Zinc paste action. Zinc ointment or paste: which is better to choose for healthy skin of the face and body. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Skin irritations, minor cuts, pimples - all this causes serious inconvenience. It is not always necessary to use expensive means to treat them. Salicylic-zinc paste is an ideal option that has been proven over the years. In this article, we will talk in detail about how to use this paste to combat acne and other skin problems.

Zinc paste- inexpensive, affordable drug, which can be purchased at any pharmacy for literally 30-40 rubles. The scope of its application is truly enormous - it allows you to cope with for the most part skin irritations and rashes.

What does this paste help with?
  1. Salicylic-zinc paste great for fighting acne. This is its most common use. Typically, the paste is applied to pimples and irritated areas of the skin during the day or at night. With regular use, the skin becomes clearer, redness subsides, and there are much fewer acne breakouts. Below in the article we will describe in even more detail how to properly use zinc paste to combat acne (pimples, blackheads).
  2. Product carefully dries the skin, softens it, prevents serious irritation. This medicine is stored in home medicine cabinet any young parents. Even with the most careful care of a child, diaper rash associated with the use of diapers still appears on his skin.
  3. Zinc paste is applied to treat the effects of herpes. This disease is treated with acyclovir, but it also leaves irritation and redness of the skin. Salicylic-zinc paste will help eliminate the consequences of the disease.
  4. The product helps a lot for any dermatitis, as well as for eczema. Of course, diseases need to be treated purposefully, with special preparations, but a product with a zinc base also has a good auxiliary effect.
  5. Finally, the drug used in the treatment of bedsores, burns, deep wounds . It has been proven that its active substances reduce the secretion of inflammatory fluid from damaged tissues. The zinc contained in the paste covers the damaged area with a thin protective film - thus preventing infection from developing, accelerating wound healing.

We provide information from the instructions for use.

What does it consist of and in what forms is it sold?

What is the pasta made of?
  • The basis of salicylic-zinc paste is zinc oxide, which is also the main active substance, giving the paste protective, anti-inflammatory, drying properties.
  • In addition, zinc paste contains petroleum jelly. This component gives the ointment a soft consistency, making it convenient to apply to the skin. At the same time, it acts as a moisturizing component, balancing the drying effect of zinc.
  • Finally, third useful substance Zinc ointment contains salicylic acid. It mainly has an antiseptic function - it prevents the development of inflammation, fights infections, quickly relieves irritation, redness, and pain around the injury. Thus, the healing process is not accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.

As a rule, salicylic-zinc paste is available in two packages - translucent dark glass jars or aluminum tubes. The color of zinc paste can be either white or light yellow - but a high-quality product is always of a uniform color, without impurities.

Both forms of release allow the paste to retain its properties for a long time beneficial features. But the tube version is the most convenient to use - since the required amount of the drug can be easily squeezed onto the damage.

It is also worth noting that people often confuse zinc paste and zinc-based ointment. Despite the fact that these drugs contain the same components, they are still significantly different.

The concentration of zinc powder in salicylic-zinc paste is much higher - therefore the product is different increased density, has strong absorbent properties and a more noticeable protective effect.

Using paste to treat acne

Most often the product is used to treat dermatitis, acne and pimples.

It's worth noting that this one is cheap medicinal composition really has a more powerful effect than most expensive drugs soft action.

When treating acne (pimples), the paste acts in several directions at once - it dries the skin and relieves inflammation. And this, as you know, is what you need for acne.

So, how to use the product correctly: it is recommended to apply the medicinal substance directly to problem areas of the skin in the evening before bed.

Before this, you need to wash your face thoroughly. It's better to use for this tar soap or any other effective remedy to cleanse the skin.

The instructions for use state that you should use the paste no more than 1-2 times a day. Those. This is usually used at night, and if possible, then once during the day.

Do not forget that salicylic-zinc paste leaves marks on bedding that are difficult to wash. Therefore, the treated skin should be covered with a film or gauze bandage. In the morning, the paste is thoroughly washed off - and, to avoid overdrying, the skin is treated with a softening cream.

