Rules for removing a foreign body from the respiratory tract. Removing a foreign body from the canal. What signals the possible presence of fragments of endodontic instruments inside a tooth?


Start off emergency assistance from wasting time on examining the oral cavity.

Try to remove the foreign body with your finger or tweezers.

As a rule, under the influence of saliva, the fatal piece of sausage or apple softens so much that even with careful removal, some part of it will definitely come off and, like a vacuum cleaner hose, rush into the larynx. Thus, you will lose your only chance of salvation.


Removing spherical objects

REMEMBER!If a child chokes on a pea, you should immediately turn the baby head down and tap the back several times with your palm at the level of the shoulder blades.

The so-called “Pinocchio effect” will work. This is exactly how they tried to extract the coins hidden in the cheek from the famous prankster.

Of course, in no case should you keep a small patient, like the hero of a fairy tale, in limbo all night.

If, after several blows between the shoulder blades, the foreign body does not fall to the floor, then you must immediately begin other methods of removing it.

If the child’s height and weight do not allow you to lift him by the legs, then it is quite enough to place the child with his stomach on the back of the chair or on your thigh so that his head is as low as possible.

There is nothing complicated in these actions, and, as practice shows, they are quite effective.

Remember ! If the foreign body is in the form of a ball (peas, lollipops, a piece of a bitten apple, etc.), then it easily slips past the glottis and can just as easily be removed by quickly turning the baby upside down - the “Pinocchio effect.”

Extraction Rules foreign body the "Pinocchio" method in a baby

Rule one
Place the baby on your forearm.

Rule two
Insert two fingers into the mouth (very often children choke on candy wrappers and plastic bags). If there is a candy wrapper and a plastic bag in your mouth, try to remove them with your fingers.

Rule three
Gently pat the child's back, provided that the child's body is located on the forearm.

Rule four
You cannot hit the back hard with a fist or the edge of your palm. The baby's spine is easily injured, even to the point of damage. spinal cord, which will certainly lead to lifelong disability.

Rule five
You cannot shake the baby upside down while holding him by the legs, as the baby has very weak spinal ligaments.

the "Pinocchio" method
in an adult or teenager

Remember! Trying to remove a foreign body from the respiratory tract in this way can take no more than 10-15 seconds. Its effectiveness does not exceed 30%.If the foreign body is in the form of a plate or coin, then it is almost impossible to remove it using the “Pinocchio” method—the “piggy bank effect.” It’s easy to drop a coin into it, but it’s impossible to shake the coin out of the piggy bank.

Rule one
revive the victim on your knee (it is better to use the back of a chair, with your head resting on the seat and your stomach on its back).

Rule two
Clap your back 3-4 times with your palm.

What to do? What if the Pinocchio method did not lead to success?
You should use the “American police method”


and other foreign bodies

REMEMBER! When a coin hits, there is no need to expect success from the previous method: the piggy bank effect is triggered.
The glottis easily allows a coin to pass inside, but shaking it out from the back is almost impossible.

In this situation, you need to resort to methods aimed at shaking the chest. It is necessary to force the foreign body to change its position. Then there may be hope that, as a result of a strong concussion of the chest, it will either rotate around its axis, freeing the passage for air, or, moving down the trachea, will eventually end up in one of the bronchi.

By virtue of anatomical features the foreign body most often ends up in the right bronchus. Of course, this will make it difficult to remove it in the future, but it will give the person the opportunity to breathe at least with one lung and, therefore, survive.

Hit the back with a fist
or the edge of the palm.

There are several ways to shake the chest. The most common of them is tapping your back with your palm.

The most effective are short but frequent blows to the interscapular area.

REMEMBER! Hitting the back can only be done with an open palm.

Another method, more effective, was called the “American police method.” Frankly speaking, the authors do not have exact data to what extent American law enforcement officers “had a hand in it,” but no one doubts that the method named in their honor saved many lives.

In itself it is quite simple. To perform it, you need to stand behind the choking person, take him by the shoulders and, pushing him away from you at outstretched arms, sharply hit his back with force against your own chest.

This blow can be repeated several times. But this option has one significant limitation: the rescuer must have a flat male chest.

Execution Rules
"the way of American police"

Remember! With a sharp concussion of the chest, a foreign body in the form of a plate or coin can move from a horizontal (blocking) position to a vertical one, and then the victim will be able to take two or three breaths. The same effect occurs when tapping on the back with an open palm. The efficiency of the method does not exceed 40%.

Rule one Stand behind the victim and take her by the shoulders.

Rule two
Pushing her away from you, forcefully hit her back against your chest. When performing a strike, you should move away from the back of her head.

Remember!Only those with flat male chests can effectively perform the “American Police Method”.

Rules for removing a foreign body
from the respiratory tract with a blow under the diaphragm
(Heimlich method)

Remember!This is the most effective (up to 80% of successful removal of foreign bodies from the upper respiratory tract), but also the most dangerous of all of the above.

Efficiencyis that with a sharp blow under the diaphragm, more than 300 ml of “dead” space air is pushed out of the lungs, which is never used when breathing and coughing. Correct Application This natural reserve often saves the lives of choking people.

Dangeris that a sharp blow is delivered at " restricted area" - in an area rich in nerve endings (not to be confused with the precordial stroke). It is blows below the diaphragm or strong compression of this area with hands ( dangerous fun schoolchildren) often leads to reflex cardiac arrest. In addition, a hard, traumatic blow can cause serious injuries. internal organs and life-threatening internal bleeding.

Remember!The most effective, but at the same time the most dangerous way should be used only after unsuccessful use of previous methods.

Hit under the diaphragm
children under 3 years old.

Remember! After each case of a blow under the diaphragm, you should definitely call ambulance or consult a doctor. There is a very high risk of internal organ rupture and life-threatening internal bleeding.

Practice punching skills under the diaphragm on each other
and, especially, on persons under 18 years of age.

Rule one
Stand behind the victim.

Rule two
Grab it with your hands, clasped in a lock, under the costal arch of the victim.

Rule three
Forcefully strike from bottom to top with your hands folded into a “lock” into the epigastric region.

Rule four
After a strike, you should not immediately release your folded hands. In case of reflex cardiac arrest, you should hold the falling victim.

What to do? What if this method did not lead to success? Prepare everything necessary for emergency conicotomy.

Only medical professionals have the right to perform emergency conicotomy.

This seemingly simple manipulation can only be performed by well-trained personnel. All that is required is to pierce the skin between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages with any sharp (can be non-sterile) object.

A foreign body will never fall below vocal cords(they are located at the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage), and the puncture or incision of the conical ligament (in the diagram it is indicated by a red arrow turned horizontally, in the plane of the blade used) will be below the vocal cords. Just above the trachea.

Thus, the foreign body will no longer become an obstacle to the passage of air into the lungs. It doesn’t matter what caused the blockage of the upper respiratory tract: a foreign body, swelling of the mucous membranes or cartilage injury, the victim will be saved.

Remember!An incision error of just a millimeter can cost the victim his life. The worst thing is to cut at least a little thyroid gland. The rate of blood loss when it is injured, as when the carotid artery is injured.

In any case of foreign body entry into the upper respiratory tract, you should first use e th extraction. And if a specialist was at the scene of the incident and began performing an emergency conicotomy on an unconscious person, please help medical worker in its implementation.

Providing assistance in case of contact
on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx

thin herring bone,
villi or hair.

Remember!If this is a child under 10 years old, then be sure to call an ambulance. The mucous membrane of a child's larynx swells very quickly from the slightest irritation. In a matter of hours, swelling can be fatal.

Under no circumstances!
Giving your child stale bread or crackers.
They will further provoke the development of edema of the laryngeal mucosa.

Remember!The most reasonable thing is to offer your child a portion of ice cream. The cold sticky mass will reduce the rate of swelling of the mucous membrane and can “drag” a foreign object along with it. (You can offer a glass cold water, or better yet, sweet juice or a spoonful of jam).


Trying to reach a foreign body with your fingers
or with tweezers from the victim lying on his back.



Practicing foreign body removal skills
and oral cavity

There are already several cases where graduates of our courses
saved the lives of their children.
One such incident occurred on board a company aircraft
"Aeroflot - Russian Airlines".


The most touching model of fifth-generation robotic simulators

Height: 52 cm
Nutrition:4 elements "AA"
Weight: 5 kg
guarantee: 1 year

Operating modes

1. Foreign body entering the upper
Airways .
Immediately after turning on the robot, its lips and nose begin to turn blue.
The baby begins to wheeze and wheeze.

If the foreign body is not removed from the oral cavity within 30 seconds,
then the face will turn pale and the pulse in the brachial artery will disappear.

2. Removing a foreign body
from the upper respiratory tract
and oral cavity
If you turn your baby onto his stomach for 30 seconds,
lower his head below the pelvis and remove the foreign body with your finger,
then a piercing, life-affirming cry will be heard,
which brings tears even to seasoned rescuers.
The robot's face will turn red, and the pulse on the brachial artery will remain
within ten minutes.

Learn the skills of removing foreign bodies from the upper respiratory tract
You can take our courses - see section« TYPES OF COURSES ».

A foreign body lodged in the ear can cause ear pain and hearing loss. An adult usually knows that there is a foreign body in his ear, but a small child may not know this or be unable to explain it.

  • Do not insert anything into your ear! Do not attempt to remove a foreign body using a cotton swab, match, paper clip, or any other instrument. All this can lead to the pushing of a foreign body deep into the ear and damage to its fragile structures.
  • If the object is partially sticking out of the ear and is likely to be easily removed, have another person carefully remove it, for example with tweezers.
  • Try using gravity. Tilt your head with the affected ear down and shake, trying to dislodge the object.
  • If an insect gets into your ear and it tries to move, first tilt your head with the affected ear up, perhaps it will crawl out on its own. If not, pour mineral or vegetable oil into your ear. The oil should be warm, but not hot. After this, pull the tip of your ear back and up a little to straighten the ear canal. The insect should suffocate and float up in the “oil bath.” Do not use the oil to remove other objects, it is only suitable for removing an insect. Do not use this method on children who have a tube in the ear (tympanostomy) or if you suspect an eardrum injury. Signs of this include pain, bleeding or discharge from the ear.
  • Try rinsing your ear with a syringe. Use a regular syringe, without a needle, and warm water for rinsing. Do not use this method if you suspect membrane injury or know you have a tympanostomy.

If these methods do not help, if after removal there is still pain in the ear, decreased hearing, or a sensation of a foreign body, consult a doctor.

First aid for a foreign body in the eye

If a large speck gets into your eye, you should do the following:

  • Wash your hands.
  • Rinse the eye with clean water or sterile saline solution. Use a small glass or shot glass, fill it with water and place it on your face, immersing your eye in it, and blink.
  • Step into the shower stall and direct a gentle stream of water through the shower onto your forehead, while trying to keep your eyes open.

If a foreign body gets into another person's eye:


  • Do not try to remove an object stuck in the eyeball.
  • Don't rub your eyes!
  • Do not try to remove a large object that is preventing the eyelids from closing completely.

Call an ambulance, or go directly to the nearest eye department if:

First aid for a foreign body in the nose

If a foreign object is stuck in your nose:

  • Do not insert a cotton swab or any other instrument into the nostril
  • Do not try to inhale the object or forcefully blow your nose. Instead, breathe through your mouth until the object is removed.
  • Try to close the healthy nostril and very quietly blow out the foreign body from the diseased nostril.
  • Have someone carefully remove the object with tweezers if it is visible. Be careful not to push it any further. If the object is not visible or is easy to push deeper, do not try to remove it.
  • Call an ambulance or go to the nearest ENT department if you cannot correct the situation on your own.

