Nourishing facial products with soy milk. Hydrolyzed soy proteins and how they are good for your hair

Ecology of consumption. Health and beauty: Asian women have endometriosis and other hormone-related diseases women's problems are rare. This is explained by the fact that their diet is based on soy products containing high level analogues female hormones.

Endometriosis and other hormone-dependent female problems are rare in Asian women. This is explained by the fact that their diet is based on soy products containing high levels of analogues of female hormones. ABOUTsoy There is so much debate going on that I won’t refute anything; I personally don’t have enough arguments for this. I’ll just give some facts, and everyone will decide for themselves whether to consume soy. Personally, I have been using it for a long time, in different types and in large quantities, because I respect you very much Chinese medicine, and the Chinese claim (in particular) that the replacement milk protein soy reduces the likelihood of gallstones.

Today one of the stories is about cooking fermented milk products from soy milk.

The Japanese write that soy kefir is very healthy. They love soy milk (and products made from it) immensely and consume everything in huge quantities. And they hardly drink cow's milk. On forums about soy and health you can often find “I don’t like soy milk.” But in vain. A woman must love him for her own benefit.

Soy milk seasoned with kefir forms kefir, and seasoned with sour cream (2 tablespoons of sour cream per 1 liter of milk) forms fermented baked milk. Cooking at home is very simple.

First, the starter is prepared:

1 day:
1 tsp. dark unpolished rice "gemmai" is washed, placed in a cup with a volume of at least 300 ml, and 60 ml of soy milk is poured. Aged for a day at room temperature. The first portion of milk barely covers a spoonful of rice, it’s difficult, but you can see how it has frozen into “jelly” (the first portion takes longer, and then faster). If it’s hot, you may not be able to keep track; the sourdough can cook instantly and even separate. But even in this form it is suitable.

Day 2:
Another 60 ml of soy milk is added to the starter and left for 8-10 hours. Once the surface has hardened, the last 60 ml of milk is added and the mixture is kept for about 8 hours. The starter is ready. After preparation, you need to keep the starter in the refrigerator. Then add 2 tbsp to one liter of soy milk. spoons of sourdough, leave at room temperature. After a while, the kefir is ready (the time will depend on the ambient temperature).

This traditional recipe. And it turns out that you can ferment it not only with rice, but also with lemon, strawberries, raisins, pits from pickled plums, olives and honey, as well as mint leaves. I found a tip - to use a regular starter to make soy starter, which is used to make similar products from cow's milk. To do this, add a little ready-made cow’s milk starter to soy milk (a small amount), and put it in a warm place so that it sours.

Soy kefir, which hardly differs in appearance and taste from ordinary kefir, will be ready in just a few hours. If you replace kefir with sour cream, then using the same method you can get a product that resembles fermented baked milk in its qualities. By adding the acidophilus bacillus contained in kefir of the same name to soy milk, we get its complete analogue, etc.

It is soy kefir, curdled milk and fermented baked milk that are used to make tofu. The technology of this process is no different from that used in the production of ordinary cottage cheese. You can also cook tofu yourself. Honestly, I don't know how common tofu is in different countries. Where the Chinese live, you can most likely buy tofu in their supermarkets. Both cheap and high quality. If you want to make it yourself, you can easily find a description on the Internet. In short, cook it the same way as cottage cheese from cow's milk.

I also met some interesting Japanese folk remedies for hair growth.Today I will talk about the Japanese use soy for hair improvement.

In general, in Japan, the first place in hair care is kinako - this is flour made from roasted and ground soybeans. Kinako is simply a storehouse of isoflavones, indispensable for women after 35 years. Kinako contains twice the amount of isoflavones than other soy products. Thinning hair (and in men, bald spots on the crown of the head) is one of the signs of an excess of male hormones and a lack of female hormones in the body. Isoflavones from kinako soften the effect male hormones and enhance the effect of women's.

Kinako is rich in high quality protein, vitamins B1 and B2, and contains a lot of potassium, zinc and iron. Kinako with milk is popular among professional athletes. In cooking, it is often used for sprinkling sweets, but can also be the main component of dishes. Kinako has a taste similar to peanut butter. In Asian stores it is sold ready-made. Be sure to read the label, there is simply soy flour (from unroasted beans), and kinako (from roasted).

