A white ulcer appeared in the mouth: how to treat it correctly. Red or white sores on the lips

A bubble on the inside of the lip is usually a formation that is medically called a mucous cyst (mucocele). It is characterized by the fact that it does not hurt, does not pose a health hazard, but creates discomfort.

This problem occurs quite often in dentistry. Many people treat it with negligence, believing that everything will go away on its own. However, when large sizes this may take too long, and in some cases the mucocele may never go away without treatment. In addition, the bladder must be examined to exclude more serious diseases, such as malignant neoplasms.

Education is most often observed with inner surface lips on lower jaw, although it can also occur in other parts oral cavity, including the palate, cheeks and tongue. The bubble may be clear, lip-colored, or blue in color, as if filled with blood. May change over time.

The main causes of neoplasm:

  • trauma to the oral mucosa;
  • blockage or injury to the salivary gland.

As a result, saliva, or rather mucin, accumulates and a full lump is formed. The bubble can grow for a long time, accumulating liquid inside. The formation of purulent exudate occurs very rarely.

Often a bubble on the inside of the lip appears against the background of formed stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa). And it doesn’t matter what nature the stomatitis itself is. In this case, the main factors of occurrence are:

  • dental diseases (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis);
  • periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis);
  • poor nutrition;
  • allergic reaction to oral hygiene products, especially toothpastes and rinses;
  • chemical, physical or thermal injury.
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal changes in organism;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • bad habits, especially smoking a pipe or cigarettes with a mouthpiece.

The mechanism of pathology formation is simple. Initially, an ordinary scratch appears, which tears salivary gland(most often small). The mucous membrane has the property of rapid regeneration. Also, damage or blockage may occur from within, without external damage. As a result, the damaged gland becomes closed under soft tissues. In the process of secretion of “salivary mucus” (mucin), a bubble begins to form. At chemical burn or allergic irritation, a mucosal response is observed in the form of a similar neoplasm.

A bubble on the inside of the lip can sometimes signal the occurrence of quite serious illnesses. Often such manifestations are observed with oral tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV infection, and diabetes. Therefore, you should immediately seek help from a doctor for further diagnosis.


If the course is favorable, after 20-60 days the bubble may disappear on its own. But for fairly large sizes you will need surgical intervention. Sometimes the problem can be chronic, and the formation will reappear after surgery, then the salivary gland responsible for this is removed. This recurring pattern is most often seen in superficial mucous cysts, i.e. when they are more transparent.

Traditional remedies

Modern medicine offers wide range drugs various actions. But it is not recommended to act on the bubble in the oral cavity on your own (without a doctor’s prescription).

Purpose medicines will depend on the cause of the problem, namely:

  • If a formation occurs against the background of viral lesions of the mucous membrane, antiviral drugs are indicated. First of all, these are Zovirax and Acyclovir. At the same time, Immudon, vitamins C, A, and Immunal are prescribed to help strengthen the body.
  • When the reason is traumatic injury– needs to be eliminated this factor. Usually these are severely damaged teeth, chipped fillings, orthopedic structures or tartar. After this, antiseptics in the form of rinses are recommended. Chlorhexedine, furatsilin solution or regular one work well soda solution.
  • If the bubble has formed against the background of an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to find out what irritant it is. He is eliminated and appointed antihistamines.
  • During development pain syndrome local anesthetics such as lidocaine spray are indicated.
  • If the bubble is bloody or large, then it is subjected to surgery. After this, drugs that accelerate regeneration are required. Solcoseryl, Methyluracil, Metrogyl Denta are mainly used. They will not only speed up healing, but also provide a disinfectant effect on the wound surface.

Methods of folk influence

Many doctors have mixed feelings about them. Although in dentistry, decoctions and tinctures of various herbs are often used. This does not contradict official treatment, but all procedures must be agreed with the dentist.

Most effective folk remedies are:

  • Lotions or mouth baths made from calendula tincture diluted in warm boiled water.
  • Applications using cotton-gauze napkins soaked in sea ​​buckthorn oil. It will provide fast healing and prevent the development of bacteria.
  • Mouth baths or rinses with saturated water bee honey. This will help strengthen local immunity and provide antiseptic protection.
  • The use of an ointment consisting of equal proportions of crushed propolis and butter. This mixture allows you to accelerate regeneration, have an analgesic effect and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora.

