How to brush your toy terrier's teeth. Norwich Terrier dental care. How to remove tartar from a dog

Not every owner knows how to brush a dog’s teeth correctly, and most owners even believe that this procedure is unnecessary. In fact, care oral cavity Pet grooming is necessary and should become a regular ritual. Yes, a dog does not need to brush its teeth like a person - several times a day, but two to three times a week you need to do this to avoid various dental diseases.

Today we will tell you what actions the owner can carry out at home, look at toothpastes and devices for cleaning dog teeth, and also talk about the ultrasonic cleaning procedure, which is carried out in a veterinary hospital.

Many dog ​​owners believe that it is not necessary to brush their dog’s teeth, and that nature intended that the animal’s oral cavity will always be in order. This is actually not true. Wild animals clean their teeth by eating rough, fibrous food, but they also have dental problems and suffer from them. Domestic dogs most often eat dry food or soft food. natural products, therefore self-cleaning of teeth when eating does not occur.

Since the dog is not capable of brushing its own teeth, responsibility for this procedure falls on the owner. If you do not pay enough attention to dental and oral hygiene, plaque will soon form on your pet’s teeth, which will later turn into dense tartar, and even later will begin to affect the gums and provoke inflammation, mobility of the teeth, periodontitis, gingivitis and other unpleasant diseases.

If the owner brushes the pet’s teeth from puppyhood, then the animal will not be afraid of dental ailments, and the dog will live until a very old age with the same white-toothed mouth as in his youth. The main thing is to accustom your dog to cleaning from a very young age, so that in the future the procedure does not cause fear or discomfort in the pet. However, adult dog You can teach patience, the main thing is to act gently but persistently, praise your pet, and treat your pet with a treat upon completion of cleaning.

How to teach a dog to brush its teeth?

Although baby teeth, which change by four to six months, do not need to be cleaned, puppy age- this is the time when the dog needs to be accustomed to hygiene procedures. It is best to start brushing your pet's teeth in the evening, before bed. It is necessary for the puppy to have a good walk, run around and play enough, have dinner and be ready to go to bed. A tired, well-fed and happy puppy will resist less.

Before the procedure, you need to purchase a special toothbrush and zoopaste for your dog (we will tell you about the choice below). The animal should be allowed to smell both the brush and the toothpaste (usually they have a neutral or attractive smell for the dog) so that the baby understands that these items are not dangerous.

All the time you need to talk kindly to the puppy, praise and encourage him, so that the baby understands that the owner likes the procedure, and if the dog tolerates it calmly, then the owner is happy with it. It is best to start teaching brushing teeth together - one person will hold the puppy in his arms, the second will brush the teeth.

At first, you can do without a toothbrush by lifting the dog’s lips with your fingers, and then forefinger with the other hand, apply a little paste and rub it over the baby’s gums and teeth. After the puppy recognizes the taste of toothpaste and understands that the procedure does not cause pain, you can praise him and stop experimenting until the next day.

So, for several days you can continue to brush your puppy’s teeth with your finger, and when he gets a little used to the manipulations, introduce him to a toothbrush. If the dog does not resist, you can immediately begin a thorough brushing - clean the teeth from the outside and inside, completely passing the entire dentition above and below.

If the puppy resists, you cannot stop trying. Cleaning should still be carried out daily, increasing the procedure time every day by a couple of seconds, constantly praising the dog. It is impossible to fix the puppy’s mouth “tightly” and brush its teeth by force - the baby will be scared and will forever identify a toothbrush in the hands of the owner with discomfort and fear.

Often, owners refuse to brush their dog's teeth if the dog is stubborn or perceives the procedure as a game, trying to bite a person's fingers or toothbrush. You can't do this. They talk to the dog kindly and calmly, stopping attempts to take the toothbrush or break away. If it is impossible to brush all the teeth at once due to the animal’s excited state, brush as much as they can before the puppy begins to worry and struggle. The brushing time is increased with each procedure until all the teeth can be cleaned at once.

Video – Dog Oral Hygiene

Choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste for your dog

In any modern pet store you can find a significant selection of toothbrushes and toothpastes for dogs. Note that you can also purchase a human toothbrush by choosing the softest bristles. This option is suitable for large breeds, because a human toothbrush simply will not fit into the mouth of small dogs and can injure the oral cavity.

