Norms of hormones FSH, LH, estradiol for eco. Analyzes for eco

If a married couple decides to use the in vitro fertilization service, they are recommended to undergo a thorough medical examination, which will allow you to assess the condition of the body of both the expectant mother and the expectant father. Laboratory and instrumental tests for IVF make it possible to identify diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature, which is extremely important before the onset of physiological pregnancy.

The outcome of in vitro fertilization largely depends on how thoroughly the body of a woman and a man was examined. Modern medical diagnostic procedures are aimed at identifying hormonal and other disorders. During the joint medical consultation, both spouses can receive a list of referrals for medical diagnostic procedures.

Patients who will soon be using one of the reproductive techniques are recommended to undergo the following general lab tests before IVF, such as determining Rh antibodies, blood type and Rh factor. These measures are necessary in order to avoid an immune conflict in the future between the maternal body and the developing fetus. Medical reproductive specialists highlight a list of necessary laboratory tests, which they recommend that every patient undergo without fail.

The primary task for reproductive specialists is to assess the hormonal levels of the expectant mother. Based on the information received, medical specialists draw conclusions about the causes of infertility, as well as options for selecting an in vitro fertilization protocol.

From 3 to 5 days menstrual cycle, every woman is recommended to undergo a laboratory test to determine the level of gonadotropic hormones. These hormones include:

  1. Luteinizing hormone. The main function of this biological compound is to stimulate the production of estrogen in the female body. When the concentration level of this hormone reaches peak values, the process of maturation and release of the egg (ovulation) begins in the female body.
  2. Follicle stimulating hormone. This compound is produced in the pituitary gland. It is under the influence of this hormone that follicles form and mature in women, and spermatogenesis also occurs in the male population.
  3. Prolactin. The site of prolactin production is the anterior pituitary gland. When a woman carries a child, it is biological active connection synthesized by cells of the uterine cavity mucosa.
  4. Estradiol. In terms of activity, this compound occupies a leading position in the woman’s body. The site of estradiol production is the placenta, adrenal cortex and ovaries.
  5. Somatotropic hormone. Synthesized by the cells of the anterior pituitary gland, somatotropin is a catalyst for the growth of the entire organism.

Starting from the 20th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle, every woman is recommended to take a blood test to measure progesterone levels. This substance is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary and is responsible for normal course pregnancy. It is progesterone deficiency that leads to premature or spontaneous termination of pregnancy at different stages.

Very important point preparation for the implementation of in vitro fertilization is an assessment of the condition thyroid gland. If we talk about the role of this anatomical formation in the female body, then under its leadership all metabolic processes are regulated. During the assessment of the thyroid gland, the patient takes laboratory research on the level of hormones such as T4, T3, free T4, as well as thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Before using one of the in vitro fertilization algorithms, the expectant mother is recommended to examine her body for sexually transmitted infections. The presence of infectious agents in the body entails serious consequences both for the patient’s body and for the body of the future fetus. Many of the listed pathogens lead to the formation of anomalies and malformations of the fetus. Medical specialists are interested in laboratory data regarding the presence or absence of such infectious pathogens:

  • Gonococci;
  • Chlamydia;
  • Mycoplasmas;
  • Ureaplasma;
  • Gardnerella.

In addition, the patient is prescribed the following additional tests for IVF according to the protocol:

  • Laboratory tests of a smear of vaginal flora for the degree of purity;
  • Coagulogram;
  • Testing for antibodies to hepatitis C and B;
  • Test for syphilis and HIV;
  • Cytological examination of smears from cervical canal;
  • Analysis for the level of antibodies to toxoplasma and rubella virus.

If according to the results bacteriological research pathogens of infectious and inflammatory diseases were found in vaginal smears, then the implementation of in vitro fertilization is possible only if complex treatment with subsequent recovery.

If a woman has previously undergone any laboratory or instrumental examination before IVF, she must provide the results to a reproductive specialist. The most valuable research results include:

  • Hysterosalpingography images;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, which has data on the condition of the pituitary gland and sella turcica;
  • Results of laparoscopic examination of the area fallopian tubes(if carried out);
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.

For men

Assessing the health of the future father is an equally important point in preliminary preparation for in vitro fertilization. As mandatory diagnostic procedures, the following list of tests for IVF according to the protocol is distinguished:

  • Blood test for Rh factor;
  • Determination of blood group;
  • Test for antibodies to hepatitis C and B;
  • Wasserman reaction (test for syphilis);
  • Determination of antibodies to HIV.

