What climate is suitable for asthmatics? Favorable climate for asthmatics. Rest for asthmatics in Russia and the countries of the former USSR

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Living in an area that is favorable for the patient will help reduce the frequency of attacks. To learn how to determine a suitable climate for asthmatics, read the article.

How to make a choice

Asthma occurs as a result of non-infectious inflammation of the airways. To date, no medicine has been invented that can completely cure this disease, but many can control the manifestation of symptoms. To do this, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and use the necessary medications.

The well-being of a person suffering from bronchial asthma may depend on many factors: climate, air purity, that is, the absence of allergens in it, such as pollen or dust, temperature and humidity. Since asthmatics need fresh and clean air, mountain and sea resorts, as well as areas with an abundance of coniferous forests, are well suited. The most favorable climate is moderately humid without sudden temperature changes.

Mountain air

The benefits of mountain air for humans are undeniable, since it contains no emissions from industrial enterprises, exhaust gases and other harmful substances. Mountain air improves lung ventilation and bronchial patency, saturates the blood with oxygen, and has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, increases immunity.

Sea air

The benefit of sea air lies in the presence in it high content oxygen and ozone, besides, salty air is, in fact, an antiseptic, since it does not contain allergens and pathogens. The air of this area improves a person’s well-being, increases immunity, strengthens the nervous system, improves lung ventilation, gets rid of viruses, and also ensures constant hydration of the mucous membranes.

Coniferous air

The benefits of coniferous forests are great. Many, finding themselves in a coniferous forest even for a short period of time, note that breathing becomes much easier. The whole point is that conifers secrete phytoncides - substances that suppress the development of harmful bacteria that cause various diseases. The air of coniferous forests has a beneficial effect on the nervous and bronchopulmonary systems. It is not for nothing that many sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of respiratory organs are located in coniferous forests.

Suitable climate for asthmatics in Russia

  • North Caucasus: Mineral water, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk.
  • Krasnodar region: Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi.
  • Crimea: southern coast - Yalta, Alupka, Alushta, etc., as well as Evpatoria.
  • Mountain Altai
  • Abkhazia: Sukhum, Batumi, etc.
  • Kaliningrad and Volgograd region

Foreign countries

  • Bulgaria
  • Montenegro
  • Croatia
  • Greece
  • Israel, etc.

However, if you decide to change your permanent place of residence to another region, you should consult with your doctor, who will help determine the best climate for asthmatics, since each organism has its own individual characteristics. That is, if one asthmatic moved to the southern coast of Crimea, and his health improved, it is not a fact that another person will feel just as good in this area.

Unfavourable conditions

Asthma attacks can be triggered by a cold or humid climate, so it is not recommended to live or vacation in St. Petersburg, Yakutia, the Far North, and other countries Northern Europe, Australia, Egypt, Thailand, Mexico, etc.

Including cities with a large number of industrial enterprises and megacities are not suitable for people with asthma. Since the air quality in such cities deteriorates every year as a result of various emissions from factories, emissions from a large number of vehicles and other negative factors. These cities include Moscow, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, etc.

If moving is not possible, a person should visit the countryside more often, walk in coniferous forests, the benefits of which were discussed above, and relax more often on the banks of rivers and lakes. And during the flowering of plants or for preventive purposes, go for some time to regions or countries with a suitable climate at least once a year.

(archive) / Crimea

Dear forum visitors and Crimean experts! Please tell me where better go rest with child 2 years old? I myself don’t know Crimea well and, reading the reviews, I’m already a little confused - the South Coast, steppes, pebbles, narrow beaches... I know what is traditionally advised for recreation Evpatoria with children, but I was criticized for it..((although I haven’t been there myself. That is, first I want to decide on the climate and landscape (we plan to go in June) - where better?? If you can also recommend a good boarding house where they take such kids, I will be very grateful))) thanks in advance!

IrinkaK Quote: That is. All the same, it’s not necessary that the South Coast is possible, but Evpatoriya is possible? You watch the discussion recreation With bronchial asthma you'll figure it out right away Where rest with all ENT diseases. Only the South Coast, Egypt and Bulgaria (not the sea). Evpatoria is not suitable, there is more humidity there. Both Turkey and our Caucasus are not suitable due to humidity. The main thing is dry air. We took a trip to a boarding house in Alushta. And you don’t need any clinics with procedures, the main thing is sea water and air. But in boarding houses there are the same salt caves and, by the way, for a small fee.