You should definitely buy dog ​​toothpaste, since the composition of any human means not suitable for dogs. The flavoring agents included in human toothpastes are too strong for a dog’s sensitive sense of smell, and if a pet swallows human toothpaste, it can cause digestive upset and even poisoning.

Toothbrushes for dogs

There are several types of toothbrushes for dogs, and the owner can experimentally determine which one is more convenient for his pet. You can purchase two or three options at once, combining them. So, some owners like finger toothbrushes; they are usually made of silicone or thin rubber. One end of such a brush is put on your finger, on the other side there are soft bristles.

The bristles of such a toothbrush can be made of the same material as those on human brushes, or they can also be silicone or rubber. In the second case, the brush will be more delicate and will not injure the dog’s tender gums, even if the owner touches them with a careless movement. These brushes are convenient to purchase for large dogs, when you can easily access the furthest teeth by opening your pet’s mouth more cleanly.

Another option is a long-handled dog toothbrush, usually double-sided. There is a larger cleaning surface on one side and a smaller one on the other side to clean large molars and small front teeth. This brush is convenient for cleaning the teeth of small dogs when access to them is difficult.

Dog toothbrushes with a long handle can come in various configurations - from the simplest, straight, made of plastic, to curved, to make it easier for the owner to clean the oral cavity, rubberized and non-slip. The shape of the cleaning surface can also be different - which one is best for the dog can only be found out in practice.

If the budget allows, the owner can purchase an electric, ultrasonic toothbrush for his pet. This toothbrush is powered by batteries or a rechargeable battery, and works on the same principle as electric brushes, intended for people. The nozzle itself cleans the teeth, and a special generator next to the bristles produces small ultrasonic waves that effectively clean plaque. All a person has to do is to smoothly move the nozzle around the dog’s mouth.

Note that you should use an electric toothbrush when the dog is already accustomed to brushing its teeth and does not resist. The fact is that if a pet bites the attachment of such a brush, then the expensive device will most likely fail, and in addition, the dog may receive an electric shock.

Toothpastes for dogs

The choice of zoopastes that can be used to clean your dog’s mouth and teeth is also great. Eat various options for any budget, differing in volume, structure, smell and taste. Let's look at the most popular options that veterinarians most often advise owners.

Table 1. Comparisons of Dental Zoopastes for Dogs

NameDescription, propertiesapproximate cost

An unimaginative toothpaste suitable for use with an ultrasonic brush. It has a taste that is pleasant to the dog, eliminates caries, inflammation in the oral cavity, stops bleeding gumsAbout 700 rubles for a 75 gram tube

Contains extracts of calendula, propolis and sage. Relieves inflammation, freshens breath well, is effective against plaque formationAbout 120 rubles per 60 gram tube

Tooth gel with silver ions, calendula, propolis and sage. Freshens breath, removes plaque from teeth and protects well against the formation of tartar.About 170 rubles for a 75 milliliter tube

Destroys bacteria, protects against the formation of plaque, stone and carious cavities. Provides a pleasant odor from the dog's mouthAbout 400 rubles per tube of 92 grams

The paste has a mild mint aroma and a neutral taste for dogs. Actively fights the formation of plaque, caries, and unpleasant odorsAbout 140 rubles for a tube of 100 milliliters

Toothpaste has taste and aroma liver pate, attractive to dogs. Eliminates bacterial plaque in the oral cavity, preventing the formation of caries and tartarAbout 450 rubles per 100 gram tube

A dental whitening gel that strengthens gums and protects the oral cavity from bacteria. Reduces the risk of tartar and caries. Has a berry tasteAbout 1200 rubles for a 59 milliliter tube

It comes in three flavors: mint, chicken or liver, which are attractive to dogs. Destroys bacteria and pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity, freshens breath, is prophylactic against gum and tooth diseasesAbout 400 rubles for a 50 milliliter tube.

Ultrasonic cleaning of dog teeth

If the owner does not pay enough attention to brushing his pet's teeth, plaque and tartar can form quite quickly. You won’t be able to deal with them with just a brush and paste; you will need the help of a veterinary dentist. In order to return your dog's teeth to their original cleanliness and whiteness, ultrasonic cleaning may be required - a procedure that is done in the clinic.

