Burn incense meaning and origin of phraseology. Incense - what is it? The meaning of the phraseological unit "to smoke incense." The moral aspect of the problem. Vertical relationships "subordinate - superior"

“smoking incense” means exaggerated praise. The origins of this expression are deeply rooted in history. The ancient Jews had a very interesting custom burning various incense during services in the Jerusalem Temple. One of these “flavors” was Incense, which was popular at that time. This sacred rite is briefly mentioned in the book of Leviticus, known to most Jews, which is the third book in the Torah (Pentateuch). It is also called “Torat Kohanim” in Talmudic literature, which can be translated as “priestly rule.” This book consists of 27 chapters and tells about the ancient Jews and their religious life. Incense is also mentioned in the 2nd and 6th books of the priestly charter (2:1 and 6:15); in the book “Chumash ha-pkudim” is translated as “Five of those who are numbered,” otherwise also called the 4th book of Numbers in the Torah (Pentateuch). The Book of Numbers not only bears this name, it tells about the number of firstborns, priests, individual tribes, the entire people as a whole, etc.

The creators divided the Torah into ten weekly chapters. This incense is mentioned in the 5th chapter of the second book of the Torah, which is called “The Second Five” (Homesh Sheni) or simply “The Second Book” (Sefer Hasheni). This book tells about the plight of the Jews who were enslaved by the Egyptians and how they managed to escape (exodus) from the land of the pharaohs. This book has forty chapters. Incense is written about in verse 30 (30:1-10).

When a high-ranking priest entered the Jerusalem church early in the morning, his palms were full of incense. He poured it onto an open flame and a cloud of suffocating smoke rose under the dome and gradually spread throughout the room. When the concentration of smoke became less, an extraordinary aroma was felt. This feature was used by the Jewish priests, who always had censers burning on their altars to burn the exotic “flavor.” Smoking incense was a kind of symbol of diligent prayer that was offered to God. Moreover, it showed ordinary citizens how the clergy interceded for them before the Lord

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Composition of incense

"And God said to Moses: collect different incense - fragrant frankincense, pure halvan, onych and stacti and mix in equal proportions. And prepare a special smoking composition from these fragrant substances - holy, pure, erased. And grind it into powder and put it in the tent of meeting before the ark of the testimony, where I will reveal many things to you. This should become a great shrine for you. Do not use the incense created according to this recipe for your own needs, let it remain with you as a shrine for God. Whoever creates something so that he himself can smoke, that soul will be destroyed from his people"(Exodus 30:34-38)

“Smoking incense” - synonyms of phraseology

  • to please;
  • fawn;
  • flatter;
  • extol;
  • sag;
  • exaggerated praise.

Synonyms of "Incense"

  • Incense;
  • Smoke;
  • Aroma;
  • Ambre;
  • Incense;
  • Fragrance;
  • Nice smell.

Use of phraseological units in literature

"Drench his inspired head with a fragrant wave of incense" (A. Turgenev)

“Blue smoke was still emanating from the frozen incense censers.” (Apukhtin)

“I smoked incense for others, but I kept you in the sanctuary of my heart.” (Baratynsky)

“Allow me to introduce you to my old friend, who works in the distillery field for his father. In addition, he is a big fan of smoking incense - on the altar of poetry.” ("The Host of Nihilists" by Nadezhdin)

“The bird cherry incense is already swirling there in the clean air.” (Baratynsky)

“Every Sunday all the grooms came in a large crowd and laughed, courted, complimented and smoked incense for the bride and her mother.” ("The Man" Gorky)

Incense can be different in form: in the form of mixtures, briquettes, sticks, cones, oils. According to the method of burning, incense is divided into two types:

  1. Non-flammable incense. These are incense in the form of crumbly mixtures, small briquettes or balls. Such incense is burned in incense burners, where they are placed on hot coal. This is how incense has been burned for thousands of years. It looks very impressive, in addition, such incense is the easiest to make. This type of incense is especially popular in Arab countries.
  2. Burnt incense. These incense (usually in the form of cones or sticks) contain finely ground aromatic ingredients mixed with combustible material. The technology for making such incense is somewhat more complicated, but no additional equipment is required to burn it. The cone or stick is first set on fire, allowed to burn a little, and then the fire is blown out, leaving the incense to smolder. This type of incense is traditionally used in China, Japan and countries South-East Asia.

