Prominent ears are an annoying defect or a sign of peculiarity. Prominent ears: causes, can it be corrected without surgery, correction

Prominent ears are one of the most common congenital phenomena caused by protruding ears. The presence of this defect creates a lot of psychological problems, regardless of age and gender. But this especially affects children who are prone to developing an inferiority complex.

Causes of protruding ears

The congenital anomaly suggests some features of the formation of the auricles during the period of intrauterine development. And most common reasons occurrence of such defects are:
  • Genetics or hereditary component. The presence of defect-free ears in parents does not guarantee a similar effect in their baby, who may inherit protruding ears from a grandfather/grandmother or other relatives on the father's/mother's side.
  • Features of embryonic development. During the period of bearing a child expectant mother may not be aware of the beginning of the process of incorrect formation of the auricles. This can be expressed in the following manifestations:

    Underdevelopment/smoothness of the antihelix;
    - hypertrophy of ear cartilage.

  • Excessive protrusion of the earlobe.
  • Shape deformation of the helix ear at the end.
  • Macrotia effect. It is a consequence of the progressive growth of the ears, which do not correspond to the proportions of the head.
Additional factors for the occurrence of protruding ears include:
  • Receipt various injuries(cranial, temporal, auricular).
  • The birth process. Provoking elements for deformation of the ears are:

    - Narrow pelvis. Provides compression of the head and adjacent organs when the fetus leaves the womb.
    - Incorrect fetal position. Difficult childbirth can result in the child receiving various types of injuries.
    - C-section . During the operation, pressure is applied to the mother's abdomen.

What is protruding ears?

A congenital defect of the ear, when its location in relation to the head does not imply parallelism, but is located at an angle of more than 30 degrees, is called protruding ears. And most often it affects two hearing organs at once, although there are exceptions in the form of protrusion of only one ear with the correct location of the second.

Prominent ears are a consequence of various ear deformities that can manifest themselves in the form of:

  • Deviations auricle exceeding the norm of 30 degrees.
  • Contour smoothness of the antihelix.
  • Underdevelopment of the antihelix.
  • Prominent outer ear due to its large volume and cartilaginous mass.
  • Protruding lobe due to an enlarged outer shell or due to the special shape of the curl.
  • Protrusion in combination with proportional disturbances of the ears due to vascular pathology or Recklinghausen syndrome.
  • Several (above presented) anomalies at once.
The following are distinguished: degree of protruding ears:
  • First. Slight protrusion, barely noticeable. Visually, this defect is almost invisible, but when measuring the angle of deviation of the auricle from the surface of the head, it exceeds 30 degrees up to 45 degrees.
  • Second. Ear protrusion is already noticeable as the angle varies from 45 to 90 degrees.
  • Third. This is a pronounced protruding ear with an angle between the ears and head of more than 90 degrees.

How to get rid of protruding ears without surgery, Velcro for ears

The non-surgical method of eliminating protruding ears is considered the most affordable thanks to the use of special ear correctors (on-ears, Velcro) sold in pharmacies.
  • Corrector Arilis(Russian-Finnish). Made of hypoallergenic silicone and suitable for children and adults. Achievement of the desired effect is noted after a couple of years - for adults, and several months - for children. The corrector is changed every 7-10 days.
  • (Spanish). Provides visual correction for adults for a week. Suitable for children from 3 months, and promises relief from protruding ears within 6 months.

To attach the correctors to the scalp, use the hypoallergenic glue included in the kit. Before gluing, you should wash your hair and clean the area behind the ears from hairline. It is better to carry out the process itself in a dry (not humid) room, avoiding the formation of skin folds under the corrector. Thanks to their reliability, all of the above Velcro allow their owners to lead a normal lifestyle: swimming, diving, washing.

Incorrect installation of correctors leads to the formation of diaper rash and scratches.

How to hide protruding ears

Prominent ears can cause significant discomfort to its owners, especially the female half. Therefore, people with protruding ears have learned to hide this defect by resorting to various tricks. These include the following manipulations:
  • Emphasis on external advantages:

    Applying suitable makeup;
    - use of attractive lipstick;
    - emphasizing the neckline with a seductive outfit;
    - highlighting dimples on the cheeks (blush);
    - giving expressiveness to the eyes.

