Minoxidil - instructions for use, indications, contraindications, side effects, analogues, reviews, prices. Minoxidil is a revolutionary remedy in the fight against hair loss. Minoxidil does not help.

Minoxidil is the only remedy today that can slow down, and in some cases completely stop, the development of androgenetic alopecia. The cause of this disease is the high predisposition of the hair follicle to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone. Moreover, it is produced both in the body of men and in the body of women. It is this that negatively affects the health and growth of hair, which is why it begins to weaken. And then it falls out. Some people still have hair on their heads, but they are very thin, brittle and even colorless.

With regular use of minoxidil, you can ensure that the hormone dehydrotestosterone does not have such a negative effect on the hair follicle. And the hair, thanks to the synthesis of a special protein, will stop responding to Negative influence of this substance.

But before you start using minoxidil, you should carefully study all the indications, contraindications, and, of course, side effects that may occur during treatment. First, we'll talk about what to expect in the first few weeks of using this drug.

What happens to your hair when you first start using minoxidil?

After you start using minoxidil for the first week or at most the second week, you will notice that the hair is literally falling off your head. Some people become terribly afraid of this and immediately stop using the drug.

But in fact, you shouldn’t be afraid of this, since this is normal and the way it should be. Only old hair falls out, which is no longer really good for anything. Yes, it is actually quite difficult, but you can survive.

And most importantly, do not stop using the drug under any circumstances, because its main effect has not even begun yet.

This loss of old hair that has stopped growing can last from two weeks to a month. And the number of hairs lost per day can be a thousand. But everything here is strictly individual, so it’s impossible to say for sure what exactly awaits you.

Second stage of hair loss

When the first stage of hair loss is completed, after some time, which is about two to two and a half months, the hair that grew after using minoxidil will begin to fall out again.

What is the reason for the second loss? The thing is that the hair that has now fallen out grew from follicles that are called “fading.” They are not able to grow hair to the length we desire. But that's just for now.

Therefore, again, you should not despair, but you should continue to use minoxidil daily and not be surprised by the dramatic changes that occur on your head. Moreover, hair usually falls out all at once and this happens in just a couple of days.

Third stage of hair loss

In the sixth month of use, the hair that grew after using minoxidil will fall out again. Therefore, prepare for this stage in advance. Moreover, such periods of loss may continue to occur, but they will no longer have such a huge scale, and they will pass almost unnoticed.

This will end the hair loss. And the hair that can still grow will continue to grow. Moreover, the higher the sensitivity to minoxidil, the more “faded” hair follicles can be restored. And as a result, the increase can be up to 15% of the original amount of hair on the head.

At the same time, minoxidil cannot be considered a real panacea for baldness. It has no effect on “dormant”, that is, reserve follicles. It is able to restore the activity of only those that, under the influence of the hormone dehydrotestosterone, began to fade. And the most important thing to remember is that all products that contain minoxidil cannot grow new hair. They simply have a positive effect on those that already exist. We can say that minoxidil is a kind of anabolic for hair follicle.

When Minoxidil Doesn't Help

Minoxidil is not a panacea for any type of baldness. This drug will not help when the hair follicle has reached the last stage of its degeneration. In this case, it simply stopped producing hair and it is no longer possible to get it out of this state.

But we hasten to please you - it will take 10 years to go through the last stage of dystrophy. After this, a simple scar forms at the site of the follicle, that is, it develops connective tissue. And after that, nothing will help to get your hair back.

Androgenetic alopecia is a condition that develops unnoticed. And only in the most rare cases, only a couple of years pass from the first symptoms to the start of treatment. In all other cases, from the appearance of the first symptoms to the start of treatment, it takes 8 years or more. This means that some follicles have died irrevocably and nothing can bring them back to life.

But even the remaining follicles have varying degrees of degeneration, which means minoxidil will be needed different quantities time for revival. Therefore, the visible effect of minoxidil can be assessed only after a year from the start of its use.

Cancellation effect

If for some reason you stop using minoxidil for scalp hair growth, you may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as a withdrawal effect. In this case, your hair will look exactly the same as it looked before you started using this drug. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you’ve been using menoxidil for a year, two or three.

And if you decide to use the drug again, you will no longer be able to get the original effect. You can achieve excellent results only the first time you use minoxidil. What this mystery is connected with is still quite difficult to understand.

What happens if you suddenly stop using the drug for some reason if you are diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia? It should not be forgotten that this condition is a disease and minoxidil is a medicine.

What happens if you stop taking the pills? high blood pressure if you have it? That's right, the pressure will rise to the highest possible numbers, and it will no longer be possible to cope with it.

The same can be said about minoxidil. Therefore, if you want to have thick and strong hair If you are diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia, then minoxidil must be taken twice a day throughout your life.

Will minoxidil be as effective after 5 to 10 years of continuous use?

It is impossible to answer just yes or just no to this question. Each person is an individual, so it’s quite difficult to say exactly what will happen after 5 or 10 years of use.

There is information on foreign forums that if you use this drug in the initial dose every day and twice a day, it will be as effective as in the first year of use.

However, most people begin to take this procedure carelessly, begin to skip evening or morning use, change doses and do everything possible to ensure that the drug stops working. And then they write reviews that minoxidil, which began to restore lost hair so well, suddenly stopped working altogether.

Possible side effects

When used externally, side effects may be as follows:

  1. Itchy scalp;
  2. The appearance of dandruff;
  3. Increased facial hair growth;
  4. Increased body hair growth;
  5. Decreased blood pressure;
  6. Heartbeat;
  7. Swelling of the face.