Incense typically contains resins, aromatic woods, some types of spices, herbs, flowers and roots, and sometimes essential oils. It should be noted here that the smell of most incense when burned is strikingly different from its smell when burned. normal conditions. In addition, as in the case of perfumes, three main “notes” can be distinguished in the aroma of incense. You will feel the first note – the volatile one – as soon as you light the incense. Sometimes she may even seem unpleasant. But this smell is very soon replaced by a central note, which is the “heart” of the aroma of incense. This The unique combination of fragrant substances can be inhaled for several hours. And the fullness of sensations, the final stroke of the “picture” is given by the final note, which is usually formed by substances that fix the smell. Final note of incense good quality can be felt for a very long time - sometimes even several days.

In eastern markets you can buy the following ingredients for incense:

Natural Incense ( Arab. luban ) - a milky yellow resin saturated with essential oils. The quality of incense is determined by its transparency - the more transparent it is, the better its quality, and the more expensive it is. Frankincense gives a smoky, tart, sweet, slightly oily aroma. Of all the incense, incense is believed to be the best at repelling evil spirits.which, by the way, are taken very seriously in the East,strengthens and brightens the aura and relieves evil eye. Therefore, it was and is most widely used in religious and mystical rites. It is also believed that prayer accompanied by burning incense goes directly to God. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory, soothing, antiseptic and other medicinal properties,strengthens the immune system. In ancient times, incense was used to treat wounds and burns, toothache, ulcers and bleeding. The aroma of incense was used to treat diseases respiratory system, disorders nervous system accompanied by irritability, anxiety, etc.

Dewy Frankincense or Benzoin Resin ( Arab. Jaui ) - resin of tropical trees and shrubs of the styrax family. Also called styrax. It has a grayish-orange color and a very pleasant resinous-floral balm aroma. In the East, benzoin resin was used as an aromatic component in incense for purification and prosperity smoking, as well as in medicine to treat infections. urinary tract, bronchitis and others pulmonary diseases. The aroma of benzoin calms the nerves, improves memoryand lifts your spirits.

Myrrh(Arab. M u rr ) aromatic resin of reddish-brown color, bitter in taste. The word “myrrh” itself means “bitter” in many eastern languages. Myrrh, widely used in perfumes and incense, along with incense, was extremely valued in ancient times, it was also used in medicine and in embalming the dead. In addition, it was used as an antidote to many types of poisons, as well as for snake and scorpion bites. High quality myrrh is identified by its darker color and transparency. The smell of myrrh is pleasant, enveloping, with light vanilla notes, but slightly pungent and bitter; in incense it gives earthy notes to the smell. To improve the aroma and sometimes to eliminate the burnt smell that poor quality myrrh gives, myrrh can be soaked for several days in wine or weak solution vinegar. Like frankincense, myrrh is included in most oriental, and especially Arab, incense. It is also an odor fixer, meaning it allows other aromas to fully develop. The aroma of myrrh is most fully expressed when burned, rather than in an oil mixture. Smoking myrrh helps with insomnia, calms, and is considered beneficial for strengthening the aura.

Galbanum or gum (Galbanum) - resinous-gummy substance yellow color with a strong odor and pungent taste. Obtained from plants of the genus Ferula of the Apiaceae family, growing in Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran. Since ancient times it has been used in incense and as a medicinal substance. By smell and medicinal properties looks like myrrh. In incense it fixes and enhances other aromas.

"Dragon's Blood" (Dragon's Blood resin ) – bright red resin from the dragon tree, a relict plant, currently growing only on the island of Socotra, which belongs to Yemen. The dragon tree has long been considered sacred, and its resin was used for medicinal and mystical purposes, as well as in magical love potions and as part of the notorious mysterious varnish for making famous Italian violins. To this day, on the island of Socotra, this resin is used practically as a panacea for all diseases. The aroma of “dragon’s blood” is quite heavy, resinous, smoky, with a slight fruity undertone. Incense is used for many different purposes, but especially to attract passion, lust, money, strength and victory, treat infertility and impotence, cleanse the aura and premises of any negative influences. In addition, it is believed that “dragon” blood enhances beneficial features the remaining ingredients in the incense.

