Reviving a person (reanimation). How to perform resuscitation Contraindications for intensive resuscitation

In the life of every person, a situation may occur when it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim or even carry out artificial respiration. Of course, in such a situation, navigating and doing everything right is not only very important, but also very difficult. Despite the fact that everyone is taught the basics of first aid at school, not every person will be able to even approximately remember what and how to do a few years after leaving school.

Most of us by the phrase “artificial respiration” mean such resuscitation measures as mouth-to-mouth breathing and indirect massage heart disease or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, so let’s look at them. Sometimes these simple actions help save a person’s life, so you need to know how and what to do.

In what situations is it necessary to perform indirect cardiac massage?

Indirect heart massage is performed to restore its function and normalize blood circulation. Therefore, the indication for its implementation is cardiac arrest. If we see a victim, the first thing we need to do is make sure of our own safety., because the injured person may be under the influence of poisonous gas, which will also threaten the rescuer. After this, it is necessary to check the victim’s heart function. If the heart has stopped, then you need to try to resume its work using mechanical action.

How can you determine whether the heart has stopped? There are several signs that can tell us about this:

  • cessation of breathing
  • pallor skin,
  • lack of pulse,
  • absence of heartbeat,
  • absence blood pressure.

These are direct indications for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If no more than 5-6 minutes have passed since the cessation of cardiac activity, then properly performed resuscitation can lead to the restoration of the functions of the human body. If you start resuscitation after 10 minutes, it may be impossible to completely restore the functioning of the cerebral cortex. After a 15-minute cardiac arrest, it is sometimes possible to resume the body’s activity, but not thinking, since the cerebral cortex suffers too much. And after 20 minutes without a heartbeat, it is usually not possible to resume even autonomic functions.

But these numbers greatly depend on the temperature around the victim’s body. In the cold, brain vitality lasts longer. In the heat, sometimes a person cannot be saved even after 1-2 minutes.

How to Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

As we have already said, any resuscitation measures must begin with ensuring your own safety and checking the presence of consciousness and heartbeat in the victim. It is very simple to check for breathing; to do this, you need to place your palm on the victim’s forehead, and with two fingers of the other hand lift his chin and push it out. lower jaw forward and upward. After this, you need to lean towards the victim and try to hear breathing or feel the movement of air on your skin. At the same time, it is advisable to call “ ambulance"or ask someone about it.

After this, we check the pulse. On the arm, the way we are tested in the clinic, we most likely will not hear anything, so we immediately proceed to check for carotid artery. To do this, place the pads of 4 fingers on the surface of the neck on the side of the Adam's apple. Here you can usually feel the pulse beating; if there is none, we proceed to chest compressions.

To implement indirect cardiac massage, we place the base of the palm in the middle of the person’s chest and take the hands into the lock, while keeping the elbows straight. Then we perform 30 presses and two mouth-to-mouth breaths. In this case, the victim should lie on a flat, hard surface, and the frequency of pressing should be approximately 100 times per minute. The depth of pressure is usually 5-6 cm. Such pressure allows you to compress the chambers of the heart and push blood through the vessels.

After compression it is necessary to check Airways and breathe air into the victim’s mouth, while closing the nostrils.

How to properly perform artificial respiration?

Direct artificial respiration is exhaling air from your lungs into the lungs of another person. Usually it is done simultaneously with chest compressions and this is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is very important to carry out artificial respiration correctly so that air enters the respiratory tract of the injured person, otherwise all efforts may be in vain.

To inhale, you need to place one of your palms on the victim’s forehead, and with the other hand you need to lift his chin, move his jaw forward and up and check the patency of the victim’s airway. To do this, you need to pinch the victim's nose and breathe air into the mouth for a second. If everything is normal, then his chest will rise, as if inhaling. After this, you need to let the air come out and inhale again.

If you are driving a car, then it most likely has a special device for artificial respiration in the car first aid kit. It will greatly facilitate resuscitation, but still, it is a difficult matter. To maintain strength during chest compressions, you must try to keep them straight and not bend your elbows.

