How to remove a spell on a mirror. Spell on a mirror: broken surface. What to do with cracked and broken mirrors

Magic conspiracy on the mirror has been used in witchcraft practice for centuries. The influence of mirrors on human destiny is very great.

With their help, we can become better, find what we want, and attract love. The main thing is to perform rituals with faith in your soul. Even the slightest thought about the ineffectiveness of the spells being cast will ruin all the magic.

Even science confirms that mirror magic really works. The reason for this is the composition of the coating - it is silver. And this metal interacts with the energy of the human body.

How to use this chance is up to you, because the mirror reciprocates. If you treat him with respect and sincerely ask for the things you need, then expect positive changes in the near future.

Beliefs associated with mirrors

For many centuries, mirror reflections have been attributed magical properties. And there are many beliefs and signs associated with them.

  • During Christmas time, an unmarried girl can look into the future - and see the outlines of the groom in the depths of the mirror surface. To do this, special spells are cast on mirrors that attract the desired images.
  • When a newlywed couple has gotten married and has already returned to their native nest, they should stand together hand in hand in front of a full-length mirror. Such a procedure is necessary in order to capture a moment of happiness and well-being.
  • Sorcerers used the mirror surface when treating the patient. If a mirror immersed in water depicted the face of a sufferer, then, most likely, the illness settled in the person’s body for a long time. And if the face looked healthy and without distortion, then in the near future the body will begin to recover.
  • It is forbidden to see yourself in a mirror with drops of water smeared on it - this attracts sick energy.

How to come to your loved one in a dream

To dream about your loved one, write the name of the one you love directly on the mirror surface.

Your feelings must come from the heart - otherwise the ritual will not help, but will only worsen the situation. Now look at your own face and say:

Using this spell, know that your loved one will definitely remember you, notice you, and, most importantly, you will come to him in a dream.

Conspiracy for a new mirror

When purchasing a new mirror, you should immediately magic ritual.

These words must be said after the purchase. Now this is your talisman - personal and indestructible.

It is also advisable to clean the surface with water blessed in the church. And then the spell for a new mirror will turn it into a magical amulet.

Spell on a mirror for beauty

The issue of beauty and freshness worries most women - after all, the modern rhythm of life sometimes does not allow for a good night's sleep and recovery. Fatigue affects your appearance.

How to easily get rid of bags under the eyes and unnecessary wrinkles? On help will come mirror magic. You will need a regular candle and, of course, a mirror.

It is important that during the ritual you are not disturbed by unnecessary noise. Get rid of makeup on your face. Sit down and light the candle flame – its reflection should be visible. Squint a little - you won't see age-related changes on your face.

Use the following spell:

It is necessary to repeat the magic text three times. After all this, monitor the fire: if it is even and clean, everything is going well. Notice that the color of the flame has changed, the wick has begun to break and smoke, complete the ritual.

Mirror spell for money

Money problems often cause problems in family life. A ritual ceremony using a small mirror will help solve a difficult issue. Also prepare a coin in advance. When the full moon rises in the sky, it’s time to begin the magical actions.

You need to stand near the window so that the Earth satellite is clearly visible. Choose a night when the skies are not overcast. Place both a mirror and a coin on the windowsill. Try to make sure that objects are clearly visible and illuminated by moonlight.

Remember important point: You shouldn't see your reflection. This may harm the magical effect. The energy power of the ritual will decrease.

Having prepared and done everything the necessary conditions, start reading the incantatory text:

After that, don't do anything, don't say a word. Let no one see you at all. Keep the mirror for yourself. The coin has a place in your wallet. Don't waste it by mistake! After thirty days, repeat each action of the ritual again.

This ritual will be a salvation for businessmen who are in difficult financial situation. The power of the conspiracy will return your place in the market and improve trade.

Spell on a mirror against the evil eye

The protective properties of mirrors can be used as a shield against evil eye and damage. When twilight fills your home, take a small mirror in your hand. Repeat clearly seven times:

All negativity will disappear from your life. The mirror will absorb the energy coming from envious people and ill-wishers.

Mirror spell for weight loss

You will need a week to charge the weight loss mirror. When you get up in the morning, immediately stand up to your full height next to him in order to fully see your reflection. And say:

Don't look away. Imagine your ideal figure. Let her be exactly the way you want. When seven days have passed, you will begin to feel the first changes. Unnecessary kilograms will begin to leave you.

People have long believed that performing rituals—certain actions with special objects, accompanied by the utterance of verbal formulas—can change a lot in life. You can attract good luck in love, improve your business, improve your health, etc.

To carry out ceremonies and rituals, symbols of natural elements are most often used: fire, earth, water and air. The article discusses magical manipulations using fire (candles) and a mirror. A mirror has always been considered a special thing. It can reflect us as we are, without hiding anything. Esoteric specialists say that in the mirror you can see your future, recognize the dark sides of the soul, and cleanse it.

The most popular rituals performed using a mirror and candle are:

  1. Ritual to attract wealth (you will need three mirrors, three candles, a banknote).

Place three mirrors in front of you. One should look straight at you, and the other two should be at an angle. Light one candle in front of each mirror. Now sit down and peer at the selected point of the central mirror, without taking your eyes off it for so long until something begins to separate from your reflection. It could be a completely different person. When you have achieved this effect, say the phrase three times: “Money is everywhere, but not everyone has it. TO bad people If they don’t come, everyone will be drawn to me.”

Take the prepared bill and use one of the candles to stick it to the table so that it is not visible to strangers.

  1. Attracting love (you will need a mirror).

Choose a mirror for the ritual. Wash it silver water(take a container of plain water and place a silver object in it overnight), this will help the mirror to cleanse itself and be ready to transfer love energy.

