Psychology of British cats. The character of the British cat: English arrogance or affectionate bun? History of the origin of the breed

The British cat is very popular all over the world. She attracts with her sweet and at the same time majestic appearance. The fur of British cats is plush and soft to the touch. There are two types of British cats: British Shorthair and British Longhair. In the article we will talk about the characteristics of this breed, the history of its origin, care and maintenance.

British cat: description of the breed

As you can easily understand from the name, main feature The beauty of the British Shorthair lies in the length of its coat. We will talk about how this type of “British” was formed and what features it has in this chapter.

History of the breed

According to one version, it is believed that the original homeland of the British cat is France. It was from there that cats of this breed were transported throughout different parts peace. Another version says that british cats come from Egyptian and Roman cats. From Rome, cats were brought to the British Isles, where they mixed with the locals. wild cats. The British noticed the new kind cats with beautiful and dense fur and decided to take the animals under close supervision.

The fabulous Cheshire cat from L. Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" was copied from the majestic appearance of a British cat

So, on July 13, 1871, the first professional cat exhibition took place in London, where the first British cats were shown. After this, the world's specialists, who were attracted by the beautiful and soft fur coat, took a serious interest in British beauties. In the 20th century, the British cat, thanks to the American felinological community, became known throughout the world. In Russia, the first British cats appeared only in 1980, and this breed gained popularity only in the 21st century.

Breed standard

British cats are large, but at the same time graceful and graceful. They attract with their beautiful, deep, intelligent eyes and soft, velvety fur that you want to touch. For all their massiveness, British cats are excellent hunters; they easily climb high structures.

Table 1. Standard of the British Shorthair cat

Weight4-8 kg
HeadRound, wide, with cheeks; the nose is short, in the same vertical line with the chin. The ears are straight, erect, small, round, and set low. Round shaped eyes orange color(point colors have blue eyes, chinchillas have blue, lavender, green)
BodyPowerful, wide chest and shoulders
LimbsPaws are dense, small, massive, with thick claws
TailThick at the base, with a rounded end
WoolThe coat is short, dense, with a thick undercoat

You need to know this! British cats have strictly straight, erect ears, so if your pet has folded ears, this is direct evidence that it is not purebred, or your pet is a representative of another breed, for example, a Scottish Fold.

Distinctive features British breed- wide muzzle, dense nose and full cheeks

Color options

British cats have great variations in coat color. Mostly blue color is widespread, but this breed also has rarer ones, which are very much appreciated among breeders.

The main color options for British cats:

  • plain (solid). Skin and coat are strictly the same color. A cat with marks or spots will be disqualified from participating in exhibitions. The most common color is blue, but there are also black, purple, chocolate, red, and white. Rare solid colors include cinnamon, fawn;

    The magnificent lilac color is the jewelery work of specialists. He is artificially bred

    Should not be in white color yellow shades. The color is difficult to obtain; when breeding, there is a high risk of giving birth to kittens with defects

    The color “cinnamon” (cinnamon) is a rare shade. It is very valuable and is a shade of chocolate color

    The “fawn” color is even rarer. This is a version of clarified cinnamon. A very valuable color for breeders, because it makes it possible to obtain new light shades

  • tortoiseshell color. Magnificent, with an even combination of spots, unique to cats. It is desirable that there are shades of red or cream on the cat's face;

    Mostly only cats have a tortoiseshell color. Males rarely appear with a complex tortoiseshell shade, and due to a genetic error they are infertile

  • silver and golden shaded. Animals with these rare colors are considered the most expensive because of their luxurious, evenly colored, rich coat. The main thing is that the pigmentation is 1/8 of the length of the hair part. The cats are similar to chinchillas, which is why they are called British chinchillas. Eye color in this color is blue, lilac or green;

    One of the rare colors is silver

    In the golden color, gray undercoat is not allowed. In this case, the cats are considered defective and are discarded.

  • color point. The color is very similar to the Siamese and has a combination of white and base color (black, chocolate, red);

    British cat with color-point coat color

  • tabby The color is represented by a print on the cat's fur in the form of contrasting symmetrical stripes, spots, or a marble pattern on any non-primary color. Therefore, cats of this color are very similar to small tigers or leopards;

    Marble tabby color

  • "Whiskas". The silver coat has clear stripes throughout the body. The drawing must have contrast and clarity. This type of color is valuable among breeders;

    Whiskas-colored cats became popular after a TV commercial for Whiskas food was released.

