What you need to know the blood group. Where to find out blood types: your own and your child, free methods and express methods. Home test to determine the Rh factor


Unforeseen events happen in a person's life, on which his life depends. In medical terms, there is often a need for a blood transfusion, and for this it is important to know exactly the type, Rh factor, in order to avoid death. You can define them using medical tests with 100% accuracy. This data is a kind of identifier of the individual.

How and where to find out your blood type

Differences in blood type in humans exist due to the different composition of antibodies, antigens in plasma. Medicine has adopted the AB0 classification system (read "a", "b", zero). There are four main types from 1 to 4, but scientists have created another zero group, which is equally well suited for transfusion to all people, is universal. Also, a person has a positive or negative Rh factor - Rh + and Rh-. They are designated as follows:

  • 1st - 0 (I);
  • 2nd - A (II);
  • 3rd - B (III);
  • 4th - AB (IV).

It is believed that A2 is the most popular on the entire planet, and the 4th is recognized as the rarest, the first is the best donor and suits all other people. There are several ways to determine the type of blood, but they are all laboratory tests that differ only in the method of determination, the technique of isolation. Analyzes have high precision Therefore, there is no fundamental importance in the choice of methodology.

With the help of analyzes

In any large hospital with good equipment, the blood type is determined without problems. For this, the composition, structure of the sample, the ratio of white (leukocytes) and red (erythrocytes) blood cells to the amount of plasma are studied. This takes just a few minutes. For this there are two standard method, which differ only in the features of the study, the cost of the procedure. Any private laboratory or city clinic can conduct tests. average cost procedures - 500 rubles.


In this case, monoclinal antibodies coliclones are used in the determination. They were created with genetic engineering and laboratory sterile mice. In contrast to the method of determination using sera, coliclones have high avidity and activity. Due to this, a pronounced agglutination reaction occurs faster. The main components are the antigens by which the results are determined. These include:

  • anti-A;
  • anti-B;
  • anti-AB;
  • anti-0;

Standard sera

Another option is to use standard serums. The algorithm is based on the adhesion reaction (agglutination). The formed lumps in the sample indicate the presence of agglutinogen A and agglutinin alpha or Agglutinogen B and agglutinin beta, there are cases when everything is present at once. Serums contain in advance agglutinins of groups I, II and III, the reaction with which makes it possible to determine the group number by color and lumps.

At home

You can determine the blood type at home on your own using a special kit. Its cost is at the level of 150 rubles, suitable for one test. It includes, as a rule, a needle and a cardboard card with fields on which you need to carefully add a drop. Use a new toothpick for each field to ensure that the test fluid does not mix at the tip. In which of the fields sticking (agglutination) occurred, that type belongs to you.

Another way is to carefully study medical card. Often, during analyzes taken in childhood, they determine the group, the Rh factor, and then enter the information on the card. Recently, you can find out the blood type from a new sample passport. These data are available only if there is a corresponding column in the document. You will be able to find out your indicators for free when you take tests at a donor point: the definition of these data is compulsory procedure at the fence.

Table: what blood type will the child have

In some cases, paternity can be determined. The kinship test is not completely accurate and can only give preliminary results. In addition, it is carried out only when the baby is born and it will be possible to carry out a fence for analysis. Thanks to Gregor Mendel, you can find out the blood type of a child before he is born. It is based on his theory and laws of inheritance. The table gives only the percentage possible.

Blood group mum + dad

Child's blood type, % probability

Blood is one of the most important tissues in the human body, performing many vital functions. necessary functions. It accounts for 7-8% of the total body weight. At the same time, not every person understands that you need to know everything about your blood. Where to find out and how to decrypt? After all, everyone needs this information, so it’s worth getting important information about where to go diagnostic study, and how to put the blood type in the passport.

Why is this data needed?

Many still do not understand why everyone should have maximum amount information about your health. And the first of the necessary data is the Rh factor and the group.

  • When preparing for pregnancy, information is required from both partners in order to reduce the risks of Rhesus conflict already at the first stages.
  • In transfusion, because today clinics try to only perform the procedure with identical indicators in order to reduce the risks of rejection.
  • Before surgical operation or transplantation of organs, bone marrow.