Also a mandatory study is a spermogram, during which the quantitative and qualitative composition of the seminal fluid is assessed. It is thanks to this study that it is possible to assess the potential male body to conceiving a child.

Before donating biological material, the man is advised to refrain from ejaculating for 4 days. It is important to remember that the period of abstinence should not be less than 2 or more than 7 days. If this period is prolonged, then spermatozoa with low motor activity will be detected in semen samples.

On the eve of the delivery of biological material, it is strictly forbidden to visit saunas and steam baths, drink alcohol and even smoke. If necessary, the attending physician may ask the expectant father to undergo a series of semen tests, which are carried out over 30-90 days.

To exclude infectious and inflammatory diseases, along with a general clinical analysis of blood and urine, a man is prescribed a study of urethral smears for urogenital infections. The list of potentially dangerous pathogens corresponds to that indicated in studies for women.

In addition to the above methods of examining the body, before in vitro fertilization, the preparatory stage involves compliance with the following additional conditions:

  1. Examination of blood samples for prothrombin levels.
  2. Assessment of blood glucose concentration.
  3. Collecting a family history, which includes information about various pathologies through the female line. The diseases of interest are diabetes and malignant neoplasms.
  4. Conducting a general urine test, which includes assessing the levels of leukocytes, protein and glucose.
  5. Biochemical study of blood samples.
  6. Compiling a list of all infectious and non-infectious diseases suffered in childhood.

Enough important information for medical specialists are the timing of menopause and the nature of the course of labor in the mother of a woman who is preparing for in vitro fertilization.

In addition, it is recommended that each patient, before implementing assisted fertilization techniques, be brought into proper condition. oral cavity. We are talking about eliminating infectious and inflammatory foci in the mouth, which are potential sources of pathogens.

If necessary, medical specialists can expand the list of mandatory studies before performing IVF.


A particularly important point in preliminary preparation To implement in vitro fertilization, is the genetic diagnosis of both spouses. This study allows you to assess the state of the genetic material of the future mother and father, as well as identify the risk of transmission hereditary diseases from parents to offspring. Genetic studies before in vitro fertilization are recommended in the following cases:

  • Previously, there were cases of unsuccessful implantation of ready-made embryos, and there was also a frozen pregnancy;
  • There are no common children;
  • Each spouse is over 35 years old;
  • There is asthenozoospermia or oligospermia in the spermogram of the expectant father;
  • There are cases of transmission of hereditary diseases.

The most valuable genetic studies include:

  • HLA typing;
  • Laboratory test to detect hereditary diseases such as galactosemia, cystic fibrosis, spinal amyotrophy, and phenylketonuria;
  • Karyotyping of both spouses.

Genetic research methods can reduce the risk of developing genetic and hereditary diseases in the unborn fetus. The purpose of this type of research is indicated for those married couples who have already encountered unsuccessful attempts to implant ready-made embryos.

If one of the spouses already has physical and mental healthy child, That genetic research are assigned only to the second spouse. During genetic diagnosis, medical specialists evaluate the structure and condition of chromosomes, since their anomalies lead to intrauterine mutations and miscarriage.

The so-called HLA typing is laboratory method histocompatibility assessment. If the diagnostic results of the expectant mother and father contain matching loci, then there is a high risk that the immune system expectant mother will reject the fruit. If such results are present, the couple is recommended to have a face-to-face consultation with an immunologist.

Validity periods

Along with the question of what tests are needed for IVF, future parents are interested in the validity period of the results obtained. These numbers directly depend on the type of medical diagnostic procedure. The relevance of the results is as follows:

  1. Vaginal smears, general urine test, general clinical blood test, blood biochemistry, coagulogram - 10 days;
  2. Bacteriological examination of urogenital smears - 30 days;
  3. Cytological examination of a smear, PCR from the cervical canal, fluorography, colposcopy with biopsy - 1 year;
  4. Analysis for syphilis and HIV - 3 months;
  5. Determination of blood group and Rh factor - indefinitely;
  6. Conclusion of an endocrinologist and therapist - six months;
  7. Spermogram and hormonal background women - individually.

After the statute of limitations for the tests has expired, the couple needs to update the research results.