Around the globe, there are 100 - 200 million people suffering from bronchial asthma. And almost everyone wonders what climate is suitable for permanent residence fits better everything so that attacks of the disease occur as rarely as possible.

It is absolutely wrong to say that a particular locality may be suitable for asthmatics. However, when choosing a place of residence, several factors must be taken into account: temperature, humidity, allergic status and the presence useful substances in the air. Based on these factors, you should choose a territory where you can move for permanent residence.

Suitable climatic conditions

Sometimes it is enough for a city dweller to go on vacation in nature for a few days in order for the patient to feel much better. In this case, clean air has a positive effect on the body.

Patients with atopic forms of asthma.

The fact is that it is impossible to unambiguously recommend any particular climate zone. It all depends on the specific case and on the reasons that triggered the onset of asthma in a person. You can only highlight general trends and factors that can have a beneficial effect on the body of a person suffering from asthma. In some cases, climate change can actually reduce the number of attacks or even reduce them to zero, but these are exceptions rather than the rule.

According to statistics, people suffering from asthma note that in damp, cold weather they begin to feel much worse, and the number of attacks may increase. The logical conclusion from this is that a climate with a long, cold winter and high air humidity are extremely unfavorable for asthmatics. Of course, in a milder climate zone, asthma attacks will periodically plague the patient, but their number should be significantly reduced.

Optimal climatic conditions for asthmatics

The climate was suitable for asthmatics: Yalta, Alupka, Evpatoria. Anapa, Dzhemete, Bolshoi Utrish, Sunny Beach, Risan
The climate for asthmatics (specifically for me) was not suitable: Sevastopol, Balchik
Finding a place to rest can be difficult for asthmatics. But I want to go and relax. I myself am a 2nd generation asthmatic, my children are also asthmatics, so I have to look for reviews on this topic. So I decided to write a report myself.
We went on vacation in Crimea: Yalta, Alupka, Sevastopol, Evpatoria.
Yalta. Yalta has a very dirty sea, for my taste, I went there as a student, I won’t go again, the only plus is the fireworks festival in August, there are many places nearby that are interesting to see in Crimea. In general, the climate is suitable, but due to the fact that the mountains go down to the sea, all the smog from the cars also goes down to the sea, it’s a little hard to breathe. Score 2.
Alupka is a cleaner place, there is the Vorontsov Palace, which is interesting to go to, not far from Yalta, the sea is cleaner, there is a large park, it was a long time ago 10 years ago, there was service.

Ideal climatic conditions for asthmatics

For people diagnosed with asthma, experts recommend moving or temporary vacation to mountainous areas, as well as to populated areas where clean sea air predominates. Patients who have inflammatory process in the respiratory system, very useful.

For someone best cities for life - those that combine modern technologies, and therefore make life easier. But still, scientists have proven that it is best for a person to live in conditions with the most pleasant climate, first of all, where temperature indicators do not change much. Therefore, stress for the body is eliminated. The best climate is also in Russia, some areas and countries have a pleasant climate, while others are absolutely unsuitable for life, since the air temperature fluctuates there, sometimes there are showers, there are gusts of wind, and the fallen snow does not allow you to enjoy the sun to the best of your ability.

Today you will learn about where the best climate is in Russia; we will list cities with a good climate in Russia and on the Crimean peninsula. Special attention worth giving to people suffering various diseases, so we have prepared for them best selection places with the most favorable climate. Perhaps among such areas and cities you will find your best climate in Russia for permanent residence.

The best climate for.

Naturally, people ask the question: where is the best place to live and work in Russia? Let's recall the information regarding this and clarify which cities are most suitable for this. We’ll also tell you which regions of our country are most favorable for people suffering from certain chronic diseases - allergies, asthma and hypertension?

Choosing a place to live - main criteria

Statistical experts annually compile ratings of the most convenient cities to live in. In this case, a number of parameters are taken into account by which such cities are determined. For example: climatic conditions, ecology, level of medicine, quantity.

The article was prepared with the support of the Altai Tour company - www.altai-tour.ru.

Every person suffering from bronchial asthma tries to move to a region with a suitable climate. If this is not possible, everyone looks for a place where it will be easier for him to breathe, so that he can go there occasionally. The ideal climate for asthmatics cannot be limited to any locality; several factors must be taken into account:

  • air humidity;
  • summer and winter air temperatures;
  • presence of temperature changes;
  • humidity-temperature ratio;
  • air composition;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • presence of enterprises;
  • the presence of various allergens.