Opopanax or sweet myrrh (Opopanax, sweet myrrh ) – perennial resin herbaceous plant, growing mainly in the southern climate (Türkiye, Iran, Somalia). The highly flammable resin of opopanax in incense produces a warm, balsamic scent with a hint of lavender. The aroma of opopanax has protective and antiseptic properties, relieves symptoms of asthma, spasms, treats hysteria and hypochondria.

Borneolily East Indian Camphor (Borneo camphor ) - depending on the amount of camphor contained, it is either a whitish-yellow liquid or a dark-colored oily viscous mass formed under the bark of camphor trees. It has a specific camphor smell.Has disinfectant, antiseptic andantiviral properties. In addition, it increases tone and immunity, and has a good effect on the nervous system. In eastern civilizations, especially ancient Persia, India and China, borneol for a long time was considered a panacea for many diseases, especially infectious ones.

The smell of borneol repels insects

Sandalwood ( Arab. San t al ) – an aromatic wood widely used in perfumery and aromatherapy, and used as a base in many incense.The color of the wood is from light brown to reddish. The aroma is warm, refined, tart, with a strong woody-balsamic base note., slightly reminiscent of the scent of roses. Sandalwood is a mild aphrodisiac, that is, it increases sensuality and enhances sexual desire. Calms nerves, helps with depression, insomnia, throat irritation, runny nose, nausea, heartburn. Has slight antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Wood Oud or Aloe ( Arab. oud .) is one of the most valuable and expensive types of wood, which is sometimes mistakenly called “aloe” or “scarlet tree”.The oil of this tree is the most valuable and sacred oil. It is extracted from the endangered, rare archaic tropical evergreen tree Aquilaria, native to Southeast Asia and Arabia, and only from diseased trees whose wood is infected with a special fungus. Sick wood is filled with resin, rich in aromatic volatile substances, becomes heavier than water and acquires aroma and great value. It takes about 300 years for the wood to fully mature. The treasury of the Japanese imperial family contains a piece of oud wood that was given to the emperor in 756 AD. The aroma of Oud wood is very pleasant and has practically no natural analogues. The color of wood used in incense ranges from light beige to dark brown or even black. The darker the color, the higher the quality of the wood. In addition, good quality wood breaks easily, and when burned, its surface swells with bubbles. Oud wood is commonly used in protective incense and incense that brings success and prosperity.

Cassia(C assia ) is a cinnamon tree that grows in Arabia, China and some countries in Southeast Asia. Its second name is fragrant or Chinese cinnamon. Incense uses bark or oil from the leaves and branches of the cassia tree. Cassia bark is somewhat harder, thicker, and rougher in texture than regular cinnamon, and is more difficult to break. The smell of cassia oil is very similar to cinnamon, which is why it is often called “Chinese cinnamon oil.” But compared to cinnamon, it lacks a little "fullness" and "warmth", although they are applied in the same way. In traditional Chinese medicine Cassia is considered one of the fifty main medicinal plants. The aroma of cassia strengthens the nervous system and relieves depression. Used in incense for protection, attracting money and love, enhancing psychic energy.In the absence of cassia, it can be easily replaced cinnamon( Cinnamon).

Cedar(Cedar wood) – aromatic wood and oil of coniferous cedar trees.In oriental incense, as a rule, Lebanese, Atlas, Japanese and some other types of cedar are used. The aroma is soft, velvety, resinous, warm. Organizes the body's self-regulation and fills the body with energy. Treats diseases respiratory tract and strengthens the immune system. Enhances sensory perception, excites and warms. It drives away insects, which is why it is also used in repellent mixtures. Cedar is used in incense for protection, purification, healing and ritual. Has approximately the same properties, although slightly weaker cypress( Cypress).

Juniper(Juniper) - in evergreen conifer plant . The aroma is resinous, fresh, tart, velvety. It is believed that the aroma of juniper clarifies the worldview, eliminates inactivity and fear, increases intuition and personal psychologism. Wood and dried juniper berries are used in incense.

Musk ( Musk ) -The odorous secretion of the glands of the male musk deer (musk deer), living in Siberia, the Himalayas and other Asian countries.Musk has been used in traditional oriental medicine. In China alone, more than 400 are known medicines, in the production of which musk is used.Natural high-quality musk of dark purple color, oily to the touch and bitter to the taste. Has extremely strong smell, also the most persistent of all known odors. In perfume compositions it enhances and gives durability to other odors.Currently, the most common use of synthetic musk, or natural musk is replaced by analogues of animal or plant origin that are similar in smell.The aroma of musk is warm, intoxicatingly spicy,exciting, alluring,slightly tart. Helps with anxiety, mental fatigue, relieves stress, and is also a strong aphrodisiac. It is not for nothing that in the East there is a belief that a person who smells of musk attracts others and is pleasant to communicate with. Musk can even be applied to the skin in pure form as perfume. Musky scents are commonly used in incense aimed at masculinity, sex appeal, and purification.

