What equipment is used and how is blood type and Rh factor determined at home? What is a blood type and where can you find it out? Theories of dubious nature

Do you know your blood type? How to do this and why can such knowledge be useful?

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that knowing your blood type is very important and necessary. Our life is quite unpredictable and no one is immune from situations in which the need for blood transfusion may arise. Determine blood type and Rh factor can the doctor, in the process special analysis blood.

The blood group, in itself, is a kind of identifier of an individual. It does not change throughout a person’s life and is passed on to the child from the parents.

A little bit of history

It is believed that the appearance of a particular blood group is directly related to nutrition. As people migrated and adapted to local foods, changes occurred in their digestion and immune system as new diseases had to be dealt with, all of which were reflected in the blood. Thus, each blood type contains genetic messages about the diet and behavior strategies of our ancestors, and we are still influenced by their inclinations and habits.

It is customary to allocate 4 blood types. Their appearance is associated with the four stages of human evolution. The first stage is the appearance of the first people, who all had the same blood group - first. The second stage is the transition to an agricultural method of obtaining food, the third is associated with the migration of African-type races to Europe, Asia, North and South America. And finally, when stirring various groups blood, a fourth appeared.

Blood group determination

These days it was open a large number of blood groups. But the “A-B-zero” (AB0) system is still taken as the basis. It is known that plasma contains antibodies, and red blood cells contain antigens. In human red blood cells, according to the above system, antigens A and/or B may be present or absent (0). And the blood plasma may or may not contain antibodies to antigens A and B.

According to the “A-B-zero” system, there are 4 main blood groups:

Group I (0)– agglutinins A and B are present in plasma, agglutinogens are not present in erythrocytes

Group II (A)– agglutinins B are present in plasma, and agglutinins A are present in erythrocytes

III group (B)– agglutinins A are present in plasma, and agglutinins B are present in erythrocytes

IV group (AV) – in plasma there are no agglutinins at all, but in erythrocytes agglutinins A and B are present

The concept of Rh factor

There is also such a thing as Rh factor. The Rh factor is essentially also a system of antigens, but it is not inherent in all people. The Rh factor can be positive or negative. A blood designation such as I(0) Rh-, for example, indicates the presence of the first blood group with a negative Rh factor. These data can be determined by taking a special blood test.

How to find out your blood type from your parents' blood type

Everyone knows that each of us receives 1 gene from our parents. If we assume that the mother has the fourth blood group (AB), and the father has the second blood group (A0), we can try to combine the options that are potentially possible in the child. If you take one gene from each parent, it turns out that their child can have any blood type, but with different chances. In probability, in this case, the second blood group wins.

IN modern world Most often, carriers of the first or second blood group are found. Most rare group blood is considered the fourth, since it occurs on average in only four out of a hundred people.

Tell me your blood type and I will tell you who you are!

In some countries, for example, in Japan, they believe that blood type can influence a person’s character.

I blood group: People with the first blood group more often have leadership qualities. They strive to achieve their goals by any means, believe in their own strengths more than others and have increased emotionality. Sometimes they are too ambitious, jealous and fussy.

Blood group II: Those with the second blood group are distinguished by their love of peace and order. These people are hard-working, tolerant and friendly. Their main weaknesses include the inability to relax and stubbornness.

III blood group: Those who have the third blood type are very capricious, do as they please in life. Sometimes their desire to be independent can transform into weakness. These people can adapt to any situation and have a good imagination.

IV blood group: Those with the fourth blood group are tactful, calm, fair and balanced. They know how and love to entertain others. However, they experience certain difficulties when the need arises to take a responsible step or make a decision.

There are often times in life when you simply need to know your... Mostly such information is needed when performing various operations and diagnosing various pathologies, the elimination of which involves blood transfusion.

An analysis to determine the patient’s blood type and Rh factor is mandatory event for women during pregnancy. Where can I find out my blood type, what is this procedure and is any special preparation required for it?

Blood group is determined by the presence or absence of two antigens A and B on the surface of red blood cells

From a biology course we know that blood type is considered a sign genetic predisposition. The surface is covered with special antigen proteins that determine a person’s hereditary trait. At the moment the immune system detects in its body types of proteins that are not characteristic of it, the process of active production begins.

