New remuneration systems. New system of remuneration of workers

On December 1, 2008, legislative changes came into force, according to which a new remuneration system (NSWTS) was introduced for public sector employees. In the article we will analyze the features of NSET in education: how a teacher’s salary is calculated according to NSET, what additional payments and allowances are established by the new system in relation to workers in education and science.

NSOT in education: a new system of remuneration for teachers

According to the system in force before the introduction of the NSOT, the calculation of teacher remuneration was carried out on the basis of the rate established in accordance with the Unified Tariff Schedule. Since December 2008, the Russian Federation has introduced new program, the goal of which is to increase the motivational component of teacher remuneration through the introduction of a new system of bonuses and additional payments.

In addition, the NSOT is implemented entirely through the powers of regional authorities, which have the right to set the size of increasing coefficients in relation to incentive payments to teachers.

NSOT was introduced by Government Decree No. 583 dated May 5, 2008 and came into force on December 1, 2008.

Teacher's remuneration according to NSOT

According to NSOT, teacher remuneration is determined taking into account the constant component (salary) and variable values ​​(additional payments, allowances, compensations).

The formula for calculating a teacher’s salary is as follows:

Teacher salary = Salary + Compensation + Allowances,

Where Salary– the salary amount established according to the position;
Compensation– the amount of additional payments accrued for labor intensity;
Allowances– incentive payments accrued as a salary supplement.

Basic salary

If previously the salary of education workers was set according to the Unified Tariff Schedule, then in this moment NSOT assigns to regional authorities the right to establish basic tariff rates. Currently, most regions of the Russian Federation set the base salary in accordance with the position. which the teacher occupies. All positions of employees of educational institutions can be divided into 4 groups, in relation to which the base salary is established.

The list of positions in accordance with which a teacher’s salary is determined is given below.

No. Group of positions for employees of educational institutions Names of positions of employees of educational institutions
1 ManagersSchool director, head of an educational institution for children, managers structural divisions organizations additional education for children, warehouse manager, farm manager, production manager.
2 Teaching staffTeachers of all categories and specialties, including music workers, labor instructors, physical culture, industrial training masters, social educators, etc.
3 Specialists and educational support staffDeputy director for administrative and economic affairs, librarian, assistant teacher, laboratory assistant, accountant, nurse, etc.
4 Technical performers and service personnelClerk, secretary, mechanic, storekeeper, boiler room operator, barman, cleaner.

Allowances for teachers according to NSOT: for experience, qualifications, education

NSOT provides for bonuses to a teacher’s salary for experience, qualifications and level of education. The amount of the bonus is determined as a percentage of the base salary and is established by regional legislation.

Let’s consider the features of assigning bonuses to a teacher’s salary according to NSOT:

Type of allowance Destination Features Surcharge percentage The size of the premium in the regions (examples)
Bonus for experienceThe payment is assigned in accordance with the teaching experience of employees in educational institutions. Most regions of the Russian Federation determine the premium in proportion to the period pedagogical work employee (the longer the length of service, the higher the percentage of the bonus). At the same time, some regions of the Russian Federation have introduced motivational programs to support young teachers. In such regions, the bonus is assigned, among other things, to employees without teaching experienceFrom 3.5% to 40%In the Komi Republic - from 5% for 1 year of experience to 20% for 15 years of experience.

In the Penza region - from 3.5% with experience from 3 years to 15% with experience over 20 years

Educational bonusThe amount of the bonus and the procedure for assigning it are determined by the following criteria:

· level of education (secondary, vocational secondary, etc.);

· Availability higher education, level of qualification (bachelor, specialist, master);

· availability of professional education.

As a rule, the amount of the bonus is set in proportion to the level of education, taking into account the presence of professional education. At the same time, a number of regions of the Russian Federation do not pay workers this type allowances (for example, Sakhalin region)

From 1% to 70%
  • 10% – for complete general education;
  • 20% – for primary vocational education;
  • 30% – for incomplete higher or secondary vocational education;
  • 40% – for higher education (bachelor);
  • 50% – for higher education (specialist);
  • 60% – for higher education (master’s)
Supplement for academic degreeThe bonus is paid to teachers who have the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Academician of Sciences. Regional authorities can set a premium only in relation to certain academic degrees(for example, only for candidate and doctor of sciences)From 10% to 40%

In the Republic of Adygea:

  • 10% – for candidates of science;
  • 15% – for doctors of science.

