What does a children's development center need? How to open a children's playroom. Selection of premises and equipment

Organizing a children's development center is not for those who like the easy way out. This activity will require serious commitment from you, both organizationally and emotionally. Of course, such a business can be classified as one that not only brings money to its owner, but also improves his karma, being a truly social direction.

Everything we invest in our children comes back to us a hundredfold. And the more well-educated children, the more good prospects the whole country will ultimately have, since it is precisely these children, capable of creative and free thinking, who can make their own lives and the lives of those around them better.

There is no need to even talk about the demand for this kind of services today; the whole current situation simply screams about the need to open as many similar establishments as possible. Existing kindergartens are extremely insufficient; they cannot accommodate everyone, and their educational program can no longer meet the growing needs of modern children who want and are ready to acquire additional knowledge and skills already in preschool age.

The task of children's educational centers is, first of all, to help the child acquire the knowledge and skills to which he is drawn.

When it comes to organizing a children's educational center, there are several key points that will require you to be responsible, attentive, and understand the specifics of the process.

This is a prerequisite for the center to be commercially successful and interesting for its visitors. How to open a children's development center and what is needed for this, we will consider further.

Where to start your business?

Have you decided to open a children's development center? Where to start your business? If you are planning to open a children's development center for the first time, and have not had such experience before, then first you will need some kind of action plan. When compiling it, take into account the main key steps that will have to be carried out:

  1. Registration of the center with the relevant educational authorities.
  2. Finding a suitable premises.
  3. Selection of competent personnel.
  4. Drawing up a children's education program.
  5. Advertising and information support.

But first, give yourself an answer to the question: what age children do you plan to work with, how many groups do you see in your center and what classes do you plan to conduct there. And determine the format of your center. This will be your starting point from which to begin all further movement.

It’s a good idea to analyze the activities of existing educational centers for children, find out what services they offer, and what else may be in demand for your potential clients.

It is worth noting that most modern parents have a fairly active life position and understand that the more skills a child receives in childhood, the more actively he develops and the more successful he becomes in the future. So, as a rule, a well-organized children's center does not experience a shortage of clients.

Moreover, such parents are quite actively interested in all existing additional features to educate their children, and information about the new educational center spreads among them quite quickly.


The registration process may include 2 stages:

  1. Creation of an officially operating legal entity (if it does not exist at the moment).
  2. Obtaining the appropriate license.

The second paragraph is optional if you do not plan to indicate the word “educational” in the name of your center.

That is, if we are talking about creating a private kindergarten or school, the main goal of which is to provide educational services children, then obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education is a mandatory process for you.

If you open a “center early development"or "children's development center", in your case you can work without obtaining a mandatory license. The same applies to various clubs and children's studios.

Educational room in the early development center

If the official registration of an enterprise and the creation of a legal entity can be carried out in a minimum time, then the time frame for obtaining an educational license can be quite long. Here you will have to confirm your programs, justify their uniqueness and prove the viability of your future center. However, in the future, obtaining a license will give you every reason to be called a school and claim a high level of work.

In Russia, most children attend state educational institutions, but private schools also have a certain demand. Read on our website.

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You will have to make some effort to find a suitable premises.

The specifics of the work of children's centers also impose corresponding requirements on the premises in which they should be located.

The premises must meet sanitary, hygienic and organizational requirements:

  1. The rooms must be spacious enough to accommodate a group of children at the same time.
  2. The premises must be equipped with bathrooms and toilets.
  3. The specifics of the premises must correspond to their purpose. If we are talking, for example, about dancing, then these should be halls that are suitable in size.
  4. It is imperative to ensure a sufficient level of natural lighting in classrooms.
  5. If training is planned throughout the day (for example, a kindergarten), then a prerequisite will be the presence of an appropriately equipped place for cooking, a room for children to sleep and an equipped area for walking. If you want to open a short-term children's leisure center, this is not a prerequisite.
  6. To organize a center, it would be preferable to place it in a separate building or in a building with the possibility of organizing a separate entrance. Placing such a center in a residential building can have both positive and negative effects on its work.

Room for activities with children

On the one hand, this can help to quickly attract organized and already motivated parents to your classes, on the other hand, not all residents respond equally well to child care facilities in their home (some may be frightened by the noise and fuss of children).

Children's development center staff

The more professional your staff, the more successful work center. Requirements for employees largely depend on the specifics of your establishment. It is mandatory to have a pedagogical education if we are talking about a school or kindergarten. In other cases, we are most likely talking about the presence of special education corresponding to the service provided.

Thus, it is advisable that foreign language lessons be taught by a teacher who has an appropriate diploma in foreign languages ​​or a similar degree of competence. The same applies to all other disciplines that will be taught at your center.

Lesson at a children's early development school

Today, slightly different forms of work in children's centers are also popular. So, we can talk about a system of coworking spaces - open spaces where mothers and children come to spend their leisure time together. In such places, any mother can study with her children, play or read books. Moreover, such places are becoming increasingly popular today due to their democratic, relaxed atmosphere.

However, no matter what professional level and special skills your employees have, they must all be psychologically stable, have adequate experience working with children, and undergo regular medical examinations.

This should be evidenced by a corresponding entry in the health book, which should be available to each employee.

Training program

Drawing up a training program is the most interesting and most creative stage of the preparatory work. The list of services offered can be very diverse:

  • learning foreign languages;
  • music and dance classes;
  • reading, writing, mental arithmetic and school preparation;
  • choreography;
  • lessons in fine and applied arts.

The listed disciplines are classified as generally accepted: there are quite a lot of such courses in almost every district of the city. Here we can note both a high level of competition and a fairly high demand for the service. In most cases, it depends on the area of ​​the city.

There are other, more exotic proposals:

  • ceramics and modeling classes;
  • sand animation courses;
  • various theater studios;
  • classes for young naturalists;
  • culinary schools;
  • journalism and film schools for children;
  • Logic classes;
  • public speaking courses;
  • study of the structure of a car.

What program your center will offer is, of course, up to you. But you can navigate the endless stream of opportunities based on the needs of the area in which you will be located, the level of aspirations of your parents and your own professional skills.