First aid for a foreign body in the skin

In most cases, you can easily and safely remove a small skin foreign body, such as a splinter or a piece of glass. For this:

  • Wash your hands and affected skin area with soap and water.
  • Use alcohol-treated tweezers to remove the object. A magnifying glass can help you get a better look.
  • If the entire object is under the surface of the skin, take a syringe needle or a sewing needle (the second one must be pre-treated with alcohol). Carefully lift or tear the top layers of skin over the object. Pick it up with the tip of the needle and remove it with tweezers.
  • Gently squeeze the wound to squeeze out a few drops of blood along with any germs trapped inside.
  • Wash the area of ​​skin again and pat dry. Apply antibiotic ointment.
  • If you were unable to remove the foreign body, or it penetrated too deeply, contact the nearest surgical department.

If you decide to go to the surgical department:

  • Do not attempt to remove the item yourself. This may cause more damage.
  • If it is necessary to stop bleeding, press firmly on the tissue around the foreign body - this will bring the edges of the wound together.
  • Dress the wound. To do this, place a piece of gauze over the object. Then place a clean napkin on this area of ​​skin and bandage it carefully. Be careful not to press the foreign body even deeper with the bandage.

If your last tetanus vaccine (TdT) was administered more than five years ago, consult your doctor on the same day, even after successfully removing the foreign body on your own.

First aid for a foreign body in the respiratory tract

In cases where foreign body aspiration causes suffocation, the American Red Cross recommends the "five and five" rule for first aid:

  • Give five blows to the back. Tilt the victim slightly and tap him with medium force between the shoulder blades with your palm.
  • Do five abdominal thrusts (also known as the Heimlich maneuver).
  • Alternate between 5 Heimlich maneuvers and 5 strong pats on the back several times to push the foreign body back out, or at least to get the victim to breathe freely.

To perform the Heimlich maneuver on another person:

  • Stand behind the person. Hug him above the waist, but below the lower ribs. Tilt it forward a little.

  • Perform 5 pushes in a row, then assess the victim’s breathing. Repeat if necessary, slightly increasing the effort.
  • In severely obese people or pregnant women, the classic Heimlich maneuver is not possible, so you should reach higher, squeezing the lower chest rather than the abdomen.

If the person is unconscious, place them on the floor or hard surface and begin CPR. Before attempting artificial respiration, check the victim's mouth and throat with your finger, and if the object is within reach, remove it with your finger. Be sure to monitor with your eyes what you are doing in the victim’s mouth; be careful not to push the foreign body deeper.

To perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself (if no one is around, or everyone is confused and cannot help), immediately dial the ambulance number and try to tell them what happened. Performing the Heimlich maneuver on yourself is an ineffective procedure, but it is better than nothing. There is some chance that you will be able to push the foreign body out of your respiratory tract on your own.

  • Press your fist just above your navel.
  • Grab your fist with your other hand and press it against a hard surface - a tabletop or chair.
  • Push your weight onto the hard surface, pushing your fist in and up.

First aid for foreign bodies of the esophagus

If you swallow a foreign object, it will usually be able to pass through your digestive system without causing complications and will be excreted in your stool. But some objects can get stuck in the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat to the stomach). If an object is lodged in the esophagus, the person may need to remove it, especially if it:

  • A pointed object that must be removed as quickly as possible to avoid further damage to the esophagus and surrounding tissues
  • A tiny battery in the form of a tablet, because it can quickly cause a burn.
  • If the person who swallowed the object coughs violently and cannot calm down. If an object is swallowed, it blocks the airway and the person's condition worsens.

For breathing problems, the American Red Cross recommends "five and five".

  • Apply five blows on the back. Tilt the victim slightly and tap him with medium force between the shoulder blades with your palm.
  • Do five abdominal thrusts (also known as the Heimlich maneuver).
  • Alternate five Heimlich maneuvers and five strong pats on the back several times to push the foreign body back, or at least to ensure that the victim can breathe freely.
  • If you are providing assistance alone, call an ambulance as soon as possible and continue to provide assistance until they arrive. If there are free people around you, entrust this to one of them.

If the person is unconscious, place them on the floor or hard surface and begin CPR. Before attempting artificial respiration, check the victim's mouth and throat with your finger, and if the object is within reach, remove it with your finger. Be sure to check it with your eyes. Whatever you do in the victim’s mouth, be careful not to push the foreign body further.

Technique for performing the Heimlich maneuver - see above.

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat

Inflammation of the salivary gland



Ear diseases

Ear diseases

Retropharyngeal abscess

Foreign body of the larynx

Foreign body of the nose

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat

Foreign body of the ear

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat

Maxillary sinus cyst

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat

Cochlear neuritis

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat


Diseases of the ear, nose and throat


There is an object stuck in the throat - we will remove the foreign body

Removing a foreign body from the throat

  • The child stuck something up his nose
  • Inhalation of a living organism
  • Complication after surgery
  • Choking while eating
  • After a nose injury

Contact our clinic

Symptoms of a foreign body in the throat

Sore throat, pain when swallowing

It is the most common symptom for any type of foreign body and its location. Sharp objects are characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome, aggravated by talking, swallowing and even breathing.

Foreign body sensation

The presence of a foreign body is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This may include a sore throat, cough, difficulty swallowing, increased salivation, and vomiting if an object is stuck in the oropharynx.

Breathing problems

Large foreign bodies located above the entrance to the larynx or esophagus can partially block the lumen of the larynx, leading to breathing problems. The cause of asphyxia (suffocation) is often elastic foreign bodies of the pharynx.

What to do if a foreign body is in a child’s nose

1. Make an appointment 2. Computed tomography 3. Endoscopic examination
4. Foreign body removal 5. Additional treatment as indicated 6. Control inspection


What complications can occur when an object gets stuck in the throat?

The development of inflammation with increased pain and swelling, difficulty breathing and swallowing. Sharp objects can cause significant damage to the tissues of the pharynx and, as a result, lead to bleeding. If an infection occurs, an abscess of the pharynx and phlegmon of the neck will develop.

How does an ENT doctor remove a foreign body from the throat?

An otorhinolaryngologist removes an object using endoscopic equipment in adults with local anesthesia, in very young children - under general anesthesia. Sometimes surgery is required.

What should you do first if you have something stuck in your throat?

Rules for self-help if you choked: 1.Clench one hand into a fist and place the thumb side on your stomach at the level between the navel and costal arches. 2.

The palm of the other hand is placed on top of the fist, and with a quick upward push, the fist is pressed into the stomach. 3. Repeat several times until the airways are clear.

You can also lean on a firmly standing horizontal object (corner of a table, chair, railing) and push upward in the epigastric region.

To prevent a foreign body from getting into the throat you need to: do not keep small objects in your mouth, do not talk while eating, do not abuse alcoholic beverages, do not leave children unattended and buy toys that are appropriate for the child’s age, perform proper care for bedridden patients or relatives after a stroke, in case of impaired swallowing.After removing a foreign body from the throat of an adult or child, the ENT doctor, as a rule, prescribes additional anti-inflammatory therapy depending on the severity of damage to the pharyngeal mucosa by the object.
If you manage to remove a foreign body from the throat on your own, especially if it has sharp corners (edges), consult an ENT doctor for examination to rule out damage to the throat mucosa or remaining fragments of the foreign body.If you or your child, after removing a foreign body from the pharynx, are bothered by discomfort, pain, purulent discharge, bad smell from the mouth, consult a doctor.

Advantages of the Garant Clinic

Equipment Karl Storz

MC Garant uses manipulative and visual endoscopic equipment Karl Storz. Using the power and high quality optics of endoscopes, the doctor can better see what is happening inside the nose. He will be able to locate the item and retrieve it.

Interdisciplinary approach

Computed tomography is used in cases where a foreign object in the nose cannot be detected using an endoscope (for example, due to severe inflammation). Using a tomography, the doctor will determine exactly where the foreign body is located and how damaged the nasal tissue is.

Minimally invasive surgeries

If surgical removal of an object is indicated, the procedure is performed in an operating room equipped with necessary equipment, using the FESS method, in which access is provided through natural openings and mini-incisions that do not leave visible scars.

Prices: cost of removing a foreign body from the throat in Yekaterinburg. There is a loan and installments

Contact our clinic

Removal of a foreign body from the throat (pharynx) must be done before swelling and inflammation develop, which will interfere with its removal, therefore, sign up with the Guarantor as soon as possible.

Diagnosis and removal of a foreign body from the throat is carried out within 15 to 60 minutes, if there are no complicating factors.

Foreign bodies of ENT organs

Home /Useful information /Foreign bodies of ENT organs Download article

Outer ear canal

Various foreign objects are most often removed from the external auditory canal from children, who insert all sorts of things into it: seeds, beads, screws, fruit seeds, peas, small construction parts, etc.

In adults, foreign bodies get into the ears usually as a result of injury or poor hygiene.

Also, people often turn to an ENT specialist after relaxing in nature - after all, foreign bodies include insects that have crawled into the external auditory canal.

Diagnosis of a foreign body

Diagnosis is based on a patient interview and examination of the ear canal.

To determine further tactics treatment, first of all, it is necessary to establish the type of foreign body: whether it is alive, whether it has sharp edges, whether it can swell with fluid, whether attempts have been made to remove it independently and whether the patient has suffered from any ear diseases previously - all this helps prevent the development of complications.

Foreign body removal methods (performed by a qualified doctor).

  1. Rinse with warm water. For this, a 100-150 ml syringe is used. If the foreign body is swelling (peas or beans), then warm alcohol-based drops are first poured in, due to which the legumes “shrink,” as well as liquid oil, thanks to which the body can slip out.
  2. If an insect gets into the ear, then oil is poured into the passage - the insect will die and stop causing discomfort and pain to the patient.
  3. If the eardrum has a perforation (this happens if the patient has previously undergone certain types of treatment for ear diseases), then rinsing is contraindicated. It also makes no sense to flush the passage if a foreign body completely blocks it, since water cannot penetrate behind it and, accordingly, wash it out.
  4. If rinsing does not help, then either a blunt hook is used, which is hooked behind the foreign body and pushes to the exit, or a sharp one, which pierces it and pulls it out.

If the manipulations are painful (especially in children), short-term anesthesia is sometimes used to perform them.

Most often, foreign bodies get into the nose in children. Usually these are various small objects - buttons, coins, pebbles, etc.

If a foreign body is recently present in the nasal cavity, the patient usually experiences difficulty breathing on one side. With prolonged exposure to the nasal cavity, the appearance of foul-smelling nasal discharge is added to one-sided breathing.

If a foreign body has recently entered the nose, then removing it does not require complex manipulations. Sometimes it’s enough just to blow your nose; if that doesn’t help, use vasoconstrictor drops and the object is removed using the tool. After removing the foreign body, the symptoms gradually disappear on their own.


Most often, doctors are contacted when it gets into the throat fish bones or fragments of meat bones. Other objects also most often enter the pharynx during eating. At risk are people with missing teeth or with installed dentures, due to which control soft palate switched off.

  • Also common reason foreign bodies entering this area - hasty eating, poor chewing of food, the habit of holding a pen or other utensils in the mouth while working.
  • Cases of foreign objects entering the pharynx are classified according to their location:
  1. in the nasopharynx;
  2. in the oropharynx;
  3. in the laryngopharynx.

Small or sharp objects (fish bones, pieces of meat bones, glass) usually get stuck in the oropharynx. Large foreign bodies get stuck in the laryngopharynx: pieces of unchewed food, large bones, coins (usually in children).