In the Tver region:

  • 10% – for candidates of science;
  • 20% – for doctors of science.

In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug:

  • 20% – for candidates of science;
  • 40% – for doctors of science
Bonus for qualificationsThe bonus is set in accordance with the professional qualification category of the teacher (second, first, highest). According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science, the amount of the bonus for teacher qualifications in the regions should not be less than:
  • 5% – for the second category;
  • 10% – for the first category;
  • 15% – for the highest category.
From 5% to 40%

In the Vologda region:

  • 5% – for the second category;
  • 15% – for the first category;
  • 30% – for the highest category.

In the Kaluga region:

  • 9% – for the second category;
  • 18% – for the first category;
  • 25% – for the highest category.

Compensatory additional payments to teachers

When calculating a teacher’s salary, the amount of compensation paid in connection with:

  • the teacher performing additional work (including substitute work);
  • combination of positions;
  • teaching children with disabilities;
  • teaching activities in rural areas.

Also, within the framework of the NSOT, other compensations are provided, the payment of which is related to the intensity of labor and overtime.

Let us recall that according to labor legislation, a teacher can be involved in additional work or part-time work only with written consent.

Scatter factor

One of the principles of NSOT is the implementation of a fair wage program for teachers of all levels and directions. In this regard, within the framework of NSOT, the so-called “scatter coefficient” is used, which determines the relationship between wages management team educational institution and the income of an ordinary teacher.

In accordance with NSOT, the dispersion coefficient is 1:4. This means that the salary of a secondary school teacher must be at least 25% of the salary of the director of the same school.

This principle applies to all educational institutions that are subject to Government Decree No. 583 of 05/05/2008.

An example of calculating a teacher's salary according to NSOT

In order to clearly understand the procedure for calculating a teacher’s salary according to NSOT, let’s look at an example.

Kukushkin V.R. - history teacher in secondary school Orel. Kukushkin has the first qualification category, higher professional education(Bachelor), teaching experience – 12 years.

For this category of teachers in Orel, the base tariff rate is set at 8,303 rubles. In addition, the legislative acts of the region approved a bonus for teaching experience from 10 to 15 years in the amount of 10%.

The percentage of the bonus awarded for the level of education is determined in accordance with the qualification category of the teacher. For employees of the educational sector of the first qualification category, the following bonuses are provided for the level of education:

  • Complete secondary education – 60% bonus for qualifications, no bonus for education;
  • primary or secondary vocational education – bonus for qualifications 60% + bonus for education 14%;
  • higher vocational education (bachelor, specialist, master) – bonus for qualifications 60% + bonus for education 28%.

Thus, Kukushkin is accrued the following allowances:

  • for experience: 8,303 rub. * 10% = 830.30 rub.;
  • for qualification: 8,303 rub. * 60% = 4,981.80 rubles;
  • for education: 8,303 rubles. * 28% = 2,324.84 rubles.

Let's calculate Kukushkin's salary taking into account allowances:

RUB 8,303 + 830.30 rub. + 4,981.80 rub. + 2,324.84 rub. = 16,439.94 rub.

The main function assigned to the wage system is to stimulate the production relations of employees of a business entity in order to direct them to the implementation of the organization’s strategic plans. At the same time, the material interest of employees will be one of the elements effective activities enterprises.

The traditional remuneration system is based on determining the amount of salary due to a given employee and a set of material and social benefits. The value of this indicator is established depending on the value of the job occupied, as well as its market value.

The new system divides employee remuneration into two groups. The first of these includes guaranteed payments. They are awarded to the employee for the direct performance of his duties, which are assigned to him according to his position. The second group includes character. Their value is directly dependent on the quality, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of the employee’s activities. At the same time, the amount of payments related to the incentive share wages, is not limited by anything.

It has a specific structure of the remuneration fund consisting of three main elements. These include:

The basic part, which is the amount of the salary or wage rate;

Payments of a compensatory nature;

Rewards to stimulate employee activity.

The amount of the base part is intended to serve as payment to the organization’s employees for performing the work that they are engaged in in accordance with their job responsibilities, enshrined in the agreement with the employer, as well as recorded in job descriptions and other documents. For activities within a certain circle, a person has the right to receive a salary or wage rate. At the same time, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the requirements presented to an employee for the purpose of performing his labor duties, not included in his job description, are illegal. this work can only be executed with the consent of the employee. In this case, additional remuneration is due.