  • bicolor, harlequin, particolor. The color is a combination of two colors, where the maximum predominance is white.

    Bicolor color


British cats tolerate loneliness well, but at the same time they miss their owner. Animals have an attachment to only one person, but at the same time lead an independent lifestyle. The British cat tries to avoid guests, in some cases it can even show aggression if they show excessive attention to it.

You need to know this! British cats have English manners, they are reserved, not intrusive, intelligent and have a feeling self-esteem, internal rod.

Cats of this breed are very calm, they can ask for affection whenever they want, but prefer it to a minimum. Pets have a good mind and intelligence. If you disturb the peace of a British cat, she will not use her claws, but will only warn you by hitting you with a soft fluffy paw, which means this moment she doesn't need attention. Thanks to its well-mannered character, the furniture in the apartment remains intact, but this does not mean that the pet does not need a special nail sharpener.

These animals are always the first in everything: the place on the bed is always central, the chair in the room is always the most favorite, the owner’s. And if your pet has chosen a place, it doesn’t matter how many times you kick it out, it will still return to it - even if it’s your pillow.

British cats are calm, balanced, they love to lie on the sofa, somewhere close to the owner. A pet can come into your arms only at will to receive a portion of affection. Kittens need to be raised with early age, otherwise it will be practically impossible to re-educate the adult later.

This breed has no problems with the litter box. British cats are very clean, although they can be capricious if they are not satisfied with the litter. Therefore, the contents of the tray must be selected individually, taking into account the preferences of your pet. The pet also devotes more time to its appearance, so the British “aristocrat” washes his face all day long. For all their British reserve, these cats love to play, so you should stock up on a variety of toys and try to play with your pet.

British cats are not difficult to care for, but in order for the animal to be healthy and always look well-groomed, you need to devote some time to it. You need to comb your pet twice a week; this procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plush fur. A British shorthair cat should not be washed frequently; only 2-3 times a year is enough, or if the animal has been outside.

It is worth inspecting and cleaning the ears monthly from accumulation of wax and wiping them regularly. eye drops or tea infusion of the eyes. A scratching post is a must. In this way, you will protect your furniture and wallpaper from the sharp claws of your pet, and at the same time ensure that the horny part of the claw is worn down by the British cat.

At 7-8 months, British kittens undergo their first molt, so you should be patient and brush your pet thoroughly every day. At this age, kittens lose their baby undercoat in large quantities, but this is not considered a disease.

You need to know this! A British cat needs to have its nails trimmed once every two weeks to prevent ingrown nails and excessive length.


Feeding a British cat should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contain proteins. Nutritious food will be the key to your pet’s health and beautiful shiny coat. You can choose a diet for your pet among industrial foods; it is advisable to stick to the choice of well-known companies and the line of holistic, superpremium and premium classes.

Such food is completely ready for consumption and has a dry and soft (canned) appearance. If you have time to compile and prepare a diet yourself, then it is better to feed your pet natural products. But just don’t forget that you definitely need to include vitamins in your diet, which can be purchased at specialty store for animals.

The British cat's diet should be balanced, nutritious and contain essential proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are good for health.

Natural feeding requires the presence of:

  • meat products (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, offal);
  • boiled sea fish without bones;
  • quail, chicken eggs;
  • dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, low-fat varieties cheese, kefir);
  • cereals in the form of porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat);
  • vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli);
  • cat grass and sprouted wheat, oats;
  • vitamin-mineral complex.

You should not feed your cat foods that contain salt, sugar, or spices. Chocolate and other sweets are not suitable for a cat's body and will only cause harm to your pet.

You need to know this! Kittens drink mother's milk up to 1.5-2 months, then they can be fed with cow's milk, liquid cereals and boiled meat in the form of puree. Milk can cause distress in adult cats digestive tract, so it should be given only as a treat, depending on the pet’s well-being.

More detailed information the nuances can be found in a separate article on our portal.

Features of the body

British cats, like all purebred animals, are prone to a number of diseases. If you do not monitor your pet, you may miss the development of an infection. For example, cats of this breed may be predisposed to:

  • to colds;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • skeletal deformities;
  • malocclusion;
  • deafness;
  • blindness.

