants of the course of allergic rhinitis

  • Intermittent: manifestations of the disease less than 4 days a week or no longer than 4 weeks
  • Persistent: more often than 4 days and longer than 4 weeks.

The severity of the pathology is determined by the number and severity of its manifestations.

  • With mild rhinitis, sleep is not disturbed, normal daytime activities are maintained, and symptoms are mild.
  • Moderate or severe rhinitis disrupts sleep and daytime activity, making work and learning difficult.

An example of a diagnosis: Allergic rhinitis, persistent, moderate, period of exacerbation. Sensitization to ragweed pollen.

Non-drug treatment of allergic rhinitis

What to do if an allergy occurs, how to treat allergic rhinitis for children and adults?

Diet may increase allergic cross-reaction

Depending on what time of year an allergy to pollen occurs, you can determine the flowering of which herbs or trees cause irritation of the mucous membrane. You should know this in order to exclude daily diet those products that cause cross allergy. At certain times of the year, for example in spring, when birch, poplar, hazel, etc. bloom, for example, you cannot eat pears, apples, potatoes, honey, parsley, etc., from August to October - ambrosia, quinoa blooms, then from The diet should exclude honey, mayonnaise, cabbage, watermelons, etc. ().

Creating comfortable indoor air

The condition of the person largely depends on the air in the room in which a person spends most of the time, sleeps or works. respiratory system and the general condition of the body of an allergy sufferer. For example, the abundance of carpets, various “dust collectors,” open bookshelves, soft toys, porous wallpaper, heavy curtains creates additional conditions for the accumulation of dust, allergens, bacteria, and toxic substances. It is advisable to carry out wet cleaning daily during the flowering period of plants, and use humidifiers and air purifiers with anti-allergenic filters to create comfortable air.

If you are allergic to pet fur, you will have to give up your pets. Purchasing Sphynx cats does not solve this problem either. Compensating for the lack of allergenic fur with powerful allergenic saliva. The aquarium is also not safe - after all, the fish usually have to be fed with dried plankton, which can be a strong allergen.

Limiting contact

Of course, it is easier to deal with allergy symptoms when the cause, the source of the allergy, is known. To determine it, you must pass skin tests see an allergist or donate blood for various allergens. Knowing the enemy by sight, you can try to limit contact with him, if these are food products, do not eat them, if allergies are caused by plant pollen, the ideal way is to go to the sea during the flowering season of allergenic herbs and plants.


According to the doctor's indications, mechanical blood cleansing can be performed to remove immune complexes, allergens, and toxins. This method has some contraindications and, unfortunately, has a short-term effect, but severe cases allergic reactions is very effective.

Medicines to treat allergic rhinitis

Unfortunately, all medications for allergic rhinitis are used only to alleviate symptoms - reduce a runny nose, reduce swelling, nasal congestion, tearing and itching. Until now, medicine does not know how to get rid of allergies forever, since the deep causes and triggers of such an inadequate reaction of the body’s immune system are not known.

Therefore, all medications, sprays, are used as symptomatic agents that dull the manifestations of allergies, but which cannot change the body's response to the allergen. What can the pharmaceutical industry offer today for the treatment of allergic rhinitis?

Medicines for allergic rhinitis - antihistamines

At mild degree disease, it is enough to take antihistamines. In recent years, the production of 2nd and 3rd generation drugs, such as Zyrtec, Zodak, Erius, has reduced the strong sedative effect of this group of drugs; they do not have the same side effects as 1st generation drugs - urinary retention, arrhythmia, blurred vision. These have virtually no hypnotic effect, have a prolonged effect and effectively relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis within 20 minutes after administration. Those suffering from allergic rhinitis are advised to take Cetrin or Loratadine orally, 1 tablet each. in a day. Cetrin, Parlazin, Zodak can be taken by children over 2 years old in syrup. Erius is recognized as the most powerful antihistamine today, active substance Desloratadine, which is contraindicated during pregnancy, can be taken in syrup by children over 1 year of age.

