How to treat hair loss. How to stop hair loss in women and men using folk remedies at home. Burdock in the fight for beautiful hair

Hair loss can be caused by many factors: disruption of the glands internal secretion, severe infectious diseases, nervous shock, seborrhea of ​​the scalp, lack of substances in the body necessary for hair growth (for example, silicon), abuse chemical means for washing, coloring, curling. Sometimes painful hair loss may occur after undergoing serious illnesses, temperature rise to 39-40°C.

Hair loss can be caused by both diseases (common with decreased immunity, neurological and skin diseases) and poor nutrition (lack of vitamins and microelements). Folk remedies for hair loss help restore hair and enhance its growth in all cases, but please note that hair loss can be a sign of serious diseases (for example, cancer), so consult your doctor before using folk remedies for hair loss.

Alopecia- hair loss, which can be complete, diffuse (sharp thinning of hair) and focal (lack of hair in limited areas).

Causes of hair loss.

There may be several causes of the disease. Congenital alopecia is associated with genetic disorders and is practically untreatable. Symptomatic alopecia is a complication of severe common diseases(infections, diseases connective tissue, syphilis), in which hair follicles are affected by poisons secreted by microorganisms, or their own immune system destroys the hair papillae. The disease may occur after long-term use of certain medicines. The cure for symptomatic alopecia depends on treatment of the underlying disease, most often hairline is being restored. Premature baldness occurs more often on the head of young and middle-aged men; bald spots and bald patches form. As a rule, hereditary predisposition plays a role here and the hair cannot be restored on its own; only hair transplantation is possible. Alopecia areata (alopecia areata) is common. The causes of the disease are still completely unknown; it is probably influenced by hereditary predisposition and emotional stress.

Symptoms of baldness.

Alopecia areata is characterized by the appearance of round bald patches on the scalp, which gradually grow and merge, and over time all the hair may fall out.

Diseases that cause hair loss:

  • seborrhea
  • skin infectious diseases
  • general infectious diseases accompanied by decreased immunity
  • avitaminosis
  • chronic stress
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • oncological diseases
  • endocrine diseases

Possible causes of hair loss:

  • dry scalp
  • lack of vitamins and microelements (silicon, calcium)
  • overdrying hair, overheating hair
  • hormonal disorders in the body
  • stress
  • past infectious disease
  • condition after childbirth

Hair loss treatment.

Treatment depends on the cause of the disease and includes long-term use vitamins, sedatives (for neuroses), iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, calcium. IN exceptional cases glucocorticoid hormones are used, which often give an effect only during their use, in addition, they can cause adverse reactions body. Local treatment includes the use of irritating and tonic creams and ointments containing valerian, sulfur, salicylic acid, juice of onion, garlic, aloe. Physiotherapy is prescribed - irrigation with ethyl chloride, cryo-massage liquid nitrogen and snow of carbonic acid, ultraviolet irradiation, vacuum massage and massage of the collar area.

Medicines for the treatment of alopecia (as prescribed by a doctor)

Glucocorticoid hormones
Prednisolone (Metopred, Prednol)
Creams, ointments and solutions for external use
Betamethasone (Akriderm, Beloderm, Betagentam, Betnovate, Garazon, Diprolene, Kuterit, Triderm, Flosteron,
Minoxidil (Alopexin, Loniten, Regaine) Triamcinolone (Azmacort, Berlicort, Kenacort, Kenalog,
Nazacort, Polcortalon, Triacort, Tricort, Fluorocort) Fluocinolone acitonide (Sinalar, Sinaflan, Sinoderm,
Flucort, Fluozor, Flucinar, Ezation)
Bromazepam (Bromazepam, Kalmepam, Lexilium, Lexotan,
Diazepam (Apaurin, Valium, Dicam, Relanium, Seduxen) Oxazepam (Apo-oxazepam, Nozepam, Tazepam)

IN traditional medicine They treat the disease that caused hair loss, after which a course of vitamin therapy is recommended. In case of persistent hair loss - baldness - hair transplant surgery is possible.

Non-traditional and folk remedies for treating hair loss

The action of folk remedies for hair loss from herbal infusions is based on nourishing the hair and scalp essential microelements, anti-inflammatory effect, folk remedies based on onions, peppers, castor oil and alcohol tinctures improve blood supply to the scalp. Even just rubbing remedy into the scalp stimulates hair growth, but for effective treatment hair loss, you need to alternately use both nutritional and hair blood supply-improving products.

Treatment of hair loss with folk remedies based on irritating and blood circulation-improving substances

    For hair loss, rub birch sap, aloe juice, garlic juice, honey and chicken yolk into the scalp. Take all these ingredients 1 teaspoon at a time, mix thoroughly and rub the mixture into your scalp. Walk like this for 1-2 hours or more before washing your hair. Wash and rinse your hair with a strong infusion of birch leaves.

    Balm for hair loss: Mix 10 g of cognac, 40 g of strained onion juice and 50 g of burdock root decoction (cook in a ratio of 1:10). Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, tie a towel around your head, leave the balm for 2 hours, then wash your hair. The procedure for treating hair loss with this folk remedy should be carried out daily.

    Recipe of the Bulgarian healer Vanga: Mix 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon table vinegar and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Continuously whisking the mixture, rub it into the hair roots. Cover your head with a warm terry towel, hold it over the steam for a while and rinse. After this procedure, your hair should become thicker, shinier, softer and easier to style.

    A good folk remedy for enhancing hair growth: Heat a small amount of castor oil in a water bath and lubricate the scalp with it. Wrap your head in a terry towel and leave for 5 hours. After this, the head should be thoroughly washed with shampoo containing natural herbal extracts. Repeat the procedure once a week for 1-2 months, and your hair will not only stop falling out, but will become thicker and grow faster.

    Treatment with propolis: place 4 g of propolis purified from impurities in a glass bottle, pour in 100 ml of 40% alcohol, cap tightly and shake. Rub the solution into the hair roots.

    Folk remedy for baldness using table salt: Wash your hair with warm water without soap; then, gently massaging the scalp, rub in table salt. The duration of the manipulation is 10-15 minutes. Rinse your hair. Repeat this procedure 6 times. Russian healers claimed that this remedy saved many from baldness with dry scalp.

    In case of increased hair loss, you need to first strengthen it. To do this, once a week for 1–2 months, half an hour before washing, rub a mixture of alcohol and castor (or burdock) oil in equal parts into the hair roots. Then rinse your hair well. After 1–2 months, when the hair has become stronger, you can begin treatment.

    The following composition restores hair follicles well. Add the same amount of castor oil and 1 yolk to the juice from 1 medium onion. Rub into the scalp 45 minutes before washing, cover your head with a plastic bag and a terry towel on top. After 45 minutes, carefully rinse your hair and comb gently. Repeat the course of treatment periodically.

    Honey balm for hair loss: Add honey to boiled water, cooled to 40–50 °C: 2 tablespoons of honey per 1 liter of water. Wet your head with this water or rub into the scalp 2 times a week. This balm strengthens hair and promotes its growth.

    Onion tincture for hair loss: Mix a tablespoon of onion juice with 2 tablespoons of vodka. Use for rubbing into the skin before washing your hair for 3-4 months as a remedy for oily dandruff and hair loss.

    For severe hair loss good effect gives lotion from great nasturtium and stinging nettle rubbed into the roots. Grind 100 g of nasturtium leaves, flowers and fresh seeds and mix with 100 g fresh leaves nettles Pour 500 ml of the resulting mixture medical alcohol, leave for 15 days and strain. Rub the lotion into the scalp with a brush before going to bed.