If you see that during resuscitation the victim's arterial bleeding, then be sure to try to stop him. It is advisable to call someone for help, since doing everything on your own is quite difficult.

How long is it necessary to carry out resuscitation measures (Video)

While everything is more or less clear about how to carry out resuscitation, not everyone knows the answer to the question of how long it should take. If resuscitation does not seem to be successful, when can it be stopped? The correct answer is never. It is necessary to carry out resuscitation measures until the ambulance arrives or until the doctors say that they are taking responsibility or, in the best case, until the victim shows signs of life. Signs of life include spontaneous breathing, coughing, pulse or movement.

If you notice breathing, but the person has not yet regained consciousness, you can stop resuscitation and place the victim in a stable position on his side. This will help prevent the tongue from sticking, as well as the penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract. Now you can calmly examine the victim for presence and wait for the doctors, observing the condition of the victim.

CPR can be stopped if the person doing it is too tired to continue. It is possible to refuse resuscitation measures if the victim is clearly not viable. If the victim severe injuries, which are incompatible with life or noticeable cadaveric spots, resuscitation does not make sense. In addition, resuscitation should not be performed if the absence of a heartbeat is due to an incurable disease, such as cancer.

Nowadays, you can often hear from the media that people die “out of the blue,” the so-called sudden death. In fact, with sudden death can be encountered by anyone at any time and anywhere. And in order to be able to save a dying person, you need to master some basic skills, which include CPR.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)- it's a complex urgent measures, which are performed to derive from clinical death(to revive a person).

Clinical death- This is a reversible condition in which breathing and blood circulation completely stop. The reversibility of this condition ranges from 3 to 7 minutes (this is how long our brain can live without oxygen). It all depends on the temperature environment(survival increases in cold) and the initial condition of the patient.

It is important that resuscitation measures are started immediately after clinical death is diagnosed. Otherwise, the cerebral cortex will die and then, even if it is possible to resume cardiac activity, we will lose the person as an individual. A person will turn into a vegetable who will no longer be able to regulate any vital processes. Only his body will exist, which will be able to breathe only with the help of an apparatus, and feed exclusively through special systems.

Signs of clinical death

Any capable person facing clinical death can become a resuscitator. Signs of clinical death include:

Stages of CPR

If you see these signs, you should immediately begin resuscitation.

    It is necessary to lay the victim on a flat horizontal surface;

    If possible, you need to elevate the dying person's legs (put them on a chair or other accessible object);

    Activities that improve blood supply to the brain

    Release chest from clothes, unfasten the belt and other elements of clothing that tighten the chest and abdominal region;

    It is necessary to determine the area where indirect cardiac massage will be performed.
    Location of the xiphoid process Press on the chest 3-5 cm above the xiphoid process and strictly along midline(i.e. on the sternum). In men, this area can be identified by drawing a line along the nipples. Where this line crosses the sternum is the desired point. Placement of the palm during CPR The palm of one hand must be placed on the back of the other hand (to create a lock) and the arms straightened at the elbows;

    Direct cardiac massage. Without bending your elbows, press on the sternum in the designated place with such force that it bends 5-6 cm (this is felt quite well), after which the sternum is allowed to fully straighten (i.e., return to its original position). We press not with our hands, but with our whole body.
    Straight arms when pressing on the sternum. The thrusts should be rhythmic and quite sharp. And for effective massage the frequency of chest compressions should be at least 100 per minute (you should aim for 120). Those. per second you should make 1.5-2 clicks.
    There should be 30 such clicks at once.

    After 30 presses, you need to switch to artificial ventilation (blowing air from your mouth into the victim’s mouth or nose). To do this you need:

Then you need to move on to direct air injection. To protect yourself, blow air through a cloth (handkerchief or napkin). To ensure that all your air gets into the victim's airway, you must press your lips tightly to his mouth (open your mouth wide, cover his lips so that his mouth is in yours) and pinch his nose.

