Sheltie dog description. Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie as an ideal dog breed with an amazing character. Eye and ear care

Sheltie dog leads its amazing pedigree from ancient times. A beautiful legend about its existence for more than 3 thousand years is more like fiction than truth. Origin from the Shetland Islands of Scotland is the only reliable fact of the source of the breed.

During long breeding processes, crossbreeding of breeds was carried out. And only since the beginning of the twentieth century, when mixing sheltie and collie received a standard with a beautiful appearance and aristocratic manners. Since then, a smaller copy of the Rough Collie has appeared.

Features of the breed and character

Relatives in the distant past sheltie acted as shepherd dogs. Their main features were intelligence, endurance and courage. In the future, the breed began to belong to a trained domestic species.

Possessing a loving, calm, patient and delicate nature, they have earned the love and recognition of many breeders. respect the peace of the owner, do not disturb him at the time of rest by barking or asking to play.

These are real intellectuals with a special charm. Their smile, slightly baring their teeth, looks pretty and can win the heart of any person.

Pets feel good, both in a small and in a large apartment. The family chooses one beloved owner, to whom they show their most sincere feelings, peering intently into the eyes. However, they obey and respect other household members.

The mobile and active breed is ready to execute any command at the first word. They are excellent guards, able to protect the house in the absence of the owners. Distrust of strangers is manifested in the refusal of treats and affection.

For children presence in the family sheltie this is an invaluable find. An optimistic character is able to play and indulge with small household members from morning to night. The most important thing is that it does not cross the line of play and protection, and will not bite even if you pull its tail, or accidentally step on its paw.

Noble habits are seen during their rest, in the manner of a sophisticated crossing of the front paws. Sheltie in the photo his graceful gait captivates the eyes of passers-by.

breed standard

Previously, there were many breed standards that were created by various kennel clubs. However, in 1965 a standard was created that is still in effect today.

Sheltie characteristics starts with a general appearance which represents a small longhaired dog with an ideal height of 35.5 cm for females and 37 cm for males, with a tolerance of 2.5 cm.

Detailed standard sheltie represents the following options:

- Head and skull. The shape of the head in the form of a long blunt wedge tapers from the ears to the nose. Flattened skull, without pronounced occiput. Muzzle with skull of equal length, with a dividing center at the inner corner of the eyes. The cheekbones imperceptibly pass into a round muzzle. Nose, lips and eyelids dark.

- Mouth. Strong and straight jaws. Healthy, well-placed 42 teeth have a scissor bite. The upper row of teeth tightly covers the lower one, they are evenly spaced.

- Eyes. Dark brown. Medium-sized almond-shaped, set obliquely. Pigmented eyelids.

- Ears. Small ears located high on the top of the head are located nearby. In a relaxed state, they are slightly laid back. During alertness, they lean forward slightly and are in a semi-standing state.

- Neck. Sufficient length of the neck is hidden under the abundance of wool. Its arched and muscular structure gives the dog the ability to proudly carry its head.

– Torso. Slightly long from shoulder to buttock in relation to height at withers. The chest reaches to the elbow. The abducted ribs taper towards the elbows at the bottom, thereby allowing the forelimbs to move easily. The horizontal back smoothly passes into the lower back. The croup slopes gently towards the rear.

- Forelimbs. Muscular and straight with strong bone. Flexible and strong metatarsus. Well spaced shoulder blades create optimal volume for the chest. The scapula and humerus are the same length.

- hind limbs. Muscular and wide hips are located in the pelvis at a right angle. When viewed from behind, the metatarsus is straight. The knee joints have a clear angle.

- paws. Oval shape with developed pads and tightly pressed fingers.

- Tail. Set on low, rising to the tip but not curled. When the dog moves, it rises slightly, not exceeding the level of the back.

- Wool. The outer coat is represented by a double texture. The upper coat is long, straight and coarse (left), the lower coat is short, dense and soft. Plentiful feathers and mane. Above the metatarsus on the hind limbs there is wool.

— Color: Marble - silver-blue color with black spots; Tricolor - the presence of black and red shades; Sable - from golden to bright red; Bicolor - a combination of black and white or black and red.

- Gait. Graceful, covering space with minimal effort when walking. Without signs of amble and stiffness in movements.

Care and maintenance

The pet feels great in any home environment. The only and main factor for his comfortable stay is compliance with a certain temperature regime, which affects wool. Unpretentious care comes down to 2-3 single combing during the week. During the shedding period, it is necessary to comb out daily.

sheltie obligatory daily active movement from 2 to 3 hours in the form of walks on fresh air. While playing with a dog on the street, you can also train, learn commands and tricks.

Bathe your pet as soon as it gets dirty. Especially after careful combing and molting. The condition of the eyes is monitored daily. Sour eyes are washed with weak tea leaves.

With severe souring, tearing and redness, you need to see a doctor. Ears are cleaned approximately 2-3 times a month. If necessary, preventive teeth cleaning is carried out to avoid tartar, caries and gum disease.

Overgrown claws are trimmed, and sharp edges are smoothed out with a nail file. Paw pads are inspected daily for wounds and cracks. The dog needs mandatory and preventive vaccination. Visit the veterinarian every six months.


Growing up sheltie puppy you need 3-4 meals a day with a variety of nutrients that contribute to the proper formation of internal organs and body parts.

The menu must have meat products that make up 50% of the daily diet. In raw form, one of the types of meat is included daily: chicken, beef or offal. The meat product is boiled with boiling water before use.

Rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, which are given in a mixed form. Very rarely you can give millet or barley porridge. Of the fruits and berries, the most common are: strawberries, apricots, raspberries, grapes.

In winter, pets feast on dried fruits. From dairy products, you can give yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir. Chicken and quail raw yolk is good for the dog's body.

A single serving of food should be small and mushy. Drinking water should be changed every day. Depending on the physiological state of the pet, the diet also changes. Puppies, adult and pregnant bitches need calcium.

During active loads the diet is supplemented with selenium, vitamins E and C. Nutrition adult dog divided into 2-3 doses. When feeding dry food, the recommended amount of food should be carefully observed so as not to overfeed and avoid excess weight.

Possible diseases

sheltie boasts good health and excellent immunity. However, there is a possibility of hereditary diseases, eye defects and a tendency to dislocate the knees.

Prominent redness and flaking of the skin severe itching indicates a dermatosis that affects the muscles, leads to intense hair loss and death of the pet. Drowsiness and lethargy, with external change coat and skin - a sign of hypothyroidism.

Sheltie breed predisposed to the following diseases:

  • Distichiasis;
  • Dystrophy of the corneas of the eyes;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • Entropion;
  • Cataract;
  • Elbow dislocation congenital;
  • tumor of the testicles;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • Deafness is congenital;
  • Yeast dermatitis;
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Dysplasia of the hip joints.

If you notice any malaise in behavior, you should immediately contact your veterinarian and follow all the doctor's instructions. A quick reaction to the first minor signs of the disease leads to a speedy recovery of the pet in the future.

Carrying out timely hygiene procedures, proper living conditions and a balanced diet, reduce the risk of disease to a minimum.


Buy Sheltie it is possible without much difficulty and only in nurseries that value their reputation and offer a quality breed that meets the world standard.

This is a real opportunity to choose from a large number of dogs the only one that you like the most. The presence of a pedigree, passport and vaccination certificate is evidence of a full guarantee.

Sheltie price varies from 22 thousand to 60 thousand rubles. Depends on the pedigree and status of the cattery. Many years of experience in breeding puppies guarantees optimal growing conditions, in compliance with all necessary requirements. Surrounded by care, love and attention from birth, the pet will become the most beloved friend and devoted family member.