Hormonal drugs - sprays, drops for allergic rhinitis

Intranasal glucocorticoids, such as Flicosanze, Budesonide, are prescribed by a doctor only when severe course allergies, when treatment with antihistamines does not have an effect.

The use of various hormonal internal sprays, such as Aldecin, Nasobek, Flixonase, Nasonex, Benorin, Beconase, Nazarel, should only be prescribed by a doctor; these medications are not recommended for use by children and the elderly. Local hormonal agents have almost no systemic effect, but with prolonged use, in case of overdose, they can slowly destroy metabolic and immune processes in the body, contribute to a decrease in adrenal function, the development diabetes mellitus etc. If a patient is prescribed an internal glucocorticoid, it should be discontinued gradually; the use of hormones should not be abruptly stopped, since drug withdrawal syndrome occurs.

Medicines - leukotriene antagonists

For moderate to severe allergic rhinitis, treatment can be supplemented with leukotriene antagonist drugs, such as Singulair, Acolat.

Vasoconstrictor drops for allergic rhinitis

Abuse of these drugs is unacceptable for allergic rhinitis. They can be used to reduce swelling of the nasopharynx, reduce mucus secretion, but not more than 5 days, or only in rare cases. Such drops for allergic rhinitis include Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Tizin, Nazol, Vibrocil. They don't provide therapeutic effect, but only make breathing easier.

Nazaval and Prevalin

Nazaval is a microdispersed powder of cellulose and garlic, this is a new product that prevents the penetration of aeroallergens through the nasal cavity into the body. Microdispersed cellulose powder from a dispenser spray is sprayed onto the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, forming a durable gel-like film with the mucus. This provides a natural barrier to the penetration of pollutants and allergens into the body. The product is approved for use by pregnant women and children from birth. Directions for use: 3-4 times a day, 1 injection into each nasal passage. Another new drug Prevalin - consisting of a mixture of emulsifiers and oils, creating a barrier to allergens, which should be used as early as possible, preferably before the onset of allergic rhinitis.

Hyposensitization to certain allergens

Antisensitization therapy is widely used in cases where the exact allergen causing allergic rhinitis in the patient is known. If antihistamines are not effective enough or are contraindicated, doses of the allergen extract are injected under the patient's skin, gradually increasing them; such treatment can last up to 5 years, with weekly administration of allergens. However, this method of therapy is contraindicated in persons with bronchial asthma or cardiovascular diseases.

Sprays for allergic rhinitis - mast cell membrane stabilizers

Antiallergic drugs and sprays for allergic rhinitis include drugs such as Cromohexal, Cromoglin, Cromosol. They prevent the occurrence of immediate allergic reactions and are used for mild manifestations of allergies.

Other sprays

Very effective for allergic rhinitis is Allergodil nasal spray, a histamine H1 receptor blocker, the active ingredient is Azelastine. However, its use is not recommended during pregnancy and children under 6 years of age.


Also, for allergic rhinitis, treatment with enterosorbents has a positive effect - Polyphepan, Enterosgel,) these are drugs that help remove waste, toxins, allergens from the body, which can be used in complex therapy allergic manifestations. It should be remembered that their use should be no more than 2 weeks, and should be taken separately from other medications and vitamins, since their effect and absorption are reduced.

Treatment regimens for allergic rhinitis

  • At easy version rhinitis It may be enough to stop the action of the allergen, give the patient antihistamines by mouth (tablets, syrup, drops) and vasoconstrictors in the nose for five days.
  • Intermittent rhinitis moderate severity will require longer therapy (up to a month) and the addition of glucocorticoids in nasal drops. The same tactics are followed in the treatment of persistent (permanent) rhinitis.
  • If after therapy within a month remission is not achieved, the diagnosis is reconsidered (ENT pathology is excluded, for example, sinusitis), and the use of glucocorticoids is increased.