Foreign objects enter the nasopharynx in rare cases.


In the mouth there is localized stabbing pain, which is especially pronounced when the throat is empty. Due to abrasions and scratches, the patient may experience pain for some time even after removal of the foreign body. There is also a feeling of an obstacle in the area where a foreign object is located.


Oropharynx: in this area, a foreign body can be detected during examination - hemorrhages and disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane indicate the presence of a problem. At deep dive fragments in the tonsil tissue can be detected by palpation.

Laryngopharynx: In this area, foreign bodies are detected using laryngoscopy.

If the body cannot be identified by indirect laryngoscopy, direct hypopharyngoscopy is used. Metal objects are detected by fluoroscopy.


To remove a foreign object, it must be seen. Carrying out blind manipulations and “pushing” objects further are contraindicated. In the oropharynx, objects are removed using tweezers. Removal of objects from the larynx is carried out under anesthesia using special laryngeal forceps and a mirror.

Independent attempts to remove a foreign object can lead to a worsening situation! It's better to trust a specialist.

  1. Author of the article
  2. Padalka Anastasia Yurievna,
  3. ENT doctor at MC "AVENUE-Bataysk".

Padalka A.Yu. Nikanorov V.Yu. Radchenko L.V. Tsai L.A. Bykova V.V. Goncharova O.V. Back

Foreign body of the pharynx

IN modern ENT In practice, such a phenomenon as a foreign body in the pharynx occurs quite often, and children and adolescents are more susceptible to it, and pensioners and adults are less likely to be affected. As you know, a foreign body is a foreign household item that accidentally or through negligence fell into respiratory system and got stuck there.

If the characteristic problem is not solved in a timely manner, extremely undesirable obstruction of the upper respiratory tract occurs with the development of asphyxia. Accordingly, such a condition may already end in an unexpected death, which should not be allowed under any circumstances.

As is known, the pharynx in such a clinical picture performs protective function, that is, when a foreign object penetrates, it demonstrates its contractility and, thereby, prevents its penetration deeper into the digestive system. However, this does not mean that the problem does not exist at all, so it is necessary to immediately carry out a series of therapeutic and resuscitation measures to immediately stabilize the patient’s general condition.

If we talk about the etiology of a characteristic pathological process, it is worth noting that such penetration is preceded by a number of pathogenic factors:

  1. carelessness and inattention of parents who leave children's fun without proper attention;
  2. absent-mindedness of pensioners, which is complemented by poor vision and impaired coordination of movements;
  3. teenage experiments with their health;
  4. poorly prepared food;
  5. hazardous production;
  6. poorly performed medical procedures, as an option - by a dentist.

All foreign bodies that, for one reason or another, penetrate the pharynx can be roughly classified into the following types:

  1. live (poorly cooked food, berry seeds, fish bones, large pieces of meat, shells, scales);
  2. organic (teeth or dentures);
  3. inorganic (buttons, small parts, badges);
  4. metal (pins, bolts, screws, splinters and fragments of medical instruments).

This characteristic depends therapeutic effect, as well as the success of the resuscitation measures carried out. This is why it is so important to know exactly what object was swallowed and not to put off going to a specialist.

The first thing you should focus on is an unpleasant soreness in the throat, accompanied by a feeling of a foreign body interfering with normal breathing and swallowing.

As a rule, the pain syndrome becomes more intense when swallowing, and in some clinical situations it even takes your breath away, provoking an attack of dizziness.

If the feeling of lack of air progresses, then an unexpected death due to asphyxia cannot be ruled out.

If a foreign body is swallowed by a child, then it is possible that he will hide his act for a long time. To prevent such a childhood secret from ending in tragedy, it is important to monitor his condition.

To do this, pay attention to passivity, lack of appetite, impaired salivation, regular urge to vomit and unpleasant grimaces during swallowing.

If characteristic anomalies are present, it’s time to have a heart-to-heart talk with your child.

When the essence of the problem becomes clear, with detailed diagnostics also, you should not delay, otherwise delay in this matter may cost a human life.

In most clinical pictures, making a final diagnosis is not at all difficult, especially since most patients know exactly what kind of foreign body it is and when it entered the body. In such cases, additional diagnostics are not required at all, and it is important to begin treatment immediately.

If alarmed parents find it difficult to answer what their child swallowed, and the young patient himself remains silent, like a partisan, the doctor prescribes a clinical examination to determine the foreign body, its structure and nature, as well as the site of localization in the digestive organs.

Among the most effective methods diagnostics, the following should be highlighted:

  1. pharyngoscopy to visualize a foreign body;
  2. radiography to determine the source of pathology;
  3. laryngoscopy, rhinoscopy, esophagoscopy are appropriate only in those clinical situations where a foreign body travels through the digestive organs.

Sometimes it happens that a patient complains of the presence of a foreign body in the throat, but after a thorough examination the doctor does not find one in a characteristic area. But the injury to the pharynx is obvious, indicating an attempt at self-medication. If such an object has already been swallowed, then the consequences of such an “inedible meal” are the most unpredictable.

As a rule, such measures are quite sufficient to make a final diagnosis, but the doctor must be able to differentiate the characteristic ailment with maximum accuracy by palpation and studying the examination results.

It is possible to prevent this disease, but this requires increased vigilance for patients at risk. In the case of children's bodies, it is prohibited to put small parts in the mouth, and even purchase toys according to the prevailing age. If it is obvious that the child is very active. Then keep your close attention on him throughout the day.

Adult patients and pensioners with decreased vision are recommended to wear glasses, be particularly picky about food, and also be vigilant about wearing dentures. All these actions help prevent the penetration of foreign bodies into the body with further exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

If a problem does occur, then you should not use sharp objects, tweezers or forceps to remove a foreign object from the throat, since one inept movement can damage the mucous membrane of the throat. Timely contact with an ENT specialist allows many patients to prolong their lives and avoid becoming a victim of asphyxia.

So, if there is a foreign body in the throat, then it can only be removed surgically. Superficial self-medication is inappropriate in this matter, so it is extremely important to seek qualified help from an otolaryngologist.

If the foreign object has penetrated shallowly, then the ENT can remove it during a visual examination without additional hospitalization.

For these purposes, special medical devices such as tweezers, Bruenings forceps or nasal forceps are used.

After this unpleasant procedure, the doctor lubricates the throat with a special Lugol’s solution, and for the first days recommends eating exclusively liquid food.

If a foreign body has penetrated deep into the esophagus, then surgical manipulations are required, performed under local anesthesia. The process uses a laryngeal speculum and forceps, and release of the esophagus is performed using laryngoscopy.

Opening the throat is required in exceptional cases, but received this procedure the name is pharyngotomy, which is performed strictly according to indications and based on detailed diagnostics.

For the most part, the clinical outcome is quite favorable, and the patient becomes much easier to breathe when receiving immediate assistance.

It is forbidden to let the problem take its course, otherwise worsened asphyxia will end in mortality.

Foreign bodies of the pharynx


  • Definition
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Prevention


Foreign bodies most often get stuck in the throat while eating. Foreign bodies of the pharynx usually get stuck in the pharyngeal or lingual tonsils or the pyriform sinus.


Typically, among the foreign bodies, fish bones can most often be observed, and occasionally meat bones. Sometimes, when a person holds a needle or other sharp objects in their teeth, they can move and get stuck in the throat.

More often, foreign bodies get stuck in the palatine tonsils, pyriform fossae, lingual tonsil and lateral surfaces of the tongue root. The deepening of foreign bodies into the pear-shaped pits of the hypopharynx can be life-threatening, as phlegmon and sepsis can develop.


With foreign bodies in the pharynx, patients complain of stabbing pains that intensify during swallowing. Patients clearly feel the deepening of the foreign body.

In addition, they exhibit significant reflex salivation due to irritation of nerve endings and inflammatory changes in places where the foreign body is deepened. Salivation is especially significant when foreign bodies deepen into the pear-shaped fossae of the laryngeal part of the pharynx. Large foreign bodies that become lodged in the lower parts of the pharynx can cause asphyxia.

In patients with prolonged immersion of foreign bodies in the pharynx, an inflammatory reaction occurs around the foreign body due to infection of this area. Further, the formation of phlegmon in the pharynx and parapharyngeal area with subcutaneous emphysema and the occurrence of a septic condition is possible. Cases of foreign body damage to the common carotid artery with fatal outcomes have been described.


When recognizing foreign bodies in the pharynx, attention must be paid to the fact that sometimes, despite the characteristic complaints of patients and an executive review of the pharynx, it is not possible to detect a foreign body. Then a digital examination of the pharynx should be used, in which the foreign body can be clearly felt.

To detect metallic foreign bodies, it is advisable to use radiography in two projections, or even better, tomofluorography. It should be noted that non-metallic foreign bodies that have gone deep into the lateral parts of the pharynx and penetrated deeply into the lower part are difficult to recognize.

To identify foreign bodies, it is necessary to examine the pharynx using a laryngeal mirror. It should be borne in mind that the presence of a foreign body in the lower part of the pharynx is indicated by foamy saliva, swelling of the mucous membrane and difficulty breathing.

Often patients, often neurasthenics, tell the doctor that they had a foreign body stuck in their throat several months ago, and it moves now to the right, now to the left, or down and up. Such complaints rather indicate the absence of a foreign body.


To remove foreign bodies from the middle parts of the pharynx and pharynx, you can use tweezers. If the foreign body is in the laryngeal part of the pharynx, it is removed with bent forceps under the control of a laryngoscopic mirror. Before removing a foreign body from the lower parts of the pharynx, it is necessary to anesthetize the mucous membrane.

Leeches are removed from the throat after lubricating them with a concentrated solution of sodium chloride.

In case of mediastinitis, it is advisable to do a cervical mediastinotomy; for parapharyngeal phlegmon, a wide and deep incision of the phlegmon from the side of the neck with subsequent drainage.

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Specialization: Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

Foreign bodies of the pharynx - symptoms, diagnosis, removal

Foreign bodies of the pharynx are living organisms, parts of food or foreign objects that accidentally enter the pharynx and have a damaging effect on its mucosa.

Foreign bodies in the pharynx can lead to obstruction of the upper respiratory tract with subsequent development of asphyxia and cause infection.

Causes of a foreign body getting into the throat

The most common cause of foreign objects getting into the throat is talking and laughing while eating, as well as inattention while eating.

Foreign bodies in the pharynx are classified by their nature as follows: live, iatrogenic, food-borne and household. The most common foreign bodies are parts of food: poorly chewed pieces of meat, meat and fish bones.

The group of household foreign bodies includes: small toys and their parts, pieces of wood or glass, coins, dentures, hairpins, buttons, sewing needles, screws, nails.

Among iatrogenic foreign bodies there are: fragments of medical needles, dental drills, cotton swabs and other instruments used in surgery, otolaryngology and dentistry.

Reasons for foreign bodies getting into the throat

Foreign objects may enter the pharynx during tonsillectomy, adenotomy, during removal of benign tumors of the nasal cavity and pharynx, during dental prosthetics, treatment of caries, and tooth extraction.

Based on their origin, foreign bodies of the pharynx are divided into:

  • endogenous, which enter the pharynx ascendingly or are formed directly in it;
  • exogenous foreign bodies enter the pharynx from the outside through the nose or mouth.

Based on the depth of penetration, foreign bodies are divided into superficial and deeply penetrating into the tissues of the pharynx.

Symptoms of foreign bodies in the pharynx

The clinical picture of this condition is determined by the shape, type, size and location of foreign bodies in the pharynx, as well as the time of entry into it. Common symptoms are: increased salivation, difficulty swallowing, cough, sore throat, foreign body sensation, sore throat.