The Sheltie dog is a rare representative of the Collie, with a bright characteristic color, an extraordinary appearance, like business card for a dog. Graceful, elegant and simply beautiful dog, which is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Few people pass by, seeing an unusual beauty, few people know that this dog is a magnificent shepherd and a born family guard.

At the moment, this is the smallest of the shepherd representatives. Difference them from the rest of the dog, control over more small livestock, against their background, a miniature Sheltie is easily lost, which allows her to remain invisible. There are several versions of the formation of the breed, but not all of them are confirmed by facts.

Shelties and collies are very similar in appearance, the first glance at them makes a simple layman think about miniature, declarative, but this is not so. Scottish Sheepdogs, a breed of dog that was used at one time only for working moments, namely shepherd duties.

  • Shelties are the smallest of all herding breeds. Basically, its working qualities were used for a small livestock, but due to the rapid development of farming, they had to be replaced with larger and more dangerous breeds -

From complete disappearance, the dog was saved by numerous fans who could not allow her to completely disappear. Those in due time, started active work to restore livestock and improve the exteriors of these dogs.

Some experts firmly argue that the ancestors of the Sheltie are primordially Scandinavian dogs, having a spitz-like appearance, and shepherd skills received from dogs from distant Iceland. As always, in the distant times of farming, only working qualities were valued, and appearance was given only minimal importance.

If you draw a line between the similarity of the Sheltie and the Collie breed, then it is not entirely appropriate to mention them, since there are definitely genes, but in very small quantities and not officially confirmed. But the meaning of another breed is precisely established, yes, they exist.

All that is known about the Sheltie as a breed is a set of certain service qualities, and kinship with the Scandinavians, which is already a lot.

Main characteristics and standard

Description of the Sheltie dog breed - first of all, beautiful, stately, elegant dogs, of miniature size for working dogs, proportionately and well built, with a fine and rich coat. The collar and natural fringes in the form of trousers on the limbs give the appearance of an aristocrat.

  • Characteristics of the Sheltie dog breed - gives a description of them as animals with increased responsibility - possessing vigilance and observation.

The interesting and attractive appearance of the animal has not yet left anyone indifferent.

  • Head: Sheltie and breed standard, provides for a wedge-shaped head, which necessarily has a narrowing towards the nose. The tubercle at the base of the skull is not protruded, practically invisible. The width of the forehead is medium, the muzzle is more rounded, the cheekbones are flat, elongated. Full color of the nose, lips and eyelids, always black.
  • Jaw: Medium power, but with good strength, the chin is visible. Close fitting lips, correct bite, scissor bite, full set of teeth. Fangs are snow-white, of medium size, the number of teeth is 42.

  • Eyes: predominantly slanting type, medium size, brown color. Representatives of Merle (blue) - blue, can have two sets of brown and blue, or pigmented with incomplete color. The gaze is always direct and attentive, conscious.
  • Ears: Medium size, close set, widening towards the base, triangular in shape. Movable, dense cartilage, directed downwards in calm sucking, with attention - sharpened, looking forward. The corner may slightly bend to the bottom.
  • Neck: Rather large, strong, well muscled, nicely arched. Outwardly similar to the rack of an aristocrat.
  • Limbs, paws: straight, mostly dry muscles, set in parallel, without eversion. Paws - rounded, compressed into a tight lump. Fingers with hard and hard claws are black in color. The thigh is wide, strong, the muscles are pronounced, dry.
  • Chest: deep, reaching to the level of the elbow. Ribs of good span.
  • Back: straight, not elongated, strong with good muscles, smooth transition to the lower back.
  • Loin: convex type, medium width, strong.
  • Tail: in overall length, at the level of the hock joint, saber-shaped. Fully covered with profuse hair. There is a slight curve towards the top. Does not rise above the level of the back.
  • Movement: Graceful, free, fast, with good reach. Moves easily and naturally.

Sheltie standard weight and height should be:

  • Males - 35 - 38 cm; Weight - 10 - 12 kg;
  • Girls - 32 -35 cm; 8 - 10.5 kg.


Particular attention in the description of the breed is given to its coat and all kinds of colors. The coat is outwardly beautiful, well-groomed, glossy, straight, beautifully falling down.

There are several colors for the Sheltie:

  1. Tricolor (tricolor) - the leading color is black, spots are distributed throughout the body from brown to red - red colors, there is a slight white color.
  2. "Blue - Merle" (blue marble) - wool of a bluish hue, beautiful overflows of silver, numerous black spots, not large, with a smooth gradient. May be in small quantities - red and white spots.
  3. Sable - from sandy light to bright gold and fiery red. The main condition is the brightness and the absence of gray spots on the body.
  4. Black and white: there may be brown spots, a bright representative, pure black with white spots looks more spectacular.

Sheltie marble - one of the preferred by the owners, the color looks unusual and attractive, such dogs may have different eyes or pure blue. In all animals, white heels are desirable: on the chest, stomach and paws (except black and brown).

The nature of the miniature beauty

The character of the Sheltie rightfully gives her one of the leading places, these are ideal companions, friends. A tender and devoted animal, with special trepidation relating to its owner and household.

  • She treats children very well, allows them a lot, is patient, and will not show aggression.
    Friendly, sociable and cheerful dog, sincerely loving.

He is distrustful of strangers, can bark loudly, warning that he should not approach in the absence of the owner. This can create a certain problem, at the time of the absence of a person, their barking is heard throughout the area.

Loving beauties expect the same from a person, they need affection and attention, active games in the company of a person, and a simple presence nearby.

They are emotional, with great joy they can jump, whine, this is how they manifest themselves, for example, when a person returns home. They are completely aimed at the owner, they try to please in everything, to prove themselves from the best side, to bring joy, they are waiting for praise.

They do not tolerate rudeness, physical manifestation of strength, they grow old to avoid conflicts.

Developed intelligence, natural clarity of mind, allows her to easily cope with the process of learning and training. At the same time, they are inquisitive and constantly require movement.

  • Animals are tolerated, they will not infringe on them, but the best condition would be joint upbringing and growing up, then the friendship will be stronger.

Lovers of chewing and pulling off a couple of the owner's things, just for the sake of feeling not alone. When leaving Sheltie alone, put away your belongings and shoes. Otherwise, loyalty to the house, where your favorite T-shirt will be on the floor, and the pet will definitely be found sleeping on it.

Dog breeds such as Shelties are overly emotional and susceptible to change, if you plan to leave for a long time, do not leave the animal with strangers, they are prone to depression and strong longing for a person.

Conditions of detention

Pet training and education

Sheltie training - begins in the small, puppy age. From 2 to 3 months, it is necessary to start socializing a pet, and then proceed to education. After putting down all the vaccinations and activating the puppy, accustom him to the leash and collar. Go outside at least 3-4 times a day, with short walks.

Go out to crowded places, let you communicate with strangers and animals. The sooner the puppy gets used to loud sounds(cars, people), the better.

The educational process begins with the designation of the territory where it is allowed to play, eat, have fun. Organize a place for your pet.

Training should be short 15 minutes with learning the simplest commands, with the puppy growing up - increasing the load and time. Be sure to remember about the promotion, goodies in the form of cheese, crackers will do.

When learning, show restraint, exactingness and perseverance, but without the use of physical force and screams. If you do not have enough experience or feel that you are not coping with a puppy, contact a specialist, and then continue on your own.