For such cleaning, a small ultrasonic device called a skiller is used, and the procedure itself is carried out under light sedation. Simply put, the dog is immersed in a shallow anesthesia, the effect of which ceases almost immediately after cleaning. This is necessary in order to carry out the cleaning calmly, since the animal may become frightened, behave aggressively, or even refuse to lie still and wait patiently until the doctor finishes all the manipulations.

Using ultrasonic waves, plaque and tartar are removed from dogs' teeth without damaging the enamel. The ultrasonic cleaning method is non-contact, so it is possible to remove deposits even from the sensitive border between teeth and gums. No special preparation is required for such cleaning, except that it is not recommended to feed the dog several hours before the procedure.

Conduct ultrasonic cleaning often not recommended, optimally once a year. The rest of the time, the owner must maintain clean teeth and healthy oral cavity by regularly using toothpastes and brushing. There are also special drops that are added to drinking water dogs. In their composition antibacterial components, which protect the animal’s oral cavity every day.

When a pet appears in the house, it becomes a full member of the family, which means it must be cared for according to all the rules. Keeping a toy terrier is not an easy task; although the dog is small, caring for it is a great deal of daily work. Raising and caring for a Toy Terrier will require a lot of patience and creativity on your part, and is a great way for a young couple to test whether they are ready to have a child.

Toy Terrier: care and maintenance

If you want your dog to be healthy and well-groomed, it needs not only proper nutrition and cleanliness of content. Daily hygiene should be the same norm for dogs as for humans. Now let's take a closer look at how to care for that terrier:

  • Toy terrier: ear care. Your pet's ears should be cleaned at least once a week. Can be used to care for ears camphor alcohol or a special ear cleaner. Apply liquid to a cotton swab and penetrate into the ear no deeper than 0.5 cm. You need to drop a little lotion or alcohol into the ear and massage the base of the ear. Then clean off all the dirt. If necessary, repeat the procedure. While bathing, the ears should be covered with a cotton swab, and if discharge appears from the ears, immediately take the dog to the veterinarian.
  • Toy Terrier dental care. Teeth are a dog's weakest point. Brushing your teeth is a must. The procedure should be carried out with a special toothpaste; you can use soft baby toothpaste. toothbrush. Brush your teeth at least once a week. Don't forget that your dog's baby teeth must be replaced by permanent ones. If baby tooth did not fall out on its own before 12 months, contact a specialist. To take good care of your toy terrier, do everything as you would when raising a child. This will save the dog from losing teeth in the future.
  • Toy terrier: eye care. Accustom your dog to daily morning washing. Eyes should be washed with boiled water. Can be used for these purposes weak solution daisies. Caring for a toy terrier requires the mandatory removal of all discharge from the eyes. After the procedure, you need to blot your eyes with a dry cloth and comb the hair with a toothbrush. To avoid eye inflammation, you can apply eye drops.
  • Toy Terrier coat care. You need to wash your dog no more than once a month. You need to bathe your pet only with high-quality shampoo and conditioner for animals. The use of baby shampoo is allowed. If you are going to take your animal for vaccination, postpone bathing for a couple of weeks after vaccination; it is better to do it two days before vaccination. Caring for the Toy Terrier's coat involves using brushes only with natural bristles. Special attention Focus on the areas behind the ears, elbows and chest. After combing, the hair is smoothed with a special mitten.
  • Toy terrier: care and nutrition. You need to be very responsible in feeding your pet, because its food tract is very small. It is allowed to feed your dog canned food or dry dog ​​food, but you need to choose very carefully and give preference only to proven and expensive brands. Offer your dog raw scalded liver or a piece of beef. You can give kefir or boiled eggs, cottage cheese. If you decide not to bother with cooking and feed only ready-made canned food, be sure to add vitamin supplements to your diet.

Toy Terrier: puppy care

With the appearance of this small and fragile creature in your home, you need to introduce some changes into your usual rhythm of the day. Be sure to buy your puppy a small collar with a bell. Most often, the dog follows on the heels of the owner, it is very easy not to notice and step on the baby.

Never pick up an animal with one hand, only with both. Caring for and maintaining a toy terrier is often reminiscent of caring for a baby. Feed by the hour, bathe and clean very carefully and according to all the rules. Never leave your dog alone in the car. When walking, be especially careful that street cats and dogs do not come close to your pet.