  • Change of hairstyle. I'll have to give up short haircuts, ponytail and buns, collecting strands of hair in front to cover protruding ears. Preference should be given to voluminous hairstyles, multi-level haircuts and thinning.
  • Using optional accessories. They will not only complement your wardrobe, but will also help disguise protruding ears. Among the useful accessories, it is necessary to highlight various hats and headbands, scarves and ribbons for hair decoration.
  • Correction of complexes. People with large ears often feel inferior. But sometimes this disadvantage adds zest, turning into an advantage. It is worth showing confidence, emphasizing your individuality, and standing out from the crowd.

The use of tight elastic bands and patches to fix protruding ears is fraught with consequences: overstrain of the ears and damage to the cartilaginous structures.

Surgery to eliminate protruding ears

Surgical intervention to eliminate the defect requires necessary measures and compliance with recommendations.

Preparation period

Before otoplasty, the patient must undergo the following examination:
  • change general analysis blood;
  • determination of blood clotting;
  • testing for hepatitis, HIV, RW;
  • ECG, fluorography;
  • identification of allergies to drugs.
Additionally, before surgery you will need:
  • 2 weeks in advance, stop taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid(“Aspirin”, “Citramon” and similar medications that cause blood thinning);
  • Eliminate alcohol consumption and smoking for a month;
  • arrange a fasting day a day before;
  • do not eat on the day of surgery.

Progress of the operation

  • Provided the cartilage is pliable and thin enough, a strip of skin is cut from the back of the auricle. The cartilaginous part of the ear cup must then be accessed by partially removing the ear muscle. After stopping the bleeding that has occurred, the cup cartilage is attached to the periosteal bone of the temple by applying a special suture consisting of non-absorbable threads. Finally, the skin wound is sutured using absorbable sutures.
  • If there is contour smoothness of the antihelix due to its underdevelopment, an ellipsoidal strip of skin is cut from the back of the ear. Then, soft tissue peels off from the base of the helix, as well as the ear cup. Having achieved exposure of the cartilage, silk threads are threaded through it white and tie them to form the necessary shape of the antihelix. The final step of the operation is suturing.
  • When creating the required shape of the antihelix, its surface is subjected to incisions. A skin incision is made inside the auricle, then the soft tissue is peeled away to expose the anterior cartilaginous surface. This procedure allows you to bend the cartilage in the right direction. After this, excess skin is removed and the resulting wound is sutured.

Otoplasty involves the use of an instrument (scalpel/laser) and anesthesia (local/general). The duration of the operation is 0.5-2 hours.

Recovery period

Postoperative appearance The ears are characterized by cyanosis, swelling and the presence of hematomas. During rehabilitation there may be discomfort in the form of goosebumps - a return to the organs of hearing sensitivity. If there is physical discomfort, painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed to relieve inflammatory and infectious processes.

During the recovery period, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Constantly wearing an elastic bandage. The duration of wearing is determined by the doctor individually (usually at least 10 days).
  • Use a bandage at night to prevent ear damage. Duration 2-3 months.
  • Exclusion of any physical activity within a month.
  • Do not expose your ears to mechanical stress.
  • Avoid visiting saunas, steam baths, and solariums for 30-40 days.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun for a month (use of protective hats is allowed).
  • Undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures to speed up healing.
  • Do regular dressings for 2 weeks.
  • The use of non-absorbable threads during surgery requires their removal after 2 weeks.

Otoplasty does not affect hearing, and its results are assessed by a doctor after six months.

Possible complications

Serious complications from otoplasty are rare. These include:
  • Keloid scar formation. Predisposing factors are considered to be the individual characteristics and skin type of the patient. Elimination of complications includes:

    Use of special silicone patches;
    - administration of hydrocortisone injections;
    - deletion surgically.

  • Bleeding, hematoma formation. More often it is characterized by preoperative use of medications that weaken blood clotting. The complication is eliminated by removing excess blood and cauterizing the vessels.
  • Permanent ear pain . Factors influencing this complication:

    The bandage is too tight;
    - various inflammations, marked by an increase in temperature (antibacterial medications are required).