You can either fill an empty niche, create your own trend, or compete with already operating centers by providing the same services.

Costs of setting up a business

The expenditure fund for organizing a children's development center consists of the following items:

  1. Costs for legal registration of the center.
  2. Search and equipment of premises.
  3. Purchase of special equipment necessary for organizing the educational process.
  4. Employee payroll (including taxes).
  5. Advertising services.

If you do not obtain a license, then the legal part will cost you little, and this is perhaps the only cost item that will be approximately the same for any children's center. All other points will differ radically depending on your vision of the center’s work.

The rent depends on the location of your premises and its technical condition. The cost of equipment also varies and, naturally, the wage fund will directly depend on the level of qualifications and the number of teachers working with you.

As for savings, there are some opportunities here. For example, you can hire specialist teachers on an hourly basis, make visual aids together with the children, immediately involving them in the creative process, or paint the walls together, refreshing an initially not very “fun” room.

Is it possible to save on advertising?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, since in each specific case the need for advertising events will be different.

But whatever your budget, you need to try to reach your target audience: to those parents whose children you want to see in your studio.

This can be done through traditional events, by placing advertisements in local media, or by approaching the issue in a non-standard way.

You should not neglect advertising and posting useful links on social networks, as they are a fairly effective and fast way of mass communication. It will also be useful to post information in places where people traditionally gather. a large number of children with their parents: kindergartens, play centers, playgrounds and parks - all these are areas where both children and parents spend a lot of time, exchange information and have enough time to perceive the message that you would like to convey to them.

Do you love working with children and do you have a teaching education? Then perhaps the idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten will appeal to you. : start-up costs, obtaining documents and other nuances of organizing a business will be discussed in the article.

How to open a Starbucks franchise business, read the topic.

Business plan for a children's development center

A children's development center can become quite a profitable venture if you approach the issue wisely. A well-drafted business plan will help you calculate all the risks and become a guide in organizational matters.

When compiling it, it is worth taking into account all the key items for which expenses are expected at different points in the life cycle of the enterprise. Really calculated deadlines for completing each stage will give you the opportunity to correctly predict the receipt of profit from the center’s activities. A properly organized information campaign will allow the center to become populated with customers from the very first days of its opening. With such an organization, you can count on receiving income from the very beginning of work.

Children's development center “Cinderella”

A children's development center cannot be called in a good way getting quick and easy money. Rather, it is a long-term project designed for several years. A carefully thought-out concept, accuracy of meeting the expectations of the target audience and reputation in the market also play a role here.

However, it will definitely bring you a stable profit long time, if you take your work as thoughtfully and carefully as possible at the first stage, you can earn yourself an excellent reputation. This approach will subsequently play into your hands and attract a constant number of loyal customers.

Video on the topic

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of this project is to open a children's development club to provide a range of services in the field of additional education for children in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. The main source of income is payment for attending classes.

Birth rate growth, popularization preschool education, government support and social significance This area makes it quite attractive for entrepreneurship. In addition, with favorable project implementation, high profitability and return on investment can be achieved.

Mission children's club is to help the child develop the necessary personal qualities, skills, and talents that will make him a successful adult in the future.

Premises are rented for the implementation of the project with total area 150 sq.m., located in a residential area of ​​the city. The rent is 110,000 rubles/month.

The initial investment in opening a children's development center is 740,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at purchasing furniture and equipment, advertising the company and forming a working capital fund until the project reaches payback. The bulk of the required investment is in equipping the learning space. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations take into account all income and expenses of the project; the planning horizon is 5 years. According to calculations, the initial investment will pay off after 5 months of operation. Reaching the planned sales volume is planned at the end of the first year of operation. The return on sales in the first year of operation will be 36.6%. The monthly net profit upon achieving planned sales is about 900 thousand rubles, and the annual net profit for the first year of operation is 6.7 million rubles. At the same time, sales have a pronounced seasonality: in the summer months there is a decrease in sales. The financial plan was drawn up according to an optimistic forecast, which can be realized due to the high workload of the children's club. Integral indicators of project effectiveness are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators

The profitability index is greater than one, the net present value is positive and amounts to 3,963,197 rubles, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.


Today in Russia, institutions of additional education for children are becoming especially popular. This trend is connected, firstly, with the increase in the birth rate in the country, secondly, with a lack of places in state kindergartens, and thirdly, with the low quality of preschool education in these institutions.

The development of the market for private gardens and development clubs began in the mid-2000s, which was caused by an active increase in the birth rate. Over time, many people appreciated the prospects of the market - the market began to be filled with players who began to win over consumers with different income levels. If previously the services of private kindergartens and similar institutions were regarded as an expensive service for the rich category of the population, then the current market covers a wider audience - now almost everyone can find an option suitable for their budget.

The demographic situation in the country supported the market for children's development centers and private kindergartens. In recent years, Rosstat has noted an annual increase in the birth rate of 3%. At the end of 2016, 1 million 860 thousand people were born in Russia.

Ready ideas for your business

The peak of natural population growth in the country occurred in 2012, and the peak of increased competition among children's development centers shifted to 2014, when the market outgrew its formation stage and entered the maturity stage. Today in Russia there are more than two thousand children's development clubs and private kindergartens, and the market structure is represented by various players: large franchise networks (more than 30 points of presence), small-scale networks (up to 5-10 facilities) and local players with 1- 2 points.

Despite the current crisis, the private children's education segment feels quite confident. According to experts, this business is capable of not only not shrinking, but also growing during a crisis. This is due to the fact that most consumers believe that they cannot save on children, and therefore do not plan to stop investing in their development and education.

Thus, business in preschool education of children is a promising area that takes into account the main social and economic trends. However, the market for additional preschool is characterized not only by a growth trend, but also by imbalance and high competition for many programs. The main problem of the market is the low share of private business, which is only 3-5% of total number organizations. The Agency for Strategic Initiatives identifies a set of barriers that impede the development of the market for additional education for children:

Lack of government statistics in the industry;

Excessive requirements in regulatory documents (SanPin);

Complex licensing procedure;

Lack of qualified personnel;

Low awareness and disunity of industry subjects;

Lack of advanced training and certification programs for workers in the field of additional education.