In some cases, the pain may radiate to the larynx or ear. If a foreign body is localized in the oropharynx, then the urge to vomit is observed. Sometimes an object lodged in the pharynx passes into the larynx or esophagus, damaging the pharyngeal mucosa along the way and causing pain and sore throat.

Diagnosis of foreign bodies in the pharynx

Foreign bodies located in the oropharynx are usually diagnosed without difficulty. For better visualization, pharyngoscopy and x-ray examination are used.

Removal of pharyngeal foreign bodies

Foreign objects are removed from the pharynx using Brunings forceps, tweezers or a nasal forceps. After this procedure, the pharynx is treated with a special solution, and the patient is prescribed rinsing with antiseptic solutions and eating soft food.

Foreign bodies in the nasopharynx and their removal

If you put together various objects that otolaryngologists remove from noses, larynxes and other ENT organs, you will get a very interesting collection. However, keep in mind that their patients are not always children, as most people believe.

A variety of small objects can get into the respiratory tract: bones, seeds, pieces of food, small parts from toys, beads, coins, pins, nails and much more.

A foreign body may enter the nasopharynx in different ways. Most often - through the mouth, much less often - through the nose, trachea, larynx.

Most often, various small bones (fish, meat, etc.) get stuck in the oropharynx.

The main reasons for foreign bodies getting into the nasopharynx

Haste while eating. Reduced sensitivity in people with dentures. Professional habit of holding various small objects in the mouth, such as nails, pins, needles and others.

Small children often put various small objects into their noses (coins, buttons, bones, beads, small parts of toys, etc.).

Usually these objects get stuck in the common or lower nasal meatus.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the nasopharynx

TO characteristic features availability foreign body in the nose include:

Nasal breathing is one-sided and difficult; - purulent discharge comes from one half of the nose;

Sometimes nosebleeds occur.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the pharynx are:

Difficulty swallowing; - pain during swallowing; - stabbing pain, increasing during swallowing;

- large foreign bodies in the throat may cause shortness of breath.

Symptoms of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract:

Feeling of discomfort; - sensation of an object moving in the respiratory tract; - shortness of breath;

Knowing these symptoms is especially helpful if you have young children, as little ones are not always able to explain what happened.

Removal of foreign bodies from the nasopharynx

Having discovered the presence of a foreign body in the nasopharynx, do not try to get rid of it yourself, especially by blindly pushing the object. This is dangerous and can only make the situation worse. Removing foreign bodies from the nasopharynx must be performed by an experienced physician.

Contact for assistance removal of foreign bodies from the nasopharynx to our clinic! Modern equipment and many years of experience our doctors.

In our clinic we removing foreign bodies from the nasopharynx quickly and painlessly, thanks to the professionalism of our doctors and the use of effective local anesthesia.

If available foreign bodies in the nasopharynx do not delay visiting your doctor, this may lead to unpleasant consequences. And remember that removal of foreign bodies from the nasopharynx should only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist!

Foreign bodies of the pharynx

In modern ENT practice, foreign bodies in the pharynx are quite common. They can be of the most varied nature and shape: cereal shells, pieces of fruit, fish bones, pieces of wood, metal objects, dentures, etc. Due to wearing dentures, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the soft and hard palate is significantly reduced, so foreign bodies can enter throat unnoticed.

Depending on the size and shape, foreign bodies of the pharynx can get stuck between the tonsil and the palatine arch, in the lacunae of the palatine tonsils, and sometimes penetrate into the thickness of the tissue (especially the tonsils).

There are also cases when a foreign body gets stuck in the area of ​​the lingual tonsil, in the pyriform sinus, in the lateral ridge, in the vallecula.

It is possible that live foreign bodies may also enter the throat: insects, beetles, leeches (when drinking water or swimming in a natural body of water)


Symptoms depend on the location of penetration, shape and size of the foreign body in the pharynx. The main symptoms include: a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the throat, a stabbing pain in the throat that intensifies when swallowing, a sore throat, cough, and possible drooling.

If the foreign body is large enough, breathing becomes difficult, speech is impaired, and asphyxia may occur.

If a foreign body has been in the pharynx for a sufficiently long period of time, soft tissue inflammation, sepsis and bleeding may occur at the site of its introduction.

The final diagnosis is established based on a visual examination of the parts of the pharynx. In some controversial cases X-ray examination is performed


Treatment consists of removing the foreign body from the pharynx using tweezers, clamps and laryngeal forceps. In some cases, the pear-shaped pouches and mucous membrane are pre-anesthetized. the posterior wall of the pharynx and the root of the tongue with a 10% lidocaine solution.

If, after removing a foreign body, a wound surface remains at the site of its insertion, this area is lubricated with a 5% iodine solution (Lugol's solution), followed by gargling with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of furatsilin.

For five to seven days, it is forbidden to eat rough food that can cause irritation.

More articles on this topic:

1. Laryngeal diaphragm 2. Retropharyngeal abscess

Removing a foreign body from the hypopharynx

There are exogenous and endogenous foreign bodies of the hypopharynx. The first group is foreign bodies that have entered the throat from the outside. They are the most common.

The second group consists of foreign bodies that form in the pharynx itself. These include tonsil stones, which are observed very rarely.

Foreign bodies often enter the throat with food (fish and meat bones, glass fragments, pieces of wire and wood, pieces of meat, cereal grains, etc.)

Foreign bodies can also be objects that accidentally get into the mouth (nails, buttons, pins, sewing and medical needles, hooks, small parts of toys), as well as dentures.

Living foreign bodies are also observed.

In countries with a hot climate, and in our country in the republics of Central Asia and the Caucasus, there are leeches that can penetrate the oral cavity when drinking water from a stream, ditch, or while bathing.

Sharp and small foreign bodies (usually fish bones) usually get stuck in the oropharynx, penetrating into the lacunae of the palatine tonsils, arches, lingual tonsil, and vallecula.

Large foreign bodies (buttons, coins, pieces of unchewed food, dentures, large meat bones) lodge in the laryngopharynx above the entrance to the esophagus or in the pyriform pouch. Foreign bodies in the nasopharynx are much less common.

They get into it during injuries to the nose and paranasal sinuses, vomiting, during medical procedures, as well as when trying to remove a foreign body from the lower part of the pharynx.

Symptoms of a foreign body of the hypopharynx

Clinical symptoms caused by the presence of a foreign body in the hypopharynx depend on its size, shape, location of insertion and duration of stay. The main symptoms are a sore throat that gets worse when swallowing, and a sensation of a foreign object. Difficulty in swallowing food and drooling are noted. Large foreign bodies stuck in the lower part of the pharynx impair speech, cause coughing and severe difficulty breathing.

At the location of the foreign body in the wall of the pharynx, an inflammatory process occurs, resulting in increased pain. Often a foreign body that has passed into the esophagus and stomach injures the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which can cause symptoms of an “imaginary” foreign body.

The sensation of a foreign body may be associated with chronic inflammatory processes and tumors of the pharynx, paresthesia, elongation of the styloid process, deforming spondylosis of the cervical spine, osteophytes of the cervical vertebrae, and pharyngoesophageal-cervical syndrome.

The patient’s special suspiciousness is also important.

Complications of a foreign body of the hypopharynx

A foreign body of the pharynx, injuring the mucous membrane and submucosal layer, can cause a number of complications: abscesses of the pharynx (retropharyngeal, lateropharyngeal) and tonsils, submandibular lymphadenitis, phlegmon of the neck, bleeding, subcutaneous emphysema. The development of mediastinitis, sepsis, and damage to the cervical vertebrae is possible.

Diagnosis of a foreign body of the hypopharynx

The diagnosis of a foreign body in the pharynx is established on the basis of the patient’s complaints, medical history and the results of objective studies: mesopharyngoscopy, posterior rhinoscopy, indirect and direct laryngoscopy.

Indicating to the patient pain when swallowing in a certain place makes it easier to identify a foreign body.

Examination of the pharynx should be thorough, especially carefully examining the places of “favorite” localization of foreign bodies: palatine tonsils, arches, valleculae, pear-shaped pouches.

If there is a suspicion that a foreign body is in the palatine tonsil, it is necessary to dislocate it somewhat by moving the anterior palatoglossal arch with a spatula, and carefully examine the lacunae. Examination of the pharynx is best performed under local terminal anesthesia. In the diagnosis of foreign bodies, especially metal ones, it is advisable to conduct a survey radiography of the pharynx in two projections.

Removing foreign bodies from the hypopharynx is not particularly difficult.

A foreign body is usually removed from the oropharynx during pharyngoscopy using nasal forceps with tightly contacting jaws, forceps, cranked or anatomical tweezers.

Our medical center has an otolaryngologist with extensive experience working in the emergency department of a large emergency hospital in Moscow, contact us for help.

Foreign body of the pharynx

One of the problems associated with the pharynx may be the entry of foreign bodies into it: fish bones, pieces of meat, wood, wire or even glass.

Most often this is caused by haste while eating, missing teeth or problems with them, sudden coughing, laughing, or simply talking while chewing. In addition, foreign bodies can enter the throat from the nose, larynx or esophagus.

If the foreign body is large enough, it can cause suffocation due to poor air passage, resulting in acute oxygen deficiency.

Symptoms caused by foreign bodies entering the throat can vary. It depends on what exactly got into the throat, the location of the hit, the duration of the foreign body’s stay in the throat, the age of the victim and his individual reaction. But the main symptom of a foreign body in the pharynx is pain of varying degrees: from mild to severe.

If a foreign body remains in the throat for a long time, a pharyngeal abscess may develop ( purulent inflammation), phlegmon (acute purulent inflammation that does not have clear boundaries) in the pharynx and neck, pharyngeal bleeding and even sepsis - an inflammatory reaction of the body, accompanied by a purulent process. To prevent this, you need to consult a doctor in time to remove the foreign body from the throat.

The procedure is carried out with tweezers, laryngeal forceps or other instruments. If this does not help, then you will have to undergo surgical intervention: a tracheotomy or a faster operation - conicotomy, and only after that, in a calm environment, remove the foreign body from the pharynx.

Directory of ENT diseases

Foreign bodies of the pharynx

Foreign bodies of the pharynx more often they get in with food (fish and meat bones, glass fragments, pieces of wire, pieces of meat, lard). Foreign bodies can also be objects that accidentally get into the mouth (pins, nails, buttons), or dentures. Live foreign bodies (leeches, roundworms) are observed less frequently. Hit foreign bodies in the throat may be due to such predisposing factors as fast eating, sudden laughter or coughing while eating, missing teeth or the presence of dentures, and the habit of holding small objects in the mouth. Sharp and small foreign bodies usually get stuck in the oropharynx, penetrating into the palatine tonsils, arches, and the root of the tongue.

Foreign bodies large ones stop in the laryngopharynx (above the entrance to the esophagus or in the pyriform pocket). Much less often, foreign bodies enter the nasopharynx (in case of injuries to the nose and paranasal sinuses, vomiting).

Clinical picture

Symptoms depend on size foreign body, its forms, places of implementation. Main symptoms: sore throat, worsening when swallowing, sensation of a foreign object in the throat, difficulty swallowing food, salivation.

Large foreign bodies stuck in the lower part of the pharynx impair speech, cause coughing and severe difficulty breathing, and asphyxia is possible.

Inflammation occurs at the site of foreign body penetration into the wall of the pharynx, which increases pain.

If a foreign body remains in the throat for a long time, complications in the form of pharyngeal abscesses, phlegmon or sepsis, and bleeding are possible.

