Are there any allergies to British cats? Are there allergies to British cats? Acquired cat allergy


Allergies are a fairly common phenomenon. To which, according to some estimates, every fourth person in the world is susceptible to varying degrees. Some people just don't notice it. Without attaching much importance to the fact that in the presence of a cat their nose begins to itch a little; but others are simply going to die when they encounter an animal, and this is a real tragedy. And about 15% of all people are more or less seriously allergic to cats. The culprit of the allergy is the so-called Felis domesticus allergen 1 or Pel d 1. It is found in the cat’s saliva and on its skin and is characterized by strong allergenic properties, and is one tenth of the particle in size. Forming house dust. It is common knowledge that cats spend a lot of time licking. At the same time, they leave a large amount of allergenic saliva on their cover, and then the saliva spreads everywhere. In addition, when cats lick, they scatter entire clouds of tiny droplets of saliva into the surrounding air. They are literally allergy sprayers! Contrary to popular belief, cat fur itself is not the source of allergies! Even if you cut your cat's hair or have a hairless animal in your house. For example, the sphinx. This will not solve the problem. The trouble is that the Pel d 1 allergen is also found on the animal’s skin and is only transferred from the skin to its fur. In addition to it, cats emit allergens coming from their urine and skin. They are very light, they constantly float in the air, and easily stick to porous surfaces: carpet, upholstery. Draperies. Bed linen, walls and ceiling. Allergenic properties of wool, dandruff. Saliva and urine of animals do not depend on breed or coat length. Many people have a question: why does a person react to one animal, but completely tolerate the presence of another of the same species? Here again the example of cat allergen is suitable. As stated above. This is not one allergen, but a mixture of several allergens. In addition, this mixture contains certain major allergens, to which most people with cat allergies react, and so-called minor allergen fractions, to which most people are sensitive. different people may be different. Males produce significantly more allergens than cats. The Pel d 1 allergen can remain in the house for several months afterward. How the animal was removed from there. Even if the animal that caused the allergy is removed from the home, allergy attacks can still recur later due to the fact that the allergens are still contained in furniture parts, bedspreads, curtains, carpets, etc. The only adequate measure in this case is to carry out thorough repeated cleanings! At the same time, in publications on this topic it was possible to find a seemingly completely opposite conclusion that, according to recent research, a cat or a dog. Living in a family with a child prevents children from developing asthma in the future. According to US studies published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, children who early age contact with domestic animals, they rarely develop asthma in the future. They also rarely have allergies to animals, house dust and plant pollen. It is beneficial for young children to have contact not only with dogs and cats, but also with farm animals.

Cats can help you cope with cat allergies

Spanish scientists have proposed effective method combating cat allergies. Treatment by taking increasing doses of cat dander extract under the tongue appears to reduce adverse immune reactions, the researchers found. Doctors usually recommend that people who are allergic to cat hair get rid of their pets. However, specialists at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid believe that with treatment using the new method, this measure will no longer be necessary. The experiment, conducted by scientists led by Emilio Alvarez-Cuesta, involved 50 teenagers who were allergic to cats. All participants received sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) - daily administration of drops under the tongue containing increasing doses of a cat allergen (dander) or a placebo. It was assumed that the introduction of a gradually increasing dose of the allergen would lead to the patient’s immune system becoming “accustomed” to the allergen and gradually fading allergic reactions. Currently, a similar method - specific desensitization - is used in medicine to treat allergies to dust and pollen. After completing the year-long course of treatment, participants had to spend an hour and a half in the room where the cat lived. It was found that 62% of patients treated with SLIT had a significant reduction in allergy symptoms compared to baseline. In addition, their breathing rates improved and their skin reaction to cat dander extract decreased. Side effects no treatment was recorded, which may indicate safety new technique, the scientists reported. According to Dr. Savchenko, it is impossible to reduce allergies to animal fur through constant contact with cats. Thus, the allergic reaction to cat fur will progress and the person’s condition will worsen. It is necessary to exclude any contact with animals for a long period of time, including not having any other animals (birds, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc.) and try not to visit places where pets are kept. For certain indications, it is possible to carry out allergy vaccination with cat hair allergen in a specialized allergological institution.

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The following breeds are most tolerant of small children and other pets: British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, Abyssinian, Burmese, Burmese, exotic shorthair, Norwegian Forest, Sphynx, Turkish Van.

