Anxiety and depressive disorders in women. What is anxious depression

Anxious depression is emotional disorder, which accompanies a pronounced state of anxiety and excessive excitement. Anxiety in in this case is recognized as atypical depression, while important point is that there is no reason to worry.

Classic depressive states are often accompanied by a complex of symptoms, with anxiety being one of the symptoms. However, in Lately People often experience this one symptom, and because of the increased anxiety, depression is called atypical.

Causes of the disease

In general, a state of anxiety is characteristic to an ordinary person, and this is a natural sensation that contributes to the triggering of some self-defense mechanisms. But when symptoms of anxious depression appear, this goes beyond the norm, and accordingly, it becomes a pathology.

Why is it formed obsessive-compulsive disorder accompanied by overwhelming anxiety? This primarily occurs due to prolonged exposure to stress, regardless of the nature of its origin. Excessive busyness at work, unfavorable home environment, lack of confidential contact with loved ones or relatives.

The life of a modern person is full of depression, most of which we simply try not to notice. Another reason that concerns almost everyone Russian man– this is the unstable economic situation in the country and the credit burden. It is the obligations to banks and the difficulty or impossibility of fulfilling them that has a pressing influence on the human psyche. Sometimes, for this reason, one’s own unfulfillment is formed, when there are aspirations, but there are no opportunities due to the increased credit load.

Factors that can lead to anxious depression include the following:

  • Temporary or permanent disability.
  • Abuse bad habits(drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction).
  • Heredity. Relatives were prone to anxiety and depression.
  • The approach of retirement age and awareness of the acquired social status.
  • Lack of education, and as a consequence, lack of opportunities for self-realization.
  • Some diseases are especially chronic.

It is noteworthy that women are more likely to experience anxious depression, since they are more emotional in life. However, factors such as loss of ability to work affect men more, as it is difficult for them to cope with the fact that they, the breadwinners of the family, are left without resources.

For retirees, anxiety and depression are almost constant companions. It is more difficult to help them, since they already have a number of diseases in their anamnesis that they have to live with, and many friends, acquaintances, and relatives pass away. Along with this comes understanding and awareness of old age and imminent departure.

Symptoms of the disease

Anxious depression can manifest itself in different ways, since the signs of anxiety itself are not always expressed in the same way. Thus, the disease can be characterized either by a complex of anxiety states or by one of the following types:

  • Patients feel that something is about to happen. They are constantly expecting trouble, although there are no prerequisites for this.
  • A person experiences anxiety in relation to the events of the future period. For example, he is constantly worried about a possible divorce, job loss, upcoming marriage, etc. A person constantly thinks about this and fears events that may be associated with fears.
  • Depressive anxiety syndrome can also be expressed on a physical level, when the patient experiences trembling in the body, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, etc.
  • The patient may also experience anxiety about past events. In this case, he is constantly tormented by words spoken at the wrong time, or by his own actions, which he now doubts. As a result, a person engages in “self-criticism” because of something that can no longer be changed.
  • The patient may experience a state of anxiety regarding making important decisions. Then this condition categorically interferes with his work and in everyday life, because of which he begins to experience the fear of losing his job, which is a consequence of indecision.

Symptom depressive states There are also bright outbursts of anger, embitterment, sudden mood swings from worse to better.

Symptoms of anxious depression include:

  • Depression, sad mood.
  • Disturbed sleep, restlessness at night, nightmares - these symptoms interfere with normal rest, resulting in a person not getting enough sleep. Over time, the patient begins to show signs of prolonged fatigue, lack of concentration, absent-mindedness, etc.
  • Constant feeling of tension, irritability.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Inner restlessness.
  • Tendency to tearfulness.
  • Wariness.
  • Feelings of guilt, feelings of inadequacy.
  • Expectation of troubles and difficulties.

Anxious depression can only manifest itself in outbreaks, when a person is suddenly overcome by a state of fear. This condition has much in common with a panic attack.

A person experiencing signs of depression and anxiety may share their thoughts with loved ones. Usually they do not withdraw into themselves, but on the contrary, they talk about the fact that something might happen, try to dissuade them from taking any action, etc.

If you encounter such symptoms in your loved ones, relatives or children, you need to urgently provide them with help and support. Drug treatment may also be required.