The main property of proteins - antibodies is the fact that they are able to stick together and interact with foreign types of bodies. This is how natural protection is revealed immune system body. U different people Various combinations of such molecules are present. Their set is determined by genetic information, which children inherited from their parents.

Experts talk about the existence of two types of antigens in red blood cells, the interaction of which divides the entire population into blood groups - A-antigen and B-antigen. Thanks to the implementation special research it is possible to identify such antigens in the human body.

There are 4 blood groups, and each of them is distinguished by the presence or absence of a type of adhesive factor.

When performing an analysis, and is usually determined. This term refers to a special protein that may be present on the surface of red blood cells in the human body or completely absent.

If the presence of such a special protein is detected, this indicates a positive Rh factor, and if it is absent, it is positive. This protein is called an “antigen”, and its presence in the human body depends on group predisposition.

More information about blood groups can be found in the video:

The Rh factor is often determined in a child immediately after birth and does not change throughout his life. It is for this reason that patients are advised to know what Rh factor each family member has. The Rh factor, like the blood group, plays an important role during the blood transfusion procedure. In addition, the Rh factor in mandatory is determined during pregnancy, and it is this that underlies such a concept as.

This condition develops at the moment when the Rh-negative system of the expectant mother begins to actively produce antibodies to the red blood cells of her Rh-positive child. In fact, this pathological condition can cause such unpleasant complications as spontaneous miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death and the detection of severe pathologies.

Where and how can you find out your blood type?

There are some indications in which specialists can prescribe a patient a blood test to identify its group:

  • identification of incompatibility between the blood of mother and child, that is, the development of hemolytic disease
  • pregnancy and subsequent monitoring of the woman’s condition when diagnosing a negative Rh factor
  • establishing blood compatibility in preparation for a blood transfusion procedure

In order to conduct an analysis to determine the group and Rh factor, the patient must first obtain a referral from his general practitioner. Such an analysis can be performed not only for certain medical indications, but also for a person’s ordinary desire.After the doctor issues a referral, you must come to the laboratory within the next 2-3 days. You should have a syringe with you, your outpatient card and directions, but some labs ask you to bring rubber gloves.

To determine the blood group, it is carried out in morning time and definitely on an empty stomach. In addition, with the help of such a study it is possible to determine the presence of the Rh factor and possible other contraindications to blood transfusion. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to determine the possible compatibility of the studied material with all other groups.

The duration of such an analysis is approximately 1-2 days.

It is important to know that this procedure does not require compliance with any special training. It is recommended not to take medicines and drinking alcoholic beverages.

In some cases, specialists prescribe the patient to follow special diet, thanks to which it is possible to free the body from accumulated harmful substances, and the results obtained will be more accurate. Mostly, such preparation is prescribed to those women who are planning to conceive a child or are already pregnant.The best and in a simple way Finding out your blood type is considered a donation, that is, the test can be quickly carried out at a transfusion station.

Blood group compatibility

Despite the fact that blood groups differ from each other in the combination of antigens, sometimes there are still cases when blood is transfused from one person to another with different groups. This procedure is smooth and painless only when the recipient lacks the donor's antigens.

If the blood group and the recipient are incompatible, a pathological condition such as agglutination develops. This means that red blood cells stick together in the human body due to the interaction of antigens. This phenomenon occurs when a person with blood type B is transfused with the blood of a patient with blood type A.

The danger of this situation lies in the fact that agglutinated red blood cells cause clogging of blood vessels and create obstacles to normal blood circulation.

Such pathological process resembles thrombus formation, although it is provoked by completely different reasons.Broken red blood cells begin to lose hemoglobin, which becomes too toxic when outside the cells. All this can result in fatal consequences that are dangerous to human life.

In order to find out how to determine your blood type and where it can be done, it is recommended to contact your local physician. This procedure is considered quite simple and does not require any special preparation from the patient. Blood type and Rh factor play an important role during pregnancy, because when Rh conflict arises, rejection of the developing fetus begins. Unfortunately, medicine cannot cope with this, but it carefully monitors this situation.


Of course, it is very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, to establish a blood group without tests, but there is a possibility of such an establishment (but still, in the future, we recommend contacting a medical institution to clarify the results, because blood grouping at a professional level can only be done by specialists using special equipment with your blood).