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List of recommended literature:
-Gerber Berbel. Cats: Breeds. Habits. Care. Breeding. - Mn.: Inter-Digest, 1994
- Krylova N. Domestic cats. -Donetsk: Stanker, 1999
-Makhetti Geis. Cats from "A" to "Z". Encyclopedia. - M.: Vagrius, 1996
- Penge Susie. Encyclopedia of Pets. Cats. - M.: White City, 1998.
- Pintera A. Cats, cats, kittens. - M.: Ecocenter-VNIRO, 1993.
- Taylor David. All about the cat. - London: 1989.
- Shustrova I.V. Toolkit for experts and felinologists on drawing up standards and describing cat breeds. - M.: MFC "Felis". 1998.
- Shustrova I.V. Cats: genetics and breeding. - M.: Mir, 1997
- Shustrova I.V., Ashatkin A.F., Vasiliev A.V. British and Scottish fold cats. - Moscow, 2001
- Folg Bruce Cat Behavior. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 1999.
- Nepomnyashchy N. Cats. - M.: Kolos, 1994
- Readards Dorothy Silkstone Your cat. - M.: Mir, 1994
- Hammand Sean and Yusri Caroline How to raise a mentally and physically healthy cat. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 1999
- Nepomnyashchiy N. The cat is in your house. - M.: Profizdat, 1990
- Savenkova V.A. Breeding cats. - M.:AST, 2002
- Savenkova V.A. British shorthair cat. - M.:AST, 2002

What could be more beautiful than a fluffy ball that will lie next to you and purr sweetly? This is a real blessing for cat lovers. But people prone to allergies will have to refuse this. Allergy to british cats, is this a myth or reality? And what role does the cat’s breed play in the development of the disease?

Breeders deception

Today people often prefer to have an animal with a pedigree and necessarily an elite breed. Demand creates supply. Unscrupulous breeders in nurseries began to invent legends about hypoallergenic cat breeds. The Scottish cat was named one of these breeds. And this is a lie. In fact, British cats cause allergies more often than others.

To the very known symptoms allergies include:

  1. Sneezing;
  2. Rhinitis;
  3. Nasal congestion;
  4. Sore throat,

Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways, but British cats can intensify these manifestations due to their fur, no matter how strange it may sound. The coat of British cats has a padded structure with a very thick undercoat. This is why this breed looks like chubby little balls. If you don’t know this, you can fall for the tricks of breeders who claim with absolute certainty that British cats are the safest in terms of allergies. A person who suffers from an allergic reaction or is prone to it can make a big mistake by choosing a British kitten as a pet.

We are taking action

A test to determine allergies to British cats will help identify the cause of the allergy or warn against future purchase of a kitten of this breed. Modern laboratories perform all types of tests for a possible allergen. In addition, it should be taken into account that the hair and saliva of a specific British cat may be needed. This is surprising, but allergies are caused by a specific individual. Even if we are talking about the same breed. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is better to take an allergy test with the whole family, especially if there are children in the family. Conclusions can be drawn based on the results of all examinations.

It happens that allergies do not develop immediately, but when they accumulate in the human body. maximum concentration cat protein, which causes allergies. In this case, it doesn’t even help strong immunity. Then you will need regular visits to the doctor and timely intake of antihistamines.

Safe breeds

Doctors and experienced, and most importantly, conscientious breeders are confident that safe breeds cats don't exist. Few people know very much useful information that allergies are caused not by wool, but by protein and dandruff. They get on the wool and accumulate on it. British cats have a dense coat and the risk of developing allergies is slightly greater than other breeds. Even if you get a Sphynx cat or regularly cut your pet’s hair. There is a chance of encountering an allergic reaction because the cat licks itself, then lies down on the bed and protein particles remain on it.

There are effective measures that will prevent a possible allergic reaction or prevent an existing disease from manifesting itself:

  • Frequent hand washing;
  • Separate storage of personal belongings and bed linen;
  • A designated place for the cat to sleep;

Allergy to British cats is not a death sentence. You can always find a way out of this situation. A timely visit to the doctor and compliance with all recommendations will help keep allergies at bay. Otherwise, you can transfer the animal to kind hands your own relatives and come to visit your beloved cat. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to purchasing a pet and think through all the options for force majeure situations in advance.


In my opinion, a very useful article, especially for those who have or are planning children.
Is an allergy to pets a death sentence?

We present to your attention the candidate's article medical sciences Tatyana Tikhomirova, who will not only expand, but also change your ideas about allergies to pets.

"Pet/bird allergies can manifest in a variety of ways: itchy and red skin, watery eyes, nasal congestion and sneezing, difficulty breathing, coughing and even headaches. What to do if you are incompatible with your favorite animal? Any GP will guide you straight away for a consultation with an allergist.

But I want to warn you that as soon as you see an allergist, in 100% of cases you will hear the unequivocal and categorical: “Get rid of the animal”! All! No allergist in his right mind and memory would ever take on the responsibility of suggesting anything different, especially when it comes to allergies in children. Any allergy sufferer you know with a pet will confirm this.

In 99% of cases, the allergist will not offer specific hyposensitization, a method of accustoming the body to an allergen, which currently works more or less consistently only in the case of allergies to plants (usually pollen), and not at all to animals.

But with all this, if you have an allergy to an animal for the first time or its manifestations have changed, you should go to the doctor. It is possible that the allergy will not be an allergy, but something else. There are a lot of diseases with symptoms similar to allergies. Moreover, it is possible that the diagnosis will be confirmed, but the cause will not be an animal, but your new washing powder. And that would be great news, right?

Then, the allergist will give you the indispensable advice-threat: refuse to keep the animal (naturally, do not throw it out into the street, but give it to good hands).