If the problem does not disappear or reappears, you should contact the clinic. With such symptoms, most likely there is a deeper problem with the occurrence of the disease.

Preventive measures

The mucous membrane of the human oral cavity is a very thin and delicate anatomical formation. In just one day, she is exposed to multiple traumatic factors. Their reduction will be reliable protection not only from the appearance of white blisters, but also other severe lesions.

To avoid this you should follow some simple rules:

  • visit the dentist regularly.
  • carry out sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • carry out high-quality oral hygiene.
  • give up bad habits.
  • strengthen local and general immunity in every possible way.
  • try to avoid infectious diseases.
  • pay attention to occupational hazards.
  • If you have a wound, try to avoid consuming hard and rough foods, which could further lead to injury.

It is important not to self-medicate. Sometimes even a little time lost is very important for a speedy recovery and prevention of more severe injuries.

The lips, represented by the outer and inner sections, are separated from each other by special education, called the “red border of the lips” (RBL). The inner side of the lips is represented by the mucous membrane, inside which is located a large number of blood vessels and nerve fibers. There are also small ones inside salivary glands. The mucous membrane reacts very sensitively to any external influence, which may result in an ulcer on the inside of the lip. How to treat such a pathology should be determined by a dental therapist or periodontist.

Features of appearance and clinic

When a sore appears on the inside of the lip, it is important to understand what could have triggered the occurrence. Stomatitis is a disease in which the oral mucosa becomes inflamed. Often the ulcer is indicated from the inside of the lips.

The causes may be due to diseases of the body itself or the influence of a number of external factors. Among the diseases of systems and organs, pathologies are distinguished: gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems. Allergic reaction can also contribute to the development of ulcers on the inside of the lip. Frequent colds, such as influenza, ARVI, can weaken the barrier function immune system. As a result, this will lead to increased sensitivity to external factors.

Aggressive environmental factors:

  • Mechanical injury with a violation of the integrity of the lip cover: microbes penetrate through the microcracks that can cause inflammatory process;
  • Burn: using chemicals or high temperature liquids;
  • Weathering;
  • Poor hygiene.

Depending on the cause, there are different kinds stomatitis:

Herpes. Caused by the herpes virus. The appearance of elements in the form of bubbles with transparent contents, prone to rapid opening, covering with fibrinous plaque and erosion, is preceded by a series of symptomatic manifestations. Patients complain of a burning sensation and itching literally a few hours before the onset.
Candida. Fungi of the genus Candida are normally present in the oral cavity. When the body's immune reactivity decreases, this microflora is activated. The forming element on the mucous membrane of the lips is represented by a white film. During cleansing, the presence of erosions is noted.
Aphthous. Presented in the oral cavity and on the lips as an ulcer covered with a gray-white coating, when removed, an erosive bleeding surface is exposed. The edges of the element are red and raised. The element causes itching and pain. Often combined with high temperature body, increased sensitivity of the oral mucosa, swelling and bleeding of the gums.
Allergic. Occurs against the background of contact with a number of objects, medicines, food and other substances (dust, animal fur). Manifested by swelling and redness of the mucous membrane, pain. Mucous membrane on the lip inside becomes smooth, the resulting bubbles quickly open. Erosion tends to merge.
Traumatic. Occurs under the influence of mechanical, thermal or chemical exposure. Manifests characteristic features inflammation at the site of injury: swelling, redness, pain, coating of the element. Mechanical injury can be caused by poor-quality dentures, sharp edges of teeth or sharp objects.
Bacterial. The main cause of infection is microflora. In most cases, microbes that penetrate through the damaged mucosa (the entrance gates are represented by wounds and cracks) are represented by streptococci and staphylococci. Redness, swelling, pain, bad smell from the mouth, as a rule, characterizes this element. With a long and severe course of the disease, asthenic phenomena and fever may occur.

Therefore, when an ulcer appears on the inside of the lip, how to treat begins to worry the patient from the first appearance of symptoms of the disease.