Look at yours medical card, in case the previous action did not produce results.

Find out your parents' blood type. You should know that if both parents have I, II, etc. blood type, then accordingly the child born from them will have the same blood type. If one of the parents has I and the other, for example, II blood group, then the child can inherit one of them and, accordingly, have either group I or II.

Determine or clarify from the medical record extract which group characteristics your blood belongs to. Among these signs there are 0, A and B. Depending on this, determine your blood type. So, 00 is the first blood group, 0A is the second blood group, 0B is the third and AB is the fourth.

Remember, only a medical specialist in a special laboratory can correctly determine your blood type and Rh factor after examining your tests.

Video on the topic


Everyone is simply obliged to know their blood type and the blood group of their children and close relatives, because in case of unforeseen circumstances it is blood that may be needed to save you or your family, it is blood that will tell about your ailments and it is one of the essential elements in the structure of the human body.


  • how to find out my blood type

Every person is required to know their blood type, imagine if for some reason you urgently have to get a blood transfusion? For rescuers and military personnel, the blood type is indicated in a special place on the uniform. Do you know your blood type?

Few people know that there is data on more than a hundred different blood groups, but 4 main ones are still considered the main ones.

So. There are antigens on red blood cells, and antibodies in blood serum. Red blood cells may contain antigens A or B, but they may not be present that O. Thus, 3 variants of one gene can be distinguished. In the laboratory, the presence of genes is determined by reaction with control blood sera.

According to the ABO system, there are 4 blood groups:

Group I (O) plasma content of alpha and beta agglutins

Group II (A) plasma agglutin beta content

IV(AB) no agglutins

Groups are designated indicating the cutting factor, positive result which 85% of people have.

How to determine the blood type of an unborn child or find out your own using theory?

Each of us received one gene from our mother and father. Blood groups I and II are characterized by the content of antigens. Group II may contain AA antibodies or be combined with A0. The third group is a combination of BB and B0.

Let's give an example. For example, your father has the fourth blood group, and your mother has the first. You received antigen 0 from your mother, and antigens A or B from your father (probability percentage 50). This means you have either a second or third blood group.

The most common blood groups are the first and second, the rarest is the fourth.

Video on the topic

Blood group is a description of the individual (special) antigenic characteristics of red blood cells (erythrocytes), determined by the method of identifying specific proteins and carbohydrates found in the membranes of animal red blood cells.


Using an immunohematological study, the group and -factor can be determined. The surface of red formed elements (erythrocytes) contains antigens that determine the individual blood group passport for each person. There are 4 known blood groups: O (I), A (II), B (III) and AB (IV). A person's blood type does not change throughout his entire life.

Over 300 antigens have now been discovered in human blood. All blood elements, plasma proteins, tissues have their own individual antigenic structure. According to combinations of antigens found in red shaped elements, it is possible to determine over 1.5 million different blood groups.

The basis for all blood transfusions (blood transfusions) vital signs) are the determination of blood group according to the ABO system. The division into groups is based on the detection of agglutinogens (group antigens) A and B in erythrocytes, and in the blood serum, respectively, the determination of agglutinins (antibodies) a and b. When agglutinogens and agglutinins (A and a or B and b) are added, the agglutination reaction of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and their hemolysis or destruction occurs.

To determine a person’s blood group in a simple way, a laboratory doctor needs: 8 eye pipettes for each serum, bottles with sodium chloride solution and hemagglutinating serum of 4 blood groups in two series, a small plate. On the plate, blood groups are indicated with a wax pencil and 2 drops of the required standard serums are applied for two different series in 2 rows, according to the inscriptions. The laboratory technician adds the patient’s blood taken from a vein or finger to a drop of serum and mixes it with gentle shaking. For the study, the amount of blood taken is 10 times less than the amount of standard serum. The reaction is assessed after 5 minutes and then the blood group is determined by the presence of agglutination (formation of “sand” in the drop).