This does not mean at all that you will have all these side effects. It is quite possible that you will not feel any of them. And do not forget, each organism is an individual. Moreover, such a side effect as hair growth on the face or body is most likely not associated with hypersensitivity, but with the accuracy of application, as well as whether you forgot to wash your hands after using it.

Let's now try to figure out how to deal with each of these side effects.

The most common symptoms are itchy scalp and dandruff. But in most cases, such a side effect is caused not by the active substance, but by additional components.
The following tips may help:

  1. Frequently wash your hair, ideally every day;
  2. Using anti-dandruff shampoos or hair balms;
  3. Using moisturizing tonics to normalize the scalp;
  4. Consider replacing minoxidil lotion with foam.

The second side effect that occurs in 99% of all cases is enhanced growth hair on the face and body, which is expressed in thick eyebrows, mustaches, beards and vellus hair throughout the body.

There is only one piece of advice here - use hair removal.

There is only one good thing here - when the adaptation period is over, the growth of hair on the body and face will stop by itself.

Now consider such a side effect as decreased arterial pressure. Why is this happening? Initially, the drug was intended specifically to treat hypertension - high blood pressure. Therefore, in people who naturally have low blood pressure, under the influence of minoxidil it will become even lower.

But you shouldn't be afraid. After a couple of weeks of regular use of the drug, this side effect will disappear on its own.

And finally, swelling. They also completely go away on their own after a couple of weeks of use. And to ensure that they are not noticeable in the morning, you should not use the medicine immediately before bed.

Hi all. This is my first article on this site and I really hope that it will help at least someone who is faced with the same problem. If anyone is not interested in the whole story, scroll down to the list of measures that really helped (penultimate paragraph).

My story of fighting for my hair began when I was 14 years old. It’s unknown why, when I woke up one day, I realized that my hair began to stay on the comb. Strands. And on the pillow. Everywhere! And it started abruptly and spontaneously. My grandmother even decided that the gypsy had jinxed me. I couldn’t comb myself, I started getting hysterical. I didn’t count the number of hairs that fell out, but it was probably more than 500. I was in a panic and just didn't know what to do. To be honest, before this, care was limited to shampoo and a mask from the mass market, and the hair was in poor condition, dry and split ends and, moreover, thin by nature. But there were many of them. So much that I couldn't wrap my hand around my tail.
And that’s when I started looking for a way out. I didn’t have much money and at first I had to be content with two folk masks and multivitamins. There was no opportunity to go to a trichologist. Then I started alternating the mask with clay and cognac (under a bag and a woolen scarf). I did this at night. One mask, a second, a night break and again. I remember this and am horrified by my heroism. This helped me grow a lot of new hair and reduce hair loss somewhat, but there was still more hair on the comb than normal.
Over time, I stopped making those masks at night, I was tired, and they didn’t do any better. I was losing about 200 hairs a day. I already thought this was the norm. It was not possible to grow my hair to my waist: not only do the ends split, but they are much smaller than the roots. The hair simply did not grow and fell out.

Then I discovered mustard mask. And everything was fine: accelerated growth, the ability to wash your hair and undercoat less often... Only less hair did not stop falling out.
This is how I lived. Folk recipes, mass market... The hair was thick at the roots and down to the shoulders, the ends were terrifying. And the more lazy I was, the worse it became.
This went on until I left school. In the 11th grade I started wearing henna, which thickened my hair and made it look decent at graduation. But henna is drying. And it doesn’t help with hair loss. Actually, nothing helped. I consulted a trichologist... Most unpleasant memories and a lot of wasted money. He just prescribed Minoxidil. I decided to dig around about it. It turned out that once you start using it, you don’t need to stop. Otherwise, everything will quickly return to normal. This didn't suit me.
I went to the gynecologist and she suggested that I take COCs. And during the appointment, I found out how much hair I should normally lose. It turned out that no more than 50. Unfortunately, the pills had to be discontinued due to emerging contraindications. In addition, the hair did not fall out, but almost did not grow. 3 cm in six months was unheard of for me. Before this, my hair grew like this in a month and a half! And here the repetition of my hell began.
I knew that after taking the pills my hair might fall out. But I didn't think so. And I didn’t have time to make those masks - I became a student. And it was precisely that time that radically changed my hair care.

So how I did it:

  • I bought a good herbal sedative, this is the main step
  • Started drinking fish fat, brewer's yeast and vitamins A (in the first phase of the cycle) and E (in the second)
  • I discovered the System 4 series.
  • Changed shampoo to daeng gi meo ri
  • I ordered Concept ampoules
  • I started using nicotinic acid
  • I started using acidified water instead of rinse aid.
  • Changed the comb to Tangle
Now about everything in more detail.
1) Changes in hair often provoke internal processes. The main thing is not to be nervous, to make up for the deficiency necessary substances(not fanatically, but after analyzing the nutrition), consult a doctor. Over the years, I have visited the doctor more than once and, unfortunately, they did not tell me the reasons for the prolapse. A trichologist at a paid clinic convinced me of the need for Minoxidil, saying that my hair loss was hormonal (although the hormones were in perfect condition, I took tests). Even if so, now everything is in order and I did without heavy artillery. I don’t encourage anyone to follow my example, everything is individual. But in my case, I found another way out.
2) When I started studying and working, I had a personal budget and was able to use professional hair care. And it became a godsend System 4. It helped a lot with hair loss, significantly reduced it, and my undercoat became very thick and strong. And unlike mustard masks, it continues to grow and does not fall out after a few months. In addition, this system is good for diseases of the scalp; I don’t have even a hint of dandruff.
3) Shampoo Daeng gi meo ri. It’s also not a cheap pleasure, but it lasts a long time. And even though it contains SLS, it rinses the hair, prevents it from becoming oily quickly, and reduces hair loss.
4) Ampoules for hair loss Concept. Some of the most effective ampoules, Not addictive. The price is reasonable for such an effect. If you have a limited budget, then it is better to buy one course of them than ten cheap products. They helped me after the anesthesia (the drug was withdrawn and the anesthesia was applied, the hair just ran off my head). One course was enough for me, now for six months I don’t know such a word as prolapse.
5) Nicotine. I use it now, I support the growing fluff, it is no longer fuzz, and I accelerate hair growth. One of the cheapest and most effective means. Causes dandruff, which I treat with leftover System 4.
6) I always knew how important rinsing my hair is. The alkaline environment of the shampoo opens the hair scales, and the acidic environment of the rinse closes them. However, during hair loss, I cannot use conditioners and balms, they weigh down weakened hair and the hair loss becomes stronger. I found a cheap and easy way: a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per liter of water. Hair is a fairy tale. Shiny and much less split ends!
7) I stopped using combs that cost 5 rubles. They tore out hair and tore off the already sparse ends. It was a godsend TANGLE TEEZER. Only he is able to comb my hair without tearing out a whole clump.