Soorry, no! In this matter, I represent three interested parties: an allergist-immunologist (candidate of medical sciences in allergology and immunology, if anyone is interested in rattles), an allergy sufferer (yes, severe, yes, with an allergy to animals) and an animal lover with no the tiniest experience of their maintenance

And here's what I'll tell you about this:


There is such a thing as spontaneous specific hyposensitization in an animal. But this is far from exotic, although, of course, it does not work in 100% of cases. The gist of it is this: when an animal first comes into your home, for the first few days the reaction is extremely strong. Conjunctivitis, rash, allergic rhinitis, some even have an exacerbation of asthma or its debut. But after 3-4 days, the allergy symptoms subside, and after 2-3 weeks they disappear almost completely.

And what with antihistamines (these are allergy medications) and without them! There are two simple mechanisms at work here.


It is especially effective in the case of rats and cats. Rats slightly and almost imperceptibly, and cats and especially kittens, when playing, sometimes very noticeably, cause wounds on the skin with their claws. This way, the allergen gets under the skin - the very particles that cause your allergy to the animal, and the subcutaneous injection of a natural, specific allergen is the essence of the specific hyposensitization method!

Moreover, unlike plant allergens, animal allergens are much more “individual” and less resistant to different types conservation, which is why the same treatment from a doctor in the form hypodermic injections from pure allergen gives a much lower success rate. And here are natural allergens, fresh, without any preservation, and specifically from your animal.

Another one is based on this mechanism possible way, though still exotic, for the treatment of allergies. The fact is that allergies most often develop according to the principle of “a slightly harmless substance - and not with food, but on the skin and mucous membranes.” I'm simplifying, greatly simplifying, please don't use this as a description of the pathogenesis of allergies, okay?

But the point is that when a pet appears, its allergens become not just a little, but quite a lot, and they get not only on the skin, even if you are not in the habit of licking your cat or dog. At a certain moment, a “click” occurs and the immune system understands that there seem to be too many of these particles and they enter the body in all ways, which means they are already showing signs of an allergen. And the allergic response fades away.

So, if you really got an animal and want to live with it, but you or your relatives are allergic to it, do not rush to part with it. I’m not talking about those who first got a “toy” for themselves or their child, then discovered that the puppy pees on the carpet and chews shoes, and the kitten tears up the furniture, and decided to get rid of the source of the problems under a plausible pretext.

I'm talking about those who really want to be with their animal. Do not hurry. Go to an allergist, if this is the first time, nod, then buy antihistamines and just wait 2-3 weeks - slightly, but not completely limiting contact with the animal. Unless, of course, the symptoms are dangerous, that is, there are no attacks of suffocation (asthma or allergic edema).

The allergy may, indeed may, greatly decrease or even disappear on its own. True, after returning home after a vacation or business trip, you may have to suffer a little again, but the secondary reaction will be calmer and quieter. You may completely lose your allergy to your cat, but still have a reaction to other people's cats. Sometimes, however, it decreases even on strangers, it happens in different ways. By the way, the second cat you get will give a much weaker reaction, and the third one, you will be surprised, will quite possibly appear in your house as if you had never been allergic to cats.

The only thing that darkens the idyll I described: even if you have dust and animal hair in clumps on all surfaces at home, and your allergies don’t even bother you, you still have to live with some restrictions. The main thing is the bed. The second is the face. If there was an allergy, and a strong one, it is better to never let the animal on bedding or on your clothes (I mean those that are in direct contact with the body, that is, the wrong side, not the front side of things and mainly intimate wardrobe).

Also, do not bury your face in the warm fluffy side of the animal and do not touch your face immediately after contact with it. However, there is no need to wash your hands a hundred times a day after each contact. Firstly, you will suffer, and, secondly, there is no point in this - you have exactly the same amount of allergens on your hands as on all the objects in the apartment with the animal. Therefore, just after washing your hands, touch your palm to something, for example, a door handle, and your efforts will be in vain.

It sounds paradoxical, but it is a fact: the more animals there are in the house, the less allergies children have and the calmer it is.

This observation is described within the framework of hygiene theory. The theory is relatively recent, somewhere in the mid-90s. This means that 99% of allergists in Russia either know nothing about it or know almost nothing.

I hope that I will not break anyone’s heart if I modestly remind you that we are taught from Russian textbooks, which are outdated on average by 5-10 years, or from translated textbooks (more rarely), which are outdated by the same minimum 3-5 years as a result of translation and editing?

In the best case scenario. Well, add to this the age of the doctor, that is, how long ago he listened to lectures. Well, add to this the almost universal ignorance of English, which is necessary to read articles on your topic in the original. Well, add to this the lack of urgent need for a doctor to constantly read strictly scientific articles that are loosely related to his direct practice. No, even a very, very, very good clinical allergist, most likely, has never heard of any such hygienic theory, alas. So I warned you.

However, facts are stubborn things. The incidence of allergies and autoimmune diseases(this is also the result of an immune system error, but different).