Teeth - weakness Besides terriers, this breed, unfortunately, is prone to the formation of tartar and caries. To prevent development serious illnesses oral cavity in a pet, the owner must:

Brush your toy terrier's teeth regularly;

Carefully monitor the process of changing baby teeth to molars;

Purchase various chewing toys to help clean your teeth;

If any dental pathologies occur and for prevention, visit a veterinarian.

Having decided to get a toy terrier, the future pet owner must understand that the animal needs proper care. The dog needs not only daily balanced food, but also regular eye hygiene, nail trimming, and ear cleaning. Indispensable for an animal are the procedures for brushing its teeth and caring for them during the change from milk teeth to molars.

How often should you brush your toy terrier's teeth?

You should start brushing your terrier's teeth no later than eight months of age; during this period, baby teeth are completely replaced by molars. If baby canines, due to their short service life, do not have time to deteriorate significantly, molars without regular hygiene can quickly become covered with tartar. Because that terrier physical features- small interdental space and a small oral cavity are subject to particularly intensive spread of caries and stone.

Tartar is a mineralized plaque that takes the form of a hard, dark crust on the tooth and increases in size over time. As a result of the formation of tartar, dogs experience bleeding gums, and their mouths begin to smell unpleasant. The result of the impact of tartar on healthy tooth is its loosening and loss.

To prevent damage and loss of teeth in your toy terrier, you need to brush them regularly. This procedure should be carried out once or twice a week. It is better to have your toy terrier's teeth cleaned at a veterinary clinic. However, like trimming claws, this manipulation can be done at home; you can learn how to trim the claws of a toy terrier in this article (How to trim claws).

Owners who decide to carry out oral hygiene for their pet for the first time are wondering how to brush their terrier’s teeth? You will need special toothpaste and a brush.

Toothpaste for dogs can be found in many pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. The pastes have a variety of flavors - liver, beef, chicken. In this case, the dog will probably not resist the procedure. It is worth noting that high-quality toothpastes for dogs should not foam. Instead of paste, you can use chalk powder, lemon juice, and soda.

A pet toothbrush should have soft or medium-hard bristles. It is better to choose double-sided brushes with different sized heads and teeth; they can be used to clean your teeth and massage your gums. Such brushes are produced by many manufacturers - Dental, Dirofen, Grimborn. An excellent option for cleaning your toy terrier's teeth is a finger brush. If your pet needs to brush its teeth but doesn’t have a brush, you can use a piece of bandage.

If your terrier has already developed tartar, removal can be done at home in the initial stages. For this, infusions of sage, chamomile, and elderberry are used. When dealing with stone, do not resort to brushes with hard bristles or metal objects, as this will cause damage. tooth enamel, which will make the problem worse.

If tartar is in an advanced or medium stage of development, you need to visit a veterinary clinic, where the plaque will be removed with ultrasound and a antibacterial treatment. This procedure will be performed under general or local anesthesia.

In addition to brushing his teeth, the toy terrier needs to purchase chewing bones, toys, ropes that clean plaque, gums, and special flavors to freshen the pet’s breath.

Care during tooth change in a toy terrier

A toy terrier's teeth begin to fall out at an average of six months. By the age of one year, the change of teeth in a terrier should be completely completed. If the owner purchased a toy terrier to participate in various exhibitions, then by the age of eight months the dog should not have any milk teeth left in its mouth. To do this, the owner will have to regularly loosen the pet’s teeth - this breed quite often has difficulty changing them.

If loosening does not help get rid of baby teeth, you and your pet need to visit a specialist to have them pulled out. Otherwise, the risk of deformation of the molars increases, which is why the animal will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions.

If the dog was bred “for the soul” and not for exhibition events, you can postpone visiting the veterinarian until the pet is one year old. By this age, in the vast majority of Toy Terriers, tooth loss occurs naturally. If a one-year-old puppy's baby teeth remain in his mouth, removal is inevitable.

You will have to visit the veterinary clinic if the terrier's teeth grow in two rows, that is, the milk teeth have not yet fallen out, but the molars have already come out. However, on the forums, breed owners advise postponing a visit to the clinic until the length of the molars reaches half the length of the baby teeth.