List (video)

The examination and list of tests for IVF are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 107N dated August 30, 2012 “On the procedure for using assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications and restrictions on their use.”

According to this document, before entering the ART program (AI, IVF), it is necessary to carry out full examination before IVF. We post a list of analyzes and studies on this page. Below is full list examinations before IVF for both spouses.

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Tests for IVF for a woman

Our patients often ask what kind of examination they undergo before IVF and what tests a woman needs for IVF. We would like to immediately note that all the studies listed below are mandatory and valid for a certain period of time.

So, what tests does a woman undergo before IVF?

    Examination of smears of genital discharge (valid for 1 month)

    Cytological examination of a smear from the cervix and cervical canal (valid for 1 year)

    PCR for Chlamydia trachomatis, HSV types 1 and 2, CMV (valid for 6 months)

    Culture for ureaplasma, mycoplasma and genitalium (valid for 6 months)

    Culture for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics from the vagina (valid for 1 month), according to indications

    General urine test (valid for 1 month)

    Clinical analysis blood (valid for 1 month)

    Total protein, Glucose, total bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin, AST, ALT, creatinine, urea (valid for 30 days)

    Coagulogram (valid for 30 days)

    Determination of antibodies to Treponema pallidum in the blood), markers of viral HBs-Ag, antibodies to HCV (hepatitis B, C, HIV determination (valid for 2 months). Only in NOVA CLINIC

    Antigens of the herpes virus in the blood HSV1.2 (valid for 6 months). Only at NOVA CLINIC

    Karyotype (uncertain)

    Determination of blood group, determination of Rh factor (laboratory form, original, unlimited)

    Blood from a vein for free T4, TSH, FSH, LH, testosterone, estradiol (E2, E3 according to indications), prolactin, AMH, free testosterone (valid for 6 months).

    ELISA Blood from a vein - antibodies to rubella of two classes IgG and IgM (single)

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands on days 4-9 of the menstrual cycle (valid for 1 year) + mammologist’s conclusion about the absence of contraindications to the IVF program

    Complete resting ECG with film (valid for 3 months)

    Fg at place of residence (valid for 1 year) original

    Therapist's conclusion about the absence of contraindications to the IVF and ET program, pregnancy (valid for 1 year)

    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (valid for 1 year) + endocrinologist’s conclusion about the absence of contraindications to the IVF program and pregnancy

    Expert ultrasound of the pelvic organs on days 5-9 of the cycle.

Many tests for IVF can be taken by a woman on any day of the menstrual cycle, but some tests should be carried out at a certain time.

Why undergo such a serious examination before IVF, the results of which in many cases are quite short term actions? The fact is that all tests before IVF for a woman are necessary to assess the state of her reproductive health at this moment time and eliminate the possibility of serious infections that could affect both the success of the program and the health of the unborn child.

Tests for IVF for a man

Examination of men before IVF includes a number of studies and tests. Sometimes patients are interested in what tests a man should undergo first for IVF. According to the order of the Ministry of Health, the scope of the examination should have been complete.

On this page we list what tests a man needs for IVF and what examinations will be required to undergo before the IVF program.

    Spermogram + MAP test (valid for 1 year)

    Examination of smears of genital discharge (valid for 6 months)

    PCR for chlamydia, herpes, CMV, mycoplasma, genitalium, ureaplasma (valid for 6 months)

    Karyotyping (indefinitely)

    Determination of antibodies to Treponema pallidum in the blood, markers of viral HBs-Ag, Antibodies to HCV (hepatitis B, C), determination of HIV (valid for 3 months). Only at NOVA CLINIC

    Antigens of the herpes virus in the blood HSV1.2 (valid for 6 months). Only at NOVA CLINIC

    Determination of blood group, determination of Rh factor (laboratory form, original, unlimited) according to indications

    Andrologist's conclusion

Examinations and tests for IVF in a man can be carried out at any time, however, for example, a spermogram requires special preparation.

Examination before IVF includes different kinds studies, each of which is informative and necessary for the procedure. In addition, according to indications, the attending physician may recommend additional consultations with related specialists, for example, genetics, as well as additional research designed to improve the effectiveness of the program. Examination before IVF can be carried out not only in Nova Clinic, but also in any other medical center or laboratories convenient for you. The exception is tests before IVF for men and women, such as the determination of HIV or markers viral hepatitis IN.

