How to determine whether lichen has been cured. Symptoms and treatment of pityriasis rosea. Video: Pityriasis pink

How long does it take pityriasis rosea? Can it appear on the face or head? What are the symptoms and diagnosis of the disease? What does it look like in the photo and is it possible to smear iodine on inflammation? Are drugs such as chlorhexidine or cindol effective? Similar questions plague those who suspect themselves or their child to have such a disease.

It is also called Zhiber's disease and is most often classified as an infectious-allergic disease. It appears after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, or as a result of hypothermia and can last half a year. Experts attribute its occurrence to reduced immunity. Characteristic symptoms is a pink rash on the skin that is often itchy and itchy.

As a rule, Zhiber's disease occurs during the off-season. It is believed that a person can suffer this disease only once in his life, then immunity is developed.

Despite the fact that pityriasis rosea is classified as an infectious disease, it is not transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. You can become infected with ARVI, but whether Zhiber’s disease will be a consequence or not depends only on the body’s resistance and predisposition. As a rule, there are no rashes on the face and head, but on the body they are caused by an allergic reaction, not pathogens.

The disease affects people between the ages of 10 and 40, and gender does not matter. Infants and children under 2 years of age generally do not suffer from pityriasis rosea. Doctors attribute this to the mother's immunity, which is inherited by the child. The occurrence of the disease in adolescents and pregnant women is associated with instability immune system.


There is no exact reason why pityriasis rosea occurs; there are several theories. According to one assumption, the causative agent of the disease in humans is herpes virus types 6 and 7. Otherwise known as a bacterial streptococcal infection. However, experts agree that microorganisms only “trigger” the disease, after which an allergic reaction begins in the body, causing symptoms illness.

The causes that provoke Zhiber's disease include:

  • viral infections, including influenza;
  • hypothermia, which may also be accompanied by acne on the face and head in the ear area;
  • stress;
  • insect bites;
  • metabolic problems;
  • minor wounds on the skin.


Both in a child and in an adult, lichen manifests itself and proceeds in the same way, in some cases it drags on for six months. The first signs of Gibert's disease are usually noticeable 3-4 days after the infectious disease. viral disease. A large pink maternal spot appears on the body in the area of ​​the chest, abdomen or shoulder blades. It looks like a round inflammation with pronounced edges. Photos of such a symptom are not uncommon, but do not rush to diagnose yourself, such a manifestation can easily be confused with another, more serious disease.

In the center of the lichen is formed yellow plaque, which subsequently turns into small peeling scales. Basically, the appearance is accompanied by body aches and weakness. There are several stages of the disease and each of them has its own symptoms, characteristic of both children and adults. Do not use iodine to reduce inflammation; it can “delay” recovery for up to six months.

After a week, sometimes 10 days, small pink rashes may appear on the skin of the arms, legs, and torso. Such manifestations do not occur on the face and head. They look small, the diameter of the tumors is no more than 1 cm, and have a regular oval shape. The peculiarity is that the spots do not grow and never merge with each other. Therefore, if you visually notice an increase, or take photos of lesions in different time, then this should alert you - perhaps you do not have pityriasis rosea.

Changes occur in the center of the formation - folded areas appear. Because skin covering shrinks and cracks, a child or adult feels a burning sensation and itching. Sometimes small subcutaneous nodules may appear in which fluid collects. With such manifestations, Zhiber's disease is easier, and recovery does not require waiting almost half a year.

Excellent conditions for the propagation of pityriasis rosea are places rich in sweat glands (in in this case the skin on the face is an exception), so secondary rashes are possible:

  • in places where the skin is most frequently stretched;
  • in the groin area, thighs, forearm.

Lesions are almost never detected on the face, head, or mucous membranes.

As a rule, new lesions appear in a child or adult, regardless of the gender of the patient, not daily, but with a period of 10 days. The day before, a person may feel chills or feel weak in the body. This symptom is caused by general intoxication. The doctor can find out how sick the patient is by the lichen on the body. The new rash appears pink, and the patchy patches are spots that are more than 10 days old.

In many cases, pityriasis rosea, that is, plaques, can go away on their own, and not necessarily after half a year. In their place, dark or light spots remain. After some time (for each person - gender does not matter - it is different) the color of the skin becomes the same.

