When bending forward, the pelvis tilts back. Wired pelvic axis. Pelvic inclination angle. Diagnosis and treatment

In many detective novels there are often scenes with the poisoning of one of the heroes. Potassium cyanide, added to food or drinks, acts instantly and sends the poor fellow “to the next world”, after short but painful death throes. In one of the attempts to kill Georgy Rasputin, this poison was also used. Why is this substance so dangerous and so destructive to humans, and how does the poison work?

Potassium cyanideChemical substance, whose formula is KCN. The reaction occurring between hydrocyanic acid and potassium hydroxide produces cyanide or a salt of hydrocyanic acid.

Appearance- small transparent crystals that resemble sugar. Potassium cyanide dissolves completely in water, forming a transparent, odorless solution.

Potassium cyanide or cyanide- a compound that is not resistant to decay. More strong salts acids can push out and replace it. In this case, a new non-toxic substance is formed chemical compound.

Oxidation of a substance occurs when it comes into contact with air saturated with water vapor or when poison is added to.

There is a misconception that the smell of this toxic substance is similar to strong smell almonds, and severe poisoning potassium cyanide can be recognized by the victim’s “almond” breathing.

In fact, the smell of this chemical compound (almond) can only be smelled by some people. In most cases, cyanide remains a substance that has absolutely no odor. Scientists explain this fact by the genetic characteristics of the human body.

Almond seeds do contain hydrocyanic acid, which, like all other cyanides, is very poisonous. But one seed contains such an insignificant amount of poison that you need to eat more than 200 of them to become poisoned.

Nowadays, potassium cyanide is used in a wide variety of industries. It is used for developing photographs, the chemical compound is used in the mining industry (for cyanidation), in the manufacture of paints for painting, in pharmaceuticals and for the preparation of various poisons for pests.

Effect of cyanide on the human body

Getting potassium synoxide into the body is deadly. The toxic compound makes it impossible to absorb oxygen. It turns out to be a paradox - the cells are full of air, but they cannot absorb it. The oxygen content of venous and arterial blood is almost equalized. Because of this, the victim's entire body skin may turn red. We can say that cyanide poison has a suffocating effect on the human body at the cellular level.

What dose of a substance causes a person to die, signs of poisoning

Potassium cyanide is a strong poison. Even in extremely small quantities it is hazardous to health. Cases of cyanide poisoning are extremely rare these days and can only occur in facilities where there is direct human contact with the substance (for example, in a laboratory).

The lethal dose is considered to be 17 mg/kg body weight. Death from such an amount of poison occurs within a few minutes. But this number is very arbitrary. It all depends on the route the poison enters the body, the health of the person and what the poison was taken with.

Smaller doses of potassium cyanide poison the body for more long time.

The duration of action of the toxic substance also depends on the method of its entry into human body. The vapors of this poison poison the body in the first seconds. If a small dose of cyanide enters the body through the stomach, the poisoning will make itself felt within a few minutes. The poison can also penetrate through the pores of the skin. This route is the longest; symptoms of poisoning appear only after an hour or two.

Provided that potassium cyanide enters the body through the stomach, its toxic effect depends on the food with which it was swallowed. Glucose (ordinary sugar) instantly oxidizes the compound of hydrocyanic acid and potassium salt. The poison becomes no longer dangerous. Laboratory workers whose work involves this substance have several lumps of sugar in their pockets. If the first symptoms of poisoning appear, they eat it to neutralize the cyanide.

Interesting historical fact poisoning of Rasputin. Potassium cyanide was added to his sweet drinks and sweet flour products. And, although the dose of poison was huge, the poison did not act immediately, since the abundance of food containing glucose did not allow the cyanide to immediately send Gregory “to the next world.”

If we take into account all the factors of poison entering the body (how it entered, the dosage of the substance, human health, the presence of glucose in the stomach), then there are several stages of acute poisoning:

  • prodromal;
  • dyspnoetic;
  • convulsive;
  • paralytic.