Ambergris(Ambergris ) - secretions found in the intestines and sometimes in the stomach of the sperm whale. Ambergris is a wax-like substance on the outside gray, inside yellow, red or variegated, arranged in concentric layers and covered thin skin. Ambergris is a flammable substance. It has a pleasant sweet and thick musky scent, with earthy notes. Previously, ambergris was intensively used in magical rituals and cosmetic perfumery, as well as in medicine for treatment stomach diseases. Nowadays it is used mainly in perfumery, the most common are synthetic analogues, real ambergris is used in expensive perfumes as a flavor fixative.

"Angel nails" or "bird claws" (Operculum, o nycha) – valves shells of a special type of mollusk found mainly in the Red Sea. The best quality shells come from Yemen. Knownalso called "Qurayshi nail".These shells, which look like white-yellowish fingernails, have been used as incense since ancient times and are referred to in the Bible as Onykh or Onycha. The aroma is similar to the aroma of musk and amber. In incense it helps to capture other odors. Before use, the shells must be soaked for several days (preferably in a henna solution, but also in wine or water with a small amount of vinegar) to remove the “fishy” smell. Incense with “angel nails” has strong anti-inflammatory, stimulating and tonic properties, and treats women’s diseases.

Backgammon(Spikenard, nard, ind. jatamansi ) is the root of a herbaceous plant of the valerian family. It is used in incense in the form of ground root or a few drops of oil. In ancient times, the oil obtained from the root of this plant was extremely highly valued for its aromatic and medicinal properties. In particular, it is mentioned in the Bible; Mary Magdalene anointed the feet of Jesus Christ himself with it. By the way, translated from Greek the very name “Christ” means “Anointed One.” In incense, spikenard gives a heavy, sweet, woody, spicy-animal odor, reminiscent of valerian. Like valerian, it calms the nerves well and restores mental balance, and is excellent for hysteria, insomnia, tearfulness and headaches. In the absence of real spikenard, in incense recipes spikenard can be replaced with oil or powder from the roots valerian( Valerian root)

Costus roots(Costus Root ) are the dried roots of a herbaceous plant related to elecampane and growing primarily in China and India. The incense is given a persistent scent of noble wood. It has antiseptic properties. Costus roots are used in incense for protection, purification, expulsion (including evil spirits and insects).

Vetiver roots( Vetiver ) -roots perennial grass with a strong and unique slightly tart woody-balsamic aroma with a slight hint of tobacco. In India it is called "couscous". Since ancient times in India, couscous was stuffed into pillows, woven into rugs and curtains, and the aroma was felt for a long time. In the East, vetiver roots have been used for incense, especially love scents, since ancient times. Noble women took baths with vetiver to restore skin elasticity and an elegant figure after childbirth. Incense with the addition of vetiver has antiseptic, as well as strong stimulating and tonic properties.

Calamus (Calamus root ) is a perennial herbaceous wild marsh plant. It's interesting that the water where it grows calamus , usually drinkable. Calamus rhizome contains essential oil and bitterness, as well tannins, saccharides, starch, choline, phytostyrols and mucilages, as well as fragrant calamus oil. The plant has a strong spicy smell, as well as a tart and spicy taste. In ancient times it was widely used as medicine from a number of diseases. Remains of calamus were discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Calamus has mild psychotropic properties and is absolutely harmless in small quantities. As an incense it produces a strong, warm herbal aroma, slightly reminiscent of cinnamon. Strengthens the nervous system, stimulates and tones, relieves stress, relieves symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. In ancient times it symbolized male strength and was considered a strong aphrodisiac.

Star anise or star anise (Star Anise ) - an evergreen tropical tree from the magnolia family, single flowers develop into clusters of sacs, first fleshy, and later woody and turning into a beautiful star, similar in smell to anise. A well-known spicy plant, the aroma is concentrated mainly in the outer shell of the six- and eight-pointed fruits. Star anise is indicated as a general tonic that increases resistance to stress, infections, improves the functioning of the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems. In incense recipes, star anise can be replaced with regular star anise. anise( Anise).