British cats have good immune system, but it’s worth showing periodically veterinarian your pet to avoid hidden infection

Owner reviews

TO positive qualities The British cat is characterized by its calm and balanced character, as well as its independence. These animals can safely be alone at home for a long time. The pet does not make much noise, only sometimes letting the owner know that it is time for lunch or that the toilet needs to be cleaned. Worth purchasing in advance necessary tools pet care equipment, scratching post, food and drink bowls, toys, toilet.

British cats have their own special character, so you need to raise your pet from a young age, as soon as it appears in the house.


The price of a British cat depends on the purpose of purchase. Kittens purchased as a pet are usually cheaper than those purchased for breeding and for participation in exhibitions. average price a kitten with a pedigree - 20-30 thousand rubles, this takes into account gender, size, external characteristics and title of the parents.

It is better to purchase a kitten from a nursery from a responsible breeder. The exterior of the animal is the main thing you need to immediately pay attention to. The kitten should look harmonious, so the body and head should be proportional, and the bite should be scissor-shaped. Also, a kitten should have everything Required documents. Kittens sold as pets are usually spayed (neutered) immediately.

Russian nurseries

In Russia there are several nurseries engaged in breeding British Shorthair cats at a professional level:

  • SunRay, Moscow region, Zeleny village;
  • Wonder Plush, Moscow;
  • Miracle Cats, Moscow;
  • Galeksy, Vladivostok;
  • Steppe Stars *RUS, Krasnodar.

Video - About the British Shorthair cat

British Longhair cats are a type of British cat and in modern times are considered an independent breed. When breeding a British Shorthair cat, kittens with long hair those carrying the gene for long hair were eliminated, as they were a “defect” of the breed.

Now animals with long hair are considered a separate species and are very popular. British longhair cats carry the blood of shorthair cats (must have their type and bone structure) and Persian cats(they inherited long hair). But it doesn’t always work out this way, and often the animals did not fit the established standards, so there are still no clearly established descriptions of the long-haired “British”.

History of the origin of the breed

British longhair cats appeared during the development of new coat colors by crossing British and Persian breeds. The gene responsible for long hair is recessive, so the first few generations were short-haired, but subsequent breedings produced kittens with long hair.

Such kittens were considered “defective” and were discarded, but some experts decided to take a different path and began to actively study British cats with long hair. Thus, while breeding long-haired British cats, breeders tried to achieve the ideal look. However, hybrid individuals were born with severe skull defects and soft fluffy hair, so the breeders decided to breed only the most successful hybrids.


In general, British Longhairs are no different in appearance from British Shorthairs, except for the length of their coat.

Table 2. Exterior of the British Longhair cat

Color options

Basic color standards:

  • tortoiseshell. The presence of a uniform combination of two colors (black/red or blue/cream);

    British longhair tortoiseshell cat

  • "smoke" . The presence of contrasting shades in the color. The tips of the hairs are black, the undercoat is very light, almost silver in color;

  • tabby . This species is distinguished by the presence of a marbled, striped, spotted pattern on the animal’s fur. The ticked color does not carry any pattern. The main thing is the clarity of the drawing and the presence of the “M” sign in the eyebrow area;

    Golden ticked British Longhair cat

  • bicolor Availability of two colors (white/primary);

  • color-point. The color is similar to the Siamese. A large amount of white is combined with the main color on the face, paws, tail and ears.

    British longhair color point cat


The character is not particularly different from the character of the British Longhair cat. Long-haired “British” dogs also love to be in the company of their owner, but at the same time they try to stay apart. Calmness, endurance and intelligence are inherent in these beautiful animals. Excessive affection is not acceptable for this breed; the “British” themselves will come for it whenever they want. You also need to raise a cat with character from an early age, and immediately accustom the kitten to the litter box. British cats are very smart and clean, so there are no problems with the toilet.

You need to know this! There are no differences, other than the length of the coat, between the British Longhair and British Shorthair cats. In terms of temperament, character, and intelligence, these species are absolutely identical, and everything depends only on the individual traits of the animal.

British longhair cats do not require special care, but they should be brushed regularly with a special comb to prevent tangles from forming. If there is a need to wash your pet, you should only use special shampoos for long-haired cats. You also need to take into account the temperature in the room and prevent your pet from being in a draft. During the shedding season, your pet should be combed daily, starting from the head area and gradually moving towards the tail. It is better not to use curling irons, as they injure living hair, and sometimes completely pull it out along with dead hairs.