Elimination of the consequences of herpes

No less often inexpensive drug used to treat the effects of herpes. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation - the word “treatment” is used only conditionally, since the virus itself, causing sores on the lips, the product has practically no effect. To eliminate the infection and prevent it from happening reappearance, you need to use a specialized medicine - “acyclovir”.

But, salicylic-zinc paste copes well with external manifestations herpes. It is recommended to apply the drug to the sores several times a day - and to achieve a greater effect, a new layer of paste can be applied directly to the old one, and washed off only once every two to three days.

Inflammation, irritation, diaper rash of the skin

A product containing zinc oxide is used not only to treat inflammation and irritation, but also to prevent it. For example, women who have recently given birth often face the problem of diaper rash on the skin of their children - this happens from constantly wearing a diaper.

To prevent the skin from becoming over-moisturized, it is recommended to regularly lubricate it with a thin layer of zinc paste. Of course, the child’s body must be completely clean, and the paste must also be reapplied with each diaper change.

And finally, a paste containing zinc helps in caring for bedridden patients. From immobility, a disabled person sooner or later begins to develop bedsores - and it is extremely difficult to prevent their occurrence. Last but not least, excessive humidity leads to bedsores - after all, when a person lies, for example, on his back for several hours, he inevitably begins to sweat.

The drug can be used to treat both healthy areas of the skin that are at particular risk, as well as existing wounds. In the first case, the drug is applied in a thin layer directly to the body, in the second, a bandage impregnated with the substance is constructed. By the way, the drug not only dries the wound surface and the epithelium next to it, but also absorbs moisture released by the affected area of ​​the body.

This reduces the risk of developing an infection. When caring for bedsores, it is not recommended to leave zinc paste on the body for a long time - the dressings need to be changed every six hours, and it is advisable to alternate them with stronger bactericidal agents.

When is it prohibited to use zinc paste?

Salicylic-zinc paste has virtually no contraindications. However, the instructions for use always contain two important warnings.

  • Firstly, you will have to refuse treatment with zinc oxide if you have an individual intolerance to its individual components. Zinc, petroleum jelly and salicylic acid can cause allergies - and then the product will become a source of even greater skin irritation. It is quite easy to determine whether you personally are allergic to the paste - to do this, just apply a small amount of the drug to a clean area of ​​skin and see if redness and a burning sensation appear after 30 minutes.
  • And secondly, the instructions for use state that zinc paste should not be used on severely inflamed, festering lesions and deep burns. The fact is that the zinc in the product creates an impenetrable film - and if a healthy wound is thus protected from infection, then the already infected tissues will be “locked” under a layer of zinc, which will prevent their normal treatment.

Zinc paste is an inexpensive product that has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect.

The paste does not have a carcinogenic or toxic effect on the body, so it can be used for treatment skin diseases(as well as to prevent their occurrence) in patients of different ages, including infants, newborns and the elderly.

Indications for use

Zinc paste can be used in therapeutic and for preventive purposes as a protector (protective component) of the outer layer of the dermis at the cellular level in case of diseases or pathologies of the skin.


  • providing emergency care for skin injuries in which its structure or integrity is compromised;
  • disinfection of wounds and cuts;
  • diaper dermatitis (occurs in infants due to frequent skin contact with ammonia compounds contained in urine);
  • diaper rash;
  • bedsores;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • sunburn.

As aid zinc paste is used for:

In these cases, zinc oxide does not treat the underlying disease, but helps relieve symptoms and mitigate relapse.

Important! The use of zinc paste to treat burns is allowed only if the area of ​​the affected surface does not exceed 8-10 cm, and there are no signs of deep skin damage (blisters, scabs, ruptured blisters).


It is worth noting that herpes cannot be cured with zinc paste, since this disease requires the use antiviral drugs. But, medicinal substances, which contain zinc, will perfectly help heal the residual manifestations of herpes.