Traditional treatment of allergic rhinitis

Unfortunately, allergic reactions of the body cannot be cured by any folk remedies, since most grandma's recipes healing of the body consist of plant medicinal fees, tinctures, decoctions. If a child or an adult, for example, has hay fever, how to treat allergic rhinitis with folk remedies to which he may be allergic? No way. You can only aggravate the condition and add allergens to the body.

Allergies can manifest themselves differently in each person, but most often they manifest themselves as a runny nose. The cause can be various irritants, in any case, this phenomenon causes a lot of inconvenience. But questions arise: if you have been diagnosed with an allergic disease, what remedies will be effective and what can be done to minimize the likelihood of a relapse?

What is allergic rhinitis

May be accompanied by rhinorrhea (nasal discharge). Its occurrence is characterized by difficulty breathing, swelling of the nasal passages, itching or burning, stuffy nose, and sneezing. It is possible that these symptoms may be accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis). But in each specific case, a person may notice additional individual manifestations. Also, in a certain month of the year you may experience a constant runny nose. The reasons for such manifestations vary.

Why does allergic rhinitis occur?

Allergic rhinitis develops against the background of hypersensitivity to a particular allergen. It appears immediately or 20 minutes after contact with the irritant. For humans, such an allergen can be plant pollen, dust accumulated on the shelves of libraries or at home, certain medications, and certain foods. In addition, allergies to cats, insects, and fungi (mold or yeast) may develop. But some people face this problem due to genetic predisposition.


But how to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a common cold? Some signs are noted below:

  • Itchy nose.
  • Colorless watery discharge. When exposed to an irritant, bouts of prolonged sneezing may begin.
  • A feeling of nasal congestion, which becomes more noticeable at night.
  • Often such rhinitis is accompanied by conjunctivitis, itching in the eye area and even swelling of the face. Also, the appearance of a cough cannot be ruled out, and this, in turn, can lead to bronchial asthma.
  • Examination by an otolaryngologist shows a pale and loose nasal membrane, with watery discharge. Pharyngitis may develop.
  • While indoors, a person feels a constant runny nose. The reasons for this vary, but usually allergies are caused by chemical odors, tobacco smoke, perfumes, powders and other household chemicals, industrial fragrances or new furniture.

Consequences of allergic rhinitis

Once a person has developed an allergy, symptoms will continue to reoccur later. a short time after contact with an irritant (it is individual for everyone). If then the symptoms will be present for a long time while the trees, shrubs or weeds are blooming. From frequent scratching, such people even develop a transverse fold on the nose. In addition, constant congestion of the nasal canals leads to the fact that a person begins to breathe only through the mouth. This circumstance usually leads to stagnant processes and the formation of polyps, the development of sinusitis or otitis media. Swelling of the mucous membrane can lead to blockage of the paranasal sinuses. In addition, the sense of smell and, as a result, the sense of taste often disappears. If rhinitis is seasonal, complications are usually not observed.


In some cases, the patient’s condition can be aggravated by improperly selected nutrition. Sometimes the most effective thing is to remove certain foods from your diet. For example, if a person has a reaction to pollen, it is important to determine at what period it occurs. Poplar, hazel, birch and other trees usually bloom in the spring months. If allergies appear during this period, it is better to exclude potatoes, parsley, honey, pears and apples from the diet. This is necessary to avoid cross reaction. If irritation begins in August and September, when ragweed and quinoa bloom, it is advisable to avoid mayonnaise, cabbage, watermelon and honey. But this is not the entire list of products, since there are many things that can cause cross-allergy. You should definitely consult an allergist.

Determining the nature of the disease

Before deciding how to treat allergic rhinitis, it is important to determine the source of the problem. By finding out the cause, you can cope with the disease. But to determine the source of the allergy, it is important to see an allergist, who will prescribe tests. This may include blood donation or skin testing. Having recognized the source of irritation, you need to minimize your contact with it. If it turns out that this is a reaction to flowering, then it is better to go on vacation during this period; if these are food products, then they must be excluded, and so on.