But for some reason they grow exclusively in developed countries. And for some reason it is much stronger in cities than in rural areas both in the same country and in the world. People have long been interested in this fact and are trying to unearth the patterns and causes of growth. There were a lot of ideas, for example, all kinds of chemistry in the air and especially in food.
This also matters, who can argue, but it does not fit with the fact that the poorest peasants, who work in the fields with terribly harmful fertilizers every day, and the urban poor, who consume a full range of chemical nasty things in their food, for some reason suffer from allergies much less often. And the richest “city dwellers,” even if they raise their children in country cottages in the freshest air and on the purest, most expensive products, that is, in excellent conditions, often get this allergy in their children. How did it happen?

The reason was found simultaneously in several countries, then checked and double-checked, retrospective (digging into history) and prospective (observing several years) studies were carried out, on small groups and on huge populations. The fact is that technological revolution overtook the natural one very strongly and sharply. We have long been able, without straining, to keep a child in almost sterile conditions, and the immune system is still confident that after birth he will be wrapped in a dirty flea-infested skin and placed on the ground infested with worms and worm eggs, which the child, as soon as he learns to crawl, will Will definitely put it in your mouth. And immediately he will eat earth, and worms, and fleas, and the remains of poop from an unimaginable number of various creatures, and then he will drink water in which not only fish have fucked. Well, in general, I think I painted a fairly clear picture?

After birth, the newborn’s immune system is, yes, weak, yes, immature, but it is ready to meet enemies. Lots and lots dangerous enemies, which must penetrate from everywhere, and especially through the skin and mucous membranes. But somehow there are no enemies, because the mother is usually good: she irons the diapers on both sides with an iron and disinfects everything the baby touches. And this is where the “failure” occurs. We need to find the enemy, he definitely exists, he cannot but exist!

And the immune system takes harmless and, by default, usually harmless substances as enemies: certain food components, as well as things that are impossible to get rid of even in a modern apartment - dust, house dust mites and their remains, microscopic various fungi, plant pollen, all sorts of tiny residues household chemicals, specks of fluff and feathers from pillows, and so on. Only considering that these particles actually do not harm anyone and somehow do not think of multiplying in the body, a modified response is triggered - not as an infection, but as an allergic one. Again, I have grossly simplified the description and there is no need to use it instead scientific article according to hygienic theory, okay? Otherwise one of the scientists will shoot me.

In general, the picture turns out like this: the higher the level of hygiene in the population, the higher the incidence of allergies and autoimmunity, the more severe the allergies. But we can’t put children in the dirt and feed them earth to improve their health, right? And here pets suddenly turned out to be a salvation. In families where there were pets in the first five years of life, the number of children with allergies was sharply reduced. And the more animals there were (or the larger they were in size), the less allergies there were!
Moreover, an animal in the house in the first year of a child’s life turned out to be the most effective “cure” for allergies in these children in the future, from the second to the fifth year of life - less effective, and after the fifth year of life it practically did not matter whether there was an animal in the family or not . The coincidence of statistics with the timing of “training” of the immune system prompted scientists to study this mechanism further.

In general, to put it simply, the presence of an animal in the house leads to the accumulation of its fur, particles of skin, saliva and even the remains of feces, excuse me, in the air and on all objects. All this grace goes to the baby, and his immune system has something to do! She trains herself in the correct mechanisms of response to infection and to harmless substances, hones the necessary reactions on incoming material, and does not look for enemies where there are none.

In fact, these observations note that helminthic infestation V early childhood also sharply reduces everything allergic manifestations then, because in fact the most main enemy allergy sufferers - IgE was historically formed as a way to fight worms. But worms are still not at all as harmless as fur and dog and cat drool, so let’s do without fanaticism.

In general, speaking seriously, do you want a child without allergies? Then keep a cat, five cats, a big slobbering furry dog ​​at home, and let them lick the baby’s hands, and let them scatter fur on his crib and clothes, especially in the first year of life. However, I warn you that for another 10-15 years, pediatricians and allergists will tell you that you are disgusting parents, that you should urgently remove the animal from the house, and so on. Well, if you can’t withstand the pressure of doctors who, naturally, want the best, then move your child out of town for at least the first three years. There, in any case, he will crack the earth, and the grass on which no one has crawled, and flies will also run over him, and the wind will bring into the window all the nasty things his immune system needs, which a clean person doesn’t even want to think about.”

Candidate of Medical Sciences Tatyana Tikhomirova.

The first thing every allergy sufferer should remember is that a hypoallergenic cat and a non-allergenic cat are two different cats. “Hypo” is (translated from Greek) “less than.” And it’s completely non-allergenic! Do you feel the difference? So, there are no non-allergenic cats. From the word absolutely!

There are rumors that cats are less allergenic than cats, and cats with dark fur are more allergenic than white cats. But these rumors are unconfirmed and each new study in this area refutes the previous one.

But here's a fact - hypoallergenic cats produce less Fel D1 protein, which causes diarrhea, than other representatives of the cat world.

So what are these magical breeds? Here are the TOP 10 hypoallergenic cat breeds.

