What should be the basal temperature before menstruation - charts. What is the basal temperature before menstruation?

IN different periods menstrual cycle Certain changes occur in a woman’s body. Some of them can be noticeable to the naked eye - mood, appetite, sensitivity. Others are reliably “hidden” in the bowels of the body - uterine tone, muscle pain, vaginal discharge, basal temperature.

Basal temperature(BT) is an informative indicator with which you can calculate “safe” or, conversely, the most likely days for conception. There is a certain norm for basal temperature before menstruation, based on which one can assume the presence of any physiological abnormalities.

Normal basal temperature

IN different periods BT cycle is different. As a rule, before menstruation the temperature always drops, provided there is no pregnancy or inflammatory process. With constant monitoring of BT, you will easily notice its decrease before menstruation.

To make the conversation more substantive, you should familiarize yourself with the basal temperature indicators before menstruation in different phases. Average indicators can reach the following values:

  • During ovulation, that is, 14–20 days before menstruation, the temperature reaches its maximum - 37-37.2 degrees
  • After the ovulation phase, the temperature remains around 37 degrees
  • Immediately before menstrual bleeding there is a premenstrual drop of several millimeters of mercury - 36.7-36.9 degrees

Temperature readings may vary depending on different women due to the individual characteristics of the body. Because of this, the most important is the difference in temperature data for each individual woman between different phases. There are 3 phases of the reproductive cycle:

  • Follicular - phase in which eggs mature, duration 7-22 days
  • Ovulation - the phase in which the egg is ripe for fertilization (in the middle of the cycle), the average ovulation period is 36-48 hours
  • Luteal phase - the phase in which the follicle ruptures and releases corpus luteum(final stage before menstruation), duration 11-16 days

Each of these phases has different concentrations of progesterone and estrogen. Basal temperature depends on the level of sex hormones. The fluctuation in BT values ​​between phases should be at least 0.4-0.5 degrees. Thus, normally the total duration of the menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days. The average is 28 days. Remember, these are average indicators, if you do not find your data in this range, this is not a pathology, systematically monitor yourself for several months and if doubts have not disappeared, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

To obtain reliable data, the temperature must be measured, observing certain features.

It is best to start keeping a chart of basal temperature from the first day of your period, respectively, and from the first day of the entire menstrual cycle.

There are 3 options for measuring BT:

  • Rectal
  • Oral
  • Vaginal

Temperature measurement is best done in anus. Measurement in the mouth or vagina is acceptable. However, the rectal measurement method is characterized highest accuracy and the least amount of errors. Continue monitoring your BT through one selected location of the thermometer. This measure will help avoid false diagnosis. The armpit cannot be used to measure basal temperature.

  • Duration of the procedure in different places is different, and amounts to: when measured in the mouth - at least 5 minutes, in the rectum or vagina - at least 3 minutes
  • Another important nuance is the measurement time. To be more informative, measure your BT at the same time every day. Most optimal time day is the morning, after a night's sleep, before you have time to get out of bed. If the night work schedule, accordingly, needs to be measured after falling asleep after the shift
  • Do not practice changing thermometers, control the temperature with the same one
  • Don't delay recording your results

In the graph of temperature values ​​for subsequent compilation of the oscillation curve, the following indicators need to be highlighted:

  • Day of the menstrual cycle
  • BT indicators
  • Nature of vaginal discharge

If there are factors that may affect BT, do not forget to write them down too. Such circumstances may include:

  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Overwork
  • Moving or flying long distances
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages
  • Sexual intercourse on the eve of measurement, 4-6 hours before
  • Reception medical supplies, such as: hormones, hypnotics, psychotropic

If you are taking oral hormonal contraceptives, basal temperature is not measured, since it does not make sense, the data will be distorted

The duration of BT accounting for a reliable “picture” should be at least 3 months, that is, 3 full menstrual cycles

Measurement technique

For correct measurement You need to lie on the bed and insert the thermometer into the selected place. Stand for several minutes without making any movements. After a certain time, carefully remove the thermometer and write down the data. Before the next procedure, do not forget to reset the data from the previous measurement.