Allergic rhinitis: how to treat this disease

For seasonal rhinitis, be sure to rinse your nose. Pharmacies sell an inexpensive device called “Dolphin”, which is convenient for carrying out this procedure. It consists of a bottle, tube and cap. With its help, you can regulate the flow of fluid and reduce discomfort to a minimum. You can make your own medicine for allergic rhinitis, which will be used for rinsing. To do this, add 1/4 teaspoon of soda and salt to a glass of water and add a few drops of iodine. The product is placed in the device. If you wish, you can buy a solution in sachets at the pharmacy. In addition, a spray for allergic rhinitis based on sea water works great. This could be “Aqua Maris”, “Aqualor”, “Marimer”, “Allergol”.

Treatment program

As already mentioned, before treating an allergic rhinitis, it is important to find out its nature. If you don’t know what causes irritation, treatment becomes useless and can sometimes cause harm to your health.

Having identified the nature of the disease, you can proceed to the following steps:

  1. Getting rid of inflammation that appears on the nasal mucous membranes.
  2. Allergy-specific therapy.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

Most often, in order to get rid of inflammation, it is used A complex approach, which involves several drugs. So, how to treat allergic rhinitis, what drugs are prescribed by doctors?

These are usually antihistamines, available in the form of tablets or drops. Today, doctors advise using second-generation drugs, such as Cetrin, Zodak, Kestin, Claritin, and third-generation drugs, such as Erius, Zirtec, Telfast. Depending on the age of the patient, the dosage is adjusted. Typically, the course of treatment should last two to three weeks. But if you contact a doctor, he will prescribe the number of days at his own discretion (taking into account the patient’s condition). It is worth noting that it is prohibited to prescribe such medications yourself. Before treating an allergic rhinitis without consulting a doctor, you should think about the fact that these drugs always have side effects and very often they have a cardiotoxic effect, having a negative effect on the heart. Medicines latest generation are considered less hazardous to health, but their cost remains high.

Sprays and drops for rhinitis

If these drugs fail to bring relief, the next step will be nasal drops for allergic rhinitis and sprays that act directly on the nasal mucosa. For mild symptoms, Cromoglin, Cromosol, Cromohexal, i.e. derivatives of sodium cromoglycate, are usually prescribed. These products are available in the form of sprays. They must be used as long as the exacerbation lasts, three times a day, making one or two injections. The result can be noticed only after the fifth day, and sometimes even later. Usually, treatment of allergic rhinitis in children cannot be done without these drugs. Since these remedies are more preventive, the course can last up to four months. But doctors do not prohibit the use of such sprays all year round.

The Nazaval remedy has also gained popularity. It is based on plant cellulose. This is applied up to six times a day. After injecting its contents into the nose, a membrane is formed on the mucous membrane, which serves as a barrier, preventing the irritant from affecting sensitive areas. If the disease is acute, this remedy will be ineffective.

For severe allergic rhinitis, you can use sprays such as Nasonex, Aldecin, Nazarel, Benarin, Nasobek, Flixonase. The doctor will help determine the duration of the course of such treatment.

Error when treating with drops

Often, when using nasal drops for an allergic rhinitis, a person makes the mistake of using vasoconstrictor medications for a long time. Usually these remedies (Naphthyzin, Vibrocil, etc.) help make breathing through the nose easier. But using them for a long time, the patient increases the likelihood of developing drug-induced rhinitis. Sometimes, depending on the severity, surgery may be necessary to get rid of the acquired disease. If you have allergic rhinitis, it is advisable not to use these drops. You can make an exception only if there is severe nasal congestion, but then you need to switch to intranasal glucocorticoids.