Taking into account all these points, you can choose the most favorable region for patients with bronchial asthma.

Bronchial asthma, which climate is more suitable

Sometimes for a sick person it is enough to go out into nature for a weekend for the illness to subside. If a person constantly lives in a city, clean air will in any case have a positive effect on the respiratory system.

If asthma is hereditary, the best climate in this case is a mountainous area in close proximity to the sea. This especially applies to sick children. If asthma has developed against the background of frequent inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, the patient will feel better in a coniferous forest.

Mountain climate

Mountain air improves lung ventilation and cleanses Airways. This is due to dry air of moderate temperature; in flat areas the humidity is always higher. The atmospheric pressure in the mountains is lower and the air is thinner; with asthma in such areas, a person feels much better, and the frequency of attacks is noticeably reduced.

Therefore, the mountain climate is best suited for asthmatics, especially since there are the fewest allergens there. You can come to the mountains on vacation or bring your children for the summer. If we consider the territory of Russia, then this is, of course, the Altai Mountains, a region with wonderful nature, which is not found anywhere else in the world, silence, cleanliness and a sea of ​​​​opportunities for active and relaxing recreation. Everyone will find something for themselves suitable option recreation at Altai tourist centers.

Coniferous forest

The air of a coniferous forest has a positive effect on people with bronchial asthma, especially when treating children. The needles contain a lot of ester, which has a beneficial effect on the body, it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Inhaling the pine aroma significantly reduces the number of attacks, and the lungs are saturated with oxygen.

The phytoncides that pine needles contain not only purify the air, they prevent the development of bronchitis and stop inflammatory processes. If possible, it is recommended to travel to the forest regularly.

Maritime climate

For the treatment of bronchial asthma in children, the maritime climate is best suited. The absence of allergens, a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthening the body, all this helps to minimize the symptoms of asthma. And if you live at sea constantly and follow all the doctors’ recommendations, the child can be completely cured.

Where is the best climate for treating bronchial asthma?

An asthma attack can be caused by: internal factors, and external, sometimes there is no way to protect yourself from temperature changes, the rainy season or polluted air. But there is paradises V different parts light, where climatic conditions are most suitable for asthmatics:

  • French resorts, Israel (Dead Sea coast), Germany;
  • Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia;
  • resorts of Central Asia;
  • O. Cyprus, Spanish coast;
  • Bulgaria is worth mentioning separately; many come here for treatment and relaxation due to the mild, dry climate, which has a positive effect on the well-being of those with asthma.

Among the Russian regions, the most suitable for asthmatics are:

  1. Crimean peninsula;
  2. mountain Altai;
  3. southern regions of the Krasnodar Territory;
  4. mountains and foothills of the North Caucasus.

Crimean peninsula

Crimea has a dry and warm climate; Feodosia, Sevastopol, and Evpatoria are considered the most favorable. The air of a coniferous forest and the sea coast are ideally combined here. In the cities of Crimea there are many sanatoriums for the treatment of respiratory organs, where patients are sent for the treatment of asthma.

Air, saturated sea ​​salt and iodine have a beneficial effect on the body and can significantly reduce the number of attacks. This region is often recommended by doctors for people with bronchopulmonary diseases.

Mountain resorts of the North Caucasus

The most common cities for the treatment and prevention of asthma are Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, and Minvody. Asthmatics breathe easier here, the drainage ability of the respiratory system improves, the cells are saturated with oxygen, which significantly reduces the frequency of attacks.

For bronchial asthma, the climate of Abkhazia is suitable the best way, it combines the clean air of the mountains and the healing evaporations of the sea. Gagra, Sukhumi, Batumi are very popular; these cities can be used for permanent place residence.

Coniferous forests purify the air of allergens, which is important in the treatment of asthma and emit a large number of phytoncides, which helps eliminate inflammatory processes.

Krasnodar region

The most suitable climate for children with bronchial asthma. The Krasnodar region combines optimal temperature, humidity, clean air of the mountains and the sea coast. Anapa and Gelendzhik are ideal. A sick child will be much more comfortable here. The mild temperate climate of Anapa is most suitable for asthmatics; the rich air helps cleanse the bronchi of mucus, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, and eliminates allergic reactions, which is very important for asthma. Many vacationers note that it is easier to breathe here.