  • Individual intolerance. Manifests itself in the form of rejection of materials (threads). The complication is fraught with zero effectiveness of otoplasty.
  • Unjustified expectations. A relative complication caused by the patient’s dissatisfaction with the result.


Surgical correction of the auricles is contraindicated in the presence of the following factors:
  • poor blood clotting;
  • aggravated chronic pathologies;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes, especially in the head area;
  • inflammation of the ear;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • immune disorders.

Otoplasty. Correction of protruding ears (video)

Prominent ears and its causes. Methods for correcting the defect, including surgery. Otoplasty results and postoperative behavior.

How to correct protruding ears in children

Children's protruding ears can be corrected through otoplasty, wearing bandages and Velcro. Surgical intervention is recommended for children aged 6 years and older. general anesthesia to avoid stress. The use of local anesthesia is applicable to children over 12 years of age.

Otoplasty is performed for up to 1.5 hours using a scalpel or laser. The wounds are sutured with special threads that dissolve within a month. After the operation, a fixing bandage is put on for 5 days. During the first 2 weeks, 3-4 dressings are required, avoid washing your hair.

The postoperative period involves a single dose of an anti-inflammatory drug (Ketonal) and wearing an elastic bandage for 10 days. For the next month, you should use the bandages only while you sleep to avoid injury.

For infants, eliminating protruding ears involves wearing a bandage. At this age, the ear cartilage is soft and flexible, which means it can be deformed. Additionally, protruding ears can be corrected by constantly wearing thick scarves, caps and hats that press the hearing organs to the head.

Every person on the planet has ears different shapes, size and as individual as fingerprints. Sometimes the ears have an increased angle between the ear and the head and become protruding.

Most often the problem is hereditary. But, a person needs to learn to either live with such a defect, or know who to turn to for help to correct the auricle.

– a congenital defect in the structure of the auricle. For a person, this phenomenon is absolutely not dangerous, but the psycho-emotional state can be greatly affected.

When one gets the impression that the people around them simply cannot take their eyes off them, they laugh, making unflattering comparisons with different animals. Protruding ears become so due to the incorrect angle of the auricles to temporal bone. This main feature defect.


For information. Normally, it should be parallel to the cheek and protrude from the head at an angle of up to 30 degrees, and the distance from the edge of the ear to the bones of the skull below it should be no more than two centimeters.

No two people have the same ears. They are all unique with a characteristic size and relief. It's hard to imagine, but every person can be identified by their ears in the same way as by the papillary lines on their fingers.

When ears stick out

There are few reasons for the incorrect position of the ears, and basically they all originate in the intrauterine process of development and the birth of a child.

At birth, babies have protruding ears for several reasons.


In this case, a gene mutation is to blame, due to which the ears are deformed. It is difficult to track this process, since the mutation does not appear in every generation.

Disturbance of intrauterine development in the third month of pregnancy

It is during this period that the formation of the auricle in the fetus begins, but the process ends only at the time of birth. When a pregnant woman experiences negative impact on the body, the development of the fetus may be disrupted, which causes protruding or thickening of the ears.

Deformation during childbirth

Mistakes by obstetricians can give the baby such an unpleasant defect. Happens when there is improper pressure on the abdomen or too much narrow pelvis women, unnatural position of the child in birth canal, protruding ears occur.

It is interesting that after birth, about half of children have protruding ears, regardless of whether the child is male or female. Although, it seems that protruding ear defect is more common among boys. But that's not true. Women just manage to hide their flaws under their hair.

There are situations when the ears are subject to deformation even after injury in infancy, but in this case, usually one injured ear becomes protruding.

Diagnosis of the defect

It seems like you don’t have to check the signs of protruding ears, they are on your face, take it and correct it. But, not everything is so simple.

So, how to recognize protruding ears?

The problem can be solved in two ways - surgical and non-surgical. Non-surgical solutions can be used for:

  • absence or smoothness of the antihelix;
  • overdeveloped cartilage, when the auricle is very thick and voluminous, due to which it looks forward. With a smoothed antihelix, the defect becomes more obvious;
  • protruding lobes, which can spoil the appearance of even normal ears, making them protruding ears. The reason for this manifestation is the hypertrophy of the ear cup and the irregular shape of the antihelix, mainly its tail;
  • macrotia, which is characterized by big ears. Compared to the head and face, they are huge and almost always protrude. Macrotia occurs even in completely healthy people at very rapid growth auricle, in case of violation vascular activity, at congenital defects development.