In an isoserological laboratory, a simple method for determining blood group is clarified by conducting a more accurate double cross reaction, which allows you to determine group antibodies a and b in the patient’s serum. Antibodies can be detected using red blood cells A and B (standard), taken from donors who have blood groups A (II) and B (III), respectively. Standard red blood cells are added to 2 separate drops of serum placed on plates. The result is determined after 5 minutes by the presence of an agglutination reaction, and then a conclusion is issued based on the patient’s blood type.

Video on the topic

Despite the presence modern methods determination of blood group using monoclonal antibodies; in hospitals, this procedure is most often carried out in the old proven way, using standard isohemagglutinating sera.

You will need

  • - 2 series of standard isohemagglutinating sera of groups I-III;
  • - 1 ampoule of blood group IV serum;
  • - isotonic sodium chloride solution;
  • - pipettes;
  • - glass slides;
  • - a clean white dry plate;
  • - wax chalk;
  • - scarifier;
  • - sterile cotton balls;
  • - alcohol.


Using a wax crayon, divide a white plate into 4 squares. Label them clockwise: I (0), II (A), III (B), IV (AB). Add a large drop of standard serums from both series into the corresponding squares. Leave sector IV (AB) empty.

Treat the pad with alcohol and with a sharp movement make a puncture in it with a scarifier. Remove the first drop with a cotton ball, the subsequent drops - from different corners of glass slides and transfer them into drops of serums of sectors I-III. The amount of blood should be 5-10 times less than the amount of serum.

Hold the plate by the edges with both hands and gently rock for 3 minutes. Then add a little isotonic sodium chloride solution to each drop of blood with serum and shake the plate again for 5 minutes.

Evaluate the results. Some formed flakes that did not dissolve even after adding saline solution, some remained unchanged. Serum from both series must be formed in the flakes, otherwise the test result is unreliable.

If there are no flakes in all three serums of both series, i.e. erythrocytes did not agglutinate, then the blood being tested belongs to group I (0). If agglutination is detected in sectors I and III, then blood is group II (A). With agglutination in sectors I and II, the blood belongs to group III (B).

If the red blood cells are agglutinated in all 3 sectors, then it can be assumed that the blood being tested belongs to group IV (AB). To check, add a drop of serum IV (AB) and a drop of blood into the 4 empty square. Conduct research using the method described above. Only if agglutination has not occurred in square 4, draw a conclusion that the blood belongs to group IV (AB).

If you get different combinations, try the test again under different conditions or with different reagents.

Video on the topic


Blood group determination is carried out in rooms with an air temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

The popularity of diets and approved foods based on blood type is increasing. Also, based on it, you can predict a person’s character, his hobbies and even his fate. You will definitely need to know your blood type if you are admitted to hospital. Therefore, it is worth thinking about this in advance.


There are four groups among more than six billion people. It depends on red blood cells - erythrocytes; there are special markers - antigens. Antigens and antibodies contained in plasma make it possible to determine blood So, the owners of the first group (0) have no antigens at all, but anti-A and anti-B antibodies. People with the second blood group (A) have A antigens and anti-B antibodies. The third blood group (B) is characterized by the presence of B antigens and anti-A antibodies. People with the fourth blood group (AB), which is considered the rarest, have a full set of antigens, but do not have antibodies at all.

You can determine a person's blood type by knowing the blood types of the parents. If you paid attention in genetics lessons, you know that the genotype of the first blood group will be 00, the second - A0 or AA, the third - B0 or ​​BB, the fourth - AB. It is easy to calculate that parents who have the first blood group can only produce a child with group 0; if one of the parents has the first blood group and the other has the second, then the resulting child can be either 00 or A0. The situation will look the same if the second parent has a third blood group: 00 or B0.

If one of the parents has the first and the other the fourth blood group, then the baby can be born with the second or third: A0 or B0. For mom and dad with the second and third blood groups, the result is completely unpredictable: it could be the first, second, third or fourth group. If parents have the second and fourth blood groups, then the children can be of any group except the first. A similar situation will be observed if one of the parents is of the third blood group, and the other is of the fourth.

Of course, this method of determining blood cannot be called reliable, since in many cases there may be several options. In order to accurately find out your blood type, it is better to contact any medical institution, where, after taking a test, they will be able to tell you exactly what blood type and Rh factor you are.