Sit in front of the mirror and peer into it, imagining the image of your loved one. Sit like this until you can imagine it down to the last detail. appearance the object of admiration, his voice and smile. Then say the phrase: “I call to you, NAME. Hear me and my heart. Don’t leave me and be with me in sorrow and joy.” The mantra must be said three times.

After completing the ritual, wipe the mirror with silver water again.

If everything was done correctly, after some time the loved one will show himself.

  1. Getting rid of the evil eye and damage (you will need two candles, a mirror, a wooden bowl, salt, a piece of red woolen thread).

Sit in front of the mirror. Place two lit candles on either side of it. In front of the mirror is a bowl filled with salt and thread.

Looking at your reflection, say: “I burn all evil, now my life is pure glass. I lock it from enemies with three keys, I don’t let bad people near me.” Take a red thread and tie three knots on it. Once the candles have burned out, drop a little wax onto a string so you can attach it to the back of the mirror. Don't show it to anyone. Wrap the used candles and salt in a bag and bury it in the yard or let it float down a fast river.

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Since ancient times, with the help of mirrors, magic specialists have performed various ceremonies, rituals and love spells. A mirror spell is used to achieve many goals, since everything that the glass surface sees is stored in its memory. This magical attribute will help you achieve well-being, helps you achieve what you want in love, with its help you can attract cash flow, you can attract good luck and fortune.

Mirrors are used to achieve any purpose

All sorcerers and psychics know about the magical properties of the reflective surface. Many of them use this attribute in their work. Most often, luck and success are attracted through a mirror in order to remove damage and cast a love spell.

According to magicians, the new mirror accumulates new events in a person’s life, remembers them, and can reproduce them with the help of special rituals. And the old mirror contains a lot of accumulated events that happened in the past. Witchcraft using a mirror is considered very powerful. The mirror ritual has helped many people achieve their goals, both good and bad. In spells with a mirror, it is important to believe in their power and tune in to the positive.

To protect yourself and your family from external negative influence, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with certain signs that relate to a reflective surface:

  • You cannot give such a thing, accept it as a gift, or use someone else’s;
  • If a person gives you a mirror, there is no way to refuse such a gift, say the following protective words: “I will wash away everything that has accumulated in you, I will replace the owner with a new one, I will wash away the negativity with clean water.” After this, wipe it well, saying: “Clean, bright, you are mine now, so serve me with faith and truth”;
  • It is not recommended to be naked in front of her for a long time, as this is fraught with loss of money and luck; magic warns that you should not place a bed or crib in front of the mirror;
  • you should not turn your back to him so that positive energy does not flow out;
  • Not recommended long time look at yourself during critical days, during pregnancy or after childbirth;
  • You should not hang a reflective surface so that the front door is reflected in it, this can drive luck and wealth away from the house.

If you saw broken glass in a dream, it promises good luck, victory over the enemy, and a way out of the conflict. Dreamed of by a woman, it portends deception, quarrels, troubles in personal life. Experts recommend immediately saying any prayer after such a dream.

Spell on a mirror to dream about your loved one

The dream will remind a man of his beloved

For every girl or woman in love, attention from her beloved guy or man is very important. To warm up his feelings for himself, there is a conspiracy to use a mirror to make the guy dream. A man's dream will remind him of his beloved. The plot to dream is simple; no special attributes are needed. You need to prepare a small mirror and the text of the spell. It's better if it's new.

“As I am reflected in the mirror surface, I will appear in the dreams of my beloved (name). He should sleep and rest, and contemplate me in a dream. Amen".

After this, hide the mirror under the pillow with the front side. IN morning time it should be washed clean water and wrap it in any fabric item. Hide the item between your underwear, which you are allowed to use in the future.

Rite of love and beauty

Love spells are helpful for every woman. But you should remember that you need to use only the rituals offered by white magic. And entrust all rituals of black magic to professionals. To carry out a beauty ritual, you need to take a new small mirror and lock yourself in the room so that no one will disturb you. Place a magical object in front of you and read the spell:

“The beauty looks at herself in the mirror, smiles. My betrothed has already put on my suit and is getting ready to hit the road. Walking along the path to my house. I know for sure that I will meet him. I’ll look at my reflection furtively, every man will want to solve my riddle. I will do my job skillfully. I will conquer luck and love boldly. I will inflame the ardor of love in the hearts of men, I will not leave anyone indifferent.”

Repeat this spell for beauty and attracting suitors 13 times. Now the magical object has become an amulet, you need to carry it with you, believe in omens and that the mirror will help you achieve the desired beauty.

After reading the plot, the mirror becomes a magical amulets

Ritual to attract money and prosperity

It is recommended that the fair sex perform a ritual for money and love with a mirror on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, and men perform a ritual for money and love on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. The optimal time of day for the ceremony is evening, and there should be no strangers, and windows and doors should be curtained. If there is a full-length mirror in the room, it is better to cover it with a cloth. This ritual for good luck and money requires the following attributes: a wallet, two mirrors, three large identical coins.

Place the mirrors opposite each other, the result should be a mirrored corridor. Place the coins on the table so that they are reflected in the mirror, then read the text, directing positive energy into the words:

“I, servant of God (name), will go from one mirror to another. I'll go and collect the money. I’ll collect all the money, put it in my wallet, drive poverty and failure away from me, I’ll never know about them. Lord, have mercy on me, don’t be angry. Save my darling and protect from sins. Amen".

All items are carried with you as an amulet.