To diagnose protruding ears and prescribe necessary treatment, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. When conservative treatment cannot help, then consultation is necessary plastic surgeon, which can create the desired shape of the auricle with a natural angle of departure from the skull.

Definitely, protruding ears is cosmetic defect and if a person does not experience discomfort, then there is no reason to worry. However, in some cases it causes poor hearing and increases the risk of developing inflammatory diseases middle and inner ear.

Eliminating protruding ears

How to get rid without surgery

Conservative treatment does not always give a positive result, but plays an important role in the formation of the auricle in children.

It is believed that fixation of the baby's ear before six months of age in correct position will help him avoid protruding ears.

It is in the first six months that cartilage tissue stabilizes. In addition, this is a chance not to encounter complications in the future.

There is no point in trying to correct a defect at home for an adult.

How are ears fixed?

For these purposes, bandages and special correctors are used.

  • The bandage is needed to press the ears to the skull. Materials may include a bandage, scarf, cap or cap. The defect is corrected in this way in infants, when the cartilage is still very soft and amenable to correction.

Interesting! The auricle is formed before school age and before this period has a tendency to deviate or press against the skull.

  • Correctors from the Russian manufacturer Arilis. According to the instructions, the invention can relieve protruding ears, regardless of a person’s age. The main condition is the duration of wearing the corrector. For example, to get results in children under 12 months of age, it is enough to use the device for 3 months. Adults will have to be patient for as long as 2 years to get ears with a normal deviation angle. In this case, wearing correctors should be continuous. The price is 1,700 rubles for 10 pieces.
  • Correctors from Spain Otostik. The manufacturer offers two types - for adults and for children, only from three months. The set includes as many as 8 correctors and the glue on which they are glued. According to reviews, children succeed in correcting protruding ears in most cases, but adults do not wait for the result. But you can visually remove the defect in this way by gluing the ears to the head using a corrector. The advantage is that with such products you can swim in the pool or sea. The cost of the corrector is 2,000 rubles for 8 pieces.
  • Correctors from Dubai Oto-plastic. Available for adults. One device can be left on the skin for only up to two days. They differ in models for male and female, taking into account the structure of the ears. The price of the product is 4,200 rubles for 36 pieces.

In general, there are a lot of correctors for protruding ears. Among them are imported and domestic products, which have only one operating principle. The results are basically the same. The only difference is the price and elegant design. Of course important point, especially if you don’t want others to know about such Velcro behind the ears.

Rules for using proofreaders

To apply the corrector, you need to follow simple steps:

  1. the skin is degreased;
  2. the protective film is removed from the corrector;
  3. One half of the product is glued to the back of the ear, and the other to the head.

It is important to consider the following points:

  • correctors should only be applied to dry skin;
  • It is recommended to carry out the gluing process at room temperature;
  • After completing the procedure, you can go outside only 1 hour later;
  • Do not touch the adhesive surface with your hands;
  • it is important that no hair gets into the adhesive area and there is no skin fold;
  • the place for gluing the corrector should not change;
  • reuse of the corrector is unacceptable;
  • In case of skin redness, the corrector is removed.

Get rid of protruding ears without surgery - good idea, but unfortunately, it does not always give results. Although, some people use them in certain cases - during an important meeting, speech or photo shoot.

Customer Reviews

Based on the experience of using correction methods, the reaction of buyers is ambiguous. The same corrector suits some people, but not others. We can say that correction is not a panacea. Some parents noticed that their children’s ears, on the contrary, protruded even more.

Among adults who used correctors and shared about it with others, positive results did not have. And the manufacturers themselves say that complete elimination of protruding ears is difficult to achieve in adulthood.

Although we must pay tribute to the proofreaders, who were able to allow users to feel comfortable, even if only for a while.

Parents of children with protruding ears rarely decide to have them corrected, according to statistics. Usually the need appears only when school age when a child begins to feel self-conscious about his appearance.