Anyone can get into a situation where this information is needed to obtain an emergency medical care when seconds count. Therefore, many are now trying to put the blood type in the passport and be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

Flask with biomaterial

V traditional medicine There are 4 types of blood, designated in official documents as:

  • 0 - the first group;
  • A - the second;
  • B - the third;
  • AB - the fourth group.

Two Rh factors stand out separately: positive (+) and negative (-). Ignorance of the characteristics of blood can lead to serious and life-threatening consequences.

What documents contain this information?

Many do not even suspect where they write the blood type. The first document in which health information is stored is certificates received at birth. All newborns must have a health card. This medical document contains the Apgar score that the child receives at birth, a note on blood, weight, height, and the results of examinations by specialists. Parents are strongly advised to keep the card, for example, to redirect from one clinic to another when moving.

This information can be put in the insurance certificate, military ID and even a passport. However, it often happens that the children's card is lost, and you need to find out the characteristics of the blood.

Where can I find out my blood type for free?

Today, a free analysis for blood characteristics can be guaranteed free of charge upon admission to ambulatory treatment to a clinic that provides transfusion or surgical intervention.

Clinical sampling of biomaterial

It is worth noting that in several regions it is possible to determine the group and the Rh factor for free when contacting the clinic to which the person is attached. Information on a specific medical institution can be obtained either by phone or directly at the reception. Individual firms operating under a medical insurance contract include in the list of those provided under the policy free services and a blood type test.

Another way to check the data is to contact a transfusion station or a blood center, but here a prerequisite is donation. Today, the field of donation is actively developing, and even now it is an honor to be a donor.


In addition, there is always the option to contact any medical center, to take an analysis for a fee to get information about your blood. The data obtained at the request of the patient can be put in the passport.

Important! For getting complete information It is recommended that you contact the clinic directly.

Where is the blood type indicated on the military ID?

One of the documents in which without fail there should be a mark on the characteristics of the blood - a military ID. This document is strictly mandatory for all males and females in the service for military registration. Wherein most of people do not even suspect that this document contains such information. And many do not know on which page in the military card the blood type can be found.

Military ID

The stamp with the group and the Rh factor is in the eighth section - "special marks". Many in this place have a record by the doctor's hand, but maintaining this document not all parts allow such design. Also in this section can be marked belonging to Cossack society or a personal recommendation from the commander of a military unit for out-of-competition enrollment.

If blood information is not included in this section, an administrative fine may be issued.

How to find out the blood type on the passport?

According to modern laws, a person can own will make a note about the group and the Rh factor in the internal passport. This government decree came into force on February 18, 2014.

Now the question of how to find out your blood type in the passport is not difficult. This information is strictly on page 18 of the internal document. Here you can find your TIN. Page 19, on which many doctors until recently put the right stamp by mistake, is reserved for information about the issuance of a foreign document and previous passports.

To enter blood data into the passport, you can contact a general practitioner, the medical center to which the person is attached, or private clinics licensed to provide medical services.

As for the question of where the blood group is in a foreign passport, there is an unequivocal answer to this question: today, such data is not indicated in a foreign passport by law, since all information is contained in the main document.

Is it possible to find out the blood type without leaving home?

Often, documents in which you can see the necessary information are lost or become unusable. And many people simply refuse to go to the hospital to obtain such data. And then the question arises, is there a possibility?

On the this moment almost any pharmacy sells so-called rapid tests. With their help, you can determine the characteristics of the blood for yourself and the child.

Important! Before conducting a test at home, you must comply with all sterility requirements so as not to introduce an infection into the blood!

To conduct such a home mini-analysis, you will need:

  1. Buy your own express test. It is included in its package: auto-needle, special disinfectant solution or a napkin, necessarily instructions, a specialized strip for applying blood and an example card for comparison with the results.
  2. Treat the surface on which the test is being carried out. It is recommended to use antibacterial agents or alcohol.
  3. Wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
  4. Open the solution or disinfectant wipe and treat the area where the puncture is performed.
  5. Make a puncture using the auto-needle inserted in the test, wait until a drop is formed, which must be drawn into the pipette, and then blot the wound with a napkin.
  6. Apply the collected biomaterial from a pipette onto a specialized strip.
  7. Wait for the amount of time specified in the instructions, and compare the result with the attached sample card.