Each stage of poisoning is accompanied by certain symptoms. It all starts with banal weakness, sore throat and a feeling of tightness in the chest area. The second stage is characterized increased weakness, pain in the heart and constant bitterness in the mouth. Nausea and vomiting may be present. Two next stages imply the ingestion of a large dose of potassium cyanide into the body. Death from poison without assistance necessary assistance comes quickly. Symptoms include fainting, urinary incontinence, bowel movements, whole body convulsions, protruding eyes from the sockets, weakening and complete stopping of the heartbeat and breathing. The victim also turns red skin, mucous membranes, an unhealthy blush appears on the cheeks. The next stage is death from potassium cyanide poison.

Chronic poisoning

At permanent job with cyanide, the accumulation of poison in the body occurs gradually. Signals that indicate poisoning can be: frequent headache, problems falling asleep, sweating, pain in the heart, weight loss. These alarming symptoms should not be ignored, as the effects of potassium cyanide may affect health over time internal organs, thyroid gland, cause neurasthenia.

Potassium cyanide poisoning. First aid

In order to provide first aid correctly, it is necessary to establish as quickly as possible the routes through which the poison enters the victim’s body. In any case, only a doctor can provide proper assistance after passing necessary tests. Therefore, first of all, we call ambulance. Before her arrival, a person with signs of poisoning can be taken outside. On fresh air cyanide poisoning usually gets better.

If the poison has penetrated the skin, then it is necessary to remove clothing, which may still contain the poisonous substance in its fibers. Wipe the victim with a solution of soap and water.

If potassium cyanide enters the body with food. It is necessary to take all measures to cleanse the stomach. Water solutions that can be used for washing can be made with potassium permanganate (0.1%), hydrogen peroxide (2%), and baking soda (2%). After induced vomiting, the person can be offered sweet tea or any other drink containing glucose.

If a person is unconscious. Monitor his breathing and heartbeat. If there is no heartbeat, it is necessary to indirect massage hearts. If a person stops breathing - artificial respiration. A person who has had artificial surgery should also consult a doctor to rule out possible poisoning from the victim.

Antidotes. Treatment

To neutralize the effect of potassium cyanide, doctors use antidotes that work even with severe poisoning large doses of a toxic substance. And since they all have different effects therapeutic effect, antidotes are used all at once.

  1. glucose solution;
  2. a solution of methylene blue (1%) in a solution of glucose (25%);
  3. sodium thiosulfate solution (25%);
  4. sodium nitrate solution (2%);
  5. substances belonging to the group of methemoglobin formers;
  6. amyl nitrite. They moisten cotton wool and bring it to the victim’s nose.

In addition to the above remedies, the patient is administered “Cytion” and “Lobelin”. These drugs have a stimulating effect on the respiratory center.

Only 40-60% of the world's population can smell cyanide. The seeds of bitter almonds (which are the source of the poison) are not eaten. Therefore, those people who can detect the smell will not always define the “almond” aroma of cyanide.

Prevention of poisoning and possible consequences

Prevention of any poisoning is, first of all, caution. Working with this dangerous poison, like potassium cyanide, is no exception. The use of masks and gloves is necessary to prevent direct interaction of the poison with open parts of the body.

At enterprises whose activities are associated with life-threatening conditions for workers, emergency training and training people to provide first aid first aid. It is necessary to always attend such events so that, in the event of an unusual situation, you do not get confused, act quickly and correctly provide assistance to the victim.

If the work is closely related to the use of any poisons, it is necessary to regularly go to the hospital for regular preventive examinations.

The consequences of poisoning with potassium cyanide can be observed with a large dosage of poison. Because of oxygen starvation all cells of the body are likely to have disturbances in brain activity.

After successful treatment for quite a long time the victim may have nervous breakdowns, pain in the heart area, horse racing blood pressure, tachycardia.

Ecology of consumption. Health: Anterior pelvic tilt is one of the most common postural dysfunctions. It is easy to notice by looking at a person from the side...

Anterior pelvic tilt is one of the most common postural dysfunctions. It is easy to notice by looking at a person from the side. 2 main visual landmarks: large difference between the height of the anterior and posterior iliac bones and excess lumbar lordosis.