Radical solution to the problem

There is a way to get rid of protruding ears - a surgical operation called otoplasty. It is aimed at correcting the shape of the auricle and the degree of fit to the skull. Operations can be performed on patients over 6 years of age and adults. Until the age of six, the ears continue to develop, so surgical intervention is not allowed.

Operation process

Plastic surgery on the ears is a simple procedure if the surgeon has sufficient qualifications and experience.

The otoplasty process begins with examination of the ears, measurement of anthropometric data, determination new form and location. The correction is carried out under local anesthesia for adults and under general for children.

An incision is made at the back of the auricle through which the cartilage tissue and the remaining one is shaped. A cosmetic suture is made externally, which heals quickly, and the scar site becomes invisible to prying eyes.

The operation lasts 1 hour and the patient is observed by the doctor for about another hour.

Recovery takes 1 month and during this period you have to walk with a bandage all the time. Today you can find operations in which it is used laser scalpel. The cost of the procedure is approximately 10% more expensive, but the advantages are that there is virtually no risk of complications and traces.

With the help of otoplasty, the patient has a chance to get rid of protruding ears for life. But if there is a way to avoid surgical intervention, then it’s worth using it, because any surgical intervention is stressful for the body and the risk of complications.

Contraindications for surgery

  • severe pathologies of internal organs;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the ears;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infections;
  • increased likelihood of keloid scar formation.

Cost of the operation

The cost of the operation in Moscow ranges from 50,000 rubles, in the provinces it is much less - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. There is no opportunity to do otoplasty for free, although government agencies They try to significantly reduce prices compared to private clinics.

Ways to hide protruding ears

Despite the belief of many that protruding ears is a defect, it sometimes gives a person a certain charm, making him even charming.

There are many ways to hide protruding ears:

  • You can switch attention to another part of the face or body - highlight the eyes, lips, decorate the neckline or show off a thin waist.
  • A great option is voluminous hairstyles. Smooth hair does not go well with protruding ears, regardless of whether it is a bun, a ponytail or loose hair. It is recommended to create multi-level haircuts and wear voluminous ones. long hair.
  • It is recommended not to neglect accessories in the form of hats, scarves, glasses.
  • You can make a highlight out of a deficiency, using the example of Hollywood stars with protruding ears and not suffering from it.

It is interesting that people with protruding ears are more talented, energetic and have good hearing. If they find themselves in creativity, they will definitely achieve success. Ears standing up are an indicator of a person’s independence.

It is noticed that if left ear protruding than the right, then household members suffer from too much independence; if the right is larger than the left, partners and colleagues will have a hard time.

Question answer

Which doctor treats protruding ears?

A: Otolaryngologist and plastic surgeon.

Q: Is protruding ears a hereditary disease?

A: Yes, it is a birth defect that is passed on from generation to generation.

Q: Methods to combat protruding ears?

A: Plastic surgery, ear correctors.

Q: Will Velcro help get rid of bulge permanently?

A: Yes, if treatment is carried out from infancy. An adult needs years to do this, but there is no guarantee of success.

Q: How to hide a defect?

A: You can focus on other parts of the body. Choose a voluminous hairstyle and wear accessories.

In which famous people lop-eared?

A: Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lopez, Will Smith, Reese Witherspoon, Emma Watson, Natalie Portman and others.

Protruding ears are a problem for almost 50% of the world's population, manifested in varying degrees. Sometimes it is almost invisible, and in some cases it causes a lot of discomfort. If a person experiences moral dissatisfaction with his appearance, but surgery is not ready to eliminate the defect, a logical question arises: how to remove protruding ears at home? There are several ways to correct this deficiency.

Success Factors

Before correcting protruding ears at home, it is worth realistically assessing how severely it is developed. There are 3 degrees of defect:

  • 1st degree: an angle from 31 to 45⁰ is formed between the ears and the skull;
  • 2nd degree: an angle of 45 to 90⁰ is formed between the ears and the skull;
  • 3rd degree: an angle of more than 90⁰ is formed between the ears and the skull.