10th place – Balinese cat

The athletic and fit American cat is considered a semi-longhaired variety of the Siamese cat. Balinese cats were nicknamed for their obvious similarity with dancers from the island of Bali - the same graceful gait and smooth lines. This hypoallergenic cat is very sociable and loved by discerning connoisseurs of feline beauty.

9th place – Oriental cat

Another American woman was included in the list of hypoallergenic cats. Initially, of course, Orientals appeared not in America, but in Thailand. But it was American breeders who spent time and effort to achieve official recognition of these slender girls by the world. A short-haired cat of the Oriental breed will most likely not cause allergies in the owner, but it will easily cause immeasurable love. In return, she will amaze you with her intelligence and very flexible character.

Read also:

8th place – Javanese

No, this is not an Armenian breed, as one might assume based on the name. Javanese are cats with hypoallergenic fur, originally from, you won’t believe it, America! Named after the island of Java, the Javan cat has a luxurious and shiny coat and boasts amazingly beautiful shades of this very coat. 6 recognized solid colors, smoky Javanese, tabby, shaded, tortoiseshell, torby, silver, party-color and party-color Siamese, colors with medallions - it is impossible to resist this beauty! Well, the ability to secrete Fel D1 in small portions only adds to its charm.

7th place – Siberian cat

This breed is traditional Russian and, like everything traditionally Russian, it is quite mysterious. By the way, in Tyumen there is a square of Siberian cats, where there are 12 cast-iron sculptures of phenomenal cats. Hypoallergenic cat breeds are usually distinguished by scanty fur or no fur at all, but it is Siberians who break stereotypes. They don’t get cold, don’t get wet, don’t get nervous and don’t cause allergies. This miracle cannot be explained, but 75% of those allergic to Siberians do not have a painful reaction!

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6th place – Lykoi

Lykoi. Only subtle aesthetes immediately see a handsome prince in this creature, but to most, cats of this breed resemble ugly, very ugly ducklings. But this is only at first glance. Having gotten to know the Lykoi better, many note the hidden charm of these demonic kittens. Few people know that no one brought out the faces on purpose. On the contrary, experts dreamed of a new hairless breed, but a kitten was born with bald patches all over its body and loudly announced itself to the world. By the way, anyone who calls the Lykoi a sphinx will be wrong - officially the Lykoi belongs to the domestic short-haired breeds.
“Werecats” do not have a luxurious fur coat, and even the one they do have is devoid of undercoat. Perhaps this is what gave rise to the myth that the breed is hypoallergenic.

5th place – Devon Rex

Ears are the wings of a butterfly, the soul is a huge ocean, wool... Not enough wool. But less wool means less Fel D1, this is logical. After all, such cats, which we see in photos in Devon Rex catalogs, have fur that neither theoretically nor practically scatters around the apartment, spreading the insidious squirrel to all possible corners. Reviews from Devon Rex owners are also the most enthusiastic: Devons are smart and good, and in general, they are not a hypoallergenic cat, but a hypoallergenic cat-dog, which, on occasion, can even bring slippers.

4th place – Cornish Rex

A true Englishman from Cornwall has distinctive features– excellent quality wool with curls and not at all prim character. Cornish cats are playful at any age. And yes, they are slightly allergenic. Hypoallergenic Cornish cats will be even more "less than" if they are bathed frequently and regularly. Then the secretions are washed away from the skin of the curl, which usually saturates the coat more fluffy cats. Thus, the provoking protein ends up in the drain hole, and not in your body.

3rd place – Peterbald

The graceful and elegant Petersburg cat is smart and non-confrontational. Apparently, the ancestors of the breed, Don Sphynx Afinogen Myth and the oriental cat Radma von Jaegerhof passed on to their descendants very intelligent genes and the ability to especially please their allergic owners with their presence. Although hairless, the cat purrs “like a real one” and allows itself to be loved in the same way. “Bald Peter” is no different in care from all other bald ones - bathing once a week (and in summer time and more often) will reduce the risk of allergies to nothing.

Read also:

2nd place – Don Sphynx

The modern descendant of the half-bald foundling Varvara (discovered in Rostov-on-Don in 1987) is healing headache And nervous disorders, helps with diseases musculoskeletal system, relieves muscle pain. And yes, hypoallergenic. Practically.

1st place – Canadian Sphynx

But in first place in terms of ability to coexist with the most delicate human immune system is. For some reason, these cats, according to statistics, turn out to be the most hypoallergenic. Scientists still cannot explain why, among all the bald people, it was the Canadian who overtook and Ukrainian Levkoy, and the bambino, and its Don brother. Among all the “hairless” breeds of the Canadian Sphynx, it is considered the most ancient.

Finally, some more statistics. It turns out that up to 15% of the world's inhabitants are allergic to cats. At the same time, a third of them keep cats at home. It's a hint!

According to statistics, every second home has a furry pet, and cats are the most common. If suddenly you, your child or people living with you suddenly become allergic to a cat, what should you do? Do you really have to give your pet away right away or are there other ways to solve the problem? How to determine that it is an allergy to cat fur and how to treat it?