Zhiber's disease usually goes away when the immune system is restored. This period is often about 4-6 weeks if iodine is not used. However, in patients with a reduced defense system, the illness can last almost half a year. Moreover, pityriasis rosea is characterized by periods of “subsidence” and resumption, that is, the appearance of new rashes.


It would seem that the main symptoms of the disease are known, and treatment can begin. However, you should not diagnose yourself based on a description or photo. The best thing to do is visit a doctor. Even a specialist looks at more than just what the rash looks like. In order to exclude other ailments, he may prescribe a number of studies, including scraping, urine and blood tests.

It is forbidden to smear iodine on any skin rashes before the material is collected. Iodine distorts the clinical picture and makes diagnosis difficult.

Pityriasis rosea small child It is quite difficult to distinguish from measles and rubella, and in adults (gender does not matter) from psoriasis, secondary syphilis, and lichen versicolor. All of these ailments should be treated immediately, as they can provoke serious complications. Perhaps in this case, a specialist will prescribe procedures with iodine. You cannot do without a visit to a dermatologist; he will conduct a diagnosis and make a prescription.


Despite the fact that Zhiber's disease can go away on its own, treatment should not be neglected. Even if the symptoms are not very pronounced, it will be necessary to undergo a diagnosis. Incorrectly selected treatment for pityriasis rosea in children or adults (gender does not matter) and failure to maintain personal hygiene can cause rashes to appear throughout the body, except on the face and head, as well as bacterial infection. This development of the disease may be accompanied by suppuration on the skin.

In many cases, pityriasis rosea is treated symptomatically. That is, if there is itching, then they are prescribed antihistamines, such as Tavegil tablets, corticosteroid ointments, for example, Akriderm. Tsindol may be prescribed - a suspension containing zinc, which not only relieves itching, but also dries out the skin. It is impossible to smear the lesions with iodine for pink lichen, the situation will only worsen, reviews confirm this.

Chlorhexidine is antiseptic drug, which is not prescribed to cure pityriasis rosea in humans. Especially in cases where the pathogen is not detected. Chlorhexidine is more used as a disinfectant when carrying out various types of manipulations. In the fight against lichen, it is used to treat animals.

Local remedies

If the doctor, after diagnosis, decides to treat the disease local means, then the patient must strictly follow the instructions. The most commonly used ointments are:

  1. Akriderm is a corticosteroid and should not be used on a child under two years of age.
  2. Sulfuric ointment - effective remedy from the development of microbes.
  3. Salicylic ointment is an antiseptic.
  4. Uniderm - has antipruritic properties, reviews of its use are very positive.
  5. Gistan.
  6. Tsindol is a suspension whose active element is zinc.

According to reviews, Tsindol helps many. In order to cure the disease, the affected areas are wiped twice a day. After how many days the result will be noticeable depends on the stage of the disease. Tsindol can be used to treat both pregnant women and infants, but in both cases you should consult a doctor. If after using the drug Tsindol the itching intensifies, then the application should be stopped and the dermatologist should be notified.

If it is necessary to treat Zhiber's disease in a small child, the appointment is made by a pediatrician together with a dermatologist. Children also should not apply iodine to inflammations, but the ointment prescribed by the doctor may contain iodine in small quantities.


Treating pityriasis rosea with medication using tablets may be necessary to eliminate allergic manifestations, as well as to improve immunity. Antihistamines reduce itching and reduce the allergen content in the blood. Sometimes they even prescribe pills activated carbon. They are recommended to be taken at least 3 times a day.

To improve the protective properties of the body, they are used antiviral drugs, for example, acyclovir, as well as various vitamin complexes. Only a doctor can determine how much you need to take them.