Currently, the development of the market for additional education for children is being updated in Russia. The state is developing measures aimed at supporting entrepreneurship in the field of preschool education. The changes made to the bills and measures taken by the Government to develop the non-state sector of preschool education should become an additional driver for the growth of the segment. Governmental support small and medium-sized businesses working in the field of preschool education, expressed in the provision of subsidies and tax breaks.

Increasing the availability of various areas of additional education is one of the priorities for the development of domestic education. According to statistics, the share of children in Russia receiving training on the basis of additional education is 49%. Federal target program “Development of additional education for children in Russian Federation until 2020" envisages an increase in this indicator to 70-75%. In accordance with these goals, the market for additional education is developing. At the beginning of 2015, the market volume reached 231.4 billion rubles, having increased by 18.5% over the year. The growth drivers were an increase in the physical volume of the market and an increase in the cost of services.

Ready ideas for your business

Thus, it is possible to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this business. The advantages include the relevance of the business; stability; low susceptibility to crises; state support for preschool education. Among the disadvantages, one should highlight the difficulty in selecting highly qualified personnel; high level of competition; the need for an entrepreneur to be present in business; low margins due to rental costs, wages workers and the cost of services provided. However, the opening of a children's development club is assessed as promising direction business, which is characterized by stable income and social significance.


A children's development center is an institution where children are given classes to develop intellectual abilities, social communication skills, creative abilities, creativity, concentration and engage in various types of creativity (singing, modeling, drawing, dancing, etc.). There are both multidisciplinary centers covering a wide range of services, and narrowly focused ones, concentrated on certain segments of preschool education.

Table 2. Description of services of the children's development center

Age group


General developmental activities for children early age

Classes are aimed at the sensorimotor development of children, the development of coordination and fine motor skills, and the development of speech;
creative classes in drawing, modeling, appliqué, etc.

Music classes

Integrated lesson with musical accompaniment, using various techniques.

Comprehensive developmental classes

groups: 3-5 years, 5-7 years

Comprehensive programs, as well as separate areas: creative workshop, sand therapy, English language, children's fitness, drawing, musical development, fairytale therapy.

Preparation for school

Classes with a psychologist, development of mathematical abilities, speech development, basic reading and grammar.

Creative and intellectual development

Chess, English, drawing, school of intelligence development.

Child psychologist

Individual and group classes, family consultations.

Individual lessons and consultations with a specialist.

This project involves the opening of a children's development club with a wide range of services, which allows it to reach a large part of the population. Expanding the range of services of the center does not require large additional costs - it is important to carefully develop programs for each group. Classes are designed for different age groups:

    children from 2 to 3 years old;

    children from 3 to 5 years old;

    children from 5 to 7 years old;


Each group has its own program and specifics of conducting classes. The planned list of services is shown in Table 3. Of course, this list can be expanded with pottery modeling, various dance styles, physical training, a school of success, a culinary workshop, vocal classes, a theater school, a chess studio, and also in other directions.

In addition, the children's studio can host master classes and trainings for adults: development school, psychological training, body ballet, yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women, etc.

The children's club format provides a wide range of services provided. To decide on their list, you need to formulate the concept of your club (family club/school creative development/ preschool education or other direction). It is also recommended to study the offers of competitors in order to introduce a competitive service in your club.

The cost of classes varies depending on the service. The more relevant and unique it is, the more expensive it costs to visit (usually this is associated with higher costs for wages teachers). The average cost of 1 class visit is 400 rubles. The club also assumes that subscriptions are valid for a month (8-12 classes, depending on the program). Its cost is calculated based on the amount of 1 visit and a 15% discount. That is, if a subscription is purchased for 8 classes costing 400 rubles each, then the final price of the subscription will be 2,700 rubles.


The target audience of the children's development club is various groups of people who are aimed at the creative and intellectual development of their children. The target audience is represented by parents of children preschool age. Availability of programs for different ages and the middle price segment allows you to reach a large audience.

The goal of the children's development club is to provide a wide range of services for preschool education for children. The mission of the club is to help a child develop the necessary personal qualities, skills, and talents that will make him a successful adult in the future. In accordance with the mission, the specific tasks of the children's development club are determined:

Creating a favorable developmental environment in which the child will feel comfortable;

Developing a child's interest in independent knowledge peace;

Creating favorable conditions for the development of the child’s abilities;

Creating a psychologically comfortable environment;

Socialization of the child;

Individual approach to each child.

Ready ideas for your business

Having a clear positioning in the market, you can develop an advertising promotion program. The initial stage is to conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the institution. This will allow you to adjust marketing directions and determine key promotion methods.

Table 3. SWOT analysis of children's development club

Internal sides


1) Possibility of expanding the range of services;

2) The ability to choose a territory favorable for doing business;

3) The possibility of establishing cooperation with school teachers;

4) Wide range services that allow you to reach a large target audience;

5) Teachers have experience working with children.

Weak sides:

1) Lack of own client base;

2) High responsibility for children;

4) The need to look for personnel and difficulties in finding qualified teachers.

External sides


1) Possibility of business expansion;

2) State support socially significant project;

3) Possibility of receiving subsidies for opening and developing a socially significant business;

4) Growth in demand even during an economic downturn, which guarantees stability of income.

1) High level of competition in the segment;

2) A decrease in the level of income of the population and, as a consequence, a decrease in profits;

3) The likelihood of changes in legislation and stricter requirements that will complicate production processes.

Thus, in order to realize its potential, a children's development club must develop a customer base, offer the audience original techniques that will distinguish it from competitors, and also attract highly qualified personnel.

Since at present a clear system of consumer requirements has not yet developed in this segment, when choosing a particular child development center, clients rely on reviews from friends, Internet searches and social networks where they can find information of interest. Thus, advertising for a children's center should contain as much useful information as possible, on the basis of which potential clients will be able to form an opinion about your institution.