Why do allergies to cats occur?

Before we talk about the reasons for its occurrence, we need to talk about what a cat allergy is. An allergy is a specific reaction of the body provoked by an allergen. In our case, the allergen is a cat.

Allergies to cat fur, urine, and saliva occur. Wool, in turn, is the most common reason, because a cat can spread it everywhere - it is carried by both the pet and the person himself. Fur in a cat owner's apartment is present in the cat's habitat, closets, clothes, walls, and even in food. Wool can fly through the air and end up everywhere.

But sometimes a person may be mistaken in blaming a cat for an allergic reaction, because it may not be caused by the cat, but by the dust or dirt that the cat brought into the house. That is why it is very important to know the cause as early as possible and contact a specialist for help in accurately diagnosing the cause of the disease and its treatment.

Causes of intolerance

Cats cause an allergic reaction for a number of reasons:

  1. Specific proteins that are secreted through saliva and urine;
  2. Dandruff, dead skin cells and proteins that make up the fur;
  3. Other allergens that a cat could bring home while walking outside or in the yard, such as pollen, dust, and others.

Some people also react to bad smell urine with which the fluffy wets his toilet.

But why does a person become intolerant to cats?

When an allergen enters the respiratory tract of an allergic person, and then into the blood, the immune system begins to perceive it as a pathological foreign element. In response, she begins to highlight great amount antibodies, which provoke signs of allergies.

There are some factors that increase the risk of an allergic reaction, these include:

  • Genetics, heredity;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Persistent infectious diseases;
  • Lack of hygiene, especially when interacting with animals;
  • Reduced immunity.

What are cat allergies?

A specific protein, which is an allergen, is secreted in cats in several ways:

  1. Wool;
  2. Dandruff;
  3. Urine;
  4. Saliva.

That is why it is very important to monitor the hygiene of household items that a kitten or cat uses, and it is also important to look at the cat’s digestion. Improper cat nutrition also increases the risk of allergies in humans.

How dangerous the disease is - possible complications

An allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as rash, rhinitis, lacrimation, but they are safe for human health, but at the same time there are a number of severe symptoms which may lead to severe consequences. For example, an allergy provokes swelling of the mucous membranes, especially the larynx, which is very dangerous, especially for young children; the consequence can be difficulty breathing, and as a result, lead to suffocation.

Also, untreated or prolonged form of allergies can lead to severe chronic illness– bronchial asthma. In this case, the child will always breathe heavily and will experience shortness of breath. Such a child due to constant inflammatory process there will be constant pain in the respiratory tract.

Secrets of cat cross-allergy

Some allergens are similar in structure, so a person with an allergic reaction to a certain allergen may also have a reaction to another similar one, which is called cross-allergy.

Features: A protein found in cats' fur or urine, called Fel d1, is very similar to pork proteins. Therefore, it is not uncommon for people with allergies to cat hair to also have allergies to pork products.

Thus, a person with an allergy to cats is more likely to have a reaction to pig meat, and vice versa. Another feature is that insect bites, such as ticks, fleas and others, carried by kittens, can also cause a severe reaction in an allergic person. Another similar protein in composition is shrimp, to which cross-allergy can also occur.

Manifestation of the disease

How does a cat allergy manifest? Allergies to cats manifest themselves in the same way as to other animals, for example, dogs, mice, namely - skin rashes, itching, severe watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing. Most often, during illness, they appear almost immediately after contact with the animal, even if it was short-lived.

What does the overall clinical picture look like?

After playing with the animal, and when severe allergies– while an allergic person is in a house where a cat lives, the patient immediately begins to show signs of an allergic reaction. Causes cat allergy symptoms in adults and children.

The first thing that appears is severe itching in the nose, and then very frequent sneezing appears, as if from spilled ground pepper. Afterwards, the nose becomes blocked, and it becomes difficult for the allergy sufferer to breathe through the nose. Often rhinitis does not go away within 24 hours, so the patient is forced to sleep with his nose open.

Then the patient developed: lacrimation, eyes begin to itch, and upon contact with fingers that contain allergens, the itching becomes even stronger. The next stage is a rash, most often in the form of red dots, which just as quickly begin to itch.

If you do not take any action - do not consult a doctor or do not take an antiallergic drug, then the mucous membrane of the larynx, under the influence of allergens, becomes inflamed, swells, and as a result, suffocation can occur.

How do symptoms of cat allergy manifest in adults?

The first signs that appear may be: runny nose, small rash, severe itching in the nose and skin, frequent sneezing, red and watery eyes. To more accurately understand the symptoms of an allergy to cats, let’s look at everything in order.

Allergic reaction of the body to foreign body, affects the following systems:

  1. Respiratory;
  2. Vestibular;
  3. Digestive;
  4. Skin.

Symptoms respiratory system is expressed most clearly, because allergens enter the body most often through it. Here itching in the nose, congestion, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and the most dangerous - suffocation or anaphylactic shock. Also a complication here is bronchial asthma.