Home Remedies

If a person has pityriasis rosea, then, in agreement with the doctor, he can carry out therapy at home, especially with a chronic disease. Reviews about such measures are the most contradictory. So, it is possible to use:

  • apple cider vinegar. For one day you will need half a glass of liquid. Treat all inflamed areas, including under the breasts, 3-4 times a day. If the product is suitable, the result is visible within a week;
  • celandine tinctures. Fresh leaves pour alcohol, leave for 2 weeks. Dilute half portions with water 1 to 5, put the second half in the refrigerator and use after finishing the first. Treat the lesions twice a day. The first results are noticeable after 10 days;
  • tar ointments. You need to take half a glass of tar and the same amount butter. Mix and apply to plaques as a compress at night. Reviews about this product are different, some write that the product is effective, others write that they did not notice any changes;
  • cabbage The leaf needs to be moistened in sour cream and applied to the fireplace for half an hour. Cabbage relieves itching well.

Avoid treatment for pityriasis rosea folk remedies if you have to treat a child.

Remember that washing in the bathroom with this disease is prohibited, and the person must take a shower so that water does not get on the plaques. If you need to remove dirt from your face or head, bend over the vessel and carry out all the procedures.

Do not rely on reviews when choosing medications for pityriasis rosea, even simple ones such as cindol or chlorhexidine. Symptoms can be deceiving, so don't rely on photos to make a diagnosis. If you notice plaques on your face or head, then most likely you are developing another disease. Never use iodine until an accurate diagnosis has been made.

Infectious skin diseases are not always easy to recognize, especially in initial stage. Pityriasis rosea in humans is a complex ailment that has not been fully studied by doctors. The problem is solvable and the symptoms can be eliminated by knowing characteristics diseases.

Pityriasis rosea or Zhiber's pink pityriasis refers to skin irritation in the form of elongated red spots caused by infection. The rash is similar to the symptoms allergic reactions. Experts classify this disease as a type of dermatosis and argue that lichen may be of viral origin.

People aged 10-35 years are most susceptible to the disease; in total, the risk of infection persists up to 55 years.

Skin rashes heal within 1-3 months; in rare cases, lichen lasts longer.

The rash begins to develop after the first spot appears on the skin (diameter is about 2 cm or more). Then, yellowing of the skin, dryness, and peeling are observed in the affected area. Pityriasis rosea not considered a contagious disease, although doctors have not reached a consensus on this matter.

Some dermatologists claim that the causative agent of infection is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Basically, the disease appears after suffering from colds and infectious diseases. The spots on the skin are covered at the edges with a thin border consisting of scales.


The cause of Pityriasis rosea may be complication after ARVI, a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. Doctors draw an analogy with herpes type 6, but so far the pathogen is not exactly known. There are factors that increase the risk of developing lichen.

These are the following health problems:

  • intestinal disorders
  • nervous breakdown, stress
  • metabolic disorders
  • hypothermia
  • oncological diseases

Pityriasis rosea may appear after insect bite(there are known cases where fleas, lice and bedbugs caused a characteristic rash in humans).

Another one possible reason - seasonal outbreaks, since in the fall and spring the immunity of many is weakened and unstable to diseases. Vaccination is also considered a factor that can trigger the development of the disease.

Symptoms of pityriasis rosea

In the initial stage, the disease may proceed unnoticed. Possible appearance slight itching, which intensifies after physical work, stress. In some people, pityriasis rosea is accompanied pain in muscles, joints, migraines.

Symptoms may resemble those of ARVI - dizziness, weakness, fever, loss of appetite, rhinitis (runny nose), sore throat.

The spots gradually begin to spread throughout the body, except the face, neck and limbs. In rare cases, the rash spreads to the hands and feet.

Over time, the spots become crusty along the contour, swell and darken. It is important not to confuse the rash that appears with a common allergy and do not self-medicate. After the first reddish spot appears, the rest do not appear immediately, but after 1-2 weeks.

A convex formation, which has an oval shape and a color characteristic of lichen, should alert the patient.


The first thing the doctor should do is examine the patient. Preliminary diagnosis is based on recognition of symptoms by appearance skin, rash features.

Then the patient is taken scraping for analysis and do a rapid test for the presence of fungi in the body. Such procedures are performed by a dermatologist at a skin and venereal disease clinic.

Pityriasis rosea is sometimes confused with other diseases (for example, secondary syphilis, or), so additional tests are prescribed if necessary. The patient may be referred for a skin biopsy, blood donation, urine donation and other procedures. The doctor must fully examine the patient to establish a clear diagnosis and make sure that the rash is caused by pityriasis rosea.