Carnation ( Cloves) – fragrant dried buds of the clove tree of the myrtle family, as well asessential oil from scalded buds, leaves and young shoots. The buds are widely used as spices and incense. The aroma of cloves is tart, pungent, invigorating. It has antiseptic properties. Cloves are used in incense for protection, purification, expulsion (including evil spirits and insects), attracting money, success and love.

Ginger(Ginger) – perennial plant root Zingiber officinale , widely used as a spice due to its warm, tangy aroma with a slight hint of lemon and honey. Has a strong stimulating and tonic effect, mobilizes internal forces body. In former times, the smell of ginger was used in incense to enhance sexuality and restore the body's energy costs.

Turmeric(Curcuma, t urmeric ) – tuber powderplants from the ginger family, widely used as a seasoning. It is very popular in Eastern countries due to its medicinal properties - it is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that can fight, among other things, skin diseases, some types of cancer and Alzheimer's disease. In incense, turmeric providesearthy, slightly spicy aroma with hints of ginger.

Cardamom(C ardamom ) – plant seeds Elettaria , used in cooking as a seasoning and in medicine. It has a strong and unique sweet and spicy aroma.

Coriander(Coriander ) – seeds of the annual cilantro plant, used as a spice. This is one of the oldest types of spices: coriander seeds were found in Macedonia during excavations of Bronze Age settlements. In ancient times, coriander was used to make perfume. In incense gives warmth spicy aroma with hints of nut and orange.

to whom. Outdated Book Iron. To praise, extol someone; flatter. I respectfully retreat from this famous name [Derzhavina], but not in order to fall into the dust before him and unconsciously burn the incense of loud phrases and exclamations, but in order to better and more fully measure with his eyes this majestic image (Belinsky. Russian literature in 1841). Let the official jester burn incense to the Earthly God - My feat is pure and spiritual: I will not sell Rus' for the Tsar(Dobrolyubov. Not the thunder of war...)

Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Burning incense” is in other dictionaries:

    burn incense- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Smoking (burning) incense- INCENSE, a, m. (obsolete). An incense substance used for smoking, as well as the smoke that arises from such smoking. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    incense- burn incense, burn incense, smoke incense... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. incense flattery, smoke, smell, fragrance, aroma, praise, incense Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    SMOKE- SMOKE, I smoke, you smoke, unbeliever. (to smoke) that (book. outdated). preim. in the expression: to burn incense to someone to extol someone with praise (originally about a special type of sacrifice to burn aromatic substances.) Explanatory Dictionary ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    INCENSE- INCENSE, ah, husband. (obsolete). An incense substance used for smoking, as well as the smoke that arises from such smoking. To smoke (burn) incense to someone (bookish irony) to flatter or exaggerately praise someone n. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    burn- SMOKE, hurray, urish and urish; uric; owl: burn incense to someone (obsolete and ironic) flatteringly or exaggeratedly praise someone n. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    incense- A; m. [from Greek. thymiama from thymiaō I burn, I smoke] 1. An incense for smoking, incense; aromatic smoke produced when this substance is burned. * Lamps are burning, light incense is smoking (Pushkin). Smoking (smoke) for anyone. f. (also: flattering... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

The composition of incense varies greatly depending on historical and geographical features. That is why it is often referred to as incense resin for worship and prayer.

Since ancient times, incense has been used for concentration and during ritual processions. You can use it when you need to focus on something specific or meditate. The use of incense is very wide. They have been used for thousands of years and have already gained magical meaning. For example, incense is smoked to attract love and strengthen existing love, to attract good luck and increase profits, for success in travel and difficult undertakings.

There are several types of incense: simple and complex. Simple ones consist of a single plant and their preparation consists of crushing the herb and burning it over charcoal. These include cinnamon, cloves, frankincense, juniper and rosemary.

Complex ones require several ingredients and their preparation consists of certain stages.

For a quality mixture, take:

  • 100 grams of pine wood;
  • 100 grams of sandalwood crushed into chips;
  • 2 tsp white copal;
  • 1 tsp dry bay leaf;
  • 1 tsp hemp seeds;
  • Vegetable glycerin;
  • 5 drops of cedar aromatic oil;
  • 3 drops of clove oil;
  • 3 drops of cinnamon oil.