Like short-haired cats, long-haired “British” cats need to have their nails trimmed and brushed regularly. ears from the accumulation of sulfur. It is necessary to carry out preventive eye cleaning regularly. During shedding periods, give your pet medications to remove fur from the stomach.

The coat of long-haired "British" cats needs to be brushed regularly, especially during the shedding period.


Feeding a British longhair cat is no different from the diet of a shorthair cat. The main thing is that the diet is balanced and properly selected physiological characteristics body. A long-haired pet can also be fed with industrial food; you must choose high-quality food. At natural feeding It must be taken into account that a cat is a predatory animal and needs sufficient quantity squirrel.

Russian nurseries

The price for kittens in good nurseries varies from 25,000-30,000 rubles, depending on what purpose the animal is purchased for. From titled parents with documents, kittens of rare color are more expensive.

Nurseries in Russia:

  • BritFavorite, Moscow;
  • "Ariosto", St. Petersburg;
  • Galeksy, Vladivostok;
  • ReginaMargot, Krasnodar.

If your plans include breeding British Shorthair cats on your own, then you should be especially careful when choosing a partner. About how it goes puberty and mating in cats and what to do with the offspring can be read below.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the British cat breed include:

  • good health;
  • non-aggressiveness;
  • balanced character;
  • intelligence;
  • ease of care;
  • beautiful plush wool;
  • restraint;
  • attachment to the owner;
  • can tolerate prolonged absence of the owner;
  • life expectancy at good care is about twenty years.

There are not many disadvantages, but they are:

  • uncontrollable character (in itself);
  • unsociability;
  • tendency to colds;
  • detachment, only sometimes can allow affection.

British cats are smart, quick-witted, charming creatures that do not require special care and are suitable for busy people.

Video - British Longhair kittens

The most popular among cat lovers are the British. They captivate with their pretty appearance and thick fur that is pleasant to the touch. But not everyone manages to establish good relationships with these animals. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the habits of representatives of this breed to decide whether they are suitable for specific owners. Such cats have a difficult temperament and other characteristics that affect their adaptation in the family.

Character of British cats

The main quality of this animal is aristocracy. These pets know how to present themselves. Both short-haired and long-haired cats of this breed have a very important and respectable appearance. You will have to be very careful in raising such an arrogant animal so as not to turn him against you.

Breeders who understand the character of the British well, highlight the main features of their character:

  • Touchiness

Cats of this breed require respectful treatment. Even for pranks that appear slightly and only at an early age, they should not be punished very severely.

There is nothing worse than a British cat who is offended by its owner. She will not take revenge, but will stop making contact and begin to hide, making the owner feel guilty.

Should not be used under any circumstances physical strength to the pet, lock it in some room, humiliate it for minor offenses.

  • Tolerance

Animals are able to get along well with small children and other inhabitants of the premises. They will not be the first to enter into conflict and reclaim their territory. There is no desire in their nature to prove who is boss in the house. Their important view speaks for itself.

The British cat will not be indifferent to disturbances in rest, sleep and physical pain. Therefore, a pet can quite reasonably bite or scratch someone in the household. This is last resort caused by the despair of an exhausted pet.

  • Love of solitude

Brmdancers prefer to sleep a lot in a quiet environment. They will be very offended by those who interfere with their rest. Owners should provide for this feature and, if there are small children in the house, provide the animal with a cozy bed out of the reach of peace breakers. A personal safe space is important for every British person.

  • Hidden emotionality

Despite the emphasized independence and reluctance to run to the owner at the first call, purebred cats They get very sad when the owner is away for a long time. When he appears, they will again pretend to be proud and unapproachable, so as not to show their weakness.

  • Stubbornness

The cat will never perform actions for which he is not configured at the moment. He will not sit with his owner against his will. The place that this cat has chosen is not easy to vacate.

Due to the characteristic features in their habits, these cats are considered evil and unsuitable for a family where children are growing up. In fact, the British have a very strong need for love and affection. They value freedom, personal space and good dream. Contrary to misconception, the character of an animal is not determined by its blue or black color.

