Make an appointment with a doctor in the women's room. Make an appointment with a gynecologist. When to go to the clinic

Gynecology as a branch of medicine and the gynecologist himself are important specialists for every woman and her preservation. women's health, normal functioning reproductive system. So gynecology, as a science, is important to maintain her health, but also to ensure the health of her unborn child by maintaining the health of the mother.

When is it necessary to visit a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist is most often made at a local clinic where the girl or woman is registered. Today, you can make a preliminary appointment either by coming to the reception desk, choosing a convenient day and time for an appointment with a specialist, or by using the Internet - fortunately, many clinics now practice this service.
So modern technologies allow you to choose the shortest route to a medical facility - any woman can make an appointment with a specialist.
Visiting a gynecologist in any, private or state clinic provides for the woman to have a special gynecological package. In particular, the presented set includes a disposable diaper and latex gloves, vaginal speculum for examination and a spatula for collecting biological material for research. The set may also include laboratory glasses for testing - this is rare and therefore gynecologists have them in their arsenal. When you decide to make an appointment and examination with a gynecologist, take all this with you.
Directly at the doctor’s appointment, the specialist interviews the woman, her complaints and symptoms that bother her, then conducts a visual examination of the genitals, palpates the breasts to identify mastopathy or uncharacteristic lumps in the mammary glands. After this, he conducts a more detailed examination of the genital organs using mirrors and takes the necessary biomaterials for examination - in other words, takes a smear for examination.
After examination and receiving test results, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment if the diagnosis requires it or gives recommendations for maintaining general condition the body and the reproductive system in particular.

Survey process

If at an appointment with a gynecologist the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, but is not sure of its accuracy, diagnoses a deviation in normal operation woman’s body – prescribes a second examination. So repeated consultation and examination are necessary to confirm the diagnosis, prescribe treatment and clarify all necessary for the doctor aspects of the disease.
When the diagnosis has been made and the course of treatment has been completed, the patient should be examined and examined again by a gynecologist. This will make it possible to determine whether traces of pathology remain, how effective or ineffective the treatment was, and whether the woman has fully recovered. In this case, the doctor conducts a second examination on a gynecological chair, takes biomaterial for examination and, based on the results of the study, determines the effectiveness of the chosen course of treatment.
If there is a need for a repeated course of treatment, the medications are changed or a course of maintenance therapy is prescribed. In the matter of maintenance therapy, the doctor prescribes suppositories and vitamins - they will help restore the positive microflora of the vagina, restore it normal indicators.
Every woman should remember - get examined by a gynecologist once every six months, pay due attention to the rules of personal hygiene and if certain negative symptoms Get examined by a doctor.

More than two hundred thousand Moscow residents make appointments with a gynecologist every month. This “chief women’s doctor” sees patients in antenatal clinics, clinics and hospitals in the capital. Private medical centers offer qualified assistance and attentive attention. More than five hundred gynecologist specialists highest category They accept patients without a queue, on a paid basis.

Book online for a paid appointment with a gynecologist

Here you can make an appointment with specific medical specialists.

You can sort specialists by: Price, Rating, Experience.

You can select the nearest metro station.

Every woman needs her own gynecologist, who will be able not only to make the correct diagnosis, but will be able to listen and understand her patient. Thanks to this approach, a woman receives not only a doctor, but also a trusted advisor in the most sensitive topics related to women's health.

Taking into account the fact that most gynecological diseases have become significantly younger, and the risk of cancer has increased by 60%, it is important to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist, even if no symptoms appear. After all, most gynecological diseases are early stages development can only be identified by qualified specialists with modern equipment.

That is why gynecologists never tire of reminding: one hour spent on an appointment with a gynecologist will save you from many fears, doubts and suspicions.

Moreover, to correctly diagnose gynecological disease and its cause is impossible on your own, therefore regular visits to the gynecologist are the key to preserving women’s health for many years.