Before doing this, breathe air into your lungs, but not very deeply. The exhalation should be sharp. Don't exhale all of your air from your lungs (exhalation should include about 80% of your air in your lungs). You need to make two such exhalations. Then start cardiac massage again.

  1. Thus, you perform CPR cycles consisting of 30 chest compressions and 2 mouth-to-mouth breaths. (30:2). After 3-5 such cycles, it is necessary to re-evaluate the victim’s pulse and breathing. If you feel the beating of the carotid artery and see the person taking spontaneous breaths, of course, resuscitation should be stopped. If cardiac activity does not resume, continue CPR until help arrives.


If no one is near you, try to call for help as you prepare for CPR. If no one responds, start resuscitating the patient and call an ambulance during the break between cycles (i.e. after 3-5 cycles).

P.S. If you doubt the correctness of your actions, immediately dial the ambulance number and turn on speakerphone. This way, you can be given the instructions you need and your hands will be free to follow those instructions.

If no one can help you and you are unable to call an ambulance, continue CPR as long as you can. But when you feel completely exhausted, your head is spinning, your eyes are darkening, immediately stop all your actions. Otherwise, you risk lying next to a dying person, and then they will find not one corpse, but two.

If there are people near you, then try to organize them to save the person. It is necessary to quickly distribute roles: one calls an ambulance, the other holds the victim’s legs up (preferably, but if this is not possible, then do not touch the legs), the third does a heart massage, the fourth artificial ventilation lungs.

In the case when there are two resuscitators, one immediately performs 30 compressions on the chest, after which it stops and the second resuscitator blows air into the victim, then the first begins cardiac massage again. After several cycles, resuscitators should switch places so as not to quickly become exhausted.

If you suspect or know that the victim has a disease transmitted by airborne droplets or nutrition (for example, tuberculosis in the active phase) or if he is clearly an antisocial person, you can limit yourself to a cardiac massage without blowing air.

How more people will have basic knowledge of revitalization human body, the more victims can be saved.

Human resuscitation - restoration of vital body functions, such as heartbeat (blood circulation) and breathing. Mentioned in the mythology of many peoples of the world living water, capable of bringing people back to life and which can be obtained “far away”, having won many trials. In our time of unprecedented discoveries, it is no longer in a fairy tale, but in real life what was previously considered incredible becomes familiar, and this is especially true when a person returns to life.

The famous Soviet scientist V. A. Negovsky, who made a significant contribution to the development of domestic and world resuscitation, wrote that just as space flights have become common occurrence, in the future, reviving people who accidentally died will be a happy everyday occurrence.

How long does it take to resuscitate a person?
The term "reanimation" comes from the Latin words "re" - again and "animation" - "revival". Probably in no other branch of medicine does time play such a role as in resuscitation. After all, nature has so far managed to conquer just a few minutes to save lives.

After a person's heart stops, there comes a period called clinical death : functions gradually fade away various organs and body systems. But these processes can still be slowed down or suspended. But if you don’t resuscitate a person in as soon as possible, then after 4-6 minutes (in exceptional cases, somehow, say, when freezing - after 8-10 minutes) biological death already occurs - that is, such changes (primarily in brain cells) that cannot yet be reversed.

The beginning of clinical death is conventionally considered to be the last breath or the last compression of the heart. The person lies unconscious, there is no muscle tone, the pupils do not react to light.

You should resuscitate a person under such circumstances quickly and clearly, because you have at your disposal exactly those 4-6 minutes during which you can still save the victim.

How to determine clinical death?
First you should find out whether clinical death really occurred, or whether it was perhaps fainting. Within 20-30 seconds (but no longer!) it is determined whether the person is breathing and whether his heart is beating (to do this, they monitor the pulse or put their ear to the chest). But most effective in in this case check the reaction of the pupils: if you raise your eyelids, then when you faint, the pupils narrow, that is, they react to light, and in clinical death they are sharply dilated and motionless.