Treatment options

Today, there are a number of techniques to solve the problem of ulcers that have appeared inside the lips. The action of both traditional and alternative medicine aimed at relieving inflammation, local pain, stimulation regenerative processes, prevention of re-infection. For this purpose, drugs are used: analgesics, antiseptics, antibiotics. If you seek help in a timely manner, aphtha can be cured in as soon as possible. The longer the trip to a qualified specialist is delayed, the greater the likelihood of complications due to the addition of microflora and the development of secondary inflammation.

Professional intervention

When first appears white sore, it is important to immediately pay attention to this. It is recommended to make an appointment with a dentist. Only a doctor, having assessed the complaints, recorded the anamnesis (development) of the disease, and clarified the clinical picture, can prescribe treatment.

First of all, the affected surface of the lips should be anesthetized. For this purpose, you can use Lidoxor spray or gel (Anestol, Kamistad and others). At severe pain and the ineffectiveness of the applied anesthesia, infiltration is started around the perimeter in parts corresponding to the lesion. Carpule anesthetics based on xycaine (Trimecain, Mepivacoin and others) are used.

If the pain is not particularly pronounced, then you can do without pain relief and proceed straight to antiseptic treatment ulcers inside the lips. Use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (1:5 dilution). Due to the release of atomic oxygen during the treatment and removal of plaque, the wound is exposed to a superficial bactericidal effect. To enhance the antiseptic effect, a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate (0.05–2%) is used. You can also use a solution of furatsilin. Rashes are treated by gentle cleansing from plaque several times a day (3–4).

To prevent secondary infection and provide a bactericidal effect, after treatment with antiseptics, apply a bandage with antibacterial components: Metrogyl Denta gel, Levomikol ointment.

Bandages are applied 2 times a day and left for 1 hour. When the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the element subsides, stimulation of regenerative processes begins. For this purpose they use oil solution vitamin E (“Aekol”). Procedures at a dentist's appointment are performed once every day. The remaining treatments during the day must be carried out by the patient independently.

Sometimes stomatitis affects not only the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips. Often there are lesions and not outside. At viral cause diseases on the external side of the CCG are covered with: oxolinic, tebrofen, retinol, interferon, acyclovir and other ointments. For fungal causes, nystatin ointment is used.

Besides local treatment apply and general therapy. Symptomatically, the use of antipyretic drugs at temperatures above subfebrile is allowed. Also used antibacterial drugs, antivirals, immunomodulators and multivitamin complexes to restore and strengthen the immune system. Treatment of lip aphthae in children should be carried out strictly under the supervision of specialists. With a competent and qualified approach, it seems possible to cure stomatitis in the shortest possible time (approximately 5–7 days).

What you can do at home

Traditional medicine will be effective against stomatitis in terms of use medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Various single- and multi-component mixtures are used: chamomile, sage, calendula, string and others. Prepare solutions and decoctions. Can also be used as lotions. To do this, you can also add boric acid crystals to the prepared solution: 4 grams per 1 glass.

To provide an antiseptic and tissue healing effect, an aloe leaf, cut and facing the affected surface with the pulp, can also be used as a bandage. Kalanchoe juice and propolis tincture are used as a rub for lip aphthae. To heal and at the same time provide an antiseptic effect, you can apply strawberries to the ulcers.

Features of life

Stomatitis brings great discomfort to the patient against the background of soreness of the mucous membrane. In order to alleviate the patient’s condition, especially if the aphthae is located on the lips, nutritional correction must be carried out. Food should have the consistency of cream and sour cream. Hot, cold, hot, spicy, smoked and fried foods are excluded. If exclusion is not possible, consumption should be kept to a minimum. Compliance with dietary features must be observed throughout the entire period of treatment. Further recommendations on the quality of nutrition should be issued again by the dentist.

  1. To minimize the risk of stomatitis, it is important to follow simple recommendations.
  2. The food you eat should be at the optimal temperature.
  3. It is important to maintain immunity with a course of vitamin complexes.
  4. Biting or licking lips is not recommended, since if there are defects on the surface, the likelihood of infection with microbial flora increases, which can further complicate the treatment.

To support healthy condition oral cavity and reduce the likelihood of the appearance and infection of aphthae, it is important to contact preventive examination see a dentist once every six months.