There is also another option for performing a ritual to attract wealth. Fulfill magical actions on the full moon. Open the curtains so that Moonlight illuminated the room. Place a mirror on the windowsill and place a large coin in front of it. Each object should be illuminated by moonlight. But the person who performs the ritual with the mirror should not be reflected in it. Stand behind the mirror and say the text:

“Luna, you are my protector, patroness and helper. I am calling you to help me. Fill my purses, chests and pockets with wealth, may it never end. I will be grateful to you for my golden riches, the countless lunar treasury. May it not disappear from me and my family, but only multiply and bring joy.”

After that, go to bed. Place the coin in your wallet and carry it with you as a talisman.

How to use a mirror to protect against lies

There is a simple ritual to protect yourself from the negative influence of strangers. To prevent damage and the evil eye from sticking to a person, there are simple, but powerful conspiracies. Fill any container with clean water and read the following text:

“A piece of glass, crystalline, like lake water. Come to my aid (name), let all adversity pass by, not stick to me, but be reflected in the glass and disappear. Magic glass, show me the thoughts of your enemies, don’t hide anything, don’t embellish. Let my thoughts and mind be pure, my gaze clear. Let my life be calm, like the water of a lake, clean from evil thoughts, slander, the envy of enemies, and unclean otherworldly spirits. Only let goodness increase.”

After the ceremony, wipe all the mirrors in the house with a clean piece of cloth, previously soaked in the charmed water.

You need to wipe all the mirrors in the house with enchanted water.

There is also a ritual option that will help attract luck and prosperity. To do this you need to select right time– from 23.00 to 3.00, light a candle. The text is read during the full moon in front of a new mirror purchased the day before:

“Lord, calling upon you, I bow before You and Your power, grace and blessing. Save, merciful one, my soul, protect me from the sweet attacks of the evil one. I pray to You daily and hope for your favor and protection. May there be no losses in my life. Amen".

Let the candle burn out completely, wrap the remaining stub in a piece of white cloth, and hide it under the mattress. This is what will happen protective amulet not only a person, but also his home.

What to do with a broken mirror

Many are sure that a broken mirror will not bring good luck. If a mirror breaks, according to many psychics, this portends seven years of failures and negative incidents. What to do? Prayer or conspiracy will help in in this case or not? If the glass falls and breaks into fragments, you should not look in them under any circumstances. Any splinters or cracked surfaces should be removed.

If glass breaks, pick up the pieces and throw them away. Usually such an incident means that a lot of negative emotions and events have accumulated in the reflective surface, so it could not stand it and burst, it needs to be replaced with a new one. The mirror contains particles of silver, which has magical properties. This is an excellent protection against negativity. It accumulates everything bad influence, which after a while overwhelms the surface and it simply cannot stand it.

Financial problems are statistically the most popular. In second place in this ranking are love failures. To get rid of such difficulties, people use a variety of methods. Some begin to actively work on themselves and develop themselves, while others find it easier to read the spell on the mirror. Financial independence, success in all matters, sincere love - this is why the decision is made to perform magical rituals.

Spell for money: how to do it

desire to have material well-being will help you perform a special ritual with coins. It will help improve financial condition person and will increase the success of his activities. Conspiracies with mirrors can be both simple and complicated. This money ritual belongs to the first category.

What will you need?

According to magicians, a mirror surface is a powerful attribute when performing rituals, especially if it is a plot to make quick money. In combination with other elements, it strengthens their influence. That is why you need to take the following items:

  • small mirror;
  • any coin;
  • spell text.

A new lady's mirror will be perfect. The coin can have different denominations. The result of the ritual does not depend on this.

What to do?

It is necessary to prepare the above things in advance. They should be used frequently by those who perform the magical procedure. When everything is ready, do the following:

  1. Choose the right time. On the day of the event there must be full moon. If it is not there, then it is better to reschedule this event.
  2. In the house, find a window sill that catches the reflections of moonlight.
  3. Place a mirror on the surface near the window.
  4. Place the money directly in front of the mirror.
  5. Stand with your back to the mirror surface.
  6. It is necessary to read the text of the conspiracy:

“Mother, Luna! I turn my gaze and request to you. Fill my chest with riches, give me your treasury.”

It is not allowed to display a person in a mirrored object. Otherwise, you should not expect the desired outcome. Make sure that all involved objects are under the light of the Moon.

After the ceremony, go to bed immediately. The enchanted mirror can be used daily, and the coin must be placed in your wallet. She must stay there for at least a month.

Money plot for men and women

There are categories of rituals in which there are differences for representatives of both sexes. Distinctive features there may be individual objects, days of the week, number of attributes, time, etc. A conspiracy for money and material well-being belongs specifically to this group.

Required attributes

Things prepared in advance can contribute to the successful implementation of the ritual. This is important so as not to be distracted by searching for tools during the process. To carry out a magical procedure with money you need to acquire:

  • a large and capacious wallet or purse;
  • two small mirrors;
  • three large coins;
  • words of conspiracy.

The size of the wallet is an important part of the transaction. The volume of success and the amount of money depend on it. Also choose coins of large diameter.

Order of conduct

Female representatives can perform the ceremony only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays – better days for men. Having planned the procedure for increasing money on a certain date, follow this plan:

  1. Wait until evening time.
  2. Only the person casting the spell can be in the room or premises.
  3. Cover the windows in any way you like.
  4. If there are mirrored objects the size of a person in the room, they must be covered with a cloth or sheet.
  5. Using mirrors, reproduce the mirror corridor.
  6. Arrange the coins so that their image is clearly visible in the corridor.
  7. Read the prayer in a whisper:

“From one mirror to another I will begin to walk, servant of God (just say given name). I’ll start walking around and collecting money. Pick it up and put it in your wallet, drive away the need from yourself, so that you never see it again. Lord, have mercy, don’t be angry with me. Save my soul and keep me from sin. Amen".