The process of preparing for resuscitation. First aid.
A few more seconds (up to 20) of resuscitation are given to position the victim correctly. It is best to place him on his back on a wooden board or floor. If the accident happened on the street, be sure to take the victim to the side of the road. Then unbutton your clothes at your chest. Raise your chin as high as possible, tilting your head back and, if necessary, clean your mouth and nose.

After making sure that the person’s condition is clinical death, begin giving him a heart massage, accompanying him with artificial respiration (best of all “mouth to mouth”).

It is very good when first aid (resuscitation) is provided not by one, but by two people, coordinating their actions. However, you can completely cope with this task yourself. Be sure to record the time when resuscitation began. This will help doctors in the future.

If there are two people performing resuscitation, then one of them stands near the head and performs artificial respiration, for example, “mouth to mouth” or “mouth to nose,” and the second one performs indirect cardiac massage.

Artificial respiration. First aid or pulmonary resuscitation.

First of all, to perform resuscitation, the victim should tilt his head back as much as possible and place a folded scarf or other clothing under his neck. Then you need to dial full breasts air, and, pressing your lips tightly to the victim, forcefully blow it into the mouth through gauze or a handkerchief. The victim's nose is pinched.

With such resuscitation, the chest will begin to expand and rise. After each new blowing of air into the lungs, the victim must momentarily break away from the handkerchief, thus creating conditions for passive exhalation. Air blowing should be repeated to the victim at least 16-18 times/min.

Artificial respiration can be given to the victim not only “mouth to mouth”, but also by blowing air into his nose. When doing this, be sure to cover the victim's mouth.

Artificial respiration or CPR should not be stopped until the person is fully breathing on their own.

Indirect cardiac massage. First aid or cardiac resuscitation.

To begin cardiac resuscitation, stand on the victim's left side. Then the open palm of one hand must be placed on the border of the middle and lower part of the chest, and the second hand on the surface of the first (on the back).

Cardiac resuscitation is carried out with energetic pushes, rhythmically pressing the sternum from front to back. At the same time, it should bend slightly, shifting 3-5 cm in the direction of the spine. Massage is carried out only with those parts of the palm that are closer to the wrist. The frequency during cardiac resuscitation is 50-60 compressions per minute.

When the chest is displaced after compression, this causes the heart to compress and push blood out of it into the blood vessels. Then, after removing the hands from the chest, the heart fills with blood again.

Carrying out resuscitation measures alone.
If one person is engaged in resuscitation, then he must perform indirect cardiac massage, always alternating it with artificial respiration. To do this, after each injection into the victim’s lungs, it is necessary to make 4-5 pressures on the sternum.

The frequency of inhalation of air and passive exhalation can be slightly reduced if a significant volume of air is blown into the victim each time, but compressions on the chest should not be done less than 50-60 times/min.

I want to emphasize once again that resuscitation pressure should be done precisely at the border of the middle and lower third of the chest, and not the ribs. If you lack strength in your arms, you can help with weight own body, but do not press too hard. Since chest compressions require significant effort, the people providing assistance should switch roles after some time.

If resuscitative cardiac massage is done correctly, then at the moment you press on the chest, a pulse will be felt on the victim’s arm. After some time, the lips and cheeks will turn pink, independent breaths will appear, and dilated pupils will narrow.

Revival should not be stopped until doctors arrive. It is everyone’s duty to fight for a person’s life, even in seemingly hopeless situations.

Fainting. First aid or resuscitation of fainting.

How to help a person who has fainted?
Fainting- This momentary loss consciousness caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain. Its cause may be overwork, exhaustion from illness, lack of sleep, severe jar of Hearts, significant loss of blood, heat or sunstroke, strong pain, prolonged stay in an unventilated and stuffy room, as well as fear.

A man who has lost consciousness is pale, with a protrusion on his forehead. cold sweat, breathing slows down and becomes shallow, the pulse weakens and quickens, hands and feet become cold. When fainting, the eyes sometimes close and sometimes open, the pupils constrict, but react to light. In mild cases of fainting, consciousness is lost for 1-2 minutes, and in severe cases - for a longer time.