Care and maintenance

The characteristic of the Sheltie dog suggests that the main care will be on the animal's coat, this is not surprising, the owners of such a chic fur coat, of course, require special care.

Feeding and diet

The best option for them is dry food. It has already been selected for each breed and is balanced in composition, which is difficult to do when feeding with natural products. Does not require additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

Adults eat 2 per day, puppies in small portions 4 - 5 times a day. Provide access to water - permanent. Premium feed is preferred.

Products for natural feeding:

  1. Meat (not fatty);
  2. sea ​​fish;
  3. Dairy;
  4. Cereals and cereals;
  5. Vegetables and fruits, berries;
  6. Vegetable fats;
  7. by-products;
  8. Dried fruits;
  9. Eggs (rarely and only raw);
  • Exclude: potatoes, tubular bones, sweets, bread, pasta, food from the table.

From proper nutrition, envy the quality of life, health and duration. The more balanced the food, the better for the pet. If in doubt, consult your veterinarian.

Lifespan and health

A Sheltie dog and a description of her health make it clear that this is a healthy representative of strong immunity. It all depends on genetic predisposition, quality of life and nutrition, regularity of vaccinations. The better all these indicators, the healthier your pet is.

There are predispositions to the following diseases:

  • Dysplasia of large joints;
  • food allergies;
  • Eye diseases;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ear;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract with poor nutrition;
  • Dermatitis and eczema.

This does not mean that your pet will necessarily have some of the above diseases, but there is still a predisposition.

Life expectancy with proper care and maintenance of good physical activity, 12 - 15 years.

The cost of puppies

The price of a puppy is made up of different indicators, they include: the titles of the parents, the personality of the baby, color, future prospects.

  • Sheltie marble children are the most expensive in terms of cost, the price for them can reach up to 1000 euros. Girls are mostly also more expensive.

Puppies on average cost from 30 thousand rubles to 1200 euros. Kids on the "sofa" will be much cheaper, while they will not participate in breeding or exhibitions. Children leave for new owners from 1.5 - 2 months.

  • Height at the withers: 37 cm for males and 35 cm for females. Allowed deviation in both directions by no more than an inch (2.5 cm)
  • Weight : 6 to 12 kg
  • Colour: Black and tan and white or tricolor, red and white, black and red and black and white, and silver merle with or without red spots.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years old
  • Other names: Shetland sheepdog, Sheltie, Shetland sheepdog

Advantages and disadvantages

  • small size
  • Attractive appearance
  • activity, endurance
  • Loyalty to family members and other animals in the home
  • Well trained, very sociable
  • Needs regular grooming
  • Requires a fair amount of movement
  • Needs exercise
  • Not intended for outdoor use

Description of the breed

Sheltie or Shetland Sheepdog is one of the most original breeds of island origin, outwardly resembling a larger collie. These dogs have proven themselves as family favorites, without losing their working qualities - the ability to manage sheep, mobility, and human orientation. They always make sure that all the wards are nearby, do not allow children to lag behind the group on hikes, barking to inform their elders about those who are behind.

Despite the fact that shelties are physically unable to resist a person, they are excellent watchmen, sensitive and warning the owner by barking about the approach of danger or an intruder. The fact that Shelties are not commercial, fashionable breeds has a positive effect on the quality of the livestock. Breeders who usually keep Shelties monitor the psyche of dogs and among them there are very rarely cowardly or hysterical individuals.

Mobility and intelligence, as well as small size make the Sheltie one of popular dogs for agility and frisbee in the mini category. At the same time, the breed remains one of the best for a city apartment. Spectacular appearance and devotion to owners, love for children and loyalty to other pets, intelligence and “sharpening” for mutual understanding with a person - these features make the Sheltie a unique small breed.

Sheltie breed standard

At one time there were a large number of Sheltie standards. Each club created its own, drawing its own ideal dog. One of the most detailed was the 1965 standard. Its detailed version was adopted in 1964 and is still in effect today.

The Sheltie is a small dog with a luxurious coat and appearance. Her affectionate expression is combined with a harmonious build without coarseness or excessive grace. At the same time, the Sheltie is a breed with a smooth muzzle, and short hair on the front sides of the paws. This breed is distinguished by activity, intelligence, gentleness, restraint towards strangers and constant attention to the owner.

The Sheltie's head is in the form of a long blunt wedge, graceful, beautiful lines with a characteristic affectionate expression. skull flat, occiput not expressed. The upper lines of the muzzle and skull are parallel, the transition is pronounced. The head should be in good proportion with the body, not too long and narrow or, on the contrary, high cheekbones and rough. A narrow lower jaw, a drooping or Roman nose is undesirable.

Scissors bite, complete set desirable, but premolars often missing and not penalized in most English breeds.

The eyes are almond-shaped, small, dark, set obliquely. With the exception of permissible porcelain eyes in marbled dogs, dark brown. The eyelids are fully pigmented. Porcelain eyes in tricolor dogs are a serious fault and indicate the presence of marbled dogs in their pedigrees.

The ears are small, set high and close together, semi-erect, with tips tilted forward. In no case are not standing and not hung. It is also undesirable for the ears to be too close.

Neck of good length, arched, able to give the dog a proud bearing. This posture is also called "power smoke" or "look at me". The correct exit of the neck is always associated with the position of the withers and shoulder blades. The length of the neck can hide the abundance of wool.

The shoulder blades are well apart, creating a good volume of the chest. The length of the shoulder blade is equal to the length of the shoulder. The knee joint is located at the level of the elbow. The angle of the humeroscapular joint is 90 degrees. When viewed from the front, the forelegs are straight, even, set moderately wide. Metatarsus should not be excessively short or long.

The body is somewhat stretched, but should not be too long. The chest is deep, neither flat nor narrow, gradually tapering towards the sternum. The line of the back is horizontal, smoothly merges into the croup. This article often requires manual evaluation due to the abundance of wool, which visually spoils the topline.

The thighs of the Sheltie are well muscled and have pronounced but not excessive angulations. The tail is of low outlet, up to the hock joint, tapering towards the end. Never rises above the level of the back. Fused vertebrae on the tail are unacceptable. Paws are oval, with tightly compressed fingers. The movements are graceful, productive and flexible. The breed is characterized by a sweeping lynx.

The coat is double with a soft, short undercoat. The outer hair is coarse and straight. It should not be too short, long or wavy to make the dog showy yet easy to groom. The hair on the tail and skirt is usually somewhat longer in females than in males.


    Sable in various shades from wheaten to mahogany with varying amounts of black hairs. Gray and wolf sable are undesirable.

    Tricolor. Intense black with tan markings and white markings on the legs, tail and neck. The brightest possible tans and deep black color of the main background are desirable.

    Blue or marble. Silvery blue with red spots and white markings. Large black spots are undesirable, spoiling the harmony of the dog. In the case of the presence of two merle genes, the dog will not have red spots.

    Black and white. White patches should be well defined, collar and socks are desirable. Undesirable - large white spots on a black background.

    Black-red. With minimal white. Tans should be as bright as possible, and the main background should be pure black without a brown or brown tint.

The most serious vices include:

    cowardice or uncontrollable aggressiveness,

    bite other than scissors

    incompletely pigmented eyelids, light eyes,

    incompletely pigmented lips, nose and eyelids

    tail fracture, fused tail vertebrae.

    unilateral or complete cryptorchidism in males.

The nature and characteristics of the Sheltie

Sheltie is a shepherd dog and this determines its appearance and character. Endurance, mobility, a high level of contact and a coat that requires regular care are its main features.