    Folk remedy for hair loss with mustard seeds: Gray mustard seeds – 3 parts, sage leaves – 2 parts. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature and leave for 20 minutes. Take in the form of compresses to improve blood supply to the skin during hair loss.

    Pour a tablespoon of chopped St. John's wort herb into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for a week. Store in a tightly sealed bottle. Rub into scalp to strengthen roots and make hair healthier.

    In case of severe hair loss, a decoction prepared from 3 tablespoons of chopped calamus rhizome, boiled for 15 minutes in 0.5 liters of vinegar, is used for rinsing.

    Pour calendula inflorescences with 40-degree alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. For external use, dilute 1 tablespoon of tincture in 1/2 cup of boiled water. Use for hair loss as a remedy against skin irritation. Calendula has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbal decoctions:

Since ancient times, hops, nettle and burdock root have been used to treat hair loss and strengthen hair roots. To relieve irritation and inflammation of the scalp, chamomile, St. John's wort and other anti-inflammatory herbs are added to infusions of these herbs.

Folk recipes for hair loss with hop cones:

    Place 50 g of common hop cones in an enamel bowl, pour in 1 liter of hot boiled water, close the lid, heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature 20 minutes, strain, squeeze out the raw materials, pour into a 3-liter glass jar and top up with boiled water. Wash your hair with the resulting decoction. Repeat the procedure as necessary. Hair loss is stopped due to the estrogenic effect of hop cones (contain phytoestrogens). Another recipe for hop cone decoction: Pour a tablespoon of hops into a glass of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. After cooling, rub into scalp. Use the product when incipient baldness to strengthen hair roots

    Collect calendula officinalis flowers - 10 g, common hop cones - 15 g, burdock root - 20 g. Pour the whole mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 15-20 minutes, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Wash your hair with warm broth 2 times a week for hair loss.

    Mix heather grass, felt burdock root, stinging nettle root and common hop cones equally. Pour 3 liters of boiling water over the entire mixture, boil for 25 minutes, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Wash your hair with warm broth 3 times a week to prevent hair loss.

Folk remedies for hair loss from burdock root:

    The roots of burdock, or large burdock (when harvesting, the roots must be frozen - in this form they do not rot until harvested again), put them in a pan, fill them with water so that it just covers the contents of the pan, and put them in the oven. Boil until the roots are completely softened. Cool and strain the broth. Moisten the hair roots with this decoction daily. Dandruff quickly disappears, hair loss stops, hair grows faster.

    6 tablespoons of a mixture of burdock roots and calamus (1:1) pour 1 liter of water, boil for 15–20 minutes. Let the broth cool. Rub into the scalp 2-3 times a week as a folk remedy for hair loss.

    Boil the burdock root (20 g of root per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes) and reduce the liquid to half the volume. Then heat it half and half with lard and pour it into a pot. Cover with a lid and cover it tightly with dough. Place the pot in the oven for several hours. Drain the water from the cooled thickened mass, if it has not all evaporated, and lubricate the scalp with this ointment. An effective remedy for hair loss and hair growth.

    For hair loss and scalp diseases, it is useful to wash your hair 2 times a week with a decoction of burdock root and calendula flowers (20 g of burdock and 10 g of calendula per 1 liter of water). You can include 15 g of hop cones in the decoction.

    Burdock root - 2 parts, calamus rhizome - 2 parts, common hop cones - 4 parts. Pour 3-4 liters of boiling water over the entire mixture, boil for 25-30 minutes, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Wash your hair with warm broth 2 times a week for hair loss.

    Combine white willow bark and felt burdock root equally. Prepare a decoction from the entire mixture, which you can use to wash your hair 3 times a week for hair loss.

Folk remedies for hair loss with nettle leaf:

    Stinging nettle strengthens hair well and prevents hair loss. It is better to use young nettle, cut before flowering, to treat hair loss. Prepare a decoction of nettle leaves, cool to 40°C and rinse your hair with it after washing.

    A decoction of coltsfoot and nettle in half is a good folk remedy for strengthening hair in case of hair loss and excessive dandruff.

    Plantain leaves, chamomile flowers, sage leaves, oregano and nettle herbs are mixed in equal parts. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, filter, add black bread pulp and stir until mushy. The warm mass is rubbed into the scalp, a shower cap is put on top and tied with a scarf. Keep this compress for 2 hours and wash off with warm water without soap.

    Brew a tablespoon of dried stinging nettle leaves with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, strain. After washing, dry your hair slightly and rub the infusion into the scalp. Use 1-2 times a week for a long time in case of increased sebum secretion, dandruff and hair loss to strengthen it.

Other herbs for hair loss:

    Pour 8 tablespoons linden color 0.5 liters of water and boil for about 20 minutes. Wash your hair with the resulting decoction for a month. This is a good folk remedy for hair loss. If there is improvement, continue with this procedure.

    Pour 10 g of chamomile flowers (St. John's wort or onion feathers) into an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature, strain, squeeze out the raw materials and store in a glass container for no more than 2 days. Rinse clean hair with any of the resulting decoctions.

    To prevent hair from falling out, you need to dust your hair roots with powder made from crushed parsley seeds several evenings in a row.

    Mix pedunculate oak bark, white willow bark and creeping thyme herb equally. Boil four tablespoons of the mixture for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water, strain. Use a warm decoction to rub into the scalp for hair loss. This folk remedy has astringent action and recommended for oily hair

    Brew 2 tablespoons of fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2-4 hours in a tightly sealed container, strain. Drink 150 ml 2 times a day before meals, morning and evening. Rub into the scalp at night every day as a high-vitamin and scalp-softening folk remedy.

    Pour a tablespoon of dried coltsfoot leaves or flowers into 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. For hair loss, rub into scalp 40-60 minutes before washing. The product helps strengthen hair.

    Pour a teaspoon of Sophora japonica fruits (5 g) into 1/2 cup boiling water (90 ml), leave for 10 minutes, strain. Use for hair loss.

Home remedies for hair loss that won't require much effort on your part

    Peel a few cloves of large garlic and grind them into a paste. If your hair is oily, then you need to add a few drops of vegetable oil; if normal, dilute the paste with vegetable oil by a quarter; for dry hair, add vegetable oil to half the volume of garlic gruel. Then lightly rub the prepared garlic suspension into the hair roots. After 2 hours, wash your hair with neutral shampoo. The treatment procedure should be done 2 times a week for 6 months against hair loss.

    Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of garlic juice. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Rub this hair loss remedy into your scalp.

    Before washing your hair, prepare a decoction: take 1 tablespoon of herb horsetail, chamomile flowers and nettle leaf, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 30 minutes in a water bath. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. You can prepare a decoction only from chamomile flowers or nettle leaves (take 3 tablespoons of herb per 1 liter of water). Rinse your hair and head in this anti-hair loss product.

    Remove the finished product from the refrigerator garlic mixture and add the egg yolk to it, mix everything well. Divide your hair into strands and rub in the freshly prepared mixture with light movements. Then wrap your head in a scarf and put a plastic bag on top. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair well with soap or neutral shampoo, rub in another yolk, and then rinse your hair thoroughly with water and rinse with a herbal decoction for hair loss.

    For nesting baldness, rub garlic gruel and onion juice into the scalp, alternating these products every other day.

    Rub freshly prepared onion juice into scalp scalp 1 time every 2 days to strengthen hair, remove dandruff and nourish the skin. For the same purposes, the juice can be diluted with water (1:1 or 1:2).