So, if you, my dear reader, have made it to this point, you are simply a hero! I hope my article will help you deal with this terrible hair loss problem.
I'm currently in the process of growing out my length. More on this in the following articles.
P.S. You can always ask me questions, if something is unclear, clarify and ask for advice. I'll be only too happy to help. If you write your wishes regarding the article in the comments, I will be very grateful. Journalism is not my specialty
P.S.2 I’m not an amateur photographer, I don’t like posting photos + the camera is not very good + I try to remain incognito (at least for now), since the problem is somewhat delicate. Moreover, this article is mostly memories, and I didn’t try to remember those problems with my hair. I hope you understand my position regarding the photo.

Since I’ve been writing about my hair loss, not a week goes by without me providing moral support to someone on this issue on Facebook, VKontakte or by personal mail (probably it’s time to open a support group for those suffering! Girls, don’t be afraid! And write, don’t be shy!). And the most FAQ concern the use of minoxidil to enhance hair growth, a drug that is effective for androgenetic alopecia, but is overgrown with many myths, horror stories, and rumors.

— What other possible treatment regimens for AGA?

— For the treatment of AGA, along with hair growth stimulants (minoxidil and a number of other substances), antiandrogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseborrheic, trophostimulating, antifibrosing agents, physiotherapy (usually laser), mesotherapy has the right to exist, as well as methods such as hair transplantation and implantation, camouflage, cosmetic tattooing. Treatment of concomitant diseases that aggravate the hair condition, correction of deficient conditions.

In principle, monotherapy with minoxidil alone is possible; there will be a positive effect with this approach, but there is a risk that this effect will not last long, after which a relapse will develop and, possibly, resistance to other treatment methods. The approach to the patient must remain individual, even with the same diagnosis.

— Is the effect of minoxidil the same in men and women?

In women, the effect is usually better, but it all depends on the stage and duration of the process. In addition, 5% minoxidil is usually recommended for men, and 2% minoxidil for women, which makes the comparison of effectiveness not very correct.

— Minoxidil comes in different forms trade names. Are they different in any way other than price?

— An important possible difference is the form of minoxidil - lotion, foam or gel. Lotion usually outperforms foam, but drugs in the form of foam are better tolerated. Gelnew form, not represented in Russia. They also differ in the convenience of the dispensers. There are many drugs combined with minoxidil, but this already requires a substantive analysis in each case.

As a rule, preparations containing only minoxidil do not differ particularly in their effects. Minoxidil is a substance with a simple chemical structure, an aminopyrimidine derivative, and quite cheap to produce.

— What are the contraindications for minoxidil?

— Pregnancy, lactation, age under 18 years, low blood pressure (relative contraindication), individual intolerance, renal failure, heart failure and other conditions accompanied by edema and fluid retention in the body. Inflammatory processes in the area where the drug is applied.

— What are the complications with minoxidil? How many of them have you observed in your practice? How common are they statistically? Can anything be done to prevent them?

- Most often - contact dermatitis of the scalp with itching and dandruff - in approximately 15-20%, more often in women. It is prevented by using soft forms, without propylene glycol - for example, in the form of foam. Dizziness (more often in hypotensive women). Prevented by the use of reduced doses and concentrations. Excessive growth of facial hair (not a problem for men) It is also prevented by selecting the dose, concentration and frequency of application. Over time, the growth of side hairs weakens on its own.

— Many girls with hair loss problems are terribly afraid of minoxidil and delay the start of its use as much as possible. Is there really anything to be afraid of, in your opinion?

— According to the indications, if there is no effect from other drugs, with good tolerability, if there is no planning of pregnancy in the next year or two, with proper support by other means, there is nothing to be afraid of, you just need to understand that stopping the drug will lead to the same condition that would have developed and without the use of minoxidil.

— There is a myth that once you start using minoxidil, you will no longer be able to get off it and will then use it for the rest of your life. How truthful is he? A similar myth is that minoxidil may stop helping you - is this true, in what cases?

“Nobody uses it all their lives, and it won’t help all their lives.” But it gives an effect, under good circumstances, for 10-15 years. It's better to save your hair at least, for these years and hope for future more effective drugs. And cancellation, as already mentioned, will of course lead to a relapse, since we are talking about a genetically predetermined condition. The fact that when using minoxidil it may stop helping - we really observe this, and all studies show that the effect decreases over time, this is not a myth or a mystery.

But competent combined use allows it to be used successfully enough long time, the terms were mentioned above.