Treatment of Anxious Depression

How to cope with depression if it is accompanied by persistent anxiety? Is it possible to get rid of anxiety and depression on your own? If we talk about treatment in which the patient will act independently, then it is necessary maximum concentration on your own thoughts. It is important to get to the root of the problem that has led to such pronounced depressive anxiety.

It is important to try to answer honestly to yourself what exactly is causing the anxiety. If it is the lack of necessary education, this problem can be solved. If you are concerned about your health, even for no apparent reason, you just need to get examined. In more complex cases, medical attention is required.

Drug treatment

If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, contact a specialist - a psychotherapist who can help you by prescribing necessary treatment. Most often it includes a complex of several drugs, which in turn can cause unpleasant symptoms With negative consequences different intensities:

  • Sedative effect, which is why it is not recommended to drive a car, use certain types of equipment, etc.
  • Possibility of developing addiction.
  • There is a decrease in blood pressure.
  • You should not suddenly stop using the drug, as these actions can lead to breakdowns. Because of this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose of drugs with subsequent abandonment of them in case of stabilization of psychosis. emotional state.

It is important to understand that medical treatment only prescribed by a doctor. You cannot choose medications on your own.

Psychotherapeutic methods

How to get rid of depression and anxiety with the help of a specialist? Here all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the treating psychotherapist. In fact, it is psychotherapeutic methods that allow you to quickly get out of this state. Main aspects of psychotherapy:

  • It often turns out that patients suffer from anxiety not because they are really afraid of it, but because they want to attract the attention of strangers in this way. Behavioral psychology is very helpful in this case.
  • How to cope with depression? Most importantly, a person should not constantly think about his problem that worries him. He must find solutions to problems, look for ways to get rid of anxiety, and strive for a cure. In this case, the psychotherapist gives good tips to get started.
  • A professional specialist can suggest a completely different model of behavior to a person that will interest the patient. Sometimes this is enough for him to get rid of anxious depression.

In any case, consultation and treatment with a psychotherapist gives good results, which consolidate the started drug treatment.

Physiotherapeutic methods can be used as treatment. They are also part of a set of measures aimed at improving the patient’s condition.

An important role is played by the support of family and friends, the organization of varied recreation that will distract from current problems. Visiting exhibitions and cinemas also help improve the patient's condition.

It is important to understand that the lack of proper and timely treatment can lead to deeply negative consequences.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that the number of patients suffering is about 10% of the total population, and continues to grow. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a depressed mood is accompanied by internal restlessness, anxiety, a premonition of an impending catastrophe and is regarded as anxious depression .

The following symptoms are typical for anxious depression:

  • tendency to be overly apprehensive;
  • expecting the worst;
  • low self-esteem or ideas of self-worth;
  • feelings of hopelessness (deep pessimism about the future);
  • concern, anxiety;
  • feeling weak or lacking energy;
  • irritability;
  • alertness
  • increased tearfulness;
  • difficulty concentrating or a blank mind;
  • sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, drowsiness or restless sleep that does not bring rest);

The experiences of patients with anxious depression are filled with threatening dangers, forebodings, and the expectation of disaster: “something bad is going to happen.” Patients are afraid of an imaginary or really threatening, but exaggerated misfortune. They are afraid of getting seriously ill and dying. The most common fear of death is sudden stop heart, cancer or other serious illness. Patients carefully observe all bodily sensations, fixate on the slightest discomfort, and regard it as a sign of an impending heart attack, a developing tumor, which will inevitably lead to death.

In addition, there is uncertainty about the future, fear of unexpected and unforeseen events, fear of being left without a livelihood, constant doubts about the correctness of one’s actions, the validity of what was said. Anxiety and depression intensify at the mere thought of the need to make a certain decision, to get down to business.

As the intensity of thoughts about an impending inevitable catastrophe increases, anxiety increases and can reach the level of agitation, which is accompanied by “torment of horror” with confusion, a feeling of hopelessness, and inability to find a way out of seemingly insoluble situations. In this case, patients exhibit pronounced motor agitation with lip biting, hand wringing, fussiness, and garrulity. They complain about profuse sweating, palpitations, chest pain, feeling of dry mouth, discomfort in the abdominal area, groaning, moaning, wailing, monotonously repeating short remarks or words repeatedly: “this is terrible,” “I can’t stand this,” “I’m dying,” etc. .