Place the money between the mirrors in a wallet or purse. Carry the created talisman to attract success with you for a long time. Before going to bed, you need to say the words of the Lord’s Prayer exactly nine times.

Spell on the mirror: broken surface

Experienced magicians know that the enchanted mirror is one of the most powerful ritual attributes with strong energy. It contains silver, which has magical properties. Using this thing in rituals, people hope to become rich, successful and attract good luck. Based on this, mirror spells are the most popular.

Even children know the sign of a broken mirror surface. It says that if an object breaks, then for seven years a person will face bad luck or a generational curse. Thanks to magical rituals, such consequences can be avoided. To do this, you don’t need to panic and have a negative attitude.

Required Items

First of all, the thoughts of the culprit must be pure and optimistic. If a similar situation arises, quickly look for the following things:

  • clean dustpan and broom;
  • textile;
  • shovel;
  • water;
  • spell text.

You can take a shovel of any size. The prayer must be learned and said quickly out loud.

Action plan

Try not to create panic. Rituals performed under stress are doomed to failure. Follow this order:

  1. Carefully sweep away the fragments with a broom and into a cleanser.
  2. Never look at broken particles. To do this, cover them with a piece of fabric.
  3. Clean the slices from dirt and negative energy using water or an aqueous solution.
  4. It is necessary to take the fragments outside.
  5. Bury waste as deep into the ground as possible.
  6. Play the phrase:

“All misfortunes are out of my doorstep! My home is a happy home. I and my whole family are healthy and happy. Amen".

Repeat the text three times. Do not store broken or cracked mirrored objects in your living area. Be sure to get rid of them immediately after the incident.

Mirror spell for good luck from N. Stepanova

The conspiracies of Siberian Natalia Stepanova have already helped more than one person. She offers rituals only with white magic. They are distinguished by their simplicity, accessibility and beautiful prayers. The healer also claims about magical power mirrors, which he actively uses in rituals for good luck and success.

What things are needed?

It is worth paying attention to preparation for the procedure. You will need a small number of tools:

  • mirrors;
  • prayer text.

What actions?

How to speak to a mirror effectively and correctly? The process will not take much time. To successfully implement it, follow the algorithm. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select night time from Sunday to Monday. The moon must be full.
  2. Be optimistic and get your thoughts in order.
  3. Stand in front of the mirror.
  4. Say out loud the following enchanted magic sentences:

“Baba is a sorceress. You walked the earth boldly, you did your magic work. She was not afraid of anyone, she worshiped herself. You had everything: luck, gold, and silver. She collected happiness and took it away from people, she stole luck and gave it to herself. Give me, too, sorceress woman, good luck. Give me, dear witch, happiness in addition. I command you the fortieth psalm and the forty-first psalm and the first from Black Magic. I’m taking away your luck and happiness to boot. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Follow the procedure strictly. You will soon be able to feel the positive effect. If the result is not achieved, repeat the ritual again.

A spell to make your loved one dream more often

Every girl in love dreams of appearing in the dreams of her beloved man. For her, dreaming about a guy at night means an opportunity to remind herself of herself. This can be done using a white magic ritual.

What should you take?

The ritual is simple, so the number of things involved is minimal. Take these attributes:

  • any item with a mirror;
  • spell text.

The mirror cannot be previously used, that is, it must be new. Before the ritual, carefully read the spell prayer.

What do we have to do?

The action plan will also be limited to a few points. Their order is as follows:

  1. Pick up a mirror.
  2. Bring the object to your lips.
  3. Whisper the words:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear in the dream of my beloved. (State your name) sleep and rest, And see me in a dream. Amen".

After this, hide the mirror under the pillow with the front side. In the morning, it should be washed with clean water and wrapped in any fabric. Hide the item between your underwear, which you are allowed to use in the future.

Spell for successful love affairs

IN love affairs Has everything gotten really bad? Magicians do not recommend immediately turning to black magic, but to try white magic. Love spells differ in power and energetic strength. They need to be done very carefully and only after good thought. In most, you need to use a mirror and a candle.

  • container with water;
  • aroma oils;
  • pink candle;
  • spell text.

Fragrance oils should be flower based, preferably rose. Buy a pink candle, because this is the shade of love.

The main part of the ritual

You need to choose a day when there will be a full moon. Then proceed like this:

  1. You need to take off all your clothes.
  2. Place a container of water in front of the mirror.
  3. Drip inside aroma oils and put down the candle.
  4. Light the pink candle.
  5. Say the text:

“The rose bloomed, smelled, blossomed under the moon, so I would have become a beauty, and found my love. Lunar path, bring the groom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Next you need to rub your face and entire body with the enchanted water. To protect yourself from bad suitors, wipe your door handles with the same liquid. Place the remaining water under the sleeping area and add rose petals. After 3 weeks or a month, you can meet your soulmate. Now the whole world is open to the girl!

The most Full description in all the details - a spell on the mirror with the words who took it back with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Immediately after their invention, mirrors took a special place in existing world. For a century, magical properties have been attributed to this accessory, and to this day, rarely does anyone try to challenge such a statement.

Magic properties of mirrors

The magical properties of mirrors are used in magical rites different directions. Most often, a spell on a mirror is used to attract good luck in life and remove damage. But there are many other very effective rituals.