It should be understood that if we constantly stimulate our hair with a chemical substance, we are fighting “nature” (and androgenetic alopecia, in fact, is not even a disease from a biological point of view, it is cosmetic defect from a social point of view, and this statement may be controversial), then we must not forget to provide additional trophism.

— Vichy recently released a product to activate hair growth, Neogenic. They claim that it can replace or complement the use of minoxidil. Your opinion?

— Neogenic really stands out among many drugs, not only for its novelty, but also for its effectiveness. However, in cases of severe androgenetic alopecia, it will not replace minoxidil. It is quite possible to supplement treatment with it, sometimes even necessary. In addition, there is a very large category of patients who simply do not need minoxidil, there are no indications, or for whom it was not suitable, perhaps causing side effects. There are those who are planning a pregnancy soon and are breastfeeding. There are those who have already stopped minoxidil for the most various reasons, including psychological ones. This entire large category of people can be shown the Neo-Genist.

- Thank you!

Beauty Insider: Dear everyone who cares about hair health! Soon we will make a post with Vladislav about the DSD de Luxe brand (whose lotions I personally am delighted with - for those who need to grow their hair, this is it) - and there you can ask him a variety of questions that concern you. Wait! -)

Minoxidil is the most widely studied hair growth stimulant in numerous controlled studies. How does minoxidil act as a direct vasodilator on nitric oxide receptors? blood vessels skin, increasing blood flow, which ultimately leads to more oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. This allows the reduced and partially sclerotic follicles to grow in size and begin to produce healthy hair shafts. As the follicle enlarges, the growth phase of the hair also lengthens, allowing it to become longer and thicker. It has been proven that minoxidil not only dilates blood vessels in the area of ​​application, but also activates the production of VEGF Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor- vascular endothelial growth factor, which enhances angiogenesis, i.e. the formation of new blood vessels and capillaries in the skin, which also has a positive effect on hair growth. Minoxidil approved by the US Food and Drug Administration U.S. Food and Drug Administration/FDA and European medical agency European Medicines Agency as clinically proven effective and safe remedy from hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia i.e. so-called male pattern baldness.

  • Norwood-Ludwig scale. Stages of baldness.
  • What are the manufacturers of minoxidil?

Original minoxidil Rogaine in the form of a solution and foam, it is produced by McNeil under license from Pfizer. Generics, i.e. similar in composition and concentration of minoxidil are produced by various companies under the trade names Aqua biotic, Alopexy, Alostil, Avacor, Basic Care, Bioxcin, Bioxinin, Bosley, Capillus, Cipla, Corvinex, CVS, Daylogic, DS Laboratories, Equaline, Equate, Folicell, Foligain , Follics , Follinique, Follinox, H&B minoxidil, Hair act, Hair DRx, Hair genesis, Hair regrow, Hair4U, Hairline, Hairmax, HIMS, ii Solutions, Intas, Genhair, Good sense, Growell, Kerastase, Keranique, Kirkland Signature , Kosilon, Lacovin, Lafolie, Life brand, LifeCell, Lipogaine , Loxon, Maxus, Medical grade, Member's Mark, Minokem, Minorga, Minoval, Minox, Minoxi, Minoxidil Laboratory, Minoxidil Forte, MinoxidilMax , Minoxal, Minoxil, Minoxy-F, Minoxytop, Mintop, Morr F, Nanogen, Nioxin, Pak Darou, Pantogaine, Perfect image solution, Piloxidil, Polaris Research Labs, Procerin, Procter & Gamble, Prominox, Promox, Qgain, Redken, Reelance , Regaine, Regen, Regenepure, Rite Aid, RiUP, Shenmin, Simply Right, Tinfal, Tricosilk, Tugain, Unipexil, Up & Up, Vanarex, Vidacora, Vivadil, Volorox, Walgreens, Xandrox, Zitoxil, etc.

  • Which form of minoxidil is best? Lotion or foam?

Lotion- aqueous-alcoholic solution of minoxidil.
Advantages: Available in concentrations from 2 to 15% - suitable for any degree of baldness. Apply with a pipette/dispenser directly to the skin and hair roots - minimal consumption per rod.
Disadvantages: takes a long time to dry compared to foam. Manufacturers add propylene glycol to some lotions. In people with sensitive skin This component may cause allergic reactions, redness, itching or dandruff. This problem was solved by replacing propylene glycol with glycerin, which is practically inert for the skin. Information about the presence of propylene glycol is indicated on the packaging: with PG / no PG or regular / sensitive or itch free, etc.

Foam- minoxidil + propellant + excipients.
Advantages: dries faster after application, leaving no greasy shine on the hair. And what is especially important for people with sensitive skin: the foam does not contain propylene glycol and thus cannot cause allergic reactions and / or dandruff.
Disadvantages: The price is higher than that of a lotion with the same concentration of minoxidil. Foam is more suitable for short haircut and if you have long hair, then some of the foam remains on the hair shafts and does not get on the skin. You have to apply more than the recommended dose in half a cap, which leads to even greater overspending. Foam is available in maximum concentration 5%, which is not suitable for severe (4-8) degrees of baldness. But it can be used in conjunction with 10-15% minoxidil to enhance the effect. For example: in the morning foam 5% + in the evening lotion 10-15%.

  • How to use minoxidil?

Lotion- using the dispenser nozzle, apply evenly to problem areas of the head and then rub into the skin. Foam- in a volume of approximately half a cap. We must try to ensure that the drug is applied and rubbed onto the scalp, and not onto the hair. Here, the length of the hair and the type of attachment used play an important role: pipette, spray gun or balloon. It is recommended to cut your hair as short as possible. This will reduce the consumption of minoxidil, which goes not to cover the skin, but to moisturize the hair.