Often a foreign body that has already passed into the stomach injures the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which causes symptoms of an imaginary foreign body.

The sensation of a foreign body may be associated with chronic inflammatory processes and tumors of the pharynx, paresthesia and excessive suspiciousness of the patient.

Urgent Care

Emergency care: removal foreign body of the pharynx produced in the otorhinolaryngology office (department). In case of asphyxia, you should try to remove the foreign body with your finger; if that fails, a tracheostomy is necessary.

Foreign object in the throat

The sensation of a foreign body in the throat may appear directly during eating. In this case, the cause will most likely be a piece of food stuck in the throat.

Dry or poorly chewed food can get stuck in the throat. Also, eating fruits and vegetables with peels, seeds, and fish with a lot of small seeds increases the likelihood of feeling like a foreign body is stuck in the throat. In this case, often as accompanying symptoms occurs:

  • coughing;
  • sore throat;
  • pain in the nasopharynx;
  • nausea and vomiting.

In such situations it is advisable to use viscous products such as yogurt or kefir. A stuck bone can also interfere with the throat and cause discomfort; in this case, tweezers are used to remove it.

Most often in childhood there are cases of swallowing various objects. Children have a taste for everything, so small toys, household items, medications and the like can get stuck in a child's throat.

However, in adults, the feeling that something is stuck in the throat can be caused by swallowing, for example, pins or needles, which seamstresses often hold with their lips.

If something like this gets into your throat, you can try to remove the foreign object yourself; if that doesn’t work, consult a doctor. You should not hesitate to seek medical help if:

  • an object lodged in the throat makes breathing difficult;
  • a needle or sharp pin is stuck in the throat;
  • a toxic object, such as a battery or tablet, has entered the throat;
  • a pair or more magnets act as a foreign object.

The most common cause of feeling as if something is stuck is vomiting. Small pieces of food, as well as irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa by the acidic environment contained in the stomach, often cause a feeling as if something is stuck in the throat. In this case, drink a little liquid, as well as gargling soda solution quickly relieve an unpleasant symptom.

Swallowing pills is often a problem for many people. In this case, the feeling that something is stuck in the throat occurs due to:

  • insufficient liquid to swallow the tablet;
  • the size of the drug is too large;
  • nervousness and fear of the swallowing process itself.

Sometimes the tablet or capsule is so large that a person experiences fear when swallowing, thereby causing spasm of the nasopharyngeal muscles and further aggravating the situation.

Important! The medicine may become stuck in the larynx if the throat is not sufficiently moistened or the tablet is swallowed without water.

Therefore, even in the instructions for many medicines You can find recommendations for their use.

So, some tablets must be swallowed whole, while others can be pre-divided into pieces, chewed or crushed into powder.

In order to get rid of unpleasant symptom in this case, you need to try to push the tablet further down the esophagus, washing it down with plenty of liquid.

Causes of foreign object sensation

Often the presence of a foreign object is illusory. A person experiences the feeling that something is stuck in the throat, when in reality there are no foreign objects in the throat. Among the main reasons causing the feeling of a foreign body are:

  • viral and bacterial infections of the nasopharynx;
  • allergic reactions;
  • problems in the digestive system;
  • pathologies of the spine, especially the cervical region;
  • thyroid problems;
  • neurological disorders;
  • excess weight;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • complications after taking medications.

A common infectious disease can cause a foreign object sensation. Often, with diseases of the nasopharynx, an inflammatory process occurs, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, purulent plaque, which causes a feeling of constriction.

Palatine tonsils may enlarge as a result of frequent illnesses or due to chronic diseases, which also causes the sensation of a foreign object, as well as difficulties in swallowing food and saliva.

Allergic reactions can cause burning and soreness in the throat, which often creates the impression of the presence of a foreign body.

The feeling that something is stuck in the throat can also occur as a result of psycho-emotional overload, as a result of stress, nervous experiences, depression, fears and increased anxiety.

In this case, the unpleasant feeling appears and disappears spontaneously. In this case, the feeling of constriction and pain may not affect the entire throat, but may be localized, for example, only on the right or left.

The symptom disappears after complete calming down, and the feeling does not go away even after drinking a lot of water and gargling.

If, after a severe nervous shock, a person experiences the sensation of a foreign object in the throat, it is necessary to seek help from a neurologist.

Problems working with digestive system can also cause tightness in the throat. In this case, the pathology may be accompanied by:

  • burning sensation in the esophagus;
  • belching;
  • stomach pain;
  • indigestion.

If the sensation of a foreign object in the throat is accompanied by these symptoms, then most often the patient is diagnosed with a hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, or pathology of the esophagus.

Sometimes, on the contrary, diagnostic procedures, for example, endoscopic examination, can cause microtraumas resulting in a feeling of tightness in the throat.

In this case, no treatment is required, healing occurs without outside help.

Cancerous tumors affecting the larynx, pharynx or esophagus cause discomfort in the pharynx, causing pain, soreness, and the feeling of a foreign object. The patient has difficulty swallowing. In this case, you need to contact an oncologist for help.

Important! Some blood pressure lowering agents, antiallergic drugs, and other medications may cause a feeling of a foreign object in the throat.

Diagnosis and treatment

To install the real reason, causing a feeling of constriction in the throat, you need to consult a therapist.

After an examination, the doctor can make a diagnosis, but often consultation with other specialists, for example, a neurologist, oncologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and others will be required.

Except general examination, it is often necessary to carry out a number of additional diagnostic procedures:

  • take a clinical blood and urine test, a hormone test;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland and esophagus;
  • X-ray, magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the cervical vertebra.

Only after thorough examination the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

What can be done to help a person get rid of the feeling of a foreign object in the throat? The right decision the cause of the unpleasant symptom will be eliminated.

If the cause of the unpleasant feeling is an infectious disease, then you should immediately begin drug treatment aimed at combating the virus that caused the disease. In case of bacterial infections, complex treatment is prescribed using:

  • antibiotics;
  • medications to reduce fever, usually based on ibuprofen or paracetamol;
  • rinsing with antiseptic agents: furatsilin solution, soda-salt solution, chamomile decoction.

Treatment of neurological disorders is based on:

  • normalization of sleep and wakefulness;
  • eliminating situations that provoke stress;
  • drug therapy using antidepressants.

When problems with the thyroid gland are detected, a feeling of constriction in the throat may be a consequence of a lack of iodine in the body. In this case, hormonal therapy is used to normalize the functioning of the gland, as well as iodine preparations to replenish its deficiency.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine also requires drug treatment, however, therapy is usually not limited to this only. This is the case when the patient needs to undergo a number of additional procedures, for example, acupuncture, massage.

If the patient experiences an illusory sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the throat, the symptom can only be eliminated by eliminating the cause that caused it. However, if you cannot tolerate it at all, you can use distracting procedures, such as rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula), warm drinks (mint tea, motherwort decoction), and irrigating the throat with antiseptic sprays.

  • Nadezhda Chernobay

Foreign body in the throat in children, symptoms, what to do?

Young children have a dangerous habit of holding large objects in their mouths: various balls (glass or plastic), pebbles, parts from disassembled toys, etc.

These objects, if accidentally swallowed, can become lodged in the lower part of the oropharynx and impede breathing, leading to suffocation.

Large candies, pieces of lump sugar, pieces of food (for example, a piece of cracker or cookie, an unchewed piece of meat), etc. can act as a foreign body.

Fish bones stuck in the mucous membrane lining the pharynx are considered foreign bodies of the pharynx.

When a large foreign body enters the pharynx, a characteristic clinical picture occurs: breathing is impaired to one degree or another, suffocation may occur (the child quickly turns blue, loses consciousness; his pulse slows down, his arterial pressure). When a fish bone gets stuck in the mucous membrane of the pharynx, the child complains of a sensation of a foreign body in the throat, difficulty swallowing, and a sore throat; When swallowing food, the pain in the throat intensifies.

Symptoms of foreign bodies

If a child chokes on a foreign object, first of all try to calm him down and assess the condition. With normal breathing, he can clear his throat on his own. If you notice that he is choking, losing consciousness, or his skin is turning blue, emergency help is needed.

Getting a foreign body into the nose is not uncommon in young children; while playing, they often put small objects in their mouths or try to smell them. The baby himself may not notice how he inhaled a small part of a toy, but you should be attentive to him, to toys and remember about this possibility.

Usually a foreign body blocks one nasal passage and the child’s breathing continues, although it becomes difficult. The child may be bothered by the feeling of something foreign in the nose.

He begins to worry and opens his mouth to breathe in more air. After a few hours, light, abundant nasal discharge appears, which quickly becomes bloody. Distinctive features traumatic rhinitis are the absence of signs of infection before its appearance, unilateral lesions, and the absence of systemic manifestations of the disease and intoxication.

A child suffering from a foreign body in the throat needs help:

  • If a child has a large object stuck in his throat and the object is visible when he opens his mouth, you can try to remove the object with your fingers. The object should be removed as quickly as possible, since in many cases the child’s life depends on this;
  • If you cannot remove the object with your fingers, you should turn the child upside down and tap him on the back (between the shoulder blades) with your palm - a cough reflex occurs. When coughing, a foreign body, carried away by a stream of air, is expelled from the lower part of the oropharynx;
  • You can try to squeeze the child’s chest - jerkily. In this case, a stream of air escaping from the lungs, as a rule, pushes the foreign body out;
  • If a fish bone is stuck in a child’s throat, you should seek help from an ENT doctor (otolaryngologist), but it happens that it is not always possible to see a doctor quickly. If a mother sees a fish bone in her child's throat, she can try to remove it with tweezers. If the mother is sure that the bone is small (when preparing a fish dish for the baby, she still large seeds extracted from fish), she can resort to a proven folk method - let the child swallow a small piece of unchewed bread crumb. Usually the crumb, passing through the pharynx, carries the bone with it.

Foreign objects in the baby's body

You can understand that a child has a foreign body in his ear if you notice that he restlessly turns his head, constantly rubs and tugs at his ear, and cries.

Try to pull the top of the ear up and to the side, thereby straightening the ear canal. Then tilt your baby's head with that ear down and shake lightly. You can pour a little warm water into the baby's ear. If you're lucky, the water will wash out the object in your ear.

You can tell that your baby has put a bead, pea or something similar in his nose by some signs. First, the child may rub the side of the nose where the foreign object is stuck and try to stick a finger into the nostril. Secondly, an object stuck in the nose can prevent free breathing on the “sick” side.

As a rule, there is a constant mucous discharge from this nostril; if the object is rough, it can damage the nasal mucosa, and then blood will ooze from the nostril.

For a small child who cannot blow his nose on his own, you can try making several strong exhalations from mouth to mouth, while pressing the free-breathing nostril with your finger.

  • If, after several attempts, you cannot remove the object stuck in the nose, immediately take the child to the hospital.
  • Often various “specks” of sand, small insects, eyelashes, etc. get into children’s eyes.
  • To remove a foreign body from the eye:
  • lay the baby on his side with the sore eye up, open the eyelids with your fingers and rinse the eye with water from a bulb or a syringe without a needle;
  • You can try to very carefully pick up the speck with a flagellum from a damp cotton swab or a corner of a clean handkerchief;
  • If there is nothing under the lower eyelid, and the eye continues to hurt, grab the eyelashes of the upper eyelid and pull it over the lower one. In this case, the speck located under the upper eyelid may move down, and you can try to remove it;
  • if the foreign body is difficult to remove or the pain and pain in the eye does not go away, cover the eye with a cotton pad or just a piece of cotton wool, secure it with a bandage or an ordinary small scarf and take the baby to the hospital;
  • Don't let your child rub his eye!