Allergen-specific therapy

Some people may not benefit from any type of allergic rhinitis medication, while others may have contraindications to such medications. In these cases, you can resort to a completely radical method of control - allergen-specific therapy. But such treatment should only be carried out by an experienced doctor and only in a hospital setting. The principle is to administer a specific dose of the allergen to the patient. Gradually the dose should be increased. All this is necessary so that the body can develop resistance to the irritant. If the treatment is successful, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis completely disappear. Thousands of people have already tried a similar method and were satisfied with the result, since they were able to get rid of the symptoms that tormented them.

Can also be used in treatment homeopathic remedy from an allergic rhinitis called "Rinosennay".

Traditional methods

As is known, ethnoscience helps in the fight against many diseases, but, unfortunately, it cannot cure allergic rhinitis. Often, treatment with mixtures, infusions and decoctions can worsen a person’s condition, since allergies can worsen from such exposure. You should not listen to the advice of neighbors and friends who were allegedly cured of an allergic rhinitis using folk methods. There is only one safe “home” method of relieving the condition - rinsing the nasal canals saline solution. But it is worth considering that this measure is not a treatment, so it is better not to delay, but rather purchase drops for allergic rhinitis at the pharmacy on the recommendation of a doctor. This is necessary, since simply using a saline solution is not capable of bringing a tangible, lasting therapeutic effect.

Allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

When an allergic reaction begins to develop, women and doctors sound the alarm, since many treatment methods, including traditional ones, cannot be used. The disease itself has virtually no effect on the fetus. But if treatment methods are incorrectly selected, or if the condition develops into a more severe form, the threat to the baby increases. To identify the cause of the allergy, a woman needs to undergo a blood test. You cannot take a skin sample at this time.

Treatment methods during pregnancy

Firstly, it is worth remembering that antihistamines are prohibited, as they can harm the fetus. If there is an urgent need for them, it is better to give preference to third-generation products. But the dosage is strictly prescribed and regulated by the doctor.

Treatment should be local and affect only the nasal canals. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe a spray or drops for allergic rhinitis containing sodium cromoglycate. In any case, the basis of such preparations should be plant cellulose. But it is important to note that in the first three months of pregnancy you should also not use nasal corticosteroids.

Lifestyle with allergic rhinitis

The main task when allergic symptoms occur is to reduce contact with the irritant to the possible minimum. But it can only be identified after diagnostics. Next, the doctor must give his recommendations.

All allergens are divided into:

  • household (house dust, feather pillows);
  • food (various products);
  • industrial (powders, detergents);
  • pollen;
  • epidermal (animal hair, bird feathers);
  • fungal.

Once the allergen is identified, it is easier to think through further measures. For example, with a food allergy, a person takes tests that will show which foods are incompatible with the body. They will have to be removed from the diet.

If the cause of irritation of the mucous membrane is pollen from trees and flowers, then you will have to stop traveling outside the city. You can arrange evening walks around the city (from 22:00). It is at this time that the concentration of pollen in the air decreases. Also, in the first half of the day you should not open your windows. You can install an air purifier in your apartment. Many companies strive to make their own cosmetical tools on herbs. People with pollen allergies should avoid using such substances. Also, during the period when flowering begins, you can take a vacation and try to leave your region. It is better to choose the sea or mountainous terrain as your destination. In these areas, pollen concentrations are always minimal.


Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet developed measures that allow for prevention and reduction of the likelihood of developing allergic rhinitis. If the disease has already overcome a person, all prevention comes down to reducing contact with the irritant, and also selecting a suitable remedy for allergic rhinitis. This is necessary because without proper treatment, the disease will begin to progress. In this case, all existing symptoms will intensify.

Allergies and pets

Approximately 15% of the population faces the challenge of developing an allergy to pet dander. But a person’s reaction occurs not to the wool itself, but to what is on it. Animals can lick themselves and leave their saliva and skin particles on the fibers. They are the ones who cause irritation of the mucous membranes. But how? Animal cells are quite strong proteins when they enter human body with a weakened immune system, they begin to perceive it as a threat, and so a defensive reaction is triggered. Side effects of these “contacts” manifest themselves in allergies. These may include watery eyes, skin rashes, rhinitis and asthma attacks. Most often, people are allergic to cats, but other animals can also be sources of such painful symptoms.