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Norms of hormones FSH, LH, estradiol for IVF

Hormonal monitoring in the IVF program is carried out in three stages:

  1. before entering into the protocol;
  2. at the stimulation stage;
  3. at the moment when the decision is made.

The most important of them are initial examination and the final stage, when you need to weigh the pros and cons of transferring in a stimulated cycle or doing a segmented cycle (with a break).

  • Hormones during IVF
  • Hormones before IVF
  • Hormones for IVF are normal
  • Hormones during ovulation stimulation
  • IVF hormones in a natural cycle
  • IVF hormones for embryo transfer

What types of monitoring exist?

  1. Ultrasound monitoring of the ovaries is traditional. During an ultrasound, the doctor measures the diameter of the follicles: those leading in development and the cohort catching up with the “leaders”. The diameter is measured in two perpendicular directions, so the doctor understands how stimulation affects the maturation of eggs, whether there is a need to adjust dosages or replace medications. The size of the follicles “tells” the date of appointment.
  2. Ultrasound monitoring of the uterine mucosa. Using the study, the doctor evaluates the quality of the endometrium - thickness, structure. Endometrial thickness – important parameter about making a decision about replanting.
  3. Hormonal monitoring is a blood test for the level of female sex hormones during stimulation.

Hormones during IVF

Hormonal monitoring involves receiving results on the day the test was taken. The laboratory technician “gives” the answer 2 hours after administering the sample. Such monitoring of hormones during IVF is valuable, as it allows for timely correction.

Reproductive hormones:

  • (ovarian reserve hormone);
  • follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH;
  • LH – luteinizing hormone;
  • estradiol is the main estrogen in the female body;
  • – a hormone that ensures pregnancy and gestation;
  • androgens;
  • , it belongs to hormones, but plays an important role in the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

The most important hormones for IVF are:

  • prolactin;
  • estradiol;
  • luteinizing hormone, it is responsible for ovulation.

The actual release of the egg from the follicle occurs during the luteinizing “peak”, when the concentration of the hormone is maximum.

The LH peak is preceded by a “peak” of estradiol. The follicle grows under the influence of estradiol and reaches its maximum size during peak concentration. Estradiol, through a positive feedback mechanism, affects the pituitary gland, which stimulates it to produce LH. It is the high concentration of estradiol that triggers ovulation.

As soon as ovulation occurs, the level of LH and estradiol drops sharply, and progesterone, which begins to be produced (at the site of ovulation), begins to “grow”.

It will depend on the level of progesterone whether this happens or not (the same relationship with natural pregnancy, ).

Hormones before IVF

A woman cannot be accepted into the IVF program if she has hormonal disorders. Below is a list of hormones that need to be tested before IVF in the form of a table. The first three points are mandatory for everyone. The remaining hormones are given according to indications.

Hormones for IVF (norm) and timing for testing

Hormones Units Deadline for testing
FSH 1.37-9.90 mU/l From 2 to 4 days of the cycle
AMG 2.1-7.3 ng/ml Any day of the cycle
LH 1.68-15 honey/ml From 2 to 4 days of the cycle
Prolactin 109-557 honey/ml From 1 to 10 days of the cycle

total testosterone

0.7–3 nmol/l From 1 to 10 days of the cycle
DEAS 30 – 333 mcg/dl From 1 to 10 days of the cycle
17-OH progesterone 0.2-2.4 nmol/l or 0.07-0.80 ng/ml From 1 to 10 days of the cycle
(to absolutely everyone) 0.4-4.0 µIU/ml Any day of the cycle
T4 free 0.8-1.8 pg/ml or 10-23 pmol/l Any day of the cycle
Antibodies to TPO 0-35 IU/ml or 5.5 U/ml Any day of the cycle

When to take hormones for IVF?

Hormones are always taken strictly on an empty stomach (food and liquid intake can distort the results) in the morning, because their levels change throughout the day.

Androgens are given strictly at 8 a.m. local time!

In order to take the tests correctly, you must first familiarize yourself with the requirements. The reliability of the results depends on: correctly selected drugs, their doses, and the drug prescription regimen.

If a deviation from the norm in thyroid hormones is detected, before IVF it is necessary to correct and bring the thyroid hormones back to normal.

When a woman has already entered into the protocol, the doctor may prescribe a repeat hormone test (if indicated).