Many people believe that Sochi can be included here, but this is not so. The too humid climate of Sochi can worsen the condition of an asthmatic. It has been noticed that many patients in this city are experiencing more frequent attacks.

In any place where a patient with asthma is, we must not forget about necessary rules, compliance healthy image life and timely intake of necessary medications.

Unsuitable climate for patients with bronchial asthma

People suffering from this chronic disease When choosing places to travel, you should know which climate is absolutely not suitable for them.

Climatic factors contraindicated for asthmatics:

  • frequent fogs and low clouds;
  • sudden changes in temperature and humidity;
  • high clay content in the soil;
  • areas with high humidity.

Asthma and a humid climate are not compatible, especially when it comes to cold northern regions. The tropics are also not suitable for asthmatics; too high humidity and temperature contribute to the development of various infections and make it difficult for the patient to breathe.

The best climate for asthmatics to live and relax

Bronchial asthma is a fairly common disease. About 200 million people suffer from this disease in the world.

Almost every patient with asthmatic status is interested in what climate is suitable for asthmatics and where is the best place to relax. It is no secret that the severity of bronchial asthma and the frequency of attacks depend on the climatic characteristics of a particular region. And treatment for asthma prescribed by a doctor includes visits to some resorts.

Optimal climatic conditions for asthmatics

It cannot be said that any particular locality is suitable for people with asthma. But when choosing a place to live, asthmatics must take into account factors such as temperature, air humidity, as well as the presence of allergens and other harmful substances. And only after picking optimal conditions in all respects, you can move to live in this region.

The best climate for asthmatics is moderately humid with warm summers and mild winters.

In some cases, to improve the condition, a patient with asthma only needs to go to the forest or to the river for 2-3 days. Relief in this case is associated with clean air. It is saturated with oxygen, which improves the condition of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. In addition, such air contains a minimal amount of allergens that cause inflammatory processes. People with atopic form asthmatics will feel better in mountainous areas near the sea.

In mountainous areas, the air is saturated with oxygen, and the atmospheric pressure is lower. All this has a beneficial effect on asthmatics. Therefore, the mountain climate is considered one of the best for people with such ailments. If it is not possible to move to the mountains permanently, you can at least spend your holidays in such regions. This will allow you to “escape” from allergens and alleviate the course of the disease.

It has been proven that air saturated with the aroma of pine needles will help improve the condition of an asthma patient, especially a child. Breathing this air helps reduce the number of exacerbations. And even during exacerbations, the symptoms are less pronounced than usual.

If it is impossible to change your place of residence to such regions, doctors recommend traveling to coniferous forests as often as possible to saturate the body with oxygen. The beneficial effect of pine scent is also explained by the presence of phytoncides in it. These are special substances that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

We should also not forget that the course of bronchial asthma depends to some extent on the condition nervous system. Different climatic conditions affect it differently, which should be taken into account when choosing a place of residence.

The best places to live and relax for asthmatics

Considering that asthma worsens under the influence of a complex of factors, it is impossible to protect yourself from attacks. But there are regions in the world whose climatic conditions have a beneficial effect on people with this disease.

The Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea coasts (France, Spain, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia, Albania) are well suited for recreation for people with pathologies of the respiratory system.

Particular attention should be paid to Bulgaria. IN last years this country is quite popular among asthmatics. The climate on its coast is dry and quite warm, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients.

Where can an asthmatic relax in the vastness of the former USSR? For such patients, the best climate is in Crimea, Altai, Krasnodar region, northern part of the Caucasus. Asthma therapy is very popular in Crimea. In this region there are many sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of exclusively pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system. Despite the small area, climatic conditions in this region differ slightly in different settlements.

The climate of the eastern (Feodosia, Sudak) and western (Chernomorsk, Evpatoria) parts of the peninsula is moderate. It is characterized by cool summers (the air temperature rarely rises above 30 degrees) and mild winters (there is practically no frost). Such conditions can be suitable for life for all asthma patients, regardless of the form of the disease. However, when buying a house in this region, you should take into account its remoteness from coniferous forests. The closer the needles, the better your health will be.

These regions are also suitable for annual holidays. Moderate climate zone in combination with clean sea air has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Inhalable microscopic parts sea ​​water contain many useful microelements necessary for the proper functioning of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. After several weeks spent on sea ​​resorts Crimea, asthmatic long months will forget about attacks of illness.