Pityriasis rosea

To date, medicine has not yet fully disclosed the causes and treatment options for pityriasis rosea. But the disease is infectious-allergic. Most often, the symptoms of this disease occur in children adolescence. Pink plaques appear on the skin of the body, which can grow from a small size to an impressive one.

On initial stage development pityriasis rosea use zinc paste. It is used to treat the affected areas of the skin. Thus, the plaques dry out and decrease in size until they disappear completely.

But, in cases where the disease occurs with more severe symptoms in the form of increased body temperature, severe itching, more serious therapy is prescribed. In this case, you cannot do without the use of antibiotics. The doctor will select optimal treatment.

Paste properties

Zinc paste has a combined effect on local use and expressed pharmacological effect, due to the properties of the active component (zinc oxide). The paste works in several directions at once, for example:

  • reduces the intensity of local inflammation;
  • dries out skin rashes purulent origin;
  • disinfects the surface of the skin;
  • destroys bacteria living on the surface of the outer layer of the epidermis;
  • restores skin cells;
  • softens rough areas;
  • eliminates signs of skin irritation (redness, rash, roughness);
  • protects the skin from exposure to harmful compounds and substances (for example, upon contact with urine in newborns);
  • reduces the severity of itching.

How to apply?

Newborns and infants. To treat diaper dermatitis and diaper rash in children under one year of age, it is necessary to use zinc paste at least 3 times a day (ideally, during each diaper change). Before applying the product, you should thoroughly wash your child’s skin and dry it. Apply the product in a thin layer using rubbing movements.

Note! After hygiene procedures After applying the drug, the child should be left with exposed skin for 15-20 minutes - this will enhance the effectiveness of the therapy.

Other categories of patients. Apply a small amount of paste to the damaged area (or spot-on, if we are talking about treating acne). For increase therapeutic effect You can use medical bandages. They need to be changed 1-2 times a day.

Important! Zinc paste should not be used in areas with signs of infection (that is, in the presence of pus resulting from the processing of pathogenic flora).


The product has no contraindications, except for allergies to zinc and starch, as well as hypersensitivity to these components. Zinc paste can be used during pregnancy if there are no restrictions and other recommendations of the supervising physician. Lactation is also not a contraindication for the use of the drug, since the active ingredients do not penetrate into breast milk.


Side effects

Very rarely, allergic skin reactions were diagnosed in patients using zinc paste: redness, dryness, peeling areas, spots and rashes. The appearance of these symptoms is a reason to visit a doctor.

Composition and release form

The drug is simple, but very effective composition, which contains only three ingredients: zinc oxide, petroleum jelly and starch (potato). The paste is available in glass jars (25 g and 40 g), as well as in aluminum tubes with a volume of 40 g and 30 g.


The drug only provides local impact, without being absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and without penetrating into the systemic circulation. This ensures high safety of the product for younger patients. age group and older people.


Zinc paste should be stored at room temperature(not lower than 12 degrees) in a place away from animals and children. Shelf life – 5 years.


(Leave your feedback in the comments)

My grandmother recommended zinc paste to me when I was 16 years old, and I once again complained to her about my acne, which did not want to go away from my face. This remedy used to be very popular, but over time it was replaced by expensive and advertised drugs. I started applying the paste using cotton swab twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime). After just 10-12 days, I noticed that the pimples became smaller and paler, although before that they were bright pink and very noticeable. After a month of regular use, I got rid of them almost completely! Now, if a pimple suddenly pops up on me, I immediately smear it with zinc paste, and after a couple of days not a trace remains of it.

I use zinc paste to treat my daughter's skin when I change her diaper. It helped me cope with diaper rash very quickly - the effect is no worse than that of an expensively advertised product, but it costs 7-8 times (!!!) less. The paste has only one drawback - it’s a little greasy, you can’t just wash it off. But these are small things compared to the result obtained. If only it were sold in every pharmacy, there would be no price!