A solution or foam of 5% minoxidil is rubbed into bald areas twice a day at intervals of 8-12 hours. For funds with high content minoxidil (10-15%) is sufficient to use only once a day. It takes an average of 15-20 seconds to treat areas of hair loss. This is less time than you spend brushing your teeth.

Minoxidil should be applied to a dry scalp. Therefore, if you have taken a shower or been exposed to rain, you should dry your hair and scalp before applying minoxidil.

Minoxidil must be used daily. Maximum daily dose should not exceed 2 ml. for 5% and 1 ml. for 10 - 15% concentration. After applying the solution or foam, do not wash your hair for at least 4 hours.

  • Which minoxidil to choose with or without propylene glycol?

As solvents in products containing minoxidil along with ethyl alcohol and propylene glycol or glycerin are added with water. Information about this is marked on the packaging: with propylene glycol “with PG” or “regular”, with glycerin “no PG” or “sensitive”. Options with PG dry faster and do not leave “greasy marks” on the hair after application. But people with sensitive skin may experience an allergic reaction to propylene glycol in the form of dandruff, itching and redness of the skin at the sites of application. No PG lotion options with glycerin as a solvent dry more slowly and give the hair a “greasy shine” after application. Glycerin, as the simplest trihydric alcohol, is completely inert for the skin, which eliminates the occurrence of any allergic reactions even with prolonged use.

  • What will the new hair look like after using minoxidil?

If you had very little hair at the initial stage of treatment, then the first hair may be vellus, delicate, colorless and barely noticeable. With continued use of minoxidil or increasing the concentration of minoxidil to 10 or 15%, the new hair will become the same color and density as the rest. If you started using minoxidil when your hair was still strong, i.e. on early stages baldness, then the new hair should be the same in density and color as everyone else.

  • Which minoxidil is best to start with? 2%, 3%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 10%, 12%, 15%, 16%?

Trichologists advise starting with low concentrations minoxidil. For women - 2%, for men - 5%. Subsequently, in the absence of side effects, you can switch to higher concentrations of minoxidil or a product containing auxiliary antiandrogens (finasteride, alfatradiol, azetinol, procapil, procyanidin B-2) to enhance the effect.

  • Can I use 5% minoxidil once a day?

Since its discovery and research, 5% minoxidil has been used in 1 ml doses. 2 times a day, i.e. in the morning and in the evening. This amount has been determined to be optimal for hair growth when used daily. But this is not very convenient because... You need to get your head dirty 2 times a day. Note that propylene glycol or glycerin are used as minoxidil solvents in lotions.

According to published in US National Library of Medicine Data have proven the same effectiveness of a single use of 5% minoxidil with 0.01% tretionin and the use of 5% minoxidil without the addition of tretionin 2 times a day. Like propylene glycol or glycerin, tretionin is an auxiliary component that promotes the penetration of minoxidil into hair follicles. The mechanism of action of tretionin is associated with activation of the enzyme sulfotransferase, which transfers minoxidil sulfate into the cells of the hair follicle, since it is minoxidil sulfate that is used in all hair growth products. Therefore, lotions with a combination of minoxidil and tretionin, for example Maxogen-X , can be used once a day. It is best to perform the procedure at night for several reasons. Firstly, the longer minoxidil remains on the skin, the better and faster the effect will be. It should also be taken into account that tretionin increases the sensitivity of the scalp to the sun. Therefore, if you apply lotion in the morning, you should avoid direct exposure to the sun on your scalp or wear a hat. And besides, sunlight decomposes tretionin and makes the product less effective.

  • What is hair loss?

In the first weeks of using minoxidil, hair loss begins. Trichologists refer to this process as hair loss. Hair loss is explained by the fact that minoxidil puts all hair into the anagen/growth phase, including hair that is in the telogen/resting phase. Those. at about the same time the follicles on different stages dormancy, losing old hair and moving into the stage of growing new hair. In other words, hair that would otherwise fall out in the near future falls out at the same time.

  • What is synchronization?

With constant use of minoxidil, hair enters the telogen/resting phase and then the catagen/dying phase, not individually and gradually, but in large groups and simultaneously. Because of this, simultaneous hair loss periodically begins. At this time, it is very important not to stop using minoxidil, but to continue applying it as usual. As a result, the hair will grow back the way it was before synchronization.

  • Is it true that minoxidil is a hair drug?

No, not a drug. Minoxidil eliminates the effect of dihydrotestosterone on hair follicles in the area of ​​androgenetic alopecia, but does not eliminate the cause. As soon as you stop taking minoxidil, you deprive the hair of the positive effect on the follicles, and they die as if this support was not there. There is no drug here: there is support from minoxidil - there is an effect, no support - there is no effect.

  • What happens if I miss one or more doses of minoxidil?

Missing one or more days of use is not significant. It is important to understand that minoxidil requires continuous use for months to develop and maintain its effects. Use should continue as usual, i.e. 1 ml. 2 times a day for 2-5% concentrations or 1 ml. 1 time per day when using 10-15% minoxidil.

  • How long does one bottle of minoxidil last?

Bottles of minoxidil lotions are produced in 60 ml capacity. When using 1 ml. 2 times a day is a supply for 1 month. Foam cylinders of 60 g each - with a consumption of half a cap 2 times a day - a supply for 1 month. In the case of 10-15% minoxidil concentrations with a frequency of use once a day - 60 ml. The bottle is enough for 2 months of use.

  • How can you improve the absorption of minoxidil?