How to treat pityriasis rosea

There are no special treatment methods for Lichen Rosea; under normal conditions, it disappears after a couple of months. Medical intervention required if the disease takes on atypical forms.

Bubble, a confluent or pinpoint rash is considered a pathology.

A complication is also considered ring-shaped lichen, in which the spots reach a diameter of 8 cm. In this case, the disease may not go away for a long time.

Treatment is based on the results of the examination and in accordance with the patient’s health condition. In particular severe cases When the spots greatly increase and spread to new areas of the body, the doctor prescribes antibiotics (Erythromycin, Tetracycline).

Additional measures:

  1. From the diet excluded citruses, nuts, eggs, some fruits (red), alcoholic drinks, tea, chocolate, coffee, spicy dishes.
  2. During illness Not recommended use soap and a washcloth; only shower with water is allowed.
  3. Women You can't wear makeup for 3-5 weeks until the lichen goes away.
  4. Doctors Patients are not advised to sunbathe and wear underwear made from synthetics.

If necessary, the doctor can prescribe it to the patient.

For example:

  • Suprastin
  • Claritin
  • Tavegil
  • Erius
  • Xizal
  • Loratadine

Treatment can also be carried out using corticosteroids:

  • Hydrocortisone
  • Clobetasol
  • Diprospan

Treatment should be carried out under conditions in which water procedures excluded or minimized. Useful for strengthening immunity during illness take vitamins.

Exist traditional methods treatments for pityriasis rosea, but they should be treated with caution and all questions should be discussed with your doctor.

In most cases, the disease goes away within 8 weeks, but there are exceptions. It is important to approach the issue responsibly, consult a doctor about everything, and follow preventive measures after recovery.

The main cause of lichen disease is fungal bacteria and microorganisms, which, when they come into contact with the skin, begin to actively develop. Holders strong immunity who is able to independently fight the threat from the outside and not allow the disease to progress, may fail even after close contact with sick animals or people.

Men and women over 30 years of age with weakened body defenses are most susceptible to this disease. Often the disease occurs on the nervous system after experiences stressful situations. Scientists are also inclined to believe that genetic predisposition this or that person.

Symptoms and treatment of lichen

Recognizing a lichen infection is very simple. The main symptoms of the disease are severe itching of the affected parts of the body, pigmentation changes, and peeling of small areas of the skin. The sooner it is detected, the easier it is to get rid of it and less likely those around you.

For what to avoid severe consequences and complex forms of lichen, when diagnosing the disease, you need to contact a dermatovenerological specialist as soon as possible.

Treatment consists of the following: treating the affected area of ​​skin with iodine and sulfur ointment, taking immunomodulators. You should avoid getting water on the infected area, otherwise there is a chance of spreading the lichen throughout the body.

Types of lichen

Exist different kinds depriving:

Simple bubble;
- pink;
- ringworm, or microsporia;
- encircling;
- red flat;
- pityriasis.

Each of these diseases requires a special treatment method. Therefore, qualified assistance from a dermatologist is extremely necessary.

Duration of the disease

Do not forget that lichen is a contagious disease. There is a chance of catching lichen and infecting others with it throughout the entire duration of the illness. On average, a simple degree of the disease is completely cured in 1 month. Throughout the entire treatment period, it is necessary to be tested for the presence of fungus, and the first negative test does not indicate full recovery. The patient is considered completely healthy when he receives three negative analysis. At this point the treatment is considered complete.

Ringworm appears approximately 1-3 weeks after the fungus comes into contact with human skin. This period is called the incubation period - the lichen is not yet noticeable, but bacteria and fungi are already spreading.

So, the total duration of the disease is from 6 to 9 weeks, and during this entire time, lichen can be transmitted. It is necessary to avoid physical contact with the infected person, not to use the patient’s clothing and utensils, frequently ventilate the premises, and take medications to strengthen the immune system. By following these rules, the risk of infection is reduced.