* — Average value among several sellers at the time of monitoring, is not a public offer


    About two years ago I treated acne with cindol and metrogyl. Is it possible to replace zincdol with zinc paste with this scheme? This is the only zinc preparation available in our pharmacy.

Diaper rash on the skin, herpes simplex, prickly heat and other rashes bring not only a lot of physical discomfort, but also spoil appearance person. Therefore, most people suffering from such diseases try to eliminate them visible signs at the most short time. Most often, zinc paste is used for these purposes. Instructions for use, properties, indications and side effects the mentioned means are presented below.

Composition, form, description, packaging

Zinc paste, the instructions for which are included in the cardboard box, goes on sale in the form of a white and thick mass with a barely noticeable characteristic odor. It is placed in a glass jar or aluminum tube.

This product contains an active ingredient such as zinc oxide. In addition to it, this medication contains the following additional elements: petroleum jelly and potato starch.

Pharmacological properties of the local remedy

What is so special about zinc paste? The instructions for use indicate that the mentioned product has a dermatoprotective effect. This is a local anti-inflammatory drug that has astringent, adsorbent, drying and antiseptic properties.

When used in children, it helps prevent the development of so-called diaper rash, or prickly heat, by softening and protecting the skin from negative influence urine and other irritating substances.

It should also be noted that zinc paste, the instructions for use of which are described in detail below, weakens exudation and also relieves local manifestations of various irritations and inflammatory reactions.

Protective effect this drug due to the presence of zinc oxide in it. In combination with petroleum jelly, it creates a kind of mechanical barrier, forming a coating that protects the skin from irritating agents and prevents the appearance of rashes.

Indications of local remedy

Does zinc paste help with acne? The instructions say that this product helps dry out various rashes and, as a result, eliminate them.

It should also be noted that the medication in question can be used:

  • for dermatitis, diaper rash, herpes simplex;
  • diaper rash, burns, prickly heat;
  • exacerbation of eczema, ulcerative changes in the skin;
  • streptoderma, superficial wounds;
  • trophic ulcers, bedsores.


In what cases should a patient not be prescribed zinc paste? The instructions state that this remedy is contraindicated:

  • with hypersensitivity to its components;
  • acute purulent skin lesions.

Zinc paste for newborns: instructions

The medication in question is used only locally and externally. Its dosage and method of administration depend on the availability of appropriate indications.

How is zinc paste prescribed for newborns? The instructions indicate that when treating diaper rash in babies, before using the product, you need to thoroughly wash and dry the affected area.

If the child develops symptoms in the form of diaper rash or redness, the drug is applied about three times a day, as well as when changing diapers (if necessary).

How to treat acne?

Now you know how zinc paste is used. Instructions for children were presented above.

If the medication in question is needed to relieve acne, cuts, scrapes, or sunburn, then it is applied in a thin layer, and, if necessary, combined with a bandage.

It should be especially noted that this drug is applied only to uninfected and superficial areas of the skin. When using it for acne, it is advisable to pre-treat the skin with an antiseptic.

Side effects

The use of zinc paste very rarely causes side effects. Only in some cases, this remedy can contribute to the appearance of hypersensitivity reactions (for example, flushing, itching, rash).

Zinc paste, the instructions for use of which are required to be read by all patients, is intended for external use only.

According to experts, if after using this remedy the rash does not go away within 3 days, then you should consult a doctor.

Price and similar products

Zinc paste has a fairly low cost. One jar of this medicine costs about 35-50 rubles. If you were unable to purchase this product, then you can safely replace it with drugs such as Desitin, Diaderm, Tsindol, liniment. Before using the listed medications, you should carefully study the instructions.

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Zinc ointment or pasta. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Zinc ointment in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Zinc paste in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of acne (blackheads), dermatitis, diaper rash and heat rash in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Zinc ointment- has a drying, adsorbing, astringent and disinfectant effect. Reduces exudation and wetting, which relieves local inflammation and irritation.