As for the vestibular system, dizziness, loss of coordination, and sometimes loss of consciousness appear. Digestive system manifests itself in stomach upsets, pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting.

The skin, in turn, is subject to rashes - hives, dryness, severe itching. Afterwards, it begins to peel off, the rash worsens, blisters appear, which can later leave ulcers.

How are signs of pathology expressed in children?

Allergy symptoms in children are similar to those in adults. The first signs of an allergic reaction in children are:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Red eyes and tears;
  • Rash on skin, especially on the neck, chest, knees and elbows;
  • Itching in the nose, eyes and skin;
  • Swelling;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Superficial cough;
  • Drowsiness and moodiness.

When these signs appear, the first step is to provide first aid to the child, and then consult a doctor. It is necessary to ventilate the room, remove the animal from it, and, if previously agreed with the allergist, give the child a medication.

Important: It is forbidden to treat infants yourself so as not to cause complications. You can give medications to a newborn only if they have been prescribed by the attending physician.

If no action is taken, the child’s condition worsens. The following symptoms appear:

  • The skin rash may become more severe form, such as blisters or ulcers;
  • Choking or anaphylactic shock;
  • The immune system weakens, as a result, the body is susceptible to other infectious diseases;
  • Laryngeal edema and Quincke's edema;

And as a consequence of untreated or neglected allergies, bronchial asthma may appear, which has an extremely negative effect on the vital functions of the baby’s body.

How to check if you are allergic to cat fur or cat urine?

As a rule, it most often happens that an adult puts off visiting a doctor until the last minute and tries in every possible way to fight allergies on his own at home. But it’s better not to do this, so as not to harm yourself or the allergy sufferer. At home, you can only determine whether the allergic reaction is to the pet, or to another factor.

How to identify an allergen?

To accurately determine the allergen there are 2 ways:

  • Check at home;
  • Tests in hospital conditions.

In the first case, the test can be considered conditional; it does not give exact result. Mistakes often occur, and the result for the exact allergen may be false. In the second case, research and analysis are more accurate, the check is carried out by specialists, and they can be done without risk to health.

How to find out if there is an allergic reaction to a cat at home?

At home, the first thing you need to understand is whether there is an allergy to the cat or to other factors that the cat can bring with it, or whether allergens can come from the street by the wind or on the clothes of guests.

The idea is to limit contact with the animal. If all symptoms go away within 1-2 days, then this indicates an allergy to the cat, and if allergic signs are present or have manifested themselves, then the allergy occurs for other reasons, which are best identified by an allergist.

How to check what you are allergic to - diagnostics in the hospital

The most accurate diagnosis– determination of allergen in hospital conditions. The allergist will first collect anamnesis, conduct initial examination, and then appoint necessary tests and treatment.

Diagnostic methods include blood tests and skin tests. The first method allows you to identify antibodies - specific immunoglobulins that are released when allergens appear in the patient’s blood, indicating the manifestation of an allergy. Animal hair is often used for this.

When skin tests, then here the allergen is applied to the patient’s skin, and then the skin next to it is damaged with small punctures; in the case of a rash and itching, the reaction to the allergy is considered positive.

Is it possible to cure the disease?

People often ask the question of how to get rid of allergies to cats. They are used to treat allergies, both traditional and folk medicine. It is interesting that it is for treatment, and not for relieving symptoms, that they are more often used traditional medicine. Because it practically does not cause side effects.

Is it possible to get rid of cat allergies forever?

Scientists believe that you can get rid of it forever. More often children's body“outgrows” allergies, and no longer reacts to cats as an adult. As for adults, it is a little more complicated, and depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on the correct course of treatment and its compliance by the patient.

How to fight pathology with the help of drugs?

Drug treatment is aimed at blocking the body's response to the allergen. An allergic reaction appears under the influence of histamine, which means that to combat the symptoms of the disease you need to use antihistamines.

There are remedies that eliminate other allergy symptoms, for example, Cetrin or Zyrtec will help relieve itching and redness. Other drugs relieve vomiting and nausea, rhinitis, and redness of the eyes. For bronchospasms, antispasmodics and inhaled corticosteroids help well.

Scientists recently discovered the new kind a medicine that forms a protective film on the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, preventing allergens from entering the bloodstream, it will be able to overcome the onset of symptoms.

Such drugs only eliminate symptoms, but do not cure the disease completely.

Can allergies go away after allergen-specific immunotherapy?

This therapy appeared not so long ago; its method is that allergens are purified and then artificially injected under the skin to defeat the disease. This method carried out for six months, under the strict supervision of the doctor who is treating.

Thus, they act on the pathological element of the immune system, which reacts to one or more allergens. They are trying to “explain” to the body that it is not an allergen and is not dangerous.

With such therapy, usually, the patient does not develop symptoms of the disease for a long time, which means that it will go away for a long time.

Is the disease treated through alternative medicine?

Yes! There is an opinion that traditional medicine causes many side effects, therefore folk remedies are considered safer.

But how to cure a cat allergy? Decoctions and tinctures are used as treatment medicinal herbs, such as St. John's wort, string, celandine, chamomile, dandelion. Most effective herb They consider duckweed.