In case of fainting, first aid (resuscitation) is to increase blood flow to the brain. To do this, the unconscious person should be placed so that his head is as low as possible. Then unbutton your collar and loosen any parts of your clothing that are blocking your breathing. Open a window or window. In warm weather, it is better to take the person outside to Fresh air. A towel soaked in water is applied to the forehead and chest. cold water. Then the unconscious person should be allowed to smell cotton wool soaked in ammonia, if it is not available, then use vinegar or cologne. You can also rub your temples with the same cotton wool. You should also put a heating pad on your feet or rub them with a hard cloth. If after such resuscitation measures the person’s consciousness does not return, then an ambulance should be called immediately.

Reanimation is the revival of a deceased organism, the restoration of life after death, i.e. recovery is vital important functions body (primarily breathing and blood circulation). The heart and lungs are one of the the most important organs person. If the functions of these organs are impaired and they cannot be quickly restored, then the person dies. Clinical death occurs within 1-3 minutes after cardiac arrest.

Symptoms of clinical death: absence of pulse, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, cyanosis of the skin, lack of pupillary response to light (pupils dilated). Even when clinical death occurs, it is still possible to provide oxygen to the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys and avoid cell death. The sooner resuscitation is started, the greater the chance of saving the patient's life.

To ensure a minimum level vital functions The patient must begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation no later than 3-4 minutes after the onset of clinical death: artificial respiration and chest compressions. When providing first aid, resuscitation must be continued even if the patient shows no signs of life within five minutes. The likelihood of successful resuscitation depends on the speed of action of the first aid provider. In addition, resuscitation must be carried out correctly and skillfully, otherwise it may not help, but harm the victim. Resuscitation should be carried out until the arrival of an emergency medical technician, who will continue to revive or pronounce the death of the victim.

How is resuscitation performed?

In order to properly perform resuscitation, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Make sure the victim is unconscious (touch him).
  • Make sure your breathing stops by placing your hand or a mirror on your mouth.
  • If a person is unconscious and has no breathing, artificial respiration must be performed.
  • If breathing does not resume, you need to check the pulse in the carotid artery and make sure that cardiac arrest has occurred. If the heart stops, the rescuer takes two more breaths into the victim’s mouth or nose and begins chest compressions.

Indirect cardiac massage

To perform chest compressions, it is necessary, first of all, to correctly determine the point of compression of the victim’s chest.

  • To do this, the rescuer must kneel in front of the victim and try to feel the lower end of the sternum. The compression point of the chest is approximately 2 cm above the lower edge of the sternum.
  • Palm right hand must be placed on the compression point. The palm of the left hand should lie on top of the right, which will allow you to control the force of pressing on the sternum.
  • The fingers should not touch the sternum, so that the pressure force is concentrated only at the point of compression of the sternum, and does not fall on the patient’s ribs.
  • When pressing on the sternum, the rescuer's arms should be straight.
  • The center of gravity of the rescuer's upper body should be perpendicular to the victim's sternum so that the pressure comes from above. Pressure from the side or diagonally can cause irreparable harm to the victim.
  • The rescuer alternately applies all his weight to the victim’s sternum.

When performing chest compressions, it is necessary to accurately determine the point of compression of the sternum. Improperly performing such a massage can cause irreparable harm to the patient.

Resuscitation efforts can be carried out by one or two rescuers. In both cases, a prerequisite is that the rescuers have experience and special medical education.

If one person performs resuscitation

First of all, it is necessary to assess the presence of vital functions of the victim’s body, then one should adhere to the basic principles of resuscitation: clear the airways, restore respiratory function and function of cardio-vascular system. If the heart stops, it is necessary to try to restore its function using artificial respiration and chest compressions. The patient is placed on a hard surface, clothing that restricts breathing is loosened, and the pressure point is determined. It usually covers the lower third of the sternum. Having started resuscitation, give two air injections. The duration of each air blow is approximately 1-1.5 seconds. Before the second injection of air, it is necessary to wait until the patient has completely exhaled the air. If air is blown in earlier, before the chest descends, then due to the greater pressure, the air does not enter the lungs, but enters the stomach. If this is repeated frequently, the patient may begin to vomit.