Each person has his own individual group blood, which does not change throughout life. It is necessary to know it to prevent serious consequences in case of urgent blood transfusion in case of an accident, during operations, during childbirth, in case of injuries associated with blood loss. There are several ways to find out your blood type.


Blood type remains the same throughout life. Among the methods of determining it, non-medical and medical are distinguished. Non-medical methods include methods based on the theory of heredity and assumptions. Blood type is a hereditary trait that is passed on from parents to children. If both parents have the first group, the child, besides this group, cannot inherit any other. The presence of parents of the second or third group will lead to the birth of a child with the first, second or third blood group. If one of the spouses has the first group, and the other has the second group, the probability of inheriting either of them is equal.

The next method of determination is based on the supposed ability of blood type to influence a person’s tastes in food. People who prefer to eat meat have the first blood group. Vegetable and cereal lovers have the second blood group. Those with the third blood group tend to consume dairy products. A love of food in general, indiscriminately, indicates the presence of a fourth blood group. It is believed that a person’s character can be used to determine his group affiliation. People with leadership qualities, who strive to achieve their goals by any means, believe in their own strengths, have increased emotionality, are jealous and fussy, and more often have the first blood type. Holders of the second blood group are distinguished by calmness, hard work, patience, goodwill, and stubbornness. People with the third blood group are willful, independent, have the ability to adapt to any situation, and have a good imagination. Tactful, calm, fair, balanced, able to entertain others, people who have difficulty making responsible decisions are the owners of the fourth blood group.

People often start thinking about their blood type when they experience health problems. But a person must know this important information about yourself and your family. During hospital treatment, doctors will conduct this study on their own, but in critical cases, where every minute counts, this information is extremely necessary. We will tell you how to determine your blood type at home.

How to determine blood type

In addition to emergency situations, knowledge of blood type and Rh factor is required to improve a person’s condition. For example, when making nutritional recommendations.

There are 3 main ways to find out what kind of blood:

  1. Submission of analysis to the laboratory.

This method is considered the most effective. The research is carried out at a professional level with special equipment. The advantage of the method is to obtain exact result.

  1. Donating blood for donation.

This method is both the most accurate and fastest. In addition, donating your blood can help patients.

  1. Conducting research at home or blood group tests.

No change necessary tests It is very difficult to correctly determine the blood type, but the determination method is likely to be accurate.

The advantage of the method is that it eliminates the need to go to the hospital. The only thing that is necessary is knowledge of the theory in the field biological sciences.

There is a special system of AB0 antigens. A blood group is a special combination of antigens and antibodies of the ABO system found on red blood cells. Agglutinins are antibodies found in plasma. They are used to determine group affiliation. α-agglutinin is characteristic of groups I and III, and β-agglutinin is characteristic of groups I and II. In erythrocytes, antigens A or B may be contained separately, together, or completely absent. From here there are 4 main groups:

  1. Group I. It is characterized by the content of 2 agglutinins in the plasma.
  2. Group II differs in the content of β-agglutinin.
  3. Group III is characterized by the content of α-agglutinin.
  4. Group IV – agglutinins are absent.

The fourth group is considered the rarest. The most common ones are the first and second groups.

Rh factor (Rh) is an antigen determined together with blood group. It can be positive and negative.

Methods for conducting blood group testing without testing

The easiest way to find out where your blood type is written is to look at the information in your passport. Most people have a stamp on it indicating the corresponding blood type and Rh factor. If such data is not in the passport, then you should look at the medical record.

The extract from the card must indicate group characteristics. Depending on them, the blood type can be determined. If 00 is indicated, then you have group I; 0A,AA – II; 0B, BB – III and AB – IV. It’s even easier to find out the Rh factor; there should be “+” or “-” at the top.

Remember! Only a specialized doctor will be able to correctly determine your group and Rh factor during testing.

How is blood type related to human taste preferences?

Some experts put forward several theories about the influence of blood type on people's taste preferences.

According to the research, they assigned certain classes of products to each group. So, by figuring out what you love most, you can predict your data.

Representatives of group I include lovers of meat products. II is characterized by a love of vegetables and various types porridge People who prefer dairy products belong to III. Have no obvious taste preferences representatives of group IV.

Blood type and psychology

There is an opinion that blood type affects a person’s character and abilities. Using this theory, you can compare your character.