For example, if you have adjusted your thyroid hormone levels, your doctor should make sure that the results are achieved and that your hormones are back to normal.

IVF hormones for hyperstimulation syndrome

High estradiol is a marker, but ultrasound is more informative in this regard, because you can see large, enlarged ovaries with many follicles (more than 15 on each side). In some patients, it is rare, but there are such paradoxical “responses” of the body to stimulation. Then the cycle is segmented and embryo transfer is carried out in the next cycle, and. so as not to miss the only mature egg. LH rise. begins 36 hours before ovulation. after puncture. But it happens that, under the influence of stimulation, a high level of hormones leads to redistribution - ovarian synthesis of progesterone earlier than necessary. And the level of progesterone increases, and the implantation window begins to open earlier - not synchronously with the development of the embryo. Normally, the “implantation dialogue” occurs 5-6 days after the puncture.

With a rapid ovarian response, progesterone can be high due to the conversion of part of estradiol to progesterone. And this progesterone is already beginning to open the implantation window ahead of schedule.

A test for the hormone progesterone must be taken at the time the ovulation trigger is prescribed, when the permissive dosage of hCG is given (an injection is given intramuscularly). On this day, progesterone should be low, the lower the better.

Quite a complex method of conceiving a child.


Therefore, before moving on to it, it is necessary to do examinations. They include taking tests. These studies will be an indicator of a woman’s health. Since the upcoming event requires healthy condition organism, then the number of studies is quite large.

You should also be aware of the time frame during which IVF tests are valid.

Since an in-depth examination is necessary female body, then there are mandatory procedures. And also if any pathologies are detected, there are recommended tests for IVF. They need to be taken for a more accurate diagnosis of a particular disease or deviation from the norm. You should know that IVF puts quite a serious strain on the body. Therefore it is better to preparatory stage reveal everything possible risks and be prepared for any complications or refuse the procedure.

Tests for IVF need to be taken not only by the woman, but also by the man. After meeting the couple and studying the previous examination, the doctor prescribes necessary procedures both man and woman. You should know that there is a certain period when IVF tests are valid. Suitability may vary from person to person. Therefore, when planning this event, it is worth remembering this.

Research for two

List of tests for IVF for two partners:

  1. Blood test for AIDS, syphilis, HbsAg, HCV and herpes. These results are valid for 3 months.
  2. Microscopy of the genital organs. Valid for one month.
  3. Examination for the presence in the body of infections such as chlamydia, herpes, ureaplasma, mycoplasma. results this survey valid for 1 year.
  4. The doctor will also ask you to provide the couple with a previous examination.

For a man

List of tests for IVF that the husband must undergo:

  1. First of all, he needs a morphology and MAR test. There are certain recommendations that must be followed before the study. A man should abstain from sexual activity before taking a spermogram. The minimum period is 2 days, and the maximum is 7. One week before the test, you need to avoid baths, saunas and drinking drinks containing alcohol.
  2. If necessary, according to indications, the doctor prescribes a consultation with an andrologist.
  3. Karyotype. Also prescribed according to the patient's indications.

For the wife

Tests before IVF that the wife must undergo:

Additional examinations of the female body

There is also a list of tests for IVF that can be prescribed to a woman according to her indications. Passing them is not mandatory. But it is recommended to implement them. Since IVF is a serious burden on a woman’s body. This is due to hormonal stimulation of the body. This procedure can cause complications in the female body. Especially if at the time of its implementation there are failures of any systems. Therefore, it is better to undergo a thorough examination and then decide to undergo IVF. Below is a list of procedures that the doctor may additionally prescribe:

  1. Visit to a geneticist, karyotyping.
  2. Hysteroscopy.
  3. Laparoscopy.
  4. Examination of the uterus.
  5. Examination of the fallopian tubes.
  6. Examination of the female body for the presence of antibodies such as antisperm and antiphospholipid.
  7. The doctor can also give a referral to specialists if the woman has indications. This must be done to confirm or refute a particular diagnosis.

Since there are cases when a couple really wants to have a child and turns a blind eye to what is possible for the woman’s body. However, there is a possibility that existing diseases will worsen after the procedure. Or new ones will arise. Pregnancy itself is a test for the body. And IVF, due to hormonal stimulation, poses a double threat. Therefore, all factors must be taken into account women's health, ranging from age to examination results.