Chocolate Briton - photo, description and character

Aristocrat behavior

Like all cats, representatives of this species differ special treatment to the issue of hygiene. From an early age, kittens learn to lick themselves, paying a lot of attention to the cleanliness of their fur. They quickly become accustomed to the litter box and almost never shit in places other than their toilet. The same applies to fold-eared kittens.

Particular attention must be paid to the game. The British are often criticized for bad behavior and a desire to throw objects onto the floor. This comes from severe shortage attention. If the animal has nowhere to put its energy, it will really begin to rush around the apartment. At the same time, he will have no time to pay attention to such little things as dishes, books and other valuables.

To prevent deviant behavior, it is important to devote more time to gaming moments. This can only be done when the cat is in the mood for communication and begins to call the owner to active actions. The owner should have a couple of toys that are common for all pets of this type in his arsenal. It is recommended to hang a small soft ball or mouse made of felt so that the pet can occupy itself when left alone at home.

British cats need a splash of accumulated energy and need active activities. But the emotional and intellectual components in communicating with people are required no less. For this reason, adult pets prefer to test a person's ingenuity by initiating a game of hide and seek.

If a pet has chosen an unusual object for entertainment, you should not take it away and hide it if there is no threat to the animal’s life. The cat itself will soon lose interest in the thing and find other entertainment.

Some people think the British are overly curious. But curiosity is a character trait of many pets. Therefore, if the owner does not want the cat to get into bags or grocery bags, they should remove all this from their reach.

Methods of re-education

Description of the characteristics of the breed and characteristic features does not guarantee ideal and patterned behavior in a particular pet. You will have to devote time and effort to raising him. Kittens, finding themselves in an unfamiliar place where there is no mother, begin to actively examine everything. It is necessary to understand the importance of this moment and not limit their freedom in exploring the world around them.

Character british cats valued not only by breeders, but also by those who want to have a cheerful, smart and independent cat at home.

The character of a British cat is determined by several criteria:

  1. Low level and activity;
  2. Playful mood;
  3. No need for constant attention;
  4. Moderate attachment to owner and home;
  5. High level of intelligence and independence;
  6. Relative ease of care;
  7. High level of compatibility with children;
  8. Absence of pathological and characteristic diseases.

The character of British cats does not depend on what type it is: shorthaired or semi-longhaired. The British cat was bred in England and is positioned as a fairly peaceful, independent animal that does not require special care and constant attention.

Such a cat will be an excellent pet for busy people who want to have a furry companion at home, while he will not suffer due to the constant absence of his owners.


The anatomical features of the British cat are quite wide skeletal system, plush wool and a large number of colors The most common color is called British Blue.. Considering that there is no standard color, the presence of a non-standard color is not regarded as a deviation from the standard characteristics of the breed.

Main character traits of a British cat

If we consider the main character traits british cat, it is worth noting the friendliness and calmness. Such a cat will not suffer at home alone without its owner and will not do dirty tricks in order to attract attention. The character of the British cat is characterized by a calm disposition, but at the same time the cat meets its owners quite emotionally, and during the game you will be able to notice a surge of energy and love.

You will never be bored with such a cat, since she is quite unobtrusive, but at the same time becomes quite strongly attached to her owners, without reacting very painfully to a change of situation or the absence of other household members for a long time.


A house is a cat’s personal territory, where he will always feel comfortable. Besides, distinctive feature The character of the British cat is that it does not choose one owner, but considers the family as a single whole and treats all members equally.

This cat will delight you with its independence, since it mandatory we need personal space - these British habits that we have to accept. The interesting character of the British cat attracts attention to this breed along with its unusual color and appearance. It is worth noting such features of British cats as the lack of love for long games; such a cat will not get a lot of pleasure from being carried in their arms, but at the same time they are quite friendly and easy to find mutual language with other guests at home, even with a dog.

Main features

The character of a British shorthair cat can be described by several characteristics:

  • Calm;
  • Independence;
  • High level of affection;
  • Moderate activity;
  • Contact.

Having assessed all the features of British cats, you will understand that such a pet is perfect for families with a child, and the kitten will not bring you any special worries and will easily adapt to the new environment and rules of your family. Such a pet will delight you for many years with its play, love, affectionate mood and calm disposition.

Advantages of the British cat's character

The owner of a British dog can fully appreciate the advantages of this pet’s appearance, which ideally complement its pleasant character. Features of appearance this cat is a fairly friendly look, a large number of colors that can vary from pure black to tortoiseshell.