How to make a schedule

Drawing up a schedule involves entering temperature data into a table. The counting of the days of the cycle begins on the 1st day of menstruation. Then the values ​​are transferred pointwise to the coordinate system. On one axis mark the days of the cycle, on the other - BT data. The final stage of constructing a graph is to connect all the points with a line.

BT deviations, possible reasons

In order to understand what deviations from the norm can be determined using the BT measurement technique, have a good understanding of what it can tell you. BT measurement is a test functional diagnostics female reproductive system. The method is informative because it is based on the temperature effect of the hormones progesterone and estrogen on the thermoregulation center. That is, in this way the concentration of sex hormones in the body is determined.

Thanks to basal temperature measurements, you will learn about:

  • The fertile phase of the menstrual cycle - the timing of ovulation and the timing of menstruation
  • State of hormonal homeostasis (balance)
  • Onset of pregnancy
  • Deviations in health status - inflammation, hormonal deficiency

Any discrepancies with the norm usually cause alarm among sensible women. In general, there are 2 types of deviations:

  • High BT in the first half of the cycle
  • Low BT in the second half

If your basal temperature before menstruation is elevated or reduced values, then this can happen for several reasons.

Heat in the first half of the cycle:

  • Pregnancy. The most pleasant of all reasons. Characterized by an increase in BT to 37 degrees and above in the third phase of the cycle
  • Estrogen deficiency. If before ovulation you notice a surge in your BBT, this indicates a deficiency of the hormone estrogen. The temperature curve has a chaotic appearance. The ability to conceive (fertility) with a lack of estrogen is sharply reduced
  • Inflammation of the appendages. This pathology is characterized by sharp rises and falls in temperature throughout the menstrual cycle.
  • Endometritis. If the basal temperature drops before menstruation, and then rises sharply to 37 degrees or higher, and does not fall with the onset of menstruation, then you may have endometrial inflammation. If an increase in temperature is combined with a delay in menstruation, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

Low temperature in the second half of the cycle:

  • Hormonal deficiency. If after the ovulation phase your temperature is below normal, this may be a signal of a lack of progesterone and estrogen
  • Lack of ovulation. It is easy to determine from the curve of your values ​​if you have experienced anovulatory cycle. It will be characterized by monotony, that is, the absence of jumps, both up and down. Such a process, provided the frequency of occurrence is no more than once a year, is not considered a pathology; healthy woman that happens. Another category of women who cannot ovulate normally are pregnant and nursing mothers. If ovulation does not occur from cycle to cycle, and you do not belong to the last mentioned categories of women, then this is a guide to action to consult a doctor
  • Lack of menstruation. Don’t worry if your BBT has dropped and you haven’t had your period for a week. This could be measurement errors or minor cycle adjustments. If the period is longer, you should go for a consultation.
  • Luteal phase deficiency. You can talk about insufficiency of the corpus luteum (hormone progesterone) if you observe the absence of a premenstrual drop in BT. Lack of the hormone for pregnant women can lead to miscarriage

In any case, the most eloquent sign of deviations is the monotony of temperature or, conversely, its strong jumps.

What to do in case of deviations

To find out what caused the deviations, to rejoice at the situation that has arisen, or to be upset by the appearance of some pathological phenomenon, contact specialized assistance see a gynecologist. Discrepancies from the norm are also dangerous in the event of pregnancy.

Remember that no diagnoses can be made using basal temperature charts alone. If you are alarmed by some data when drawing up BT schedules, then this is just a reason to seek advice. Under no circumstances should you draw hasty conclusions or make self-diagnosis.

Another pitfall in deciphering the meanings of BT is the individuality of each woman, that is, in fact, each special case has its own norms and deviations. This is due different features female body, due to which the duration of the entire menstrual cycle, as well as its individual phases, may differ.