The new remuneration system regulates the establishment by the head of the institution of the salary amount or rate of material remuneration. In this case, it must be taken into account professional training, as well as qualification level. Both the complexity and volume of work performed are taken into account.

The new remuneration system is implemented on base salaries established by the Government of the country. This provision is fixed in the one hundred and forty-fourth article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, remuneration for government work should not be lower than the base rates or salaries approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The new teacher remuneration system involves dividing the school budget into two components. One of them is the basic part, the other is the stimulating part. Teachers receive remuneration for all their activities, and not just for the number of lessons they teach. Thus, the new remuneration system has established a connection between a teacher’s salary, the quality of the classes he provides, as well as work outside of school hours. The incentive part of the budget is an incentive in the form of a material increase in the salary of worthy teachers. The size of these payments directly depends on the quality professional activity teachers.

The new system of remuneration in healthcare additionally provides for the presence of They are awarded to doctors for combining professional activities, working overtime, harm, etc. The new system guides health care employees to improve the quality of services provided.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, what is the essence of the new wage system for federal budgetary institutions? And is it different from the old one?

The unified tariff schedule, introduced in 1992, was fraught with a rather serious drawback due to the fact that it operated in a uniform manner throughout the country, regardless of industry, region, etc. and, as a result, did not take into account the features associated with functioning of a particular industry. In September last year, government decree No. 605 appeared, which introduced a new wage system. Already in August current year a new resolution was adopted

No. 583, which developed the ideas laid down in 605. First of all this complete failure from ETS. The new wage system is now built not even on a sectoral basis, but on a departmental one. That is, each department is developing its own system of regulatory legal acts in order to introduce a new remuneration system in the department: Rosobrazovanie is developing regulatory framework for their subordinate organizations, Rosobrnadzor - for their own, Rosnauka - for their own, etc. Accordingly, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation coordinates this work.

The main difference of the new remuneration system is that the salary that an employee will receive from December 1, 2008 will consist of three parts: salary, compensation and incentive payments. From January 1, 2010, at least 30 percent of the budget must be allocated for incentive payments. In response to the introduction of NSOT, the government additionally indexed the wage fund by 30 percent from December 1, 2008.

Second, very important point: the new remuneration system is based on professional qualification groups, which were developed, in particular, by the Ministry of Education and Science and approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Professional qualification groups include qualification levels that are already correlated with specific positions. If we talk about the teaching staff of the university, then these are: dean, head of department, professor, associate professor, senior lecturer and assistant. One of the disadvantages that the ETS had was the existence of eighteen categories, and the difference in wages between adjacent categories was very small. This gave very little incentive to employees to improve their skills. Now the approximate regulations on wages, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science and subordinate agencies, instruct institutions, when developing local regulations, to proceed from the fact that they must set salaries for their employees according to qualification levels professional qualification groups, and a noticeable difference in wages arises. Another innovation prescribed in the resolution is the ability of the founder to centralize up to five percent of the funds, so that they can subsequently be used to stimulate the managers and employees of subordinate institutions. We are now very actively working with Rosobrazovanie to develop criteria for assessing the performance indicators of institutions so that this five percent can be distributed in accordance with these criteria. I would like to emphasize that all centralized funds will be returned to subordinate institutions. However, someone who works better will get more, while someone who has shown poor results will get less. I believe that the norms contained in the resolutions allow us to move to completely new relationships with employees, which, in fact, will give us the opportunity to most effectively organize the work of the institution and, as final result, improve quality educational services provided by the institution.

What exactly does NSOT give to institutions?

First of all, the ETS did not allow or encourage the manager to more flexibly manage the labor resources that he has in his institution. Due to the fact that the wage fund was calculated based on the number staffing units, which were assigned to the institution, it was not profitable for the institution to somehow reduce these units. Often because of this, these units were listed as “ dead Souls" Now the situation has changed dramatically. The institution has a fixed wage fund, which cannot be reduced unless the state task is reduced, and the institution must, within the limits of this fund, make up staffing table, To obtain maximum effect from the labor of its workers. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that the incentive part of wages plays one of the leading roles in this issue. Because the main difference between the new remuneration systems and the UTS is precisely that in the UTS there was no incentive part: regardless of whether you worked well or poorly, you received the same salary.