Sheltie mobility must be directed in the right direction. The dog should be able to run, and the duration and intensity of the loads are important, as well as the amount of mental effort applied by the dog in joint activities with the person. Training allows Shelties to increase their intelligence and rapport with their owners. The herding instinct is built into these dogs. This makes them excellent babysitters. When the kids grow up, the Shelties become tireless playmates for them.

It cannot be said that Shelties are dogs that tolerate human pressure well. They should be raised kindly, without excessive shouting and violence. In this case, a small sheltie will attack without fear strangers trying to offend her ward children. If the puppy grows intimidated from childhood, protective qualities should not be expected from him. And this applies to both direct contact with the dog, and intense family relations, frequent quarrels.

Some Shelties can be sissies, but most dogs of this breed have an excellent appetite and desire to work. The breed is among the healthy, it occasionally occurs dysplasia, collie eye anomaly, deafness and others. hereditary diseases. For many of them, genetic tests have already been developed, the presence of which in parents allows you to choose a healthy puppy.

Shelties are dogs that are easy to keep. They need to be combed out once a week with a metal comb with rounded teeth or a brush, and also follow the claws, which, with insufficient exercise, do not grind off on their own.

An active and curious Sheltie will benefit from a home cage - a house. She will protect the owner’s apartment from pogroms during his absence, and the dog from excessively frequent punishments for pampering out of boredom. It should be spacious enough, but not too big to look like a mink - habitual dwelling for dogs. From above, the cage can be covered with a blanket, put a bedding and a mattress inside, and for little puppy- toilet diaper. Accustom the puppy to the cage gradually. At first, it is constantly kept open, luring the puppy there with a bone or other treat, or laying it down when he begins to doze. When the dog has mastered the new house, it is closed in it for a short time. Over time, the duration of stay in the cage is increased, but in such a way as not to create stress for the puppy.

Shelties need daily brushing while shedding. For non-show dogs, a furminator can be a convenient tool for quick shedding. However, if you have a show dog, this device will make the guard hair soft, which is unacceptable.

Before bathing, it is necessary to trim the ears of the Sheltie, removing protruding hairs and rounding the contours.

Bathing Shelties special shampoos which are selected individually. For heavy soiling, the super-cleansing shampoo will be the first, and then the moisturizing and texturizing one. The final point will be the treatment of the dog with a balm. Everybody cosmetics pre-diluted with water so that they foam better and their consumption decreases.

After bathing, the wool is dried with several terry towels and then dried with a hair dryer. It is important to thoroughly dry the dense undercoat of the dog. During drying, use a slicker. After its completion, the dog's coat is combed with a rare comb. The loin and croup area may need to be styled to keep the profuse hair from ruining the topline. Feathers on the legs and thighs are trimmed with thinning scissors.

I would like to warn Sheltie owners about one unpleasant breed feature. For them, the use of ivermectins and their analogues as an insecticidal agent can be fatal. This must be taken into account when choosing drops or tablets for fleas and ticks for your dog.

Sheltie feeding

Feeding the Sheltie will not be a problem for her owner. Regardless of whether you choose a natural diet or dry food, it is important to provide your dog with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins to keep her active and healthy. It is important to select food according to life phase dogs and do not supplement it with vitamins, so as not to cause hypervitaminosis. The natural diet should consist mainly of meat with the addition of rice and buckwheat, eggs, fermented milk products as well as seasonal fruits and vegetables. At natural feeding in writing you will need to add vitamin and mineral supplements.

After arrival, the puppy is fed for a week with the same food that he ate in the breeder's house, gradually transferring to a diet more convenient for the owner. Dogs that will play sports in the future are recommended to be fed by hand at all times, encouraging food to perform simple exercises and tricks. For this daily dose food in a bowl is placed in a place inaccessible to the puppy, feeding it only for completed tasks.

The dog's diet should vary depending on its physiological state. So, puppies, young and old dogs, as well as bitches during pregnancy and lactation need calcium. The period of wool change is the time to introduce special vitamins for wool, food sulfur into the diet. During high loads, antioxidants are useful - vitamins C and E, as well as selenium.

Sheltie puppies

Sheltie puppies are very similar to adult dogs. They quickly become ears, and abundant adult hair gradually grows. The choice of a puppy should depend on the needs of the future owner. It makes no sense to take a chic show dog to someone who does not want to breed and show it. And there is no point in chasing working blood for someone who does not want to play sports with his dog.

Shelties for sports usually do not have exaggerated show articles - they do not need them in the process of work. A breeder of working dogs is more likely to boast of winning competitions than of showing success. Among sporting Shelties, there are few dogs with abundant show coat, they are easier to care for, shed less.

Although there are no strict requirements for the color of the dog in the standard, breeders try to avoid breeding dogs with white stripes on the muzzle, too much collar or white on the back or sides. Such dogs can be sold cheaper as not having high show prospects.

The best time to purchase a puppy is a month old. At this age, he has already received all the necessary vaccinations, he has been socialized with his mother and other dogs of the kennel. This does not apply to those babies that are grown in isolation in an aviary or a closed room. From such conditions, the baby must be taken as early as possible so as not to get a shy, asocial dog, since the imprinting period ends at three months and never repeats in the life of a puppy. In this case, socialization will have to be taken over by the owner.

Athletes often try to take monthly babies, as such puppies become attached to their person as much as possible and in the future they pay little attention to dogs. This is good for sports, but it can negatively affect the sexual and social behavior of an adult dog, which will prefer a person as a friend and partner.

Sheltie training

The upbringing of a little Sheltie begins from the very first days of his stay in a new home. The main skills are approach on command, sitting down, following the owner for a walk, as well as accustoming to a cage or a separate room.

To deal with toilet problems as quickly as possible, it is important to know that:

    You should not punish your puppy for puddles. He will learn to do them in secret, so that no one sees, and it will be more difficult to correct such behavior.

    You should not give the baby access to all rooms of the apartment or house. He will choose the furthest of them, and usually these are bedrooms, and will make puddles there, thinking that this is the border of the territory.

    It is important to pay close attention to the behavior of the puppy. He usually gets anxious before making a pile or a puddle. At this moment, they put him on a diaper or take him out into the street, and after everything is done, they praise him.

    It is convenient to use a cage for toilet training. The exceptions are those puppies that were constantly kept in a cramped room and are used to walking under themselves.

Most Shelties are big lovers of toys and fetching items. They begin to teach them to drag a denim rag or a small grip as early as possible. In the future, the toy will be a powerful encouragement during training.

Already at three months, Shelties can perform the simplest tricks - spinning around their axis, passing between the legs in a snake or figure eight, learning to balance in the pose of a bunny. You can teach them to go around trees by gesture or command, as well as other simple tricks.

These dogs learn basic training very quickly. They are well controlled by voice, obedient and executive. In the future, it is important to choose one or more activities for your dog. It can be agility, frisbee or freestyle, as well as shepherd service. The simplest from a technical point of view is the frisbee. For classes, you only need to purchase special plates (plates are not suitable for people) and a competent trainer.

History of the breed

The Sheltie is a small shepherd dog of the Shetland Islands and is one of the oldest English breeds. The ancestors of these dogs have been helping the shepherds and fishermen of Shetland for centuries. These small islands, located five miles north of Scotland, are excellent pastures for ponies and sheep. The climate here is harsh - storms and storms are frequent, summers are cold and damp. Therefore, shepherds often transported their sheep from one island to another in search of good pastures. Among the possible ancestors are local dogs resembling huskies. They had a wavy thick waterproof coat, a drooping tail, floppy ears, a ringed tail and round eyes.