    To improve hair growth and strengthening, it is useful to use onion juice with honey. For this purpose, add honey to the onion pulp in a ratio of 5:1. Rub this mixture into the scalp and leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm infusion of birch leaves. If your hair is very dry, then add a small amount of vegetable oil to the onion and honey mixture and rub this mixture into the roots of your hair 1 hour before washing your hair; then put on a rubber cap or plastic bag. After this, wash your hair with soap and rinse with infusion of birch leaves.

    Mix onion juice and vodka in a 1:2 ratio. Rub into the scalp before washing it for 3-4 months for hair loss and oily dandruff.

    Mix 1 part cognac, 4 parts strained onion juice, 6 parts decoction of burdock roots. Rub into the scalp to treat hair loss and improve hair growth. Cover your head with a towel to keep warm for 2 hours, then wash with infusion of birch leaves. Carry out the procedure once a week.

    Using a cotton swab, lightly massaging, rub 1 tablespoon of onion juice into the scalp, then after 10 minutes - 1 tablespoon of aloe juice. After this, prepare a decoction: 1 tablespoon each of yarrow herb and peppermint or lemon balm leaf, 2.5 tablespoons of stinging nettle leaf. Pour the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 10 minutes, strain and rinse your hair to prevent hair loss.

    Pour 30-50 g of onion peels with 2 glasses of water and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Then remove from heat, wrap and let stand for 1 hour, then strain. Lubricate your hair with this decoction. Then comb and apply the solution again, let dry and do this several times a week at oily seborrhea. The hair is not only strengthened, but also acquires a beautiful golden hue.

    Combine onion juice and castor oil, taken in equal proportions. Rub the mixture into your scalp, cover your head with a plastic bag and a terry towel on top. After 45 minutes, carefully wash your hair and comb it carefully. Repeat the course of treatment for hair loss every 2 weeks.

    To strengthen the hair roots, it is useful to drink carrot juice mixed with lemon juice.

    Extract the juice from 3 carrots, 2 parsnips and 1 beet. Take 3 times a day before meals.

    Rub carrot juice into the scalp. This contributes good growth hair and gives it shine.

    Dilute 2 tablespoons of honey in 1 liter of water. Wet your hair with this water and rub into the scalp 2 times a week to prevent hair loss.

    Take rum, glycerin and lemon juice in equal proportions, mix and rub into the scalp in the morning and evening for hair loss.

    Rub against hair loss into hair roots alcohol tincture castor oil. To do this, take 96% alcohol and oil in equal proportions, mix, rub into the scalp, after 3 hours, wash your hair with baby soap, rinse with slightly acidified vinegar or citric acid water.

    If your hair is falling out, wash your hair with whey and after washing, rinse with clean water.

Hair loss masks

Hair masks are distinguished by the fact that they are applied to the hair and scalp for a fairly long time, and then rinsed, as a rule, with the above infusions medicinal herbs from hair loss.

Masks for any hair type

    50 g of cognac and 50 g of water, 2 yolks, mix thoroughly, rub into the scalp and apply to the hair. After 20 minutes, wash off. If your hair is dry, you don’t need to use shampoo after the mask.

    1 packet of henna; 1 egg if hair is normal; 1 lightly beaten egg white if your hair is oily; 1 egg yolk if hair is dry.
    Mix the ingredients thoroughly for your hair type and apply to hair from roots to ends. After 15 – 20 minutes, rinse off. Your hair will not be dyed - the egg will protect it from this. This mask will strengthen your hair well, make it soft and manageable, and give it shine.

    Nourishing mask against hair loss: mix 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and egg yolk thoroughly and rub into the scalp, rinsing your hair with warm water every 40 minutes. Carry out this procedure once a week, hair loss should stop.

    Mask of berries or fruits: 3 tbsp. l. pulp of any fruit or berries, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, if hair is normal or dry, or 1 tbsp. l. honey if your hair is oily.
    Mix the ingredients and apply to hair from the roots. After 20 – 25 minutes, rinse off.

Masks for normal hair

    Mix 100 g of ripe pear pulp (preferably soft varieties), 1 egg, a few drops of lemon juice and burdock oil until smooth, apply to the scalp, lightly massaging for 15-20 minutes, rinse successively with warm and cool water.

    100 - 150 g of black bread, a little water or a decoction of herbs that suit you, 1 egg, grind until smooth, apply to the scalp, tie your head with a plastic scarf. After 15 - 20 minutes, rinse and rinse your hair with bread infusion: cut off the crusts from the bread, pour boiling water or a boiling decoction of herbs, strain after an hour.

    2 – 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 1 clove of garlic, grind, rub into the scalp, rinse after 1 - 2 hours, rinse with a decoction of herbs (nettle works well).

Masks for oily hair

    1 – 2 small onions, 2 – 3 heads of garlic, grind, apply the mixture to the scalp, simultaneously rubbing it into the roots of the hair, wrap the hair in plastic and a terry towel. After 1 – 2 hours, rinse twice with scented shampoo and rinse thoroughly with cool water. This mask nourishes the hair, makes it soft, reduces activity sebaceous glands, promotes hair growth.

    100 - 150 g of black bread, a little decoction of herbs for oily hair, 1 egg white, grind, apply to hair, rubbing into hair roots. Leave for 15 - 20 minutes under a plastic cap. After rinsing, rinse with bread steam (recipe for steam: 100 - 150 g of black bread, a little water or a decoction of herbs that suit you, 1 egg.)

Regardless of the recipe, it is useful to add honey and mustard to products for oily hair.

Masks for dry hair

    1 tbsp. l. fresh cabbage juice, aloe juice, castor oil and honey, mix, thoroughly rub into hair and do not rinse for 7 - 10 minutes. Wash your hair with warm water and rinse with chamomile infusion with cabbage juice, and then with clean water. This mask is especially effective for dry, damaged hair..

    100 - 150 g of black bread, 1 egg yolk and 20 drops of castor oil, mix, apply to hair for 15-20 minutes. Wash off and rinse with a bread mixture (100 - 150 g of black bread, a little water or a decoction of herbs that suit you, 1 egg.)
    Bread can be replaced with 1/2 cup sour milk, kefir, or whey.

    2 tbsp. l. lard and 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice, grind, rub into the scalp, after 1 - 2 hours, rinse with shampoo, rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs.

    2 tbsp. l. nettle roots and leaves, 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and sea buckthorn oil.
    Pour boiling water over the herbs, cook for 30 minutes, strain, add Apple vinegar And sea ​​buckthorn oil. Make a mask at night for two weeks as a folk remedy for hair loss.

    1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tsp. camphor oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice, mix, rub into scalp for 15 minutes before washing. To effectively treat hair loss, repeat the procedure 3 times a week.

Herbs and herbs for hair loss

    Pour 50 g of hop cones into 2 liters of boiling water, heat for 10 minutes, strain. Wash your hair with a decoction for hair loss.

    Pour 100 g of fruits and the same amount of chopped sea buckthorn branches into 1 glass hot water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Rub into the hair roots, after 1 hour, rinse your hair with warm water. The course for hair loss is 1 month daily.

    Crush parsley seeds and powder your hair with the resulting powder. This good remedy from hair loss.

    Add fresh nettle juice to rinse water for hair loss.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of dried nettle leaves with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, strain. After washing, dry your hair slightly and rub the infusion into the scalp. Use for hair loss once a week for a long time.

    Place the roots of the large burdock in a saucepan, add water to just cover the contents of the saucepan, and place in the oven. Cook until the roots are completely softened. Cool and strain the broth. Moisten your hair roots with this decoction every day. Hair loss will stop.