A person with clearly expressed leadership qualities, tough character, and self-confident is a representative of the first group. The second category includes people who are calm, quiet and peaceful. The third characterizes bright, eccentric and sociable personalities. The character traits of representatives of the fourth group are much more difficult to identify; they are too versatile.

Important! These theories do not provide a complete picture of the required issue. Further application of information in medicinal purposes may harm your health.

How to find out the blood type and Rh factor of a child

It is possible to conduct a test to determine whether you belong to a certain blood group before the baby is born.

Everyone knows that every person inherits genes from their parents. A similar situation occurs in the case of this analysis. To determine it, it is enough to know the blood type of the father and mother. In this case, by going through all possible combinations, you can find out the child’s belonging to the group as a percentage.

As mentioned above, there are symbols for each group. Using them, you can obtain the necessary information. Of course, not all cases guarantee determination with 100% accuracy. But it is worth listing the possible combinations.

If both parents belong to the first group (00), second (AA) or third (BB), then with a 100% probability the child will have the same. In cases where one parent has I (00), and the other has II (AA) or III (BB), then the result is II (A0) or III (B0), respectively. The fourth group can be in a child whose one parent is with the second group (AA), and the other with the third (BB).

With the Rh factor the situation is much simpler. If both parents have a negative test, then the baby will have a similar test. In other cases, it is impossible to predict the result.

Attention! If the father has a positive Rh factor and the mother has a negative Rh factor, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Innovative methods for determining blood type and Rh factor at home

To date, scientists from Austria have developed unique way carrying out an at-home test that will help you quickly find out your blood type. They did very serious work. The method promises not only an accurate result, but also ease of implementation in general.

To do this manipulation at home, you only need a small test strip and a drop of blood. In just a few minutes you will have finished result.

This innovation will allow you to avoid waiting for the test and the result itself in the hospital. Time often plays an important role in this matter.

Home test for Rh factor

Specialists from Denmark are also keeping up with innovations. Express cards developed by them are under trade name Eldoncard allows you to significantly reduce the processing of this analysis. Moreover, they can be used in emergency situations in hospitals, educational institutions and at home.

It is based on improved types of “dry” monolocal reagents. With their help, you can determine AB0 antigens and Rhesus status together and separately.

The analysis does not require specially trained personnel, laboratories or equipment. All you need is water or saline. solution.

Procedure for conducting the study:

  1. Add a drop of water to each circle with the reagent.
  2. Take the blood and apply it to a special stick.
  3. Apply to the card and wait 1.5-2 minutes.

Attention! After interpreting the result, it is necessary to apply a protective film to the test for its complete safety (up to 3 years).

The rapid test has a wide storage temperature range. It has undergone numerous tests in various environments, in emergency situations, has certification in Russia.

As a result, if you are simply interested in finding out your blood type and the research process itself, then be sure to use the instructions given in the article. Otherwise, you should contact a medical institution to get an accurate result. In any case, whatever the reasons, it is quite possible to do some kind of analysis at home yourself!

Blood is one of the most important tissues in the human body, performing many vital functions. necessary functions. It accounts for 7-8% of the total body weight. At the same time, not every person understands that you need to know everything about your blood. Where can I find out and how to decrypt? After all, everyone needs this information, so it’s worth getting important information about where to go diagnostic test, and how to put your blood type in your passport.

Why is this data needed?

Many people still don't understand why everyone should have maximum amount information about your health. And the first of the necessary data is the Rh factor and group.

  • When preparing for pregnancy, information is required from both partners in order to reduce the risks of Rh conflict in the early stages.
  • During transfusion, since today clinics try to carry out the procedure only with identical indicators in order to reduce the risks of rejection.
  • Before surgery or organ or bone marrow transplantation.

Anyone can find themselves in a situation where this information is needed to receive an emergency medical care when seconds count. Therefore, many are now trying to put their blood type in their passport and be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

Flask with biomaterial

IN traditional medicine There are 4 types of blood, designated in official documents as:

  • 0 – first group;
  • A – second;
  • B – third;
  • AB – fourth group.

There are two separate Rh factors: positive (+) and negative (-). Ignorance of blood characteristics can lead to serious and life-threatening consequences.

What documents contain this information?