More in a radical way treatments are considered "addictive". This means that a person lives and has little contact with the animal so that the body gets used to the allergen and stops reacting to it. This method is often used for children.

Acquired cat allergy

An acquired allergy is one that arose at some point in life, at an older age, for some reason, or as a complication of a previous illness, or as a consequence of deteriorating immunity. Both a child and an adult can purchase it.

What should you do if you have an allergic reaction that hasn’t happened before?

In this case, the patient needs to seek help from a specialist for treatment, and also adhere to precautionary methods for the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Also, an allergist may suggest that you place your pet in good hands, but it all depends only on you and the severity of the disease.

Should I get rid of my pet?

Firstly, you first need to find out whether it is an allergic reaction to a cat, and then make a difficult decision.

The first scenario is that if the disease is in an adult, in this case he can decide for himself. Most often the symptom is easily relieved medicines, so it’s enough to have the right first aid kit at home. But it must be approved by a doctor. If an allergy sufferer suffers from a severe form of the disease, in which the symptoms manifest themselves clearly, with a strong deterioration in the body’s condition, then it is better to give the pet away. A good option is to give it to your family or friends, in this case, you can always be aware of the affairs of your beloved animal.

Another option is the birth of a child, and as a result, parents want to protect him from possible manifestations of the disease. Here you just need to adhere to the rules of living with an animal and preventive measures. There is also an option to give the cat away for a while until the baby gets stronger.

Interesting: Some scientists believe that having a pet where a child grows up, on the contrary, helps strengthen immune system and the baby’s overall health.

Is it possible to overcome the disease by adopting a kitten of a hypoallergenic breed?

There is a myth that some cat breeds do not cause allergies at all, but sad as it may sound, this is not true. But there are some cat breeds that are considered hypoallergenic, which means they are less likely to cause illness. But this does not mean that they do not cause it at all.

They are called hypoallergenic because they produce less allergic protein, which means there is a lower risk of disease. These are the cats that patients who really want a beloved pet are advised to get.

Myths about British cats

Another myth is the legend about British cats, which breeders call absolutely non-allergenic. But this is not true again! They say this in order to make money by selling kittens, especially new breeds that are gaining popularity. The British is precisely a popular new, and most importantly expensive and woolly breed.

In fact, due to the downed wool, dense undercoat, British breed, on the contrary, causes allergies even more strongly. British is completely unsuitable for allergy sufferers.

Conditionally hypoallergenic breeds

These breeds include:

  1. Devon Rex and other Rex - they also have little hair, so they are less allergenic;
  2. Siamese cats have a special coat, as well as behavior that is detached from humans, which is also not unimportant;
  3. The Abyssinian breed is an exotic breed that also has a specific coat.

But it is worth remembering that these breeds can still cause allergies, and you must follow the rules of living together in the same territory with them. When we buy a kitten, we must be responsible for our choice.

How to relieve symptoms when living with a cat?

Often people still cannot leave their pets in good hands. In this case, there are ways to make life easier with the allergen.

Important! If the allergy is not in an adult, but in a baby, then it is better to give the animal at least until the child’s immunity is strengthened, so as not to cause complications - suffocation, or consequences - bronchial asthma.

There are several rules for coexistence in the same territory with a cat:

  1. Hygiene - after contact with a cat, cat accessories and toys soaked in saliva, even for a short time, you need to wash your hands, preferably with hypoallergenic products. You also need to constantly ventilate your home and do wet cleaning. Clean your cat's litter box daily.
  2. Getting rid of interior items that are filled with dust and wool - Stuffed Toys, woven paintings, carpets and others.
  3. It is necessary not to allow the cat to climb into places where you often relax or work, for example, a bed, table, chair and others.
  4. Reduce contact with animals to a minimum. You should not allow him to scratch, bite or lick.

These methods will not completely protect you from an allergic reaction, but they will reduce the risk of one occurring.

Interesting: castrated cats and sterilized cats emit fewer allergens. Also, a kitten produces less of them than an adult cat.

As for prevention, here you need to adhere to the rules of living with a cat, if you have one in the house, and also follow preventive measures, which include:

  • Frequent cleaning, wet cleaning is especially important;
  • Strengthening the immune system - necessary healthy image life, sports, frequent walks in the air;
  • Modern ozonizers reduce the risk of allergies by purifying the air.

There is a condition for living with a cat; if the allergy does not go away or the allergy sufferer’s condition worsens, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Allergies to cats are common, so many products have been developed different methods how to live with her. There are cases when it is not necessary to get rid of an animal, because there are rules for living with it, and the sign of illness will go away on its own. The disease is especially dangerous for infants and severe allergy sufferers; they sometimes experience an attack of suffocation, but such cases are rare. More often than not, a person can take the medicine and move on with his life in peace.

There is also a group of conditionally hypoallergenic cat breeds that are less likely to cause allergies. In any case, you don’t need to get rid of the animals right away; you can simply treat the disease with early stages its appearance, and also try to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, following the rules of prevention.