    Boil and grind burdock roots into a pulp, mix with butter. Rub into the scalp to prevent hair loss.

    Pour 6 tablespoons of birch leaves with 2 cups of boiling water and leave. Rinse your hair with infusion to strengthen it.

    Pour 4-5 tablespoons of linden flowers with 2 cups of boiling water and leave. Rinse your hair to strengthen it.

    Pour vodka over calendula inflorescences in a ratio of 1:10 and leave. Dilute 1 tablespoon of tincture in 0.5 cups of boiled water. Rinse hair to strengthen.

    Rub the juice of fresh yarrow herb into the scalp 2 times a day for 2 weeks for severe hair loss.

    Take, by weight, 3 parts each of St. John's wort herb, roots of burdock, tripartite herb, chamomile flowers, 2 parts each of sandy immortelle flowers, columns with stigmas of common corn, common tansy herb, and Manchurian aralia. Prepare the infusion at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 1 glass of boiling water. For hair loss, take 0.3-0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    Take 20 g of burdock roots, calendula flowers and hop cones. Pour the entire hair loss treatment into 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain and wash your hair 3 times a week.

    Take 20 g of burdock roots and hop cones and 10 g of calamus rhizome. Pour the entire anti-hair loss mixture into 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain and wash your hair 3 times a week.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of calamus rhizome with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Rub into hair roots.

    Take 25 g of burdock roots and leaves, hop cones, coltsfoot leaves, grass and nettle roots. Pour the entire collection into 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain and wash your hair 3 times a week for hair loss.

    Take 20 g of calamus rhizome and burdock roots, 15 g of hop cones and 10 g of calendula flowers. Pour the entire collection into 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain and wash your hair 3 times a week for hair loss.

    Take equal parts by weight of common heather grass, stinging nettle leaf, burdock roots and hop cones. Pour 7 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Wash your hair with a warm solution 3 times a week to prevent hair loss.

    An ancient remedy for hair loss: Remove the marrow from a beef bone (about 100-150 g) and boil it with a small amount of water until it boils completely. Strain, discard the remaining mixture in the sieve, use only “drain”. Add 50 ml of vodka and mix well. Before washing, thoroughly massage the scalp and lubricate it with clove oil, then wash tar soap. After this, rub the drug into the skin using circular movements for 5 minutes. Wrap your head in a warm scarf at night, and in the morning massage it vigorously and comb it with a rough brush.
    Very original, I don’t even know how to comment, when you try it, tell me about the result.

Free folk remedies for hair loss

There are several effective tips for beautiful hair and preventing hair loss:

    Do not overcool and protect your hair from the sun, wear a hat at temperatures below +10C and in sunny weather.

    Use hair dryers, curling irons or straightening irons with caution and, if possible, only on holidays.

    Wash your hair only in boiled water.

    Always use an herbal hair rinse - burdock root or nettle can be found freely everywhere.

Diet for hair loss

To avoid hair loss, your diet must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins (especially group B) and microelements (selenium, silicon, calcium). Don't overeat, avoid fatty and spicy foods - poor digestion immediately affects the quality of hair. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables, with the skins on if possible, as they contain a lot of silicon, which is essential for hair growth. To minimize hair loss, the diet should include yeast, honey, milk, vegetable oil, bran bread, cucumbers, beets, asparagus, lettuce, parsley, strawberries, hazelnuts (contains the biotin necessary for hair). You can drink teas with the addition of herbal infusions containing phytoestrogens.

What to do if your hair falls out? How to treat hair loss in men and women? Let's look at the best recipes and the most effective folk remedies that are easy to use at home.

The most effective folk remedies for hair loss in women and men:

Why do young girls lose hair?

The most common causes are stress, depression, hormonal imbalances and disruptions in the immune system. For this reason, hair loss occurs in patches, but the hair follicles remain healthy. After eliminating the unfavorable causes, the hair is quickly restored.

Why do older women lose hair?

Hair loss occurs due to age-related changes in the hair follicles. Often they completely stop functioning after using up their resources. This happens especially quickly against the backdrop of a decline in female hormones, loss of activity thyroid gland, chronic diseases. The situation is aggravated if a woman often uses hair dryers, curling irons, pulls her hair tightly, or dyes it with chemical dyes.
In addition, we must remember that many medications for chronic diseases, which are inevitable in old age, have a side effect of baldness.

Causes of hair loss in men

Most often, men experience hair loss due to the sensitivity of their hair follicles to androgen hormones, which are abundant in male body. This sensitivity is inherited. Androgenetic alopecia can also be present in women. To protect hair follicles from androgen attacks, both men and women are recommended to rub infusions of herbs - analogues of female hormones (hop cones, licorice roots, sage leaves, clover flowers, oregano, mint) into the scalp. It is useful for women to take these infusions internally.

Before treating hair loss, you must first find out the cause of this phenomenon. To do this, you can consult a dermatologist or trichologist. In some cases, a general practitioner or endocrinologist will help to understand the cause, since baldness may be a symptom of a disease, such as anemia or hypothyroidism. If the reason is side effects prescribed medications, the doctor must select other medications.

The most effective folk remedies for hair loss at home.

Hair loss - treatment with onions.

The most effective folk remedy for hair loss in women at home is onion. Numerous reviews of the successful use of onion masks prove that with the help of onions you can achieve full recovery hair. Here are some ways you can use onions.

Cognac, onion juice and burdock root decoction will help strengthen your hair.

In the treatment of hair loss at home, a recipe with cognac is often used: mix 1 part cognac, 4 parts onion juice and 6 parts burdock root decoction. Rub this product into the scalp.

Rubbing onion juice or garlic pulp will help get rid of hair loss.

To restore hair, you can simply rub onion juice or garlic pulp into the roots (the garlic is mixed with olive or burdock oil to prevent skin burns), and rinse off after 2 hours. This procedure is done 2 times a week for 6 months. If you rub a mixture of garlic and oil into your bald patches every day, then within two weeks fluff will appear on your head.

Masks for hair loss based on onion juice.

For strengthening and nutrition hair follicles You can add aloe juice, honey or egg yolk to onion or garlic juice. For example, prepare such a mixture. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of burdock or olive oil. Apply this product to the roots, wrap for 2 hours. Do it once a week. Course - 2-3 months.
If you mix onion juice with cognac in a 1:1 ratio, the smell of onions will be easily washed off, and the product will become more effective.

An effective homemade mask against hair loss in women with onions.

Mix and grind 1 tbsp into a homogeneous mass. l. grated onion, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. shampoo, 1 yolk. Rub this mixture into your scalp for 5 minutes. Then put on the bag and insulate it with a scarf. After two hours, wash off. Do this every day, after two weeks you will already notice the result in hair restoration. ( Homemade mask from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2005, No. 10, p. 30)

Reviews about hair treatment with onions.

After undergoing surgery, the woman’s hair began to rapidly thin out. She was given a recipe for a homemade anti-hair loss mask, and after just three treatments, her hair was restored.
You need to take a medium onion, grate it and squeeze out the juice. Mix onion juice with yolk and 2 tsp. honey Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and cover with something warm. Wash off after 1-2 hours. (Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 23, p. 33)

Bear's onion will relieve hair loss and baldness.

In the area where wild garlic grows, onion juice can be replaced with juice squeezed from wild garlic leaves. Mix 3 tbsp. l. wild garlic juice, 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical burdock oil, 1 tbsp. l. cognac Wash your hair with tar soap and rub in the resulting mixture, then polyethylene and a warm scarf. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water, slightly acidified. lemon juice. The woman did this mask for hair loss once a week. As a result, the hair follicles became stronger, the hair stopped falling out, and took on a lively and healthy appearance. (Folk remedy from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2016, No. 10, p. 26)

Pepper for treating hair at home.