Now you know what tests you need to take for IVF. We also indicated the validity period of the results of a particular study. We hope that the information in the article was useful to you.

So, you have already settled all the formalities, found a clinic where you will receive help, but you don’t know what tests to start preparing for IVF? Next, we will tell you in detail about the necessary tests.

Tests before IVF are necessary preparation To this method treatment. They are submitted within the appropriate time frame so that they are valid for the duration of the protocol.

What tests are needed for IVF women:

IN general tests Before IVF, the following must be included: Blood type, Rh factor, Rh antibodies.

Mandatory tests:

Every woman must undergo hormonal tests before IVF, because... The cause of infertility is primarily hormonal. And the doctor must also select competently supporting hormonal therapy.

Gonadotropic hormones - for days 3-5 of the cycle:

* FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is a pituitary hormone that stimulates spermatogenesis in men and follicle development in women.

* LH (luteinizing hormone) - stimulates the synthesis of estrogen. Reaching the maximum concentration of LH in the blood gives impetus to ovulation (the release of an egg from the follicle) and stimulates the development corpus luteum, secreting progesterone.

* Estradiol is the most active female sex hormone, which is produced in the ovaries, placenta and adrenal cortex under the influence of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland.

* Prl (prolactin) is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which during pregnancy is also produced in the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterus). Refers to gonadotropic hormones.

* STG ( growth hormone) is a growth hormone secreted by cells of the anterior pituitary gland.

It is better to take progesterone in the second phase for 20-25 days of the cycle is a hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovary, formed after the release of a mature egg from the follicle. This hormone is necessary for the flow normal pregnancy, therefore its concentration increases throughout gestation.

Thyroid hormones

* TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.

T4 is the main iodine-containing hormone of the thyroid gland (the gland produces 93% of thyroxine and only 7% of triiodothyronine).

Free T4 is the fraction of T4 not bound to proteins. In women, the concentration of free thyroxine is lower than in men and increases during pregnancy, reaching a maximum in the last trimester.

Tests for infections before IVF Also included in the list of mandatory examinations, since many of them affect not only conception, but also the development of the fetus.

* chlamydia,
* ureplasma,
* mycoplasma,
* gardnerella (smear, blood),
* gonococcus
* flora smear (degree of purity),
* cytological examination cervical canal,
* HSV, CMV (smear, blood),
* antibodies to hepatitis B and C.
* AIDS, syphilis (blood),
* antibodies rubella, toxoplasmosis,
* Blood hemostasis

Results of the research

* Image of the uterus and tubes (HSG result),
* laparoscopy results (if performed)
* hysteroscopy results,
* biopsy results,
* results of ultrasound observations,
* photo of the sella turcica (if available),
* results of tomographic examination (if performed)

and other documents that you have accumulated during the examination.

In addition to the IVF procedure:

1) Collect all information about diseases in the female line (mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, etc.) regarding: oncology, diabetes and other serious diseases.

2) Remember everything past illnesses in childhood (if you don’t remember, ask your family).

3) Ask at what age your mother went through menopause (if it did), how your childbirth went, whether there were any problems with conception, the length and frequency of the cycles.

4) It is necessary to treat your teeth before starting the IVF program.

5) Carry out an examination in addition to the IVF procedure:

* biochemical blood composition (blood from a vein - total bilirubin, cholesterol, AST, ALT, total protein, urea) - given on an empty stomach,
* blood test for glucose and prothrombin - taken on an empty stomach
* urine examination (protein, glucose, leukocytes) to ensure the absence of concomitant pathologies.

If necessary, the list of tests for IVF may increase.

What tests are needed for IVF for men?

List of tests for IVF included in the list of mandatory tests:

* blood type
* Rh factor
* HIV1/2 (antibodies to HIV),
* RW-(syphilis),
* antibodies to hepatitis B and C,

* spermogram. Before donating sperm, a man is advised to abstain from ejaculation for 3-4 days. If this period is less than one day, the amount of sperm obtained will be less, and if it is more than seven days, the sperm may contain sperm with reduced motility. Before taking a spermogram, it is not recommended to drink alcohol or visit the bathhouse or sauna. Spermogram values ​​usually vary and the doctor may ask the patient to submit several sperm samples for analysis over a period of one to three months.

* smear and blood for urogenital infections (see above, in the list “Tests before IVF” for women).