Forms albuminates and denatures proteins. When applied to the affected surface of the skin, it reduces the severity of exudative processes, eliminates local manifestations of inflammation and irritation; has an adsorbing effect, forms a protective coating on the skin, which reduces the impact of irritating factors on it. Apply externally.


Zinc oxide + Excipients. The paste additionally contains petroleum jelly.


  • diaper dermatitis;
  • intertrigo;
  • prickly heat;
  • dermatitis;
  • ulcerative skin lesions;
  • superficial wounds;
  • eczema in the acute phase;
  • acne (pimples);
  • herpes simplex;
  • streptoderma;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • burns;
  • bedsores.

Release forms

Ointment for external use 10%.

Paste for external use 25%.

Instructions for use and method of use

Apply externally and locally. The dose and frequency of use depend on the indications and dosage form drug. Apply to affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

When treating burns and wounds, it can be used under a bandage. To prevent diaper rash in children, the ointment is applied to areas of the body that are in prolonged contact with wet underwear.

Side effect

  • skin itching;
  • hyperemia;
  • skin rash.


  • hypersensitivity to zinc oxide.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation under the supervision of a physician.

special instructions

Avoid contact with eyes.

Drug interactions

Absorption of the drug into the human body is minimal, so data on interaction with other medicines currently missing.

Analogues of the drug Zinc ointment

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Desitin;
  • Diaderm;
  • Tsindol;
  • Zinc oxide;
  • Zinc paste.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Zinc paste is an external medicinal product for use in dermatological practice. Refers to dermatoprotectors. It has an anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfecting and drying effect. Acts as an adsorbent. The trace element zinc and its various compounds (including zinc oxide - active substance zinc paste) has a long history of use in medicine. Of particular interest is its use as part of medicines for the treatment dermatological diseases. Zinc paste has found widespread use in pediatric practice, in particular to prevent the so-called. diaper dermatitis: the drug creates a protective barrier for urine and other biological fluids and irritating substances, relieves irritation and softens the skin. Prevents the release of hematogenous and histogenic fluid of inflammatory origin into the tissues and cavities of the body. Reduces the separation of serous exudate through epidermal defects during inflammation. Eliminates external inflammatory manifestations and relieves irritation. The active component of the drug, zinc oxide, in combination with the formative substance Vaseline, creates a physiological protective barrier on the surface of the skin, protecting the affected areas and preventing the appearance of skin rashes. Zinc paste is also effective as a first aid first aid with minor traumatic injuries skin(burns on small areas of the skin, scratches, abrasions, cuts, burns from excessive exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation). Contraindication to the use of zinc paste is individual intolerance active component drug or auxiliary ingredients.

Individual intolerance manifests itself allergic reactions(itching, redness, skin rashes). For external use only. For diaper dermatitis, the drug is used as follows. First of all, wash and dry the area where the zinc paste is to be applied. Then apply it to the skin with each diaper change (at least three times a day). The fastest therapeutic effect can be achieved with timely initiation of treatment (already at the first signs of hyperemia, weeping, exudation). For abrasions, scratches and ultraviolet burns, the paste is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer (you can use it under a bandage). Important condition: The surface for applying the paste must not be infected. About cases of overdose of zinc paste, as well as about the possibility of its interaction with other drugs, in medical literature not reported. Particular care should be taken to avoid contact of the paste with the eyes. If there is no therapeutic response (disappearance or reduction of the rash) after 2-3 days of using zinc paste, you should seek medical advice. medical consultation to the attending physician. The paste is packaged in primary packaging - aluminum tubes or jars (to protect the active component from exposure to sunlight, orange glass jars are used for packaging). Another area of ​​application for zinc paste is the elimination of common warts. Studies have shown that zinc paste is more effective in treating warts than salicylic ointment: after three months of use in the zinc paste group, complete cure was noted in 50% of patients, in the group salicylic acid- in 42% of patients.


It has a drying, adsorbing, astringent and disinfectant effect. Reduces exudation and wetting, which relieves local inflammation and irritation.

Release form

25 g - dark glass jars (1) - cardboard packs.
25 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