Such deterioration of the condition usually develops against the background of persistent painful insomnia and more often occurs in the dawn hours, when negative experiences reach extreme severity and can result in sudden attack frenzied despair with suicidal actions.

Treatment of Anxious Depression- difficult process, in which, along with and tranquilizers, and are widely used. Preference is given to those aimed at correcting negative thinking that underlies depressive and anxious experiences.

If in the twentieth century the “disease of the century” was ischemic disease heart, then the disease of the 21st century will most likely be mixed anxiety-depressive disorder.

The causes of anxiety and depression are chronic stress, or so-called learned helplessness - a feeling of inability to radically influence the course of one’s own life.

Particularly susceptible this disease women - in addition to the greater lability of the nervous system, the female sex now carries a burden of responsibility that is quite comparable to the male sex, and sometimes even exceeds it.

TDR can occur in people of different ages and different social strata, one thing remains the same - deterioration in the quality of life, problems in the family and at work, dissatisfaction with the situation and lack of strength to change something. Although this disorder belongs to the group of neuroses, that is, self-awareness is not impaired, many patients do not consider themselves sick, citing fatigue and problems.

Anxiety and depression is a medical condition and must be treated by a specialist.

Anxiety-depressive disorder: symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of mixed anxiety and depressive disorder include: anxiety neurosis and depression, namely:

    unexplained anxiety, anxiety, irrational fear;

    persistent decrease in emotional background, bad mood;

    emotional lability (fluctuations from irritation to apathy);

    poor concentration, decreased performance and memory.

Also, anxious depression is characterized by so-called vegetative manifestations associated with impaired metabolism of hormones that regulate mood (especially adrenaline):

  • increased heart rate,
  • rapid breathing,
  • sweating,
  • shiver,
  • nausea,
  • dizziness,
  • sleep and appetite disturbances.

If you or your loved one has the above symptoms, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Our specialists can not only diagnose anxiety-depressive neurosis, but also prescribe effective treatment.

Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder: treatment

Can anxiety-depressive disorder be cured? Of course, yes, but it is important to understand that this is a disease and must be treated by a doctor. If you have an anxiety-depressive disorder, treatment will be comprehensive. The main treatment is complex multimodal psychotherapy; pharmacotherapy is selected as necessary. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you can successfully cope with the disease.

If you are wondering how to cure anxiety-depressive disorder, do not self-medicate, contact us for help and our psychotherapists will help you get started new life without depression and anxiety!

Our specialists are proficient in modern and effective methods of treating anxiety and depressive disorders. An individual approach to treatment, monitoring the result, working with the root cause of the disease is the key to a new one, full life our patients.

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Articles about depression

Depressive neurosis occurs when a complex life situation, which over time begins to seem hopeless and insoluble. Indeed, there are circumstances that cannot be changed. But even then, you can become healthy again and significantly improve your quality of life. This is possible thanks to psychotherapeutic techniques that will help you get out of the influence of a traumatic situation and learn to live in such a way that it does not provoke the development of the disease.

What are the causes of anxious depression, panic, and phobias? Sometimes there is one reason, sometimes there are several. Only a doctor can identify the causes of the disease. And this is important to do because effective treatment is only possible when it is aimed at eliminating the causes, and not at relieving symptoms.

There is no need to endure, search on the Internet for “can anxiety depression be cured,” or drink all kinds of sedatives in a row. The Internet does not see or understand you personally, and the knowledge put into its “head” is very different. And sedatives relieve symptoms (if they relieve them at all), but do not treat the cause.

How to cope with adversity? Everyone experiences a traumatic situation differently. Someone pours out all their emotions and quickly gets into shape. Somebody for a long time cannot calm down, worries, cries, but gradually everything returns to normal. And there are people who keep their emotions inside and do not let them out. Inexplicable anxiety appears, painful anxiety for no reason, sleep and appetite are still disturbed, the mood is depressed, everything is seen in gray colors. What to do?

We refuse cigarettes, alcohol or drugs, carefully handle cutting objects, put on boots with tractor soles in icy conditions... But how often do we refuse an exhausting and humiliating conversation with our parents, boss or significant other? We say, “I won’t do this, eat, drink.” Why don’t we say, “I won’t listen to this, I won’t follow this, I won’t tolerate this”? Tension accumulates and results in various disorders, conditions and neuroses.