As the molars grow, the owner needs to carefully monitor this process. The correct bite in an adult representative of the Toy Terrier breed has a scissor shape - the upper incisors slightly overlap the lower ones. Due to an incorrect bite, the animal will not be able to participate in various competitions and exhibitions. It is worth considering malocclusion may improve with age; in puppies, teeth and jaws continue to develop, so the puppy needs proper feeding.

Owners are often interested in how many teeth a toy terrier has. According to breed standards, a terrier must have 42 teeth; you can study other standards for these pets in our other article.

If the pet has fewer teeth, there is no need to panic; this will, of course, be considered a disadvantage at exhibitions, but the pet will not be disqualified for this reason.

Timely oral hygiene is an excellent prevention of dental diseases in the Toy Terrier. However, it is worth remembering that a pet cannot take care of its health on its own, so the owner must take a responsible approach to the responsibilities of caring for the animal.

Brushing the teeth of an adult Norwich Terrier

This article is devoted to caring for the Norwich Terrier's teeth and preventing the formation of tartar.

Of course, we are playing it safe a little. The Norwich Terrier is a true terrier, with well-developed jaws and good, large teeth. More susceptible to dental calculus decorative dogs- Toy terriers, Yorkies, Chihuahuas and other decorative dogs. But we will write here about the fact that the Norwich Terrier’s teeth need to be brushed.

To clean your Norwich Terrier's teeth we will need:

Dog toothpaste- sold at any pet store, dog paste can be replaced with tooth powder, preferably not mint. Tooth powder is still sold in pharmacies. I don't think it's worth using human paste or toothpaste instead of dog paste or tooth powder. toothpaste, because the dog will involuntarily swallow it.

Dog toothbrush, if desired, can be replaced with cotton pads. It's more convenient for someone.

How to brush your Norwich Terrier's teeth

The Norwich Terrier must be swaddled in a blanket - this will immobilize it. Hold the dog by the muzzle (nose) so that the dog cannot open its mouth. Gradually pulling back the gum, brush your dog's teeth with a brush and toothpaste. You may need the help of a second person to hold your kicking body.

This is a terrible option, probably the “unfrightened Norwich” will not understand you. But this is also one of the options. Sooner or later, your Norwich will begin to react more calmly, because he will understand that this procedure does not threaten him in any way. Therefore, teach your puppy to brush his teeth from childhood.

How to teach a Norwich Terrier puppy to brush its teeth

First, get your puppy used to the fact that you can look and touch his teeth at any time. At the same time, accustom the puppy to the taste of pasta. Dog toothpaste is harmless to dogs and is made with the expectation that your dog will swallow it.

At the second stage, simply combine the two skills - you touch the teeth with a finger with a paste applied to it. At the same time, hold the dog’s head as in the first case. Subsequently, you can use a toothbrush or wipe the dog’s teeth with a cotton pad with toothpaste applied to it. This is the most suitable option for the dog. In this case, the Norwich Terrier will understand what you want from him.

How often should a Norwich Terrier brush his teeth?

Choose a time for this once a week. It will literally take 15 minutes with all the preparations. You can clean it more often, but you can also clean it once a week.

Why you need to brush your Norwich Terrier's teeth

It's all about tartar. Some dogs develop it, others do not, but both need prevention.

Tartar in dogs, as in humans, is fossilized plaque formed on the tooth. Plaque in dogs- These are leftover food that the dog cannot lick off. Bacteria settle in the remains of this food and break it down. It looks like a whitish or yellowish coating. Subsequently, the plaque calcifies and becomes hard. This is tartar.

How does tartar interfere with the Norwich Terrier?

From an aesthetic point of view, this is yellow teeth and the smell of a dog's mouth. From the point of view of the ongoing process, tartar is constantly increasing in size. After all, the dog still eats, the leftover food turns into plaque, and the plaque continues to calcify.

As tartar grows, it injures the gums. The gums become inflamed. Ultimately, the root of the tooth is exposed, the tooth becomes loose and falls out. All this, I repeat, is characteristic to a greater extent for decorative breeds of dogs. But it happens to some Norwich people too. Anyway prevention is better. It's worth doing.

If your Norwich Terrier has developed tartar, call us! Our cattery works with veterinarians who will remove tartar from your Norwich cat.