It's very easy to prepare at home: soya beans fry a little in a dry frying pan or in the oven (for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, then you need to lightly break the grains and separate the husks (you can blow with a hairdryer), and only then grind).

Detergent from kinako is especially effective during the approaching decline hormonal levels when hair may lose its appearance. Influencing hair with hormones from the outside, rather than from the inside, is a faster method that gives excellent results.

How to do it: dilute 2 teaspoons of kinako flour in a container with water, dip your hair in the container, gently rub the solution into the scalp, hair, and wash. Rinse with water until the kinako is washed out of your hair. Use 1-2 times a week instead of regular shampoo.

Effect: rapid strengthening hair, getting rid of dryness, itching and dandruff of the scalp.

Non-Japanese women who use this method say that their hair is left feeling unwashed. And add a little shampoo to the kinako infusion. I'm not Japanese and I can't wash my hair in a container. In order not to wash flour out of my hair for a long time, I pour it in advance. hot water Kinoko, I strain the infusion after a while (the grounds can be eaten, it is quite tasty, with a nutty smell), wash my hair with shampoo, and rinse it with Kinoko solution, adding a little conditioner to it. Not according to the rule described in the Japanese magazine, but it’s more convenient for me. But classic recipe, used by Japanese women, is still more correct.

To strengthen hair and enhance its growth To get rid of gray hair, drink a drink made from kinako and black sesame seeds (also related to phytohormones). In addition to the effect on the hair, this one is quite delicious drink has a magnificent healing effect on hormonal system, helps prevent osteoporosis, lose weight, and relieve constipation.

For cooking you need to take 180 ml (or less) of any milk, add 1-3 tsp. kinako and the same amount of ground black sesame (white peeled sesame is several times weaker). Use every day.

By the way, you should not overdo it with sesame seeds (if you like the drink), it is not recommended to take more than 4 tsp of sesame seeds. in a day. Kinako contains a lot of lecithin - the “vitamin of youth”, as the Japanese call it. It increases blood circulation in the scalp and, accordingly, enhances nutrition hairline, in connection with which you can hope to get rid of gray hair and hair loss. According to the experience collected by the magazine, after 2 weeks of use, hair loss completely stops, and young hair begins to grow.

But, still, you cannot say that hair loss will stop in 2 weeks. Most often, hair loss is a sign of digestive disorders, and it cannot be restored in 2 weeks by drinking milk with various additives (albeit useful ones).

The Japanese rely specifically on drinking this drink with Kinoko. in this case, it is better to put chopped, and in general it is recommended to add it to other dishes (without exceeding daily norm in 4 tsp). Allegedly, when eating black sesame, gray hair does not appear. But to restore hair after loss, sesame alone is not enough; you need a mixture with Kinoko. published

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  1. In the morning after waking up, 10-20 minutes before the main meal. This will allow you to abruptly end the catabolic processes that have developed overnight and begin the synthesis of restorative protein.
  2. Immediately after training - to close the amino acid window.
  3. 20-30 minutes before bedtime, to reduce the negative effects of nighttime sleep.

As you can see, its application profile is very limited. If you use it as the main source of protein, then the intake is based on the classic calculation of body weight deficiency, subcutaneous fat, with the only amendment - no more than 15 grams of protein substrate in one serving.

On a training day:

  1. Immediately after training to close the protein window.

On a non-training day:

  1. In the morning after waking up, 20 minutes after the main meal.
  2. 20-30 minutes before the evening meal.


The effectiveness of using hydrolyzate varies greatly depending on the quality of the feedstock. At the same time, it is excellent at stimulating sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which increases muscle size without actually increasing strength.

The most optimal course of using hydrolyzate will be precisely the accumulation of dirty mass in the off-season. After all, it is absorbed very quickly and stimulates the production of insulin. The latter can be used to take an additional portion of fast food in order to replenish. At the same time, the amino acid profile of the hydrolyzate is incomplete, and therefore it is not able to solve all the problems of the athlete. In addition, he has quite bad taste. And you can only stir it with water.

Despite all its revolutionary structural reforms, the overall effectiveness of protein hydrolyzate is not much higher than classical protein, almost equal to isolates from high-quality raw materials, and even inferior in absorption rate.

In many ways, even high-quality hydrolyzate is greatly overrated, although it can be used as an additional source of ultra-fast absorption protein. Its main advantage is the absence of lactose, which, if necessary, allows you to remove the restriction on taking 50 grams per dose, which is especially important for athletes on the course.