For a children's development club, the most effective tools promotions will be:

1) Creation and promotion of your own website with parallel maintenance own group in social networks. The content of a group or profile should be diverse, including not only organizational issues and advertising of the club’s services, but should also contain useful information - this could be tips for training, various articles telling about the benefits of a particular activity, etc. Practice proves that the provision of useful and, most importantly, free information by a company increases the degree of loyalty of potential customers. It is convenient to carry out various promotions and bonus programs through social networks.

2) Placing advertisements in schools, public kindergartens and other places where the target audience gathers.

3) Posting advertisements in houses geographically close to the institution. In this case, advertising in elevators is most effective.

4) Placing information in local newspapers - this can be not only a commercial advertisement, but also an entire article telling about your business, teachers, methods, results, etc.

5) Posting information on various thematic forums in cities.

6) Participation in various entertainment events, active social work, sponsorship in projects.

7) Providing additional services. This could be a free trial lesson or a video surveillance service that allows parents to monitor how their child’s classes are progressing via online broadcast.

8) Review competition, which allows you to spread information about your children's club, use the word of mouth tool and attract new customers.

Since competition in the segment is quite high, it is necessary to carefully consider the advertising strategy. The approximate plan for promoting a children's development club is presented in Table 4. According to calculations, it is planned to spend 56,000 rubles on promoting the club. The bulk of promotional events are planned for the first months of the opening of the child development center.



Costs, rub.

Creating your own website

The website should reflect a description of the services and advantages of the children's club, its mission, goals and objectives, photo and video reports, cost of services, reviews, list of methods used, teaching staff, contacts and address

This involves creating advertising material (flyers/booklets) and distributing it in places where the target audience gathers (schools, kindergartens, shopping centers, etc.). Costs include the costs of creating and printing flyers, as well as salaries for promoters.

Internet promotion

Creation of accounts on social networks VKontakte and Instagram, where it will be posted helpful information about various club services, promotions, events, reviews, etc. It is planned to hold a competition on the basis of Internet platforms (it is possible to hold a competition for the most creative review, a competition for children’s drawings, a competition family photos etc.). The main prize in the competition is a free visit to a master class or a monthly subscription to one of the club’s programs.

An active marketing strategy allows you to speed up the process of payback on funds invested in opening a children's development club. It is necessary to use promotion tools comprehensively - then advertising will give the fastest and most effective results.

It is quite difficult to predict sales volume in a children's development club. This depends on the qualifications of the selected teachers and on the class schedule. Typically, class time for group 1 is 60 minutes. It is planned that the area of ​​the children's club will allow for 5 classes to be held simultaneously. Each group consists of 7-12 people (average 9 people). The club's 10-hour work schedule and class schedule allows for an average of 20 classes per day. Based on these data, the planned monthly sales volume will be: 20*30*9*400= 2,160,000 (rubles). It is possible to achieve such indicators with sufficient occupancy of the club, the availability of the necessary teaching staff, sufficient space to organize several classes and a flexible class schedule. Also, when planning sales, it should be taken into account that sales in the preschool education segment have some seasonality: they decrease in the summer months and increase in the autumn-winter period.


Opening a children's development center includes the following stages:

1) Registration in government agencies. In accordance with Art. 91 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, additional education is subject to licensing. However, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 2011 N 174 “On approval of the Licensing Regulations educational activities": "Educational activities carried out through one-time classes various types(including lectures, internships, seminars) and not accompanied by final certification and issuance of documents on education, activities for the maintenance and education of students and pupils, carried out without the implementation of educational programs, as well as individual labor pedagogical activity are not subject to licensing." Therefore, you do not need to purchase a license to open a children's development club.

However, there are certain requirements for the establishment of additional education for children that must be observed:

The club premises must be suitable for training purposes in terms of all established standards (number and minimum area of ​​rooms, presence of a separate entrance, etc.). This information can be found in SNiP and SanPiN. It must also comply with all fire and sanitary safety standards (repair using recommended materials, the presence of a fire alarm, fire extinguishing equipment, proper lighting, comfortable temperature regime etc.);

Furniture and equipment must comply sanitary standards and safety criteria;

Availability of educational programs that meet state standards, as well as a preliminary schedule and information about the teaching staff. Teachers must have education in their field and qualifications, which is documented. It is also necessary for all employees to have medical records and undergo timely medical examinations.

To conduct commercial activities, an individual entrepreneur is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

85.41.9 - Other additional education for children and adults, not included in other groups;

90.04.3 - Subgroup “Activities of club-type institutions: clubs, palaces and houses of culture, houses of folk art.”

2) Location and choice of office. Unlike most commercial premises, for a children's development club the location according to high traffic is not so important. Classes here are planned in advance; spontaneous sales are unusual for this type of activity. A winning option for locating a developmental children's center is a building in close proximity to kindergartens and schools, where the studio's target audience is present. It is also advisable to locate a children's club in a residential area - this will not only reduce the cost of renting premises, but will also become a more convenient visiting option for clients.

The main thing is to choose a room that meets all the requirements. When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to lighting, sanitary condition, the presence of a bathroom and other technical characteristics.

To organize a children's club, it is necessary to have several isolated rooms:

A hall with a comfortable waiting area, where there are hangers or lockers for clothes and spare shoes; sofas or banquettes for changing shoes and waiting;

The premises where classes are held must be bright and equipped with all materials necessary for the learning process. Working desks, play area, specially equipped classrooms. Since the range of services of the development center is quite diverse, the design of the classes is different - for some classes a small room with a soft carpet will be enough, for others you will need an equipped classroom.

A bathroom that includes children's sinks.

IN this project It is planned to place 8 isolated rooms:

Class for the younger group;

Creative class;

Class for dancing, acting, fitness;

Two classes for studying at desks (chess, English, mathematics course, preparation for school);

Psychologist and speech therapist's office for individual consultations;

Hall with storage lockers, sofas for waiting and a small play area;


Accordingly, the total area required is approximately 150 sq.m. To implement this project, it is planned to rent an office with an area of ​​150 m2 located in one of the residential areas. The cost of renting such a premises with renovation will average 110 thousand rubles for a city with a population of about 1 million inhabitants. If you plan to acquire ownership of such premises, the estimated cost will be 6.5 million rubles. Since the landlord rents out the premises with renovation, there will be no additional costs for repairs. 8,000 rubles were allocated for the design of the sign.