Method for preparing an aromatic mixture

Place the crushed sandalwood wood in a bowl. Pour 2 tbsp on top. l. vegetable glycerin. It should be added gradually, continuously stirring the mixture with a metal fork or whisk. The goal is to obtain a soft, pliable mass. If you see that the mass has softened even from one spoon, you don’t need to add a second one. Next, pour into the resulting mixture aroma oils and mix again.

Add the remaining dry ingredients and mix them back into the mixture. You should leave the incense in this consistency for exactly one day so that it is thoroughly soaked.

After this, you can safely use the smoking aromatic mixture. It can be set on fire in special lamps or on hot coals.

The passage of time is inexorable. Therefore, people forget the meanings of words that are no longer actively used. But sometimes, for example, in Russian language lessons they require the student to explain the meaning of some words that he hears modern man seem outdated. Today we will answer the question, what is the meaning of the word “incense”. What kind of substance is this? It is also inevitable that the meaning of the phraseological unit “smoke incense” will be drawn into the orbit of the article.

Incense and its smoking

Naturally, experienced smokers will say that there is no such brand of tobacco as “incense”. And rightly so, because it is incense. Incense is obtained by burning incense. But one should not think that smoking incense is a church prerogative. If you do not turn to the metaphorical meaning of the phrase, then it practically turns out: everyone can now delight their sense of smell with incense in their apartment, because they are not only popular, but their range is widely represented. In addition, the tradition of using incense is associated not only with Christianity, but also with pagan gods, as well as with rulers and kings, before whom, as usual, they lavish not only the smells of incense, but also praise. Let's talk about professional sycophancy in more detail and find out how incense (this is an incense) and flattery are connected.

"Smoke incense"

This phrase means "to lavish unfair or excessive praise on a person who most often does not deserve it." Let us remember the story: they smoked incense for rulers and kings. And in those distant times, people knew little about democratic values, so they could lose their heads simply and easily. Praise for a ruler is a form of self-preservation. Now the phraseology “smoke incense,” divorced from the soil on which it arose, is interpreted unambiguously: this is undeserved flattery for a person. Now we modern people, it is easy to despise those who smoke incense because we were brought up in a different society.

The moral aspect of the problem. Vertical relationships "subordinate - superior"

From the above it is clear: one can hardly lavish praise on one’s work colleagues. Incense is a “product” intended for the boss. Speaking abstractly, then, of course, you need to praise for something, but you shouldn’t just shower yourself with compliments, and most people support this point of view. But everything changes when it comes to relationships with your boss at work.

Some people cannot stand flattery almost to the point of physical nausea, and if the leader is one of these, it is a great success and a guarantee that everything will be fair.

There is another type of boss who understands: compliments speak more about his status than his personality, but he is pleased all the same. We can talk for a long time about the reasons for this behavior of the leader, but this is not relevant to the matter, so let’s leave the complexes of our superiors aside.

The third type of leader does not understand that the incense smoked in his honor (we have already discussed the meaning of the word) is a fake.

Of course, the ideal of a leader is the first type of boss who cannot stand flattery and decides everything fairly, but how often do such people come across? natural conditions office? This is a big question. More often you can observe managers who love praise, even undeserved, and gladly accept compliments from their subordinates. It is not so important whether an employee compliments his boss sincerely or not, the main thing is that praise is a form of human dominance over a person, and if a subordinate is dependent, then he can be controlled.

But, if you get out of the psychological thickets of human relationships, you can say with confidence: smoking incense is extremely useful for your career.

Modern reality exudes incense

People ask themselves what the meaning of the word “incense” is because they intuitively feel that reality is drunk, saturated with undeserved, ostentatious praise. Moreover, this applies not only to bosses and various types of managers. Today, people have basically surrounded themselves with idols - screen stars, athletes, and even things. A person is now in a terrible and ambiguous state: on the one hand, he is very tired of all the noisy circulation of things and people, and on the other hand, he is forced to praise external reality, because everyone does so. It is such bad infinity that takes away freedom from a person. In the fragrant smoke the personality loses itself.

However, we digress. The main thing is that we analyzed the meaning of the word “incense” and found out the meaning of the phraseological unit “smoke incense”. For the rest, we can only hope for the best: someday a person will wake up, the wind will change and values ​​will become different.