Why is it better not to use it?

Hydrolyzate is primarily already digested food. And this one psychological factor already reduces his effectiveness in sports. Well, to be completely serious, it is worth noting a number of factors that almost completely neutralize its advantages:

  1. The absorption rate is only 10% higher than that of plain whey protein. At the same time, the cost of such protein milk raw materials exceeds the cost of the cheapest WSC by almost 10 times.
  2. Hydrolyzate should be consumed exclusively in its pure form. The only thing it can be diluted in is distilled water. In all other cases, its absorption rate drops to the level of a simple whey concentrate.
  3. The insulin reaction, which occurs almost instantly, creates a deficiency of sugar in the blood, and therefore reduces the energy of the athlete who took the hydrolyzate before training.
  4. Due to the specifics of the formula, it is not suitable for good nutrition and assimilation.
  5. Incomplete amino acid profile is another problem with hydrolysates in general.
  6. Short shelf life. After opening the sealed package, the hydrolyzate must be consumed within 2 weeks. At the same time, modern packaging involves packing 3-5 kg ​​in a jar. After the expiration date, the broken down amino acids take on the complete form of the original proteins, turning the hydrolyzate into essentially a regular whey protein concentrate.

Well, and most importantly, hydrolyzate is actually not completely broken down BCAA. Moreover, its cost is comparable to the cost of mid-category BCAA. This means that it will be much more profitable from the point of view of investment to use simple whey concentrate, and at peak times to use BCAA.

Weight loss

Unfortunately, protein hydrolyzate has Negative influence for weight loss. Several factors contribute to this.

  1. During further fermentation in the stomach, the hydrolyzate binds up to 70 grams of water per gram of raw material. All this causes fluid retention and does not allow you to control the effectiveness of weight loss.
  2. The hydrolyzate is very short term reduces catabolic processes and is not able to nourish muscles for a long time.
  3. Even the slightest excess of hydrolyzate leads to a sharp increase in blood sugar.

How blood sugar affects weight loss can be read in the article “carbohydrate metabolism” and calorie deficit for weight loss. It details the insulin and glucagon reactions that contribute to weight gain and slower weight loss/cutting for the athlete.

To summarize

Unfortunately, today deep protein hydrolysates have not yet entered into everyday use among athletes. Their advantages are quite controversial, and despite the absence of disadvantages, the quality of the feedstock greatly affects the output product. Due to the fact that with the complete fermentation of proteins, by partially fermenting them with the help of special acids, they are broken down into smaller amino acid compositions. Still, there is a risk that cheaper sources of protein with a low absorption rate, incomplete amino acid profile, or even worse, containing phytoestrogens from soy raw materials.

If you need really fast amino acid compositions, then it makes sense to turn to BCAA, which, although they are somewhat more expensive, have highest degree clean and contain only what you need as an athlete. Well, if you are looking for complex sources of raw materials, then you have a direct path to egg or whey protein.

When using hydrolyzed soy proteins in hair perm compositions, the effect of restoring structure is more lasting than most proteins, giving an effect close to the use keratin for hair And wheat proteins.

In skin care products, hydrolyzed soy proteins help smooth out wrinkles by filling the skin with moisture. In addition, they are considered a source of isoflavones, which help protect the skin from hormonal aging. Helps the skin actively protect itself from negative impacts environment. The effectiveness of isoflavones is still being studied, but soy proteins are often used in face creams and even decorative cosmetics.

Soy proteins are widely used as food additives, including for sports nutrition. They are used in odor and taste intensifiers for broths, spices and frozen vegetables. And also as meat analogues and for producing non-dairy cream.

All about the Safety of Hydrolyzed Soy Protein

Hydrolyzed soy proteins are considered harmless and quite effective. However, they can occasionally cause allergies in the form of skin rashes. Therefore, you should be careful when using the products for the first time. A group of CIR experts (special commission on the safety of cosmetic components) assigned this cosmetic component the status of safe. It can be used in cosmetics and food packaging. In the EU, this ingredient is approved for use in cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

Humanity has known vegetable oils even before our era, during the birth of agriculture and the appearance of the first Maslenitsa crops. Today there are about 100 plants in the world, the oil of which is widely used by humans for various purposes. One of the oldest and most popular is soybean oil.