Determination of the group at home

Conducting such a rapid analysis allows you to get closer to laboratory conditions. The result obtained during the test is correct in 97% of cases.

Blood type and Rh factor - this is the information that every person should have. Today there are many ways to get the information you need. Having learned your data, it is recommended to protect yourself and enter the obtained characteristics into the health card, medical policy and even an internal state passport. To learn more about the topic, watch the video:


Appointment of immunoglobulin in Rh conflict, indications and contraindications

Each person has a certain set of indicators that distinguish him from other personalities. This applies to hair color, eyes, body structure and body structure, as well as height and weight.

One of the most important indicators for life is the blood group and the Rh factor - a combination of signs that determine the properties of the human body.

Often a person needs to urgently get to know a group in difficult life situations.

Usually, this information is familiar to everyone by older age, but what if the type is still not known? There are several ways to determine the blood type without resorting to laboratory tests.

Why know the blood type and Rh factor?

The blood type is an invariable sign of a person throughout life. Regardless of nationality, gender and age, it is inherited and represents a set of specific properties that are individual for each.

In total, science knows 4 groups, each of which determines compatibility for the rest.

This happens thanks to protein metabolism, therefore, only the required type is allowed to transfuse red liquid to another person.

Consider the importance of knowing this information:

  1. Transfusion. No one is immune from the tragic situations that occur today, when an unconscious person urgently needs a blood transfusion.

    The doctor must determine the group in order to select a compatible analogue.

    It is worth noting that the owners of type 1 can become donors for any person, and a person with group 4 can accept any blood.

  2. Establishment of paternity and kinship. Important genetic expertise also requires this information.
  3. Planning for pregnancy. During the period of gestation, a woman sometimes encounters the concept of Rh incompatibility, which means positive and negative group with two parents.

    Then the pregnant woman needs to be tested for antibodies. Also, doctors often suggest introducing serum from the Rhesus conflict.

The Rh factor is determined by the presence of red blood cell proteins: this indicator is often inherited. Correctly identified blood type will help save lives in emergency situations.

Determine the blood type at home

Most young people want to independently determine their group, while the guys do not want to go to the laboratory. People with health problems also have to think about the indicators.

Then several methods come to the rescue to help find out belonging at home:

  1. Study of documents. The easiest way to find out what you want is by passport.

    In some documents, this information is given by seal, where the group is indicated: the 0 sign indicates that the person has type 1, the AA sign symbolizes the second group; BB is the third, and the combination of the letters AB is the fourth blood type.

    You can also find out about this information without tests by the policy number by calling the clinic and requesting the results of the medical card.

  2. The nature. As you know, each category of people with a certain type has a variety of behavioral traits.

    The first type is distinguished by a firm character, the second - by softness and peacefulness. People with the third type are active and sociable, the owners of the fourth type are multifaceted and versatile personalities.

  3. Innovative methods. A few years ago, Australian scientists invented special test strips that show the identity of the blood.

    The innovation contains a narrow indicator strip, on which you need to drop a red liquid. This helps to avoid long hours waiting for results in the clinic.

V laboratory conditions, for example, when blood is needed urgently, before the operation, doctors use the method of standard sera, as well as the use of monoclinal coliclones.

Important! It is better to know your type in advance and always have with you this information: in critical situations of saving the patient, the doctor will need at least 30 minutes for the procedure.

In Russia, you can find special express cards developed in Denmark - they allow you to quickly determine the type of blood using water and containers with liquids.

Home test to determine the Rh factor

Together with determining the type of blood, it is necessary to know the Rh factor - information is important for all the above cases: during pregnancy, transfusion, before operations, in emergency situations.

Note! Rhesus is determined by the presence of a special gene - agglutinogen. According to statistics known to science, 85% of mankind have a positive Rh factor.