The first degree of protruding ears may not be noticeable at all, but if it causes inconvenience, then conservative methods corrections. The second degree is less amenable to elimination, but it can be disguised with the help of some tricks, for example, a well-chosen hairstyle.

If you have the third degree, then you cannot do without surgical intervention; no methods of correction at home will help.

Correction methods

Correction method Mode of application pros Minuses
Silicone forms. Transparent and elastic pads are placed over the ears and worn almost constantly, as a result of which the shape of the shell is corrected and the defect is eliminated as much as possible. Easy to use - the pads do not cause discomfort. When used in a timely manner, they help achieve good results. These devices can only be used by infants up to 6 months old; it is at this time that their cartilage is not yet fully formed and can be easily corrected. At a later age they are completely useless.
Special correctors. Small transparent pieces of silicone treated with a special hypoallergenic glue. They are attached to the skull, and the ears are “glued” to them. Such correctors are suitable for adults and children, they do not cause allergies, and are practically invisible to others. With them you can swim in the pool, sea and other open waters. The device only helps to hide the defect, but does not eliminate it, with the exception of its use for children under 6-7 years old. Also, silicone pieces are disposable, so you will have to spend a lot of money to provide yourself with them for a long time.
Constrictive bandages and headgear. Tight-fitting headbands, caps, hats and other accessories can be worn to hide protruding ears. Properly selected hats perfectly camouflage protruding ears. In addition, they will become a stylish addition to your look. Not suitable for use by small children as it causes discomfort to them. They can negatively affect hearing development if they are pressed too tightly to the head. They only help to mask the problem, but not solve it completely.
Volume hairstyles. Volume is created from the top of the head to the bottom of the face; protruding ears are not noticeable under the hair. Helps to completely hide the deficiency for others. A voluminous hairstyle done by a skilled craftsman looks very stylish and fashionable. The method is not suitable for people who cannot wear long hair (men, women with thin, weakened hair). It only helps to disguise the defect for a while, but by making a high hairstyle or ponytail, you will not be able to hide protruding ears.
Bright accents on other parts of the body. By emphasizing the advantages of your appearance, you can completely divert attention from its flaws: bright lips and eyes, deep neckline, high heels - all this can serve an excellent remedy to take your eyes off the imperfections of your ears. The method is quite simple to use, does not require the use of special devices, it will help not only to distract attention from protruding ears, but also to look more attractive and seductive. The method will be ineffective for most men, and it will not help if you have the third stage of protruding ears.

The earlier the better

Parents should ask themselves how to get rid of protruding ears at home from the first days of their baby’s life. Silicone pads can only give the desired result for up to 6 months; after that, no methods can guarantee complete elimination of the problem. After six months, you can still try to correct the situation with the help of special bandages, but they can only be used after consulting a doctor.

If the baby is 7 years old, the defect can only be masked or eliminated with the help of otoplasty - a surgical operation.

Let's summarize

Prominent ears are a problem for millions of people; some are affected less, others more. No one is immune from such a defect, since it can be inherited through several generations or even from distant relatives. You can completely get rid of the problem only in infancy with the help of special devices or by daring to undergo plastic surgery.

It will not be 100% possible to correct protruding ears at home, no matter what methods you use. Therefore, you just have to love yourself with protruding ears, not perfectly straight legs or other flaws and stop focusing on them.

Self-confidence will help you turn every flaw into a unique highlight. If you play it properly, you can enjoy your own reflection in the mirror every day.

Prominent ears are a congenital abnormality of the auricle, in which its shape and size remain normal. In this case, the ears are not adjacent to the head. Such an anomaly does not pose any danger. The only reason to undergo surgery is to eliminate aesthetic unattractiveness.

Causes of protruding ears in children

Heredity is the most common cause of the disease. A child may develop an anomaly if a great-grandfather or distant relative suffered from it. However, there is no need to panic if your spouse has protruding ears. It is quite possible that the baby will not inherit the pathology.

Another reason why bulging appears is improper intrauterine development. During pregnancy, you should be attentive to your body and get everything you need. nutrients and try not to contract infectious diseases.

What to do if your ears stick out?