What is anterior pelvic tilt?

The pelvis is the structure that connects the torso and legs. The main movements of the pelvis are rotation and tilting. With an anterior tilt of the pelvis, lumbar lordosis will increase and the hip joints will begin to bend.

To determine if you have an anterior pelvic tilt, stand with your back close to a wall and measure the distance between your lower back and the wall. With a “normal curvature” of the lower back, the space between it and the wall should allow your hand to pass through. For men, the normal anterior tilt is 4-7 degrees, for women 7-10. If the distance between the wall and your hand is greater than the thickness of your palm, then your pelvis is probably in an anterior tilt.

Causes of anterior pelvic tilt

Shortened hip flexors can cause similar dysfunction. Such shortening can occur as a result of prolonged sitting, improper training, or injury. When such a person stands up, the shortened muscles pull the pelvis into a forward tilt, causing an increase in lumbar lordosis.

Postural imbalance

There is currently no research demonstrating a direct link between excessive lumbar lordosis and low back pain. But there is a study showing limitation of hip extension, internal and external rotation in patients with chronic, non-specific back pain. We all know that when hip flexion is limited, lumbar lordosis will increase compensatoryly. By working as a whole, with the hip-pelvis-lumbar complex, we can significantly help the patient.

From an aesthetic point of view, anterior pelvic tilt does not have any special advantages, because In this case, the stomach will seem larger than it actually is.

Exercises to correct anterior pelvic tilt

There are several components that need to be affected to return the pelvis to its original position.

Shortened hip flexors;

Weak abdominal muscles;

Tight lower back muscles;

Weak gluteal muscles.

During practice, I chose four exercises to correct the anterior pelvic tilt. One for each of the items listed above. These exercises are effective both for stretching some muscles and strengthening others. They are easy to do because they do not require special equipment.

Exercise 1: Increasing the length of the hip flexors

This is an exercise to increase the length of the hip flexors. Try to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles and buttocks while performing this exercise.
1. Take a knee right leg. Left leg will stand on the foot. In professional terminology, this position is called - on the knee and foot.
2. Rock your whole body forward, move until you feel a pulling sensation along the front of your thigh (closer to the area hip joint). Avoid increasing lumbar lordosis.
3. The stretching sensation should not be extremely intense. Hold the fixation for 3 to 5 minutes on each side.
4. In order to increase the impact on the more distal fibers of the quadriceps, bend back leg V knee joint. This can be done by placing something under ankle joint or resting your foot on the wall.

Exercise 2: lower your legs straight without lifting your back from the floor

1. Start lying on your back with your legs raised straight. Press your lower back to the floor.
2. Lower both legs down, keeping your knees straight until your lower back begins to lift off the floor.
3. Return to the starting position and do 2 sets of 20 repetitions.

Keeping your lower back pressed to the floor is very important. If your back lifts off the floor, it means your abdominal muscles stop working and your already tight hip flexors begin to work excessively instead. It may be helpful to place your hand between your lower back and the floor to make sure you keep your back pressed to the floor. As the strength of your abdominal muscles increases, you will be able to lower your legs lower without your lower back touching the floor.

Exercise 3: bridge with leg straightening.

1. Lie on your back. Bend both legs at the knee joints.
2. Lift your pelvis up as much as possible. In this case, the shoulders should remain on the floor.
3. While in this position, straighten one leg and hold for 5 seconds.
4. Return this leg to the starting position and do the same with the other leg.
5. After this, return to the starting position and do 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

This exercise trains your glutes, glutes, and front muscle control. abdominal wall. During the exercise, there should be no rotation of the body and/or flexion in the hip joint or supporting leg.

Exercise 4: Posterior Pelvic Rotation

The exercise is very important. It is necessary to perform this exercise while standing, since this is the position in which dysfunction occurs. The ability to control the position of the pelvis in a standing position is important factor improving posture.

1. Stand with your back close to the wall, your heels shoulder-width apart.
2. Press your lower back into the wall as well as your hips and shoulders. In this case, the knees should be straight.
3. Hold this position for ten seconds and then relax. Repeat 10 times.