The doctor will identify violations, carry out sanitation of the teeth and mucous membranes, give recommendations for care and select hygiene products for the oral cavity. Thus, the level of bacterial background, thanks to timely treatment, will remain within normal limits and the possibility of getting ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth or lips will become minimal. Since the infection can manifest itself not only in the oral cavity, it is also important to undergo medical checkup from a general practitioner once every 1 year or from other specialists, if there is pathology in the relevant organs and systems of the body.

Usually bumps on the lips are benign formations, which do not pose a danger, but bring discomfort. They appear mainly on the inside of the lip and in most cases disappear over time on their own, if not serious illness. If this condition is chronic and does not go away, then you should worry.


There are several possible reasons formation of bumps inside the lip.

Mucosal cyst

Most often, the lump on the inside of the lip is a mucous cyst (mucocele), which is a bubble filled with fluid. The color can range from bluish to lilac or pinkish.

A mucous cyst can form as a result of the suction of the mucous membrane of the lip between the teeth; in this case, usually one cyst appears per lower lip closer to the teeth.

Large and small mucous cysts (mucoceles)

Mucoceles are usually painless, there is no harm from them, except for a feeling of discomfort, and they can sometimes even last until the end of life if they are not removed.

Such a bubble can be located on the palate, the mucous membrane of the tongue and on the inside of the cheeks.

Lip injury

A cyst can form on the inside of the lip due to repeated trauma, such as punching the lips, multiple or aggressive piercings, lip biting, etc.

Blisters, sores or sores, which may be painful, also occur as a result of psychological suffering and stress, and disappear after a few days if the stress is overcome. In this case, to speed up healing, you should exclude spicy or salty foods from your diet.

Reaction to medications

Medicines can affect the tissues of the mouth in such a way that some people may end up with bumps on their lips. For example, it is relatively common for an aspirin tablet to burn and then cause a blister to appear.

Infections in the mouth

Bacteria or yeast pathogens can, under certain favorable conditions, cause an infection in the mouth or intestines.

Other causes and risk factors

  • Aphthous stomatitis infections
  • Fibroma
  • Burns in the mouth from chemical substances, such as alkalis
  • Lip piercing

Are bumps on the inside of the lip dangerous?

Mouth lumps that do not go away or lesions that do not heal may indicate a serious illness.

How long have you been smoking, chewing tobacco or drinking alcohol? Oral cancer – dangerous disease, some risk factors are as follows:

  • HPV infection in the oral cavity.
  • Alcohol addiction and chewing tobacco
  • Excessive tanning
  • Mutations and inherited DNA defects

Cancer can be prevented if signs are detected early.

Diagnosis should be carried out when you or a doctor suspects the presence of a disease. In many clinical pictures presence was detected painless lump in the mouth along with other symptoms of oral cancer.

White bumps on the inside of the lip or clear blisters

White bumps on the lips may mean that a sore or ulcer is about to appear. Sometimes they appear as clear blisters and then develop into typical ulcers. Mouth pain is a clear symptom of an ulcer.

In many cases, mouth ulcers are cured once the causes are eliminated.

Traditional treatment

Sea salt

This effective treatment natural means benign tumors such as a mucous cyst. You need to prepare a warm solution and rinse your mouth, then spit it out.


In addition to providing the body with vitamins, you can use plain, additive-free yogurt to relieve discomfort in the mouth.

Castor oil

Castor oil soothes the burning sensation in the mouth from wounds. You need to apply a few drops of castor oil to the formations on the inside of the lower lip.

Tea tree oil

Mix ½ teaspoon tea tree with 1 spoon of honey and apply the mixture on the lip with bumps overnight.

1. The main reason for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the protective membrane of the mouth

Divided into two parts, the inner and outer sides of the lip have a very thin, delicate and rather vulnerable surface. Cases where ulcers appear on the inside of the lip can be caused by high sensitivity and main reason- violation barrier function mucous membrane. Often a mucosal defect appears as in the image below. This is an ulcer inside the lip photo with a wound covered with a light coating.

An extremely unpleasant manifestation of inflammation of the mucous membrane, white spots

Causes of ulcers on lips

Exposure to damaging factors increases the susceptibility of the mucous membrane, and when protection decreases, it causes inflammatory reaction. An ulcer on the lip appears after pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the protective surface layer of the mouth.