The southern coast of Crimea has a drier climate. In summer the air temperature reaches 40 degrees, but due to the low humidity it is easily tolerated. In addition, in the south of Crimea, sea air is combined with mountain air. This climate in asthma has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. These conditions are ideal for living and relaxing with an asthmatic child. Taking into account all the factors, we can conclude that Crimea is one of the best regions for asthmatics.

Many asthmatics love to relax in Sochi. There is a stereotype that this region has an ideal climate that has a positive effect on the respiratory tract. This is not an entirely correct opinion. It is not uncommon for bronchial asthma to worsen during a holiday in Sochi. This is explained by the fact that there is high air humidity in this area. Therefore, Sochi and nearby settlements are not entirely suitable for recreation and residence of asthmatics.

The seaside resorts of Abkhazia (Batumi, Gagra, Sukhumi) are perfect for both relaxation and permanent residence for asthmatics. Gagra is located in the mountains, which directly reach the sea.

Thanks to the combination of sea and mountain air, this place is ideal for people with illnesses respiratory system. In addition, Abkhazia has many coniferous forests that purify the air. Even a two-week stay at the resorts of this region significantly improves the patient’s condition. Both children and adults can relax on them.

The condition of asthmatics is significantly influenced by climatic conditions. There are many places in Russia that are perfect for living or relaxing for people suffering from bronchial asthma. Having become familiar with the characteristics of these regions, each person can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Countries with ideal climates for asthmatics

Let's look at countries with ideal climates for asthmatics. Every metropolis is saturated with the smell of harmful substances that are dangerous for people suffering from asthma. Against the backdrop of a polluted atmosphere, such people are often forced to change their place of residence, which reduces the risk of dangerous attacks and generally strengthens the immune system.

When choosing a state to move to, it is important to consider some factors: air purity, temperature, humidity level, etc. An ideal climate for asthmatics exists in some resort towns, near the seas and mountains. In our article we will tell you where it is better for a person suffering from bronchial asthma to move for a safe stay.

Ideal climatic conditions for asthmatics

For people diagnosed with asthma, experts recommend moving or taking a temporary vacation to mountainous areas, as well as to populated areas where clean sea air prevails. For patients who have an inflammatory process in the respiratory system, the smell is very useful coniferous trees, therefore, with this course of the disease, it is better to choose a small settlement surrounded by coniferous forests.

The forest air is dominated by phytoncides, which prevent the development of inflammatory processes. When oxygen is inhaled, the human pulmonary system is nourished, which can dramatically reduce the number of asthmatic exacerbations. This climate is absolutely suitable for all people suffering from bronchial asthma. Doctors strongly recommend traveling to the territory of coniferous forests as often as possible to cleanse the respiratory system. It is very good if the patient has the opportunity to move to a city where such air prevails. As practice shows, living near a forest practically eliminates the risk of dangerous asthma attacks.

Mountain air enhances the functionality of the pulmonary system, favorably eliminating oxygen starvation. In populated areas surrounded by mountains, a rarefied atmosphere with low pressure and cool, clean air prevails. This climate is also considered ideal for asthmatics.

Sea air effectively prevents clogging respiratory organs mucus. Good weather and pleasant oxygen containing useful particles of salt and iodine - best conditions for asthmatics!

Each climate has its own characteristics and unforeseen changes. Some countries experience frequent fluctuations temperature conditions, in other cities there is instability in humidity levels or atmospheric pressure. There is no ideal place on our planet in all respects, but there are still several favorable regions where there is the most comfortable climate for people diagnosed with asthma.

So what is the ideal country for an asthmatic? For many years, experts have studied climatic features different countries peace. Today, the following cities, regions and countries may be ideal for asthmatics:

  • Crimea (sea coast);
  • Altai (mountainous area);
  • North Caucasus and Abkhazia;
  • Krasnodar region;
  • European countries: Germany, France, Spain, Greece.
  • Israel (Dead Sea);
  • Chilean coast;
  • California (San Diego);
  • Australian South West Coast;
  • South African Cape Town.

When choosing a city for moving or temporary vacation, it is important to take into account not only climatic conditions, but also personal preferences. If a person feels uncomfortable staying in a particular place, it is unlikely that any benefit from such prevention will be expected. The main thing is to avoid traveling to regions where a dangerous microclimate for asthmatics prevails.

Experts advise avoiding travel to areas with low clouds, high humidity, frequent movement of air fronts and clay soils. Living in regions with tropical and cold climates is undesirable.