Local dogs crossed with alien fishermen's dogs. Therefore, you can find signs of Greenland dogs in the Sheltie - erect ears, a short muzzle, and also a tail thrown over the back. These features appear regularly in the breed, regardless of the aristocratic origin of the parents, making it possible to trace the possible ancestors of the breed.

The small size of the Sheltie was cultivated by shepherds because they were not supposed to perform protective and guarding functions. On the isolated islands, this was not required, and the emphasis was on the gentle nature of the dogs and their eagerness to take care of the sheep.

Close contact with humans caused Shelties to gradually develop into highly intelligent dogs. In fact, the same thing happened with other herding breeds, such as the Border Collie or the Heeler.

By the end of the 19th century, the number of shelties sharply decreased. This was due to the fact that the herds were getting larger, and the small shepherds could no longer cope with them. As a result, the breed was on the verge of extinction. The dogs were saved by lovers who kept these little dogs as pets. After the appearance of the Scottish Kennel Club in 2012, dogs appeared again at shows, and in 2014 the first breed standard appeared. It said that a Sheltie should look like a miniature collie.

In general, collies played a huge role in the formation of the breed. Breeders used them to bring noble appearance miniature Shetland Sheepdogs. The selection of collie-like dogs and the influx of blood from these dogs led to the fact that the type of Sheltie was quickly established. Over time, the reference to the collie was removed from the standard, as the breed acquired its own distinctive features and ceased to need such comparisons.

The current Sheltie standard was adopted in 1987. Its basis was the 1948 standard with minor changes.

    It is curious that the name Sheltie is not only a breed of dog, but also an English breed of guinea pigs with long and straight Angora hair.

    The Longhair, Shorthair, Border Collie and Sheltie breeds have common roots, but separated themselves and received separate standards in the last century.

    Actress Olga Melekhova is the owner of not one, but several Shelties at once. Kid Richards also owned a Sheltie.

    Shelties are capable of making many different sounds. At the same time, each of them carries a unique semantic load, which is very convenient for an attentive owner.

    These small dogs are able to understand not only words, but also facial expressions of the owner. According to Canadian psychologist Stanley Corren, who has studied the intelligence of dogs and wrote a book about it with the corresponding title, Shelties are ranked sixth out of more than 130 dog breeds that have been tested for intelligence.

    It is curious that no amount of coercion gives a positive result in the training of these dogs. They are successfully trained only on positive and positive reinforcement. Moreover, in dysfunctional families, Shelties grow up nervous and cowardly-aggressive, thus reacting to a high level of intra-family aggression.

Graceful and pretty, Sheltie breed dogs resemble the appearance of the popular collie. But Shetland Sheepdogs are an independent breed with clear standards for appearance, structure and character traits. The intelligence of this type of dog is amazing and is due to close communication with a person at the stage of breed formation. Shelties are ideal for owners with no experience in dog breeding.

History of the breed

The Sheltie, although similar to a mini collie, was originally an excellent breed. It was through the efforts of people that she began to resemble her. It all started in the Middle Ages...

The first shepherd dogs of the Shetland Islands were spitz-shaped breeds, similar to modern Icelandic dogs or aboriginal dogs of Scotland. Although they are practically not mentioned in the history of the breed, it is more than logical that the first settlers brought to the islands not only their cattle, but also their dogs.

There are also archaeological artifacts, for example, in Jarlshof ( South part Mainland) found the skeleton of a dog. It dates from the 9th-14th century, indicating that there was a message between the islands and Scotland. It is logical that in addition to sheep and cows from Scotland, the ancestors of modern border collies and collies also came to the island.

Unlike most miniature breeds, this dog is not the result of an artificial selection of the smallest Rough Collies. The history of the breed is the result of chance and natural selection. In those days, Shelties were herding dogs, helping smallholders.

Flair and loud barking made them perfect helpers, and their thick coat helped to adapt to the harsh climate. But, there was communication between the Shetland Islands and neighboring countries.

Aboriginal, spitz-like dogs crossed with dogs brought to the islands. The resulting crossbreeds were brought to England, where they crossed with Pomeranians and King Charles Spaniels. These shepherd dogs were distinguished by their varied exterior and were valued for their working qualities. Shepherds and farmers were not up to the standardization of the breed.

In 1908, the first attempt was made to unify the breed and standardize it. James Loggy creates a club in Lerwick, the main port and capital of the Shetland Islands. He calls the breed the Shetland Collie. In 1909, a similar club was created in Scotland, and in 1914 in England.

But here disagreements arise with breeders of Scottish collies, who claim that this breed is not a collie at all and cannot be called that. The name of the breed is changed to the more general Shetland Sheepdog.

With the outbreak of the First World War, in 1914, everyone was not up to the dogs and the development of the breed stopped for a long five years. This situation has not affected the United States, where it has just begun to gain popularity. The pleasant character and high working qualities ensured recognition among both farmers and urban residents.

Thanks to this breed, it was possible to survive World War II, when crushing blow. After all, by that time the American Shetland Sheepdog Association (ASSA) already existed in the USA, which helped to restore the breed.

During the 20th century (until 1940), dogs were crossbred extensively to produce a type similar to the Rough Collie. Even the first champion in the AKC was a purebred Rough Collie.

Although interest in her as a working breed faded, but as a companion dog she grew over time. Only at home, but in the UK they are still used as herding dogs, and all over the world it is a recognized companion dog.

According to AKC 2010 statistics, she was one of the most popular breeds in the US. In terms of the number of registered dogs, she ranked 19th among 167 breeds.

Description of the breed: main characteristics

The Sheltie is not considered a toy breed. Their height is from 34 to 38 cm, and their weight is from 5 to 10 kg. But since the breed was grafted with blood and large dogs like collies, sometimes larger individuals appear in the litter. However, the deviation from the permissible dimensions is more than 2.5 cm, the standard does not allow.

She has very expressive eyes, almond-shaped and slightly slanted brown, less often blue. The size, color and shape of the eyes, the position of the ears and the position of the head - all this should create an elusive image of alertness, tenderness and soft intelligence. The tail is well pubescent, when the dog moves, it is raised, but not higher than the line of the back. The coat is long, harsh and straight, short on the muzzle.

"Small, long-haired working dog great beauty” is the description of the Sheltie in the updated standard adopted in 1986. This document is still in effect today. The last updates were made six years ago.

Color is tricolor (black with bright red tan and white legs, chest and tail tip), black, merle blue, sable (from gold to rusty red) with tan and white markings.

The Sheltie has an elongated, straight and harsh coat with a profuse, short and soft undercoat. In the old days, it was not just a decoration, but protected dogs from cold and overheating. A special charm of the breed is given by a long mane and jabot, lowered front paws and a saber-shaped fluffy tail. The impression is made not only by the luxurious fur coat of the pet, but also by the good-natured cute expression of its wedge-shaped muzzle with charmingly curved ears. In general, shepherd dogs never looked menacing, otherwise shy sheep would have scattered from them.

The movements of the Sheltie are graceful and flexible, she runs fast and jumps well. The overall impression is of a beautiful dog with natural intelligence and high intelligence.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Shetland Sheepdog, like many other medium-sized breeds, has characteristic advantages and disadvantages.


  • unreliable security guard (leaving a child with him on the street is unsafe);
  • complex hair care;
  • not suitable for people who like a passive lifestyle;
  • disposition to a large number diseases.