During this exercise, the abdominal muscles are activated and gluteal muscles. For control, you can place your hand between your lower back and the wall. This hand position will determine how well you perform the movement. The second hand can be placed on the stomach, this will allow you to feel the work of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

When doing this exercise, remember your feelings, you will need them throughout the day.


Correct pelvic position is important for our health. This allows you to optimize the motor stereotype and relieve those regions that are already working excessively. Maintaining this position throughout the day allows you to achieve lasting results of postural correction. published

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The condition of your lower back depends on the tilt of your pelvis. When the pelvis is in a neutral position, the back retains normal physiological curves; when the pelvis is tilted forward, an excess curve is created, and when the pelvis is tilted backward, the lower back becomes flat.

Neutral position and different pelvic tilts

All physiological curves of the spine are necessary for a healthy back, and if one of them disappears, it negatively affects all parts, including the thoracic and cervical.

A flat lower back impairs shock absorption, so stress on the spine can result painful sensations, protrusion and hernia, problems with nerve roots, stiffness and muscle pain.

Why does the pelvis tilt backward?

The main reasons for this violation are for a long time spent sitting and not correct position bodies.

If you maintain an incorrect position for 6-8 hours every day, your body will adapt to it. As a result, some muscles become too tight, others become too stretched and weak.

Stiff muscles
Weak muscles

Stiff muscles pull your pelvis along with you and tilt it back, not only when you sit, but also when you stand, walk or squat.

How to tell if you have a posterior pelvic tilt

Two finger test

Stand up straight, place one finger on the protruding pelvic bone in front, and the other on the protruding pelvic bone in the back. If your pelvis is tilted backward, the finger on the front bone of the pelvis will be significantly higher than the finger on the back.

Movement test

Stand in front of a mirror or ask your partner to take a photo of you to evaluate your posture from the outside. Bend forward, do a squat, or simply sit on a chair.

Rounded back during squats

If this causes your lower back to round, it may be due to a posterior pelvic tilt.

Wall test

Wall test

Sit next to a wall, press your back against it and stretch your legs forward. If you can't straighten your legs without twisting your lumbar spine, you have a posterior pelvic tilt.

How to correct a posterior pelvic tilt

Correction required comprehensive measures. We will show you how to stretch and relax tight muscles, how to activate and strengthen weak ones, open your hips and find the correct sitting position.

Stretching and relaxation

1. Hamstring stretch

On the left - stretching the lower part of the hamstring biceps, on the right - the upper part
  • Stand up straight, place your hands on your hips.
  • Place your leg forward: either straight or slightly bent at the knee.
  • Lean forward with your back straight.
  • Hold the position for 60 seconds and repeat on the other leg.

If during stretching you bend your leg at the knee, the upper part of the femoral biceps is stretched; if you fully straighten your leg, the lower part is stretched.

2. Stretching the gluteal muscles

Gluteal stretch
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Place your right ankle on your left knee.
  • Grab your right knee and pull it closer to your chest.
  • Feel the stretch in your right gluteal muscle.
  • Arch your back slightly to increase the stretch.
  • Hold the position for 60 seconds on each side.

3. Rectus Abdominis Stretch

Belly stretch

Rectus abdominis stretch

If you have lower back problems, don't do this exercise, move on to the next one.

  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands on the floor under your shoulders, straighten your elbows.
  • Arch your back.
  • Feel the muscles in your abdominal area stretch.
  • You can rotate your body slightly from side to side to improve the stretch.
  • Use during exercise.
  • Hold the position for 60 seconds.

Stretching while standing

Stretch with arms raised

This exercise is safer for the lower back.

  • Stand up straight, raise your arms and clasp your palms together.
  • Tighten your gluteal muscles and maintain tension until the end of the exercise: this will protect your lower back from excessive arching.
  • Bend your chest and move your arms back as far as possible.
  • Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat five times.

Rolling on a massage roller

1. Biceps hamstrings

Rolling out the hamstrings on a roller
  • Place a foam roller or ball under the back of one leg and place the other leg on top to apply more pressure.
  • Place your body weight on the roller or ball and slowly roll your thigh from your knee to your pelvis.
  • Perform for 60 seconds, then switch legs.