Under no circumstances try to remove a foreign body yourself if it is on the iris or is embedded in the eyeball!

Treatment of foreign bodies

If a foreign body gets into the throat, the method of patting on the back is suitable for providing first aid to small children. At the same time, place the child on your knee. Pat between your shoulder blades.

Turn the baby over, place him on a flat surface on his back and apply several quick and strong pressures on the chest. Press the root of the child's tongue with your hands and pull lower jaw, examine your throat.

If you see an object, try to remove it.

Do not give toys to children under five years of age that have small removable or easily detachable parts, and also keep buttons, paper clips and other small items out of reach. If a child is playing alone in the room and has become quiet, then pay attention to his activity and state.

If after these measures breathing has not been restored, it is necessary to artificial respiration. In children older than one year, you can press your hands on the stomach. To do this, place the child on a horizontal surface.

Place the palm of one hand between the navel and ribs, and place the palm of the other hand on top. Next, perform 7-9 quick presses on the stomach inward and upward. Examine the larynx again and try to remove the foreign body if you see one.

If these measures do not help, perform artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method. Do not exhale all the air into a child, since his lung capacity is much smaller than that of an adult.

If the child is conscious, stand behind him and place your fist on his stomach with your thumb above his belly button. Try not to touch the chest. Place another palm on top and make 7-9 presses on the stomach inward and upward. During these emergency procedures, try to call an ambulance.

You should not try to remove an object stuck in your nose.

Treatment in this case is possible only in a hospital setting. It consists of removing the foreign body from the nose, after which all the above-described phenomena completely disappear.

It is best to leave attempts to remove an object from the nose at home. You can only push it into the trachea or larynx, which will cause rapid tissue swelling and suffocation.

Foreign bodies of the pharynx. Symptoms and treatment

A foreign body in the throat is a common occurrence in otorhinolaryngology, and in many cases this situation is not only painful for the victim, but also life-threatening.

Foreign bodies removed by ENT doctors are surprisingly varied: organic and inorganic objects, namely food, toys, glass fragments, metal parts, living organisms, medical materials and many other, sometimes completely unexpected objects.

The age of patients varies within wide limits: they can be children in the first months of life, adequate adults, or very old people.

Sometimes the discomfort caused by a foreign body in the pharynx is quite tolerable: in such cases, victims tend to make some attempts to independently remove the object or wait, say, until the morning before seeing a doctor.

But sometimes, due to a reflex spasm, blockage of the airways, perforation of the walls or injury to the mucous membranes, you need to act very quickly and competently, since literally seconds count.

2. Reasons

The most typical situation when a foreign body enters the pharynx is when eating. This is facilitated by any factors that distract attention from the actual food: talking, reading, watching TV, haste, severe intoxication, etc.

Situations are also very common when a small child tries to “taste” inedible objects - buttons, coins, toys or parts thereof, nuts in shells, etc.

Attempts to swallow objects with sharp edges or piercing protrusions are fraught with especially serious consequences.

However, despite universal literacy and, it would seem, parents understanding of this danger, similar situations are repeated again and again: even in the most prosperous families, a child may find himself alone with needles, pins, hairpins, etc.

Quite typical cases are when a person repairs or makes something, while holding fasteners, parts, tools with teeth or lips: with a distracting irritant from the side, an accidental slip, the urge to sneeze, a momentary loss of coordination of movements, there is a high risk of accidental ingestion or inhalation . Often, under similar circumstances or during night sleep, the foreign body in the pharynx turns out to be poorly fitting removable dentures.

Less common is the ingestion of sufficiently large living organisms into the throat with food or water consumed; helminths from the intestines through the stomach and esophagus; “falling through” of foreign bodies from the nasopharynx (for example, when trying to remove it without contacting a doctor), as well as foreign bodies of iatrogenic origin - remaining after medical procedures tampons, materials, devices or accidental fragments thereof.

3. Symptoms and diagnosis

The most common symptoms are pain (often radiating to neighboring organs), a feeling of fullness, hypersalivation (intense salivation), the urge to cough and/or vomit, difficulty or inability to swallow.

As shown above, clinical manifestations can be moderate (for example, when a fish bone is swallowed and gets stuck, even if it is stuck into the mucous membrane with a sharp end or a notch), but in some cases the entrance to the larynx is completely blocked, and accordingly, suffocation occurs (asphyxia) , and if the situation is not resolved one way or another, the victim dies in the next few minutes.

TO frequent complications include bleeding, swelling and infections caused by mechanical damage mucous membranes; in the absence of timely medical care, an acute purulent-inflammatory process can cause abscess formation, large-scale life-threatening phlegmon or sepsis.

Diagnosis of foreign bodies in the ENT organs is quite simple in some cases, complicated in others, and sometimes impossible in principle - no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

Thus, large foreign bodies at the level of the oropharynx are usually easily visualized and palpated. It is more difficult to detect small objects, especially if they are localized in folds, transparent, or the same color as the mucous membrane.

X-rays may also be uninformative if the object is too transparent for X-rays or does not contrast with the surrounding tissues.

In such cases, artificial enhancement of X-ray contrast, MRI, and endoscopic methods are used.

Finally, it is impossible to detect an object in the pharynx that is not there: often the sensation of a foreign body is caused by a growing tumor, inflammation, vertebrological pathology or microtrauma from a sharp object - which actually was in the pharynx, but from there, for example, immediately entered the esophagus and then naturally was eliminated by intestinal peristalsis. Often people with complaints of a foreign body in the pharynx also hypochondriacal neurosis, senestopathic hallucinatory-delusional disorders or other psychopathological symptoms, which are not always quickly recognized as such; in this regard, the otorhinolaryngologist must pay attention to the character, emotional accompaniment and wording of complaints (often pretentious, obscure or anatomically implausible), behavior and general psychological state of the patient.


Removing foreign bodies from the pharynx is a task, the solution of which depends on many factors (size, shape, location, associated complications, risk of dangerous displacement, age of the victim, etc.).

In some cases, it is enough to perform the well-known Heimlich maneuver (a sharp push under the diaphragm, while the victim must be tilted forward), in others, saving life requires emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation (it is recommended to study in detail and master the emergency first aid algorithm, popularly outlined in many sources) .

At an outpatient or urgent appointment, if the situation allows, special otorhinolaryngological instruments (various tweezers, forceps, loop hooks, clamps, etc.) are widely and, as a rule, successfully used; however, in some cases, endoscopic or surgical intervention under general anesthesia.

After removal of the foreign body, a thorough antiseptic treatment, analgesics and sedatives, rinsing, gentle diet until the injured mucous membranes are completely healed.

2.13. Restoration of airway patency (foreign bodies of the pharynx, larynx)

General concepts

Foreign bodies often enter the pharynx along with food (fish and meat bones, glass fragments, pieces of wire, pieces of meat, lard). Foreign bodies can also be objects that accidentally get into the mouth (pins, nails, buttons), or dentures.

Live foreign bodies (leeches, roundworms) are observed less frequently.

The entry of foreign bodies into the pharynx can be caused by such predisposing factors as fast eating, sudden laughter or coughing while eating, lack of teeth or the presence of dentures, and the habit of holding small objects in the mouth.

Sharp and small foreign bodies usually get stuck in the oropharynx, penetrating into the palatine tonsils, arches, and the root of the tongue. Large foreign bodies lodge in the laryngopharynx (above the entrance to the esophagus). Much less often, foreign bodies enter the nasopharynx (in case of injuries to the nose and paranasal sinuses, vomiting).

Symptoms depend on the size of the foreign body, its shape, and the location of its introduction. Main symptoms: sore throat, worsening when swallowing, sensation of a foreign object in the throat, difficulty swallowing food, salivation.

Large foreign bodies stuck in the lower part of the pharynx impair speech, cause coughing and severe difficulty breathing, and asphyxia is possible. The consequence of a leech getting into the throat can be hemoptysis. Inflammation occurs at the site of foreign body penetration into the wall of the pharynx, which increases pain.

If a foreign body remains in the throat for a long time, complications are possible in the form of pharyngeal abscesses, neck phlegmon, sepsis, and bleeding. Often a foreign body that has already passed into the stomach injures the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which can cause symptoms of an imaginary foreign body.

The sensation of a foreign body may be associated with chronic inflammatory processes and tumors of the pharynx and excessive suspiciousness of the patient.

Diagnosis can be diagnosed based on medical history, examination of the pharynx, palpation, and radiography. Identifying large foreign bodies in the pharynx is not difficult. It is more difficult to detect small and transparent foreign bodies, as well as foreign bodies embedded in the wall of the pharynx.

Urgent Care . Removal of a pharyngeal foreign body should be carried out in an otorhinolaryngology office. As a rule, foreign bodies are removed on an outpatient basis. In case of asphyxia, you should try to remove the foreign body with your finger; if that fails, a tracheostomy is necessary.

Foreign bodies of the larynx

Meat and fish bones, needles, pins, buttons, eggshells, dentures, coins, small parts of toys usually enter the larynx from the mouth, less often from the stomach during vomiting.

Much less common are foreign bodies such as parts of broken surgical instruments, tissue removed during surgery, as well as living foreign bodies (leeches, roundworms, bees, wasps).

The mechanism of a foreign body entering the larynx is associated with an unexpected deep breath, during which an object located in the oral cavity is carried into the larynx by a stream of air.

  • Predisposition to aspiration of foreign bodies is:
  • · bad habit hold small objects in the mouth;
  • · talking during a hasty meal;
  • · unexpected deep breath when frightened, crying, falling;
  • · intoxication;
  • · decreased reflexes of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx in certain diseases of the central nervous system.

No. 19. Foreign bodies of the pharynx

Purulent-inflammatory pathology of the neck.

Nonspecific inflammatory

The most common neck diseases

Are lymphadenitis and phlegmon (usually

Adenophlegmon), less often boil, carbuncle

And erysipelas is often complicated

Meningitis and sepsis.

Purulent lymphadenitis

And phlegmon of the neck often develops due to

With the presence of foci of infection in carious

Teeth, with sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis,

Thyroiditis, inflammatory diseases

Salivary glands, facial skin and hair

Parts of the head, children's information. diseases, with

Injuries of the esophagus, pharynx, larynx.


Phlegmon, with a cut of a purulent focus

Inflammation is usually localized under

Subcutaneous muscle of the neck, manifested

Hyperemia, pain and swelling.

Phlegmon of the sternocleidomastoid bed

Muscles that often develop as a result of

Mastoiditis, clinically manifested

Pain in this area, soreness

It is palpated.

Phlegmon of the suprasternal

Cellular space is observed

For lymphadenitis and osteomyelitis of the manubrium

Sternum. It is characterized by swelling

And the smoothness of the contours in the area

Jugular notch. A terrible complication

Such phlegmon is spreading

Purulent process behind the sternum, in the anterior

Mediastinum with the development of mediastinitis.

Submandibular phlegmon is characterized by

Sharp increase in pain when opening

Mouth. With cellular phlegmon

Spaces of the neurovascular bundle,

Sometimes developing with sore throat and

Mumps, possibly profuse bleeding

Due to arrosion of large vessels.

When phlegmon forms in front

Trachea purulent process can

Spread into the anterior mediastinum

And when it is localized behind the trachea - in

Posterior mediastinum followed by

Development of purulent mediastinitis.

The cause of deep phlegmons of the neck may be

Have damage to the esophagus or trachea

Foreign bodies.