3) Selection of personnel. For a children's development club, the availability of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, so you should carefully select personnel. The main problem when opening such an institution is precisely the small number of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, it is recommended to engage in personnel selection at the business planning stage. It is imperative that the club’s teachers have a pedagogical or psychological education. It should be noted that when drawing up training programs, knowledge in psychological, pedagogical and creative fields will be required.

4) Purchase of equipment. To organize the educational process in the club, you will need various equipment: furniture, various props for classes, educational material. For classes you will need desks and chairs, for a dance class - mirrors, for children's fitness classes - sports equipment, etc. It is possible to create a clear list of necessary equipment and calculate the costs for it when specific educational programs. Table 5 presents a general list of equipment. Thus, the cost of equipment and technical equipment for the children's center will amount to 400,000 rubles.

Table 5. Sample list equipment for children's development club


The children's center's opening hours are from 9:00 to 20:00.

To operate the studio, it is necessary to form a staff of the following employees: teachers, administrators, accountant, cleaner. The main staff are teachers, since the atmosphere of the educational process and the impression of the club as a whole depend on their professionalism and communication skills. Based on the drawn up implementation plan and a certain range of services, the teaching staff should include:

Junior group teacher;

Music group teacher;

Choreography teacher;

Teacher at the School of Intelligence Development;

English teacher;

Two educational psychologists;

Speech pathologist-defectologist;

Painting teacher.

Teachers' work hours depend on the schedule and size of the groups. A flexible work schedule is offered for teachers, since the frequency of group classes is 2-3 times a week.

The position of administrators involves shift work - 2 through 2, so you will need to hire two employees. Requirements for an administrator are limited to a high level of discipline, responsibility, and communication skills. Their responsibilities include receiving calls and letters, signing up clients for classes, forming groups, scheduling classes, maintaining groups on social networks, and providing the studio with the necessary equipment.

The cleaning lady is expected to work part-time.

A studio manager is also needed to act as a manager. All personnel are subordinate to him, he makes decisions on hiring employees, builds a marketing policy, and interacts with the counterparty. In this project, an individual entrepreneur performs all management functions and maintains accounting records.

The total wage fund will be 426,000 rubles.

Table 6. Staffing table and the development center’s wage fund


The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the project; the planning horizon is 5 years.

To launch a project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of investment. To do this, you need to determine the costs of arranging the premises, purchasing equipment and furniture, purchasing educational materials and generating working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The initial investment for opening a children's club is 740,000 rubles. The project is financed from own capital. The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 7.

Table 7. Investments in opening a children's development center

Variable costs consist of the costs of materials used in the training process. These costs are minimal and amount to 20% of the cost of 1 lesson - 80 rubles.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, payroll, advertising costs and depreciation. Of these, almost 75% of the costs are for teachers' salaries. The amount of depreciation charges is determined by the linear method, based on the period beneficial use fixed assets in 5 years. Fixed costs also include tax deductions, which are not presented in this table, since their amount is not fixed, but depends on the volume of revenue.

Table 8. Fixed costs children's development center

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 570,400 rubles.


The payback period for a development center with an initial investment of 740,000 rubles is 5 months. The net monthly profit of the project when reaching planned sales volumes will be about 900,000 rubles. Reaching the planned sales volume is expected by the end of the first year of operation. The return on sales in the first year of operation will be 36.6%. The annual net profit for the first year of operation will be about 6.7 million rubles.

The net present value is positive and equal to 3,963,197 rubles, which allows us to talk about the investment attractiveness of the project. The internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 37.07%, and the profitability index is 5.36. The financial plan was drawn up according to an optimistic forecast, which can be realized due to the high workload of the children's club.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. TO external factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

The specifics of the children's development center determine the following external risks:

Competitors' reaction. There are various institutions that provide additional education services. Among them are large, well-promoted centers, which threatens not only the loss of some potential clients, but even displacement from the market. To minimize this risk, it is necessary to form your own customer base, have unique offers, constantly monitor the market, and have a customer loyalty program;

Increased rental costs, which will increase fixed costs and may affect financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious lessor;

Decrease in effective demand. Since expenses for additional education are not considered a priority, they can be excluded in order to save the family budget. In other words, if the population’s income falls, there is a possibility of abandoning the club’s services. This risk can be minimized with the help of discount promotions and the creation of loyalty programs. However, this risk cannot be completely avoided due to the specifics of the services provided;

Changes in legislation, which may complicate business processes. This risk cannot be controlled. Therefore, it is necessary to take it into account and form a budget in case of such risks.

Internal risks include:

Responsibility for the health and safety of children. The presence of an unpleasant incident can significantly damage the business reputation of the establishment and lead to significant problems. Therefore, to avoid such situations, it is necessary to conduct thorough instruction for both teachers and parents;

Failure to achieve the planned sales volume. This risk can be reduced with an effective advertising campaign and a competent marketing policy, which includes various promotions and bonuses;

Lack of qualified specialists. This risk will be mitigated by monitoring employees of schools, art, music and choreography schools, university graduates in the required specialties, careful selection of employees and favorable working conditions that can attract quality personnel;

A decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring the quality of services, receiving feedback from the institution’s clients and taking corrective measures.

Summarized data on the analysis of the risk component of the project are given in Table 9. Thanks to quantification risks, it is possible to establish what to focus on and what measures to take to minimize losses.

Table 9. Quantitative risk analysis

In accordance with the above calculations, the most serious risks are the risks of a shortage of qualified personnel and the reaction of competitors. In the first direction, it is necessary to create favorable working conditions in order to attract experienced employees. In the second direction, attention should be paid Special attention formation competitive advantages, especially pricing policy, marketing strategy, as well as the creation of a flexible system of working with clients.

This business quite interesting, specific and complex.

It is interesting because the volume of investments, as a rule, does not exceed 0.5-2.0 million rubles. (unless the property is purchased). It is specific because the service offered for sale is, first of all, a teacher with a non-standard training program, in other words, “exclusive”. And the more “exclusive”, the better.