2. Gluteal muscles

Rolling the gluteal muscles on a roller
  • Sit on a massage ball or roller and press it to the floor with your body weight.
  • Place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other.
  • Roll out the muscle for 60 seconds.
  • Switch sides and repeat.

Muscle activation

To return the pelvis to a neutral position, you need to activate the weak “sleeping” muscles, which should pull the pelvis forward.

1. Seated knee raise

Seated knee raise

This exercise activates the hip flexors.

  • Raise one knee.
  • Hold it for five seconds.
  • Lower and repeat on the other leg.
  • Perform 30 repetitions on each leg.

To make the exercise more difficult, you can use an expander.

2. "Superman"

Exercise "superman"

This exercise will help activate the muscles in your lower back.

  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Extend your arms in front of you.
  • Lift up top part body and legs.
  • Hold the position for 5-10 seconds.
  • Repeat 30 times.

Muscle strengthening

1. Back arch exercise

Back bend exercise
  • Get on all fours.
  • Arch your back so that your pelvis rotates forward.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • Return to a neutral position.
  • Repeat 30 times.

2. Exercise with back arch while sitting

Seated back arch exercise
  • Sit on a chair or exercise ball with your back straight.
  • Bend your back at the lower back and twist your pelvis forward.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat again.
  • Do the exercise 30 times.

This exercise can be performed with or without an expander.

3. Core stretching

Bringing the knee to the chest
  • Get on all fours, keeping your pelvis in a neutral position.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • While maintaining a natural arch in your lower back, try to bring your knee toward your chest. Stop the movement as soon as your lower back begins to round.
  • Hold this position for 5 seconds, then lower your leg.
  • Repeat 20 times and perform on the other leg.

Hip opening

Tight hips make it difficult to maintain a neutral pelvic position. Therefore, if you lack mobility of the hip joint, you need to develop it.

1. Hip stretch

Hip stretch on all fours
  • Get on all fours.
  • Place your right ankle behind your left knee, as shown in the photo.
  • Maintain a natural arch in your lower back throughout the exercise.
  • Push your pelvis back, stretching your hip.
  • Hold the position for 20 seconds and then relax.
  • Repeat five times.

2. Joint mobilization

Joint mobilization
  • Place the loop of the resistance band around your thigh, closer to your pelvis.
  • Hook the other end onto a stable object.
  • Lie on your back away from the object to create resistance.
  • Pull your knee toward your chest, hold for 60 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.
  • Perform 10 times on each leg.

3. Butterfly stretch

Stretch against the wall
  • Sit on the floor next to a wall, press your back against it.
  • Bring your feet together and turn your knees out.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat three times.

Do these exercises every day. Some of them can be done right at your workplace, others - when you get home.

That's all. Exercise, maintain good posture while sitting, and stand up frequently will improve your posture and prevent pain and discomfort.

FEMALE PELUS with obstetric point vision.

The bony pelvis consists of two pelvic bones, the sacrum and the coccygeal bone, which are firmly connected through cartilaginous layers and connections.

The pelvic bone is formed from the fusion of three bones: longitudinal, ischial and pubic. They connect at the acetabulum.

The sacrum consists of 5-6 motionlessly connected vertebrae that merge into one bone.

The coccygeal bone consists of 4-5 underdeveloped vertebrae.

Bone pelvis in upper section open forward. This part is called the large pelvis. Bottom part- is closed bone formation- small pelvis. The border between the large and small pelvis is the terminal (nameless) line: in front - the upper edge of the symphysis and pubic bones, on the sides - the arcuate lines of the ilium, behind - the sacral prominence. The plane between the large and small pelvis is the entrance to the small pelvis. The large pelvis is much wider than the small pelvis, it is limited on the sides by the wings of the ilium, behind by the last lumbar vertebrae, and in front by the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall.

All women have their pelvis measured. There is a relationship between the sizes of the large and small pelvis. Measuring big basin, we will be able to draw conclusions about the size of the small.