At the same time, the cat is quite large and looks solid; it exudes confidence and nobility, which, combined with calm character ensure the popularity of this breed for many years.

Despite the fact that she is a fairly independent cat, a description of the character of British cats cannot be called complete without paying attention to the care that the cat shows to its house guests. If you observe your pet, you will notice that the pleasant character of British cats extends not only to family members, but also to guests, since the cat is practically not aggressive and extremely rarely shows hostility even to strangers.


British cats love to get away from the whole world and hide in their own secluded corner. However, this will happen exactly until they feel that the owner needs them. And in case if there is a child in the house, a cat will always calm him down and will take care of it as if it were your own kitten.

At the same time, if a cat is quite sensitive to excessive love and affection from its adult owners, then it will endure all games with the child patiently and heroically, realizing that the baby is not only its owner, but also a child in its own way. The character and habits of a British cat can be seen from childhood, because after you bring the kitten home, it will extremely rarely shit in the in the wrong place or throwing food and toys, this is determined high level the cleanliness of the kitten and its character traits of British cats.

Characteristics of a British cat

If you decide to purchase a kitten of this breed, you should learn to accept and respect the character traits of British cats; they are inherent in all representatives of this breed, regardless of age and upbringing.

Firstly, such a cat is quite independent, so it is not suitable for those who want to constantly cuddle and play with their pet.

If you show too much tenderness and attention to a Briton, he will run and hide until he becomes aggressive. But at the same time, the character of a British cat will never allow her to show her weakness and show how much she missed you in your absence.

Watching such a cat, it is worth noting that the character of British cats is characterized by a certain aristocracy and arrogance, for which you should also be prepared not only for positive emotions, in the sense that such a character of British cats will never allow them to sharpen their claws on furniture or wallpaper, but at the same time. if she doesn’t like something, you will have to put up with all the preferences.


Besides, characteristic feature The character of British cats is stubbornness. If you hurt the pride of a British cat, the cat will definitely be offended, refuse to eat and may completely refuse contact with its owner, because obstinacy is one of the character traits of British cats. Also This breed is characterized by quite strong jealousy and if a new pet appears, the cat can also change its usual style of behavior and withdraw into itself, but if it is not limited and deprived of attention, then soon everything will return to normal.

Summarizing what has been said, it is worth noting that such negative traits which are manifested in the character of a British cat:

  • excessive stubbornness;
  • rancor;
  • predominantly depressed mood;
  • demanding food and proper care.

This breed is great for those who want to have a pet, but at the same time need an animal that has a high level of cleanliness. Such a cat, due to its innate nobility, will never allow violations of hygiene rules - this is the character of British cats.

Another distinctive feature of the character of British cats is the need for sufficiently long sleep without interruptions.

Final characteristics

This characteristic of British cats can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. If you are constantly at work and want to be greeted at home by a calm and loving person a pet, then the British is the best choice, and the character of British cats will meet all your needs. However, if there are children in the house and you can be sure that such a cat will never show aggression towards him, even with increased activity she will simply leave and hide, thus regulating contact with herself.


The character of the British cat is an ideal choice for a family or single owner. Very often, what breed is called a cat that is ideal for a businessman, taking into account the character and habits of a British cat, ease of care, autonomy, independence and at the same time a large amount of affection and love that the cat gives to its owner - this is all the character of British cats.

When you come home, you will always meet a peaceful animal that has rested in splendid isolation while you were not at home and will happily play with you for a short time.

The character of the British cat does not allow her to be intrusive, but at the same time she does not lead to apathy and always breaks off contact on her own if you show too much love and care to her.

Do no harm

The character of British cats will not allow mischief, even if they harbor a grudge, this is expressed in the absence of contact with the owner. Despite its vindictiveness, such an animal will delight you because the character and behavior of British cats is characterized by unpretentiousness in care; the main thing is not to suddenly change the environment or the cat’s way of life and you will get a loyal and peaceful pet.

Fans of this breed also pay attention to the unusual appearance and how such a cat turns out in the photo. He always looks well-groomed and noble, even a little arrogant, but at the same time quite friendly. When choosing a kitten of this breed, you should take into account the characteristics of British cats, namely whether the kitten is sanguine or melancholic, or belongs to another psychotype, because this will directly affect its behavior.