Of course, it is impossible to say that the consumer in these difficult times is greedy for “exclusive”, but nevertheless. You need to understand that if there is no “zest”, then people may simply not come to such a children’s center. That is why, if several years ago the main emphasis was on languages, drawing and preparation for school (for kids), now such new areas of children's development as calligraphy (Japanese, Chinese), mental mathematics, children's TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) are in demand. and RTV (Development creative imagination), health practices.

Business is complicated because in cities with a population of over a million there is quite high competition. In addition, it directly depends on the macroeconomic situation in the country and the current stagnation of the economy affects the dynamics of market growth not for the better, but rather the opposite.

Of course, it makes sense to say that the costs of promoting the services of children's centers can sometimes amount to 25-40% of revenue. This is an extremely large amount and this is, in a way, a serious risk for its continued existence as a Center.

That is why, when planning such a business, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the so-called. “payback point”, and in the second, include “planned losses” in the first two, three, and sometimes six months of work.

A modern children's development center is entertainment for children and a fashionable trend among advanced parents. In almost every mall There are children's rooms that are always in demand. Active mothers on maternity leave, looking for additional income, are wondering: is it difficult to open a children's development center from scratch and how to do it?

How much money will it take to open?

How much does it cost to open a children's center (approximate estimate at the initial stage and monthly expenses).

Name Sum
Initial costs
Renting premises 100.000rub
Utility payments 15.000rub
Layout of the premises to suit the needs of the development center 15.000rub
Preparation and execution of documentation 23.000rub
Children's furniture (per 15 people) RUR 50,000
Bedding (if you plan to take children for the day) 15.000rub
Educational toys, manuals, books RUB 30,000
Payment for communication and intercom services 4.000rub
Household kitchen appliances 60.000rub
Payment for advertising the center 15.000rub
Total: RUR 327,000
Monthly expenses
Rent 100.000rub
Salary 60.000rub
Organization of holidays and birthdays 5.000rub
Electricity, water, garbage removal, heating 5.000rub
Stationery 5.000rub
Food RUR 50,000
Household chemicals 20.000rub
Total: RUB 245,000

Initial expenses will be at least 327,000 rubles, and monthly expenses for running the store will be 245,000 rubles

Reference! Make an estimate necessary purchases and investments can be made independently or with the help of economists.

How much can you earn?

Having calculated the costs, the future owner asks the question: is it profitable to open a children's development center and when will the income from the project appear? Let's do the math.

Each lesson costs 250-300 rubles (1.5-2 hours);
mothers are ready to bring their children 2-3 times a week;

Profit per day— 4.500r
In Week- 13.500r
Per month- 54.000r
In year- 648.000r

Consequently, within a year you can fully return the money spent on opening. However, one group is not enough to make a profit. It is necessary to recruit several groups and work daily. A good income will come from opening a private kindergarten with an hourly wage.

Choosing an establishment format

It will not be possible to draw up a business plan for opening a children's development center without defining the format. Mothers who rely on your child's development in your institution will carefully study how it works.

To ensure that parents’ questions are not left without clear answers, several points should be considered:

  • What age will children be accepted and will there be a gradation by age groups?
  • What will be emphasized during the classes ( physical education, artistic and musical skills, writing, etc.)
  • What methods will be used for the development of children of primary and preschool age
  • Length of stay
  • Work with specialized specialists (psychologist, speech therapist)
  • Possibility of personal lessons

The main thing when starting a business is to determine a niche. Think about what will be more profitable for you: a regular playroom where parents will bring their children to have fun, or a full-fledged development center where kids will learn new skills and abilities.

Business registration

How to open a children's center from scratch step by step:

  • Register the form of ownership. If you are designing a training center, best option- OOO. You will need to obtain an educational license, without which it is impossible to hire teachers. If teaching staff You don’t need it, just register as an individual entrepreneur without licensing.
  • Select the type of activity according to OKEVD. 85.32 - day care for children. 92.51 - cultural institution. 93.05 - provision of personal and social services.
  • Determine the taxation system.

Attention! Don't rush to get a license if you have a pedagogical education! Organize the work of the children's center on your own, and after gaining income, obtain an educational license to expand the staff and the list of services provided.

Required documents

List of basic documents required to open a children's development center:

  • Lease agreement or certificate confirming the presence of work premises in the property;
  • Conclusion of the SES on compliance with sanitary standards;
  • Fire service permit;
  • Certificate of registration of activity;
  • Curriculum, expected results;
  • List of training manuals and textbooks;
  • Information about the teaching staff;
  • Constituent document (for LLC).

The package of documents should be submitted to the district Education Committee.


How to open a children's development center without attracting the attention of Rospotrebnadzor:

  • Choosing the right room. You cannot work in a basement without a fire exit. The ceiling height must be at least 3 m.
  • Interior decoration and layout. It is important to make a separate place for clothes, a play/study area and a toilet. The coating of walls and ceilings should be odorless. The flooring is smooth and not slippery. Install electrical components out of the reach of children.
  • Toys and educational equipment must be certified. Keep all certificates in the center.

If you plan to open an entertainment club, it is better to choose premises on thoroughfares and near large shopping complexes. Dormitory areas are suitable for educational institutions so that parents can comfortably transport their children to regular classes.

What kind of staff should you hire?

To open a children's development center for a group of 15 children, you will need to hire specialists:

  • Two people with higher teacher education for teaching and raising young children (engaged in educational and educational work, supervising children, holding holidays and organizing outings, maintaining contact with parents);
  • Assistant teacher (engaged in economic activities);
  • Health worker (maintains children’s cards, provides first aid);
  • Employee for food preparation.

Advice! Try to hire energetic, experienced staff so that parents can see the high-quality work of specialists. However, it is worth understanding that the wages of such workers must be decent!

Attracting clients

At the stage of opening a children's development center, it is recommended to include the article “Attracting clients” in the business plan.

If funds allow, you can advertise on local television, radio and print media.

Business development options

It is more expedient to open a children's development center with an educational focus in a densely populated area, perhaps with new buildings, where there are many young families with small children. These are your potential clients. As the institution develops, attendance will increase; perhaps, on the advice of people, children from neighboring neighborhoods will begin to visit the center.