Pepper is no less effective means hair restoration than onion juice. It is very convenient to use a tincture against hair loss at home capsicum red pepper. This pepper tincture can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home from red pepper pods. hot pepper(1:10). It is enough to rub the tincture into the scalp 2-3 times a week before bed. There is no need to wash off the tincture, and there is no smell left, which is very convenient.
Continue treating hair with pepper for 1-2 months. As a result, the “dormant” hair follicles come to life and begin to grow.

Anti-hair loss mask based on black pepper, salt and onion juice.

You can also use black pepper in powder form. The mask is made like this: mix ground black pepper and salt, add onion juice until it becomes a paste. Rub this paste into the scalp, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse. Make such masks 2-3 times a week, carry out at least 15 procedures. (Folk method from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2004 No. 23, p. 22)

How to treat hair loss with salt at home.

Salt is a very simple and cheap folk remedy that will help to very effectively cure hair - strengthen and restore it. You just need to rub table salt into the roots after washing your hair. Carry out this massage with salt for 15 minutes, then rinse with water or herbal infusion. Do this procedure 1-2 times a week for two months – even bald spots will heal.

Recipe for salt treatment from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”.

Wash your hair, pat dry with a towel, then rub salt into your scalp for 10-15 minutes until the skin burns. Then wash off the salt and rinse your hair, better than a decoction horsetail. Repeat every other day. You will see the result very quickly - in 2 weeks. But to consolidate the effect, continue the course of treatment for hair loss with salt at home for at least a month. (People's recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2000 No. 21, p. 20)

Burdock oil for hair loss.

Mask against hair loss - Burr oil+ egg + honey
1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil - mix, rub into the scalp, cover with cellophane and wrap in something warm. After two hours, wash off. Do this burdock mask before each shampooing, course – 5-7 weeks.

A miraculous recipe for a folk remedy for strengthening and growing hair.

Take 2 parts of burdock oil, 1 part of dimexide, castor oil, oil solution vitamin “A”, oil solution of vitamin “E”. All components are sold at the pharmacy. Mix everything in a bottle. Rub the product into the roots, massaging the skin with your fingers. Then insulate for 2 hours and wash your hair as usual. Carry out the procedure once a week. Course – 10 procedures. (Review from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2010, No. 3, Art. 31)

What herbs help against hair loss.

If the cause of hair loss is the sensitivity of the hair follicles to male hormones androgens, then herbs that contain analogues of female hormones will help stop this process. These are hop cones, licorice roots, sage leaves, oregano, mint. These herbs have a beneficial effect on hair follicles, restore their vitality, infusions of these herbs are rubbed into the skin. For rapid growth Hair should be rubbed into their roots with strong infusions of burdock root, birch leaves, nettles, and calendula flowers.
Here are some herbal recipes.

Collection of herbs for hair treatment.

If the hair on your head is falling out a lot, herbs such as nettle, chamomile, horsetail after each hair wash will help stop baldness. Mix these herbs in equal proportions, 2-3 tbsp. l. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave the broth for 2 hours. After washing, rinse your hair in this herbal infusion.

Here's another very good one herbal remedy: Mix equal parts chopped oak bark and onion peel. Pour a glass of the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water and keep on fire for 1 hour, strain and rub into the scalp.

Treating hair loss at home with nettles.

For alopecia, the following procedure will help strengthen hair: 2 tbsp. l. nettle, 2 tbsp. l. hops, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave under a towel until warm, add 1 chicken egg yolk, stir. Wash your hair with this infusion, leave for a few minutes, then rinse. This effective folk remedy against hair loss is convenient to use at home. ( Folk method hair treatment from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2000 No. 15, art. 15. From conversations with Clara Doronina.)

Wormwood will strengthen your hair.

If the problem of alopecia areata has arisen, then hair treatment with wormwood, when carried out methodically and over a long period of time, will give positive result. Grind dry steamed or fresh wormwood into a paste. Lubricate the bald spots with tincture of red capsicum, then apply the resulting paste onto them. There should be a burning sensation, hold for 15-20 minutes. At the same time, take 1 tbsp of wormwood infusion orally. l. three times a day before meals. During meals, take 1 methionine tablet and folic acid. These drugs improve metabolism and enhance the effect of hormones, which helps fight baldness. It is also useful for the health of hair follicles to take powder from eggshells. (Home remedy from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2000 No. 17, p. 9, From conversations with Clara Doronina)

Hop tincture will help with hair loss.

If your hair is rapidly thinning, then hop tincture will come to the rescue. Pour 1 glass of hop cones into 500 ml of vodka, leave for 5 days, strain and lubricate the skin 30 minutes before washing 1-2 times a week. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 2, p. 33)

Burdock and calendula in home treatment for hair loss.

A decoction of calendula and burdock will help stop hair loss and baldness. Boil 5 grams of dried burdock roots in a glass of water for 15 minutes, add 3 grams of calendula flowers and boil for another 1-2 minutes, leave until warm. Rub this decoction, massage, do not rinse with water. Repeat these procedures 2 times a week. Everyone will be jealous of your hairstyle. (Folk remedy from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 22, art. 29-30)

Calamus and burdock

A very good folk remedy for hair loss in women is calamus and burdock roots. These roots should be mixed in equal parts, make a decoction and moisten the skin with it every other day ( Homemade recipe from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2013, No. 20, p. 23)

Homemade masks based on kefir.

Masks with kefir effectively help with hair loss in women, especially if they are weakened by dyes and perms.

Mask with kefir, cocoa and egg.

Prepare the following mask: 0.5 cups of kefir, egg, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. Shake everything well and apply to your head, cover with plastic or a shower cap, and wait 25 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. Make the mask 2-3 times a week, the course of treatment is 3 months. This folk remedy is very effective, even in bald areas the hair follicles are activated

Mask against hair loss in women with kefir (yogurt).

Rub yogurt or kefir into the roots, cover with cellophane and wrap in something warm. After two hours, wash your hair, the course of treatment is 5-7 weeks. (Mask recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2000, No. 24, p. 12)

Homemade mask of kefir and garlic.

Chop 1 head of garlic, pour in 0.5 liters of kefir. Leave for 3 days. Then strain part of the infusion through cheesecloth, place the garlic squeezes back into kefir, and put them in the refrigerator. Rub this kefir infused with garlic into the roots 2 hours before washing, cover with a scarf or cap. This folk remedy combines two effective components - kefir - to nourish the roots, and garlic - to enhance metabolism in the hair follicles and stimulate growth. (Homemade mask from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2001, No. 21, p. 18)

How to treat hair loss with folk remedies at home.

A few more effective home remedies from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” and reviews of treatment with these remedies

How to treat hair loss at home - a mask made from rye bread.

After the illness, the woman began to experience severe thinning and loss of hair in large quantities; she was afraid of going completely bald. She was offered a folk remedy: soak 1/4 loaf of Borodino bread in water for 6-8 hours, mash the soaked bread, add 1 grated onion, mix, rub your head with this mixture. Cover with cellophane and tie with a warm scarf. After 3-4 hours, wash off. The woman made 10 of these daily masks with bread. My hair stopped falling out and became even thicker than before the illness. (Mask recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2002, No. 19, p. 17)

Silicon water helped cure alopecia.