We have taken the path of providing maximum independence in establishing a remuneration system for the institution. The approximate regulations on remuneration, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science, enable the manager to independently establish a remuneration system, taking into account the features that exist in a particular educational institution. In my opinion, it is impossible to regulate and impose forms, methods and amounts of remuneration from the center. Different regions have different economic situations, different educational institutions in which different quantities off-budget financing and so on and so forth.

By our order, we approved approximate indicators of incentives for the institution’s personnel for the quality and quantity of work. At the same time, these indicators should stimulate employees to certain activities. For example, it is known that the quality of education at a university directly depends on those scientific research, which are conducted by its employees, since new knowledge obtained during research should be immediately implemented in educational process, should arise Feedback, students should also take part in research and so on. In this case, if the teacher participates in scientific activity, then he will receive more.

I know that the Ministry of Education and Science, unlike many other institutions, already has some experience in introducing NSOT. How successful is he?

Indeed, within the framework of the priority national project “Education”, in particular, comprehensive projects for the modernization of regional education, a model methodology for remunerating teachers in schools was introduced. We continue to collect and analyze the experience of its implementation and listen to emerging proposals. But overall, I can say that this model technique has fully justified itself. In the regions that introduced it, teachers' salaries exceeded the average for the regional economy, on the one hand, on the other, we got a situation where the best teachers began to receive two to two and a half times more than they received before. This means that in addition to social respect, the teacher also receives a decent material reward for his work. In this way, in schools we will be able to reinforce the best teachers. Now, in my opinion, in those regions that, while participating in the experiment, introduced the new system, a turning point has emerged in this regard.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, it turns out that educational institutions with the introduction of NSOT receive almost complete freedom. Will there be a situation in which the favorites of the head of the institution will receive a higher salary than the rest? Is there control over the implementation of the resolution?

There is a simple antidote to this: the criteria for assessing performance must be objective. For example, among the assessments of the activities of a university teacher there is a citation index, the number of publications, and the number of postgraduate students defended their defense.

Of course, we did not let the process of introducing NSOT take its course. There is a well-functioning monitoring system. We spent many methodological meetings and seminars. I personally participated in meetings of the Russian Union of Rectors, the Council of Rectors of Moscow and the Moscow Region, and in the all-Russian meeting of heads of universities, institutions of secondary and primary vocational education.

And now, if questions arise, in most cases they are psychological character. We are too accustomed to an equal wage system. But now consciousness is being rebuilt. In addition, our website is open on the Internet, which has a special section where constant daily monitoring is carried out of what is being done in educational institutions, how they are developing regulations. There is a forum where people ask questions and receive answers from qualified lawyers. It's live and useful system. I go there often myself.

The decoding of the abbreviation NSOT sounds quite simple - new remuneration systems. New remuneration systems were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2008 No. 583.

We figured out how to decipher NSOT, but we’ll tell you what it is and who it’s used for in our article.

NSOT were introduced on December 1, 2008 for employees who work in federal budgetary institutions and federal government agencies, as well as for workers who do not have military rank, but they work in military units, institutions and divisions of federal bodies executive power, in which the law provides for military and equivalent to military service.

All answers to questions about new remuneration systems must be sought in the Regulations on the establishment of remuneration systems, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Features of NSOT

What is special about NSOT? According to the new remuneration systems, employee salaries consist of several parts:

  • Salary, which is the main, basic part of the salary;
  • The additional part of the payments is compensatory in nature;
  • An additional part of payments that is stimulating in nature.

The main part of wages is the remuneration of employees for performing their job duties. According to NSOT, the main part of the salary is set by the head of the institution, based on the qualifications, experience of the employee and suitability for the position held.

According to labor legislation (Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the main part of wages (i.e., salaries) can also be established by the Government of the Russian Federation by professional groups. Professional qualification groups are groups by professions and positions of workers, united according to the principle of qualification requirements for performing work of varying complexity, taking into account the sphere labor activity. That is, the amount of an employee’s salary depends on the level of his professional qualifications, on the experience he has, on the complexity and volume of work he performs.

The size of basic salaries established by the Government must be observed: the wages of employees should not be less than the established salaries. The salaries established by the Government are provided from the budget:

  • Federal government agencies provide basic salaries using federal funds;
  • state institutions of the subjects Russian Federation provide basic salaries using funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • municipal institutions provide salaries using local budget funds.

Compensation payments are established to employees in the amount of a percentage of the base salary, rates or a fixed amount, unless this contradicts the established federal laws or decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Unlike salary, which is guaranteed to all employees, compensation payments are not mandatory for employees of the same position.