Just like in humans, a dog’s teeth are a kind of indicator of health. Only, it’s easier for us people to take care of our teeth, since we take care of them, and in case of the slightest discomfort, inflammation or pain, we turn to the dentist.

A dog cannot visit the dentist on its own, and it cannot tell you about dental problems. Therefore, only your attention and care will help prevent the development of many that arise due to.

Why do stones form on dogs' teeth?

Brushing your teeth pet– this is not a whim, but a necessary reality. The fact is that if the condition of a dog’s fangs and incisors is neglected, then a hard plaque will form on them and adhere to the teeth.

We will not dwell on explaining what tartar looks like, since it is not particularly different from tartar in humans.

There are several reasons why stones appear in teeth, but they are all related to the processes of the digestive system:

  • wrong dog diet. Home content dogs contributed to the gradual abandonment of natural teeth cleaning. Wild predatory animals, which include dogs, do not need to brush their teeth, since tearing and chewing prey, the process of cleaning the fangs and incisors occurs on its own.

Dog owners include pets in their diet four-legged friend soft food and canned food that does not require prolonged chewing.

Thus, the natural friction of solid food against the fangs and incisors does not occur and, accordingly, tartar begins to form.

  • disturbed water-salt balance body with increased acidity saliva also provokes the appearance of tartar on the teeth. Here, too, there is a clear connection with poor nutrition, which, together with in a sedentary manner life of the animal, and leads to such problems.
  • Excess sugar in your dog's food.

Is it necessary to remove tartar in dogs?

Tartar itself, as a rule, does not pose a direct threat to the life of a dog. However, a secondary factor, which manifests itself as a complication in the form chronic inflammation gums and loss of teeth, significantly undermines the health of the animal.

An unpleasant odor from the mouth is not the worst thing that can cause stones on the fangs and incisors. The stone is literally teeming with bacteria that multiply at an amazing rate, which can cause caries, gingivitis, bleeding gums, loosening and loss of teeth. Subsequently, the dog’s body becomes intoxicated, gastrointestinal problems begin, and sepsis develops. We won't continue further.

We think that this information is enough to verify not only the advisability, but also the necessity of monitoring the dog’s teeth, cleaning them and removing tartar.

Removing tartar in dogs.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel on the question of “how to remove tartar from dogs.” Hardened, adherent plaque is removed in veterinary clinics. The dog doctor will perform this procedure without damaging the gums and enamel.

In veterinary hospitals, tartar is cleaned in two ways, differing in how the tartar is actually removed.

  • mechanically. This method of cleaning, in essence, is “scraping” hardened plaque from the visible part of the fangs and incisors. Mechanical cleaning is carried out only under anesthesia, since the procedure is painful and unpleasant for the animal. Manual cleaning Without anesthesia, veterinarians do not carry out this procedure due to the danger of getting bitten or injured by a dog.
  • ultrasound. This method is the answer to the question “how to deal with tartar between teeth and in the root zone?” That is, where mechanical cleaning cannot cope.

Ultrasonic stone removal has a more gentle effect on tooth enamel than mechanical removal. Also, it should be noted that with this method of removing stones, anesthesia is not used.

As you understand, mechanical removal entails minimal financial losses for the owner, but for the dog this means damage to tooth enamel and further accelerated emergence another raid. Since the mineral deposit sticks to the rough surface of a fang or incisor like honey.

How to get rid of tartar and plaque from a dog at home.

If during a visual inspection of canines and incisors you do not find obvious signs stone, but only plaque, this means that the formation of this dental attack is occurring. The best solution would be to visit a veterinary clinic.

However, you can clean your dog’s teeth of stones at home if they are small and have just begun to form.

Is it possible to remove tartar from a dog yourself at home?

Let us repeat that if there are no obvious “cobblestones” on the fangs and incisors, you can clean your teeth of stones at home. The main thing is to know how to remove tartar at home yourself.

So, let's look at how and how to remove tartar from a dog at home:

  • An excellent remedy for combating plaque and small tartar on dogs’ teeth is the Xident elixir. This drug is intended for human oral care, but is also great for animals. The elixir is harmless and not hazardous to health.