You should be examined at least twice a year. For what? This is necessary in order to diagnose diseases at the preclinical stage (that is, before symptoms appear). Many diseases, including tumors, can develop without manifesting themselves externally, and only timely diagnosis lets start necessary treatment, thereby preventing irreversible consequences. Timely provision of medical care helps preserve your health, money and quality of life.

Where can I make an appointment with a gynecologist?

IN this section you can find a specialist such as a gynecologist and make an appointment with a gynecologist in Moscow. Before you decide to go for an inspection, read the reviews on our website. It is especially important to be careful when choosing a doctor if it is pediatric gynecologist(there are quite a lot of such specialists in Moscow). A quick appointment with a gynecologist in Moscow has become available to everyone through the website, and consultation with a gynecologist has become more professional thanks to the introduction of an honest and transparent rating system.

When should you make an appointment with a gynecologist immediately?

You should immediately seek help from a gynecologist when:

  • You notice bloody discharge after sexual intercourse or physical exercise, or during menopause.
  • There was a failure of menstruation (cycle disruption
  • You are concerned about itching, pain or swelling of the genital organs, the nature of the discharge has changed.
  • Sometimes (or quite often) pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

Specialists from the NACFF medical clinic (Moscow) help patients of different ages preserve and restore women's health.

In the gynecology department of the NACFF clinic you can get a consultation, make an appointment with a doctor, undergo preventive examination or comprehensive examination, and treatment. The gynecologist's office is equipped with an ultrasound machine with the ability to conduct transabdominal and transvaginal examinations directly during the appointment, and a video colposcope. A staff of highly qualified doctors and our own laboratory allow us to provide wide complex services within one medical institution. Benefits of service in medical clinic NACFF - professionalism of specialists, short time performing research and competitive prices for all services.

Consultation and appointment with a gynecologist is carried out by phone and through the online service. The cost of visiting a gynecologist can be found below. Test results can also be collected at the clinic or found out through electronic system. Confidentiality and security of data are guaranteed.

When is it necessary to make an appointment with a gynecologist?

An obstetrician-gynecologist specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of a woman’s reproductive system. Professional advice from this specialist may be needed in a variety of cases:

Some diseases for a long time proceed without any manifestations, therefore you should undergo a preventive examination 1-2 times a year (especially after 40 years). The gynecologist conducts a visual examination and, if necessary, draws up an examination plan. It can be laboratory research(blood, smear, etc.), ultrasound and x-ray diagnostics.

Women are unique and inimitable: fragile, gentle, affectionate, but at the same time strong and persistent. Only they are given the happiness of feeling another life inside themselves. Unfortunately, inner peace, harmony, psychological balance, happy family life human - depend on health and functionality internal organs. Hormonal balance affects the psycho-emotional state, external beauty person: condition of hair, facial skin, nails. For preventive purposes, all women and girls need to be examined by a gynecologist once a year.

Consultation in our clinic

For informational advice and effective treatment you should find an experienced one, knowledgeable doctor, to whom you could, without a doubt, entrust the treatment of your disease. Specialists medical center LD Clinic has been taking care of the health of its patients for 14 years.

Our clinic with great pleasure will offer you a consultation with a gynecologist - sensitive and kind, a professional in his field! The clinic’s doctors perform their duties honestly, sincerely and faithfully to the Hippocratic Oath. You can contact the gynecology department in Moscow for a consultation at any time and meet highly qualified and intelligent medical workers. Registration is made at a time convenient for you.

Often, many diseases can be asymptomatic, moving from acute to chronic form, do not cause any particular discomfort in personal life. Therefore, if you have any questions that concern you, feelings of discomfort, tingling, pain, you should not be shy, but should seek advice from a specialist - a gynecologist who will advise on the following issues:

  • History and consultation;
  • Diseases of an inflammatory, infectious, viral nature;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Tumor diseases;
  • Consulting mothers on the hygiene of girls.

The clinic conducts:

  • Bacterioscopic, bacteriological examination;