This will happen after contacting them!

Namely with:

  • bacteria;
  • microscopic fungi;
  • or after activation of common herpes viruses ( chickenpox, mononucleosis, post-cold lichen).

2. Presence of infection, ulcer on the lip on the inside

The entry of bacteria, fungi or viruses into the human system anywhere causes unpleasant symptoms. The body's reaction is triggered as a response to irritation at the location of these microcreatures.

An ulcer on the lip on the inside signals the presence of microbes that have different names and have penetrated into the thin membrane. Their introduction causes a reaction. An area with the outlines of red or white. The disease process is completed only after their complete death in the place where the ulcer formed on the lip.

An important point is a person’s susceptibility to infectious pathogens, that is, the level of the immune system.


In the initial stage, before a small ulcer on the lip becomes noticeable, there is swelling and redness of this area. Increased sensitivity in the mouth. This is accompanied by the formation of a visible defect, an ulcer on the inside of the lip, and symptoms of weakness and fatigue.

The invisible process of inflammation, or rather the fight against pathogens in the body, is difficult for humans. Most often these are manifestations of stomatitis. Below you can see what ulcers on the lips look like, a photo that demonstrates the condition on the second day, from the beginning of their formation.

White plaque on altered mucosa, inner part lips

Types of disease with white plaque:

  • herpes;
  • candida;
  • bacterial.

An ulcer on the inside of the lip with redness can be caused by:

  • herpes infections;
  • allergies;
  • trauma and damage to the mucous membrane;
  • and initially bacterial and candidal stomatitis.

3. Medication approach

Before you begin to treat an unpleasant change in the mucous membrane, you need to determine what caused the ulcer inside the lip and what type of infection provoked the reaction.

But, if inflammation begins and in order to prevent recurrence of infection, when an ulcer appears on the lip, what should you do?


  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • The surface affected by white plaque is treated with Kamistad, Anestol. Lidoxor gel will reduce pain.

Hydrogen peroxide will act as an antiseptic. Rinse your mouth with a diluted solution of 3% concentration. The ratio of antiseptic liquid should be: 1:5.

Hydrogen peroxide solution in a medical bottle

If unbearable pain is noted, you can make applications of Lidocaine, Diphenhydramine, Mepivacoin (carpul for dental use).

The basis of therapy is antipathogenic agents.


  • at bacterial infection– antibiotics (oral);
  • for viruses - antiviral, but not always, support with vitamins and immunomodulators is sufficient;
  • with candidiasis - antifungal drugs(Lamisil, Nystatin).

4. What home remedies and traditional medicine will help?

A sachet of boric acid sold at a pharmacy

Echinacea tincture is used to strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to drink tea with ginger, no more than the size of one pea of ​​root per 1 liter of water. It will help restore your defenses.

How to treat an ulcer on the lip inside

A simple and already forgotten way to eliminate light plaque in areas of visible tissue defect is boric acid. Its crystals, in the amount of 4 grams, are diluted in 200 ml of water and rinsed or treated painful areas. This procedure can be done when there is already a defect, such as an ulcer on the lip in the photo shown above, with a white coating.

If the mucous flora is disturbed, you can apply strawberry pulp. This will help reduce inflammation locally. Works great with pathogenic microorganisms calendula. Chamomile or chamomile will heal wounds. You can attach a cut stem of Kalanchoe.


The color of such wounds is usually white, less often gray. They cause maximum discomfort to a person - they interfere with speaking normally, chewing food, and become painful.


The reasons why an ulcer forms on the lip include the following:

  • Burn. Occurs when eating hot food, drinking tea, coffee, smoking.
  • Mechanical damage. After visiting the dentist, or damaging it yourself with a fork or other object.
  • Chemical damage - alcohol.
  • Climate change.

An ulcer on the inside of the lip also appears in those people who suffer from cancer - it goes away and radiation therapy. Sometimes ulcers can appear from prolonged exposure to the sun or after suffering stress.

The wounds have a round or oval shape. Dimensions reach 1 centimeter. Sometimes they change color, becoming yellow or completely red. But after a week everything can go away.

If there is no improvement after a week and a half, you should be wary and contact medical institution For full examination and identifying the cause.