9 rules for asthmatics: avoid sudden movements and walk more

People with asthma need to be very careful in their lives and habits so as not to trigger an attack and make it worse.

Try to neutralize the pollen

In many cases, asthma patients react to plant pollen and experience allergic reaction. Therefore, for the flowering season dangerous plants you should prepare in advance - 1.5–2 months before it starts. To do this, a course of desensitization is carried out - a treatment that reduces sensitivity to those allergens that cause a reaction. If time for treatment is missed, the only reliable way– go away for a while to a place where “your” plants have already faded or are not growing at all.

Protect yourself from colds

If the type of your asthma does not depend on the season, but, for example, is associated with an allergy to house dust, you have to fight it all year round. But the real “scourge” of asthmatics is colds, always worsening the course of the disease. To minimize their risk:

● Take adaptogenic plants (if you are not allergic to them) that increase immunity - echinacea, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and others.

● If you are literally tormented by colds, try halotherapy - treatment in a special salt cave. The special microclimate, the absence of dust and allergens in the air, significantly alleviate the condition of asthmatics. The saturation of its atmosphere with salts, as a kind of physiotherapeutic procedure, can have useful action to the upper respiratory tract. (Read how this treatment works on page 7. – Ed.).

● Colds in asthmatics often occur not only in winter, but also in summer, if you have to work in an air-conditioned room. When it’s hot outside and +18°C indoors, the risk of getting sick is very high. The air conditioner must be adjusted so that the difference between the “external” and “internal” temperatures does not exceed three, maximum four degrees.

Provide a supply of clean air

In the warm season, the main thing is to spend as much time as possible outside the city. Urban summer air is a complex mixture of exhaust gases, dust, and industrial fumes. And from time to time this “cocktail” is supplemented by smog.

It’s good if you manage to organize your summer routine in such a way that, in addition to weekends, you can leave the city for the night. If you live in green areas, near large parks, try to spend part of the weekend there at any time of the year. Although, in general, people with asthma are better off living in the suburbs.

Don't neglect natural remedies

Of course, asthma patients should undergo treatment only under the supervision of their doctor and constantly take the medications that he prescribes for them. However, it is known that some natural remedies can be used for prevention (after consultation with a doctor).

Good prevention asthmatic attacks will also provide a decoction of stinging nettle leaves, as well as Fresh Juice young nettle.

● Russian doctors believe that boiled turnip juice, as well as a decoction from it, are good for preventing asthma. 1/4 cup of juice 3-4 times a day will provide prevention and help restorative effect. True, with inflammation gastrointestinal tract Turnip juice should be taken very carefully.

Domestic flowers and animals will have to be excluded

Flowers in the apartment and asthma are an unacceptable combination. So asthmatics should neither transplant nor keep them. As, indeed, do pets. Practice shows that even if you are not allergic to your four-legged pet, sooner or later you will develop one. And parting with a creature to which you are attached with all your soul is very difficult. It's better not to start it at all.

Be careful about the materials

It is better for asthmatics to avoid cotton, feather and down pillows and blankets and use more modern materials. In clothing, give preference to natural fabrics. No synthetics! Now special anti-allergenic underwear is on sale, you can use it.

Avoid sudden movements in everything

The main slogan for asthma patients should be the word “moderation”. The peculiarities of the disease are such that an attack can be triggered by any unexpected influence: a glass of ice water, a sharp change in temperature, intense physical activity. Therefore, even these types of physical activity, like shaping, aerobics and even jogging.

The same applies to enhanced feats in the home field or in the garden beds. Optimal for asthma physical exercise– long, calm walking. Long country walks are especially useful.

If you have to participate in cleaning the apartment, making repairs (although you should better avoid this) or removing construction waste, you should do this either in a four-layer gauze mask that will protect against dust, or, more reliably, in a personal respirator. But contact with dust, varnish fumes, strong odors should be excluded completely.

In the kitchen, be sure to install a hood above the stove. It will save you from gas combustion products, steam, smoke and odors, which are inevitable when cooking and are completely unhelpful for asthma.

When cleaning, it is better to use a dry rather than a wet vacuum cleaner. Residual moisture after its use creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of the main producers of household allergens - microscopic mites and molds. So, when cleaning, it is better to first use a modern dry vacuum cleaner with reliable dust filters for exhaust air and a disposable garbage bag, and then wipe everything the old fashioned way with a damp cloth or a special napkin.