In such a situation, especially in areas with underdeveloped infrastructure, a large number of development center clients will attract other businessmen. Within walking distance you can find toy and stationery stores, small retail outlets with children's clothing, inflatable balloons, and grocery minimarkets.

If you get your bearings in time, you can open a third-party business on your own, which will generate additional income. Not only visitors to the development center, but also residents of the neighborhood will visit the shops.

Children's development center franchises

Opening a children's development center as a franchise means starting your own business with minimal investment and a complete package of documents. A franchise will give you the right to use the brand and all the developments of the franchisor. In addition, franchise sellers are interested in the profitability of the new project and provide all possible legal and financial support to the franchisees.

People with a total family income of up to 80 thousand rubles per month make up the majority of the Russian population. Development centers offering franchising are aimed at working with middle-income clients.

Franchise "Clever Girl"

Most modern parents have used the services of various children's development centers at least once in their lives.

Surveys show that in almost all major cities More than half of parents with children aged 8 months to eight years are planning to take or are already taking their children to special developmental classes.

If just recently visiting such centers was quite expensive, today such services have become available to most people with an average income. It is for this reason that owning your own developmental children's center is quite profitable business.

Although there is stiff competition in this segment, the discovery similar business is quite a profitable and attractive investment due to the fact that there are more young children every year, and there are not enough good preschool institutions for everyone. If you said to yourself: “I want to open a center like this!”, then you will have to prepare thoroughly.

Video about the opening of a children's development center

What do you need to open?

Before opening a children's development center, it is necessary to conduct a small marketing research, which is best entrusted to a specialized organization.

Marketing research

If you do not want to spend money on professional advice, then you can conduct the research yourself. You need to find out the number of similar organizations in your area or city.

You can interview potential clients, e.g. parents in clinics, playgrounds and kindergartens.It is recommended to ask questions about where it would be more convenient for them to take their kids, as well as what kind of developmental programs they are interested in. The main goal of the survey is to find out what exactly guides them when choosing a children's center.


Recently, a new law “On Education” was issued, which allowed individual entrepreneurs to officially carry out educational activities if they have employees with pedagogical education. Now, to open a children’s center, it is enough to simply open an individual entrepreneur and obtain a special license.

To do this, you either need to have a teaching education yourself or hire employees with such qualifications.

In addition, you will need to develop a program according to which your institution will operate and submit it to the education department.

Children's development center from scratch

To organize a development center for children, you will need suitable premises. Most novice entrepreneurs prefer premises with a small area - 50 m2.


The main criteria that must be followed when choosing are its location (preferably in the city center or in the center of a large residential area), the minimum need for repair work, as well as the availability of a place where parents can wait for the completion of classes and a bathroom.

The choice of location for your children's center directly depends on the target audience for which your institution will be designed. And also on convenience and your preferences.

Before renting a room, you need to assess your own financial capabilities. If your children's center claims to serve wealthy parents, then it must have excellent renovation, highly qualified teachers and a professional administrator. Be prepared that this will cost you a lot.

Remember that a premium class establishment simply must be located in the central part of the city, so renting premises will be quite expensive.

If you decide to open a children's center with a low cost of services provided, then you can rent a room on the ground floor of a multi-storey building in one of the residential areas of the city. You should decide in advance in which area it is best to open a children's center, taking into account the distance from your place of residence, the presence of direct competitors and the solvency of the population.

The area of ​​the rented premises directly depends on your tasks and goals. As a rule, the area of ​​the classroom should be at least 30 m2. Shopping centers and office buildings are good places for a children's club.

The main requirement for the rented premises is its location on the ground floor so that children and their parents do not have to take the elevator or stairs.

When organizing a children's club in a shopping center or office building, you will need several training rooms, since they will most likely have a small area.

In addition to the main room, a children's early development studio should have a waiting room. Some managers, trying to save money, try to do without such a room. In this case, parents will have to wait for their children on the street and most likely they will stop coming to your establishment.

Thus, taking into account the training room, waiting hall and bathroom, the area of ​​the children's center should be at least 50 m2. If you do not have the necessary amount to rent such premises, you can open a children's center consisting of one classroom, but this will significantly limit the scope of services provided.


To properly open such an establishment, qualified personnel will be required. This applies not only to teachers, but also to administrators.

Statistics show that it is much easier to find a professional administrator than a teacher who understands and loves children, and is also able to captivate them with classes and find an approach to each child.

You can hire recent graduates or students for the position of administrator who will receive visitors, answer customer calls, schedule all classes and solve other organizational issues.

You will need at least two administrators to work in shifts. At first, you can perform the duties of an administrator yourself until you find a suitable candidate. With qualified teachers the situation is much more complicated.

Professional teachers with experience working in preschools or schools will cost much more than administrators. In addition, it is worth remembering that having a diploma higher education, diplomas and certificates do not guarantee that the teacher will be able to find a common language with the kids and will not discourage them from attending the training center and developing.

Practice shows that graduates of a pedagogical challenge can quickly find a common language with children and ensure more effective development of the child than more experienced teachers.

It is best to interview all potential employees in person. Be sure to pay attention to the applicants’ appearance, as well as their communication style, try to evaluate their initiative, passion for work and innovation.

In some cases, mothers of children apply for the position of teachers. They do not have a specialized education, but are interested in a variety of developmental methods and attend various seminars and courses, and are also interested in new trends in the field of education of preschool children. Having an appropriate diploma is, of course, a very important factor, but in some cases it can be neglected.

Furniture, equipment

You will also have to purchase furniture and various types of equipment depending on the types of services you intend to provide. You will also need furniture for the waiting room to make the children's parents feel comfortable.

All purchased equipment must be made of environmentally friendly materials so as not to harm the health of children.

Toys and supplies

To operate a children's development center, you will need a variety of toys, such as construction sets, cubes, mosaics, puzzles and pyramids. They must be of high quality so as not to harm the health of children. In addition, you will need a variety of materials, such as notebooks, albums, cards, markers, etc.