Normal sizes of the female pelvis:

  • distantia spinarum - distance between the front upper bones longitudinal bone - 25-26cm;
  • distantia cristarum - the distance between distant points of the iliac crests - 28-29 cm;
  • conjugata externa - (external conjugate) - distance from the middle of the upper edge of the symphysis to top corner Michaelis rhombus (measurements are taken with the woman lying on her side) - 20-21 cm.

Michaelis rhombus- this is an expansion of the depression in the sacral region, the limits of which are: above - the fossa under the spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebra (supracrigian fossa), below - the points corresponding to the posterosuperior spine of the iliac bones. The average length of a rhombus is 11cm, and its diameter is 10cm.

Diagonal conjugate— the distance from the lower edge of the symphysis to the most protruding point of the promontory of the sacral bone is determined during vaginal examination. At normal sizes pelvis it is 12.5-13 cm.

The size of the true conjugate (direct size of the entrance to the small pelvis) is determined by subtracting 9 cm from the length of the external conjugate or subtracting 1.5-2 cm from the length of the diagonal conjugate (depending on the Solovyov index).

Solovyov index - the circumference of the wrist-carpal joint, divided by 10. The index allows you to have an idea of ​​​​the thickness of a woman’s bones. The thinner the bones (index = 1.4-1.6), the greater the capacity of the small pelvis. In these cases, 1.5 cm is subtracted from the diagonal conjugate to obtain the length of the true conjugate. With the Solovyov index

I, 7-1.8 - subtract 2 cm.

Pelvic tilt angle — the angle between the plane of the entrance to the small pelvis and the horizon is 55-60 °. Deviations in one direction or another can negatively affect the course of labor.

The normal height of the symphysis is 4 cm and is measured index finger during vaginal examination.
Pubic angle - with normal pelvic sizes is 90-100 °.

Small pelvis - This is the bony part of the birth canal. Back wall The small pelvis consists of the sacrum and coccyx, the lateral ones are formed by the ischium, the anterior one is formed by the pubic bones and the symphysis. The small pelvis has the following sections: inlet, cavity and outlet.

In the pelvic cavity there are wide and narrow parts. In this regard, four planes of the pelvis are determined:

1 - plane of entrance to the small pelvis.
2 - plane of the wide part of the pelvic cavity.
3 - plane of the narrow part of the pelvic cavity.
4 - plane of exit from the pelvis.

The plane of entrance to the small pelvis passes through the upper inner edge of the pubic arch, the innominate lines and the apex of the promontory. The following dimensions are distinguished in the entrance plane:

  1. Direct size - the distance from the sacral protrusion to the point that most protrudes on the upper inner surface of the symphysis - this is the obstetric, or true conjugate, equal to 11 cm.
  2. Transverse size is the distance between the distant points of the arcuate lines, which is 13-13.5 cm.
  3. Two oblique dimensions - from the iliosacral junction on one side to the iliopubic tubercle on the opposite side of the pelvis. They are 12-12.5 cm.

The plane of the wide part of the pelvic cavity passes through the middle of the inner surface of the pubic arch, on the sides through the middle of the trochanteric cavity and behind - through the connection between the II and III sacral vertebrae.

In the plane of the wide part of the small pelvis there are:

  1. Direct size - from the middle of the inner surface of the pubic arch to the junction between the II and III sacral vertebrae. It is 12.5 cm.
  2. The transverse dimension runs between the middles of the acetabulum. It is 12.5 cm.

The plane of the narrow part is through the lower edge of the pubic junction, on the sides - through the gluteal spines, behind -
through the sacrococcygeal joint.

In the plane of the narrow part they are distinguished:

1. Straight size - from the lower edge of the symphysis to the sacrococcygeal joint. It is equal to II.5 cm.
2. Transverse size between distant points of the inner surface of the ischial spines. It is equal to 10.5 cm.

The plane of exit from the small pelvis passes in front through the lower edge of the symphysis, from the sides - through the tops of the gluteal tuberosities, and from behind - through the crown of the coccyx.