The action of the active substance xydophone, which forms the basis of the elixir, is aimed at preventing the formation of calcium salt crystals, which include phosphates and oxalates. This is due to the fact that xidophone is able to maintain calcium in a dissolved state in the body of both humans and animals. Therefore, the use of Xident helps dissolve the formed stone and prevent the formation of a new one.

If tartar has caused inflammation in the oral cavity, then the antiseptic additives contained in the elixir will relieve this inflammation.

The elixir is applied using cotton swab or a cotton pad directly onto the dog's tooth. Moreover, there is no need to rinse the product; after a day, it will come out of the animal’s body on its own.

To remove plaque on your dog’s teeth, it is enough to treat the fangs and incisors once a week. If the case is advanced or an inflammatory process has begun on the gums, treatment should be increased to 2-3 times a week.

  • you can use folk remedy from tartar - tomato paste. Yes, yes, don't be surprised active substances, contained in tomato paste (not tomatoes), carefully remove small plaque on the fangs and incisors.

The procedure is absolutely painless for the pet, so there is no discomfort she won't call.
Even short-term contact tomato paste with fangs and incisors while wiping the teeth with this folk remedy, it allows you to immediately remove mineral deposits.

  • Tartar cleaning at home can be done using a dental scaler or a wooden spatula. But in this case, be prepared for the dog’s fierce resistance against this method.

Mechanical cleaning can cause gums to bleed from careless handling of tools or from sudden movements of the pet. Therefore, keep hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine on hand to lubricate your gums immediately after cleaning.

We remind you that if these methods do not help remove stones, then only a visit to the canine dentist will help.

How to brush your dog's teeth.

We all know that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. This also applies to tartar.
In order not to worry in the future about how to remove/remove plaque on teeth, you need to take preventive measures, which include the elementary house.

What is the best way to brush your dog's teeth?

Cleaning the fangs and incisors from plaque is carried out with a regular toothbrush, but with a special dog paste.

Pastes that are produced for use by people are absolutely not suitable for dogs. They contain sodium sulfate, which when applied begins to turn into foam, which causes dissatisfaction in animals.

Therefore, special non-foaming pastes have been developed for dogs that the animal can swallow. And nothing will happen to the pet.

White plaque on a dog's teeth cannot be cleaned off.

When dog paste fails to remove white plaque, then you can use a self-made mixture of regular tooth powder and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Apply the mixture to whatever you are going to use to clean plaque on your teeth (brush, gauze, cotton pad) and walk over the fangs and incisors of your four-legged friend.

How can you brush your dog's teeth if there is no toothpaste?

If there is no paste, then plaque can be removed from fangs and incisors using products that cleanse the animal’s oral cavity and freshen breath. For example,

  • chewable bars/tablets for cleaning teeth;
  • treats that support oral health;
  • menthol tablets;
  • spray for cleaning fangs and incisors.

All these special means sold in veterinary pharmacies.

In addition, pet stores offer a wide range of rubber toys, which, in addition to pleasing the dog, also clean the teeth and massage the gums.

Externally, such toys are distinguished by the fact that they are covered with small teeth.

Why do dog gums bleed?

Overgrown tartar always causes the gums to swell and bleed. This is the beginning of a disease called gingivitis.

In addition to swelling, bleeding, and obvious signs of gum inflammation, the dog’s breath begins to stink, smelling like rot.

How to treat bleeding gums in a dog.

Treatment of bleeding gums caused by enlarged tartar must be coordinated with veterinarian. Because the specialist knows how to treat the dog. Basically, the animal is prescribed complex treatment, consisting of removing deposits on teeth, introducing dry food into the diet or raw vegetables(carrots, apples) that need to be chewed, the use of special means to care for the oral cavity. With strong inflammatory processes You will have to give your dog antibiotics.

Gums bleed when brushing your dog's teeth.

If a dog’s gums bleed when brushing their teeth, the reason may be the hard bristles of the brush, which damage the skin of the gums, or damage caused by the movement of the stone towards the gums. But, whatever the reason, bleeding is not a good sign.

What should you do if every brushing of your teeth is accompanied by bleeding?

  • replace the brush.
  • After cleansing, wipe the dog’s fangs and incisors with hydrogen peroxide (3% solution).

And if such simple methods do not help stop the flow of blood, then contact your veterinarian.