After blowing air in, press on the chest 4-5 cm below the sternum 15 times. Then blow air in twice again and press 15 times on the chest, etc. The frequency of chest compressions is 80-100 times per minute.

How to determine the effectiveness of resuscitation?

The effectiveness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation can be determined by the restoration of the patient's normal skin color and newly constricted pupils, which dilate after cardiac arrest after 1 minute.

How to perform resuscitation together?

It is always easier to carry out resuscitation together. One person performs artificial respiration and the other performs chest compressions. The person performing artificial respiration kneels in front of the victim’s head, the second one at the chest. First, two air injections are made, then two pressures are applied to the chest; There should be no breaks between pressures, and the frequency of pressures should be about 80 times per minute. With every fifth compression, air is blown into the patient at the moment when the person pressing the chest relaxes his hands.

Features of resuscitation in children

During resuscitation of children, the rescuer must not forget that the child is being treated in a slightly different way. Thus, the frequency of pressure on the baby’s chest during indirect massage is 100 times per minute, and the depth of pressure is only 1-2 cm. When performing artificial respiration, air is blown through the mouth and nose simultaneously about 30-40 times per minute, i.e. more often than adults. The amount of air blown into the child should not exceed the amount of air contained in oral cavity rescuer. Artificial respiration and the frequency of chest compressions for older children depend on the child’s height. However, unlike infant, to kid preschool age Pressing on the chest must be done with the palm of one hand.

A person must be able to perform resuscitation, since health care may not always have time to arrive before the occurrence biological death at the victim. The dying process does not occur in one stage. At first the person is in a state of agony. This period is typical sharp decline blood pressure, blackouts, cardiac dysfunction, lack of pulse, shallow breathing. The skin in this state immediately turns pale and acquires a bluish tint. Then the body goes into a state of clinical death. Respiratory and cardiac activity stop completely. During this period it is still possible to return to life. After 3–5 minutes, biological pain sets in, when it is almost impossible to bring a person back to life. Even if the heartbeat and breathing are restored, the person becomes disabled, the brain dies, and doctors can only support vital functions.

If a person is injured due to an impact electric current, you should first make a precordial beat. Place the person's back on a hard surface. Find the xiphoid, place the middle one on it and forefinger. Place the fist of your other hand above your fingers, pointing your elbow along your body. Hit this area sharply with your fist. After this, the heart may begin to beat. If this does not happen, then proceed to the next stage, which is suitable for any case of breathing and heartbeat disturbances.

Throw the victim's head back, push the lower jaw forward, opening his mouth. Wrap your finger in a bandage or any rag. Clean the person’s mouth from any foreign matter, free the tongue, as in such cases it often sinks and blocks breathing. Start mouth-to-nose or mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. If you do mouth-to-nose breathing, your air comes out through the victim's open mouth, so you need to close it completely. The same thing when breathing “mouth to mouth”, pinch the nose of the person being resuscitated.

Supplement artificial respiration with indirect cardiac massage. Place your palm in the lower third of the victim's sternum, pointing your finger down or towards the face. Place your other palm on top of the cross. Raise your fingers slightly above the surface so as not to break the victim’s ribs. The massage occurs by pressing with all your weight on the designated area so that the person’s chest goes inward by 3 - 5 cm. The interval between pressures is 1 second.

Combine artificial respiration and chest compressions in a ratio of 1:5. Give the victim 1 breath through the airway, then apply 5 compressions to the sternum. It’s good if 2–3 people will resuscitate. It is necessary to make the process harmonious: you cannot simultaneously inhale air into the lungs and press on the chest, as this can damage the integrity of the lungs. Continue performing these manipulations for at least 5 minutes. An ambulance should arrive by this time. Without special equipment, longer resuscitation becomes useless.