Many people associate soy with genetically modified products and classify it as harmful. But this fact is very, very contradictory. Few people know that soybean oil is 5,000 years old and that it is 98% digestible by the human body, which is higher than that of other traditional counterparts. And one more plus in favor of soy: it works real miracles. Thanks to her, a man prolongs his active life sex life, a woman is youth and beauty, and children grow and fully develop, moreover, even in the womb.

In our country, soybean appeared quite late. This product was purchased during Russo-Japanese War for the army, since to supply provisions for Far East it was difficult. So we, one of the last in Europe, learned about soy and began to gradually add it to our diet. Despite the fact that it cannot be called popular here, in any supermarket you can easily find a group of products of the same name, including soybean oil.

Composition of soybean oil

The most great content vitamin E. This vitamin gives sexual transformation to the human body. Let's tell you a secret. Scientists have proven that vitamin E has two forms (tocopherols and tocotrienols). In order for the vitamin to be absorbed by our body, both of these forms are necessary and they are present only in natural products. Pharmacological E does not have them, so you can get it from fresh products, including soybean oil.

Vitamin C, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, lecithin, saturated and unsaturated acids– this is a real treasure for the human body at any age.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to linoleic acid, soybean oil fights cancer cells. Other elements included in the acid act as cholesterol neutralizers. This is great prophylactic at renal failure, atherosclerosis, metabolic diseases and intestinal coordination. And also, a powerful immunostimulant and anti-stress. Soybean oil has become widely used for hair and skin, being included in the formulation of creams, masks and balms.

It is best to use cold pressed oil. Reviews recommend adding it to recipes. Firstly, it has no odor, and, secondly, it is more useful, since the useful and natural components of the product are preserved as much as possible. Due to this, cold-pressed soybean oil is less.

The use of soybean oil in cosmetology

  • Nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restores its healthy appearance and smoothness. However, it is contraindicated for those with oily skin.
  • An antioxidant that can give elasticity and tone, thereby slowing down the aging process.
  • Returns healthy shine to dry and damaged hair.
  • Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, thus fighting hair loss.

Attention! The use of soybean oil in its pure form is not recommended, as it is cometogenic, that is, it can cause the appearance of dark spots on the face.

Soybean oil and hair care

Soybean oil is actively used by manufacturers various means for hair. Along with castor and burdock oils, it stimulates the growth of new hair, fights dryness and fragility and, thereby, makes your curls unusually alive and beautiful.

Numerous reviews advise using oil as a base oil for preparing hair masks. To do this, purchase it at a pharmacy or store, preferably in a small volume and always cold-pressed. So, a few interesting recipes based on soybean oil:

Recipe No. 1

The mixture of oils should be warm and well stirred. This mask must be applied to your hair 20 minutes before washing your hair. This composition is especially useful for dry hair.

Recipe No. 2

  • Soybean oil – 40 ml;
  • Castor oil – 50 ml.

Oil masks must be applied to the hair while warm, this gives best effect. This composition will strengthen and activate hair growth. Also apply 20 minutes before washing your hair.

Recipe No. 3

  • Burdock oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • Soybean oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

Combine oils and heat. Then add lemon juice and beat with a fork. Then distribute the mask evenly over the entire length of the hair and cover with a warm cap. At the end of the procedure, after an hour, rinse well with shampoo. Hair loss treatment course: 2 times a week for two months.

Recipe No. 4

  • Liquid honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • Onion juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • Soybean oil – 1 teaspoon.

The oil must be heated before adding to other ingredients. The mask is applied to the hair for 40-50 minutes and, after that, washed off well with shampoo. Very quickly moisturizes and strengthens hair.

It is possible to use soybean oil together with ready-made means hair care. To do this, just add it to shampoo and conditioner for dry and damaged hair. While washing, gently rub the resulting mixture into the roots of your hair for 2-3 minutes.

Hundreds of different items: from sweets to soy-based sausages can be not only healthy, but also tasty. It’s not for nothing that the French, considered world gourmets, so actively use soy in their recipes. And vegetarians generally believe that soybeans are the future. Try to bring something new into your life and add soy products to your traditional cuisine. You should not give up meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, because nature does not accept extremes. It is worth combining them correctly. Stick to the golden mean, it is precisely this that implies the balance that is so necessary for our health, beauty and attractiveness.