After surgery and treatment, the woman began to experience severe hair loss. She drank water infused with silicon and rubbed aloe juice into the roots of her hair an hour before washing. Procedures with silicon and aloe helped a lot; the woman’s hair was completely restored to its original thickness. (review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2010, No. 2, p. 4)

Evaporated urine for hair - reviews

Numerous reviews from readers of the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” prove the effectiveness of treating hair loss at home with urine. Here are three cases of successful treatment of male pattern baldness using urine. Moreover, in all three cases, evaporated urine was used.

  1. An 18-year-old man had seborrhea, complicated by a yeast fungus, and the process of baldness was rapidly progressing. Evaporated urine helped me recover: collect urine the day before, add a handful of nettles, boil until 1/4 of the volume remains. Every day, rub it in at night, then apply polyethylene and a woolen cap. Keep for 1 hour. After a month and a half, the man’s head became clear, and the man’s hair loss stopped.
  2. For another man, rubbing evaporated urine into his bald spot helped him grow new ones. normal hair. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 19, p. 27)
  3. Another case of treating baldness with urine: a man every day smeared his bald spot with evaporated urine and slept until the morning in a scarf, and washed his hair in the morning. After two weeks, the bald spot became itchy and covered with goose bumps, and after three months the man grew normal hair. Urine therapy lasted 3 months, after which the hairstyle remained good view 10 years, then baldness began again. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 20, p. 24)

Hair treatment with homemade masks and folk remedies - reviews.

Simple home remedies can help strengthen your hair and make it thicker.

The woman’s hair began to rapidly thin and bald spots began to form. The woman decided to use folk remedies to treat her hair. Instead of water for washing my hair, I used only herbal decoctions (chamomile, nettle, burdock). Salt once every 10 days, onion juice once a week. I used egg yolk instead of soap and shampoo. After washing with yolk, I rinsed it with water and vinegar. Twice a week the woman made a mask: 1 tsp. aloe juice, 1 tsp. onion juice, 1 tsp. golden mustache juice, 1 tsp. castor oil, 1 yolk - mix everything and rub into the skin, keep under plastic and a scarf for 2 hours, then rinse with a decoction of herbs. After six months, her hair began to shine, came to life, and her bald spots were covered. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009 No. 13, art. 31)

Mayonnaise mask against hair loss at home.

If your hair is falling out and also has increased oil content, this mask will help: 2 tsp. Apply mayonnaise to unwashed hair, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then wash with shampoo. Repeat the mask with mayonnaise every time you wash your hair, you will see the result in 2 weeks. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 19, p. 32)

Hair treatment with mayonnaise.

When the woman was in the hospital, her roommate was a gypsy. And she discovered the secret of gypsies’ beautiful and thick hair. It turns out that they have been using mayonnaise since childhood. Once a week they do the following procedure: they smear their head with Provencal mayonnaise, put on a bag, then a warm scarf or cap. After an hour, wash off the mayonnaise with warm water and wash with tar soap. Then rinse with nettle decoction or water with lemon juice. Mayonnaise nourishes and strengthens hair follicles well. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2015, No. 14, p. 29)

A simple recipe for treating hair with ash.

Burn the sunflower stems and sift the ash through a sieve. 1 tsp. Dilute the ash in 3 liters of water and rinse your hair with this solution after washing. A woman does this 2-3 times a week. The result is excellent. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 6, p. 39)


If you are bald, drinking carrot juice is beneficial. It is also useful to rub carrot juice into the scalp; the effect of this remedy will increase if you add burdock oil, sour cream or yolk to the carrot juice. Course - 2-3 times a week, a total of 10-15 procedures

Folk remedies for the treatment of hair loss in children.

How to treat hair loss in a child with onions at home.

At the age of three, the child’s hair began to fall out significantly; the hospital did not offer any procedures or medications. A folk remedy with onions helped: you need to completely shave your head and apply a paste of 5-6 grated onions to the skin. On top there is polyethylene and a scarf. Do this at night, shave your head every day and apply this onion mask until dark roots appear. Such onion masks They did this to the child for a month, now he is 36 years old, his hair is thick and beautiful. (Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006 No. 16, p. 31)

Grandma's onion recipe for child hair growth.

If suddenly a child has bald spots, then the following folk remedy will help in treatment: squeeze the juice out of grated onion, moisten a cotton swab with this juice and gently wipe the affected areas. Procedures with onions need to be done for a long time, but the result will definitely be. First, fluff will appear, and then thin hairs, which will become thick over time. After rubbing in the onion juice, it is advisable to tie your head with a scarf. Do not wash off the onion juice for 3 hours, or better until the morning. This product should be used to treat hair in children 2 times a week. (Home recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2001 No. 19, p. 20)

How to cure hair loss in a child using fish oil at home.

Girls at the age of 12 began to go bald very quickly. Her mother took her to different clinics to to different doctors dermatologists, but they just shrugged their shoulders and could not give any advice. This continued until they had an appointment with an elderly doctor, who advised treating the child with fish oil and diphenhydramine. The girl drank 1 tbsp. l. fish oil 3 times a day before meals, and diphenhydramine - 0.5 tablets 1 time a day in the morning. She was treated until 250 ml of fish oil ran out. Now the woman is already 40 years old and her hair is beautiful and thick. (Folk method of treating hair in a child from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2013, No. 7, p. 8)


I would like to express my gratitude to my trichologist Alexander Viktorovich Vokhmyanin for saving (without exaggeration!) my hair! After undergoing surgery under general anesthesia, a month later my hair began to fall out. a huge number. I found them everywhere: on my hairbrush, on my pillow, on my clothes, and even in my car. I had an appointment with Alexander Viktorovich, he immediately reassured me that this “side effect” from anesthesia is very common and can be dealt with. We started a course of mesotherapy and I noticed the result after the 3rd procedure, the severe hair loss stopped! And after a course of 9 procedures, I already had a full fluff of new hair all over my head. Once again I want to say thank you to the doctor for telling me everything as it is, without “divorces” and prescribing a treatment that actually works.

About six months ago, I noticed that when I wash my hair, I have hair on my arms. They began to fall out and fit poorly. Without thinking twice, I began to monitor Moscow clinics involved in hair treatment. I turned to the most authoritative specialist in their team - trichologist Fedor Tonkikh, who prescribed me pharmacopuncture. Although this sounds like “injections in the head,” in reality it is a harmless procedure, even pleasant. Now my hair behaves much better: it does not fall out, it has become thicker and fits better. Thank you RTH!


The problem of hair loss has been bothering me for a long time. I decided to take this issue seriously. I read a lot of information on the Internet. I chose the RTX clinic. I was convinced by the approach to the issue, the diagnosis, with a detailed explanation, confirmation and clarification, the treatment is a course of treatment, not lifelong, the drugs prescribed are accessible and understandable, without addiction or withdrawal symptoms. The methods of injection procedures are not kept secret like others, the practice is large, they have been dealing with the problem of hair loss for 20 years, there are many specialists. They don't promise miracles, i.e. the forecasts are real. Hair thinning was stopped with mesotherapy. Thank you!!!


I would like to thank both the hair transplant department, personally the surgeon Vladimir Orlovsky, who had a hair transplant on his receding hairline a year ago, and the trichology department of the RTH clinic. I went to the clinic’s trichology department on the advice of surgeon Vladimir Leonidovich. Working under stress, constant tension in the head. The trichologist suggested injecting vitamins to relieve spasm from the scalp and improve blood circulation in the hair follicles. This procedure is against diffuse hair loss. The hair becomes denser, but most importantly, I like the procedure itself, it relaxes the nervous system. I drop by on Friday evenings. I came out of the procedure with pleasant ease and the job was done, injections as a preventive measure for hair loss. 100% my procedure.