Payments that are of an incentive nature are determined by local regulatory documents, collective agreements or agreements. The size of incentive payments and the conditions for receiving them depend on the developed federal agency indicators that the employee must achieve, and evaluation criteria according to which the effectiveness of performing work duties will be assessed.

Salaries of managers according to NSOT

The salary of managers according to NSOT also consists of three components: basic salary, compensation and incentive payments. The salary of a manager depends on the volume and complexity of the work performed. Incentive payments to managers are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Deputy managers and chief accountants of institutions receive salaries 10-30% less than the official salaries of their managers.

At the end of 2018, the State Duma approved an updated version of recommendations regarding the establishment of an updated system of remuneration for employees of budgetary institutions, including teaching staff. This decision was determined by the tripartite regulatory commission social and labor relations. At the same time, the rules that were in force before have lost their force and will not be used in 2019. Today we’ll talk about changes in the remuneration system for teaching staff and how the approach to this issue will change.

In 2019 with new indicators and without salary reduction

Starting from 2019, remuneration for teaching staff will be calculated taking into account the new indicator. From now on, when forming the income of teachers and lecturers in mandatory taken into account average monthly earnings hired employees of private companies and individual entrepreneurs. Starting from this year, this criterion must be taken into account when developing cost plans aimed at increasing the amount of remuneration for teaching staff and employees in other budget sectors. In July 2018, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree, according to which Rosstat was obliged to prepare the above data by 04/15/2019.

When the tripartite group discussed the new regulations, a clause was added to the document about the inadmissibility of reducing wages for employees of kindergartens, schools and state universities. In accordance with this norm, in 2019 the level of remuneration for teaching staff will not be lower than in 2018. Accordingly, kindergarten teachers will receive a salary no lower than the Russian average (last year - just over 28,000 rubles).

Another important news for teachers was the inclusion of the minimum wage indicator. Last year, this figure was at the level of 6,200 rubles. The new recommendations determine that an employee educational institution cannot receive a salary lower than the established indicator, provided that he has fully complied with the established norm and worked a sufficient number of hours. However, no one is immune from situations in which a teacher works less time than he is supposed to. If an employee had to face such a nuisance, wages will be calculated based on the time actually worked, based on the minimum wage.

In order to ensure the full implementation of the recommendations in the institution, the employer, as well as government officials, need to pay attention to certain aspects. In particular, these include:

  1. The establishment of wages and salaries must be carried out in accordance with the qualification group of the employee.
  2. If an employee budgetary institution works in a position that is not related to professional categories, the rate of his salary is calculated based on the difficulty of the duties assigned to him.
  3. It is imperative to take into account the need to use incentive payments and all kinds of compensation. This issue should be reflected in regional and municipal regulations.
  4. Only the manager has the right to approve the staffing table kindergarten, school, university, other budgetary organization.
  5. After the implementation of new recommendations in an educational institution, the teacher’s income should be no less than it was before. This standard applies to all employees, without exception, whose standard of work has remained the same or increased.
  6. The wage rate should be determined based on the employee’s performance of his own professional duties over a certain period of time (week, month, year).

As for the labor standards for teachers, now its change in one direction or another will directly affect the final earnings. Therefore, the recommendations provide for the reflection of the actual workload of the teacher in labor agreement. This rule will affect such workers as:

  • school teachers;
  • university teachers;
  • coaches of children's sports sections;
  • persons engaged in activities in the field of additional education.

Taking into account these innovations, any changes in the teacher’s working hours should also be reflected in the employment agreement. However, you should remember the conditions under which this may become possible:

  • by agreement of the parties to the contract;
  • V exceptional cases– unilaterally by the head of the educational institution. This norm can be used if the amount of working time has decreased curriculum, the educational organization did not recruit sufficient quantity students, etc.

Another important innovation is additional attention to teachers with secondary education. special education. The recommendations provide for the impossibility of infringement labor rights employees who do not have higher education. Accordingly, reduction factors can no longer be used for a specialty that requires an employee with a higher education diploma. Thus, the lack required document will no longer allow the employer to save on employee wages educational institution. In this regard, he has equal rights with teachers with higher education.

Today, these recommendations have been approved by a considerable number of teaching staff. Indeed, the new document has significantly expanded their opportunities in terms of remuneration and increased their protection from unlawful actions of the manager educational organization. It is expected that these recommendations will be in effect over the next few years and gradually refined so that the income of teachers grows to a decent level.

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