All women can take basal temperature measurements. However, this method may be most useful for women who are planning a pregnancy or want to follow the calendar type of contraception. Refrain from making independent conclusions and entrust the interpretation of your results to a qualified gynecologist, especially in the first few months. Thanks to the method of measuring BT, you can better learn about your body and its characteristics.

Gynecologists have been using it for a long time. Already in the last century, temperature fluctuations in different days cycle, and later it turned out that sex hormones influence it. Measuring temperature before menstruation is also of great importance. Its indicators can tell about possible pregnancy, the beginning of menstruation or various gynecological diseases. This method very relevant in our time. What basal temperature should be before menstruation?

Normal basal temperature before menstruation

On a standard chart for measuring rectal temperature in the luteal phase, it lasts 14-20 days, with the temperature ranging from 36.8-37.5 degrees. At the beginning of menstruation, it always decreases, and this happens about a couple of days before them.

During menstruation, the basal temperature, as a rule, does not rise above 37 degrees, that is, lower than in the second phase. In this case we can talk about normal level rectal temperature. However, the indicators themselves are not too important; the main thing is to maintain the temperature difference in both phases.

The temperature rises before menstruation - what is it?

If the temperature normally decreases before menstruation, then what could its increase mean? After ovulation, the production of progesterone begins to increase, which has a strong effect on the thermoregulation center in the brain. In this case, some women a week before their period may feel slight increase temperature. And after they start, she returns to normal. However, this reaction is not observed in many people.

In addition, the basal temperature before menstruation may rise due to pregnancy. This happens as a result hormonal changes. However, you can talk about pregnancy only after a delay, then the woman must do it.

Therefore, by monitoring the temperature, you can find out if you are pregnant. However, it is advisable to measure it rectally. If the rectal temperature rose after ovulation and fell before menstruation, then pregnancy did not occur. If it rises within 37.5 degrees and if there is a delay, it is assumed that conception has occurred.

Basal temperature before menstruation - deviations

The temperature at the beginning of menstruation makes it possible to identify pathological changes, These include:

  • Inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) is characterized by a slight drop in temperature before the first day of menstruation, while during it it is more than 37 degrees.
  • Progesterone deficiency, that is, luteal phase deficiency, is characterized by a slow (more than 3 days) rise in temperature values ​​with a difference of less than 0.4 degrees. In addition, the second phase is shortened to 10 days. In this case, menstruation occurs earlier than expected. In addition, the rise in temperature can last less than a week.
  • May indicate possible pregnancy indirect sign– basal temperature is more than 37 degrees for 14 days, and there is no drop in temperature. Menstruation in in this case delayed. If the temperature persists, but discharge begins, you may suspect a threat of miscarriage.
  • With inflammation of the appendages, the temperature in the follicular phase rises to 37 degrees in a few days. High rates are also present in the second phase. Before menstruation they do not decrease, and during it the temperature is more than 37 degrees.

Depending on what rectal temperature was maintained before menstruation, it is possible to determine not only the presence of pregnancy, but also some pathological conditions genitals.

The lowest temperature indicator of the human body is considered to be basal temperature (BT). The most reliable data is obtained through measurements in the vagina and rectum.

The need to study temperature values ​​is based on the close relationship hormonal levels women and the process of thermoregulation. When progesterone levels fluctuate, which has direct relation to fertilization, the indicators change. This happens on different stages menstrual cycle. Thanks to the measurement and analysis of basal temperature during menstruation, the state of reproductive health is assessed and deviations are identified in a timely manner.

This gynecological method has been known for a long time. Many doctors recommend keeping a basal temperature calendar, despite the fact that this is an auxiliary way of studying the normal course of physiological processes.

There are more reliable and modern methods, but in certain situations, a graph of basal temperature before menstruation can be useful. Great importance has correct measurements and interpretation of data.

The main requirement is to take measurements every day, regardless of your health status. Indicators are recorded in the chart for 3–4 months. Mandatory items must include dates and temperature values. Days when the usual way of life was disrupted are separately marked: feasts with alcohol consumption, illness and stress, taking medications.

How does temperature change during the menstrual cycle?