If you suspect

Deep phlegmon of the neck is required

Plain radiography of the neck and chest

Cells, X-ray contrast study

Esophagus and fibroesophagoscopy. Chron.

Nonspecific (woody) phlegmon

Necks are caused by weakly virulent microflora.

Such phlegmon appears dense,

Woody infiltrate, pronounced

Swelling and cyanosis of the skin.


Cellulitis of the supraclavicular tissue of the neck

Characterized by the presence of purulent

Foci usually surrounded by unchanged

Fiber. Treatment

Inflammatory processes in the neck are usually

They start with conservative measures:

Antibiotic prescriptions (semi-synthetic

Penicillins, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins)

Etc. When maintaining or increasing

Symptoms of intoxication, progression

Inflammatory phenomena shown

Surgical intervention.


Bodies of the upper respiratory tract, in

Parts of the pharynx are common.

The reasons for their entry into the pharynx may be

Be careless and hasty

When eating, talking or laughing while

Meal time, coughing, sneezing while eating.

Children left unattended take

Into the mouth and try to swallow various

Items. In older people, foreign

The bodies may be dentures.

Finally, in hot climates

Foreign bodies become those that fall

Together with the drinking liquid of the leech

Or other small insects.


Bodies can be of different natures and

Shapes: fish and chicken bones, small

Metal objects, pieces of fruit,

Glass, etc.

Dependence on the shape and size of foreign

Bodies can get stuck in the palatal tissue

Tonsils, lateral ridges of the pharynx, lingual

Tonsil, valleculae, pyriform sinus


The picture is emerging

From the patient's complaints about the feeling of a lump in

Throat, sore throat that gets worse

When swallowing. For large foreign

Bodies stuck in the oropharynx

Possible airway obstruction

With subsequent asphyxia and death

The outcome.

Difficulties arise when there is a suspicion of

Entry of a foreign body into the lower

Section of the pharynx, for example in the piriformis

Pocket or near the junction of the pharynx in

Esophagus. One of the signs of a foreign

Body hidden in the pyriform sinus

Serves to retain saliva in it (saliva

Ozertse). In such cases, in addition to the usual

Laryngoscopy, direct

Methods using rigid esophagoscopes.

In some cases, foreign body of the pharynx

May cause cellulitis or abscess

The lateral wall of the pharynx, as well as the subcutaneous

Emphysema and mediastinitis, which requires

Appropriate surgical


Diagnostics is based

Based on the patient’s complaints, anamnesis data and

Instrumental examination (mesopharyngoscopy,

Epipharyngoscopy, indirect laryngoscopy).

To clarify the localization of a foreign

The body is of great help

X-ray examination,

Fingering suspicious

Location Often subjective complaints

The patient is not caused by a foreign body,

And the trauma to the mucous membrane caused

Foreign body.

In such cases it is necessary

Dynamic condition monitoring

The patient and changes in pharyngoscopy

Paintings within a few days.

Treatment. Necessary

Removing a foreign body from the pharynx, how

As a rule, after preliminary

Application anesthesia of the mucous membrane

Shells of 10% lidocaine solution.


The body can be captured by the laryngeal or

Nasopharyngeal forceps, sometimes tweezers.

If necessary, the wound surface

Lubricated with anesthetics, prescribed

Rinsing with antiseptic solutions,

Local anti-inflammatory therapy.

Foreign bodies of the esophagus


Foreign bodies in the esophagus are mainly carried

Random character: along with bad

Chewed food, if careless,

Eating hastily. Contribute to this

May be missing teeth and wearing dentures

Dentures, alcohol intoxication, harmful

Habits - holding nails with teeth,

Needles, coins, etc. Deliberately

Foreign bodies may be swallowed

Mentally ill people.


Foreign objects may be the most

Various: small fish, birds

Bones, pieces of meat, coins, debris

Toys, dentures, etc.


Bodies get stuck in the esophagus in places

Physiological contractions, most often in

Neck narrowing. Powerful striated

Musculature determines in this department

Strong reflex contractions

Esophagus. Second place in frequency

Getting stuck foreign bodies takes

The thoracic region and, finally, the third -


Clinic at

Foreign bodies of the esophagus are determined

Their size, surface topography,

Level and location in relation to

To the esophagus.

The patient is bothered by pain

Sternum, worsening during swallowing

Food, as well as foreign body sensation.

In some cases the passage is disrupted

Characterized by a forced position

Torso: head moved forward,

Turns with the body, on

The face has an expression of fear. General state

The patient may not be impaired.

Diagnostics. Survey

You need to start with a tour of the mountains

Laryngopharynx. Sometimes a foreign body

May end up in the tonsils

Root of the tongue, in the pyriform sinus.

Indirect laryngoscopy can detect

Important sign of a foreign body or

Injuries in the first narrowing of the esophagus -

Accumulation of foamy saliva in the piriformis

Sinus on the affected side. Can

Observe swelling and infiltration

Arytenoid cartilage. When pressed

Sometimes on the area of ​​the larynx or trachea

Soreness is noted.


X-ray examination of the esophagus

With contrast, allowing you to identify

Only foreign objects, but also narrowing

Or a blockage of the esophagus.

In the presence of

Perforation of the esophagus caused by a foreign object

body, radiography may reveal

Accumulation of air in the paraesophageal

Fiber in the form of a light spot between

The spine and the posterior wall of the lower

The pharynx department.

Leakage into the mediastinum

Contrasting mass detected by

X-rays are also a sign



Conclusion about the presence of a foreign body

And its characteristics are given by carrying out

Esophagoscopy using

Bronchoesophagoscopes Bruenings, Mezrin,

Friedel, flexible fiberscopes.

Treatment. Esophagoscopy

Is the main research method

Esophagus and removal of foreign bodies.

Complication. Spicy

An object wedged into the wall of the esophagus

Causes disruption of mucosal integrity

Shells and their infection. Emerging

Infiltration involves the muscle

The wall of the esophagus, and then possibly

Mediastinal tissue.

Since the wall

The esophagus does not have a capsule or

Fascia, but surrounded only by fiber,

Foreign bodies can immediately cause

Through perforation with development


If perforation occurs

In the upper parts of the esophagus, on the neck immediately

Subcutaneous emphysema appears and

Crepitation of soft tissues.

Periesophagitis and mediastinitis, absence

In the first hours of positive dynamics

Against the background of massive anti-inflammatory

Therapies are an indication for surgery

Intervention and drainage

Peri-esophageal fiber, which is

Dependence on the level of esophageal damage

It can be transcervical and thoracic.


Bodies of the larynx, trachea and bronchi


The bodies of the larynx, trachea and bronchi meet

Often, but more often in children, which is associated

With underdeveloped protective


Foreign bodies may

Be any small objects: bones

Fruits, grains, coins, small parts

Toys, buttons, pins, etc. In adults

Foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract

Pathways are more common during alcohol intoxication.

Possible inhalation

Dentures, food pieces, vomit

Mass et al.

Foreign bodies of the pharynx

Foreign bodies getting into the throat is not uncommon. In terms of frequency, fish bones are found in first place as foreign bodies.

Most often, foreign bodies enter the pharynx with food due to hasty eating and insufficient chewing, lack of teeth, diseases of the masticatory apparatus and decreased sensitivity of the oral mucosa. Intoxication and wearing removable dentures contribute to the entry of foreign bodies into the throat.

Bad habits of holding various objects in the mouth - pins, office staples, shoe nails, various hooks, fragments of matches, hay, etc. are the reason that they are swallowed and sometimes get stuck in the throat. Foreign bodies of the pharynx are often found in children with insufficient supervision over them.

In hot climates, foreign bodies can be leeches that enter the throat along with drinking water from reservoirs. In rare cases, roundworms also penetrate into the pharynx.

Favorite sites for the introduction of pointed fish bones, bristles, and small sharp meat bones are the palatine tonsils, the posterior and anterior arches, the area of ​​the root of the tongue, and the pyriform fossae.

Pain, cough, choking in the throat, copious discharge saliva is the most common complaint of patients with foreign bodies in the pharynx.

Foreign bodies embedded in the pharynx or the presence of unremoved remains cause complications in the form of an inflammatory reaction, including the formation of phlegmons and abscesses.

However, patients may complain of a sore throat even after the foreign body is removed due to abrasions or scratches caused by them. But there are patients who, having swallowed a foreign body, do not subsequently notice its presence for a long time (several months or even years).

The diagnosis is established according to the anamnesis and pharyngoscopy. The presence of a foreign body in the oropharynx is determined during examination. Finding small, thin fish bones and especially toothbrush bristles requires special care and consistency in examining the pharynx.

When a foreign body is suspected in the tonsil, it is necessary to move the anterior arch with a spatula and, having slightly dislocated the tonsil, examine its lacunae where foreign bodies may be hidden. Laryngoscopy and hypopharyngoscopy are necessary to detect foreign bodies in the lower pharynx.

Metallic foreign bodies in the pharynx are relatively easily recognized using X-rays.

Urgent Care. Foreign bodies found in the pharynx and pharynx must be removed. Removing them (fish bones, oat grains, etc.) can be done with tweezers or a curved forceps with jaws tightly touching each other. Foreign bodies are removed from the nasopharynx using forceps or Yurash forceps, for which you need to lift the soft palate.

Scratches and abrasions formed on the mucous membrane after a foreign body can long time feign its presence and cause anxiety to patients. To remove foreign bodies from the pharynx, it is sometimes necessary to resort to anesthesia.

Patients with foreign bodies in the pharynx with signs of shortness of breath should be immediately sent to a surgical or otolaryngological hospital.

Foreign body of the pharynx: features of the disease and symptoms

Foreign bodies in the pharynx esophagus are bodies that are foreign to the human body.


Foreign bodies in the pharynx mainly enter the body with food (fish bones, cereal husks, pieces of wood, etc.), sometimes these can be pieces of dentures, as well as pins, hairpins or small nails (for garment workers , shoemakers).

With poor chewing and rapid swallowing of pieces of food large sizes can get stuck in the upper region of the esophagus, block the entrance to the larynx and cause suffocation (asphyxia).

Also provoke this state maybe laughing or talking while eating. In almost all cases, acute foreign bodies get stuck in the pharynx, tonsil area, at the root of the tongue, and sometimes in other parts of the pharynx.


Foreign body in the throat symptoms:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • pain and difficulty swallowing;
  • breathing and speech disturbances (if large foreign bodies enter the larynx);
  • If the foreign body in the pharynx is not removed in a timely manner, an inflammatory process may develop, and in some cases, phlegmon may form.


The diagnosis is established by examining the pharynx, palpation (if small foreign objects have penetrated deeply), as well as by x-ray examination to identify metal objects.

Very often, patients complain of a foreign object in the larynx, and examination reveals only injuries from an object that was swallowed.

It is abrasions and scratches that can provoke a long-term sensation of a foreign body in the pharynx or esophagus.

Foreign bodies in the pharynx first aid

First aid for a foreign body in the pharynx is carried out by removal using forceps or cranked tweezers.

Foreign bodies of the pharynx, esophagus, larynx, trachea and bronchi

Among cases of foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract in the practice of an otorhinolaryngologist, fish bones are the most common. The peak demand for removal of fish bones occurs in the summer months, when the diet contains a lot of freshly caught river fish. Samara is no exception, as it is located on the Volga River.

Removing and pushing through fish bones is done at home with a crust of bread. Most often, small, thin bones—ribs—get stuck.

The bone becomes lodged in the upper respiratory and digestive tracts at the time of ingestion.