In the plane of exit from the small pelvis there are:

1. Straight size - from the tip of the coccyx to the lower edge of the symphysis. It is equal to 9.5 cm, and when the fetus passes through the pelvis it increases by 1.5-2 cm due to the deviation of the apex of the coccyx of the presenting part of the fetus.

2. Transverse size - between distant points internal surfaces ischial tuberosities; it is equal to 11cm.

The line connecting the midpoints of the straight dimensions of all planes of the pelvis is called the leading axis of the pelvis, and has the shape of a concave line forward. It is along this line that the leading point passes through the birth canal.

Main differences female pelvis from male:

  • The bones of the female pelvis are thin and smooth;
  • The female pelvis is relatively wider, lower and larger in volume;
  • The wings of the ilium in women are more developed, so transverse dimensions the female pelvis is larger than the male pelvis;
  • The entrance to the pelvis of a woman has a transverse oval shape, and in men it has the shape of a card heart;
  • The entrance to the small pelvis in women is larger and the pelvic cavity does not narrow downward into a funnel-shaped cavity, as in men;
  • The pubic angle in women is obtuse (90-100°), and in men it is acute (70-75°);
  • The pelvic tilt angle in women is greater (55-60°) than in men (45°).

The main cause of back pain is muscle imbalance. Performing exercises without taking into account constitutional muscle tone can worsen the condition of the spine. Long-term muscle imbalance leads to damage intervertebral discs with the formation of protrusions and hernias in them.

For a figurative concept of how muscle imbalance affects the spine, you can imagine how a car will ride on wheels directed towards different sides. The tires of such a car will wear out faster.

Imbalanced muscles do the same thing to your back. As a result, there appear muscle pain when one muscle or group of muscles turns out to be stronger than the muscle group opposing it.

For example, sitting during the day causes muscles to weaken abdominals and gluteal muscles that are not used most day. At the same time, the iliopsoas, quadriceps, and quadriceps muscles remain tight to keep you upright. Over time, this imbalance can cause severe pain in the lower back muscles.

Tilt of head and shoulders forward

This type of imbalance is characterized by tilting the head and moving shoulder joints forward.

Moving the head by 2.5 cm increases its weight by 4.5 kg.

Tilt of the head forward is the most common cause headache, neck pain, shoulder pain.

Tight muscles:

Anterior deltoid muscle

Major and minor pectoralis

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Weak muscles:

Middle portion of trapezius muscle

Lower trapezius muscle

Infraspinatus muscle

Teres minor muscle

Anterior pelvic tilt

Sitting for long periods of time leads to a muscle imbalance called anterior pelvic tilt, which is common among office workers, drivers and other people who spend a lot of time sitting.

This type of disorder is the most common cause of low back pain.

Posterior pelvic tilt

In contrast to the anterior pelvic tilt, there is a posterior pelvic tilt; this type of disorder is the least common type of muscle dysfunction and is most common in older patients

Spasmed muscles:

Pectoral muscles

Upper abdominals

Gluteal muscles

Weak muscles:

Extensors thoracic spine

Hip flexors

Quadriceps femoris

Spasmed muscles:

Hip flexors

Quadriceps femoris

Weak muscles:

Abdominal muscles

Gluteal muscles

Hamstring muscles

A twisted pelvis is a condition where one half of the pelvis is higher than the other. This condition is often associated with pain syndrome and limits movement in severe pain.

Spasmed muscles:

Quadratus lumborum muscle

Muscles lumbar region spine

Short adductor muscles of the thigh

Weak muscles:

Gluteal muscles

Hamstring muscles

Two steps to relieve back pain

You may have one, two, or even three postural dysfunctions. Determining the type of dysfunction provides insight into what muscle imbalance needs to be addressed.

1) determine which muscles are weak and strengthen them through targeted exercise; 2) determine which muscles are shortened and stretch them with the help of exercises or a specialist

After the tense muscles have relaxed and weak muscles strengthened enough, your body will return to a neutral position - in which there is no back pain.

But there is a problem: you must identify exactly what muscle imbalance you have and use the correct stretches and exercises, otherwise you may accidentally strengthen or stretch the wrong muscles and not achieve results.