This indicator in humans is formed at the stage of development inside the womb. It does not change throughout life.

The method for determining the factor without analysis is presented below:

How to find out the blood type of a child?

Pregnant women, being in the process of bearing a fetus, as well as girls who have recently given birth, seek to independently find out the type of blood of a child without puncturing his delicate skin.

This can be done, but the probability of accuracy will not be high. For this, a special table created by scientists is used.

It indicates the options for the type of blood of the parents, based on the combination of which the group of the baby is found out.

Several features of the technique:

  1. If dad and mom have the first positive group, then the baby is guaranteed to have the same type.
  2. The combination of groups 1 and 2, as well as 1 and 3, indicate the presence of one of the types in a child.
  3. If the spouses have 4 blood types, the baby will have any group except the first.
  4. It is believed that knowing the group and the Rh factor of the parents, you can determine the sex of the unborn child.

Human blood consists of a set of cells, enzymes, erythrocytes, which makes it possible to make each person on the planet individual.

If leukocytes increased in the results during the laboratory test, there is internal inflammation, you should consult a doctor.

Useful video

Everyone should know their blood type and their relatives. After all, it is she who can save you or your loved ones in case of unforeseen situations. Blood can tell about your ailments, and it is also one of essential elements in the structure of man. The most accurate and reliable way to determine the blood type can be medical worker in a special laboratory. When choosing such specialists, it is worth choosing laboratories located in medical centers. The accuracy of determining the blood type depends on the equipment, qualifications of health workers. We offer you several options where you can take such tests.


Since 1995 he has been offering his paid services Muscovites, this network of multidisciplinary private licensed medical centers. Their diagnostic laboratories equipped with modern equipment that meets all necessary standards. More than 650 types of analyzes are carried out in the laboratory. Therefore, you can rest assured that the blood type will be determined accurately here. At the same time, you will appreciate the service, high quality of services. For pricing information, please visit the clinic's website.


Independent laboratory "INVITRO" is a network of clinics in Moscow, other cities and countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine). All of them diagnostic centers provide wide range services, more than 1 thousand types of research, the results of which are recognized and appreciated by all medical institutions in our country. Of course, you can find out here your blood group according to the ABO system. Such a procedure does not take much time and is inexpensive (within 300 rubles).


Medical Center "Healer" is engaged in both treatment and effective prevention diseases. He cooperates with major metropolitan medical laboratories. Here you can submit various analyzes, incl. you can pass general and highly specialized tests in the "urgent" mode, in a short time to determine the blood type, Rh factor. The cost of such services can be found at help phone or at the medical center.

In a person's life, there may be situations in which you need to find out what type of blood he has - preparation for any operation, donation, including emergency. Despite the fact that everyone should know such information about themselves and their loved ones, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this elementary knowledge. Therefore, we will figure out how to find out the blood type, existing ways and what is required for this.

What are the types of blood

Before moving on to the definition of blood groups and the Rh factor, let's talk about what these concepts mean.

In medicine, there are 4 types of blood. They differ from each other in the presence of antibodies and antigens. Based on the combination in which they are located on erythrocytes, they determine belonging to a particular group. Discovered great amount antigens, but worldwide accepted single system AB0. In addition, a person can have one of two Rh (antigen) positive or negative. These parameters are formed during the development of the fetus in the womb and do not change until the end of life.

Groups are designated not only by numbers, but also by letters:

Groups Designation Differences
I 0 or 00 Differs in the content of both agglutinins. This type is suitable for everyone. It is believed that this is the oldest group that the first people had.
II A or 0A It contains only β agglutinin. Suitable for transfusion to representatives of the second and fourth. The place of origin is Europe, about 25 thousand years ago. Since then, a lot of time has passed, the spread has occurred around the world, due to the migration of the population.
III V or 0V Agglutinin α is detected. Suitable for people with the third and fourth. It is believed that it arose about 15 thousand years ago, and the representatives belong to the Mongoloid race. Spread across Europe and Asia.
IV AB This type is distinguished by the absence of agglutinins. It is the rarest, due to its late occurrence (about a thousand years ago).