To improve the absorption of solutions through the skin, including those containing minoxidil, it is used dermaroller .
A dermaroller is a special hand-held skin massager in the form of a roller covered with microneedles ranging from 0.2 to 3 mm in length. Another name for mesoscooter because used in mesotherapy.
At home, dermarollers with needles no longer than 1 mm are used. With longer needle lengths under medical supervision to smooth scars, scars and stretch marks.

Treatment with a dermaroller greatly improves the absorption of minoxidil due to micro-punctures in the scalp. The effect of the dermaroller does not cause pain, since microneedles penetrate only into the very outer layer skin (epidermis) and do not affect the endings of nerve fibers and blood vessels.

In addition to the dermaroller/mesoroller, a dimexide solution is used to improve the absorption of minoxidil.
Dimexide is added in proportions of 2 / 4 / 6 ml. depending on the sensitivity and susceptibility of the scalp for 1 bottle of minoxidil 60 ml.
It must be remembered that dimexide is a chemical that can cause skin burns if handled inappropriately or incorrectly. Therefore, it is preferable to use a dermaroller / mesoscooter.

  • Will minoxidil cause hair to grow all over your head?

5% minoxidil works better on the back of the head, and in the area of ​​​​the frontal bald patches its effect is weaker. For stages 5-8 of baldness, higher 10-16% concentrations of minoxidil are effective, which act on the back of the head and forehead.

  • Will Minoxidil really help me?

According to research, 2% minoxidil helps 30% of men, 5% helps 70%, and 15% helps almost 90%. There is a chance that minoxidil will not help you. In addition to androgenetic alopecia, there are other types of baldness. It is necessary to consult a trichologist for consultation. A good sign What minoxidil does is hair loss.

  • What is effective to combine minoxidil with?

Trichologists recommend a combination of minoxidil + antiandrogen (finasteride, azetinol, alphatradiol, procyanidin B-2, procapil, bimatoprost) + B vitamins / biotin. If dandruff occurs in people with sensitive skin, it is recommended to use Nizoral or Sebozol. The appearance of dandruff is not caused by minoxidil itself, but by the excipient propylene glycol / PPG / PG included in lotions as an organic solvent.

  • Is the more minoxidil the better?

No. But if you have long hair, you can increase the amount of solution applied, because... Some of the minoxidil goes to uselessly wetting the hair shafts, and not the skin where the follicles are located.

  • How long after applying minoxidil can you wash your hair?

Solution - at least 4 hours. Foam - 3 hours.

  • Can antiandrogens be combined with minoxidil?

Minoxidil eliminates the effect of dihydrotestosterone (DTH) on the hair follicle. If you reduce the level of DTG, the effect of minoxidil will be much better. Therefore, with 5-8 degrees of baldness, it is necessary to combine the application of minoxidil with taking finasteride, which eliminates the cause, i.e. blocks 5-alpha reductase, which produces dihydrotestosterone. In addition to taking finasteride orally in the form of tablets (Propecia, Proscar, Finager, etc.), it is possible to use combined solutions of minoxidil and finasteride or alphatradiol, for example: Essengen 6 Plus , Dualgen 15 Plus , Follics FR12 or Follics FR16 .

  • What effect can be expected from the combination of minoxidil and tretionin?

Tretinoin or retinoic acid is a form of vitamin A in the form carboxylic acid. Other names are trans-retinoic acid or ATRA. Like propylene glycol or glycerin, tretionin is minoxidil conductor¹ into the cells of the hair follicle. Based on the results of the study proven to be equally effective² a single use of 5% minoxidil with 0.01% tretionin and use of 5% minoxidil without the addition of tretionin twice a day. According to another study published in the US National Library of Medicine (April-May 2019), the mechanism of action of tretionin is associated with activation of the enzyme sulfotransferase³, which transfers minoxidil sulfate from solution into the cells of the hair follicle, since it is minoxidil sulfate that is used in all hair growth products. An example of a product with a combination of minoxidil and tretionin Maxogen-X .

  • How long should minoxidil be used?

Minoxidil must be used continuously to maintain both existing and newly grown hair. If, after at least 4-6 months, you do not have signs of positive hair growth dynamics, you need to stop taking minoxidil and consult a trichologist for advice.

  • How to properly use minoxidil for a beard? What percentage, frequency of application?

In most cases, using 5% minoxidil once a day for 2-3 months is sufficient. Only if there is no result, it is recommended to use a higher concentration of 6-16% or use 5% minoxidil 2 times a day.

Mode of application.
Apply minoxidil to dry and clean skin.
The consumption of the product depends on the size of the beard growth and can be 1-2 ml.
If the stubble grows unevenly, then you can apply minoxidil only to problem areas.
After application, rub into the skin of the cheeks in a circular motion with your fingertips.
Allow the solution to dry on its own (15-20 minutes). Do not rinse off.

It is better to perform the procedure at night because... The longer minoxidil remains on the skin, the faster and better the effect will be.
After the procedure, you must wash your hands with soap. In case of accidental contact with eyes, the product may cause irritation.

  • How to get 10% minoxidil without propylene glycol Minoxidilmax?

In a clean, dry bottle with a volume of at least 120 ml. mix 1 bottle (60 ml.) Dualgen 15 NO PG and 1 bottle (60 ml.) Dualgen 5 NO PG. Shake vigorously for 10 seconds. Result: 120 ml Dualgen 10 NO PG (10% minoxidil and 5% azelaic acid). You can pour the resulting solution and store it in original bottles.

How to get 8% minoxidil + 2.5% azelaic acid and 0.025% finasteride Minoxidilmax?
Just! You need to mix 1 bottle (60 ml) of Dualgen 10 and Essengen 6 Plus. The solution will contain propylene glycol.