According to qualified psychologists, modern people absolutely do not know how to get rid of emotional stress, to independently experience stress with minimal harm for good health. A constant load of this kind is fraught with the development of a variety of pathological conditions, including anxiety and depressive disorders. Such ailments are classified as neuroses; they have quite a lot clinical manifestations, cannot provoke changes in the individual’s self-awareness and make possible independent awareness of the disease. Anxiety-depressive disorder requires an extremely careful attitude and correct correction. Let’s try to figure out what the main symptoms of this disorder are. pathological condition, and how it can be treated.


The most basic manifestation of this disease– the constant presence of an incomprehensible anxiety in an individual, which, it would seem, has no basis. Anxiety in this case can be classified as constant feeling some impending dangers and disasters that may threaten either close people or the individual himself. At the same time, the patient does not experience any fear of any specific threats that actually exist in his environment.

With anxiety-depressive disorder, patients complain of a constant decrease in mood, as well as systematic and rather sharp fluctuations in their general emotional state. They are worried about sleep disturbances and constant fears - worry about loved ones, a feeling of imminent failure. With such a disorder, a person experiences constant tension and anxiety, which interfere with a normal night's rest. Frequent complaints also include feelings of extreme fatigue, asthenia and weakness. Anxiety-depressive disorder also affects mental activity, the patient experiences a decrease in concentration, his speed of thinking and overall performance deteriorate, and he loses the ability to fully absorb new material.

Pathological processes with such a diagnosis cause the occurrence of frequent or increased heart rate, can cause tremors and tremors. Many patients complain of a feeling of suffocation and a feeling of a lump in the throat, they are worried excessive sweating, and especially the moisture of the palms. With anxiety-depressive disorder, patients often experience pain similar to heart pain, as well as painful sensations near solar plexus. This pathological condition may be accompanied by hot flashes and chills and lead to frequent urination. Many patients also experience problems with bowel movements and abdominal pain, and they may also be bothered by muscle tension and muscle pain.

As practice shows, much more often the diagnosis of “anxiety-depressive disorder” is given to women, people who have lost their jobs, are addicted to alcohol and nicotine, and have insufficiently favorable heredity. In addition, elderly patients, people with low level education and severe somatic diseases.


Drug therapy for such a pathological condition depends solely on the causes of its development. In most cases, patients are prescribed a combination of antidepressants and tranquilizers. Such drugs have different effects on the body, some drugs optimize the course of vegetative processes, as if shaking the body and forcing it to function normally, while others help to calm nervous system, improve sleep, reduce the amount of stress hormones. A complex approach helps you achieve the best results. The first effect of consuming medications is observed five to six days after the start of therapy, and in the third or fourth week of treatment the result becomes maximum. However, it must be borne in mind that all groups of such drugs can cause unwanted side effects.

In the event that anxiety-depressive disorder is at early stage development and is uncomplicated, then you can cope with it by taking a remedy such as Afobazole. This medication does not have a pronounced sedative effect, is not capable of causing addiction and effectively optimizes the patient’s condition. It can be purchased at almost any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription and taken one tablet three times a day for two to four weeks.

You should not use products such as Valoserdin, Corvalol or Valocordin, as they contain phenobarbital, which is prohibited in all civilized countries due to their weight side effects and high toxicity.

Competent psychotherapy plays an extremely important role in the treatment of anxiety-depressive disorder. It enhances the effect several times drug correction and helps a person learn to react correctly to stressful situations, cope with them and prevent the re-development of pathology. Experts say that the main key to successful treatment of anxiety-depressive disorder is the individual’s understanding of the special importance of his participation in the recovery process.

If you suspect the development of an anxiety-depressive disorder, it is strongly recommended to seek help from a psychologist as soon as possible.

Depressive disorder of the anxiety type is more common in women; it manifests itself in causeless anxiety for any reason, depression, lack of positive emotions, apathy, lack of will and other negative symptoms. The help of a qualified psychiatrist is needed. To eliminate symptoms of anxiety, tranquilizers are prescribed in combination with antidepressants. latest generation, which soon gives positive results.

IsraClinic consultants will be happy to answer any questions on this topic.

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Mixed anxiety-depressive disorder (MADD) is a disease characterized by equal manifestations of both anxiety and depressive components. In other words, the patient has anxiety with physiological manifestations along with low mood, anhedonia, loss of interest.