Rh factor (RH) is a special antigen that is detected along with the group. It is either positive or negative. The last Rh factor of the blood is more common.

As a result of research, it was found that there is a connection between diseases and blood type. Based on what blood type the patient has, he is prescribed a special diet, with which you can more effectively cope with overweight and avoid the occurrence of many diseases. During pregnancy, it matters what RH both parents have.


Among the methods of how to find out your group and RH, there is the very first one that does not require much effort - it's just to look in a new sample passport or medical record. The designation can be both numbers and letters. Near RH will be "+" (positive) or "-" (negative). If such data are not available, then you should move on to other methods for determining blood groups.

A relatively quick and not difficult way to determine a blood type is, of course, taking an analysis in a clinic. Also, a study on the blood type and Rh is carried out during donation.

The most popular technique for determining the blood group with standard sera. They are prepared from an untested blood sample, isolating plasma with antibodies in it, for subsequent mixing with isotonic sodium chloride solution. Assessment of agglutination is carried out as early as three minutes after the start of the interaction of sera.

A prerequisite is the temperature of the room: 15-25 0 С.

The next method for determining the blood group and Rh factor is performed using monoclinal coliclones. They are more avid than the sera used in the first method, i.e. agglutination reaction occurs faster.

In the study of RH, sera with the same type of AB0 as in the patient are used, as well as special anti-Rhesus antibodies. Mixing takes place in a Petri dish.

Where can you find your blood group? A blood group test and Rh determination can be taken at your district clinic or any private clinic. The analysis is also carried out with emergency cases in hospitals before surgical intervention so that if a transfusion is needed, the necessary donor blood is at hand.

Is it possible to find out without analysis

Not everyone wants to go to the clinic, stand in line to donate blood, so these people are interested in the question of how to find out the blood group without tests. This is especially true for children. Of course, they are the same as the rest, so the methods for determining the blood type do not differ from adults, but inheritance from parents can be predicted. It is believed that if mom and dad have the first group, then with 100% probability the child will be born with the same type. In parents with the first, second and third, the baby is equally likely to inherit any of them. The fourth may be for those whose parent is with the third, and the second with the fourth. There is a table of Gregor Mendel, which allows you to determine the parameters even before birth.

With the determination of the Rh factor of blood, everything is a little simpler. If mom and dad have a negative, then the son or daughter will have the same. All other options involve both positive and negative. Sometimes paternity is determined by blood parameters. This information is not very accurate, because. can only give preliminary results.

Sometimes the type differs from the parent, so a DNA test is needed to establish the relationship.

Apart from laboratory tests, there are tests to determine the blood type. They help determine the blood type at home. To check your type, you only need a special strip on which a drop of blood is applied. The result will be ready in a few minutes. There is another home test for which you need to apply a small amount on a special cardboard with margins. Whichever field shows agglutination is your type.

We learn by psychological characteristics and preferences

There are suggestions that you can recognize your group and relatives by character. Representatives of the first type are characterized by a strong character, self-confidence and a penchant for leadership. People with the second type, on the contrary, are soft, calm and peaceful. The third type is found in people who are sociable, cheerful, active. But representatives of the fourth type cannot be characterized by a specific word - they combine different inclinations. So if you do not yet know what type your relatives belong to, then you can try to figure it out yourself, and then compare the results.

What other ways are there to determine the blood type without tests? There is a theory that the blood type is determined with the help of food preferences. fans meat products rank as I, lovers of vegetables and cereals as II, those who like dairy most often have III, and IV does not stand out for a special love for a particular type of food.

Despite the fact that these conclusions were made by scientists as a result of numerous observations, you should not rely only on these data, because. they may be wrong. It is best to find out your blood type in a proven way.

Now science can offer us ways to determine the blood group as in medical laboratories, as well as at home. This is a great progress, allowing you to conduct express tests that take a minimum of time. Of course, while additional improvements are being made that will make the analysis more accurate, but over time, the determination of blood groups will become easier, many will get rid of unwanted trips to the clinic.

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