Also be careful when using household chemicals. “Dust” from washing and cleaning powders and irritating odors, including chlorine, are not for you. Do not neglect the “protective equipment” - gloves, respirator, mask.

Don't focus on your illness

Often asthma patients suffer from the fact that they are “not like everyone else.” This doesn't make for good psychological climate. In order not to feel alone and solve problems together with people who have already encountered them, you can study in special asthma schools that exist in Moscow and other cities. Women visit them more often - both because they suffer from asthma more often and because they are more responsible about their health.

There are also sites on the Internet where you can find very useful information and addresses of like-minded people. If you follow all the recommendations, you can “go down” to a lower level of the disease and then indefinitely for a long time maintain the disease in a state that makes it possible to lead a normal, active life.

You can constantly keep the disease under control and even gradually reduce the amount of treatment. Many of the world's leading allergists themselves suffer from bronchial asthma. And they have managed to adapt to their condition so much that most people around them do not even suspect that they are sick. But the doctor can properly control himself. He knows when to reduce or increase the dose of the drug, when to introduce antibiotics, in order to prevent complications due to bacterial infection. And the patient must achieve this with the help of his attending physician. And then he can feel complete, active person despite bronchial asthma.

The article was written based on materials from the sites: vlagi.net, zdorovie-legkie.ru, opnevmonii.ru, neastmatik.ru, www.aif.ru.

Here, as they say, taste and color... At first I also assumed that bronchial asthma and climate could be somehow interconnected and interconnected, usually through “intermediaries” in the form of bronchitis.

That it’s all about the climate and there was evidence of this in the form of an increase in the number of attacks during bad weather. Well, the climate changes, it starts to rain or snow, the temperature drops (or vice versa rises) or some other bad weather sets in and attacks of suffocation begin, it means it’s all about it. But it's not that simple.

Of course, there is no doubt that dust and charged particles can cause suffocation attacks, but to all this, I now believe we need to add atmospheric pressure. In my opinion, a damp climate can provoke an exacerbation of diseases similar in symptoms to asthma or provoke attacks of existing asthma. These are usually various types of chronic bronchitis. Bronchitis sometimes accompanies asthma in a latent or overt form. Do not forget that it is quite easy for asthmatics to catch a simple cold. For people with bronchitis, sudden climate change can have a very serious impact on their health.

Another thing is global modern climate change on earth. For patients with asthma and bronchitis this is more important than for others. This category is the most sensitive, right? The consequences of global climate change on the planet and its speed are still difficult to predict, but all animal world is already reacting to it. And it doesn't react very well. Adaptation to climate change in living organisms occurs slowly; this may even require changes in generations.
I won’t give any data, I think you know and understand everything yourself.

The safest and most mild climate for asthma sufferers and chronic bronchitis this is a mild climate with moderate humidity and above-zero temperatures. Since I tried it on primarily for myself, the data that I provide is most suitable for me. Of course, I asked other people.
So, the result of these surveys shows that for people suffering from asthma, the optimal temperature at which an asthmatic with bronchitis feels more or less comfortable is t=+10~+30 degrees Celsius all year round.

Looking at the map of Russia, I honestly didn’t see such favorable areas of Russia for living. The regions of the Black Sea and especially Abkhazia are very close. Not a bad area in the cities of Sochi (go try and live there) and Anapa. However, in winter and there from time to time the temperature can sometimes drop to zero.

Nothing to do, I looked in more detail at the world map.
I found several more or less suitable areas for living with a mild climate.
Here they are:
some areas of New Zealand, Australia, a certain part of Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, various islands in the ocean, there are many of them and they are all quite small, whoever needs it will find it. There may be more, but I found these.

The temperate maritime climate is favorable and very favorable. By at least it will not be worse.
In countries such as Iran, Iraq, Brunei, the UAE and the countries of the Asian continent, the temperature in summer can be quite high. More than 30 degrees. Although it might also work.

Sometimes I hear stories about how a person changed his region of residence and developed asthma, and it seems that it was all due to sudden change climate. But here we still need to look at how his place of residence has changed in terms of basic air pollution. This is especially important in big cities. The fact that attacks of suffocation can be due to sudden climate change and air pollution and that bronchitis “helps” with all this seems understandable, but you still need to consider the health status of the asthmatic and the changes in pressure.

There is a lot of controversy about this issue around visiting mountainous areas...

But more on this in my next articles.

127 thoughts on “ Bronchial asthma and climate. Best regions to live