I express my gratitude to Semyonova Yana. After childbirth during breastfeeding, the hair just fell out in clumps. They were everywhere - on the comb, on the pillow while washing my hair. I started being treated by Yana Vladimirovna, a very attentive doctor! By following all her instructions, we were able to stop severe hair loss and I can already see new hair growing! At the same time, no expensive or complex drugs. Everything is simple and clear and can be found in any pharmacy.


Recently I encountered a problem such as hair loss. I was looking for a good specialist for a very long time, since the issue was really serious, my hair was falling out in huge quantities. I watched a program with the participation of Dr. Tonkikh F.G., who works at the RTH Clinic. I heard about the clinic and decided to go for a consultation. I didn’t regret for a second that I turned to this doctor. Fyodor Grigorievich suggested and checked from the tests that the cause of the loss was a hormonal imbalance, selected herbal-based medications (bought at the pharmacy), and suggested checking again in a month. It's only been a month, but the results are already noticeable. Not only did my hair stop falling out, but new hair began to grow, so I recommend this trichologist to everyone!!!


I had a consultation with trichologist Olga Eremeeva. After 12 years of dyeing it blonde, my hair became very dry and was falling out. I began to notice that when I put my hair in a ponytail, the parting was too wide. I completed a course of mesotherapy and took medications as recommended by the doctor. Within a month I saw the growth of vellus hair. The hair has become denser. I want to say thank you to Olga Nikolaevna. A very pleasant and attentive doctor. Every word she said was to the point, she didn’t impose anything in particular, but she helped solve the problem.


Not long ago I took a second course of mesotherapy at the Real Trans Hair clinic. Before this, I saw on a friend that there was an effect, since she went here and had this procedure done. The first time I simply tried to inject the recommended set of vitamins. I wasn’t sure I could tolerate 100 injections into my scalp. Although a friend convinced me that it was like needles for lower back pain, it was very effective not only due to drugs, but also due to acupuncture. The blood supply to the hair follicles is stimulated, and the scalp spasm that disrupts blood circulation goes away. And you know, I liked the result. Dormant hair follicles began to grow after a course of mesatherapy. I started to like the procedure itself. By relieving the spasm of my scalp, my nervous system seems to relax. Thanks to trichologist Elena Mikhailovna Bakulina!

Olga Mikhailovna

I am 46 years old. Last years I began to notice hair on my clothes, comb, and in the car. Hair has fallen out before, but not in such quantities. Moreover, my relatives began to say that my hair was thinning and my skin was becoming translucent. This is what became the last straw, I decided to consult a specialist. I went to the RTX clinic. A lot has been written, so I'll keep it short. I liked almost everything. A long, informative consultation in an accessible language with a reasoned diagnosis, an individually selected course of treatment, all drugs are natural, herbal based. I would especially like to note that the composition of cocktails for mesotherapy is not hidden (I called when choosing a clinic in other places, they answered that the cocktails were original, they were kept secret, I was alarmed). The treatment helps, going to the clinic is pleasant. It’s convenient that you can go to any of 5 specialists. I carved out a minute for myself and dropped in for the procedure. Thank you!!!


I recently completed a course of hair treatment - pharmacopuncture at the RTX clinic and was very pleased with the result. For a long time I did not dare to undergo serious procedures; I had doubts. Hair loss began 5 years ago after the birth of my first child. I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought that everything would recover on its own. But when the situation only worsened after the birth of my second child, I panicked. Purchased medicated shampoos and masks didn’t help me. I decided to go to a specialized hair treatment clinic. I've heard about RTX for a long time. I thought, they have been treating hair for a long time, and they will probably sort out my problem. I was cured by trichologist Fedor Grigorievich Tonkikh. Based on the results of the examination and tests, I selected a course of pharmacopuncture. The cocktails were pierced 10 times with an interval of 2 weeks. The loss is noticeably less, small hairs of different lengths are visible. We took a break and watched. Thank you, Fedor Grigorievich!


I’m the kind of person that the beauty of my hair is very important to me, and if it comes out in bunches, then for me it’s a DISASTER! My hairdresser recommended where to make an appointment: “go to Real Trans Hair, they not only transplant hair, but also treat hair.” I started treatment with lotion, then my trichologist Yana Semenova added mesotherapy (by the way, it’s not painful, but even a pleasant procedure!). There is an effect! The hair has become more vibrant, denser, and when washed, there is much less time on the comb. I continue treatment. I go to the clinic with ease, the atmosphere is pleasant, it’s located in the center, I stop by on the way home from work. There are always a lot of people, but you don’t have to wait, everything is clearly organized. I am already friends with trichologist Yana.


I really liked the consultation and treatment with trichologist Lola Sabirova. I have been struggling with hair loss for a long time. I didn’t think that lost hair leaves a dormant bulb in the scalp, which can be awakened with special preparations. Lola was very good at helping me understand the causes of this problem and putting me on the path to treatment. I went on a diet. I took a course of vitamins. Not only my hair, but also my nails have become better. Now I go to the author’s pharmacopuncture once every two weeks. We are trying to wake up more sleeping bulbs and push out more hairs to grow. I imagine this process as seeds in a nutrient medium. Lots of growing hairs appeared. Small hairs along the front line really decorate me. And it’s nice to understand what the doctor explained to me about the process of hair growth.
Thank you!!!


A friend sent me to the RTH clinic after hearing my stories about searching for a shampoo for hair loss. I didn’t even know about the existence of hair treatment specialists – trichologists. It turned out that my hair, like my father’s, is excellent, but it falls out due to a large number of business trips, flights, changing water, nutrition, and stress. I went to Dr. Fedor for a course of mesotherapy. Cured active hair loss. Now we just support the result. Whenever possible (not too systematically) I go for injections into the scalp and mesotherapy. We continue to inject vitamin cocktails. Thank you, Fedor!!!


I came to the RTH clinic with a problem of hair loss, knowing that they have been treating hair since 2000. During the consultation, I realized that it is important not only to get to the bottom of the causes of hair loss, but also to choose the treatment that suits you personally. I would like to thank Fyodor Tonkikh. On his advice, I was examined at my clinic and took hormone tests. Completed the course drug therapy. We stopped the fallout. I feel like the hair itself has become denser. I am pleased with the many small hairs. They are clearly visible along the front line of the forehead. I am very grateful to Fedor Tonkikh!


I was consulted by trichologist Tonkikh Fedor Grigorievich. I carried out a test, showed the whole situation in the mirrors, and with some kind of super magnifying camera showed the scalp and the hair itself. Reassured. Prescribed treatment. He said: “The main thing is not how much hair falls out, but how much new hair grows.” Well, after about a month I stopped having such hellish hair loss. And after a year and a half, my undercoat was already parted)) I continue the treatment. Satisfied and very grateful!


I have been undergoing treatment with a trichologist at the rth clinic for the 3rd month. Hair began to fall out much less, it seems that it has become shinier and denser. Before prescribing the course, they first did all the tests, and did not prescribe medications at random. I took tests at the clinic at my place of residence, free of charge, and came for another appointment, also free of charge. Well, the result is obvious, there was a noticeable improvement after 2 months of therapy, at first the hair loss decreased, then the doctor (Tonkikh F.G.) noticed the growth of new hair in the partings, which is good news) I thought nothing would help, I was very worried, just I felt bad when I was combing my hair. And here is new hair!

There are many hair loss treatments available. Before you choose suitable option, it is recommended to find out the causes of this disease.