How to get 12.5% ​​minoxidil + 5% azelaic acid Minoxidilmax?
With propylene glycol: mix 1 bottle (60 ml) of Dualgen 15 with PG and DualGen 5 with PG.
Without propylene glycol: mix 1 bottle (60 ml) of Dualgen 15 NO PG and DualGen 5 NO PG.

How to get 12.5% ​​minoxidil + 5% azelaic acid and 0.05% finasteride Minoxidilmax?
With propylene glycol: mix 1 bottle (60 ml) of Dualgen 15 Plus with PG and DualGen 5 with PG.
No propylene glycol: Mix 1 bottle (60 ml) of Dualgen 15 Plus NO PG and DualGen 5 NO PG.

  • Video of minoxidil method of application.

Both women and men face the problem of baldness. The reason for this is as hormonal disbalance, and unhealthy diet, stressful situations. It is important to start treatment on time. Experts highlight the most effective drug for hair treatment - Minoxidil. It is designed to solve the problem of androgenetic alopecia and is also a powerful hair growth stimulator.

Operating principle

Minoxidil is an active active substance various drugs, which is completely chemical in origin. Externally it appears in the form of crystals that completely dissolve in water to a concentration of approximately 2 mg/ml.

Minoxidil solution has a vasodilating effect and, when applied externally, actively promotes hair growth in both men and women. The product has been used for many years, and every time it proves its effectiveness.

From the history of the drug: Due to its vasodilating effect, the drug was previously used for arterial hypertension. Even then, doctors noticed a significant increase in the patients’ hair. Since then, experts began researching the drug and developed a special formula for external use.

Now minoxidil is available in the form of a solution and tablets with a concentration of 2 and 5%. This substance is present in many products, for example “Rogaine”, “Spectral DNS”, “Regaine”, “Kosilon”, “Pilfood” and others. If a patient has an intolerance or allergy to minoxidil, there are many analogues with similar effects.

More often the drug is prescribed for androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness). Minoxidil works when hair loss begins at the top of the head (in men) or along the middle part of the strands (in women).

The principle of action of minoxidil is to stimulate the synthesis of the protein beta-catenin in hair follicles. As a result, the growth phase increases and the resting phase of the hair decreases, the bulb becomes larger, creating longer, thicker strands.

Weakened strands are gradually restored, and normal healthy curls grow along with them. There is also a version that minoxidil acts by relaxing blood vessels, thereby increasing the flow of blood and microelements to the bulbs. Due to this, the process of baldness is reduced or stopped.

When using minoxidil, newly grown hair receives increased nutrition and develops into thermal hair, that is, hard and long.

Composition and benefits

Minoxidil solution is produced in different variations depending on the concentration of the active substance. He looks like colorless liquid or slightly colored yellow, oily to the touch with the smell of alcohol.

There are the following concentrations:

More often the product is produced in 60 ml plastic bottles. This volume is enough for a month of treatment.

Also, some manufacturers produce a set of 3 bottles of 60 ml, which lasts up to 3 months. Sometimes you can find 5% foam or shampoos, sprays, gels with the addition of minoxidil. The kit includes a scaled pipette, a spray nozzle, an applicator for rubbing into the skin, an extended spray nozzle for long curls, and instructions.

Note, As a rule, a two percent solution is suitable for women, and a five percent solution is suitable exclusively for men.

Typically the product contains:

  • active substance minoxidil;
  • ethanol acts as a solvent and also promotes rapid drying of the solution;
  • propyleglycol, helps the active substance penetrate the skin, gives the product an oily structure;
  • purified water is needed to create the required volume of solution.

Due to the presence of nitric oxide, excessive cell division occurs, resulting in actual hair growth. Zinc oxide has an indirect effect on hormonal background, thanks to him the influence is weakening male hormones, which are the root cause of baldness. Read more about hormones for hair growth on our website.

The advantages of the drug are that it is able to act on existing hair follicles and also activate the growth of new ones. Another advantage is called convenient form release.

Shampoos, gels, masks, and lotions with minoxidil are now becoming most popular. They are easy to use and the products give excellent results. Besides everything, The product does not contain hormones and is safe for both men and women. Minoxidil is sold in pharmacies in its pure form without a prescription, which indicates its availability.

The product is suitable for all types of curls and has the same effect on them.

Choice of drug concentration

Usually, when choosing the concentration of the drug, attention is paid to the stage of baldness. For example, with alopecia on initial stage you can cure it with a 2% solution, and if stage 3 alopecia is already observed, then the specialist prescribes a 5% solution. If there is little effectiveness, the doctor may prescribe products with a higher concentration of minoxidil.

Also, when choosing a concentration, women are prescribed a drug with a 2% minoxidil content, men - with 5% or more. This is explained by the fact that with more high concentration products, hair growth is observed in undesirable places in women.

It is worth noting, that when using minoxidil with a higher concentration for hair growth, the risk of developing adverse reactions or complications. Some manufacturers have special inscriptions on packages for men or women, and they can be distinguished by color (for women they use pink packaging, for men - blue).

When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to the release form:

  • Foam, unlike lotion, does not contain propylene glycol, so it has virtually no adverse reactions. Also the advantage of foam is more a short time drying.
  • Sprays are produced in concentrations of 2 and 5%, thanks to the spray nozzle they convenient for application.
  • Gel masks or creams are produced with a concentration of 1 or 6%; minoxidil is usually combined with other substances to achieve greater effect.
  • Shampoos are used after stopping the main treatment or when gradually stopping the use of minoxidil to prevent adverse reactions. Usually, the shampoo is not bright pronounced effect, since when washed off, part of the active substance is removed.

In what cases is it used?