According to WHO statistics, the prevalence of the disease is 5%, while the diagnosis of mixed anxiety-depressive disorder is almost twice as common among representatives of the fair sex.

Among the symptoms of mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, doctors note the following:

  • The appearance of anxiety and worry for various reasons
  • Aggression and irritability
  • Fast fatiguability, excessive weakness
  • Depressed mood or sudden change in mood with a predominance of depressed mood
  • Absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate
  • Sleep problems
  • Emotional lability, tearfulness
  • Pessimism, feeling of hopelessness
  • Low self-esteem, feeling of uselessness, worthlessness

Causes of mixed anxiety-depressive disorder

Causes of mixed anxiety-depressive disorder
can be different, among the most common are the following factors:

  • Sudden change in life status quo (change of job, change in marital status, etc.)
  • Long-term stress
  • Difficulties in family relationships, conflicts at work
  • Negative events (death, illness)
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Personality characteristics person

Difficulties in diagnosing STDD

The combination of both anxious and depressive components at once introduces certain difficulties in diagnosing mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, since there are difficulties in differential diagnosis between anxiety and depressive disorder. Doctors note that with STDR, the patient’s quality of Everyday life in everyday life, work and interpersonal terms. In particular, for people diagnosed with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, the number of days they spent on sick leave or vacation at will twice as much as in people with anxiety or depressive disorders only.

For patients with ADHD, in contrast to patients with single disorders (depression or anxiety), the following manifestations are characteristic:

  • The first episode of the disease appears in more early age
  • Greater severity of symptoms
  • Occurs more often chronic form illness or exacerbation of a disorder
  • Greater decline in functioning
  • Pronounced psychosomatic manifestations
  • Acute psychosomatic disorders
  • Increased risk suicidal tendencies
  • Time-delayed response to pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy

The prognosis for the treatment of STDD is slightly worse than for treatment anxiety disorder or depressed individually. Therefore, when mixed anxiety-depressive disorder diagnosis plays a big role.

Treatment of mixed anxiety-depressive disorder

If a mixed anxiety-depressive disorder is diagnosed, treatment is prescribed by a psychiatrist at a specialized center. Often the strategy at the initial stage is aimed at working out the most severe symptoms, without attention to final goals. Therefore, the patient may be prescribed tranquilizers to eliminate anxiety, which is not always true. At some stage the patient may feel better, but after some time the symptoms worsen and the depressive component increases. Therefore in modern psychiatry Doctors prefer to prescribe tranquilizers in combination with modern generation antidepressants. Wherein main goal Therapy should be aimed at achieving long-term remission, for which the patient’s condition is monitored 1-2 times a week.

When choosing medications, the doctor must take into account the symptoms and changes in the patient’s condition for timely correction of treatment and optimal effective therapy.

In Israel, when diagnosed with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, treatment is carried out effective antidepressants, and often we are talking about monodrug therapy. However, STDR uses higher dosages and longer treatment times. In combination with drug therapy psychotherapy is actively carried out, often also on a tighter schedule than with a diagnosis of anxiety or depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy has shown the greatest effectiveness, during which the patient not only gets rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also learns to correctly respond to life events to prevent the development of psychological disorders further.

In addition to those listed, among the methods of the IsraClinic clinic, hypnotherapy and yoga nidra techniques are used for relaxation. Clinical practice showed that teaching the patient relaxation skills - muscle relaxation, even breathing, switching attention - helps to stop anxiety states. Moreover, relaxation skills help the patient cope with stressful situations in the future, in other words, this excellent remedy prevention and mental hygiene.

In addition to relaxation sessions, the patient may be recommended sports therapy, the purpose of which is to improve physical and mental well-being. The IsraClinic uses the techniques of Moshe Feldenkrais, the main meaning of which can be conveyed by the phrase “awareness through movement.” These are motor practices that allow a person to be aware of himself in the process of performing exercises, to approach classes through an understanding of the relationship between body and mind. Also in the treatment of mixed anxiety-depressive disorder excellent results Hippotherapy shows that through interaction with horses a person gets rid of fear and anxiety, his mood and self-confidence improve. Hippotherapists offer patients with ADHD a set of tasks that must be completed while riding, or teach the horse certain commands. The main task is to learn to act in tandem with the animal, trust the horse and listen to it.