How to cope with pet allergies

Often there is no way to prevent this reaction to fur. But it is possible to minimize the risk of developing this type of allergy. For this, preparation begins from childhood. If a child has a tendency to allergies, you should not immediately give away a cat or other animal. If the baby continues to be in contact with the pet, his body will be able to produce protective function, as a result, allergies can be avoided already in adulthood.

Treatment options

If a reaction to wool has already developed, you can use modern methods that are usually used to treat other types of allergies.

  • As in other cases, it is important to use antihistamines. They are necessary in order to neutralize the effects of substances that cause symptoms. For example, it could be Claritin or Benadryl - they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The doctor may also prescribe medications that are available only by prescription (for example, Allegra).
  • Decongestants can also help here, since wool allergies can cause swelling of the mucous membranes. Such drugs do not allow mucus to stagnate. Such drugs include Sudafed.
  • The doctor may also prescribe other medications that successfully cope with asthma and allergic symptoms. For example, prescription steroids such as Flonase or Nasonex are usually prescribed for treatment.

Other events

In addition to treatment, it is worth following simple rules that help reduce the chances of exacerbation or the appearance of symptoms. The recommendations apply to pet owners.

  1. Bathe your pet and brush it.
  2. Regularly organize wet cleaning of rooms.
  3. The animal should lie and sleep on its own bedding, and not on the owner’s bed or chair.
  4. After handling your pet, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  5. To reduce hair loss, try to give your pet a balanced diet.

By choosing the right treatment and taking all preventative measures, you may be able to get along with your beloved pet in the same area.

Chronic allergic rhinitis is the body's reaction to a persistent allergen. If it cannot be eliminated, competent symptomatic treatment is carried out to reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms. Or desensitization is carried out - a method that forms resistance to the stimulus.

Allergic rhinitis is inflammatory reaction, affecting the nasal sinuses and manifests itself when exposed to allergenic irritants. It is difficult to treat this type of runny nose if the allergen is not eliminated, and ultimately this can lead to partial nasal dysfunction (subatrophy). Chronic allergic rhinitis is especially dangerous because exposure to the allergenic agent is constant. The task of doctors is to eliminate or minimize the source of the pathological reaction and relieve severe symptoms.

What is chronic allergic rhinitis?

This type of runny nose, unlike acute attacks of the disease, has a long, protracted course. If a person becomes allergic to a certain substance, in most cases it is accompanied by watery nasal discharge, which indicates the onset of vasomotor allergic rhinitis. It is non-infectious in nature, therefore it is not accompanied elevated temperature, characteristic of colds.

For chronic vasomotor rhinitis, the allergic component may be a substance that enters the nasal sinuses from the outside or is formed in the body itself (for example, toxins or chemical components of antibiotics). In contrast to this type of runny nose possible reasons chronic non-allergic rhinitis may be old forms of ARVI, pathological growths in the nasopharynx (polyps, adenoids) and such serious illnesses, like tuberculosis, whooping cough, measles, rubella.

Chronic allergic rhinitis is a sluggish form of the disease in which the body partially adapts to constant exposure to the allergen, but with a weakening of the immune system and an increase in the amount of irritating substances, relapses and violent outbreaks of an allergic reaction are possible.

This can lead to bronchial asthma and complicated forms of conjunctivitis. If it is impossible to eliminate the allergen, then it is important to carry out a timely course of treatment that reduces the severity of allergy symptoms. Desensitization gives a good effect - introducing small portions of the irritant subcutaneously, but the procedure is carried out only during the period of remission, and full recovery not possible to achieve in all patients.