  • great family friend
  • easy to train;
  • has a keen sense of smell;
  • can and should be kept in an apartment;
  • does not lag behind people with an active lifestyle.

This is an energetic dog with a luxurious coat and a rich past. Think about whether you are ready to give your Sheltie your home, are you ready for long and energetic walks, are you ready to take care of the coat so that it does not turn into felt boots? If so, then this dog is for you. Try to become her good friend and kind, caring owner.

Sheltie character

Sheltie - the standard pet. These delicate smart girls, who can read the mood of the owner at a glance, are able to melt even the most callous heart. Most literary sources position Shetland Sheepdogs as family animals, which is not entirely true. In fact, a Sheltie can only be truly devoted to one person. Of course, in relation to other household members, the dog is also capable of experiencing respect and affection, but it will still choose one person as the object of its adoration. To buy a Sheltie, obeying a momentary impulse, is not the most prudent act, since to give away or resell such an animal means dooming it to melancholy and despair. Believe me, there is no sadder sight than a sheltie, by the will of fate, abandoned in a dog shelter.

Due to their natural shyness and vulnerability, Shetland Sheepdogs require the most delicate handling. Yes, these fluffy handsome men are obedient and efficient, but only until the owner starts to go too far. Dogs cannot stand hard pressure and will not do anything under pressure.

Shelties make, if not ideal, then quite good nannies. In children, shepherd dogs literally do not have a soul and are ready to “graze” them for days on end. But even with such a positive scenario, breeders do not recommend overloading the dog with “pedagogical” activities, especially when it comes to small children who have no idea about the rules of behavior with animals.

Despite their generally good-natured nature, Shelties are not immune to excessive suspicion. This is most clearly manifested in relationships with strangers, whom shepherd dogs are frankly afraid of. At the same time, barking at a stranger or a random passerby who has fallen into the field of view is only a joy for a dog. Conflicts with other representatives of the dog clan, the natives of the Shetland archipelago prefer to resolve peacefully. Sheltie entering the fight with the enemy is a rare phenomenon and in some ways even unique.

Shetland Sheepdogs are always responsible for the owner and his property, so if you are looking for a reliable watchman for your own apartment, take a closer look at these sonorous fluffies. Just do not overdo it with the burden of responsibility: sitting alone for days, guarding the owner's property, is a real punishment for active and playful Shelties.

Representatives of this breed love to play, and it doesn’t matter to them what, the main thing is that their beloved owner participates in the process. At the same time, the dog will not impose its society. If a Sheltie is refused to play and communicate with, he will take a position of withdrawal and will patiently wait for the moment when the owner deigns to pay attention to him.


Sheltie grooming requires a lot of time and effort. The top layer of fur serves as a protection against water and its undercoat allows you to withstand the vagaries of the weather. The Sheltie owner should avoid bathing too often, as the water will wash away the skin's natural oils. Hair is prone to tangles.

How to care for wool?

The first thing you should pay attention to every day is the coat, which serves as an indicator of the health of the dog. Sometimes owners cut their dogs to keep the house clean. But some breeders are convinced that as a result of this procedure, the hormonal balance in the body can be disturbed. Grooming includes regular bathing with shampoo. If the pet's body does not cause a characteristic odor, washing once every three months is sufficient. As for an ordinary shower without using detergents, in the hot season, you can freely bathe the animal, because the breed is very fond of water.

Since the skin is too sensitive, try not to overdo it with combing. One to three brushings per week will be enough to keep the pet looking neat. During periods of intense shedding, hair can be combed daily. Interestingly, despite the long hair, the undercoat of dogs rarely gets into tangles. To care for her, you need to purchase various combs. Particular attention is required to "pants" and tail, as well as hair in the ears and collar. Comb Thick hair you need to gradually, layer by layer, trying to reach the skin. This approach simultaneously provides a massage to the dog.

Eye and ear care

Every morning, examine the pupils and remove the selection soft cloth dipped in chamomile infusion or boiled water. If the discharge becomes purulent and profuse, it is likely that the dog's eyes are inflamed and require treatment. Periodically check the ears and remove accumulations of dirt, use a cotton swab or ear buds. Clean first auricle and only then gently curls the ear. Typically, this procedure is applied once every two to three weeks.

Care of teeth and claws

The dog's teeth should be cleaned once or twice a week. It is advisable to buy toothpaste for dogs. If tartar forms on the teeth, contact veterinary clinic. Using a special tool or ultrasound, your pet's teeth will be cleaned. To trim the nails, a special clipper must be purchased, as using ordinary scissors can cause pain. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a month.

The most common health problems:


Murmurs in the heart

Idiopathic epilepsy




Dermatomyositis and ulcerative dermatosis

eye problems

ear problems

Von Willebrand disease



Sheltie and your apartment

This dog is not just a pet, but a real family. The dog is good with children. She will protect, and protect them at all costs. And thanks to the playful and lively temperament, the incredibly energetic dog can easily entertain a child with play. However, when preparing the ground for the Sheltie, it should be remembered that although the dog is not very demanding in terms of living conditions, it loves to be the center of attention and will attract him by any means.

The breed is like the great shepherds of rainy Scotland, but rather the Shetland Islands, whence comes the name of the breed. On the islands, the main task was to guard the large herds of sheep and ponies, which were bred by local farmers. This activity was more familiar to Sheltie ancestors. It was a small dog with short wavy hair. From the current Sheltie, they differed in the shape of the eyes, tail and were slightly inferior to them in size.

Place for rest. Before the appearance of the puppy in the owner's house, they should think about a sleeping place for him. It is important that the place is not near the battery. You should not make a sleeping place a room with a tiled or cement floor. As a sunbed, you can buy a small mattress or a special house. It is important that the resting place is always clean.

Sheltie feeding approach

Up to 1.5 months, puppies of this breed should eat exclusively milk, so they need to be taken to a new home at the age of 2–2.5 months. Usually breeders give animals at this age. The first few weeks in the pet's home, you need to feed millet or rice porridge prepared with water. A puppy should always have a bowl of milk and water available to him.

Starting from 3-4 months, meat should be introduced into the diet. Chicken should not be given.

Beef is best suited for this breed. If in the future it is planned to transfer the animal to dry food, then it should be gradually introduced into the diet. If the animal remains on a natural diet, you need to gradually start giving the dog:

  • boiled offal;
  • chopped boiled vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish;
  • milk.

You need to buy only fresh products that do not include various additives, including dyes and salt. It is very important that the animal's diet is balanced, because without it the coat will not grow normally. From 3 months for a puppy, you can cook porridge in milk and strong broth. Be sure to add waxes to such mixers, otherwise the animal may refuse to eat them.

Fish should be given at least 2 times a week.

These dogs are very fond of fruits, so currant or raspberry berries or small pieces of an apple can be used as an incentive for training. It is very important not to overfeed the animal. On average, the daily norm for Sheltie puppies is approximately 150 g of meat or offal, 20-30 g of vegetables and 30-40 g of dairy products. Feeding should be scheduled. If the diet includes only organic products, you need to compensate for the possible lack of minerals and vitamins by giving the animal special feeding.

What to feed the Sheltie, each owner decides for himself. However, it must be remembered that these dogs require a balanced diet.

If it is not possible to control what the pet eats, it is best to accustom him to dry food from 5-6 months of age. Special premium formulations for long-haired dogs include all the micro and macro elements necessary for these dogs.

Education and training

Sheltie (the description of the breed leaves no doubt about this) is an intellectual dog. They strive in every possible way to please the owner and gladly fulfill his commands. Their skill with which they serve to protect the house is admirable.