Dignity, calmness and peacefulness are the basis of the character of the British cat. This is an exceptionally pleasant companion, in whose every gesture one can feel the ancient aristocratic origin. These people don’t beg for food, don’t throw concerts, and don’t stain carpets. The British are alien to bad manners, which has brought them great popularity among kings, intellectuals and representatives of the business elite.

By nature, British women are soft and affectionate, like their plush fur coats. But excessive compliance and submissiveness are not characteristic of these rather wayward and freedom-loving representatives of the cat world.

Independence and unobtrusiveness

You can pet a Briton only when he himself wants affection. However, an encroachment on freedom will not cause an outbreak of aggression. He will simply break out of the unwanted embrace. A trivial call “ks-ks” will fall on deaf ears. Only the spoken name will attract his attention.

It is not the British breed’s habit to “occupy” the owner’s lap. Unobtrusive pets delicately maintain distance in friendly relationships. It is enough for them to be in the same room with the owners.

Begging in the kitchen is beneath British dignity. The maximum that a hungry cat is capable of is to look into the eyes of its owner with a quiet reproach. He will proudly ignore the unloved dish in the bowl and silently leave. Although usually not spoiled from childhood, tailed companions delight with their constant appetite.

Loyal to their owner, the British do not suffer alone. You can safely leave them on all day. Such a cat will patiently wait for a businessman, teacher, or artist who disappears for days.

Calm and poise

Equanimity is an outstanding character trait of the British cat. A phlegmatic animal will not be disturbed by any raised voices, the buzz of a hairdryer, or the roar of a lawnmower.

Having a large reserve of tolerance, the British get along well with other pets and young family members. We are ready to endure many children's pranks from kids, but not... Shy mongrels in the yard avoid a self-sufficient enemy of impressive size.

With its calm character, the British cat is more reminiscent of a well-mannered governess than a football fan. With a moderate level of activity, it will not cause destruction in the house: overturned vases, broken chandeliers, torn curtains. The owner will not find the pet riding on a refrigerator or wardrobe.

British cats have a truly special character. They are inherent inner strength, endurance, aristocracy and endurance. This breed very accurately corresponds to the character of real Englishmen, who gave this name to the breed of cats.

British cats are sociable and approachable, affectionate and friendly. They get along easily with almost all family members. They generally love their owner or mistress selflessly. The cat can follow them from room to room for a long time so that it is always nearby.

British cats show character in their every movement. If they lie on the bed, then be sure to be in the middle. If they are sitting, it is important to look around. They have a lot of patience, love children very much, and get along well with other pets. However, you should not have a Briton as a children's toy. Yes, they reverently show their love and tenderness to their

Owners, only cats of this breed will not tolerate too familiar an attitude towards themselves. The owners of these smart, amazing creatures often claim that their animals with their entire appearance show their own unsurpassedness and importance.

For many reasons, the British can be considered an ideal cat. He usually has a kind look, interesting character, various colors, very solid appearance. These cats require respect, are easy to care for and have a calm temperament. These features of the breed explain their rapid popularity.

British cats do not change their character, and it is difficult to re-educate them. If the cat has decided that his place is your pillow, it is useless to contradict him. As soon as you leave the house, he will still fall on her.

As for the litter box, raising a British cat is not at all necessary. Cats of this breed are quite smart and will be able to figure everything out on their own. Even little kitty in a new house he will definitely find his own toilet, and he will never allow himself to sharpen his claws on your furniture. British kittens require special care. Their sleeping area should be located away from drafts, at a certain elevation. If a kitten is blown away, it starts to

British kittens show their character from an early age. They may cry loudly if left alone in a room. Kittens of this breed constantly require attention. They are very playful and love to chew on their toys.

Although British cats have a calm character, they are always not against frolicking. Owners should spend time playing with the animal. These pets are born cleanliness; the cat spends almost half of its free time on washing.

Cats are not at all picky when it comes to food. You can feed your cat natural food, which he will be infinitely happy with. The British eat food readily. But you should not mix two types of food. If you prefer to feed your pet homemade food, you need to remember the following rules:

You cannot feed your cat salty, fatty, sweet or spicy foods;

You should not give your animal fatty meat;

It is advisable not to give your cat fish (a fish diet can cause urolithiasis).

That's what they are, British cats.