Types of disease

Symptoms of the disease can change in severity over several weeks, months, or years. They can subside, creating the illusion of recovery, and then appear with new strength. The disease varies in duration:

Depending on the source of the allergy, chronic allergic rhinitis is divided into types:

Seasonal allergic rhinitis is characterized by a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition when the plants stop blooming. Strong and common allergens are bird cherry flowers, lilac flowers, and poplar fluff. There is no irritant - the symptoms of a runny nose disappear. It is much more difficult for people experiencing daily exposure to an allergenic source. If down pillows can be thrown away pet If you give it to your friends, you won’t be able to escape from poor environmental conditions and the dust that covers the furniture every day in the summer.

With a mild form of the disease, the patient may experience slight malaise and fatigue, but this does not affect the quality of life: a healthy appetite remains, normal sleep, previous performance. At severe stages runny nose, possible thickening of the shell of the cartilage and bone apparatus (hypertrophy) or thinning of the walls of the nose and cell death (atrophy)

Causes of chronic allergic rhinitis

The patient has an allergic reaction to irritants with pronounced properties: flowers with a strong aroma; tiny dust or chemical particles that easily penetrate into the nasal cavity with air; toxins that poison the body; products that have a sharp sweet or sour taste (citrus fruits, honey). The appearance of this disease is due to the following reasons:

  • some food products;
  • dust mites, house dust;
  • fluff with which pillows are stuffed;
  • bird feathers and animal fur;
  • mold, the formation of which begins in damp places that are not ventilated;
  • harmful substances in the air at enterprises where coal dust, gas, and chemical particles are found in the atmosphere;
  • flower pollen.

In addition to allergenic substances, the nasal cavity may harmful bacteria, which begin to actively multiply, causing symptoms characteristic of an infectious runny nose.

It is important for doctors to differentiate the signs of the disease by thoroughly diagnosing the patient.

Related factors

The degree of manifestation of symptoms of chronic allergic rhinitis is influenced by:

  • ecological situation;
  • hereditary predisposition - children develop individual intolerance to the same substances as their parents;
  • concomitant diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx - tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • weakened immune system;
  • nasal injuries, which often lead to a deviated nasal septum;
  • postoperative complications.

This form chronic pathology against the background of the listed conditions, it manifests itself much more actively than in a relatively healthy person.


When allergenic irritants enter the nasal cavity, symptoms of the disease are observed:

  • swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the cartilaginous apparatus;
  • copious watery transparent discharge from the nose;
  • itchy skin over upper lip and in the area of ​​the wings of the nose;
  • a feeling of tickling in the nasal cavity and frequent sneezing;
  • blockage of one or both nasal passages;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the sinuses.

In addition to local symptoms, additional symptoms may appear:

  • headache;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • lacrimation;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • irritation of the skin around the nose.

Upon contact with animals, dust or other allergens entering the air, symptoms of a chronic runny nose may develop into acute attack. This dangerous condition, which can cause severe swelling nasal mucosa (up to blocking of the nasal passages), coughing, chest cramps and suffocation.


The task of allergists is to carefully differentiate the signs of the disease and promptly prescribe competent therapy. Establishing an accurate diagnosis and forming a treatment regimen is possible after the following activities:

  • clinical blood test - the level of eosinophils (granulocytes that destroy foreign protein in the body), mast cells (participate in adaptive immunity), plasma cells (a class of leukocytes that produce specific bodies - immunoglobulins) is determined;
  • methods instrumental examination: endoscopy, acoustic rhinometry, rhinoscopy, CT (computed tomography);
  • skin testing - minimal doses of the allergen are injected under the skin;
  • histological (study of the structure of the material under an optical microscope) and cytological (study of the morphological structure of cells: nucleus, cytoplasm) study of nasal secretions.

Activities are carried out after interviewing the patient, external examination and analysis of the medical history.

Features of the course of the disease in children

Chronic allergic rhinitis is diagnosed in children in 50% of cases if their parents suffer from allergies. Chronic allergic rhinitis actively develops in children with:

  • frequent contact with an allergenic irritant;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • long-term use vasoconstrictor drops: Tizina, Otrivina, Vibrotsila;
  • chronic respiratory infections;
  • proliferation of nasal cavernous tissue.