Name (Latin)
Unguentum Yam
Composition and release form
A fungicidal-bactericidal drug, which contains: salicylic acid (or acetylsalicylic acid, or phenacetin), zinc oxide, sulfur, tar, Lysol (or phenolic-free coal tar creolin, or carbolic acid), lanolin, turpentine, medical or veterinary petroleum jelly. The drug is a homogeneous mass of paste-like consistency, from gray to brown in different shades of color, with a specific odor. Packaged in plastic jars of 50 g and 400 g.
Pharmacological properties
Yam ointment is active against pathogens of trichophytosis and scabies, and is effective against eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases. The components included in the ointment have acaricidal and fungicidal activity; antacid, antiseptic, keratolytic, astringent properties, which contributes to speedy recovery. The drug has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and does not have irritating or sensitizing effects.
Eczema, dermatitis, trichophytosis and other skin diseases.
Doses and method of administration
Before use, mix the ointment thoroughly, since when long-term storage separation of its constituent components may be observed. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​skin and 2–4 cm around it without preliminary removal crusting and cutting of wool; at the same time, it is lightly rubbed into the surface to be treated. The affected areas are treated 1 – 2 times a day until the crusts separate. If the latter have not separated after 4–5 days, continue rubbing in the ointment. Usually, after 7 to 10 days, the affected areas are freed from crusts, and hair growth is observed on them. 10 days after treatment, control microscopic examinations of scrapings from the affected areas of the skin are carried out. If pathogens are detected, treatment is repeated.
Side effects
At correct use are not observed.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
special instructions
When working with the drug, observe the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for veterinary drugs.
Storage conditions
In a well-closed container in a dark place at a temperature of 0 to 30 °C. Shelf life: 12 months.
Additional Information
The drug has been discontinued.
Ascont+ NPK LLC, Russia
By rubbing this ointment in for 2-3 days everything goes away! I am a witness myself! I think so, if it is not available in veterinary pharmacies, then you can mix all the ingredients of this ointment yourself. And of course you need to boost your immunity, I will be glad for your recovery!
Name: Vladimir

Zhiber pink lichen - a disease unknown reason, manifested by pink round rashes on the skin of the torso, arms and legs.
The disease is non-contagious, that is, it is not transmitted from person to person. Specific treatment No. It goes away on its own. Examination by a dermatologist.

ICD 10 code: L42 - Pityriasis rosea. According to the classification, Zhiber's lichen belongs to.

This is what pityriasis rosea looks like in humans


The etiology (cause) of pityriasis rosea in humans is still unknown!

There are hypotheses for the origin of this skin pathology in humans:

  • viral nature (herpes virus, ARVI),
  • infectious-allergic nature (allergic processes started after infectious diseases).

Predisposing factors:

  • decreased immunity is the main factor in the development of the disease,
  • infectious diseases,
  • avitaminosis,
  • starvation, malnutrition,
  • stress,
  • hypothermia,
  • frequent use of scrubs and hard body washcloths.

The incidence of pityriasis rosea is observed mainly in the cold season.

Symptoms and clinic

1) Maternal plaque (see photo) – important sign initial stage of the disease.

  • A rounded redness appears on the skin in the form of a spot 3-5 cm in size. Usually, a few days before the appearance of the maternal spot, patients note an increase in temperature, malaise, joint pain, increased cervical lymph nodes- all the symptoms are like ARVI.
  • The maternal plaque is slightly raised above the skin.
  • After a few days, the mother spot begins to peel off over its entire surface.

2) Daughter spots are the main symptom of pityriasis rosea in humans.

  • After 7-10 days from the appearance of the mother spot, multiple pink spots ranging in size from 5 mm to 2 cm appear on the skin of the chest, abdomen, back, arms and legs.
  • The spots are round or oval, do not merge into conglomerates, and are raised above the surrounding skin. After a few days, the skin in the center of such a spot becomes pale yellow and begins to peel off. After a few more days, the central part of the spot peels off and the skin becomes like “tissue paper.”
  • Along the periphery, the spot does not peel off and remains pink.
  • A rim of peeling remains between the central and peripheral parts of the spot (symptom of “collar” or “medallion”).
  • On the body, the spots are located along the folds and tension lines of the skin (Langer's lines). This sign is considered diagnostic - it helps to establish a diagnosis.
  • During this period, the maternal plaque begins to turn pale and gradually disappears.
  • The rash almost never appears on the palms and soles of the feet. Very rarely - on the face, on the lips, on the neck, and also in the groin.
  • Rashes on human skin can appear in waves, every 7-10 days. Therefore, you can observe a polymorphic picture: some spots have just appeared, pink, small, without peeling. Other spots are old, ring-shaped, with “collar” peeling and a red border around.
  • Usually, before new rashes, a person notices a deterioration in health - weakness, malaise, low-grade fever body (up to 37.2 degrees).