The most favorite places for bone fixation in the pharynx are the palatine tonsils, lingual tonsil, lateral ridges, posterior palatine arches, and pyriform sinuses. The palatine tonsils become a target for fish bones, since they actively accompany the bolus of food at the moment of swallowing. The lingual tonsil suffers for the same reasons.

The tissue of the palatine and lingual tonsils is represented by lymphadenoid tissue, which is very loose and easily threaded onto a thin fish bone. Concomitant pathology in the form of chronic tonsillitis with hypertrophy of the tonsils increases the risk of bone entering the tissue.

In the case where the bone is stuck in the upper parts of the pharynx and is in the line of sight, removing the fish bone in such a situation is not difficult. The situation with bone fixation in the lower parts of the pharynx requires the participation of a specialist. It is extremely difficult to remove such a bone without the help of an otolaryngologist.

Complications of pharyngeal trauma caused by fish bones are rare. This form of sore throat is classified as traumatic; if the bone remains in the tonsil tissue for a long time, paratonsillitis can develop, which will end in a peritonsillar abscess.

Acute pharyngitis, lateropharyngeal abscess, mediastinitis, phlegmon of the pharynx, neck, sepsis, laryngeal stenosis as a complication are quite rare.

Removal of fish bones in Samara is performed by ENT doctors at Outpatient Center No. 1.

First medical aid.

Specialized assistance.

Anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. If a foreign body is not found in the pharynx, and the pain syndrome persists, it is necessary to exclude a foreign body of the esophagus. For this purpose, fibrohypopharyngoscopy and esophagoscopy are performed.

Foreign bodies of the pharynx

Causes. They are usually localized in the oropharynx and laryngopharynx, where they enter with food, sometimes during manipulations in the mouth (pin, needle, toothpick).

The most common foreign body in the pharynx is a fish bone, which penetrates into the loose tissue of the palatine, lingual tonsils, and into the vallecula of the root of the tongue. Less often, foreign bodies (coin, meat bone) are fixed in pear-shaped pockets.

Foreign bodies enter the nasopharynx from the nasal cavity (needle), or from the lower parts of the pharynx during vomiting. This occurs more often in children and the elderly.

Symptoms Pain in the throat when swallowing with irradiation into the ear (stabbing with a fish bone), discomfort in the projection of a foreign body, sometimes hypersalivation, vomiting, difficulty swallowing.

Complications. Bleeding, acute pharyngitis, lateropharyngeal abscess, mediastinitis, phlegmon of the pharynx, neck, sepsis, laryngeal stenosis.

First medical aid. During pharyngoscopy, you should carefully examine the palatine tonsils, moving away the palatine arches; with indirect laryngoscopy, you should carefully examine the root of the tongue, the vallecula of the tongue, and pear-shaped pouches. Finger examination is allowed.

The foreign body is removed with a forceps or tweezers under visual control, after which it is recommended to rinse the oropharynx with an antiseptic solution and adhere to a gentle diet. If the foreign bodies are located in a different location in the pharynx, the patient should be urgently hospitalized in the otorhinolaryngology department.

Specialized assistance.

Foreign bodies of the lingual tonsil, vallecula of the tongue root and pyriform pouches are removed during indirect laryngoscopy in adults and direct hypopharyngoscopy in children using a laryngeal forceps or forceps.

Anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. If a foreign body is not found in the pharynx, and the pain syndrome persists, it is necessary to exclude a foreign body of the esophagus. For this purpose, fibrohypopharyngoscopy and esophagoscopy are performed.

Foreign bodies of the esophagus

Causes. Hasty eating, missing teeth, inadequate dentures, decreased pharyngeal reflex, alcohol intoxication, cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus. Foreign bodies usually get stuck in the area of ​​physiological narrowings, most often at the level of the first thoracic vertebra.

Symptoms The onset of the disease is sudden and associated with food intake. Characterized by pain in the throat or behind the sternum with radiation to the back, interscapular region, dysphagia, aphagia, salivation, general weakness, malaise, pain on palpation of the neck (on the left), aggravated by tapping on the spine, possibly forced positioning of the head.

When a foreign body is localized in the area of ​​the first physiological narrowing of the esophagus, the head is tilted forward, down, the patient holds it motionless, and turns the whole body. When a foreign body is localized in thoracic region esophagus – the patient is in a semi-bent position (“carrying posture”).

Indirect laryngoscopy reveals swelling, hyperemia of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the aryepiglottic folds, arytenoid cartilages, and accumulation of saliva in the pyriform pouch (usually the left one). Vomiting and coughing are possible. A large foreign body can cause difficulty breathing through the larynx.

Complications. Perforation of the esophagus, periesophagitis, mediastinitis, bleeding from the great vessels.

First medical aid.. Immediate evacuation to hospital. Attempts to push a foreign body by swallowing bread crusts or using bougies are prohibited.

Specialized assistance provided by otorhinolaryngologists together with endoscopists. To do this, indirect laryngoscopy and x-ray examination of the cervical spine in two projections (according to G.M. Zemtsov) are performed, which makes it possible to detect the shadow of a foreign body, indirect signs non-contrast foreign body of the esophagus or damage to its walls.

These symptoms are:

  • straightening of the cervical spine due to tension in the scalene muscles;
  • expansion of the prevertebral space;
  • the presence of a symptom of an air “arrow” - an accumulation of air released from the stomach below the level of a foreign body, the pointed end of the “arrow” indicating the location of the foreign body;
  • striped clearings in the prevertebral space are a sign of air penetration into the retroesophageal tissue or the development of putrefactive inflammation with the formation of gas.

Fibroesophagoscopy is also performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. If it is impossible to remove a strangulated foreign body of the esophagus during esophagoscopy, an esophagotomy is performed. Anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.

Foreign bodies in the respiratory tract

Causes. Aspiration of liquid or obstruction by particles of food or soil during a sudden deep breath, falling, crying, fright, talking, laughing.

This is facilitated by the distraction of the victim’s attention while eating, the habit of holding foreign objects in the mouth, a decrease in the laryngeal-pharyngeal reflex, wearing removable dentures, alcohol intoxication, lack of consciousness due to traumatic brain injury, or poisoning.

Foreign bodies of the bronchi (88%) are more common, less common are the trachea (8.8%) and larynx (3.2%). The clinical picture depends on the nature, shape and level of presence of the foreign body in the respiratory tract.

Foreign bodies of the larynx


First aid for foreign bodies in the ear, nose, eye, respiratory tract, etc.

There are two types of foreign bodies in the ear - living and non-living.

Alive- these are various insects (bugs, cockroaches, midges, flies, etc.), non-living- small objects (buttons, beads, peas, berry seeds, seeds, pieces of cotton wool, etc.) that get into the external auditory canal.

The most common foreign bodies, as a rule, do not cause any pain and their presence in the ear does not lead to any serious consequences. Therefore, first aid is not required in such cases.

It must be emphasized that any attempts by others or the victim himself to remove a foreign body can only contribute to the further pushing of these bodies into the depths of the ear canal.

Removal of such foreign bodies by a non-specialist is strictly prohibited, as this may lead to severe complications: perforation eardrum, middle ear infection, etc.

Living foreign bodies can cause unpleasant subjective sensations - a feeling of drilling, burning and pain.

First aid.

  • When providing first aid, it is necessary to fill the ear canal with liquid oil, alcohol, or possibly water and make the victim lie on the healthy side for several minutes. In this case, the insect dies and immediately severe subjective disorders disappear.
  • After the discomfort in the ear disappears, the patient should be placed on the painful side. Often, a foreign body is removed from the ear along with the fluid.
  • If the body (remains in the ear), then the patient should be taken to an otolaryngologist.

Foreign bodies of the nose.

They are more common in children who push small objects into their noses (balls, beads, pieces of paper or cotton wool, berries, buttons, etc.).

First aid.

  • As first aid, you can advise the patient to blow his nose forcefully, while closing the other half of the nose.
  • Only a doctor can remove foreign bodies. There is no particular urgency in removing foreign bodies, but you should consult a doctor in the first days, since their long stay in the nose leads to the development of inflammation, swelling, and sometimes ulceration and bleeding.

Foreign bodies of the eye.

Small, non-sharp objects (specks, midges, grains of sand, etc.), lingering on the conjunctiva (mucous membrane), cause an acute burning sensation in the eye, which intensifies with blinking, and lacrimation. If the foreign body is not removed, swelling of the conjunctiva, redness occurs, and eye function (vision) is impaired. The foreign body is usually located under the upper or lower eyelid.

First aid.

  • The sooner the foreign body is removed, the sooner all the phenomena caused by it will pass. You should not rub your eye, as this will further irritate the conjunctiva.
  • It is necessary to examine the eye and remove the speck. First, the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid is examined: the patient is asked to look up, the person providing assistance pulls the lower eyelid down, then the entire Bottom part conjunctiva.
  • The foreign body is removed with a thick swab, dry or soaked in a solution of boric acid.
  • Removing a foreign body from under the upper eyelid is somewhat more difficult - it is necessary to turn the eyelid outward with the conjunctiva. To do this, the patient is asked to direct his gaze downward, assisting by grasping the upper eyelid with two fingers of his right hand, pulling it forward and down, then using the index finger of his left hand, placed over the upper eyelid, turning it upside down.
  • After removing the foreign body, the patient is asked to look up, and the inverted eyelid returns on its own to its normal starting position. Any round stick, pencil, etc. helps to evert the eyelid.
  • In order to prevent infection, after removing a foreign body, 2-3 drops of a 30% solution of sulfacyl sodium (albucid sodium) are instilled into the eye. Removal of foreign bodies embedded in the cornea is strictly prohibited. This can only be done in a medical facility.
  • In case of embedded foreign bodies, as well as in case of injuries penetrating into the cavity of the eyeball, as first aid, you can drop 2-3 drops of a 30% sodium sulfacyl solution into the eye and apply a sterile gauze bandage to the eye. Such patients should be immediately taken to the hospital.

Foreign bodies of the respiratory tract.

Situations in which a foreign body can enter the respiratory tract often occur. Active communication and laughter while eating, hasty absorption of food with poor chewing, and alcohol intoxication are the most common causes of such cases in adults.

But even more often, cases of foreign objects entering the respiratory tract occur in children (more than 90%). They love to put small objects in their mouths, and while eating they twirl, talk, laugh and play.

Sometimes it is enough for the victim to cough quickly to clear the airways. But if the coughing attacks continue, the person begins to grab his throat, cannot breathe, his face, initially red, begins to turn pale and then turn blue - emergency help is required. Delay threatens his life and health. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance and take Urgent measures to clear the airways.

Removal of a foreign body from the respiratory tract using the Heimlich maneuver

In children

Signs: The victim is suffocating, unable to speak, suddenly becomes cyanotic, and may lose consciousness. Children often inhale parts of toys, nuts, and candies.

In adults

In pregnant women or obese victims (it is impossible or impossible to give abdominal thrusts).

If the victim loses consciousness, call an ambulance and begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is carried out only on a hard surface.

Continue resuscitation until arrival medical personnel or until spontaneous breathing is restored.

After breathing has been restored, place the victim in a stable lateral position. Ensure constant monitoring of breathing until emergency medical assistance arrives!

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent injuries or illnesses than to be treated later and suffer from their consequences. Avoiding foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract does not require much effort. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • do not rush to eat and chew food thoroughly;
  • while eating, do not be distracted by conversations, arguments or showdowns - violent emotions, laughter and sudden movements with a full mouth can result in Heimlich maneuvers;
  • do not eat while lying down, while walking on the street, in transport, especially while driving;
  • wean children off from holding foreign objects in their mouths: pen caps, coins, buttons, batteries, and the like.


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