This widespread use of mirrors in magic is due to the fact that these attributes are believed to have mirror memory and are able to reflect events that occurred in the past. In addition, magicians endow mirrors with the ability to reproduce future events under the influence of certain magical rituals.

Such properties lead to the fact that the mirror can both give off positive energy and accumulate negative energy. Namely, it is believed that if you move into a house where there are other people’s mirrors, they must be neutralized in a special way using water charged during the full moon.

Plot for good luck

You should hang a new mirror in your own bedroom and cast a spell on it for good luck. Such a spell on a mirror must be read on the full moon on the night from Saturday to Sunday. The time of the ceremony is three hours after midnight.

You need to go to the mirror with a lit church candle in your hands and say the following spell on the mirror three times:

After this, the candle stub must be wrapped in a white cloth and placed under the mattress. You definitely need to make sure that it doesn’t disappear anywhere, as this means that the person who took it is up to something and is harboring evil intentions against you.

To protect against deception and negativity

There is a ritual, after which all mirrors and glass related to you acquire special protective powers.

When using ordinary water collected in a container, you should say the following words:

After this, all mirrors and glass should be wiped with a napkin dipped in charmed water. You should definitely remember about the pocket mirror that every woman has in her purse.

To strengthen your financial position

With the help of a ritual using a mirror, you can strengthen your financial situation. In the ritual you need to use a small mirror and a five-ruble coin. During the full moon, when the moon is shining in the sky, you should place a mirror on the windowsill and place a coin in front of it. The attributes must be placed in such a way that moonlight falls on them.

It is impossible for your image to be viewed in the mirror during the ceremony; it can take on some of the lunar energy and the effect will be less effective.

Need to get behind installed mirror and say these magic words:

The ritual must be performed at midnight and after that you should immediately go to bed without talking to anyone. After the ceremony, the mirror can be used in the usual way, and the coin must be put in the wallet and carried there for a month. You cannot spend a charmed coin. A month later, in next full moon, the ritual must be repeated again. After this, the coin will finally turn into money talisman and will begin to attract money to you.

It should be remembered that if the mirror is covered with dark spots and for unexplained reasons cracked, it must be thrown away immediately. This means that it is filled with negativity and will soon begin to give it away. You can remove negative energy by periodically washing the mirror with water, and only after that should you use by special means, improving the appearance of a household accessory.

spell on the mirror with the words who took it back

First of all, do a forgiveness meditation. Remember everyone you have voluntarily or unwittingly offended: in deed, in word, in thought. Forgive everyone from the bottom of your heart and let go of everything negative emotions towards these people. The more your positive emotions and thoughts will accompany these manipulations, the more effective, and most importantly, the faster the ritual will work and the plan will come true.

Then on Thursday morning prepare a glass of spring water or water collected in the church and a piece of black bread. Light a candle. IN left hand take bread, put a glass of water in the right glass and, looking at the candle, read the spell three times:

“Just as it is true that the Lord gave five loaves of bread, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so it is true that the Lord is merciful. Turn my luck, Lord, from west to east, from north to south. Give her not three roads, but one - to my doorstep. And you, unfortunate misfortune, find your way into the snake’s womb. There is your place. There is your life. There is your existence. And I will dress myself in a talisman, I will tie myself in gold and silver. Counting money for me is impossible to count, grief and misfortune will never be known. I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Eat bread and drink water. Extinguish the candle with your fingers (do not blow it out). Before lunch, visit the church, where you light it and place it in front of the icon of the Savior. In your own words, from the bottom of your heart, ask Him for help. When you come home, do not take any food until lunch. Try to remain silent and calm. Do not tell anyone about your actions.

And further. Give more alms, while saying to yourself:

“Let the hand of the giver not fail. Amen".

Every time on the day of concluding a deal, looking at the rising sun, say the spell three times: “Sun, sun, give me strength. Light up our entire region. And to me, (name), give me luck so that I can succeed. Sun, sun, give me strength. Warm our entire region. And give me, (name), success so that I can be stronger than everyone else. Sun, sun, give me strength. So that the conspiracy is successful and a full bag arrives.”

If you need the help of fortune, then before performing the actions you need, do the following. Take any coin in your hand, bring your palm to your lips with your fingers away from you, rest it against your chin, blow three times and whisper the spell: “What’s in the way, I blow, I attract what’s needed.”

In tarot cards, the Nine of Cups is sometimes called the card of desire. When during fortune telling it appears in the “result” position, your dreams and desires will most likely come true. You too can use the energy of this lucky card.

Remove it from the deck (it will not return there) and set it aside. Write three wishes on a piece of paper. Place the card and piece of paper in a photo frame and hang it in a visible place. Make it a habit to look at it for a few minutes every day, focusing on your wish list.

Take out the following cards from the deck of tarot cards: “sun” (clarity, self-confidence), “wheel of fortune” (luck, Lucky case), “star” (hope), “nine of cups” (fulfilled desires), “ten of coins” (success), “three of cups” (joy, triumph) and “peace” (justice, harmony, tranquility). Having laid them out on the floor in a circle, sit in its center. Close your eyes Imagine that everything that these cards correspond to comes to you.

Read this hex 13 times at exactly midnight for 13 days in a row with salt. It’s better to start on the waxing Moon:

There are 13 witches in the circle.

13 golden days.

There are 13 months in a year, 13 Fridays."

On Thursday at sunset, pour salt onto the windowsill.

After that, at midnight, sweep this salt into a bag and pour it out in a vacant lot, saying:

“Where it came from, go there. Whoever sent it, take it.”

Leave without looking back.