In children prone to allergic reactions, symptoms of the disease may be observed when consuming chicken eggs, infant formula, semolina, and cow's milk. Moreover, this is not only a runny nose, but also a whole complex of accompanying symptoms: rash and red spots on the skin, sharp deterioration well-being, tearfulness, nervousness. Children breathe mainly through their nose, and when their nasal passages are partially or completely blocked, they develop serious problems with breathing.

Drug treatment and diet

The efforts of doctors are aimed at finding the source of the allergy and eliminating it, relieving symptoms and restoring the body with the help of an antihistamine diet and taking vitamin complexes that help strengthen the immune system. When an allergen gets into the nasal mucosa, the body releases histamines - organic compounds involved in the regulation of vital functions. When their concentration in the blood reaches maximum values, an allergic reaction begins. Therefore, nutrition in the treatment of chronic allergic rhinitis is given Special attention. Products that are potential allergens are excluded:

  • cocoa;
  • citrus;
  • spicy and salty foods;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cow's milk.

An adult should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, eat small portions at the same time, avoiding mixing different foods in one dish.

The following medications are prescribed:

  • saline solutions – Aquamaris, Aqualor;
  • antihistamines - Zyrtec, Erius;
  • means for oral administration – Loratadine, Cetrin;
  • mast cell stabilizers (relieve the first signs of an allergic reaction) – Cromohexal, Cromosol;
  • enterosorbents – Polypefan, Polysorb.

An effective technique - sensitization - is used to develop resistance to an allergenic stimulus. It is carried out only during the period of remission and is a procedure for gradually introducing the allergen under the skin. First, the substance is administered once a week, then every 6 weeks for 3 years.

Treatment at home

Drug treatment alone is not enough - chronic rhinitis can also be successfully treated with folk remedies. Of these, the most effective are rinsing with a solution of salt, the use of anti-inflammatory decoctions and anti-allergenic agents.

Medicine Compound Recipe Application
Saline solution Salt – ¼ tsp, 1 cup boiled water Dissolve salt in warm boiled water Place 3-4 drops in each nostril and after a few minutes exhale forcefully through your nose to remove mucus (aspirators are used for children)
Anti-inflammatory decoctions Birch leaves – 5 g, horsetail – 10 g, lingonberry leaves – 3 g, rose hips – 15 g Pour the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water in a thermos, close the container tightly and leave the broth for 8 hours, strain Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals 20-30 minutes
Raspberry leaves, stinging nettle, yarrow and chamomile flowers - 20 g of each plant A mixture of herbs in the amount of 2 tbsp, pour 500 ml of water, boil over low heat, leave for 2 hours and strain Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals
Anti-allergenic agent Altai mumiyo – 1 g, boiled water – 1 l Dissolve a substance in water Children from 1 to 3 years old - drink 50 ml once a day after waking up, primary schoolchildren - 70 ml, teenagers and adults - 100 ml

When preparing the mixture at home, you must strictly adhere to the indicated dosages. Folk remedies are auxiliary measures - they complement the main treatment. But in these matters, the final word belongs to the attending physician.

It is unacceptable to use traditional methods of treatment on your own without prior consultation with a specialist!


  1. Humidify dry indoor air. If there are no special devices, it is enough to place wet towels in the room or place several containers with water.
  2. Regularly wipe dust from furniture. There is a simple way to clean upholstery: cover with a damp, light-colored sheet and pat. All dust will remain on the fabric.
  3. Plan a menu of healthy, simple foods, and not of unfamiliar products, especially canned ones.
  4. Regularly spend time in the fresh air, do hiking, exercise.
  5. Hardening procedures are of great importance: rubbing, dousing first with warm and then cold water.

These simple tips will help avoid relapses of chronic allergic rhinitis and reduce alarming symptoms. Whether the patient recovers or not depends primarily on him.