Hair loss can be caused various factors: stress, infectious diseases or abuse of cosmetics.

Hair loss can be caused by both environmental factors and factors related to problems in your body.

If the cause is not a serious illness, then numerous folk recipes will help. Before treatment, it is better to consult a doctor.

The problem of baldness is that the water-fat balance and microcirculation in the skin are disrupted, which contributes to the deterioration of the growth and nutrition of hair follicles.

Hair loss problem: head itches and strands fall out

Hair loss is considered natural and common occurrence. Hair falls out and grows back many times. It is worth considering that the degree of loss varies for each age. It is considered normal if about 50 hairs fall out per day, and after the age of forty given number doubles.

In the deep layer of the skin there is a follicle, the condition of which determines the health of the hair. Disturbances in it cause changes in growth. At the same time, the strands become sparse.

Causes of baldness

Before undergoing hair treatment, it is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor to rule out serious diseases. A similar illness can be caused by diseases such as gastritis, dysbiosis and thyroid pathology.

Baldness occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  1. Constant stress, mental stress and fatigue.
  2. During pregnancy and lactation there is a loss of a significant amount minerals and changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Some diets have a negative effect on the body, since the diet lacks many beneficial microelements.
  4. Iron deficiency causes anemia, dizziness and drowsiness.
  5. Frequent use of devices that overheat strands.
  6. Use of medications.
  7. Presence of diseases and weakened immunity.
  8. Poor nutrition and environmental influences.
  9. Poor blood supply to the skin. This phenomenon cause problems with cardiovascular system and abuse of alcoholic beverages and coffee.

Hair also falls out due to heredity and when the functioning of the hormonal system is disrupted.

Hair loss in women is often associated with mechanical injuries when combing and tying a tight ponytail.

Problem after childbirth

More than half of young mothers face the problem of hair loss. This happens after 3-4 months after childbirth. Baldness occurs due to hormonal changes in the body, overwork and lack of vitamins.

There are a number of other reasons for this problem:

  • lack of microelements causes not only thinning hair, but also problems with skin and nails;
  • after childbirth, iron loss occurs in the body;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • the effect of anesthesia on the body.

Many problems can be resolved using rational nutrition and good rest.

What vitamins are missing?

Many nutrients influence the health of your hair. By the nature of the damage to the strands, you can determine what substances are missing.

Before treating your hair with vitamins, it is recommended to know the effects of each substance.

  1. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on root system and improve metabolism.
  2. Vitamin A affects the formation of healthy hair follicles.
  3. Biotin is a restorative vitamin. It helps against crumbling and brittle strands.
  4. Folic acid is effective for split ends.
  5. Ascorbic acid improves blood circulation.

The health of your hair depends on the state of your immune system, so first of all you should take vitamin complexes that strengthen your immune system.

Symptoms of baldness: severe hair loss

Baldness is manifested by thinning hair. In this case, it is worth seeking advice from a specialist.

In women, the following symptoms of alopecia are distinguished:

  1. The strands thin out at the top of the head.
  2. The curls in the front remain.
  3. There is no itching.
  4. Complete baldness does not happen.

What to do if your hair falls out in places, strands and bunches

To slow down baldness, quality hair loss treatment is required. In case of severe alopecia, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe tests and the necessary medications.

Women are often prescribed the drug Minoxidil, which is applied to the scalp. This medicine helps stop or slow down hair loss.

The drug Spironolactin is also prescribed, which helps women with excessive amounts of male hormones. This medicine should not be used by pregnant women or patients with kidney failure.

Dimexide is indicated for baldness. The drug has an anesthetic and antifungal effect. It is recommended to mix the mixture before application.

Castor oil has a beneficial effect on curls. It is made from the seeds of the common castor bean. Medicinal mixture used as part of masks or in pure form.

Folk remedies: treatment of hair loss

All remedies for the treatment of baldness are divided into folk and medicinal. Treatment at home is carried out using both external and internal drugs. First of all, you need to take special vitamin complexes for curls.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should choose medications that are recommended by the doctor and that are safe for children. The diet should be supplemented with foods rich in iron and iodine.

  • When washing your hair, you should not use hot water above 40 degrees;
  • It is better to avoid dyeing your hair, using styling devices, and using a hair dryer;
  • it is necessary to make nourishing and strengthening masks and special balms;
  • massage of the scalp improves blood supply and nutrition of the hair follicles;
  • It is recommended to shorten the strands, since shorter hair receives more nutrients

The most important condition for healthy hair is strengthening the whole body. Physical exercise, hardening, reception vitamin complexes and rest help strengthen a weak body, which affects the growth of healthy and shiny curls.

The following recipes will help you treat your hair at home:

  • A mixture is prepared from the yolk and a spoon of vodka, which is rubbed into the scalp. The composition is washed off after 35-55 minutes.
  • To strengthen the strands, a mixture of burdock or castor oil and vodka is used.
  • Nettle stops hair loss. In this case, young, not yet flowering plants are used. Nettle decoction is used for rinsing after washing your hair.
  • Calendula tincture helps with skin irritation and loss of hair. The infusion is prepared from one part alcohol and 10 parts herbs. For external use, dilute a spoonful of infusion in half a glass of water.
  • Castor oil has a beneficial effect on the scalp. It is useful to rub it into the hair roots. In addition to castor oil, avocado and jojoba oil are used.
  • A paste is made from two cloves of garlic and a few drops of vegetable oil.
  • You can prepare a useful ointment from butter and boiled and crushed burdock roots.
  • It is useful to wash your hair with serum.
  • A mixture of lemon and carrot juice helps to strengthen curls well.

Homemade shampoo against hair loss

If rapid hair loss occurs, then you should consult a specialist. He will help determine the causes of baldness and prescribe an effective shampoo.

A good shampoo that contains moisturizing and biologically active ingredients will help cure your hair. It should also contain nutrients and extracts of medicinal plants.

You cannot purchase drugs that contain laureth and lauryl, which have a negative effect on hair follicles.

An effective product should moisturize and nourish curls, and not clog pores.

If the product is suitable, then the need to wash your hair occurs no more than 1-2 times a week. When the shampoo is not suitable, the head becomes oily on the second day after washing.

TO effective shampoos It’s worth taking products from Aleran, Vichy or Fitoval.

A complex of three products, System 4, which contains herbal extracts: nettle, mint, burdock and castor oil, is characterized by effectiveness. Rinfoltil shampoo activates hair growth.

You can make your own healing shampoo. An egg can be used as a basis, herbal infusion or milk.

The following shampoos are prepared independently:

  • To create egg shampoo, take the yolk and a teaspoon each of olive and castor oil.
  • Fermented milk products form a special film on the strands that protects the hair. Prepare a detergent from a glass of kefir and a spoon of vinegar.
  • Starch shampoo is used to strengthen hair roots. In this case, dry starch is poured onto the hair and watered. Then the mixture is rubbed in with massaging movements.
  • Mustard shampoo is known for its warming and stimulating effect and makes strands stronger. For this 1 spoon mustard powder diluted with 2 liters of warm water.

After washing with homemade shampoo, the curls are rinsed with a special solution. To prepare it, one hundred grams of dry chamomile and calendula plants are poured with half a liter of hot water, covered with a towel and infused for several hours. Then aloe juice is added to the infusion.

Baldness treatment is performed in a complex manner. Various vitamin preparations, hair care products are used and a balanced diet is maintained.

Not only taking vitamins and special care products, but also a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition will help bring your hair back to life.

A healthy lifestyle, physical exercise and hardening improve immunity and promote healthy hair.