3) Skin itching.

The spots are accompanied by mild itching. This is not the main symptom of the disease and occurs in only half of patients. Most often, the skin itches in children and young people with an emotional psyche, as well as when the skin is irritated.

Typically, pityriasis rosea patches do not bleed. But with severe skin itching, patients, especially children, can scratch the spots until they bleed.

4) Course of the disease

  • After 3-6 weeks, the pityriasis rosea spots begin to fade in the center. The spots become ring-shaped. Then the peripheral part of the spot disappears.
  • For some time after the spot disappears, an area of ​​increased (or vice versa, decreased) skin pigmentation remains. These dark spots go away on their own within another 1-2 weeks. There are no consequences in the form of scars or scars in the uncomplicated form of the disease.
  • If the course is favorable, recovery does not take long, and relapses do not occur.
  • The disease reoccurs in immunocompromised individuals. These are HIV patients and patients with low immunity due to blood cancer due to heavy chemotherapy.
  • Pityriasis rosea can be complicated by inflammatory phenomena on the skin: pustules, pimples, the addition of fungal flora (mycosis). In rare cases, children may experience eczematization with weeping. To avoid this, follow these recommendations.

What a patient should not do

  1. Do not injure or scratch the spots (so that the spots do not increase in size).
  2. Do not rub your skin with a washcloth or even a sponge when washing in a bathhouse or bathtub.
  3. You cannot take antibiotics yourself.
  4. You cannot sunbathe or visit a solarium.
  5. Do not lubricate the skin with alcohol and iodine, brilliant green, ointments containing sulfur and tar, tar soap, salicylic ointment, vinegar, sea ​​buckthorn oil, dough, flour, newspaper ash, apply cosmetics to the affected skin - to avoid the spread of stains on the skin.
  6. You cannot wear synthetic or woolen items (only cotton!).
  7. You should not wear things that damage the skin (a hard bra provokes the growth of spots under the breasts).

Diet for pityriasis rosea

1) Eliminate allergenic and irritating foods from the diet:

  1. sweets, honey, chips, soda,
  2. chocolate, coffee and strong tea,
  3. citrus,
  4. artificial nutritional supplements and flavors,
  5. alcohol,
  6. smoked meats,
  7. pepper and other spices,
  8. fatty foods,
  9. pickles and marinades,
  10. eggs.

2) You can and should include in your diet:

  1. Porridges made from natural grains: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, 5 grains, 7 grains, etc.
  2. Bread Borodinsky, Suvorovsky, Urozhayny, from wholemeal flour.
  3. Boiled meat.
  4. Potatoes, carrots and other vegetables.
Is it possible to wash?

Yes, you can, but not every day and only in the shower. You can't wash yourself under hot water- only under warm conditions. Do not use a washcloth. Do not use soap. Pat the skin with a towel (do not rub!).

After what time will pass pityriasis rosea?

The standard course of the disease is 10-15 days.

What to do if the rash does not go away for more than 2 months?

You should consult a dermatologist for further examination to determine whether there is another skin disease, masquerading as Zhiber's lichen. Most often it is necessary to exclude - this will require a skin biopsy.


The diagnosis is made based on anamnesis (medical history), clinical symptoms and by ruling out other diseases.
Laboratory diagnostics does not give characteristic features pityriasis rosea (remember that the cause of the disease has not been established).