At the initial stage of training, most dogs of this breed are suitable for the soft method - the owner chooses the option depending on the goals of training and the specific skills of the animal. In any case, the Sheltie should work joyfully and cheerfully.

In parallel, the dog must be accustomed to extraneous stimuli, without requiring the performance of skills. It is necessary to accustom the animal to the complete dominance of the trainer.

The dog is obliged to recognize in the trainer (owner) the leader of the “microflock”. In the case of this breed, this should not be achieved by psychological pressure. It is better to use the hierarchical laws of the pack.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a short list of the "rights and duties" of the leader of the pack:

  • the leader must eat first, he is allowed to take food from members of the pack;
  • the leader is given the best place to sleep, where no one else sleeps;
  • he always comes first, the flock follows him;
  • makes sure that the pack is kept in a group;
  • only the leader is allowed to decide whether the pack will enter the battle.

Compliance with certain rules will allow the owner to become the "leader of the pack" and thus subjugate his pet:

  • the dog should always eat only after the owner;
  • the trainer should specifically drop pieces of his favorite treat on the floor and immediately pick them up, not allowing the dog to pick them up;
  • the animal should never be higher than the trainer (owner). It means not only figurative meaning this word. If the owner lay down on the sofa, then the dog's place is on the floor;
  • the handler, but never the dog, passes through the door first;
  • the dog must allow its owner to do whatever is necessary with him - to feel him, examine his bite, take his temperature, etc. Calm behavior is encouraged with a treat, with resistance, the trainer should not retreat, but you should not rush either. With the help of food incentives, it is necessary to systematically achieve obedience.

It is often difficult for Sheltie owners to realize that they need to dominate such a charming creature. Undoubtedly, even the dominant dog of this breed does not pose any threat to the life of its owner. Just a representative of this breed, who will be sure that he is the leader, will not consistently follow the trainer's commands.


The average life expectancy of a Sheltie is 13-15 years, which can be called an excellent indicator. In accordance with cynological atlases, the health of the breed as a whole does not cause disorders, but (!) Diseases typical of Shelties cast doubt on the above statement:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: joint dysplasia, congenital dislocation of the elbow, less often knee joint, arthritis and polyarthritis.
  • Muscular dystrophy is rare.
  • Eye diseases: collie eye anomaly (CEA), retinal atrophy and dystrophy, cataracts (leading to glaucoma), torsion of the eyelid (entropion), abnormal growth or extra eyelashes (distichiasis).
  • Skin problems: dermatitis, most often yeast; histiocytoma, pemphigus foliaceus (autoimmune disease, rare).
  • Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and other thyroid diseases.
  • Von Willebrand's disease - sometimes compared with hemophilia, is fraught with sudden bleeding from the mucous membranes.
  • Hemophilia, thrombosis and other hematopoietic diseases are typical for Shelties, but they are rarely diagnosed.
  • Tumor of the testicles in males, including malignant.
  • Cryptorchidism.
  • congenital deafness.
  • Rarely, but diagnosed: epilepsy, dwarfism, lupus, congenital or acquired pathologies of the kidneys and liver, pancreatitis.

It is best to buy a puppy from breeders who will not only give the necessary guarantees regarding the purebred breed and the health of the puppy, but will also teach you how to properly care for the pet.

It is best to take a puppy at the age of 12 weeks, when he can already eat cereals and vegetables. By this time, he should already have had the necessary vaccinations.

When choosing a Sheltie puppy, pay attention to its appearance. He must be well-fed, have dark eyes glossy, dense undercoat. The behavior of the baby should cause joy, that is, the puppy should be active and look at you with "puppy" eyes. You can also examine the mother, who should also be healthy and not emaciated.

Show puppies must have white hair on the body, but not more than 50% of the total cover. In ordinary puppies, which are taken as a simple pet, white wool can be many times more.

The cost of puppies varies and depends on the pedigree. On average, the price ranges from 25,000 to 60,000 rubles.

  • It is curious that the name Sheltie is not only a breed of dog, but also an English breed of guinea pigs with long and straight Angora hair.
  • The Longhair, Shorthair, Border Collie and Sheltie breeds have common roots, but separated themselves and received separate standards in the last century.
  • Actress Olga Melekhova is the owner of not one, but several Shelties at once. Kid Richards also owned a Sheltie.
  • Shelties are capable of making many different sounds. At the same time, each of them carries a unique semantic load, which is very convenient for an attentive owner.
  • These small dogs are able to understand not only words, but also facial expressions of the owner. According to Canadian psychologist Stanley Corren, who has studied the intelligence of dogs and wrote a book about it with the corresponding title, Shelties are ranked sixth out of more than 130 dog breeds that have been tested for intelligence.
  • It is curious that no amount of coercion gives a positive result in the training of these dogs. They are successfully trained only on positive and positive reinforcement. Moreover, in dysfunctional families, Shelties grow up nervous and cowardly-aggressive, thus reacting to a high level of intra-family aggression.

Briefly, but accurately describes the Sheltie breed characteristic - affectionate, intelligent, well-mannered fox. The Sheltie is similar in appearance to the Collie. However, the Shetland Sheepdog is an independent breed with clear standards of structure, appearance and character.

Many Sheltie owners believe that this breed was bred from Scottish Sheepdogs. There is some truth in this, but this one appeared much earlier. No one knows the exact date and history of origin. There is an assumption that the Sheltie was brought to the territory of continental Europe and England by sailors who called at the ports of the Shetland Islands and took the dogs with them.

Dogs were valued for their small size, they did not need much food, and their thick coat served as protection from snow and wind. From year to year the breed improved, became more resilient, calm and even intelligent. The final form of the breed standard appeared in 1948.

Description of the breed, photos and appearance of the Sheltie

Sheltie standards: weight is from 7 to 11 kg, male is 37 cm, female is 35.5 cm.

The main characteristics of the representatives of the breed:

  1. Format dogs are a little stretched, the skeleton is powerful. But the size of the Sheltie allows her to remain a very nimble dog.
  2. Head looks like a blunt wedge. The tubercle on the back of the head is not pronounced, the skull is flat and proportional to the length of the muzzle. The jaws are strong and deep. Lips close to each other, dry.
  3. Teeth strong and big. Scissor bite.
  4. lobe nose always black.
  5. Eyes medium size, almond-shaped, dark. Allowed blue eyes and brown, with blue blotches, but the color of the dog should be blue merle.
  6. Ears small in size, very mobile, set high. Three-quarters of the ear in a standing position, tips pointing forward.
  7. Back muscular and straight, the loin is convex and short, the shoulder blades are set obliquely.
  8. Neck medium length, muscular, chest deep. The abdomen is slightly tucked up.
  9. Hind legs compact and oval have narrow hips. The tibia corresponds in length to the thigh. The nails are strong and strong, the pads are hard and thick.
  10. Front legs closed with dense pads and strong claws.
  11. Tail The Sheltie is of medium length with long hair, carried down or slightly curved with the tip upward when at rest.

Dog color and coat type

In the description of the breed, a special place is given to wool. The coat is straight and long, the hair is hard. The undercoat is very dense and short. On the paws, the ends of the ears and on the muzzle, the hair is straight and short. On the withers and on the sides of the neck, the hair is longer and denser, forming a mane. The hair on the tail is long. The hind and forelimbs also have a thick and long hair. But on the metatarsus and metacarpus, the hair is quite short.

Dogs with the following defects are culled: wavy and curly hair, lack of undercoat, short and soft hair.