You can buy such items in bulk, because they quickly become unusable. Look for suppliers on the Internet, ask your friends. This will help you save a lot.

We attract clients

There are children's centers different types. You will have to independently determine what types of services you are going to provide; this will directly determine which clients you will have to work with.

Choosing a profile: additional classes or replacement for kindergarten

The most optimal directions in the activities of such centers are preparing children for school, as well as developing skills useful for the child’s future life, such as communication skills and leadership qualities.

If you plan to conduct classes with groups of children once or twice a week, then a small room is enough. This is convenient for mothers on maternity leave - they are doing a useful activity with the child, and it is not expensive.

A developmental center where children will stay all day will require an additional bedroom, a kitchen and an increased staff. In this case, your studio will be called a private kindergarten, which means you must design it accordingly: with all the necessary certifications, permits and commissions. This is a troublesome and not entirely acceptable option for starting an educational career.

Developmental techniques

You will also have to choose which developmental techniques you will use in your children's center. It is recommended to independently master the basics of child development methods in order to choose the most suitable option and have the ability to control the educational process.

The most common methods that ensure the development and creativity of a child are:

  • systems of N. A. Zaitsev,
  • Waldorf method,
  • Glen Doman system
  • Montessorri method.

With all the abundance pedagogical technologies The best results are achieved by a combination of several techniques and an individual approach. It’s great if your employees have both theoretical training in this matter and are able to create something of their own on this basis.


Don't forget about advertising. At the initial stage, to attract customers, you can use the distribution of leaflets, posting advertisements, as well as advertising on the Internet on thematic websites and forums. In addition, free classes contribute to the growth of the client base, as they allow parents to decide whether your center is suitable for them or not.

Nothing will bring more clients to your center than demonstrating your abilities and word of mouth. Alternatively, take part in some social events with your students. Or conduct an open themed lesson on the playground.

Business plan

Price issue

So, let's calculate the starting costs. First of all you will need:

  1. rent a room and carry out renovations there ( from 150 thousand rubles),
  2. purchase the necessary equipment ( approximately 200 thousand rubles),
  3. buy toys and Consumables (from 80 thousand rubles).
  4. For the salary of an administrator, teacher and cleaner you will have to spend approximately 65 thousand per month,
  5. utilities will cost you approximately 15 thousand rubles.

In total, the first month of operation of your children's center will cost approximately 510 thousand rubles.


The average cost of a subscription for eight visits is about 2,000 rubles or 250 rubles for one visit.

Considering that the attendance of an average children's center operating in two shifts is thirty people per month, the average income is 30 * 250 * 30 = 225,000 rubles.

Thus, the full payback of the children's development center occurs in about a year.

Nuances of the work of a children's development studio

Is it possible to open a children's development center in an apartment?

If you want to save money, you can organize your own children's center in your own apartment. The only drawback of this approach is that when teaching children at home, due to the small amount of free space, you will not be able to receive many clients.

The other side of the coin: the SES authorities may refuse to issue you a permit. Then either work with the children “undercover” or bring everything into line with the inspectors’ instructions.

Age categories of children

As a rule, children in development centers can be divided into three main categories:

  • Children who do not yet go to kindergarten can visit your center in the morning.
  • Older children will come to you after 18:00, as this is when they are picked up from preschool.
  • Junior schoolchildren - for them you can offer additional classes in foreign language, art lessons.

Franchise opening

Not a bad option for creating own business is the opening of a franchise children's center. Thus, at the initial stage you will not have problems with clients, since thanks to famous brand visitors will trust you. In addition, they will definitely help you with teaching materials and development equipment.

However, for such “courtesy” you will have to regularly pay tribute. This is about 15-20%. Consider all aspects of such work carefully before agreeing to it.

A children's development center can become a profitable business for its owner. But it still shouldn’t be led by a person who understands nothing about raising children. This is a very complex industry. Anyone who opens such a center must be at least a little enthusiastic about their business.

Are you thinking about opening a nursery? game room in a mall or big box store but not sure if it's a good idea? Are you afraid of getting burned? This business idea has its risks, like many others. If you calculate everything and done correctly, then within a few months you will receive your first income.

  • Short review
  • Business plan: step-by-step instructions on how to open a children's playroom
  • Where to begin
  • Registration, documentation
  • How to choose a room for a games room?
  • Equipment for children's playroom
  • Staff
  • Economic efficiency of business
  • Risk factors
  • Tax system
  • Business Opportunities
  • Conclusion

This direction is popular because the state strongly supports young families in their desire to have children.

Why is it beneficial: the pros and cons of children's playrooms

Any business has pros and cons. First, let's look at the advantages:

  1. Demand. Parents sometimes have no one to leave their child with, so a playroom is a great way out. And it will cost much less than a private nanny.
  2. Payback. This form of business does not require huge expenses and quickly pays off.
  3. Small financial investment. Of course it's not . But investments may be minimal compared to other areas of business.
  4. Ease of implementation. Opening a children's playroom is much easier than a private kindergarten or play center for children. This does not require a special license to conduct educational activities or a staff of qualified employees.
  5. Combination of businesses.You can provide Additional services to increase revenue. For example, organizing holidays and parties.
  6. Extension. The business can be expanded. Other similar points can be opened.

Short review

Playroom for childrenis a room with special equipment where parents can leave their baby to have fun for a certain period of time. The child is under adult supervision at all times.

Income is generated from the main profit - the cost of staying in a game room ranges from 100 rubles in remote areas to 200 rubles per hour closer to the center.

The size of the settlement also matters. Affects income generation and additional services.

A children's playroom is not a highly profitable enterprise. Having engaged in it, a businessman will not recoup the money he invested in 2-3 months. However, this business is quite stable. The number of visits is affected by seasonality. Please note that the flow of customers decreases in the summer and it is best to open a game room in early autumn.

The costs of opening a children's playroom depend on many factors: the size of the room, in which area the room is located, whether the place is accessible, etc.

All costs will be presented in more detail below.

This type of investment may be of interest primarily to young parents. They most often face the problem of where to “place” their child while shopping, waiting in line, or simply wanting to entertain him. A children's playroom is a great way out.