At noon on the day of the waxing Moon, on the threshold of your own house (apartment), put on a pair of shoes in reverse: on left leg- the right shoe (boot, slipper, etc.), and on the right - the left. Standing at full height and holding a rectangular mirror in your hands, looking at your own reflection in it, say:

Who took it - return it! Don't anger God. I won’t name it by name, but I’ll get it from where grass doesn’t grow, birds don’t fly, animals don’t sneak, water doesn’t flow. Word, deed, language.

Place the mirror on the threshold (reflection down) and change your shoes, i.e. put on your shoes properly. Step over the mirror with your left foot and exit the house (apartment) onto the street. When you approach the first intersection along the route, stop and, as if shifting from foot to foot, quietly say:

This is no one's crossroads. I'm the treasurer here. And I hold on to every drop of my luck, like a treasury.

Throw through left shoulder any coin available at that time in your pocket with the words: Paid! return home by a different route.

Keep the mirror used in the ritual under running water for 15 minutes. You can use it after three days. Avoid for the next six days conflict situations and long trips, do not borrow money.

For good luck in business and business, collect ten pinches of basil, five pinches of mint, three pinches of coarse salt, dried and powdered peels of three apples, three copper coins and one white metal coin in a small green bag. Read a spell for good luck on this bag and hang it in the place where you conduct your business:

Things are behind, things are ahead, profits are in the middle.

At the beginning of each work week, take this bag in your hands and, kneading its contents with your fingers, repeat the spell.

Buy three bay leaves on Wednesday. On the first sheet write the word "Zaaks" in geranium oil, on the second - "Mufaoks" and on the third - "Kramor". Place the sheets together and tie the ends with brown thread. Keep this talisman with you for success in gambling and good luck in all matters and business. This magic is especially effective for men.

To attract good luck, mix powdered sugar with yarrow herb. Sprinkle a few pinches of this composition at the threshold of your office and around the premises in which you conduct business. If you have a competitor, scatter powdered motherwort grass mixed with baking soda around his office.

To become famous, famous or achieve success in life, buy a marker that writes with gold or silver ink. Every morning, write your first, middle and last names on a piece of paper with a gold marker, imagining that success, wealth and money are approaching you. You can also purchase silver or gold glitter and sprinkle it on the paper on which your name will be written in regular ink.

To ensure that there is always money in your home, hide three new shiny coins, minted in a non-leap year, under the threshold and say the following spell:

Gold to gold, silver to silver,

money to money to this threshold in this house.

A conspiracy for success in work is pronounced immediately before starting work: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, the Holy Spirit! Amen. (Cross yourself and bow to all four cardinal directions). In this world there is a holy sea-ocean, on that holy sea-ocean there is a holy island, on that holy island there is a damask oak. That damask oak has damask roots, a damask trunk, damask branches, and damask leaves. Just as the wind will not bend that damask oak, the hurricane will not break it, the rain will not wash it away, time will not erase it, so my work, so that it does not become worthless, does not go to waste, has been beneficial to good people for a thousand years. And on the top of that damask oak tree sits a cheerful quail bird. Just as this bird does everything easily and sings cheerfully, so all my work would be easy, and I would sing cheerfully, and everything would work out successfully forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy for success at work 2.

Even before working in the house, you can read this conspiracy for success at work. They pronounce it at dawn, standing facing to the rising sun: “I go, servant of God (name), blessing myself, door from door, gate from gate, under the clear sun of the lord, our Lord, under the bright month of God. Just as the sun clearly illuminates the whole world and helps all living things, so the Lord would not leave me, God’s servant (name), in my work. Just as the clear month gives everyone its light at night, so the saints of our Lord would not leave me in my work. Just as a clear sun and a bright month walk around the world safe and sound from century to century, so does what I made long years It would serve us and bring us a lot of benefit. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!” (“Amen” is not said here).

Bring your palms (bottom side) to your face as close as possible, then quickly, quickly whisper into them three times: I, (your full name), I don’t grieve, I don’t cry, I call Lady Luck to me.

Then move your palms synchronously across your face from top to bottom 7 times. At this time, mentally say (you can whisper): Lord, send me, (your name), good luck for today, for tomorrow, forever! Amen.Amen.Amen.

From now on, give small coins to all begging people you meet, mentally saying: Look - look, but don’t smooth it out, don’t dare my luck.

Never tell anyone about the ritual performed; whoever you tell it to will give away your luck.

Buy honey for the Annunciation, spread it on right palm and close it with the left. Opening your palms, say:

Hand sticks to hand

So good luck to me,

God's servant (name), lipla.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Including money, you can, if on the waxing moon in the first half of the day on any day except Tuesday, you go to the forest (forest plantation, park, other places where trees grow) and find a boulder there. Here, with the help of another small stone, try to strike a spark from any coin (but preferably a nickel). In this way the money god is invoked. At the moment the spark appears, have time to say: At me!

leave the coin on the boulder and go home without looking back.

When the thin sickle of the new month appears in the sky, read a special spell on it, and you will be lucky for the whole month.

The spell words are:

I speak secret words,

I saw today's day,

The present hour is a new month.

Send, Lord, golden horns to the young month,

And send me, Lord, golden deeds,

Rich gold in every palm

From the end to the end of the entire month.

Tsars, boyars and all sorts of bar,

Your happiness to me, God's servant (name).

A ritual based on direct communication with a request for well-being to the Higher Cosmic Forces.

on the first day of the full moon, at midnight, retire, curtain all the windows, leave only the window open. On the table located in the middle of the room, place a candlestick, but not a wooden one, in which, alternately from left to right, with one match, light three red candles purchased in advance from the church.