There are several ways to fix the problem. If you are not ready for surgery, then try to convince your baby that his peculiarity is not a reason for dissatisfaction with himself. Will Smith and Kate Hudson have achieved unprecedented heights in Hollywood. Moreover, from birth they had very noticeable “auditory conchas.” Pathology could not ruin their lives and did not make them feel worse than others. You must instill in your child that he is beautiful and he will succeed!

If your child has protruding ears, try choosing a hairstyle that hides the defect. Under no circumstances should you give your girl buns or ponytails that completely expose her ears. Make your joint choice of playful curls, neat strands in the front and volume in the back. These tricks will allow you to adjust the nuances of your appearance.

Surgery: pros and cons

Otoplasty is an operation that corrects defects in the ear. Experts unanimously say that such a problem as protruding ears should be solved as early as possible. Why?

  • During childhood, ear cartilage is just developing. It is amenable to surgical interventions and takes the correct shape faster and easier.
  • Ear cartilage recovers and heals faster after surgery.
  • The sooner you eliminate protruding ears, the smaller child will be injured. Mental trauma can begin in a child already in kindergarten.

Prominent ears can be cured without any problems using a silicone mold. But it is important not to miss the moment, because such a correction is only possible for up to 6 months. In the future, the anomaly will have to be eliminated only surgically. Until recently, they tried to treat protrusion by applying a patch or a tight bandage. This kind of self-medication does not correct the anomaly; instead, it can harm the auricle.

Otoplasty is recommended for children after 6 years of age. At this time, the auricle should be fully formed. Sometimes, on the recommendation of a doctor, surgical intervention is postponed until 6-7 years. If your child has protruding ears, otoplasty will permanently solve the problem.

Otoplasty helps:

  • correct the position of the auricle;
  • change the shape or size of the ear;
  • adjust the position if one ear sticks out more than the other.

How is the procedure performed?

On initial examination the surgeon examines the child, finds out about allergic reaction patient, prescribes a series of tests. The specialist should find out whether the protrusion of the shells is a factor that confuses the child. After all, the operation will not be performed without the consent of the baby.

On the day of the correction, the child is given anesthesia behind the auricle, the surgeon makes a small incision. Then natural tissues or prostheses are used to model the optimal shape of the ear. If necessary, unnecessary remnants of cartilage are removed. The result is secured with a surgical thread, which is subsequently removed.

The manipulation lasts about two hours. The patient remains under the supervision of specialists for several more hours. Then he can return home.

Like any surgical intervention, correction of protruding ears in children is accompanied by health risks. The child may have a small scar, infection or blood poisoning.

Before you start treatment, think carefully and consult with your child. After all, any disadvantage can be turned into an advantage. The main thing is to just love yourself for who you are.

Otoplasty or ear correction involves plastic surgery to change the shape of the auricle or eliminate defects.

Correction is performed not only in case of aesthetic defects such as protruding ears, but also in the following cases:

  • irregular shape of the auricle,
  • complete or partial absence auricle,
  • congenital and acquired defects,
  • torn lobe, tissue rupture,
  • age-related changes in the shape of the lobe.

In total there are more than 200 various types otoplasty, which allows you to eliminate the most various disadvantages ear shapes.

The most popular is correction of protruding ears, which allows you to once and for all get rid of the complex that has haunted many since childhood. The procedure is performed not only for adults, but also for children aged 6 years and older.

Modern methods otoplasty is aimed at creating an aesthetic appearance of the ears - with a proportional shape, even and smooth, without noticeable postoperative sutures.

Preparing for correction

Regardless of which technique was chosen, it is necessary to prepare for surgery. To do this you will have to undergo a number of tests. The specialist will also assess the condition of the ears, their size, shape, and the presence of deformations. The doctor will take pictures of the ears from several sides and offer options for otoplasty.

You can proceed with the operation only in the absence of the following contraindications:

  • diabetes,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • infectious diseases,
  • inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs,
  • age up to 6 years.

Types of otoplasty

All surgical interventions performed under local anesthesia. The type of correction is selected by the surgeon individually, but the most popular include ear correction according to Furnas, Mustard, Entenstorm, as well as laser correction.

  • Ear correction according to Furnas

The essence of this technique is to remove a piece of skin behind the ear and attract the ear cartilage to the temporal bone. Mainly used for protruding ears. IN last years used infrequently, as doctors prefer less traumatic operations.