Many people have no idea where their blood type is written. The first document in which health information is stored is certificates received at birth. All newborns must have a health card. This medical document contains the Apgar score that the child receives at birth, a note about blood, weight, height and the results of examinations by specialists. Parents are strongly advised to keep the card, for example, to redirect from one clinic to another when moving.

This information can be placed on an insurance certificate, military ID and even a passport. However, it often happens that a child’s card is lost, and you need to find out the blood characteristics.

Where can I find out my blood type for free?

Today, a free test for blood characteristics can be guaranteed free of charge upon admission to ambulatory treatment to a clinic that involves transfusion or surgical intervention.

Clinical sampling of biomaterial

It is worth noting that in several regions, the group and Rh factor can be determined free of charge when visiting the clinic to which the person is assigned. Information on specific medical institution can be obtained either by telephone or directly at the reception. Some companies operating under a health insurance contract include in the list of services provided under the policy free services and blood group test.

Another way to check the data is to go to a transfusion station or blood center, but donation is a prerequisite here. Today, the field of donation is actively developing, and it is already an honor to be a donor.


In addition, there is always the option of contacting any medical Center, take a test for a fee to get information about your blood. The obtained data can be included in the passport at the request of the patient.

Important! For getting complete information It is recommended to contact the clinics directly.

Where is the blood type indicated on the military ID?

One of the documents that must necessarily contain a mark on blood characteristics is a military ID. This document is strictly mandatory for all males and females serving for military registration. Wherein most of people are not even aware that this document contains such information. And many do not know on which page in the military ID the blood type can be found.

Military ID

The stamp with the group and Rh factor is in the eighth section - “special marks”. Many people have a doctor’s note in this place, but keeping of this document Not all parts allow such design. Also in this section may be indicated as belonging to Cossack society or a personal recommendation from the commander of a military unit for non-competitive enrollment.

If information about blood is not provided in this section, an administrative fine may be issued.

How to find out your blood type from your passport?

According to modern laws, a person can at will make a note about the group and Rh factor in the internal passport. This government decree came into force on February 18, 2014.

Now the question of how to find out your blood type in your passport does not cause any difficulties. This information is strictly on page 18 of the internal document. Here you can find out your TIN. Page 19, on which many doctors until recently mistakenly put the required stamp, is reserved for information about the issuance of a foreign document and about previous passports.

To enter blood data into a passport, you can contact a therapist, the medical center to which the person is attached, or private clinics that have received a license to provide medical services.

As for the question of where the blood type is in a foreign passport, there is a clear answer to this question: today, in a foreign passport, such data is not indicated by law, since all the information is contained in the main document.

Is it possible to find out your blood type without leaving home?

Often, documents in which you can see the necessary information are lost or become unusable. But many people simply refuse to go to the hospital to obtain such data. And then the question arises, is there a possibility?

On this moment Almost any pharmacy sells so-called rapid tests. With their help, you can determine the blood characteristics of both yourself and your child.

Important! Before performing the test at home, you must comply with all sterility requirements so as not to introduce an infection into the blood!

To conduct such a home mini-analysis you will need:

  1. Buy the express test itself. Its package includes: auto-needle, special disinfectant solution or a napkin, necessarily instructions, a specialized strip for applying blood and an example card for comparison with the results.
  2. Treat the surface on which the test is performed. It is recommended to use antibacterial agents or alcohol.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
  4. Open the solution or disinfectant wipe and treat the area where the piercing is being performed.
  5. Make a puncture using the auto-needle included in the test, wait until a drop forms, which you need to collect in a pipette, and then blot the wound with a napkin.
  6. Apply the collected biomaterial from a pipette onto a specialized strip.
  7. Wait the amount of time specified in the instructions and compare the result with the attached example card.

Defining a group at home

Carrying out such a rapid analysis allows us to get closer to laboratory conditions. The result obtained during the test is correct in 97% of cases.

Blood type and Rh factor are information that every person should have. Today there are many ways to get the information you need. Having found out your data, it is recommended to protect yourself and enter the obtained characteristics into your health card, medical insurance and even an internal state passport. To learn more about the topic, watch the video:


Prescription of immunoglobulin for Rhesus conflict, indications and contraindications