Focus your gaze on their flame, concentrating on the desire to live in all respects happily and fully. When this thought form has completely taken possession of your consciousness, with your left hand take the candle (the one in the center) out of the candlestick and, bringing it close to your lips, whisper into it:

Spirits of the earth, earthly, heavenly! I ask you, the servant of God (your name), to convey my request to our Lord Jesus Christ, so that He, the Savior, the King of the world, hears my appeal and does not abandon His mercy, does not deprive the sinful slave(s) (your name) Divine providence and protection of the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Immediately place the candle in its original place (in the center of the candlestick).

Place a loaf of black bread in the four corners of the table (you can use “Borodinsky”, purchased in advance), saying for each an odd number of times:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Forces underground, earthly, Holy Halls of heaven! By the command of the Ineffable One, find yourself in the grace of bread. On each of the Lord’s seven days until the end of time, the servant (your name) will be a man of God, with health, happiness, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit with great participation.

Stick a red candle into the center of the top of each loaf. Light them with one match.

Now, placing both palms on the table top, slowly moving your gaze from one candle to another, read the spell:

Seven days, seven nights, seven candles burn in total. From the temple of the heart from east to west, from north to south, I close the servant of God (your name) of the Lord's Circle. Angels, Archangels help, the Holy Trinity sanctifies. God the Father commands, the Son of God preserves, the Holy Spirit abides nearby, and for me, a man of God, the path opens for success. Amen.Amen.Amen.

Extinguish all candles (with the fingertips of your right hand). Place the cinders together and tie them up wool thread Red. And hide it in a secluded place.

Over the next six days, you and your household must eat all the loaves of bread participating in the ritual; during this entire period, there should be no other bakery products in the family’s diet.

On the seventh day, take out the candle stubs, visit the temple, where you light them at the icon of the Holy Trinity. You don’t need to say anything, but make sure that the candles burn out completely.

Upon leaving the church, distribute whatever alms you can to three (seven) needy people (beggars) with the words:

As the Trinity commanded, the happiness of the slave (your name) will be arranged. Amen.

Don’t tell any of your family and friends why you performed the ritual itself or for what purpose.

Conspiracy to make a wish come true

On Maslenitsa Sunday before going to bed, read the spell: “Light up, clear star, in the skies, for the joy of the baptized world, light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox. Look, star, into the house of God’s servant(s) (name). You, clear star, sanctify my house with unquenchable fire. Hear my desire (briefly formulate your cherished desire). Amen. Amen. Amen". Cross yourself three times, bow three times towards the east and go to bed. The dream you had that night can be considered prophetic: after waking up, carefully analyze all its aspects, remember the associations and sensations that accompany you. They can be both positive and negative. In any case, the correct interpretation of the dream will leave no doubt about whether it will come true or not. real life your wish. All that remains is to choose the right path (take appropriate steps) to implement cherished dream in order to achieve success as quickly as possible.

done on Maslenitsa Sunday

Before going to bed, read the following plot:

"Light up, clear star in the sky,

to the joy of the baptized world,

light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox

Look, star, into the house of God’s servant (name).

You, clear star, sanctify my house with unquenchable fire.

Hear my desire (say your desire). Amen."

Welcome to my site!

I am a Sage, Clairvoyant, Psychic. Area of ​​specialization - white and black magic. I have psychic abilities, I can influence at a distance and, thereby, influence the situation.

I am very glad to welcome you to my personal website.

Where I will try my best to help you: provide the necessary information and provide all the necessary assistance!

My services are paid, because every work must be paid, and every service must be purchased. If you need my help, then get ready for me to conduct a diagnosis that will determine the extent of the problem and the possibilities of solving it. My practice consists of rituals, some of which have become my own techniques. When developing my personal rituals, I carefully study and test them, based on ancient scriptures.

My author’s methods are the most powerful spells and rituals that will help everyone get rid of ailments, become closer to loved ones, and also help in family matters. If you need my help, then let me know.

I know for sure that hopeless situations can not be! Help on the same day!

Ask for help


Is it possible to get your luck back if it was taken away by witchcraft? My answer is clear: yes, this can be done. After analyzing the events taking place and understanding the situation with the help of magical diagnostics, you will understand how to help yourself, how to change your life for the better, how to make the transition from “night” to “day”. If your luck has left you due to the fault of a person related to witchcraft, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to return luck and fortune to yourself with the help of magic, how to let positive changes into your life.

And, as always, let's start with simple recipes, and then we’ll move on to the rituals and conspiracies of black magic, with the help of which you can return the selected luck and luck. Let's consider proven rituals of black magic to return stolen luck and success in life, for which there are positive reviews practicing magicians and sorcerers.

Effective rituals if luck runs out - how to return it through salt

  • To achieve successful changes in life, you can do several magical rituals, without the conspiracy part. Here the power of intention plays a big role; in addition, good visualization is needed, as always. I would like to offer you a home magic ritual with which you can try to return the luck taken away by witchcraft. Sprinkle some salt on all the window sills in your home. Salt is a magical material; it is capable of absorbing negativity from the surrounding space. When positive changes begin to occur in your life, collect all the salt from the windowsills in a paper bag or envelope, take it out of the house, bury it in the ground or pour it into the river. This way you can extinguish conflicts in the family and attract good luck in your personal life.
  • By using sea ​​salt Can return luck and prosperity to your home yourself. Fill with sea salt black or blue vessel and leave it in the kitchen in a dry place. Troubles gradually disappear, warmth and mutual understanding arise in the relationship between spouses, and family well-being returns. Salt needs to be changed periodically.
  • If you want to attract good luck in matters of business, acquiring and preserving property and material assets, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise you to carry sea salt crystals in your wallet. Change the crystals every month, as the properties of this talisman attract money luck are running out.