  • Ear correction according to Mustard

During surgery, the doctor removes the skin behind the ears and places tension sutures. The method allows you to eliminate protruding ears, as well as correct the shape of the ears.

  • Ear correction according to Entenstorm

The least traumatic procedure. The surgeon makes small incisions to thin the cartilage and applies cosmetic sutures.

  • Laser ear correction

The most modern technique using a laser. Possessing an antimicrobial effect, the laser eliminates suppuration, as well as the development inflammatory processes after operation. At the same time, the vessels heal very quickly, which means this operation is practically bloodless.

Using a laser allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. reduce or enlarge the auricle,
  2. get rid of protruding ears,
  3. restore the shape of the ears.

The correction is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts from 30 minutes depending on the complexity of the situation. Unlike other techniques, laser otoplasty does not leave scars, does not require postoperative dressing, rehabilitation and healing are very fast.

Rehabilitation period

After laser correction, the sutures are removed on the 7th day, and an elastic bandage is applied, which will have to be worn for a month.

You can return to work after surgery within 5-7 days if there are no complications and feeling good. After the operation, the ears may hurt for some time, redness and bruising may persist, but after 2 weeks the color will be restored. Immediately after the correction, you need to take a painkiller tablet, another 3 hours later and at night.

For the next six months after surgery, you will have to stop playing contact sports to avoid possible injuries ears.

Finite result of otoplasty assessed after 3 months, if necessary, additional correction is carried out. It must be taken into account that no doctor guarantees the perfect similarity of two ears, since they are different from birth.

Possible complications after ear correction

Complications after otoplasty occur very rarely and, as a rule, appear as a result of neglecting the doctor’s recommendations after surgery. Complications include loss of cartilage, inflammation and suppuration, and rough scars.

What does earlobe correction correct?

The earlobe is a noticeable detail that can give away age or hint to others about the adventures its owner has experienced. Lobes can change shape for various reasons:

  • birth defects,
  • wearing heavy jewelry,
  • burns, injuries,
  • age-related changes.

Surgeons are quite capable of restoring aesthetic appeal. To do this, they perform a simple operation under local anesthesia. It lasts about 60 minutes. The doctor cuts out a wedge-shaped section of the earlobe and applies a cosmetic suture.

If it is necessary to increase the size of the lobe, it is carried out reconstructive correction. The surgeon creates a new lobe from a skin flap taken from the neck. A medical plaster is applied to the seam. The laser resurfacing procedure helps make incision marks less noticeable.

To reduce the size, a section of skin is removed from the back side and the edges are sewn together. If necessary, excess fat tissue is removed.

For 3 months after surgery, you cannot pierce your ears or wear earrings.

Contraindications for earlobe correction:

  1. diabetes,
  2. pregnancy and lactation,
  3. oncological diseases,
  4. chronic and acute diseases,
  5. age up to 18 years.

Possible complications:

  • painful sensations,
  • bruises,
  • swelling, hematoma.

In case of complications, consult a doctor who will prescribe pain medications and give the necessary recommendations.

Ear correction without surgery

If you don’t want to go under the surgeon’s knife, you can hide imperfections in other ways.

  1. The right hairstyle to hide your ears. Bob haircuts, semi-long asymmetry, and cap haircuts are suitable. In this case, the length of the hair should reach at least the middle of the ears. Long flowing hair that hides the side of the face will also work well.
  2. Silicone forms. Used to correct the ears of babies under six months of age. The forms are attached to the ears and fix them in the desired position. Soft cartilage tissue is easy to change.
  3. Elastic bandage. Wearing it will bring results in children under 6 years of age. The headband must be worn at all times, including at night, to ensure that the ears fit tightly to the head.
  4. Dermal fillers. Filler injections can rejuvenate the earlobes.

Thus, if you are not satisfied with your earlobe or the shape of your auricle, modern technologies offer different options for their correction. However, many famous people, for example, model Natalya Vodianova and actress Evgenia Kryukova are not embarrassed by protruding ears and do not try to change it.

Perhaps you too can turn your shortcomings into advantages without complex surgical interventions.