The absolute indication is hereditary alopecia. Usually the drug is used for the following problems:

  • alopecia areata (local hair loss);
  • diffuse hair loss (loss of hair over the entire head during combing or washing);
  • stress hair loss;
  • to increase hair growth;
  • for alopecia of hormonal origin (male pattern baldness at stages 1–2).

Attention! The drug is more effective at the initial stage of baldness (1–2), on late stages It is almost impossible to regain lost hairs.


The price of the product depends primarily on the degree of concentration of the active substance, release form, and manufacturer. You can purchase it at a pharmacy or in an online store.

Depending on the degree of concentration, the cost will start from 600 rubles for a 2% solution to 1,500 rubles for a 15% bottle. Also, foam will cost more than lotion. Depending on the brand of the product, the price will vary from 700 rubles for a 5% lotion to 1,500 rubles for foams of the same concentration.

When purchasing products as a set, many sellers offer discounts, so you can save money over a long period of use. The manufacturer has a great influence on the pricing of the product. A product from Kirkland will cost about 1,200 rubles, and the same analogue from SpectralDNS will cost about 2,500 rubles. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best hair growth activators on our website.


Like any medicine Minoxidil has a number of contraindications for use. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age under 18 and over 65;
  • the presence of various ulcers, irritations, injuries on the skin;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction to the components;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • if hair loss is not associated with androgenetic alopecia;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • cases of side effects or deterioration of health;
  • It is not advisable to combine it with other hair products;
  • tendency to arterial hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

You also need to be very careful when using the product so that your pets are not harmed. For example, if it comes into contact with a cat's fur, minoxidil can cause the death of the animal. This solution is very toxic to animals.

The product is not suitable? Don’t worry, we offer a review of the best pharmaceutical products for hair growth.

Rules of application

Before using the drug, you should first read the instructions.

Exist basic rules for using minoxidil. Their consistent implementation will help avoid negative consequences.

  1. The product is intended for external use only on affected areas of the body. It is not recommended to take it internally.
  2. Should be applied to dry scalp.
  3. Minoxidil should be applied regularly every day at intervals of 12 hours.
  4. At the initial stage, one application per day at night is enough.
  5. Using a pipette, measure 1 ml of solution for one application. You need no more than 2 ml of the drug per day.
  6. The product is rubbed into bald scalp with light massage movements for 20 seconds each application.
  7. It is recommended to use protective gloves for application. If minoxidil is applied by hand, wash your hands thoroughly after use.
  8. After applying minoxidil, you can wet your hair after 2 hours, and wash it after 4 hours.
  9. When applying using an applicator, you should follow the instructions, as they may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
  10. When new hairs appear, you do not need to stop using minoxidil, otherwise the condition of the hair will return to its original state.
  11. If you miss 1 or 2 doses, you should not compensate for the missed dose with an increased volume of the drug. You just need to continue using it as scheduled.

Advice. To stimulate growth, it is optimal to use a two percent solution; for androgen-induced baldness, you will need to use a five percent solution.

Depending on the form of release, the method of application and dosage differ. About how to use different shapes You will find out more about minoxidil below.

  1. Solution and lotion similar in application. It is applied with a special pipette to the bald area of ​​the scalp with a volume of 1 ml at a time, wait for complete absorption, and continue to lead a normal lifestyle.
  2. Sprays more convenient to use. The dosage is the same as in lotions. The volume of 1 ml of solution is equal to 7 clicks on the valve.
  3. Foam volume measured with a cap. For one-time use, use half a cap, rubbing evenly.

The duration of use of the drug depends on the degree of baldness. Usually, with regular use, the result appears after 2-3 months. If after 6 months of use the result does not appear, then you should consult a trichologist to clarify the treatment regimen.

Do not suddenly stop using minoxidil, otherwise this may result in adverse reactions. You need to reduce the dosage gradually. To begin with, it is worth reducing the use to 1 time per day, after 1-2 weeks you need to use the drug every 1-2 days. After 2-3 weeks of use, you can completely stop consumption. After stopping use, complete or partial hair loss may occur.

Photos before and after

Effect of use

Statistics show that When used correctly, approximately one third of users experience hair growth. Moreover, the higher the concentration of the product, the better the result.

In general, there is a positive effect of minoxidil on hair. TO positive effects include:

  • strengthening hair;
  • acceleration of curl growth;
  • improvement of hair condition;
  • stopping hair loss;

1–3 months after starting to use minoxidil, vellus hair begins to appear, then it thickens and becomes similar to the rest of the hair on the head. However, when complete loss, the hair needs at least 2 months to break through. You should not count on quick results; regeneration may take at least 6 months.

Attention! For men, hair will grow in reverse order her loss. Lost hair will grow back from the crown to the forehead. In women, the results of treatment are more pronounced, the curls become even better than before.

However In addition to the positive, there are manifestations of adverse reactions of the body. These include:

  • Most often, irritation of the scalp occurs;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • tachycardia, chest pain;
  • increased fatigue, swelling;
  • hair fragility;
  • peeling, itching, dandruff formation.

To eliminate scalp irritation, it is recommended to use soothing shampoos when washing. All other phenomena disappear after stopping use of the product. Often the manifestation of an allergy to minoxidil is influenced by the presence of propylene glycol, then it is recommended to switch to a product without it.

To summarize, it is worth noting that minoxidil is unique means for hair growth. Today, this product is the only remedy to combat androgenic, focal, hormonal alopecia. The use of minoxidil does not require special application skills, and application does not take much time. But do not forget about side effects and contraindications. If you observe deterioration in your health, it is better to stop using it.

Useful videos

Treatment of baldness - 4 months of minxidil.

Tips from Sergei Andreev on how to stop baldness and get rid of bald spots using Minoxidil and other means.