Bring back luck and success for 40 candles - an effective ritual at home

So, luck and success taken away by magic, can be returned by witchcraft. A proven ritual for the return of happiness and good luck for 40 candles, working. There are numerous reviews of people who performed the ritual with the goal of returning good luck in work and money, and making unfavorable events positive. Conduct a witchcraft ritual on the waxing moon, late in the evening.

To use magic to return stolen luck and fortune, you will need the following materials:

  • 40 thin candles
  • 40 regular candles for room lighting
  • black wool thread
  • saucer
  • a handful of change of the same color
  • clay bowl
  • a piece of natural black fabric

Tie forty thin wax candles into one. Draw a circle on the floor with chalk, and place candles for lighting on the border of the circle. Light it up. Enter the circle, sit down, put your hands on your knees. Place a saucer with change in front of you. Behind this saucer is a bowl containing 40 tied candles.

Read the spell 40 times, raising your head and looking up:

It is allowed to take church candles for an independent ritual to return good luck and prosperity to the house. But, in this case, they need to be turned over. Take thin wax candles designed to burn for an hour. As a rule, candles collected together burn out faster than individually. The denomination of the coins in the description is not particularly important, which means that you can take any coins, even the smallest ones. But the coins must be the same color.

Do not leave the circle until the tied candles burn out. I know that some magicians have another experience: after reading a spell, so that you can bring back luck and prosperity into the house, the tied candles are extinguished. This change cannot be given away from home during the year. It should be stored in a secluded place, wrapped in a black rag, or in a fabric bag. The spirits, whose names are named by the performer of the ritual to return good luck and success to oneself, belong to the class of entities that are commonly called Dark. Therefore, candle stubs and a payment to the crossroads.

According to reviews from practitioners of money magic, who have experienced the money ritual on their own, it is possible to return good luck with money in business. Money starts coming from unexpected sources, which were not even taken into account. However, judging by the reviews and comments of magicians, a home ritual to return your luck if it was taken away by magic does not work for everyone. The same applies to other witchcraft rituals for the fulfillment of desires. What works successfully for some may not be effective for others.

Bring back luck taken away by witchcraft - a magical ritual through a mirror

After cleansing from negativity and staging magical protection, do a proven ritual to attract good luck. Witchcraft ritual for self-performance. This other person is for you effective conspiracy cannot return stolen luck and luck. Get up in the morning, go naked to the mirror, and, looking at your reflection, read a strong conspiracy to return happiness and good luck 3 times:

With your saliva index finger draw a cross in the upper left corner of the mirror. Do this every other day for 7 days. On the first, third, fifth and seventh days you need read a strong plot to return the selected luck and luck. On the seventh day - the end of the ritual. Upon completion of the work, payment is made to the intersection. A ritual of wish fulfillment from black magic, demonic. The performer addresses not just the reflection in the mirror, but the mirror-maker - the mirror demon. Therefore, those who do not understand this point will quickly be made to understand what is what. But, in my opinion, it is better not to experiment with the Dark Ones.

Saliva in the ritual is a binding, and the equilateral cross that you draw is the crossroads of paths - yours and the prototype. With the help of this cross, good luck should spread to your life.

A magical ritual to return good luck in business - change the course of events

To change the course of events in your life, replace failures with success, and turn everything in your direction, do a magical ritual yourself that will help get rid of envious people and return luck to your family. To work you need to have:

You need to drive a needle into a log and read the text of the plot to return good luck in business:

Having said these words, you need to throw this log into the stove, and read the plot in the ash pit that will help you return luck to your life:

And after reading this strong conspiracy to get rid of envious people and restore luck, say into the ashlar what you need, what you want to get.

Avoid mistakes when performing a ritual to return stolen luck and luck

For beginners who have no contact with demons, when strong motivation this effective ritual of returning luck if it has turned away from a person can work. Here, as in most magical rituals, the main thing is not to save money. When working with Dark spirits, payment is not the least important. However, as I see it, this powerful conspiracy to return lost luck in money still implies close contact with the Forces.

The stove cannot be replaced by a fire or fireplace. The stove has power, it is a sacred symbol. Devils live in the chimney. In the old days, when the ash pit was open, owners tried not to discuss business or make plans, so that the devils wouldn’t hear and ruin things. Reading the plot into an open ash pit, the magician turns to the devil. That's why a buyout is needed.

This magical ritual for returning luck stolen by enemies to your life is not so simple, as it seems, however, like most rituals of black magic. This conspiracy, with established contact with the Forces, works quickly, helps to achieve a good result, get what you want, helps the performer regain good luck and success. As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, said, a stove cannot be replaced with a fire, because it works spell to return good luck into your life not with the power of fire, this is a classic blackbook, demonic method of solving a problem and getting what you want. For this reason, the stove cannot be replaced with either a fireplace or a potbelly stove, since there are no dark inhabitants in analogues of the stove.

Some sorcerers consider baking in a bathhouse or sauna as an option. Each practicing magician, of course, has his own invaluable experience in using magic to return stolen luck and fortune, which no one has the right to dispute. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will only express my opinion. The option with a stove in the bathhouse is interesting, but it is necessary to take into account that the bathhouse has its own owner - the demon bannik, a spirit that is usually intractable, unfriendly, and even evil. There are also bath devils. So, in my opinion, there is simply no better place for this ritual than a classic oven, which was heated, in which food was cooked, especially bread was baked. Only in such ovens live those to whom the magician-performer turns to effective ritual black magic, reading this effective plot to get what you want, return good luck in work and money.