Each phase of the cycle has its own standards and temperature standards. Any fluctuations in values ​​in a healthy woman are a reaction to changes occurring in the body.

Studying basal temperature before menstruation allows us to identify and understand many important points. Based on the information received, doctors and women themselves learn about hormonal disorders, days of ovulation and future menstruation, the presence of gynecological diseases. The cyclic calendar is used when planning and diagnosing conception, as well as in cases where pregnancy is unwanted and needs to be prevented.

The essence of the gynecological method is to assess cyclic changes. During menstruation, basal temperature can rise and fall. The values ​​depend on how the egg behaves.

In a non-pregnant woman, on the first day of menstruation, the temperature remains normal - within 37 degrees. The same indicators are observed a week before menstruation. With each subsequent day, the values ​​begin to fall, fluctuate and last day become extremely low – 36.3–36.5 ºС. This is the most optimal period for the formation and growth of the follicle.

When does a breakthrough happen? dominant follicle, the corpus luteum is formed, producing progesterone, which is responsible for conception and prepares the uterus to receive an egg. A sharp release of the hormone during menstruation causes a temperature increase to 37–37.5 ºС. This is the most favorable time for pregnancy.

If conception has occurred, the data in the graph will not change. With accurate recording, there should be stability in the indicators. This picture indicates that fertilization has taken place. You can confirm your assumptions using a test.

Even the day of conception is determined using the temperature chart. This is usually reflected in temperature fluctuations: first it drops sharply, then rapidly rises. Such surges occur under the influence of progesterone. When its level drops, the readings decrease, indicating that fertilization has not occurred.

When studying the graph, it is necessary to take into account errors and factors affecting the reliability of the values. Incorrect data may be caused by:

  • stress;
  • gynecological and colds;
  • serious physical activity;
  • sexual contacts;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking contraceptives and medications;
  • bad (short) sleep.

These factors increase blood flow and provoke temperature fluctuations during menstruation.

What does a rise in basal temperature indicate?

Before the start of menstruation, the values ​​vary between 36–36.5 ºС. This is the norm, but temperature deviations are possible depending on climatic conditions, health status, lifestyle, and physiological characteristics.

An increase in indicators is accompanied by the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs. A high temperature (37–37.5 ºС) may indicate pregnancy.

Atypical situations are also identified when changes and rises in basal temperature are caused gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalance.

Let us highlight the most common deviations associated with an increase in basal temperature before menstruation:

  1. Progesterone deficiency. The presence of serious pathology is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, which lasts no more than 7 days. The difference is 0.4 degrees, while the cycle is shortened to 10 days, which provokes the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule.
  2. Risk of miscarriage. With a confirmed pregnancy, a temperature rise of up to 37.2 ºС and untimely onset of menstruation may indicate a threat of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
  3. . Started inflammatory process in the first days of menstruation causes an increase in temperature to 37 ºС. Such fluctuations before menstruation are one of the signs of pathology in the mucous layer of the uterus. Similar phenomena are observed with inflammation of the appendages.

It is important! If, against the background of stable changes during menstruation, sharp temperature fluctuations are observed, consult a doctor. Indicators of 38 ºС and above indicate the presence of serious gynecological diseases.

How to measure correctly

The resulting graph of BT during menstruation is a kind of health scale that reflects the complete picture of changes in female body. The reliability of the information from this technique depends on the correctness of the procedure.

Two measuring methods are used: rectally (in the rectum) or vaginally (in the vagina). To determine pregnancy, measuring rectal temperature is considered the most effective. Using mercury thermometer The measuring time is 5–7 minutes; it is enough to hold the electronic device for 1 minute. The insertion depth is 2–3 cm.

The procedure is carried out in the morning after waking up, preferably at the same time. It is better not to get out of bed, so the thermometer should be within reach. When taking measurements, walking, bending and squatting are not allowed. Any movements affect blood circulation and are reflected in indicators.

To determine the day of ovulation, you can use alternative method— . You can read more about the procedure in a separate article on our website.