Zhiber's pityriasis rosea should be differentiated from a number of skin diseases:

  1. Pityriasis (multi-colored) lichen. The main difference is when pityriasis versicolor at microscopic examination fungal mycelium is found.
  2. Secondary syphilis. All patients with suspected pityriasis rosea should be examined for syphilis!
  3. Eczema.
  4. Psoriasis. Unlike psoriasis, there is no psoriatic triad in pityriasis rosea.
  5. Measles and rubella
  6. Trichophytosis
  7. Urticaria – in the initial stage with the urticarial form of the disease.

Treatment and prevention

In 90% of cases no treatment is required. The patient is not contagious.
Pityriasis rosea goes away on its own within 4-6-8 weeks after the first spot appears.

Remember: if you want to quickly get rid of lichen deprivation, you will not succeed. It takes time for a person’s immune system to independently begin to fight the disease. And to do this, it is necessary to remove all provoking factors so that the immune system can quickly cope with the disease.

Drug treatment is prescribed for severe skin itching and complications.

  1. Antihistamines in tablets: loratadine, suprastin, claritin, etc. Take according to instructions (1-2 tablets per day). These drugs help reduce allergic reactions in the body as a whole, which relieves itchy skin. Patients stop itching.
  2. Calcium gluconate in tablets: also for antiallergic purposes (1 tablet 2 times a day).
  3. Ointments and creams with hydrocortisone: Flucinar ointment, Lorinden ointment, Akriderm ointment, Beloderm cream, Lokoid cream, Celestoderm ointment.
    Apply to the affected area of ​​skin 2 times a day. Mechanism of action – reduction of allergic reactions in the skin, swelling, reduction of skin itching, anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Ointments and creams with naftalan oil: . The mechanism of action is the same: reducing itching and inflammation in the skin. Compared with hormonal ointments, there are no such side effects.
  5. Antibiotics. Prescribed only for complications such as pustular inflammation of the skin. In case of relapse of the disease, antibiotics of the Erythromycin group in tablets are also added (in severe cases - injection forms injections and hospital treatment). Previously, antibiotics were used at the onset of the disease, but this is no longer recommended.
  6. Tsindol suspension (zinc oxide) – dries the skin and reduces inflammation. It helps many patients relieve itching and skin irritation. Apply Tsindol to affected skin areas cotton swab 2-3 times a day. Do not rub!

Prevention is needed to prevent the spread of the rash to other parts of the body, to prevent complications (see what a patient should not do).

Attention: Acyclovir does not help with pityriasis rosea. Acyclovir is a medicine to treat shingles (caused by the herpes virus).

Pityriasis rosea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Zhiber's pityriasis rosea does not affect the fetus or labor women. Therefore, in pregnant women, this disease can not be treated with medication, but only by following a diet and a gentle regime for the skin.

When breastfeeding, the baby will not become infected with pityriasis rosea.

How and with what to treat?

Treatment of pityriasis rosea in pregnant women is carried out only with severe itching and with severe inflammation of the skin.
From local drugs Only Tsindol or talker (zinc + talc + glycerin) is used. Corticosteroid ointments - only for strict indications in extremely rare cases. When prescribing such ointments, breastfeeding should be stopped.
Drugs for oral administration and injections are used extremely rarely and should be prescribed by a doctor according to strict indications when the mother’s life is threatened.

Pityriasis rosea in a child

Children from about 4 years of age are affected, but most often teenagers (hormonal changes in the body, decreased immunity). The child is not contagious to others.
In children, spots of pityriasis rosea should be carefully differentiated from infectious diseases- measles, rubella.

How and with what to treat?

Treatment is not required in 90% of cases. The most important thing in treating children is following a low-allergen diet and preventing the spread of spots on the child’s skin, since children often scratch and injure the affected areas.
For severe itching, Tsindol and antihistamines (Claritin in syrup) are prescribed. If symptoms are accompanied by eczematous phenomena, in rare cases corticosteroid ointments and creams are prescribed for a short course (Beloderm cream, etc.).

Do they provide sick leave?

If the form is uncomplicated, they do not give it. If there are symptoms of intoxication after the end of ARVI, in a generalized form, or in a complicated form of the disease, they issue sick leave for the entire period of treatment.

Do they take you into the army?

There is a deferment for the period of treatment. After the end of treatment they call.

Attention: If the doctor did not answer your question, then the answer is already on the pages of the site. Use the search on the site.