Sheltie color can be different:

  1. Black and white or black with red-brown blotches.
  2. Sable. May vary from golden to mahogany.
  3. Tricolor or tricolor - a deep black color throughout the body with juicy red-brown markings.
  4. Blue merle or blue marble. The color is silvery blue with black blotches and marbling. Preferably the presence of juicy red-brown markings.

The nature and temperament of the breed

The nature of the dog can be called one of the most docile. Shelties are very gentle, loyal and intelligent companions who are excellent with children.

Shelties are great companions for the whole family.

Dogs are wary of strangers, so they always notify their owners of the approach of guests. If in childhood you teach a dog to society, then the pet will understand in what cases it is possible to let it into the house strangers, and in which you need to serve.

Shelties need to communicate with their owners. Therefore, people who have a lot of free time should start this breed, otherwise, due to lack of attention and boredom, the character of the dog may change, and not for the better.

Since the Sheltie is a family dog, she not only requires constant caresses and hugs from family members, but also tries to please them in everything.

Important. This breed has an acutely developed intuition, as well as sensitivity to the surrounding atmosphere. If there are constant squabbles and misunderstandings among people in the house, the dog will not withstand this tense situation.

Sheltie training and education

As stated in the characteristics of the breed, the dog is extremely intelligent. Therefore, it is easy to train and educate. New teams are picked up by the pet on the fly. And the praise makes the dog give all the best at full capacity, if only it would be noticed and appreciated.

Sheltie can be called best friend for people different ages– from diapers to 100 years. They are great for families with children who admire the unusual habits and tenderness of the dog. If the baby falls or cries, Sheltie will certainly rush to pity and lick the baby.

Suitable for this breed active people. The dog will accompany them everywhere - for a walk, a picnic or a hike. Shelties get along with other animals, and with cats and rodents they can become inseparable friends.

Required care and maintenance

Shetland Sheepdog is enough light breed in terms of content. To keep the dog's hair in normal condition, it needs to be combed out at least once a week, using a massage brush for this.

The thick coat of the Shetland Sheepdog needs to be combed regularly.

Important. Combing must be done correctly. First, apply a moisturizing spray to the coat, and then start combing from the very base of the hair.

Dogs of this breed do not shed much. Females twice a year, and males once. Since Sheltie wool has a waterproof coating, dirt and moisture are repelled from the hair. Therefore, you need to bathe the animal rarely, only in the presence of visible pollution.

You need to monitor the ears weekly, treating them with a special solution.

Your pet's teeth should also be brushed once a week to prevent tartar and gum disease.

The nails are cut once a month, but the dog can grind them down on its own.

Balanced Diet and Feeding Your Dog

The Sheltie is one of those breeds that can eat just about anything. The main thing is the correct introduction of complementary foods to puppies. Usually, breeders raise puppies themselves, giving them the opportunity to eat their mother's milk for up to 2.5 months, gradually accustoming them to adult food.

Important. In any case, up to 1.5 months, mother's milk should be the main food for babies.

After you get a puppy and bring him home, veterinarians recommend feeding him millet or rice porridge boiled in water. And before the baby is 4 months old, there should always be a bowl of milk and water near him.

The Sheltie breed dog is fed meat with the addition of cereals and vegetables.

When the puppy grows up, you can feed him porridge with meat. It is best to choose beef for this. But the chicken should be abandoned.

Approximate puppy diet:

  1. Morning - dairy products, including cottage cheese.
  2. Lunch - boiled meat with vegetables.
  3. Snack - porridge in meat broth or milk.
  4. Dinner is a piece of meat scalded with boiling water.

By 6 months, you can begin to transfer the dog to meat, while introducing dry food. Many breeders are wary of ready-made feed. However, recent studies have shown that ready-made industrial feeds not only do not harm the health of the dog, but, on the contrary, improve it. After all, in balanced diet contain all essential trace elements and vitamins that are difficult to obtain from natural food.

After six months, the dog is fed twice a day, and the largest portion is in the evening.

If you feed Sheltie straight, then you can give her the following products:

  1. Offal.
  2. Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  3. Vegetables.
  4. Greenery.
  5. Fish.
  6. Fruits and berries.

If you are feeding a pet prepared feed, then give preference to more expensive manufacturers. Only premium food contains everything necessary for the growth and life of the dog. The following brands of food are suitable for Sheltie dogs:,.

Sheltie dogs can be fed not only natural food, but also dry food.

It is best to buy a puppy from breeders who will not only give the necessary guarantees regarding the purebred breed and the health of the puppy, but will also teach you how to properly care for the pet.

It is best to take a puppy at the age of 12 weeks, when he can already eat cereals and vegetables. By this time, he should already have had the necessary vaccinations.

When choosing a Sheltie puppy, pay attention to its appearance. He should be well-fed, have dark eyes with sparkle, thick undercoat. The behavior of the baby should cause joy, that is, the puppy should be active and look at you with "puppy" eyes. You can also examine the mother, who should also be healthy and not emaciated.

Show puppies must have white hair on the body, but not more than 50% of the total cover. In ordinary puppies, which are taken as a simple pet, white wool can be many times more.

The cost of puppies varies and depends on the pedigree. On average, the price ranges from 25,000 to 60,000 rubles.

How to prepare your home for a Sheltie

Shelties in puppyhood are very hyperactive dogs. Therefore, they often receive various injuries due to its clumsiness and mobility. New owners must prepare the apartment before bringing a puppy in.

First of all, hide expensive shoes and other valuables. The puppy will certainly want to try everything on the tooth. Remove small items that the puppy can swallow.

Don't forget to remove the wires too. All the cables that get in the way of the puppy will be gnawed and dragged to different corners of the apartment.

Prepare toys for the baby. You can buy them at the store, or you can make your own. To do this, you only need to thoroughly wash potatoes, carrots or apples. These fruits and vegetables will be great entertainment for Shelties.

The floor surface must not be slippery. Clumsy puppies can easily slip and dislocate their paws.

Health and longevity

On average, Shelties live to be 13 years old. Proper maintenance and care of the dog will help to achieve this. Like many other breeds, the Shetland Sheepdog has a predisposition to certain diseases.

Sheltie dogs can suffer from cataracts, inversion of the eyelids, congenital deafness and other diseases.

List of possible pathologies:

  1. Dermatomyositis.
  2. eye anomaly.
  3. Polyarthritis.
  4. Corneal dystrophy.
  5. Hemophilia.
  6. congenital deafness.
  7. Open ductus arteriosus.
  8. Dysplasia of the hip joint.
  9. Inversion of the eyelids.
  10. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
  11. Hypothyroidism.
  12. Neoplasms of the nasal cavity.
  13. Progressive retinal atrophy.
  14. Von Willebrand disease.
  15. Gene mutations.
  16. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease.
  17. testicular neoplasia.
  18. Weakening of the ligaments of the wrist.
  19. Cryptorchidism.

Important. The breed is extremely sensitive to certain medical supplies. For example, milbemycin and ivermectin (drugs are contraindicated for these dogs, and others, which include the above active substances).

Sheltie Disadvantages

Despite numerous advantages, Shelty has a number of disadvantages:

  1. The need for regular and thorough hair care.
  2. Possible formation of lumps on the coat.
  3. Increased activity of the dog, which causes certain difficulties when walking.
  4. Shyness. The dog can be extremely shy and hide from guests in the house.
  5. Increased need to live in a peaceful environment. If in the middle of the night the dog feels uncomfortable, then it can express its dissatisfaction with loud barking, which seems to the owners for no reason.